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Hughesville Borough Council Minutes

November 28, 2011 - 7:00, PM

Council members and staff present Jeffery Berger, Andrew Mook, Curtis Michael, Mary Burns, Mayor Walter Reed and Dee Moyer The regular meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order by Council President Jeffery Berger followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Guests and Visitors: Approve Agenda: November 28, 2011 Mook moved, seconded by Burns. Motion passed. Approve Minutes: November 14, 2011 Michael moved, seconded by Mook. Motion passed. Mayor: Reed said that a ribbon cutting will take place on Tuesday at 1:00 PM for the gazebo built at the Memorial Park by high school students. He also said that Ken Sawyer from WRAK would be interviewing some of the students later in the week. Borough Secretary: Moyer reminded Council that the first meeting in January will be January 3. Even years are reorganization and swearing in of newly elected. They are held the first official work day of the New Year. The meeting will be advertised along with the dates for all of 2012. Appoint a primary security administrator contact for Principal Financial. Mook moved to reappoint Moyer, seconded by Michael. Motion passed. Picture Rocks Lions requested use of Memorial Park as a possible site for the sale of sauerkraut. Council said they have no objection.


Would like to resume the spring newsletter and hopefully leave a copy at each residence when water meters are being read. Comcast Agreement for next 2 years will replace existing Windstream. Burns moved, seconded by Michael. Motion passed. Purchase 2 cameras for the police department, one for the car with a maximum of $3,000 and the other hand held with a maximum of $200. Mook moved, seconded by Burns. Motion passed. Tabled a decision on a fax/copy machine. Police Chief Contract will be discussed in closed session.

Committee Assignments: FINANCE Michael/Burns Cost of remolding borough bldg. Work with Properties Committee STREETS Mook/Smith Streets base repairs for 2012. Street sign turns 405 to 118 STREETS cont - Oil tanks, cast iron heaters from the old library need to decide to sell or scrap PERSONNEL Burns/Mook Policy changes to personnel manual

PUBLIC SAFETY Michael/Savage PROPERTIES Savage/Smith Work with police department Check parks for safety hazards regarding trees, brush, sidewalks and areas that need improvement * First name on each Committee serves as Chairman

Adjournment and close session: 7:35 Mook moved, Burns seconded. Motion passed.

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