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To: From: Subject: Date: Karen Sorensen Jacob Ritteman Research Proposal November 29, 2011

This memo features a revision of my initial proposal, which was rejected. I have found a better project to undertake, as it is much clearer and also fits my interests a lot better than the previous one. I hope to get the proposal sent out soon after getting the go-ahead from you. The topics covered in this memo are as follows: the proposal, objectives, methods and timeline. Proposal My initial proposal was aimed at a very vague Request for Proposal from Berkeley, California. This time around, however, I am undertaking a much more clean-cut request. Ill be sending out query letters and samples of my personal literary fiction work. Ive picked three publishing houses; Koenisha Publications, Hampton Roads Publishing Co., INC. and Gauthier Publications, INC. Each publishing house Ive selected requires similar requirements for proposals: A query letter with SASE (Self-addressed and Stamped Envelope) An outline Sample chapters Complete manuscript (only for Hampton Roads) A query letter really is the key component in any book proposal. If an agent or publishing house doesnt like it, theyll disregard anything else one has sent along maybe even the SASE. The letter consists of: The title A one-sentence hook Author biography A one-paragraph synopsis My main focus will be upon the query letter everything else will hopefully take care of itself (meaning, I hope my writing will be good enough for at least a note requesting a revision and re-submission). If I can get the query letter to catch their attention, Ill be able to get at least feedback on my personal work, if not something more. Objectives My number one personal passion is writing. That is, fiction writing. Over the past four years, Ive been working on numerous projects that will hopefully see the literary market in the future. During those four years, the query letter/book proposal has always been on

the horizon. Ive scrambled to get projects ready, setting personal deadlines and goals, striving to get something ready for a publishers or agents eyes. This project is the closest Ive come to actually submitting a personal piece to a publishing house. One particular title in my personal collection of work, Hollow September, is one which Ive spent the most time revising. It is this work, which I realized last year is only the length of a novella, I will be sending out to the three publishing houses. It is a piece that Ive been working on since my freshman year at NDSU, in 2008, and Im excited to get it out there and see what the big timers think. With this said, my priority objective here is just to actually get my work sent out. Ive dreamt of it for so long, its very exciting to think its actually going to happen. Now, whether or not they accept the work that is a secondary objective: Ive waited so long to have something ready to send out; it is a relief and personal accomplishment that Im finally able to do so. My second objective, to get published, will first start with an apt query letter, and second with the publishers falling in love with my work. I feel that Hollow September has the key ingredients, and I imagine theyll find at least a few redeeming qualities of the tale. Fortunately, I will completing at least one objective merely by submitting this assignment, but there is a good chance I will achieve a 100% success rate. Methods My first step in completing this project is completing the query letter. Ive spent years on the novella itself, so I will put my initial focus on the letter. If they like the letter, theyll like something of the novella (if not, they will at least read my work). Once the query letter is fashioned and ready for sending out, I will revise my work once more, make any necessary changes, and pick the sample chapters I would like the publishers to read. As for Hampton Roads, they will be receiving my entire manuscript, so I need to be sure all the shortcomings of the piece are filled out. Those are the two methods which need mentioning after them, it is in the hands of the publishers. I will be repeating the process (same query letter, however) three times, so hopefully one of the three publishers will find something interesting enough to ask for more. Again, the methods: Query letter completion Hollow September revisions Printing and packaging of proposal items Send out packaged materials As I noted in my objectives, getting published is a secondary objective. This is not to say it isnt important to me in fact, it is a dream of mine. However, if this isnt to happen through these publishers, I have two methods which I can take on after this project:

In the event they do not like any qualities of my work, Ill pick different publishers and see what they have to say. If one of the publishers likes it, but they need it tweaked (and I can do so without destroying what Ive created), I will revise until they are satisfied.

Timeline To complete this project within our class time constraints, I will have to be on schedule and meet deadlines. The time line goes as follows, and will only occur if this proposal memo should be accepted: 11/29/11: Hand in draft of revised proposal 11/30/11: Complete query letter and insert into portfolio 12/1/11: Revise Hollow September 12/2/11: Print out all necessary items and package them 12/3/11: Hand in portfolio and send out proposal packages

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