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AWPA Update

No. 95 October 2008

Australia West Papua Association (Sydney)
PO Box 28, Spit Junction, NSW 2088

AWPA welcomes articles for the newsletter on any issue in relation to West Papua. The
reports in the newsletter are from the various email conferences on West Papua. AWPA
appreciates any donations of support to help in its campaign work.

Summary of events
Vanuatu has again showed its support for the West Papuan people. The Vanuatu Daily
Post (1/10/08) reported that the President of Vanuatu , President Kalkot Mastaskelekele,
in his address to the United Nations General Assembly in New York, called on the
United Nations to continue to pursue the interests of those countries and peoples who
continue their struggle for freedom, “and permanent place among us”. During his speech
to the UN General Assembly, The President said that at the Millennium Summit the then
Prime Minister Barak Sope Maautamate called on the UN to review the legality of the
United Nations action in 1962 to endorse the New York Agreement to administer the so –
named “Act of Free Choice” over West Papua.

The Charter of the UN espouses the principles that continue to guide the Organisation’s
efforts in the process to self-determination. This manifestation calls for recognition and
respect of the fundamental and inalienable rights of people and territories still under
colonial rule to determine the future. We cannot champion democracy in the United
Nations if the UN continues to hang this blanket of silence over the case of West Papua”.
The President also addressed the climate change issue reminding the UN of the
challenges faced by many small island nations in the Pacific region.

International Parliamentarians for West Papua

Another major step forward for the West Papuan people was the launch in London on the
15th October of 'International Parliamentarians for West Papua'. The aim of the group is
to coordinate international parliamentary action on West Papua. West Papuan
independence leader Benny Wenda was joined by fellow West Papuan representatives,
Parliamentarians and supporters for the launch which was co-hosted by Hon. Andrew
Smith MP & Lord Harries.

Green Senators Bob Brown, Rachel Siewert, Scott Ludlam and Sarah Hanson –Young
sent a letter of congratulations from Australia to Benny Wenda and to fellow
parliamentarians at the launch of 'International Parliamentarians for West Papua'. In the
letter it stated that “The Australians Greens support all peoples’ right to self-
determination and our International Relations policy specifically supports the self
determination of the people of West Papua”.
In response to the launch, the Indonesian Democrat Party Associate Chairman Anas
Urbaningrum said that “his party condemned any party that supports separatism in
Indonesia” and "especially if it is done by legislators from other countries, such as

Rallies and flag raisings

In West Papua a number of rallies took place in support of the launch and calling for
independence and a review of the so called “act of free choice”. One rally took place in
Yogyakarta where the Morning Star Flag was raised by West Papuan students. In
Jayapura on the 16 October, hundreds of people rallied to coincide with the launch and
calling for self-determination for West Papua.

18 West Papuans were arrested on Monday the 20 October for taking part in a peacefully
rally held in front of the local legislative council in Jayapura. The demonstrators were
also calling for a review of the so called ‘act of free choice” and according to a Jakarta
Post report, "shouting support for the success of five members of a separatist movement
who managed to draw international attention by meeting members of the British
parliament". The security forces blocked roads as hundreds of people poured into
Jayapura to take part in the rally . The coordinator of the rally, Buchtar Tabuni, (one of
those arrested ) said he had sought police permission for the rally. Although they were
later released reports indicate that the Indonesian security forces (many not in uniform)
continue to intimidate and harass the local people.

News reports
Greenpeace proposes Papua logging moratorium
RNZI 21 October, 2008
Greenpeace has called on the Indonesian government to urgently declare a moratorium on
logging to save the remaining rainforest in the Papua region. The NGO has been touring
Papua in its ship, Esperanza, for the past two weeks and a spokesperson Bustar Maitar
says they have witnessed illegal and increasing deforestation in trips into the hinterland
on their helicopter. He says the forests of Papua are under heavy pressure from palm oil
expansion, logging operations and other drivers of forest destruction. Mr Maitar says a
moratorium will help curb Indonesia’s greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard the wealth of
tropical biodiversity and protect the livelihoods of forest-dependent communities all
across Indonesia. Greenpeace had earlier accused the Papua authorities of turning a blind
eye to illegal logging.

Papua cholera outbreak just the tip of the iceberg, says health NGO
RNZI 02 October, 2008

An international health NGO says the death toll from a cholera epidemic in Indonesia’s
Papua has reached an estimated 200. Medecins du Monde says it has recorded 150 deaths
from cholera in the Dogiyai and Paniai districts of Papua since April but estimates the
actual toll could be towards the figure of 290 which local church groups are reporting.
The NGO’s medical coordinator, Dr Remco van de Pas, says from their work on the
ground in the remote area, around 800 current cases of cholera have been seen although
the outbreak is tailing off. “But it’s basically the tip of the iceberg of several health
problems and access to clean water and access to education that you see. I believe that
this cholera bacterium is always there. When people are in a lower nutritional state, or
they have another disease like HIV/AIDS, then they are more vulnerable to this and this
is the case in this area.” Dr van de Pas says the government responded by sending
medical teams although they have arrived late and in many cases haven’t reached
affected villages.

Police seize four raised separatist flags in Nabire

Jayapura (ANTARA News 15/10/08) - Police early Wednesday motning pulled down and
confiscated four Bintang Kejora (Morning Star) flags of the separatist Free Papua
Organization (OPM) which unidentified people had raised at four different spots in
Nabire. Nabire District Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Rianto said the
outlawed flags were apparenly hoisted as the town was in a total blackout due to heavy
rain. He said two of the flags were found fluttering in front of Nabire Regional
Legislative Assembly building and two others in ooutside the Nabire district
admnistration office. "The perpetrators remain at large but we have questioned five
security guards from the Nabire district administration office, the Nabire Regional
Legislative Assembly and the Nabire tourist office as witnesses," Rianto said.

He said the flags were discovered and lowered at 5 am by police officers on patrol duty.
Wednesday morning`s incident was the third to have happened in Papua in less than a
month. On September 17, a group of unidentified locals also raised the separatist OPM
flag at Timika`s Kwamki Lama square but it was then taken down again before police
arrived. Again on September 23, or less than a week afterward, another group of people
hoisted the Bintang Kejora flag again before dozens of others at Cemara street in
Timika`s Kwamki Baru subdistrict at a sport only about 100 meters from a police
precinct. According to Wikipedia free encyclopedia, the morning star flag represented the
territory of West New Guinea from December 1,1961 until October 1,1962 when the
territory came under administration of the United Nations Temporary Executive
Authority (UNTEA).

The flag is commonly used by the West Papuan population including OPM supporters to
rally self-determination, human rights support and is usually raised on December 1 each
year in defiance of Indonesian domestic laws. The flag consists of a red vertical band
along the hoist side, with a white five-pointed star in the center. The flag was for the first
time raised on December 1, 1961 and used until the United Nations became the territory`s
administrator on October 1,1962. (*)

Border closed at Vanimo

Post Courier (PNG) 24/10/08

The PNG Indonesian border at Wutung in the West Sepik Province is closed although the
announcement has not been officially made yet. Authorities confirm that the border has
been closed for over a month to the traditional border crossers and general public. Only
passport holders who have genuine reasons to travel there are allowed to cross to the
Indonesian side. Police intelligence believe a criminal network operating across the
border is responsible for the smuggling of gold bullion across to the Indonesian province
of Papua. Sandaun provincial police commander Sakawar Kasieng confirmed yesterday
of the border closure ,explaining the reason being that police were tracing gold bullions
that were stolen in recent robberies of the MRO (Metals Refinery Operations) in Port
Moresby this year. He said police believed the gold bullions were heading to the border
to be traded across the Indonesian side for arms. He said police were carefully monitoring
this illegal operation.

Mr Kasieng also confirmed that Vanimo police had arrested and charged a PNG soldier
and suspended two policemen whom they suspect were involved in this operation. He
said only passport holders with genuine reasons for travelling were allowed across.

Mr Kasieng added that the Member for Vanimo Green and Forest Minister Belden
Namah had assured police that NEC had approved the decision to close the border. Mr
Kasieng also confirmed the Ruko shopping centre a kilometre into the Indonesian side
from Wutung will also be shut down and moved further back to Abepura or Abepura. He
said this is because the shopping centre was too close to the PNG side which was luring
the local people there. Vanimo people have benefited from the Ruko shopping centre
which has helped them to earn extra income. Before the closure they had easy access to
buying and selling of Indonesian products to sell at markets and shops in Vanimo.
Sandaun Provincial Administrator Joe Sungi has also confirmed the border closure,
saying that people in the Vanimo area had become too dependent on the Ruko shopping
centre and were spending less time working in their gardens and other self help projects
Meanwhile the situation across the border is tense following recent demonstrations last
week staged by indigenous Papuans who want the 1966 referendum reviewed. Indonesian
military are carrying out thorough checks of motorists and people they suspect of
carrying offensive weapons such as firearms and ammunition. According to reports three
people were shot dead and 18 arrested. Mr Kasieng said Vanimo police were aware of the
situation and had warned Papua New Guineans not to travel there. He added that
government resources to carefully monitor this situation were lacking “We are a hundred
years behind Indonesia’s strength and sophistication in monitoring an international
border,” Mr Kasieng said.

Democrat Party condemns British Lawmakers supporting separatism

ANTARA NEWS 10/21/08 16:53
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Democrat Party Associate Chairman Anas Urbaningrum said
here on Tuesday his party condemned any party that supports separatism in Indonesia.
"Especially if it is done by legislators from other countries, such as Britain,"
Urbaningrum told ANTARA in response to the establishment of an international
parliamentary caucus on West Papua which supportedly included members of the British
Parliament in London. He said the move was a serious violation of the principle of
mutual respect for a country`s sovereignty. "It also shows that they are immature and do
not understand politeness in international relations," Urbaningrum, a former chairman of
the Association of Muslim University Students (HMI), said. Therefore, the Democrat
Party urged the government to summon the British ambassador to Indonesia and ask for
an explanation. "The British ambassador to Indonesia must explain to the public about
the stance of the British government regarding the issue," he stated. Anas Urbaningrum
also urged the leadership of the

Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) to file a strong protest against the British
Parliament for the inappropriate action of some of its members. The Jakarta Post
reported that Theo L. Sambuaga, chairman of the House`s Commission I overseeing
defense, information, foreign and political affairs, said the DPR would send a protest to
the British Embassy in Jakarta. "We can`t accept any efforts to support such a separatist
movement, because it indicates foreign intervention in our country`s affairs," he said.
Meanwhile, noting that the caucus was supported by two British MPs -- Andrew Smith
and Lord Harries -- Indonesian legislator Abdillah Toha said such partial support could
lead to a bigger movement. National Development Party (PPP) legislator Ali Mudatsir
said,"The government must take a firm stance because this has to do with our
sovereignty." (*)

Morning Star Flag Raised in Yogyakarta

Thursday, 16 October, 2008

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: The Free Papua Organization flag the Morning Star
reportedly hoisted in Yogyakarta on Thursday morning to coincide with a convention on
West Papua held in London. The flag was reportedly raised at a dormitory for Papua
students belonged to the Papua Province administration on Jl. Kusumanegara Yogyakarta
at about 4 AM. No flag were seen at 7:20 AM at the student complex.
A spokesman for a Papua student association in Yogyakarta Roy Liqua said the flag was
raised to coincide with the meeting of International Parliamenter for West Papua in
London. The convention claimed by the students started on Wednesday and will end on
Friday. Students also said the flag was raised simultaneously in several region in the
country, and they were planning an action in Jakarta. Indonesia won controll of Papua
from the Dutch Colonial in 1969, twenty four years after the country declared
independence from Japan.
Bernarda Rurit

Press releases/reports etc.

Super Fund Should Not Support Unethical Investment

Press Release Indonesia Human Rights Committee. 17/10/08

We have long been lobbying for the Fund to divest from US Corporation, Freeport
McMoran Copper and Gold and its joint venture partner, Rio Tinto Inc because of the
irreparable harm these companies are doing to the environment and the people of
Indonesian controlled West Papua,” said Maire Leadbeater speaking for the Indonesian
Human Rights Committee

18 West Papuans Arrested at Rally

Press Release: Australia West Papua Association (Sydney) 21 October 2008

Joe Collins of AWPA said that it is the actions of the Indonesian security forces in West
Papua that will lead to the very instability that Australia in particular wants to avoid.
Reports indicate that the Indonesian security forces (many not in uniform) are
intimidating and harrassing the West Papuan people.

West Papuans Meet At Indonesian Consulate In Melbourne

Press Release .. West Papua ...... 16 October 2008

West Papuans in Melbourne at Indonesian Consulate to celebrate historic meeting of
Parliamentarians for West Papua in Britain's House of Commons
West Papuans meet today at the Indonesian Consulate in Melbourne to celebrate the
historic meeting of international parliamentarians in Britain's House of Commons

Papuan Freedom Struggle Enters House Of Lords

Download as MP3 -
Produced by Tom Changarathil
On 15th of October this year, The International Parliamentarian's for West Papua was
launched at the House of Lords in Britain. An initiative to bring attention and gain
support for West Papuan freedom from Indonesia. John Ondawame was part of the
delegation present in UK to launch this initiative.He is the International spokesperson for
OPM or Free Papua Movement and is featured in this story.

Papua shooting

(Australia Network ABC News) 15/10/08

In Indonesia's Papua province, a tribal leader was killed at a rally two months ago.
Human rights groups suspect he was murdered by a gunman working for the military or
intelligence services. Jeff Waters reports.

Click on program archive. Its dated 15 October

A report on West Papua by AlJazeera

Indonesia's eastern-most province of Papua is rich in natural resources, but its people
remain the poorest in the country. For decades Papua was the scene of a low-level
independence struggle, but

Permissive Residents West Papuan refugees living in Papua New Guinea

Diana Glazebrook

ISBN 9781921536229 $19.95 (GST inclusive)

ISBN 9781921536236 (Online)

Published September 2008

This book offers another frame through which to view the event of the outrigger landing
of 43 West Papuans in Australia in 2006. West Papuans have crossed boundaries to seek
asylum since 1962, usually eastward into Papua New Guinea (PNG), and occasionally
southward to Australia. Between 1984–86, around 11,000 people crossed into PNG
seeking asylum. After the Government of PNG acceded to the United Nations
Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, West Papuans were
relocated from informal camps on the international border to a single inland location
called East Awin. This volume provides an ethnography of that settlement based on the
author’s fieldwork carried out in 1998–99.

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