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Health and Healthcare

The words below are some of the most important used when talking about the Health and Healthcare. Health and Healthcare - Illnesses
ache ear ache headache stomach ache toothache cancer cold cough flu heart attack heart disease infection infectious disease pain virus

check-up dose (of medicine) drugs injection give some an injection medicine take medicine operation pain-killer pill plaster tablet tranquilizer

Health and Healthcare - People

dentist doctor general practitioner midwife nurse patient specialist

Health and Healthcare - Minor Injuries

bruise cut graze wound


Health and Healthcare - Places

hospital operating theatre surgery

Health and Healthcare - Treatment


waiting room ward

Health and Healthcare - Verbs

catch cure heal hurt injure operate on prescribe prescription treat treatment

Health and Healthcare - Adjectives

fit ill sick feel sick be sick vomit healthy unhealthy painful unwell well

Kesehatan dan Kesehatan - Penyakit sakit sakit telinga sakit kepala sakit perut sakit gigi kanker dingin

batuk flu serangan jantung penyakit jantung infeksi penyakit menular nyeri virus Kesehatan dan Kesehatan - Cedera Kecil memar memotong menggembalakan luka Kesehatan dan Kesehatan Pengobatan perban check up dosis (obat) obat injeksi memberikan beberapa suntikan obat mengambil obat operasi sakit-pembunuh pil plester tablet obat penenang Kesehatan dan Kesehatan - Orang dokter gigi dokter dokter praktek umum bidan perawat pasien spesialis ahli bedah Kesehatan dan Kesehatan - Tempat rumah sakit kamar bedah operasi ruang tunggu bangsal Kesehatan dan Kesehatan - Verbs menangkap menyembuhkan menyembuhkan terluka melukai

beroperasi pada menentukan resep mengobati pengobatan Kesehatan dan Kesehatan - Kata Sifat cocok sakit sakit merasa sakit menjadi sakit muntahan sehat tidak sehat menyakitkan

kurang sehat baik

Family Food Health Jobs The Mind Money People Places Science The Senses

Sports Travel The Weather

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