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Local 2055
Volume 6, Number 1 WV Corrections - The Toughest Beat In The State Spring, 2009

The Public Employees Insurance Agency (PEIA) was established under the Public Employees Insurance Act of 1971, to provide hospital, surgical, group major medical, prescription drug, group life, accidental death and dismemberment insurance coverage to eligible employees. Benefits are made available to all active and retired employees of the State of West Virginia, various state agencies and local government. The administrative organization of West Virginias PEIA requires a Finance Board, currently composed of nine members, to set policy and oversee operations. PEIA Finance Board members represent a variety of interests and whose role is to give voice to the many people, taxpayers and organizations served by and involved with PEIA. Currently Elaine Harris, CWA International Representative, sits on the board as a representative of union members covered by PEIA. Harris works with fellow member Perry Bryant (Executive Director of West Virginians for Affordable Health Care) to try and advocate for the best interests of those insured by PEIA. The board is composed of three attorneys, as well as representatives of the business community and government. Elaine and Perry are the sole voices for labor on the PEIA finance board. Each member represents separate interests and tries to ensure the best outcome for their respective group, which can make passing an effective measures a trying and time consuming ordeal. Each member receives one vote and it takes majority of at least five votes to pass or defeat a measure, with ties broken by the chairman. With the interest of corporations and other less progressive entities on the board it can be a real struggle to ensure the interests of PEIA members are protected. Elaines presence on the finance board, and her relationship with the members of the legislature, is vital to getting fair policies implemented for our workers, said Del. Thomas Campbell, (D-Greenbrier). She has worked hard and continues to be a knowledgeable and effective advocate that I depend upon for her honest and intelligent input. The state and state employees are struggling to make ends meet with out of control health care costs just like all employers and employees. There are no easy answers, but with the work of PEIA, the finance board, and all interested parties I hope we can find some good answers, Campbell added. Recently Harris and Bryant waged an intense struggle to prevent a nine percent premium increase for PEIA members. Harris advocated having the board consider tapping a $363

PEIA Finance Board Representation Important

million dollar reserve fund for future program costs before raising the premium rates of its members. Despite Harris and Bryants valiant fight against the increase, the board was able to pass the measure. No one represents the interests of state employees any more forcefully or effectively than Elaine, said Bryant. She is diligent, works exceedingly hard and is always prepared and consistently speaks out on behalf on state employees and retirees. She is an invaluable asset to the finance board. But shes only one of nine members and cannot dictate the others votes, Bryant added. In the future Harris wants PEIA members to take a more active role in policy and decision making. If you have suggestions or ideas you can contact her directly (contact info) or contact the PEIA board at 1-800-680-PEIA. Additional information can be found at PEIAs website: www.wvpeia. com Harris works as your advocate on PEIA and wants to remind all members that their input is what guides her votes and actions on the board.

Our strength flows directly from our members and the more union brothers and sisters we have, the more we can accomplish. AS A CWA/NCPSO MEMBER YOU GET THESE BENEFITS Grievance representation by local or union representatives through all grievance levels Full time lobbyist who lobby for your needs. Legal representation for job related problems Life, Accidental Death & Supplemental Insurance Free T-Shirt Loan Program Health needs services Union Member Discounts Union Driver & Traveler Benefits Mortgage Loan program for members Union Credit Card

Please call Jack or Elaine at (304) 342-2023 for info.

Or write to CWA Local #2055, Huntington Sq. Suite 1212, Charleston, WV 25301.

Page 2

CWA Local 2055

Spring, 2009 Summer, 2006

Pay Raises This year we are starting the Legislative Session granted two The pay differentials created when the Legislature with a renewed sense of hoperaises optimism. The session last year were not levels of pay and during a special difficult and groundbreaking work which has begun in Washington D.C.the Legislature failed addressed during the regular session when will hopefully inspire ourappropriate money A renewed sense of purpose the legislative to state legislators. to correct the problem. Since by our politicians canCWA International Representative Elaine Harris has been session, mean positive changes for employees in the Division of Corrections, Regional Jail Authority and the Department of working with the Governors Office and Juvenile Services. With Affairs and Public Safety to resolve the problem. Militaryyour help and input, were looking at some major issues and areas to tackle in the Legislature this session. Well need your continued participation so we can best serve your interests. Civil Service Coverage for Regional Jails Health Care Reform: Harris and West Virginia AFL-CIO During a meeting with As always a Perdue, of our health care goals will commitPresident Kennybig part Governor Joe Manchin verballyfocus on PEIA. working with CWA, theaRegional Jails and the Legislature ted to We are hopeful to have bill introduced that would provide ato pass the bill in the nextLocal 2055 members covered by PEIA. true 80/20 premium for regular session of the Legislature for Due to co-pay the Regional Jails. ThePEIA members do made as a employees of costs, and other fees, commitment was not have true 80/20 split forlobbyists atcostslegislature seeking passage of a CWA Local 2055 coverage the and well work hard to get that changed. bill to provide the coverage. The bill had passed the House of CWA International to pass the Senate when the Governor made Delegates and was set Representative Elaine Harriss work on the PEIA Finance Board and CWAs ongoing work with West Virginhis commitment. ians for Affordable Health Care and West Virginians for a Healthy Future will push for better health care coverage, introduction of cost effective measures, reducing insurance costs for working men Congratulations to Macie coverage for all West Local 2055s and women and increased Salser, 2005 winner ofVirginians. CWA $350 membership drive prize. discussions up more health new will also play an active role inMacie signed involvingthan 10 care members to become eligible for the drawing. She has been a coverage at the national level as the Obama administration exlongtime member working at the improving health Center. plores options for expanding and Lakin Correctionalinsurance for all Americans. Anyone who Corrections Workers: Pay Raise forsigns up ten new members this year will be entered into a are now forthe lastaof three cash equivalent. We drawing in either rifle or years of pay increase commitments for all uniformed and non-uniformed Division of CorrecThe and Division of Juvenile Service 2006. In the Regional Jail tions drawing will be held December 1, workers; addition, anyone who signs up at would then follow suit his or her workplace will Authority Board least 20 members from in approving the increase. receive a to actively advocate for this increase. We will also look We intendgold CWA watch. at other pay raise possibilities, including a raise in the incremental To for all public employees. We have for signing up a with pay ensure that each member gets credit formed alliancesnew our member, they and sisters at AFSCME and the the new members union brothers should write their name on top ofUMWA so we can card together for these needed increases. work application. Results will be tracked at CWA Local 2055s office.must give credit to Governor Joe Manchin, President Earl We Completed membership application cards should be returned as self-addressed / Thompson to legislators Should Ray Tomblin, Speaker Rick postage paidandLocal 2055. for giving you need membership application cards, please call our office corrections workers the additional $2000 pay-raise on top of a (304-342-2023) and they will increase with no ceiling THERE three percent across-the-boardbe sent to you. Remember: last year. IS STRENGTH IN NUMBERS! This year we are dedicated to getting a $1000 pay raise across the board for all corrections workers. Recently the Division of Personnel approved a revised salary schedule that increased the minimum salary floor for new employees. With these improveFor nearly 40 years, state public employees have sought legislaments to base and starting salaries we can continue to attract good, tion to grant them rights to collectively bargain. competent people to the field of corrections. Due to the special hazards and high burnout rate experienced in The wait is nearly over as employees wait to see how Governor the corrections field, well raise the issue of retirement being availJoe Manchin implements a new personnel policy. able to corrections workers after 20 years of service. The dangers you face in the workplace make your years of service more intense Labor unions representing state employees, including CWA Local and stress filled than most other careers. We need to pursue legisla2055, have been working with Governor Joe Manchin to develop tion that would ensure corrections workers are able to retire before a meet and consult policy for state public employees. the ill effects of their years of service exact a heavy toll. Internet Broadband Expansion: Labors proposed policy focuses on three critical issues: exclusive We want to encourage state officials to increase Internet broadrepresentation, consultations in good faith and the duration of the band access to all health officials, public safety officers and edupilot project. cational institutions. Expanding broadband internet access to cor-

Legislative Legislative Goals CWA Optimistic AboutUpdate Grievance Procedure

Membership Drive Winner

rections workers all over the for will ensure timely and important The broken grievance processstatestate public employees is information that will be addressed by the accessible. Having acanother issue is immediately available and administration, rather cess to Legislature. After an interim study concluded the process than the this high-speed source of information can save lives, improve safety CWA Local educational how the system members was faulty andand increase 2055 showedopportunities forrepeatof Local 2055. edly favored the employer, the legislature was prepared to tackle Expand However, the Governor asked Include More Agencies: the issue. Meet & Consult Program to legislative leaders to Two office and his newly appointed pilot project was impleallow his years ago a Meet & Consultdirector of the Grievance mented to create with a workable solution. CWA Local 2055 will Board to come up partnerships between state employees and mangers with participate in the process to arrive government for emcontinue tothe goal of improving the quality ofat a new grievance ployees and taxpayers. The success of the initial pilot project, procedure. which included divisions within the Department of Administration, Transportation & Military Affairs and Public Safety, has encouraged us to try and expand the program this year. The pilot project gives Regional Jail employees representatives the like The Staff and Members of Local 2055, CWA/NCPSO would opportunity to get heartfelt sympathy to these members in their loss to extend theirinput from the front line workers and to make recommendations on benefits, working conditions them to to the of a loved one and a prayer that God will be with and howgivebetter improve the agency for the each new and the tax strength and courage to meet employeestomorrow. payers of West Virginia. We are going to work with Governor Manchin to try and extend the reachTom McBride to include other agencies and of the program Mother union members. Deborah Melrose Mother The project will allow us to offer more input on what is hapSandra Shultz - Brother pening on a nationalBecky Slayton Sister is important because level as well. This we believe there is a good chance Father Sue Vogt that federal legislation will be passed to include police, fire, and corrections in collective bargaining agreements; hard as we try to administration in Washington. Editors Note: As thanks to the newensure that we dont overlook CWA will take happen. If any member has death, or knows of anyone, it could an active role in any futureadiscussions involving athe federal level expansionin their immediate family,for public emmember who has a death of collective bargaining please call ployees and keep you know on the progress. 304 342-2023 to let us updated As always the participation of our members is vital for true success. Please contact us if you would like to offer ideas for the session or opinions on upcoming legislation. Your lobbying team needs your help. The more you call or write your legislators, the Employees at Huttonsville Correctional Center provided CWA our more attention your issues receive and that attention increases International success. chances for Representative Elaine Harris with a petition asking that PEIA allow employees to opt to have their PEIA premiums deducted from two pay periods rather than monthly. Harris discussed this with PEIA Administrators who said they didnt have a problem with this, if the Administrations of Division of The 2009 Corrections Day will take place on March 16 at the Corrections, Division of Juvenile attended Corrections DayJails State Capitol. If youve never Services and the Regional at the agreed to this. They agreedmissingoption. Thanks to those to see Legislature youve been to this a valuable opportunity employees at HCC for the suggestions! our government in action, speak to your elected representatives

With Sympathy

Thanks, Huttonsville!

2009 Lobby Day

Meet and Consult Gains Ground

and have your voice heard on the issues of the day. We encourage you to attend. Our numbers demonstrate our unity, strength and voting power an important message for our state legislaExclusive representation allows employees to select one representors. Its also an opportunity to speak to your districts elected tative for workplace discussions. Employees would retain the representatives to let them know how you feel about important right to reject representation paying attention to your state governlegislation and that you are as well. ment and what they do. Consultations inteam will meet you at chosen representative of you Your lobby good faith means the the Capitol and provide the employees and the employer representatives shouldWe will answer with informational packets and morning snacks. meet and discuss conditions of employment in a good-faith effort to fully to your questions, provide you with talking points and direct you understand the working conditions of employees. Goodto sit in the your legislators offices. Youll have an opportunity faith requires the parties makeLegislature in action, visitan agreement gallery and watch the a sincere attempt to reach Senators and and that anyin their officesput into on committee meetDelegates agreement be as well as sit ings. TheIf you have questions about Lobby six agencies call CWA Loproposed pilot would be limited to Day, please including cal 2055 office Regional Jails. at 304-342-2033. We hope to see you at the State Capitol on March 16th!

Spring, 2009 Summer, 2006

CWA Local 2055

Page 3

In recent years passage of the states budget made to half as a result of themajor changes have beenin March. the existing grievance procedure for state employees. CWA International Representative and lobbyist Elaine Harris of Its vital for all of our union members to be aware worked with another labor lobbyist, Perry Bryant, to secure how the current grievance procedure works in case you funding in the budget that would offset the rate hike for this years ever need Both Harris and Bryant serve on the PEIA Finance to file a grievance. premiums. First make sure your initialthe 22 percent increase. The out Board and voted last fall against grievance form is filled correctly.expected to take place this summer. raise was Many of the major problems in grievance procedures Cingular Wireless Savings are due to not filling in the form correctly. We encourage offering union members contact the five Cingular Wireless isall union members to and retirees a CWA offices discount on all available plans, including family plans. percent for guidance in filling out their grievance forms This offer properly. will only be granted to those who visit the store. (See boxed story.) Union form should to mention that they are The grievance members need have your name, address eligible for the union discount and that the FAN number for the and home phone number. discount is 00113662. Under the section titled Grievants Representative youprepared to the CWA office and its address as as a union Be must list show proof of union membership, such your representative. card, a payroll stub that shows a union dues deducmembership tion or a union plus credit card. If one is already a we wont be If you dont list us as your representative, Cingular member, simply follow grievance being filedwill need to sign made aware of your the same procedure, but thus we wont up for a be able new two-year service agreement. your hearing or conto represent or assist you at ference. Wireless is one of the few corporations in America today Cingular It is imperative if you want proud to be a union company, that publicly proclaim that they arean experienced representative it isadvocate on your behalf during a grievance proand to the only union wireless company. cedure to list us as your representative on the grievance Ashland Kanawha Mall form. 817 Wincester Ave. 166 Kanawha Mall The grievance form provides the option25387 Ashland, KY 411101 Charleston, WV of selecting 606-325-2355 304-925-2778 either a hearing or a conference. One major difference between the two choices is that a Huntington Mall recorded and a conference will not. Route 60 hearing will be Mall Road 3509 U.S. 60 East A hearing also follows a formal standard of procedure Barboursville, WV 25504 Huntington, WV 25701 and conduct, whereas a conference is somewhat less for304-736-8731 304-736-2355 mal. Southridge Center Once again, please contactTeaysoffice if you need adour Valley 300 Southridge Blvd. will work best for you. 305 Great Teays Blvd. vice on which option South Charleston, WV 25309 Scott Depot, WV 25560 The current grievance process has three distinct levels 304-746-4494 304-757-2516 where previously there were four levels. The first level (Level Charleston Town Center I) goes directly tordthe State AgenHuntington 3 Avenue cy where itCenterbe resolved. 901 3rd Avenue 1114 Town may Mall Charleston, levels for CWA Local 2055 members are routHuntington, WV 25701 All first WV 25389 304-344-1957 304-522-4270 ed to the department it originated from: Regional Jails, the Division of Corrections or the Division of Juvenile Retirement Services. Are you planning to retire soon or in the near future? Or do you Level co-worker/CWA member who is know of atwo (Level II) is mediation. planning to retire? Please call the office at 304-342-2023 or together with an at This process brings the parties email Elaine Harris to let us know the following information: pert, neutral mediator who is employed by the Grievance Name, Board.home mailing address, facility youre retiring from and the date of retirement. CWA/NCPSO Local 2055 presents a watch in The mediators role is to facilitate discussion and offer recognition of a members retirement. The National Union also options for settling Retired Members Card. provides a Life Time the dispute. If your grievance is filed at Level I, you cannot skip

YourhikePEIA Premium Grievance which establishes a Retirement Health Guide tocut nearly in Increase passed Procedure the House Bill 4654 Delayed The proposed PEIA rate for this year has been

Level II. Benefit Trust Fund and was amended to allow for an offset of the premium increasea formal hearingemployees on July 1, 2006, Level III is for employers and before an Administrative in part by a legislative appropriation by the Public employees Law Judge (ALJ) employed that reduced the Employees premium increases from nearly 22 percent to around 11 percent. Grievance Board.
We understand this is a temporary fix, Harris said. But it gives cedure, and allows the ALJ back and make our of again us the means by which we can go to take testimonycase the parties and their witnesses. with our fellow members of the Finance Board.

The hearing is recorded, follows standard hearing pro-

And itboth opens up but can be appealed to relief for the state upon also parties other avenues for finding a circuit court. employees who every grievancepremiums one of our members A copy of see raises in their filed by without corresponding raises in their paychecks.

The ALJ will issue a written decision that is binding

should be sent to our office along with all the other required addresses you will see listed on the form. For employees with family coverage, the 22 percent increase Please translated into increases in annual premiums by form, would have contact us when filling out your grievance more than that we canThat doesnt include a seven percentduring the so $300 a year. effectively advocate for you increase that went into effect in January after Gov. Manchins six-month grievance process. freeze on PEIAs 2005-06 rate hike (304) 342-2023 before subPlease contact the office at expired. mitting your form. Part of our duties here are to assist, on Job Maryland C.O. Killedadvise and represent union members during every step of the grievance Union leaders are demanding a review of staffing policy following process. the January slaying of a Maryland corrections best possible outWe are dedicated to achieving the officer by an inmate in Hagerstown. come for union members in every grievance procedure, but we can only do that if you list us as your representaJeffrey A. Wroten, 44, of Martinsburg previously worked for West tive on Division of Corrections and contact us to assist Virginiasyour grievance form and Division of Juvenile you.
Services. He was a four-year veteran of the Maryland prison system.

TheThis year the CWA Joe Beirne Foundation is offering 15 inmate Wroten was guarding at Washington County Hospital shot the college scholarships of $3,000 each for the 2009-2010 partial officer in the face with the officers gun. Wroten was the only officer guarding the inmate, who had been taken to hospital school year. All CWA members, including retired or deceased the day before after complaining of undisclosed medical problems.

Scholarships Available

members, their spouses, children and grandchildren are eligible for the scholarships. The shooting has prompted a union representing correctional Scholarship winners are selected through a policies for officers to call for a review of Marylands security lottery drawing. Those selected willincluding a rule that just year officer stand of hospitalized inmates, also receive a second one scholarship the same amount West Virginias policy requires academic acguard instead of two.contingent upon satisfactory two officers complishment. Part-time hospital. to accompany an inmate to astudents carrying less than 12 credit hours, will receive half the scholarship monies. Scholarship Wroten had been assigned to the medium-security Roxbury http:// applications can be submitted via the online form at: Correctional Institution in Hagerstown, where the inmate,Deadline Brandon T. Morris, 20, of Baltimore, was serving an eight-year for applications is March 31. sentence scholarships are named after Joe Beirne, who was The for assault, robbery and handgun convictions. He is conindicted on charges of first-degree murder, kidnapping and other sidered the founding father of the CWA. At the age of 32, in offenses, making him eligible for execution, if convicted. 1943, he became President of the National Federation of Telephone Workers and began the mission of molding to work According to a close friend and co-worker, Wroten chose the loose confederation of autonomous more time a true children. midnight shifts so he could spendunions intowith his international union. father of a lifetime fighting the ages of five and 15 He was aHe spentfive children betweenfor the rights and protection of his years old. union brothers and sisters. After becoming seriously ill he stepped down from the presidency in June of 1974 Our thoughts and prayers thatwith theThe Joe family as they are and died in the fall of are year. Wroten Beirne Foundation going through this difficult time. honor of Joes lifetime of work created these scholarships in and service for the CWA.

Page 4

Lt. John Steele,aIII, Corporal Roger Henry Donald R. Kuhn JuBrian Elkins, Corrections Officer II at the and Correctional Officer Mickey Winland. venile Center in Julian, is the winner of the CWA Local 2055 Membership Drive Contest. For every 10 new members a CWA member Lt. John to join the union they West Virginia Division drawing. signed up Steele started with the received an entry in theof Corrections prize was a 1985 at the its cash equivalent of This year thein December deer rifle or W.Va. Penitentiary at $350. Moundsville, WV. later. Thanks Brian & congratulations! Mr. Elkins chose thePrior to joining the Division of Corrections, he worked as a coal miner until he was laid off. While at the W.Va. Penitentiary he worked in New Wall, Protective Custody and North Hall. When the Penitentiary closed in 1994, he transferred to the Northern Regional Correctional Facility where he worked untilCommunication Workers of America St. Marys Correctional its 1998. In 1998, he transferred to Local 2055 lost one of members inworked there on the May of November he passed away Center and a car accident until 12th 2005 when 2008. Connie Tanner a courageous battle of Corrections Central Office in Charleston. afterworked at the Division with cancer. John served in the Army She was returning home from work at the from the Capitol, traveling and was a Vietnam Veteran and retired WV State Army National north Guard.on Rt.was at Bentree old and a life accident occurred. CWA while He 16 57 years WV, when the long member of Connies family had strong union ties, as her late father Cardell Nichols was a employed by the Division of Corrections. John is survived by his member of United Mine Workers of America as well as her husband wife Darla and a son Miketwo daughters. One of the daughters, Jack and two brothers and and Jamie Nichols. Misty Adams, to her husband and two brothers, Connie is starting with In addition followed in her fathers footsteps, first survived by CorrectionsBethel Nichols, children Heather & Tommy Walker, Jocelyn her mother at the Northern Regional Correctional Facility and

Congratulations Since the last publication of Local 2055 Informer, three of our Brian Elkins CWA/NCPSO brothers have passed away. We mourn the loss of

In Memoriam

CWA Local 2055 Page 4

Spring, 2006 2009 Summer, CWA Local 2

later came to St. Marys Correctional2055 Informer, three of our Since the last publication of Local Center when it opened, Cell Phone Carrier Manager and a Union of CWA. Lt. where she is now a Case have passed for memberMembers: CWA CWA/NCPSO brothers Discounts away. We mourn the loss of Steele is fondly rememberedeligible forHenry andunion discount Lt. John Steele, III, Corporal Roger a special worked with Local 2055 members are by those who knew andCorrectional him as ause unionWinland. commitment to family andWireless) Officer Mickey carrier AT&T (formerly Cingular friends. if you fighter with a strong Corporal Roger Henry, with the Westat Southwestern Regional Lt. John Steele started who worked Virginia Division of location andyears, passed away in August 2005 after suffering apmention that you are a union member when a Jail for seven in December 1985 at the W.Va. Penitentiary at Corrections plying for while cutting should be the Division of Corrections, he heart attack service. Prior his joining He was 60to provide proof of Moundsville, WV. You to grass. prepared years of age and your membership via your heAccordingoff.Connie, at the W.Va. isworked as bycoal wife Connie.union membership card or a a survived a his miner until was laid to While he was payworkaholic whether it unionworkWall, Protective Custody and Penitentiary shows be at dues deductions. If you are already roll stub thathe worked in New or home he never stopped. North Hall. When customer you closed in 1994, same procean AT&T wireless the Penitentiary will follow thehe transferred Correctional Officer Mickey to sign upwho a new two-year serto the Northern Regional Correctional Facility where he worked dure as above but will need Winland, for worked at Northern Regional Correctional he transferred toaway in January of a until 1998. In 1998, Facility, passed St. Marys Correctional vice contract. The offer is also open to retired CWA members sudden death. Mickeys co-workers and his mother passed awaya Center and worked there until May 2005 when he say he was who show their membership cancer.36 years old and thesurvived great jokester who loved life. He was Contact CWA International after a courageous battle with card. John served in is Army Representative Elaine Harris Cassandra and Ashley, National by his mother Sarah, Veteran andat 304-342-2023Army son, and was a Vietnam daughters, retired from the if you have additional He and twoaboutold and discounts. member of CWA while Mickey Lee was 57 years union a life long Guard. questions sisters and two brothers. employed by the Division ofThis year all John is survivedwillhis Peer Contact Display: Corrections. peer contacts by be The staff and membersandCWAdaughters. OneThisourdaughters, it wife Darla and a son of bulletin boards. of is to make displayed on workplace two Local 2055 extendthe heartfelt sympathy tomembers to in herandyour footsteps, firstOurand conMisty for the Steele, Henry fathers union stewards easier Adams, followed contact Winland families. starting with thoughts and at the Northern Regional Correctional Facility and Corrections prayers are with them.


In Memo

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as your cell phone service provider. Visit any AT&T wireless

In Memory Of Constance Connie Tanner

Co Jai hea is s wo

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& Jake Hayhurst, sister Pam Moore, brother Dean Nichols, grandchildren Karmen & Walker, and Scarlett Hayhurst. InterimsCollinmany lives and was loved bycontd from page 1 Connie touched so so many. Life will never be the same for those who knew her. legislators. There arent enough people willing to work in these Written by for such low Sister dangerous jobsKaren Nichols,pay. in Law, Friend, Co-worker, and Union Sister.

Year in and year out Ive approached the Legislature and the various Administrations seeking additional pay for employees in the Divisions of Corrections, Juvenile Services and the Jails, Harris said. Its never been a priority for them but it is now because were at a crisis stage with regard to understaffing at Mt. Olive. Increased staffing levels and pay must be a priority for the legislature and the administration Harris said. They called for a special session on workers compensation because they said it was critical. The critical situation of underpaid and overworked correctional employees warrants a special session, too.

tacts with comments and ideas. Please let us know if the contact information for your Local 2055 steward and/or contact is contd from page 11 contd from page Primary in your workplace. Interims not displayed legislators. There arent Charlenepeople willing toeligible these 44th Union Plus Insurance: CWAMarshall, Alex Shook in for an - Barbara Fleischauer, enough members are work 46th - Chris Cooper such low pay. dangerous jobs for in life insurance via Union Plus Insurance, additional $5,000 50th - Ruth Rowan 53rd - the CWA office for more information. call Jerry Burton th
Year in and year 54 - Walter Duke out Ive approached the Legislature and the 58th - Locke Wysong various Administrations seeking additional pay for employees in the Divisions of Corrections, Juvenile Services and the Jails, Harris said. Its never been a priority for them but it is now because were at a crisis stage with regard to understaffing at Mt. Olive. The jobs CWA Local 2055 members do are so important to the safety of West Virginians yet most people dont realize how your Increased staffing levels and pay must be a priority for the lives are put andthe line every day when you go to work. legislature on the administration Harris said. They called for a

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44th 46th 50th 53rd 54th 58th

Outreach Efforts

The safe live

special session on workers compensation because they said it was Local 2055 is working situation of underpaid and overworked critical. The critical with the Division of Corrections to give access to a television station to document a day in the life of an correctional employees warrants a special session, too. employee. The goal is to show the public, legislators and Governor the unique and often dangerous aspects of jobs in Corrections. Theres no lack of media coverage when a crime is committed and the criminal stands trial. What happens after he or she is incarcerated is a mystery to the general public. Its time to unravel that mystery and show everyone the jobs you do. People who have jobs where they can drink from their favorite ceramic mug or look at framed photos of their family may not realize these are simple pleasures employees in correctional facilities do not have. Local 2055 believes that if the public is informed about your jobs, the public will support your positions on better pay, retirement and health insurance.

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CWA Local 2055 900 Lee St. Ste 1212 Charleston, WV 25301

The need for more members to contact their legislators remains but having the support of the public behind your requests means a great deal to legislators. We will also seek support from local public officials and victims rights organizations.

Prsrt Std U.S.Postage PAID Permit #2793 Charleston, WV

CWA Local 2055 900 Lee St. Ste 1212 Ste 1212 Charleston, WV 25301

Prsrt Std U.S.Postage PAID PAID Permit #2793 Charleston, WV Charleston, WV

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