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Illegal Immigration By Mickey Gray Facing deportation for expired temporary visas, a couple from Bangladesh living in Los

Angeles kidnap an INS agent and try to force him to marry them to make them citizens. To do this they kidnap a prostitute in order to learn how to seduce an American man. Rina and Vijay Diwan, a Bangladeshi couple in their late 30s, have lived in the United States for 5 years. They immigrated from Bangladesh on a tech start-up initiative looking for high skilled labor. From the moment they stepped on the United States soil, they made a sincere attempt at assimilation with the intent to fit in. Bill Wilson is an INS agent in his mid thirties. His entrenchment in the bureaucracy of the Immigration and Nationalization Services consumes at least 16 of 18 conscious hours of his day. Once married, very recently and messily divorced, he is looking to shake up his sex life by calling an escort service arranged by the bartender he regularly visits. Rina and Vijay are currently staying at a seedy motel on the 1200th block of Los Angeles Street. Solyndra, the tech start up, goes belly up, and upon being terminated, they are also evicted from the company owned property at which they had lived for the last several years. They had managed to net $100,000 dollars collectively over the past 5 years, and stored a large portion of it in cash. So they temporarily relocate with the meager remainder, packing three cases of personal belongings into the miniscule 1980s Honda hatchback they share and driving to the cheapest motel within a mile of the office of the green energy meltdown that cost them their jobs. Bill is given the number to Gustavo's private escort service, and he is told to meet Sharon on the corner of Los Angeles Street a few blocks from his office. Sharon posts up outside of the roach motel where she usually tricks customers. From inside a motel room, Rina and Vijay scramble to find methods to extend their citizenship. The easiest and most direct route would be to marry a citizen, doubly so if that citizen works for the government. From there Vijay launches an aggressive campaign to teach his wife how to be sexually appealing. They peek out of their window to see Sharon smoke a cigarette, Vijay storms out to her and pretends to be Bill and is drawn into the room where he and Rina are staying. Vijay tries to forcibly obtain sex tips from Sharon. Meanwhile he sends Rina to look for Bill and try to be sexy. Bill creeps up the street and pulls over into a loading zone near the motel hastily looking for any aggressive woman. When Rina knocks on his window, he lets her in, thinking it's Sharon. Without opening her mouth once Rina directs Bill to buy a motel room at the same place she is staying. As soon as they are alone, Sharon does to Vijay what she does best, leaving him curled up in a little ball underneath the blankets. He tells her finally that he is not Bill, and that his wife went looking for him. In Bill's room, Rina quietly excuses herself briefly and sprints back across the parking lot to her room leaving Bill in his boxer shorts. Vijay manages to tell Sharon their story and why his wife is trying to be a prostitute, and as she secretly has a heart of gold and is fine with $1000 cash in return, Sharon decides to coach Rina on the prowess of the prostitute position by position as quickly as possible so that she can entertain Bill. Her instruction session is replete with sex one liners that Rina absorbs subconsciously.

Rina pounds on Bill's door, and he opens it fully dressed to see Rina's best take on glamor. He lets her in, and nervously and perhaps endearingly so goes through what she picked up from Sharon. When they are finished, they lie on their backs. Having not been with a woman in a while, Bill does what any man does, he falls head over heels for Rina, and opens up to her about the banal nature of bureaucracy and how it is killing him. She is strangely seductive and able to show a certain about of tenderness that Bill did not anticipate from a prostitute. He pays her $1000 dollars, and gives her his phone number. Sharon waits outside of the motel, and corners Rina before she goes back to her husband. She demands the money from the trick, and tells her to tell Vijay Nothing happened. He will say the same thing. She tells Rina that they need to leave this motel before sundown, because Gustavo is going to clean this area out after this. Rina and Vijay call Vijay's friend from work to provide temporary residence. Vijay's friend from work is named Ricardo Vargas. He is a Mexican living in the United States, who works as a janitor at Solyndra, where Vijay used to work. When they arrive to East Los Angeles, they park their dingy brown Honda hatchback that blends in with a street corner. They carry their meager belongings to the door of a small house. They are welcomed by several of Ricardo's family, older and younger, and are given a futon and access to the bathroom. Vijay and Rina plug in their laptop and reread the requisites for for citizenship in married couples, Vijay finds as much out about the person attached to a search on the phone number left with Rina. He realizes that Bill works for the INS, which would be absolutely disastrous if he were to discover their actual residency status. Since Bill works in the one branch of the government that could expedite the visa of a spouse, so they decide Rina should call Bill. Bill lies in bed alone. He lives alone in a comfortable condo on the west side. He tosses and turns in his sleep unable to shake the image of Rina. After some minutes of this, the crash of his alarm clock rips him out of his intrepid dream state. He shoots up from bed, and briskly and perhaps slightly unstably so goes about his morning routine. He looks himself in the mirror, and sighs the sigh of love. He commutes to work and when the motivation tape comes on he rips out the tape, and puts it on the radio and drives in bumper to bumper traffic on the 101 South. For the first 3 hours of his day Bill speaks to no one. He is tucked away in a cubicle endlessly typing, collating, printing. Peter, his coworker equally entrenched in the bureaucracy of the INS, bugs him about why he looks different. Bill hints that he met someone, but doesn't divulge specifics. Peter talks about sex trafficking ring, he is monitoring and a bust on a man named Gustavo Juarez that involves bringing in underage girls for prostitution. Bill thinks back to the fact that Rina was Indian and nave and decided to follow up on her if possible. Meanwhile in East L.A., Rina nervously picks up a cheap mobile phone to place a call to Bill about maybe meeting him again. When he receives the call, he ducks around the corner from his office and scribbles off an address. He blushes and swells while his co-worker presses him for more details. Bill drives by a motel, where the same dingy Honda hatchback is parked out front. He knocks on the door of room 102. A dolled up Rina meets him at the door, Vijay waits in the bathroom to listen. Bill takes off his coat and plops on the bed, and spills the beans about how he feels about last night, but also with a genuine curiosity in Rina's past. Rina cautiously explains that she would like the support of

an American man on the path to citizenship. He agrees that the most efficient way to to gain citizenship. She mentions the amount of cash she has to set up a new life, and seductively approaches Bill, who smiles broadly and kisses her. At Gustavo's loft in Downtown Los Angeles, the elegant decour is plush with expensive paraphernalia. Gustavo consumes high volumes of Cocaine and counts large sums of money, a beautiful harem of young girls surrounds him. Gustavo speaks with Sharon about an incoming shipment that needs to be primed. He makes plans for their arrival, and he makes comments about the nature of the mission without revealing the specific cargo of 15 underage girls of mixed Latin American ethnicities. Outside of Gustavo's loft, in an unmarked white van sit three INS agents. They listen in on the discussion between Gustavo and Sharon. The transmission has static as pieces of the conversation come including Gustavo's and Sharon's names and the date of a shipment. As Gustavo finishes his conversations with Sharon, Sharon talks about what happened with Rina. Gustavo flips out and pounds his hands on his desk which dislodges the microphone attached to the INS van's transceiver. The transmission cuts out in the van with one last word Rina. Bill sits in front of his computer at home. He idles over a web browser, looking a Nepalese culture. He reads a piece about the Solyndra belly up and reads about 1500 jobs lost and total bankruptcy. He looks at his cellphone. 8:52 PM on a Tuesday with one missed call from Peter from the INS. He dials a number to call him. Peter is in a van with two other INS agents peeling out down the street, as they were spotted by Gustavo's men, because Gustavo finds the broken microphone under his desk. Peter takes Bills call, and tells him they need to stop at his place, because it's the closest safe point from Gustavo's flat. They peel into Bill's parking lot and run into Bills house, perhaps a bit over exaggerated in the gratuitous approach to how they perform what is a fairly banal task otherwise. They are greeted by Bill somewhat apprehensively, and they start freaking out about what just happened. They plug in the laptop immediately and start narrating their interpretation of the few sound bites, but the only word Bill hears is Rina. He flinches and automatically diverts into congratulatory speech mode and shakes their hands and pats their backs and hold his breath. They unload several theories about the delivery, none closer to the truth than any other. Bill nods, and asks for a copy of the material. Peter eyeballs him for a sign of weakness and jokingly asks, Why?Bill grins sheepishly Analysis. Peter picks up Bills flash drive, copies the information over and says, but you need to come sign off on this tomorrow. At work the following morning the office is in a frenzy. Photographs of Gustavo are plastered up and down the halls of the building. Everyone whispers about the announcement. Bill painfully sits in his office all day, trying to avoid the controversy. Peter comes to him and drops hints about the all out raid to happen on Gustavo's properties the day of the delivery. They begin talking about Gustavo's lack of American citizenship, and a plan to capture him and anyone around him that looks suspicious on that day and have a massive deportation in order to declare a victory for border security. The final words of the meeting are dedicated to the discussion of who this Rina is that enraged Gustavo. Her capture was imperative to operation, as needed for information on Gustavo's whereabouts and business. They begin dividing the case into three sections with two agents per section. The section on Gustavo gets two agents, the section on Sharon and the delivery get two agents, and

Rina gets two agents. Bill and Peter. Rina and Vijay are sitting on a small cot together, eating a humble meal in relative solitude in a house that has a lot of people. Rina sobs apologetically telling Vijay that she has feelings for this man. Vijay plans to support the marriage and then murder Bill and get married to the newly anointed citizen Rina. He explains this to her, minus the mention of the murder. They open the stash box of money they have and count close to 100,000 dollars in liquid assets, Vijay counts out 300 dollars to give to Ricardo . Rina holds a cheap cellphone and hastily dials Bill's phone number in the late afternoon. Bill is leaving the office, having a conversation with Peter about how to trace references of people named Rina, Peter plans on tracing the name amongst traditional criminal circles, Bill checks his phone and recognizes the number and stutters as he explains his less orthodox approach to finding the girl. He gets in his car and peels out of the parking lot. Bill pulls over in front of his house to call Rina. The first time he dials the phone, one of Ricardo's family members answers the phone, he doesn't recognize the Anglo voice on the other line. He hangs the phone up and hands it to Ricardo, who shrugs and sets it on a table near Vijay and Rina's cot. Rina picks up her misplaced cellphone and examines it to find the last call from Bill. They huddle in the corner and plan to meet Bill in another motel. This time, Vijay conceals a knife in his sock while Rina is not looking. As Bill pulls up to a motel near downtown Los Angeles, he sees the same small brown Toyota parked in front of a room in the corner, with a light on in a rather dark complex. He approaches the door, which is left slightly ajar. He opens it to see Rina sprawled out dressed scantily. He is taken aback with the sight. She beckons him and they kiss tenderly, then heavily, then they fully embrace. After Bill collapses post orgasm, he sighs and turns to Rina. They talk about how the INS knows her name and they need to know about what happened as it relates to Gustavo. Vijay cracks the door open as he sees Bill lying near his nude wife. She has her back turned to both Bill and Vijay and Bill leers over her. She begins to tell him that she loves him, when Vijay grabs Bill and the blanket off the bed and holds a knife to Bill. Rina leaps back and crouches behind the bed. After pleading with Vijay he relents slightly. But as soon as the tension clears, he makes a demand for citizenship under new names in a distant part of the country or he will kill Bill. Peter calls Bill's phone incessantly the following morning from the office. Eventually it goes straight to voicemail. He decides to look for him and mentions something about his untraditional approach to apprehending Rina. Rina, Bill and Vijay stare each other down. Vijay has calmed himself, but still intends on holding Bill captive until he makes an arrangement for both he and his wife. Bill quietly lifts his cellphone to call Peter and try to tell him that everything is good and that he'll be in the office tomorrow with a big proposal regarding the recent investigation. Gustavo speaks to Sharon in person outside of his condo in downtown L.A. In a rapid half English half Spanish rant Gustavo talks about a delivery tomorrow night. He tells her where to park one of the three vans. He starts to fill in bits about the cargo in terms of intrinsic financial value, with no actual reveal of the cargo of women. He talks about the microphone, and being on an attempt to destroy the INS with the help of his friends. He walks her to a giant garage, where the cargo will be parked, and he motions to a small room where the cargo can be tossed. Sharon says the the location of the exchange in the South Lands, she decides to call her inside source in that area, Ricardo Carerra

Vijay and Rina's host. Ricardo Carerra has a number of labor jobs stretching from Downtown to Covina. He works on the staff of a supply storage company in East L.A. Sharon and he speak financially candidly to one another, and Ricardo pays off the remainder of the employees for that day so that Gustavo could make a delivery. It is as though they have routinely made this arrangement. She warns him about the threat of police forces, he nods and hangs up. Vijay manipulates Bill to agree to break into the INS office on the day of the scheduled delivery. Vijay perhaps discovers pieces about the delivery through returning to Ricardo's one last time. He forces Bill to plant this information for the INS that would clear the building for two hours. So Gustavo calls Ricardo while Vijay is at home, he recognizes some of the names being spoken although they are in Spanish. After research they find the storage facility that delivery may be happening at. The INS has begun two full fledged campaigns, one for Gustavo's arrest and the other for the return of Bill to safety. After Bill calls a few times, the INS prepares for a full scale invasion of the storage facility possibly being utilized by Gustavo for his delivery. Gustavo and Sharon speak more explicitly about the arrival of the girls and talk about the logistics of the delivery from pick up to dispensing of the load. Vijay want's citizenship, the government wants Gustavo, and Gustavo wants the girls. The three will intertwine with a point of attack being the bust caused by information provided by Rina to Bill. Bill will plant all the right information so that the entire branch of the INS will be somehow intangled in the arrest of Gustavo. During this time Vijay and Bill break into the INS office to expedite the ratification of citizenship for both Vijay and Rina. Bill's absence from the raid is noticed by Peter. As Gustavo's parcel arrives, several INS agents surround the compound, silently watching unmarked van after unmarked van parking at a storage center near the 5 north in south LA. Gustavo and an army of Latin thugs await the arrival an opposite fleet of vans. Several police cars are about a mile from the compound when they spot the enclave moving closer to the to the target. They close in clandestinely behind the cars, preparing to bust Gustavo. Gustavo meets with an older Hispanic man, who is a full blooded Mexican national and hands him a brief case filled with money, at which time, bound and shrouded girls are loaded into vans and immediately driven off. The INS forms a road block at major choke point and narrows the passage of the vans to a dead end. Agents capture the young women followed by which they get Gustavo, while suffering mild injuries in several fire fights against the force driven by Gustavo. In the end the INS pinches Gustavo after extensive research both with the suspect and as a result of the plotted invasion. Peter subdues Gustavo after fatally wounding Sharon in a gun fight. They recover a majority of the slaves and are able to press charges against Gustavo and deport him shortly there after. But, with Bill absent, Peter goes to look for him, after stopping at the office, where something seemed different (It looks like Bill accessed the computers during the raid. At the office Bill gives a bogus report about Rina, which justifies his access to the office. He tells Peter that she is further along on the path to citizenship than had previously been the case, which is reflected in the records accessed at the office that has her listed as already applied for and received temporary citizen status along with her associate Vijay.

Vijay and Rina still live together, but they are no longer intimate on many levels. They both have earned fairly decent wages and with the lump sum they had acquired, they were able to reestablish themselves very quickly. Rina works at a small cafe' during the day, while Vijay managed to squeeze into another tech firm. While they are no longer intimate, they stay together and pool resources like a family. Rina works at a cafe' during the day time. Bill notices her outside cleaning a table and stops her. He tells her that he loves her and kisses her. She shyly nuzzles up to him. After holding the embrace, he asks her if she would like to come home with him and leave Vijay. She says that she can't. He again leaves her with his number, this time the paper has his address on it as well as his phone number. Vijay finds the curled up piece of paper from Bill, and when he asks her about it, she tells the truth, saying she refused to go with him. She tries to approach him, but he shoves her off. That night, Vijay drives over to Bill's address. He breaks in to find Bill sleeping. Vijay grabs a pillow and smothers Bill until he stops breathing. He tries to arrange the bed to look natural and leaves dropping behind him the address and phone number. Vijay cuddles next to Rina in their new bed for the first time in a while. He whispers in her ear and kisses her on the forehead. He falls asleep next to her.

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