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CONGRATULATIONS on your purchase of the VISTA 4140XMPT!

The purpose of these Installation Instructions is to give you a brief overview of the VISTA 4140XMPT system, and provide instructions for installing a basic system. As always, ADEMCO is there for YOU! Our SALES and TECHNICAL SUPPORT sti are eager to assist you in any way they can, so dont hesitate to call, for any reason!
East Coast Technical Support: 1-800-645-7492 (8 a.m. -6p.m. E.S.T.) West Coast Technical Support: 1-800-458-9469 (8 a.m.-5 p.m. P. S.T.)

PLEJWE, Before you call Technical Support, be sure you have: Checked all wiring comections. q Determined that the power supply and/or backup battery are supplying proper voltages. s Verified your programming information where applicable. q Noted the proper model number of this product, and the version level Gfknown) along with any documentation that came with the product. q Noted your Ademco customer number and.lorcompany name. Having this information handy will make it easier for us to serve you quickly and effectively.









-.-- ~pERA7,0N .................... .. ....... 10 sEclJmYAccEs CmEs ..................................... s

User CodDs& LO* of AuttKwy............ ............... s hkdbpkPsnibwIw (GOTOFtmo60n)..............t9 . Instsuor m ...................................................... a Master/Msnsgor Cocos...................................... 2f Ooomtor C*s ................................................... 21 Dboss ~...: ................................................... % ~~G~lEL-TIME CLOCK-.. .......................2I . .............................................. Arming Fm@aC ................................................. : Psrtnion-m7u Commands................................. z . vii Cspsbiutin of q User..................................... z vi Dwnbs&4Msssagm ..............................z using6rsSuiit-h User% Guids............................... a Displaying Dosoriptorx .......................................... 2 z ........................................... 33 A%tiwctitiitis .......................' ..........'.... %klJti~ ................................................ a ...................................................... a Other Trwbb conditions...................................... 33 ..............................a PRmEDuREs EVENTmNG

GENERAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lNTRODLfCTtONTO THE CONTROL. ........................... ~ . suMAARYoF41~SY51EMmnmEs ............. 5 mmowcnm TO P~ED SYSTEMS............... 6 Suit Psr6tkmii Futures .................................... 6 ~ of pu6fii ........................................ 6 Global PmWoningFosmms6 Rasw-s .................. 6 ~ Spsoi6cF~ ..................................... 6 ZONE CONFIGURATtONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 7 ZONE IVPE DEFINlmONS......................................... 7 SAStc9 mwiREDzaES ................................... 7 Zono l ................................................................ 7 zon@ 9................................................................ 7 Zonoc 24 ............................................................ 7 2-WIWOJNG LOOP (thtf@ibSX LooP)..................... : . ........................................................... Polling laop Dwioss............................................. 8 WIRELESS EXPANSION ........................................... 9 =4RF Rowiwrs ..................................... DO* .................. . -ting m- *W*=



......................................................... @

Houso l~ntifmtin .............................................. 9 Tmnsmittor ldsntifiosfb. ....................................... 9 Sdftsrtim D@mrrnins Houso10......................... 9 Ctrodrhg TmnsmitmrHwso IDs.............................. 9 GoNo * T@st .... ......................................... e M =ti~tiNdiOS ....................................... : ............................................... Wxdossbns Typos ............................................ 10 Adti80tis .......................................................... lD Wxss Dwioos................................................. 10 Ill, PERIPHERAL DEVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 REMOTEcONmLEs .............................................. 11 5137AD ~sdls A@hs LCD Cor?sds ................. 11

...................................................... a

Dmplsy a Print Modes...................................... x Closr Event @ ................................................... ~


. m Calsdn .................. ..................11 ......................... .........................11 9%$s2ss ..............................11 surtsos Moun6ng610calsdos ......................... 11 hsubl, Consola DIP ~
Powot%?Q ddidon,l C@lsobs..,........................ t2 A .... FlustIMounAng hTrkn Ring10t(51~ W ............. ti A@sting ms AlphsCorlsdsvi Angls...............l2 EXTERM4L =NDE% ........................................... * ............................................ 13 ............................................ 13 UL lnsMation8 ................................................... W -* ~ ........................................... 13 Sh6xJy .............................................. 13 ............................................................... 13 Zonoc 2-8 ........................................................... u ................................. rl%-~y~ .................. ............. : ...................................... a MrslsssSmok@~ PASSIVE INFRARED DETECTORS.... ..... ...... .. ........ 13 GSREAKDETEC_ .................................... $4 P~UNECU4NE~ ....................................M cOOJOJTORXI~ER OUTPUTS...................... .. M ............................................. M Grwsrdsmrt. ............................................ M Rmnots K9yswitdl (4146)...................................... ~ ~ Consds soundsroP9m40n........................l5 ........... . ... ....... W CONNECTOR J6 INPUTS&~LfTS s EventLoggingPhnK Como@om -~ ~::::::::::::::::::::* 21~Ul;~N: & POWERING .............. ...........ll. ............................................................ Moudf9u@ts41~m Sad.. ........................ 17 ~WG~2ailtlaaMlat .................................... g ........................................ Primary Powor..................................................... m


SYSTEM COMMUNICA~ONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 SpwDud Rspming............................................. z A&moo Low sposd .............................................. : ............................................. SEscmmdma 4+2 ~Wtig ...................................................... 3 4+2 Expms8 ....................................................... s ~,i3!JllJl&$01qRsPor@ ............................... g ............................................ Tabbof CataotlDEwrrt Cdos ............................ s . . ~ m........................= PROGRAMMING THE SYSTEM ................... 27 GENERAL PROGRMMNG PROCEDURES ................. z Commdosbon DsfwH Progmmmin3 ....................... D UssrFIWK3yZons,Dsvios& AlphsProgmmmkq ....... 27 .............................................. 27 Programming SbpS COMMUNiCA~ P~NG ...........................a ................................................. a a~ brIFti ................... a =Y~ ~ w ~ -~ @ p................... . ................................. .................................... B .......................................... a .................................................... a arwh@mrmhg ............................................... a ............................................. m .............................................. 3t Enmrklg Zons Dsso@@m ..................................... 3f m Cus&rl Wds ..... .................................... 3t cm8ting Pardbn Doson@m................................. 31 Cmdnga ~ Msssqs .................................. S! V~d~ In Msmofy ............................. a DOWNLOADING PRIMER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . nsmfoci THE SYSTEN . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . 34 tJsinQTest Mods.................................................. a SysWm Test.............................................. 3t Tming ti ~ -B AmUser........... ............ x uLfNSTALLATtoN REWWEMENTS.............. ............ a . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . 35 T-ESHOOTING ........................................................... HARD-WIRED ZoNEs 1+ ......................................... : ................................................................... 3 WRELESS............................................................ s ................................................ 9 CaAuncAmats

Vlll. lx.



Su&up .

................................................... * .................................... : .................................... ............................................ ...................... : ................. 16

SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 38 xl. X11. 41sOWH OPERATION k WIRING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 DtP SWITCH S-G TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 PROGRAMMING FORM ... ....... ......... .. ....... 43 tNDExTo PRDGmMFIELm ....................... ............47


2. 3. 4. SYSTEM .. .... .................... ....................... ......................... .. .......... .... .. .. .. ............. .. ..5 ADDRESSABLE CONSOLE WfTH DIP SWITCH ............................................................................. 11 SURFACE MOUNTING THE CONSOLES ... .... .................. ........... ...... ...... .. .. .... ... .. .......... ............ .. .11 PARTITIONED POWERING ADDITIONAL CONSOLES .... .......... .. ...... ......... .... .. .. .. ...... ................. .................... .....l

2 2

6. 7. 0. 9.



...... ............ .. ...... .... ................. .. ........... .. ...................... .......l 2 THE N~EPMTE ......................................................f


J7 ............. ................. .......................... .................... ...... .................... ...... ... ........ ... 14 START MODULE .................... ................................ ........ ........ ......................................14 MRING SOUNDING . ....... ........ .. .. .. ........... .. .... .. ........c... ................. ............ ............... .. ..l 5 DIAGRAM ........... .............. ........... .............. ................. ........ ....... 15 . .............. .... ............. .. .. .. .......... .... ....... ..................... 16 ............................................................................16


11. 12. 13. ~14. 15. 16.






THE PC BOARD ............. ............................................................................................ 17 THE CABINET LOCK ... ................................................. ................. ............................. 17 WIRING DIAGRAM .................. .... .. .. ..... ........ .. .... ...... .. .. ... .......... .... .......... .38 OF CONNECTIONS DIAGRAM .....................................................................................39





NOTE: At hast orw 5137AD consob must b. used with this system. ) J The VISTA 4140XMPT Oontrol is a micropmcasaor baaed, Programming can be performed at the office prior to programmable, partitioned syslom, and features EEROM inatal~!on, or on the job site directly from the czmaole,or can memory technology (power baa does not result m tha loss of be downbadad from a remote locationor at the pb site (using information). The Control supports up to 9 wired zones of a PCAsptopwith 41 OOSMSerial Modub) by usingthe Ademco protection, expandable to 64 zones (wired and/or wireless) 4130PC Downloading Software. For installer oonvenienca, using 2-wirs polling bop devices, andlor wireless transmitters the Control is Pm-programmed with a sot of standsrd values (5700 serias), and supports alpha (5137AD) display oxwoias. that ia designed to meet the needs of marry installations. Before installing this partitioned system, become completely These values, however, can be changed to suit ths needs of familiar with the partitioning concepts, including zone any particular installatmn. The Control can also be predWibution (each zons can be assigned to only one partition), programmed by the installer with one of four standard user code usage and authority levels, and the friendly alpha communication default programming values, thus further saving time and effort. console programming for zones and descriptors.

SYSTEM IN GENERAL . Up to 8 bgical partitiin~of operation, and supports up to sixteen 5137AD consoles. . Built-in Polling Loop interface, with polling loop terminals located on the panels terminal block, allows expansmn to 64 zones. up . Supports up to 50 tatching type 2wire glass break detectors on zono 8. . Supports up to 16 2-wire smoke detectors on zone 1. . Quick (forced) bypasa feature bypaases all faulted zones with singie key entry sequence (Oode + BYPASS + #). . Memory-of -alarm feature. which, upon disarming the system, automatically displays all zones that were in an alarm condnion WW the system was armed. . Seif resatting circuit breaker protection eliminates the need to replace blown oartridge fuses. . Built-in Users Manual (5137AD onty). By depressing qnd holding any o~the function keys on the oonsde for 5 xplanatbn of that seconds, q brief q particular funotion aorolta qcrosa the atpha-numaic d-y. . Afl programmed descriptors can be displayed (one at a time) by pressing and holding the READY key for 5 seconds, then releasing the key. This sewes 8s q check for instafiera to be sure qftdescriptors are qntered properly. . Large oabinet with removable door for easier instafiations.

. Up to 128 user sacurii oodes (max.

99 par partition)can be programmed, each with various levels of authoriiy. Installer code override faaturo. Inetalier coda will disarm system only if it was uaad to arm the system. All zones and partitions can be assigned atpha deacriptiins. Up to 20 custom words can be addad to the buitbirrvocabulary. Thalatter%-or-s oanbaaddadto descriptors. programming for Easy oommunbation fields. Simply qnter the desired code for qaoh zone. Communication defauff programming can babadad anytime, anddoasnot affect non-communication program fiefds. Diracf wire downbading sari be done without q modem, using q PC or La@op computer and 4100SM Sariaf Modufa. Easy programming of zones using #93 Menu Mcda.


COMMUNICATION All 64 zones cart report to a cantrai station using any repofiing format. q Callback defeat option for downloadhg. q Real-Time cfock included for time related functions. NOTE: 5137AD console must be used to set the reaitime clock, or can be set using Oownbader software. q Random AC Loss and AC Restore reporting option eends report randomty from 10-40 minutes after AC Iosa, to hetp prevent central stations from receiving an overload of reports dua to ama blackouts. q Intelligent test reporting option means teat reptma will not be sent if arty other report was sent within the programmed test report interval.  Sptit/Dual reporting communicator option. q Optii to afbw q oancal report to be sent, qvon after Bell Time-out has qnded.  PC Downbader abiiity to command output vottage triiger to pulse on for 2 seconds.

Parfmning Arcftiirs





SYSTEM partlt toning

q n ovarvlow of t ho 4140XMPT ~hlo soctlon 1s Intondcd to ohm you, tho Installer, sp~cts of tho panel, oonoepta. For spaclfk quastiotw on progrsntrnlng or using specific q THE SYSTEM sections of this manuai. to the SYSTEM OPERATfON qnd PROGRAMMING

plosae rofor

+ The 4140XMPT represents the iateet in apace pmtadion mohndogy. Combining wired, wirefesa and wiling loop xonos into one environment. A petitioned powarfui wntrol. the 4140XMPT & q ~ntroi communicator capable of suwrting a true ~itionti onvironrnant is one whereby muftipio unmiatad users wish to be protected by q saourity system yet aech user raquims the operational freedom * have tho system behave as if it was theirs and theirs alone. Thb global definition impiks a bt of things in terms of the required fasturos of tho equ@manf you will install. Some basic foatums qre fisted below

BASIC PARTfTIONING FEATURES Easy to use qnd program as the simpieat alarm system.  irttagrity of aecurhy is not oompromiaed for arty usats of the system. q hhwant miiabiiii of the partitioned syatom is equal * a stand alone aiarrn system it purchased Saparmoly.  Flexible numbar of consobs per partitiin (UP to 16 qnyway you want to assign th.m!) q 128 User Codes assigned virtualiy anyway you want them (99 msx per any partition, otherwise no restricfiirrs) Enough to handle the largest commercial pbs. q M zones em~yi~ wired, wireless or multiplex technobgy (install any mix for any type of amstruction chailengas!)  Appropriate sounds and massages to assigned ansoias only (Each system appears to be independent to users)  Abiiii to inhbit other mnsoias from using your paftition (Total saourffy in a strip mall environment)  xampb) =10 fundion provides ~ss to other partitions (fcieaifor executive access to factory for q  ut~ per partition (Allows key paopb in a partitiin to have campiate oontrol qnd iimit eystem tampering Muftii bvois d q by Othere)  Arty zone can be assigned to any particular partitiin (Easy to instail, allows logical assignment by the daabr)  nd inteifigent parMionmns programming hap (Siipiifies the programming q reduces errors)  nd Programmable 4-charac@r Partition name displayed when needed (No need to memorize numbers - name q number qre shoivn you) for EXAMPLES OF PARTtTtONING in surveying deaiers throughout the country, we have iearnad of two giobai appiiitiona for partitioned control panels. One is q typical two family house (residential), the other q Factory/Offiie environment (commercial). Theee broad dassifiodions can batter be understood by way of exampias. rrived at a pb site to lWO FAMiLY HOUSE: YouWe just q ystem quote q security system. The ownor wants an alarm q whkh ha oan use for his famify (living upstairs) AND ha afso wants b provide protection for the aaparata living quarters of his mother (iiirtg downataira with aeparata qnfranoe). The owner obviously wants to keep oo$ts down yot provide protadion and flexibility for hm mother iiving downstairs. You GLOBAL PARTtTiONING FEATURES AND RESOURCES in any system, oartain physical system components q nd features qre shard by ali pertitiins or assigned to a speoifii Dartition. in the 4140XMPT, tha foibwintt eiemertts are



l..*Muuhb *nnm9uailir

in q ddition to the physioaf devioas whioh qre shared, the system shares some software features on q global basis as

oouidchooaatoirtstatlatradiil aiamrpanalto kaepmsts ither the down, but the system would be very limiting for q
mothor or tho upstairs family. To moot the fioxibWy roquimmonts q s deeired, you oouid install two traditiinai qiarm panels, but the cost might cause you to bse the business. Now you can quote the 4140XMPT with oonfiienod FACTORY/OFFiCE: You arrive at q smafi manufacturing cmoem boiting to pmvido proteion throughout tMr offiis as woil as ttiir factory. The very nature of the business ia nd such that factory wrkara mrrre to writ at 730AM q bava at 4PM, whifa the offkes are open 830AM to 6WPM. Some q xocutivas wan want to stay late at night or oomo W to wotk after 6WPM. irtetafiii two panais (one for the faotory, one for the offiis) would oartainiy work at q aret premium, t but think of ati the comptox.hy whan ownors triedo gain ~ to the factory after hours...two aoceas oodes to remember, aooidarttai false atarrtte. Even the reef frustration ofrtot W~ngabie topmparfy Pr09ramth. twosyatornsto qifow qasy aoceas from the faotory to offii or vice varsai htstaffthe 4140XMPT, your programming pmbfams qre over, ~ g~~lof the buahess wiil approd$ta its fbxbffhy




, .. . . ..


PARTITION SPECIFIC FEATURES nd Many davbes q functions need to be reservad on a partitiin basis to orovide cwoparmaration and flexibility for irtstatfations.


,,:. .


The VISTA 4140XMPT System albws up to 64 zones of hard-wire, pollingbop andlor wirebss protection,distributedamong up to 8 partitions. Each zone must be assigned to a zone type, which dafhes the way in which the system responds to faults in that zone. In sdditkm, there are three keypad activated zones (PANIC keys, see note below) for each partition, a polli loop supervision zone, and four RF supmisory zones, tvm for each 4280 or 4260-8 RF Receiver installed. TYPE 1: ENTRYEXIT #1 Used for the primary entry/exit route (ox: front door, main entrance). TYPE 2: ENTRY/EXIT #2 Used for a secondary entry/exit route (ox: Garage door, bading ti door, basement door), where more time might be needed to get to and from the ~nsole. TYPE 3: PERIMETER BURGLARY Used for exterior doors and/or windows whmh require an instant alarm when violated. TYPE 4: INTERIOR BURGLARY (FOLLOWER) Used for areas where an entry delay is required only If an entry/exit delay zone is faulted first. TYPE 5: DAY/NIGHT BURGLARY USsd for zones WMI anain a foil-protected door or window (such as in a store), or to a zone cevering q sensitive area such as a stock room, drug supply room, etc., Or othor controlled access area where immediate notificafiin of an entry is desired. TYPE 6: 24 HOUR SILENT ALARM This zone type is generafly assigned to q zone mntainings Hofd-up or Panic button that is designed to initiate qn afarm report to the Cantrat Station, but whti produces no visual displays or alarm sounds (ox: banks, pwelry exwnters). TYPE 7: 24 HOUR AUDIBLE This type also assigned to a zone containing q Panic button, but whch will initiate an audible alarm in sddiin to an afarm report to the Central Station (ox bedside panic). ~PE 8: 24 HOUR AUXIUARY This type assigned to a zone containing a button for use h personal emergencies or to a zone containing monitoring devms such qs water sensors. temperature sensors, qtc. Designed to initiate qn alarm report to the Central Station and larm sounds and alarm displays. only provides Console q TYPE 9: SUPERVISED FIRE Used for zones containing smoke detectors, heat datectors, pull stations, MC. An open in this zone will initiate a trotJbb larm (pulsed eignsl. A short in this zone will initiate a fire q q xternal sounder and report to central station). TYPE 10: INTERIOR BURGLARY (DELAY) Thii type is similar to type 4, except that entry delay ~ms whenever sensors in thii zone are violated, regardless of whather or not an entry/exit delay zone was faulted first NOTE FOR PANIC KEYS Keypad panic zones share the same zone roeponse type for nebbd for all 8 partitions, but panics may be individually q each partitikm. IMPORTANT! FAULT ANNUNCIATION Polling bop and RF faults (zones 88-91 & 97) will report as nd trouble cmditions only, q qs such, should be assigned q ither zone type 00 if no annunciation is desired, or zono nnunciatbn as trouble mndiiion is desired. See type 05 if q FAULT ANNUNCfATION notes in POLLING LOOP and WIRELESS EXPANSfON sectionsfor more information.




ZONE 1 nd This zone has a 350 rnillisacsnd response q can ba assigned to any zone type. ft ~ be EOLR supervised or cbsed circuit unsupervised as required (the red PCB jumper is used to make this sabction). This zone is the only zone that can support up to 16 2-wire smoke detectors. See SMOKE DETECTOR CONFtGURATfON section for q fist of compatible detectors. When use of the EOLR is sebcted (red jumper intact), both open circuit and dosed circuit devices can be used. Connect closed-circuit devices in series with the bop wires, and connect open circuit devices in paraflel across the bop wires. The 2,000 ohm EOLR must be connected across the loop wires at the last device. When use of the EOLR is disiled (red jumper cut), only closed circuit devices can be NOTE: EOLR supervision must be selected whenthii zone is used as a fire zone. Maximum zona resistance, excluding EOLR, is 100 Ohms. ZONE 9 This zone is unsupawised and can be assigned to any zone type except fire. Only dosed-circuit devices can be usad. Connect these devices in series with one another between terminals 22 & 23 (see SUMMARY OF CONNECTIONS Diagram). This zone can be programmed for either normal responee (350msec, the default responso) or for fast response (1 Omsec). This zone is suitabfe for monitoringfast q cting glass break sensors or vibration sensors when programmed for fast response. Avoid using mechanical

magnotie or rday type contacts in this zone when programmed for fast response. Not. that tho maximum resistance for thb zone is 300 ohms. ZONES 2 THROUGH 8 These zones have a 350 milfis~nd roapoma and can be assigned toenyzonetyps. Ttteycenba EOLRauparviaedor dosed circuii unsupervised, as required (program field 41 deterrninos whether or not these zones will use fhe 2,000 ohm EOLR Enter [1] in fiafd q to d41 the use of EOLRS on zones 2 through 8). ff programmed for use with EOLRS, both closed-circuit and open-circuit devices can be used t with the 2,000 ohm EOLR resistor across the bop wkas q the fast device. ff the use of EOfRe is diaabfed ~41-1), only clod-oircutt devices can be used. zOttS 8 has the SddSd C8pSbiky Of SUppOdng Up tO 602 wire, latching type glass break detectors. See GLASS BREAK DETECTORS section for q list of compatible detectors. These detectors may be reset at the oonaob in the same manner se two wire smoke detectors. (i.e. asoond entry of %)FP sequence). zone 8 should be oonfiiurad es m EOLR type zone when glass break detectors are used. The maximum resistance per zone, excluding EOLR, is 300 ohms for zones 2-7, and 100 ohms for zone 8. NOTE: ff fatting type devices are insfafbd on both zones 1 ssigned to dtierent partitions, & 8, and these zones qre q there IS q POSSIMY ths4 d both dewcss go mto afarm at the G -7-



POLLING LOOP EXPANSION (Zones 10 through 64)

INTERCOM INTERFERENCE If an into~m aystom is being used, the pollrng Iwrp wires must bs as far from the imsrcom wiring as poasibb (miniium 6-). tf this spacing cannot be achieved, shielded wire must be used. If thii is not done, irtterforonca on the intermm system might occur. Abo note that the maximum total wire bngth supported is cut in half when shmldad wire is used. ADVISORIES The maximum allowable ourrant draw on tho polling bop is 64mA. Ftafor to tho POLLING LOOP CURRENT DRAW WORKSHEET (found in the POWERING THE SYSTEM section of this manual) for currant draws of various polling bop devices. If more than 64mA is being drawn, use of the mther toopwith 64mA avmtabb. 4197 provides q Mah cartsin to indurh tho total currant drawn on the polling bop in the AUXILfARY CURRENT DRAW WORKSHEET (sea POWERING THE SYSTEM section) when fiiuring the total power supply. auxiliary bad on the

GENERAL lNFORMATtON Tho 4140XMPT provides a buift-in 2. wire polling toop intatiaoa whbh q llows the number of zones to be q tpmdad from the basic 9 zones to up to 64 zones using various RPMs, and the 4280 RF Raoaiver. Sse babw for q tist of armpstfbta sensors. Thapoftii bopprmMaa powartoaensorsand aervasasa communbatbn path between the panel and sensors. Eaoh sensor must be aasignod q unqus address tO number (frmm 10-64) bafora bdmg oonnectod to the polling hop. Most sensors have DIP switches for thb purpose. Sea the DIP SWITCH SIVfllNG TABLE FOR POLLING LOOP DEVICES for information on how to assign lD numbers using DIP awhchas. Care must be taken to assign unqua tD numbers nd to S* sensor mordor to atbw tho panel to supervise q provide unquo oonaole status indbatiins for individual sensors. connect thcsa sensors ~ terminate 24 & 25. Sensorsan :?adto q singlerun, or groups of sensors may be eon 2 aaparat. wire nJnSwithout affecting the abiin Jpewiso individual swtsora. Follow the wiring tirucm. ,vaprovided with irtdiiual aansOra (4180WH Wing nd diagram is provided at the q of this manual). Be sure to oberva sensor polarity when wiring. Ilta maximum albwabfs wire run tength batwmn tho panel and tho last sensor on q givanwiraru niaasfdbwa:




FAULT ANNUNCIATtON nd Since the polling bop q tho RF racaivar(s) qre shared among the 8 partitions, the scheme for annunciating their failure is 6s follows: Respective faults (for zones 86-916 97) will report 86 trouble oonditiins only, and as such, should be assigned either zone type 00 if no qnnundatbn is desired, or zone type 05 if q nnunciation as troamdhion is desired. tf the polling boP or RF tink faifs, the corresponding zone number will display a ach panitibrt that uses the devioa that trouble oondiibn for q failed. In addition, aft zones asaooiatad with that dsvbs will indicate q fautt condition. The troubia condition will not to interfere with theabilityqrm thepartitkm, but thefaults must first be bypauad.

s22gau@a@650bat mall
s20gsugs@s60kaImax q 4gmlga@mootastmsx

NOlt Twlsmd m raammsndsd tordnorrrdwbllms.

816 9su9s@2400hetmax IMPORTANT: The maximum oombinad polling bop run is 4000. t! using shielded wire, tho maximum is 2000. If bngar wire runs w. neadad, a 4197 Loop Extondar Module must be used (sea inatndorts indudod with the 4197). POLUNG LOOP DEVICES

qectlon See PERIPHERAL DEVICES detootoro compatlblo polllng loop qrook. psodvo Infrared motton dotootors.



4184 Surtaoa Mounted Read Contaot


(Wide Gap) W@e gap aurfaoa mounted raad oontacf with buift-in RPM, which k DIP switch programmabb.

4208 Eight Zono Polllng Loop Eapattdon Moduta 4197 Polllna LOOD ExWtdor Module s Uudtosupewise upto8hard+vkad daviasviatha PoltiIIE . Can be u~ if the-2-wira po8ing bop must be greater than rooks dat@tofs. @p. NOTE Doos not st@port 2-wke q the raootnmwtded bngth (40W mu). By installing q 4197 q Sat DtPawkhea toidontify 8 zonea. q the qnd of the first loom tha @iin9 fooP -n bS t q The fm tvm zones can be either normal or fast response cmtinuad. If more than 84mA naads m be drawn from the polling bop to power RPMs, use of the 4197 provides (DIP Swttdt aalaotabb). anothor bop with 64ntA avaifabb. q Afl zones ue EOLR supmised (fkst six zones = 4.7k ohms, battwmzonas =20kohms), provWedwith tha4208. s connects to the polfirtgbop and is powered fmm wxiiiiry power or by q separate 729 power suppfy with battery backup. 4190WH Two Zone Rarnota Pobtt Moduts
q q


Wiaa2hard-wirad daviouviatha pdtiibop.

DtP Swk ?Jmgremmabk q Thaleft zoneoanba EOLR suparviaad, tfnaossssrY, and oan aowpt dther ~ or ctoaad oirouft sensors. The right nd oan aooept dosed circuit zone is unsupervised q sensors only. Rofor @ the 41wWN OPERATION sactbn at thaanddthiirnanuat formoro~.


4280/4280-8 RF RECEIVER The system supports up to 83 wimbsa tmnamitters (5700 xpand tho syetom series), plus a 5727 wiretass keypad. To q using wireless, one or two 4280 RF Raceiiora (or 4280-8 if only 8 wirelesszones are used) mustbe connected to the nd polling loop. The 4280 receives status q slarm signals from wireless transmitters (@345MHz USA; 315MHz Canada) within a nominal range of 200 feat, and relays this informationto the control via the polling hop. Two 4280s can ither a greater q rea of coverage, or be used to provide q provide redundant protection. IMPORTANT Note that if using two RF Receivers, one of them must be powered from auxifiiry power. For more information regarding the 4280 instailatkm, refer to the installation instructionsprovided with the 4280. E: Unless stated otherwise, references 10 the 4280 Receiver represent the 4280 andlor4280-8 Receivers. PROGRAMMING NOTE All RF zones must be designated as such in their raspacfivo program fields (11 8-1 25). Any zone from 1-83 can be designated qs an RF zone. To enable q zone as wireless, simply qntar q1 in the bcation for that zone, or us. the #93 ZONE PROGRAMMING method. Be oaroful when ithor dealgnathtg RF zonee. If you want q zone to be q q nabb &as hard-wired or on tho pelting loop, but ~rttaity nabfa overrides RF, the system will ignore that zone. RF q wire! nabbd as RF ff using a 4280-8, onfy up to 8 zones oan be q nabled, the meseaga zorws. ff more than 6 zones qre q SET-UP ERROW will be diaphyad.



TRANSMITTER lDENTIFICATfON Each transmitter haa its own unique tD number (Zone #), whii is DfP switch programmabb in q ach unit. Whenever q tmnamisaiin takes ptaca, q ither for an afarm, fautt, check-in bng with the massage or tow battery, ths ID number is sent q to the 4280 which, in turn, relays this information to the nd control panel, whii displays the condition q zone number on the console. See the DfP SWITCH TABLES FOR WfRELESS DEVICES at the end of this mmuaf, for individual transmitter settings. SNIFFER MODE FOR HOUSE ID (ado + [#1 + [2]) To check for house fDa being used in nearby systems, set the DfP switches in the 4280 for q House ID of 00- (all switohes up), then enter your installerCode=+ [#]+ [2]. The 4280 will now sniff= out any House IDs in the qrea and diapfay them. Keeping the 4280 in this mode for about 2 hours will give a good indicationof the house fDa beiig used. xit To q the Sniffer Mode, simply key your inataUer code + OtXWfifi:t your house ID to one not displayed in the . IMPORTANT: Since Sniffer Mode affectively diaabba merad Wlb anv mint raceotirw Sniffer Moda oannot be q . rtitionisarmid. J CHECKfNG TRANSMflTER HOUSE IDs (Oode q [q q p]) ti To check that q transmitters have bean set for the propar houaalD, aetfha4280 totheproparhouaa lDandontartha Inatalbr codo + [#] + [3]. Aft tranemittere that have been q tablad for tho parthii in whfch the test was irdfbted wifl be diapfayed. * aach tranamhtor checks in (up to 2 hours), Its ID number wilt disappear. A faster way to do this is to fault q ach transmffter, wh@ cauaaa q tmnsmiasion to be sent to tho 4280. When afl transmlttera have checked in, there shouid be no tD numbara displayed. ach partftbn that uses RF NOTE: Repeat this procedure for q tranamlttem. BUILT4N QO/NO GO- TEST MODE (Patontod) ach This mode helps determine tho best bcatbn for q transmitter and is activated by putting the control panel in nd removing tho 4280s covor. The the TEST mode q racefvera aanaitii is reduced by haft. Once transmitters qre pfaced imtheir dasired locations q nd theq pproximate length of who to be run to sensors is oonnocted to the ach transmitter. transmitters screw terminab, opan circuit q flonotcunducfthi atsafwithyourhan d~atoimdthe transmitter. ff q shtgb 4280 is used, the conaob wilt beep three times to indii signal reception. #two 4280s are uaad, theconaob wifi beep once if the fti 4280 received the signal, twice ffthe nd second 4280 received the signaf q three times if both raceivara heard the signal (which is daaimbb for redundant confiiumtions). tt the oonsota doos not beep, reorient or movo the ither transmitter to another boatiin. Usuafly q few inches in q diraotion is atl that k required. mer the To exft thii mode, replace the 4280s cover, then q instafler coda and proaa OFF. Not. that the Receivers aenaftii is fully restored when the cow is rafkad.


SUPERVISION Each transmitter (except 5701 and 5727) is auparvised by q check-in $ignal that is cent to the receiver at 70-90 mhruto intewals, ff at least one Check-in b not received from q transmitter within q programmed intervat (field 131 ), the nd console will dmpiay the transmitter number q WHECW will be displayed. Each transmitter (including 5701 and 5727) is qlso supervised for low battery conditbns, and wffttransmit q bw battwy signal to the 4280 when the battery has approximately 30 days of life ramaining. The consofe wilf display the tmnsmittor number and %0 BAr. NOTE: After replacing a bw or dead battery, activate the nd nter the security c@de + OFF to dear ita transmitter q q memory of the low Batter signal. The 4280 itself is afao auperviaed three waya: 1. ff the cover of the 4280 is removed, q TROUBLE wift be ssigned in disptayed for zones 89 or 91 (if type 05 is q field 109). 2. ff the connection is broken between the 4280 and the control panal, a TROUBLE wifl be diapfayad for zones 89 or 91 (i type 05 is assigned in fiotd 109). In addtin, aff zones associated with the RF device will report a troubb conditiin. 3. If, within q progmmmad interval of time, the 4280 does not hear trom any of its tmnsm~ra, q TROUBLE will appear for zones 88 or 90 (if type 05 is assigned in fwld 109). HOUSE fDENTfFfCATfON The 4280 responds onty to transmhtera with the same house ID (DIP awitoh programmable from 01-31). Thb pravants system intorfomnce from transmfttors in other newby aystema. To mdce sure you do not cfwose a Houaa ID that is in US* nearby, put the system in the Sniffer Mode, which b described fater in thm section.



IMPORTANT BA17ERY NOTICE Tho VISTA wimbss tranarnittws are designed to provkfe bng battery life under normal operating conditions. Longevity of batteries may be qs much qs 4-7 years depending on the q vironmont, usage, q the specific WKSIOSS nd device bshg used. Extomal factors such as humidity, high or low tampamturas, as well as large swings in temperature may all raduco the actual battery iii. in a ghran installation. The VISTA wirobss system can identify a true low battery situation, thus allowing the deabr or user of the system time nd to arrange q change of battery q maintain protection for that given point within the system. WIRELESS ZONE TYPES Each RF zone can be programmed to respond as any zone type such as ENTRY/EXtT, INTERIOR, PERIMETER, etc. (sss the ZONE lWES section for q cmrtplete axplanatbn of each zone type). Desired aiamt responses areas Ioibws 6. Refer to the maximum polling loop wirs runs described in the POLLING LOOP sktio; when connecting 4280s to the polling hop. lMPORTA~ The maximum combined polling tip run is 4000. H using shielded wire, the maximum is 2000. FAULT ANNUNCIATION Since the polling bop and the RF receiver(s) are shared qmong the 8 partitions, the scheme for annunciating their failure is as folbws: Respective fautrrl (for zones 88-91 & 97) wiii report as trouble conditions only, and as such, should be assigned either zone type 00 if no annunciation is desired, or zone type 05 if annunciation as trouble condition is desired. if the polling loop or RF iink fails, the corresponding zone number will display a troubte condiikrn for aach partition that uses the device that ii faiisd. in addition, q zones associated with that device wiil indicate a fault condition. The trouble condition wiil not interfere with the abifii to arm the partition, but the faults must first be bypassed. WIRELESS DEViCES for

24 HourParic udible) (sdentor q Dsynwght Bur@ary 2 Ho      Allrlllmru m :OT:S . f40ts tht ZOIWS 143 can be USSd, ut have the fdkwi~ b for fimiidons: Tmnsmittsmsat zones46-55 M transmit~ q my 12 secondswtrii uw zone is faulted.Transmitters satfor Zolws 56-63 win walwmitOrra awry 3 ssoo* Whii faulted. Theso two ranges ot zone numbets could advarsstydtsct ~smhter banmy life. Transmitters form ID of 32 ~gh sat U 47 will hew q 3 minute fockut batwsen transmissions. se this test mngo of zone ID numbers for sensors protecting ~-doomwwif ltibc-emt$at mytife. ;mnsm!tW IDs 46 though 55 havehigkt si~ priw@. W* mnsrmtwlDs 62md63usunsupsnJisad @vrramovatot m
r .,. -,. -

46 dwougrr 5(57a 5 46ttsaq 620r63 1 tr~h., 4+ ~ thnutnh q

S.. tho Peripheral DEViCES section wireieas smoke detectors compatible passive infrared motion doteotors.


5701 Panic Transmitter ither silent or q udbia 24 hour alarm . Progmmmabta for q (can be DIP switd programmed for zones 62 or 63). 5711 Sllmline Dcor/Window Transmitter q Can be used with any dosed arcuit sensor. NOTE: Can be used on any zone 1-63 but, it programmed for zones 3247, there wili be a 3 minute iock-out between transmissions. 5711 WM Door/Window Transmitter w/Reed Switch q Siimiine doortwindow tmnsmitter with buitt-in reed switch (magnet inciuded). Can be used with any closed circuit ssnsor. NOTE: Can be used on any zone 1-63 but, if progmmmad for zmes 32-47, there will be q 3 minute bckout between transmissions. 571 5WH Univorsai Transmitter . DiP switch saiectabb for fast response, open or closed circuit sensor usage, and has q tamper protected cover. Use in appiiiions where open circuit heat detectors qre needed or wham fast rasponae devices qre needed. NOTE: Can be used on any zone 1-63 but, if programmed for zones 32-47. there will be q 3 minute tock.out between transmissions. 5727 Wireiose Keypad q Wkeiess keypad that can be used to turn the burgiary protection on and off, and features the same buitt-in panic functions as wired consobs for either sibnf or audible 24 larm. An LED indication iiihts each time a key is hour q pressed to verify transmission (LED boated in the ~] READY key). q The keypad is identified as zone Wr when it transmits low battery messages. Ths keypad panics qre idontifbd as %~!g~ [#l, W for [#]+ [3], and W5- for ~]+ [1] if . S716 Door/Window Transmitter q Can be used with anY open or closed circuit sensor (DiP switch selectable), and features a built-in read switch. NOTE Can be used on any zone 1-63 but, if progmmmed for zones 3247, thers wilt be a 3 minute Iook+ut between tmnsmissions.

be 5701Orf remises p -signal priorityis fowrhsnthet offire, buthigherhanburglary. t

ADVISORIES 1. Do not place tmnsmtttors on or near metal objects. This wifi dsoraaea rang. tir bbck tmnsmissiins. 2. Ptaca the 4280 in q high, centrafiy bcatad ama for boat raoeption. Do not ptaca racsivar on or near metal objects. 3. Tho 4280 roceivor must be at least 10 feat fmm tho Control panel or any remoto censolos to qvoid intedoronce from their micaoprccassor. 4. When connecting a door/window contact to q 57t 1, 5711 WM, or 5715 transmitter, avoid q wire bngfh of 20-24 inches. Thii particular length dacraasss range. A shoner or bngor bngth has no effect. UL NOTE: For UL Housohold Burglary Installations, wired ioops connocted to these xceed 3 foot. dwicos cannot q 5. tf duai 4280s or 42808s am used: ach other, as wsli A. Both must be at iaast 10 loot from q as from the Controi panel and remote oonsofas. B. One of the 4280s or 4260-8s must be powered from xcasd 64 mA poiiing foop Aux. power so as not to q current rating. C. The house iDs must be the same. D. Using two Ftsceivers doss not incmaso the number of transmitters the system can support (63 transmitters, pius a wirebss keypad).


GENERAL The 4140XMPT supplies up to 750 ti of auxitiary power tir rmrrote consoles, pelting bop devices andbr other auxiliary devices such as motion detectors or 4-wiro smoko detectors. The 4140XMPT supports, independent of q uxiliary powor considerations, up to 16 5137AD addressable romoto consoles. Up to 8 cortsobs can be uxitiary powor output provided that the powered from the q total current drawn from this output does not axoeed 750 mA. You must keep this in mind wtmn adding rsmoto consoles so you dent ovordraw current from tho parwl. This would resuft in q battwy which doos not charge properly or possibly q tripped auxiliary solid state circuii brwkor. It the auxiliary load is determined to be greater than 750 mA, then additional consolos can be powered from a separate power supply. The diagram on the next page shows how to make connections to the s~ate power supply. 44w smokedstscws csnnotbeusedbULUsmd@iation$. 5137AD ADDRESSABLE ALPHA LCD CONSOLE q Equipped with a programmtile 2-line, 32.cftaracter (16 characters par line), backlit alphanumeric LCD for complete zone identificatmn in English language (if descriptors are programmed). Keys are also backfii. q An alarm sounder is buitt in, eliminating the need for q separate indoor sounder. q DIP switch selectable tD number, which aflowe cortsob to display unique, partitiin spscifii messages. q 90mA current drew. PROGRAMMING THE CONSOLES Consobs must be programmed for type, parUtbn number and oundor suppression options. Refer to the console q q sction (DEVICE PROGRAMMING THE SYSTEM PROGRAMMING) for instructions. WIRING CONSOLES Consoles may be wired to a single wire run or indtiual consoles may be connected to separate wire rune. The maximum wire run bngth from the panel to a conaotewhich is homerun back to the panel must not exceed: s22gaugs@450fset msxknum NOTE: Tlwtwlerhofas*rwm szogsugs@700 faetmsximum ~rnllstlmoxcosdm 018 gauge@ I 100bet maximum _~~~~~~w ~~ #169wJ90@17=fsot~ #nldOdmke ff more than one consob is wired to q run, then-the above maximum bngths must be diviied by the number of czmsobs on the run (i... the maximum bngth wwid be 225 feet if twu consobs are wired on a S22 gauge run).


ADDRESSABLE CONSOLE DIP SWfTCH SETTtNGS IMPORTANT! You must eelect qn q ddress of O, 1,2, or 3 if standard defaults era to be programmed, since these ara the only consob addresses enabbd by the standard defautL IMPORTANTI Tho Stsndar4 Defeult ensbtas only these 4 ddrosees (0.$). oensolo q Satattosstonscuuob mons of rhsse-ss0s. use -tDsrlsbb %%%%% addresses, NoTEsoms Wrsionsofdis 5137ADcutdsmsyhswa6 posirion DIP switi. Ths q lxth swltoh Is not wad nd with tho 4140XMPT q shouldbe put in tho UP posltlon. ADDRESS W DO not U80 wddroas 81 with the 4140XNP~. Address 31 causes the conwkJ m Opsrers in mna@rsssaMe mods (Le. like 8 standard, nonad&ossaMs 5M7cmsob).

Note that iii wiring to the wnsobss must be wrr@etodbefore tfre corrsoks can be mounted. 1. Use the tamplati provided (on q 5. Spfii the intarfacs wiring to separate sheet) to mark the the wires on the interface positions on the wall for the connector supplied with Insulated nd mounting bobs q the cut-out consoles). for the wiring. aotdertess wire sptbes (eg. 311)maybeusodforsPlbin9. 2. Pull the interface wiring in the watl through the cut-out. 6. Attach W main body of tho consote to the wstl-mounted 3. Removo the consoles back back cover. TIM console is cover. Remove the securing ttached when it properly q screw at the front of tha wnsob snaps into place. Uso tho to release the back cam. securing screw (previously wiring 4. Pass the interface removed) . to . secure the through the opening in the back . consota tottre McK cover. wve~, than mount the back II cover to the watl with screws.


wl!iw--LB ~,< -/

Pbtwea. sunPAcs MOWmJO~

11 -


POWERING ADDITtONAL CONSOLES Up to 8 consoles can be powered from ths 4140XMPT auxiliary powor output provided that the 750mA rating is not q xceoded. The 4140XMPTS bSdUlp battery Wiit SUpp~ powor to these consoles in the event that AC power is bst. Connect these conaobs using consob wire cobm shown. Additional consoles can be connachd to the system by using a regulated, 12VDC power supply (eg. 487-12 suppliis 12V, 250mA; 488-12 supplies 12V, 500mA). Nets that the maximum number of consoles supported by the system is 16.Connect additional consoles as shown below, using the consob wire mbra shown. Each 5137AD drawa 90rrtA Make ~:d to obsorve the ourrent rstings for the power supply . Wire run lengths from the 4140XMPT to consotas are lied on the previous page ( maximum combined wire run lengths if for all consoles must m OXCSed2000, or 1000 shielded cable is used). IMPORTANT: Make connections directly to the screw terminals as shown. Make no oottnoctlon to the COnSOb bluo wire.

Ths 467-12/488-12 power supplies have a backup battery which can power these cmsoles in the event of AC power toes. Note that oxwobs powered from supphss which do net have a backup battery will not function when AC power is bat. In this ease, make sure to power at bast one amok from the 4140XMPTs auxiliary power output.





FLUSH MOUNTING WITH TRIM RING KtT (5137TRK) 1. Cut out a 4-3/4- high by 8- wide opening in the wall between studs, no bss than 1-lfi from dther stud. Use the template provided to mark the cutaut. 2. Insert the four 1-1~- long #6 aorows through the mounting holes in the Trim Wrg and then attachthe four metal securing dips, as shown in the d~ram. Use only two or three turns of eaoh screw, allowing the metal dips to hang freely. ThtI clips must not protrudo beyond the sides of the Trim Rktg or you will rnt ba abb to installthe Trim Rhg into the cut-out in the next step.



install the tnm nng mto the opanmg m the wall with the hinge clasps to the right. Making sure the trim ring is ach dip screw, making sure thm the straight, tighten q atmchad dlp slides down into its guide track. Install the Oonsob as follows: Engage the hinge deeps on the trim ring with the notches located in the back (right-hand side) of the Oonaoles front panel. Swing the bft side of the panel toward the trim ring (the panel will phmt on the hinge clasps), and press firmly until the panel snapsdosed. Use the panel securing screw (supplied with the Oonsob) to secure the bft side of the panel



!!, . , 4, . ,


.:!. A. Ov*-.. -. . . -.. -.


~~-_~m .




k D

~ ADJUSTING THE AL HA CONSO Insert the end of the smalk key-shaped tool (supplied) into the small hob to the bft of the console display window (the adjustment screw is rooassod in this hole). Turn the adjustment screw to the left or right until optimum viewing is achieved. Be sure to take the height of the users into djustment. account when making thm q






RELAY OUTPUT Tho4140XMPT~ mwotbddsyou@@~bw@d rtsrnsl slsrm soundors. Oonnoctionssrs mark to to powsr q nd tormirmb 4 @ositiW output) q s (nogstivo rsturn). Soo SUMMARY OF CONNECTDNS Disgrmr. NON-UL INSTALLATIONS For non-UL installations, ths totsl ourront drawn from thm output csnnot sxoood 2.8 reps. A bdtsry must bs instaflad si~ this OUrrontis Stt@iSd by tk httwy. UP to * 702 tirommk ti, ti#hmb. wbti719skons b Us@d, Wirsd in psrsflsl.

Whan programm~ 8s srr EOLR supondssd PtRE zons (rat jumporintact and20nstyp.09b Pm9m tiokf*02), upm When sixtoan 2-wiro smoko dotuaors oan b. USA progrsmmsd for fii, tho 00DE + OFF squsntx momontarityintormptspoworto routdwsmokoti-.

,4TH ,1 Ma

UL INSTALLATIONS For UL hmtslbtbns, tho totsl currsrtt drswn fmm this output q tho suxilii powsr output combinod,osnnot q nd xcsd 760 xample, if two BRK PA400 piszo q lsrm soundsrs Wmasmc bss mA For q 1 BmQ661DH widrn@lmX@4mA~,tin~ti~tiSUKW61OH Ionmmon ductdsw. wluHm51mema vailsbls for q uxilimypowor output USS. 24 mA) is q ADVISORIES bovs rncmionsd timhs lMPORTANfi Gohg bsyond tha q htiEO~ktitattkoddtk~,tia zons is not will owrfosd thopower suppfy or may possibly trip ttw boll WOW* s%wwbod. Tho sy8tom may not rsspond to srr output thornd tilt bmskor. oooncimuit within tho20no. COMPATIBLE SOUNDERS dsrm CUrrsnt providsd by this zono is SUtfidSllt to 702 outdoor Slrsn WppOrtopsrs tkmofonf yonodstauor kltttoslsrmOd ststo. q Sstlerwd Sirsn(drlvorblath) Wld Ws8thsrpmof Olmbor tor SSSkhrboryin SASf09HAR0-WIREDZONE ssdion. use.C8nbewk9dtor si6rsrmWa*sound8ndkrsMti 120d6@lots@L lRissimncwI d80ttsmnPsr PrOmcsdorialr ZONES 2 THROUGH S bs mmmtsd in q moml @not (716), which OM bs tsmpsr Thsss20rtas 08nsuppoft ssmsny4-wim uttofcodotsotors protscwd. mo9rtbspoworsd, wtwnprograrmnodua FtRE20ns,tYPs 719 outdoor slrm (Cempast) 09, in progrsmfisld 02. Thsro Sro Onfy* rquirsrnom (1) compsunu-Wudshsn @hmrW6t4n),sndw sshmrdbr Ths20nssmustbsc@@ursd forEOLRsuImisbm and(2) ouMooruao.Cm bowirsdbrsitmra zor Msawrd, wrdis 8 norrnalty-sod, momontary switoh must bs instsllstt in mtadat60=@ 10koLA706SE abbmtiswdkbls,uMdcm aorisswith thopowwmtha dotochn inordormabwmsot bs~pmmasdumomsuy. ofthosrnoks dstootttm aftorartsfsrm. Tho dstoctofs must 740 High Intsrwlty Soundor bowirsdinp8rslbl, whhtho EoLRstth9tsstdstuaorfor fufl wsnsitysoundsr rswat122ds @fotnL71ris ~. ommPscthieh Tosupuvbs powor, qSRK hh. A7771soI EOL soundsrsmits=oar piordng, ~h~ sound. This Rdsy hhdub b mconrmondod. sowrdsrrnbo nmurrrdtifbra dwthdudsd)or~(m POLLfNG LOOP SUOKE DETECTORS 706SEcdinct). Osnboaddsdtotho 2+uiro Po2ingLoaponzonw10throqh ABBIW1 MOtW Ml & Box O3 103, 64 (ss progrsmmsd in fblds q 04, OS, 1%% l= AMSECOrnomr bsllcboxmsdat81 *@lotsst l*04Mdl06). Thssodouotom smwkodhpsrslbfbths PMOOB (boigo)/PA400R (rod) Indoor Plus Sounder PoNn9bop osnddonot ti-fisfymwap q Bwhdoorpisso sourr&(rsd or bsies), radam*@ lo fsot tosotswitoh. Thopofiing bopprovidoapoww wtdrosot signslstoths dsts@om, sswotlssslsrrrt sndtroubbsignsb fmmthsdot~ Rofort9tho msximumpoWirrgbopwirs PASSIVE INFRARED MOTION runsli6tsd inths POLLWGLOOP sootbnwhat us@polfirrg DETECTORS bopsmoICodstwaom. Rstsr to ths PIR htsllstii Instructbns for inasWbn hints 41@2SD Phstooktdo Pang Lsop Smsks Detoswr buMl RPMMrMi8 astoths bsstmounting batiort. q Orwpismphmmbak smO1mdsmsmrwBl w-~ 4278 Ousd Etomonl Potllrlg Loop Pm PIR wfdr built-in RPM whii b DtP switch 41WBDT Phomuootrb Polllna Loop Smolco Dotostor e~t wlt+oat Domator -~-m-mm.~ smdw dstador w16r126+ (6PC) hnt mkmmkxboth widssrlgbsnd ouminmmrmws 8c@os@mo, qaspbo@phoashW F9auruan suxilisrysm sorlomprhmpsrmits Omnweon &mmmr. dbuiRa RPMwhMrb DlP8amr~. m



yzcP6zcmlz8u0&i yloks tpssaor mmbusWnimlkabn~wmlbuut4rl 427s Dual Etomart Pottha Loop PtR q Dud q lomont PIR wib built-in RPM whioh is DIP SWitOh m@rlchiBDtP ssdlpro#mmM nd . Indudss- rnirrm W both wids angls q sndomuso Uw16=A-AJSY WIRELESS SMOKE DETECTOR mum o@diG& Smelts Dotootor rrdnor. uitt-irr S 6706 Wlrobss Photdoot * .O1Opiws 8nlolrads90mrwahbdt-bl ~(DtP8wkh Sn6 Wlrotoso PIR progq * zorws 46-66). S@+ UL Listsd 66 dB q Tho5776is absttmyopsrstsd. wimbss#u-m pbmsbcmdsrnlsourdsrmtmd blskwbmaywmhg. akctsbbpubceun; thm infmmd*tirtitim& an bsnwnimmdbya4260 (4260.@wimisumd8f9-~~p mvitdtpqmnmmMkrr zonnw7. ~: Wba3W bokltbsnWsn~*m~~*

Snothsrnsubyobudd cuitdsrrns srwar(msdsonmas=).








GENERAL INFORMATION Zono 8 can support 2-wire, latching type glass break dotectora when configured as qn EOLR supervised zone. The seand CODE+ OFF sequence momentarily interrupts power to th~ zone to reset devices wired to it. Use detectors whii am compstibfe with the ratings babwr

standby Voftage: - 13.8VDC 5VDC

Standby Resistance: Greater than 20k ohms (equivalent rosiatanca of all detecbra in paralfel) A&rm ~OtanCO: Roast Tree: LOSSthan Ilk OhlllS (SOSnote betow)

GENERAL INFORMATION incoming phone iine and handset wiring is connected to tha main terminal block as follows (refer to SUMMARY OF CONNECTIONS DqramY TB1-26: Local Handset (TIP) TB1-27: Local Handset (RING) TB1-28: Incoming Phona Lins (TfP) Inarming Phone Line (RING) TB1-29: ff if is desired to mnnecf the panel to phone lines that require ground startcapaMliiy, then a 675 Ground Start Moduts must be used. Thii modub is triggered by one of the outputs on the connector labeled J7 (see CONNECTOR J7 TRIGGER

AtarmctJrrOW 2mA-lomA
LOOS than 6 aemntfs ones deteclora have been tested and found to The IEl 735L q be compatible with these ratings. Up to 50 IEI ?35L detectors, connected in parallal, may be used (the , arm current provided by this zone is sufficient to support operation of only one detector in alarmed state). FoIfow the manufacturers recommendations on proper instsllatiin. NOTES: Detectors which exceed Ilk ohms in alarm, but maintain a voltage drop in afarm of bss than 3.8 vofts can afso be used. tJse of N.O. or N.C.contacts on the same zone may prevent proper glass break detector operation. See Adviiry in BASIC 9 HARD-WtRED ZONE section,

WARNING: To prevent the risk of shock, disconnect phone lines at tetaI jack before servicing the panel. IMPORTANT ff the ~mmunicator is connected to a tebphono line insiie a PABX. be sure the PABX has a back-up power supply that can support the PABX for 24 hours. Many PABXS qr~ not power backed up and connection to such a PABX wifl rosuft in a communicationfailure if power is lost.

(Ground Start Module,


Console Sounder, etc.)


GENERAL lNFORMATtON connector J7, focated on the right hand side of the main PCB provides 4 trigger outputs for operating tho 675 Ground Stan Modula, the 4146 Keyawitch, q remote consob sounding piezo, and for triggering auxiiii afarm signaling equipment tc.) (LORRAS, STUS, q The pin assignments of thii connector qre shown befow. Use only the 4142TR 9-wire cab& (mraitable as an option) for making connections to ths connector. Output 1 Is rated qe ?ollowe: When kthrated: 10-13.8 VDC through 4Kohms

GROUND START MODULE pplloatfons. Not Intandod for use In UL L18tad q An optional 675 Ground Start module can be used for installations having telephone Iinos wh@h require ground stacf instead of loop start operation to obtain dial tone from the tetca centraf office. ff used, program fmkl 1*46 must be q to O (factory dafauft) and the 675 Ground Start Module et must be connected to the panefs J7 connector trigger output 1, to auxilii power, and to the RING side of the telephone fineas SflOWO inthediagram babw. Use the following procedure to determine whii tebphone line is the %lN& aide:
q. connect the +- taad of a DC voltmeter to

side of the

When Do-activated: 100 ohms @ ground Other outpute qre rated qs follows: When Actiiated: 10-13.8 VDC thtough SK ohms When De-activated: lk ohms b ground OutPM 1 operates, by detautt, as q trigger forths 676 ground start r@ub. Thii output may optionally be programmed to operate qs qn openlciosa trigger or as q romota @naole sounder output. Only one of thase optiona may be used at q time. ny nd Silent Outputs 2 & 4 operate, by dofauft, as Fire q P@c/Durass triggers respactivoly. Thoso triggers may optionally be programmed to act qs Arm and Ready status indicators when it is desti to use the 4146 keyawii. t ~6666b666 i ///// <
ml wummmm m4usca~~~ UD WT2mm ~-o -I ~~ aw4 aom~m~-~

artdthe-tead toonesideofthe b. Thawirawhii

q arth ground, tebphonefii.


reeds +50VDCisths%lfW

When the panel has q message to transmit to the oentral nd Statiom it witl seize the line. go off hook q then trigger the 675 nrodub to connacf the %lN& side of tho tebphona fine toaarthgtound. Thapanelwilt oauaethsmodufeto breakthe nd connection between RING q earth ground when q diil ~ b oM$in~o .

-1 t L s CUM~ # ~ ~ i ! -m m = cvl_ w w~~ m~~ --.




.ww~-=-_ m- -m-*o mwu*c-ma ~mm_--~ m-m q m9msm *--*-*-

REMOTE KEYSWITCH 4146 Ksyswlteh la not UL NOTE.

q pprovod.
An optional dosed-circuit tamper switch (modal 1t 2) oan ba wirad in swiss with zone 7, so that, it ths switchplata is romovad from the wall, tho tamper will opan. disabling kayswitch opemtbrr until the system is nsxt disarmed from tha console. NOT12 Onfy on. kqawhch with LEOS can bs supportsd by tha systems power suppty. NOTE: Operucioao reporting for keyaMoh b q nab&d in fiikf40, arxithakaysmMh raportaasusero. LEO Indioettons w. dofinod --

tho alarm If th. koyswitch option is selected (fwld 15), trigger outputs are dti. An optional Rornoto Kayawitch oan be used tor remoto q rming qnd dissrming of tho system. Not. that q rming may only ba uaod In on. koyswltch psrtltlon. tt usad, pfogfem fisld 15 must ba eat to ths nabfa tha kayawitch option, and the dasirad ptition to q

4146ksysw&hs normatlyopen rnomentafyawitcff andLEOa mustbsconnsctadwZona7and tith. J7w~tfigg.f outputs rospsctivsly.A 2k EOL resistor must be umnactd
acfos8tha awitchrsgafdla$s ofwhathafof notzcmas24$f. aelaotad to use EOL resistors. Sss d~rarn befow. A momentary short across thm zona will arm tho systam in the AWAY m~e. M the $hoft & heM for mom than 3 seconds, the system will arm in the STAY mods. (i.., all zones designated as zone types 4 or 10 will bs automatically bypassed). Aftar thasystem has besn afmad, tha next tirna zone 7 is shorted, the system will disarm.

-L3+---+?J! .



%kMO?E CONS OLE S OUNDER OPtRATiON & WIRING An optional Arnaaoo PAL 328N an be used for instattatbna wharo it is desirad to ramoto tho sounds produoad by the consobs WWin piszo sounder for one parlitii. The panel will remote all sounds (i.a. alarm, tfoubla, chime. entry/exit, q produced by tha oonsoisa built-in sounder sxcapt tor tc.) ssooiatod with ~nsob ksy doprossion. tho short clicks q On. application of this featuro might ba to produoa chinm is distant from the pansls sounds in q bcation whti consoles. If used, program field 1U must ba set to 7 to qnable tho romoto oonsola soundor @on, and the Amaeoo piazo must ba oonnactad batwoon tho panals auxiliary power and tha J7 mnector trigger output as shown babw. in addition, field 15 must ba usad to salact the partitiin whoso consolo sounds ara to trigger tho aourrdar. Zona 7 must be aaaignad to ba a ksyswitch zona (evan it byswhch is not Ussd). to. ~00NS0L2~wlaIna




(Event Logging Serial


Dlr.ot Wlr. Dmvrtloadlng) DIRECT WIRE DOWNLOADING CONNECTIONS Tha 4140XMPTcan be dowdxsded withoutusinga modemor nd tebphone tineby using41 ~2PC DownloadingSoftware q a 41oOSM Serial Modub. IMPORTANT: The connsctlons botwaen the thwr 4140XMPT wtd th. 41OOSM qre dllferent those shown In the 41OOSM installation Inatruotlorw. See dwgram below for correct mnnactions. In edditiin, when the ~reen wire is referred to in step 2 of the IN CASE OF DIFFIC ~LTY section of the 41OOSM Instructions, use the WCet wire, tinnactor J8, located above connector J7 on the right hand side of the main PC board, :s intendad to be interfaced to either a local sarial prk w (see EVENT LOGGING 00NNECTfDNS) or a computer terminal. Make connections to a oomputer terminal as shown below. Note that ths violet wk. connection for computor terminsis oriai differe from that ueod when concocting q q printer.


EVENT LOGGING PRINTER CONNECTIONS Connector J8, located above connector J7 on the right side of the main PC board, is intended to be interf~d to a focal aerial printer via the 4100SM aerial interlaoa module, in wrnt bg on q wtii~bm ~m k b desired to print the q boal prmtor. Make connections between J8, the 41OOSM nd modub q the aerial printer 0s shown below. Refer to the q vent logging section of th~ manual for q daaaiptiin of the console commands whii inkiata event bg printing. NOTE 1: Pnmor must be confffurad es fofbwa: q 8datab*. noparity, latopbit
q q

Sooor 1200baud(1200preferred)
Hardware handah~ usingDTR signal

NOTE 2 The 4100SM module is su@ied with a 10 foot Or m extensionoabb can be RS232 cable. A bngor -e used if the 4140XMPT and aerial printer are separated by more than 10 teat, but the total cable bngth should be less than 50 feat. nd NOTE 3: Most printers it~r ignore the CTS, DSR q CD signats, or require thorn to be hqh (i.e. 3-15VDC qs measured on RS232 DB25 connector pina 5, 6 & 8 respectively with respect to ground pin 7). The 4t 00SM module sets these pins high, tf the printerbeing used will not operate with these pina hqh, then clii the blue (CTS), whiie (DSR) or red (CD) jumpers on the 41oOSM moduleto set the corresponding signal fbating. Importantpins on the RS233C nd cable are pin 3 (data out), pin 7 (ground) q pin 20 (DTR ready). NOTE 4: The DTR signal, as moaaured at 41ooSM TB1, should be high (9.5-14VDC) when tho printer is powered, proparfy connected, on-line and ready to print. Thii signal will ba bw (O-1.5VDC) when the printer is not poworad, not proparly camsctad, off-fine or our of paper. The 4140XMPT will not aend printingdata to the printer unlessthe DTR signal is high. h -1

s *

7 #


@ fl [ 21 q




ADVISORY Make osrtain that tho mounting oorows us rsuondy tight tohauro that thors is 8 good ground oonnsctbn botwoon tho PC bud snd #o abirwt. Also, drossMd wiriq awsyhorn ths mbroprocsssor (oontsr) sootion of ths PC board. Ths 08binM providoa 2 loops on its loft snd right sidswdls for q choring field wiring using tio wraps, Thoss stops q importsnt to minimizingths risk of psnsl RP intsrtorsnoswtttr toiovision rcooption,

MOUNTINO TNE 4140XMPT PC BOARD Bdor. mountine tho cirouit bored, k oortsirr that tho dam rnotsi knookouts hsva boon romovod, 00 NOT MPT TO REMOVE THE KNOOKOUTS AFER TNE A w CIRCUfi EOARD NM BEEN INSTALLED.

1. Nurg h

throo mounting dips on ths rsisod osbinot tsbs. Obsowo propor ofip orisntstion to avoid d8m8go to tho dtp when mounting screws qm tightonod and to svoid proMsmswith insortbnand romovalofths PC bosrd.

2. lmfitk~dtka~wititb$b$dw~ of ths @Mnst. Maks oortain that tho board rests in ths sbtsas Mo8tsdinsts p2dct8il. 3. swing tho bus of tho bosrd into ths mounting dips and sscuro the bowd to tho cabinet wiih ths~mpsnyirrg straws (u iliustratsd in stop 3 d,tait).

,r ,,


S&JP -


Fblmla. MounnNo T?tE?c BoAmD

MOUNTING TNE CABINET LOCK 1. Romovs ths lock knockout on h oontrol osbiit covor. lnsorttho koyinfotho iocfLPositiithobck inthshols making certain that tha Isti wili msko =ntact with ths istchbmckotwhon thodoorisoiosod. 2. Whilohoidii tholock stsady, inssrtthofsminsf the rotsiner slots. dphto

Pl@w014. UwNTlrw




PRIMARY POWER Powor to the 4140XMPT oontrol panel is supplied by mmdol t No. 1361 q Piug-in Transformer whti is rated q 16.5VAC, 40VA Cauth must be taken when wiring this transformer to gainst blowing tho fuss inside the tho panel to guard q transformer (non-rapiaceabie).



EARTH GROUND CONNECTIONS in order for the tiihtning transient protective devioes in this product to be effective, the designated earth ground termina~ must be terminated in a good esrih ground. Tha foiiowiig qre q xamples of good earth grounds q vaiiabfe q t most instaiiations: Metal Cold Water Pips: Use s nonarrosive metal strap (-r ~ ~mme~~) firm@=ured to the pipe to which the ground lead is eiectricatiy camected snd secured. AC Power Outlet Ground: Avaiiabie from 3-prong, 120VAC, power outieta only. To test the integrfty of the ground terminal, use q three-wire arouit tester with neon imp indiiors, such se the UL-Listed ideal Modei 61.035, or equivsbnt, avsiiabia at most electrical supply atoms. POWER-UP PROCEDURE 1. Fiil out the Poiiing Loop Current Draw and Auxfiary Devios Cument Drsw Worksheets shown below. Make sum thst the currents drswn from these outputs do not exoeed their respective ratings. CAUTiON: Faiiure to observe the potiing loop current rating wili cause poiiiig loop malfunction. Fsilure to obsewe the auxiliary output current rating will result in q battery which does not charge properiy or possibly q tripped cirouii breaker. 2. WIrs the 1361 transformer (1361CN in Csnads) to the panel (before anrrecting the battery) ss shown in the

NOTE: lfas 1361CN Transformer in Candan


BACK-UP POWER in the evonf of an AC power loss, the 4140XMPT control panel is supportod by q back-up, rechargeabfa got cell battery. YUASA NP4-12 (12V, 4AH) and NP7-12 (12V, 7AH) battorios qra recommended. Do not use Gates batterlos (aealad load-acid type). The standby battery is automatkalfy tested every 24 hours, xiting programming mode. in beginning 24 hours after q addition, entry into the test mode wifi ause a battery test to be initiated.

NOTE: The above f~uros are approximate, and may vtuy depending u~n the age, quality, and capacby of the battery atthetimeof the ACioss. q Uas 4AH batte~ for UL htdadms.

suMMARY OF coNNEmONs d~ratlt. m M pluginat thistime.

3. ~~ dlillii~gebop and auxiliary devices, suoh 86 O 4. Piug the 1361 into sn 24 hour, uninterrupted AC outlet. After q few seconds, the green POWER LED on the console(s) should iiiht and the oortsoie(s) should display -DfsARMED READY TO ARM.= 5. Connect the battery as shown in the SUMMARY OF CONNEC~S diagmm.











A107Dal LcYM)F-*imm ,.. l . .. . . -. -.-...

675 GroundSranMod Uls 50mh 4260 or4260-6Rsoam 40m tit Suilr-kr PoMQ ISoP (-

42W &ZoIW RPM 4ao-68arle .* 0 RF

tfthe Uslaxrent-~64mA ~rnoddemustbusad. tfueinotwo4260s or426Ms, youaIeawuwof* hmwxiiiny powsrhsWof ushgs41@7boPe~ -.




GENERAL lNFORMATfON ltowa up to 128 (99 maximum per partition) saourity aceass rsdes to be assignsd, aach The VISTA 4140XMPT System q nabbs the [#] k.y to h identtfii by q war ID number. In additiin, tha Quii Arm foatura oan also be Prograrnrnad,whbh q ntoring tho security cod~ when arming tho syatom. Tho oodo must still ba q ntorad when disarming the proasad instead of q ablad it Lfsar2 is q nabbd for Op@Cbsa raporting, and that Qubk syatom. Nota that OpwvCbso reporting of Ouii Arm is q Arm mporta as Uaar O. USER CODES & LEVELS OF AUTHORfTY Each user of ths syatsm oan L be aasignsd various levels of o q uthority (tslls system what 1 systsm functions that user is 2 authorized to do), and can 3 have different levels of 4 authority within each partitiin. 5 Use the View Capabilities UU=== E 6 keypad function to view the nd uthority levels pa~iions q q for which a particular ussr is quthorized. In highsst to lowest ranking, these fevels are 83 fofbwa:

Ganoral Rules on Authority Lavols q nd changoe To kaap thii atmduro manageable, the fofbwing rubs appfy to uaara whan making modificationswithin the syatom baaad on ths uasr code authority bvela: q A uaar may not debto or chango the user code of ths SAME or HtGHER authoritythan which ha is assignad. . A ussr may only ADD users to q LOWER uthorhy Iavat. q A user may assign other users aooeas to othor partitions onfy il ha hnaatt has access to those partitiina. q A uaar can only be DELETED or CHANGED from withinthe ssionad. I partitiin ha is q MULTfPLE PARTfTION ACCESS (GOTO Funotlon) nvironmont particutarty uaafuL tha To maka q partitionad q syatammuat afbwforcertain paopfatohava acoaaatoothar partitions. This ia particularly true in ths Factory~bs qnvironment whare tha president of ths oompany wanta aoosss to any area of hm company. Tha 4140XMPT has w fbxibilhy in supporting thii raquirsrnartt. On q USER ach usar is programmed for q baas partitbn (the orw baais, q ha normally is aaaignad) and ona or mora partitbna which ha oanbaauthorizad to~. ddltbn, within q aoh partitiin, q ach USER may ba In q uthorftv. For oroorammad to have different levels of q ;x~-mob. Usar #3. th. V.P. of Enginaarino. o&rld ba usigned to work-within the Engi;ooring baparfmont (Partitbn 1) of ABC Manufacturing. Since ha naads tha hd[ aaignad as q MASTER with capabilities in his area, ho is q Lsvaflauthority. Thiarnaana hsmay Arm, Dbrrn,Bypasa, Add or Modii uaara in partttion 1. tt is atao q raquiremant that ha be abla to gain access to tha manufacturing qraa q ncy basis. You oan set thb up (parthiin 2) on an qm aaailywtthths 4140XM 3 bynowrqusating thathsafsoba aaaignad to partitiin 2, with q taval of authorhy set &war, auoh as Levah4 (OPERATOR Lavel B) whbh albwa him to nd Disarm, but nothing q laa. Ths oontrol will Arm q q utomaticafiy assign hlm tha next availabb user numbar within partition 2 and doss not raquira reprogramming of Ma afrasdy dating 4 dqit aaourky Oodsl This typa of Satup can badonstoraaoh usarofthasystam and forarryoombindon Ofuptospartihal EXAMPLE OF MULTIPLE PARTITION ACOESS

Instsllor fLevel 0} Can ps~-m afl s~stem functions (arm, disarm, bypass, ntar program nmda. etc.) and is the onty user that can q Enter program mod. and ntdw imrorammingchangaa. q - Change liiaownmda. Add, Dolets, Change MASTER, MANAGER, or OPERATORS. ny Selsof op9n/doa6 reports for q uaar. Oparats q partition, but CANNOT DISARM ft arrnad bv q rmde othar tian INSTALLERS mdo (iuding Oubk ~).
9 .

Maator (Lavsl I) q May cretto other usora of ths aystsm babw thii level (Maator cannot assign anybody q Iavsi of Oor 1). q Ohangshiaownooda. q Add, Debts, Changa MANAGERS or OPERATORS. dded ooarator users will BE c OEankfoso raoortirw of q SAME qs his own [&nablad or di~ad as assignad by INSTALLER). q Oparate q partitbn. Manager (Levoi 2) q Can-parform atl systam fundb~ (Ann, D-, Bypa6a, ate.) programmed by Maator.  May create othor uasrs of tha aystsm bebw thii taval nybody a bvel of 0,1, or 2). (Manager cannot assign q  MW changa his own coda.  May W DaIata, Changa OPERATORS. q Opankfoaa raporting addaduaaraWitiBE SAME as his of own (onabfad or disabkt u aaaignad by fNSTALLER or MASTER). q May oparata q partbion. Operator (LoWS 34) fmvaat tavda of users. w May operate q partitbn with ona of the three OPERATOR q uthority bvsts A through C tistsd in ths OPERATORS CODE paragraph Iatsr in thii section.

Our@as (Lavol 6) q Oanarrn anddmthe SYStan butaboaandasitant duress moaaage to central atatbn (If aenrba is concocted). . Code is aaaignad on q partition W partitibn basis.

xampfa, Uaar 3 haa MASTER q dhortty in In the abovo q parutbn landoPERAToR Bauthdty inpartitii2. Hi wm-h_n2bU_rStiti4d@Mdktti awn. for both partitbna.Acosaa to Othar Partitbrrs. Not. mtia-rnu-rb~~~m-inam,ti system WS autornaticattyassign an unuaad Uaar numbar. Aaaignii users to othar partitions is ona thing, but how about actuafly baklgaua arandtry ingto%aaonaoftha qshptakey otharpartkii? Tha4140XMPThasdevabpad aquanos (ooda + ~] + partitiin numbar O-6, partith O raturna to tha dafauft partitbn for that conaofa) aohama for q uaarto go to anothor -in.


/75 5 .

Once them, the current display baoomaa attached to that psrfttiin and status rqueats, etc am now diaphyed for that P@bnsu*a@=fo f@-*e@eeswithmkay nter the wttriaa. To ratum to your orightal parthbn, YOUmay q nd nd same key aaquanoa q q if with your normal partitiin number or T. Youre now ba& to where you started. fta thataimpial Yournay viawthm operation as8bigsebctor awkofrandyau aroatthaawftcii atthecOnsaIa.

EXAMPLE: User may be regularly q ssigned to partition 1. This would be t- default display for this user, howevar he may SOW to go to partitiin 2 for example. (Assumes he has been programmed for aooass to partition 2) The user inters hia normal aamsa code and the proper squonce to n@wr partitiin followed by the number 2 for partition select q 2. ~ dmay will now select partitiin 2 information for view qnd further action. In the above q xampte notice that no aoeass is afbwad far thii user into partitions 3-8. Attempts to access these partitions would be denbdautomatiiliy. I e AUU a maw.r, mmagm Etierltir-+[8]+-Mr#+-M~do or upwaIor coa.:

INSTALLER 00DE (Uaar #1/Authortty fmml O) qn tnstafbte Code rnitiaflyas pan of The instafbr wrams the programming prooedum, and thii -O is the only oode that parmtte -my into the programming made (unless 98 xit has been pmvbusty usad to q the programming mode, see bebw). The lnst~bra Code can also b used to perform normal system functions. The ayatam atso pmvidea an Instalkr Ode bohut feature, which pr.vents the uss of the Installers Code from req ooosaing the Programming modo q fter the initial programming. Thii feature is activated by pressiW 98 to qxft Programming mod.. Tho only way to qccess programming mode once this feature is aotivated, is by nd ~~ d the aystom and powering up again, q then ~bg-htha and#kaysattho sama timawithin30 seconds of power up. ff re~ea to Programming mode using the Instafbrs Code ki desired after initial progmmming, xit then q Programming mods by pressing 99. For additional aoourfty, the inatafler code can be used to disarm the system ortfyti ilwasuaadto armthasyatom. The Inatalbr also programs tho master aacurfty oudas, whii am the oodaa intended for use by the primary users of the ayatent. Thamastaroodas oanthanbe usadtoaagignupb 99 bwor bvol cxtdas, which can be used by other users of tis~m-~n?hanatib~titicr~. Note that Opan/Cbse reporting for tho Instatbr ode is

Console will prompt for Authority level. Enter the level number as fotkms dd 1 = Master (Arm, Dbarm, Bypass, q or modify lower bval users) 2- Managar (Arm, Dm, Bypass, add or modiiy bwer level Usars) 3= OPSrator Level A (Arm, Disarm, Bypass) 49 Opsrator LOvalB(h, Dm) 5= Operator Level C ( Arm, Disarm only ff system armed with thii ode) 6- Duress (Arm, Dunn, triggers sibnt panic alarm) Oonsolo witl than prompt for OpartKXose repoting option$. Press O (NO) or 1 (YES). Oonsolo will also prompt for q uthority of this user to access other partitions. Press O (NO) or 1 (YES). If YCS, tha next partition number in is sequence will be dmptayad with q prompt askktg if ~s desired. Press O (NO) or 1 (YES). fl no, the next pdtiin number witl be diied with the access desirti prompt. tf utomatically assign q user number and yes. the system will q will prompt for the amhodly bvol thm user should have in the assigned partition. Enter the desired authorfty level number. The nexf partitionnumber will than be displayed with a prompt ll for access. When q psrtitiins have been displayed, the ll umsols will aomll through q partitions to which aocass has ssigned, and will display the user number q nd been q ach. authorhy level for q To CHANGE q Maator, Martagor or Operator oode: Enter fnstalbr ~ + [8] + User number + new oode for that user tready The system tit detect that the uaor number is q assigned and wftl prom@ Mthii is q new uaar. Pmsa O (NO). Theeystemwillthen tiithatthe ohangoisatbwad basad an authdzatbn bval. tfthauaar nuntber isthaaamaasthe Installers, the system will prompt for the new code to be reantomd. This prevents -idontaHy changing a h~h level oode. To DELETE s BMtor, Mattagor or Oparator ood.: Entar fnatallerooda + [8] + Uaar number + fnatalkr cads The system wifl promfx if thii -e should be deleted. Press o (NO) or 1 (YES). N yes, that users code will be removed nd ll from all partitions to which it had been assigned, q q wthorixatbn bvafs and other information about that user will be delatad..Note that q user can only be defetd from the ssigned, q can only be nd partitiin m whd n was first q debted by q user with q hgher authority level. A user oannot delete hmseff. TO EXIT THE USER CODE ENTRY MODf& either

qnabled in fwld %9.

Asaftippad fromthafactory$ theinitiaf kwtalfatimde&~ ~rammed (default. 4-1-4-0), ad oan be ohangad by the kmtaffarb any cede daaimd (program fii WO).

Users #16 - #99 will ropoti as Usar ~15kHmogsbled for ~ ntry, normal koy uring user oode q IMPORTANT!: dapasms atotharomsotes inapartitiin wiftbeignomd. larm and However, panio key depression will oaues qn q rrtry. tarminato user q t OPE@J/CLOSE REP ORTING NOTE When adding q user, tho syatom will only prompt far 6petibeo report ~Wtith.WfsM~n9-&t*&r.Wna Maetor or Martagor adds q now user, tho now user% OpOt@bOO f@Portktg.rtabb will be the same as that of the dding the user. M Open/Cbaa reports Master or Managar q by the kbtor or Manager, the amrequirad *ba@eotabb fndaffar should assign two MaaW or Martagor user oodas: nabfad, and one without one wffh Opart@oaa raporting q



MASTEWMANAQER CODES (Authority Lavolo 1/2) Tha Mastar CXrdais ths do intwrdad for uss by ths primary usars of tha system when psrformhtg sysfam functbns, and can bs changsd by tho Master Usar. Ths factory dafault dditbnaf ssourity, thsMaster mastar do is %2-3-4. Por q Cod. oan b usadm assign bwar faval codas (maximum of 99 par p@tiin), which can bs usad by ~ndary usars of thasystamwho donothavoa naadtoknowtha Master_ mpbyass, doaning Poraonnal. fa~ w). (supervisors, q Eaoh usera cod. oan bs indiiuafty diiinatsd or -ad at aly tkno. OPE NICLOSE RkP OR TING: Not. that opsn/cfoso ablas for addsd uasra wa tha cams as that fths o raporting q master or manager adding ths nsw usar. nd q fewer tavel tics ll can bs usad Master Ccdos q intorchangesbly when psrformiflg sysfom functbns withh m rmed wfth a usots tompomry oods oan psrtftion (a system q ba disarmed with the Master Code or wrothor users tornporary ~), with ths excsptiorrof tho Operator Lovsl C Code describsd Iator in thii asctbrr. dd, chango or doloto q Msna@or or Oparator 10 q cod., follow tho samo prooaduros doscribsd in ths INSTALLER CODE paragraph, substituting Master or Manager cod. for Instatlor @o. Not. that q MANAGER cannot dobta, charrgoor add ancthor MANAGER.

OPERATOR CODES (Autttorlty Lsvols 3=S) Opomtors can qrm q disarm ths system to tha authority nd ny asslgnad, but cannot sdd or modify q user. Tha tabfa uthority Isvols. H Oparator Lsvol C k Mow fiis tho thrss q soloctsd (somotimcs known qs Babysitter cod.), that opamto~ cod. osnnot ba used to disarm tho system unlsaa tha systcm armed wkh that ccdo. This cods is usually assigned to parsons who may havo tha rrasdto arm t and disarm ths system q specific times only (ox. q babystttar noods to oontrel the system only when babysitting). oPERAlOR LEVELS w AfJTHoRflY %nctlons Pormlttad Lovol 17 MI* Opsrmor Laval A Ant 3 4 IOPS rater Lavsl B Arm, DmnT LavsltqAm, Disafmonly ifafmdrdh I s lopsmtor Isamoaids I I


DURESS CODE (Authortty Lavcl 6) -dur--bamo~d-ndmga~titiba csntral monitoringstation fftho usar is baii fomad to disarm (or arm) tha systam under threat. This faatura is only usaful if tha systam is oonnsctad to q oontmfstation. Whsn tha systems Auxiliary Vottago Triggers qm oonnootad to q nothor communications madis (Dorivad Ch8nnafAong Ranoo Radio). not. that duress is signaffsd on tha cams trigg;r that tinals silant psnb (whoro~ durass has fts own uniqus rapcrt whan digWy communicated). Thadumssmda hasaignsdon aparfltiiby psrthbn and oarr ba any ~ dssirad. When usad, ths system till d~(tim), tiWtisotia @km-@ ti~tid t atatbn. Thara wifl ba no indication q tfw consols that an alarrnwassant.



[3] or [1] kay to change from ?

T& :t&:&Em~he clock, or tho cbdr can bs sot via tho Oownbador scftwara. 10 qntor raal-tlma clock mod., prsss CODE + #63. Thsd*witl show

Tho-?=frldbatos thaarrrsnt rnoda. Tha[6Jkayohangas tha mod. from DAY to HOUR to MINtJIE to MONTHto DATEto YEAR. Ths [4] koy drangss thsmods in ravarss ofdar. Tho [3] & [1] kays am USOdto sat tho Tt=ATE vafucS. Tho [3] ksy moves ths TIME/DATE ahsad, tha [1] kay nrwas tho TfME/DATE backwad.

To act tha Urea: press [6] until tho 7 appears in ths hours poshionothen usa tha (3] or [1] kay to sat tha hour. Pmss[6 qdnti-ti[3]or[l]~*m~tinti. Usaths h kaytosst AMor PkA. Toatbti,~~[6]~uti~tio?~in tha month @tbn, than USCtho [3] Or [1] kSy to SCf fhc month. P-h[6]*qti ti*tbp]w[l]w* satths dam. Prasstho [6)ksyagain andusathsp]or [l] kaytosafto sstthsyoar. xft ctook mod., press q fthor tho [8] ksy or tha ~] To q kay. Exfting wfth tha [8] koy wifl savs all changas. Exiiirtg xit w2h tha ~] kay wii q without changing any of ths vafuaa (uSad Whan viswing tha timo sattings, but no Changes am dasimd).



GENERAL INFORMATION Note that if QUICK ARMise nabted (field 29), the 1#] key oan be pmssad instead of entering the security coda, for qny of the q rming prooedums (Away, Stay, Instant, Maximum, etc.). Thakeypad afbwathe usertoarm anddiaarrntha ayatom. qnd perform other ayatom Iunctiona,such qs bypassing zonos, view messages from the oentml atatiin and disptay nd system conditions (darer, zone descriptors. Zono q troubb, bypass) are diaptayed in the Dispby WI*. nd q xtomal When qn afarm otawa, oonsob sounding q soundhg will oowr, and the zone(s) in abrm witl be diapbyed on the corrsola. Pressing any key will sitonos the oonsota aoundsr for 10 aeamds. Dsarming ths system will sibnce both console and external sounders. When the system is disarmed, any zorms that were in m dam condtbn during the armed perbd will be dsptsyed (memory of atarm). To ctaar this display, simpfy repeat tho disarm sequence (ontor the SSOU~ code and press the OFF key). nnunciation, Tho oortsobs afso feature chime q udiile,fir.or personal key pairs (for sibnt, q

VIEW CAPABILfTtES OF A USER (5137AD only) The conaob wiff display partitionsthat user is authorized the nd for, the user number, q the authority bvel for all partitions authorbed. Enter arde + lx] + [r@]. he users oapabiiitkw in T oaoh authorized partition will typioally be displayed qs folbws: me users opanmoae reponcapabmy is shown by the dot folbwing the q uthority favel. ff Open/Cbse is not EzEl q nabled for q user, the dot will not appear. VIEWING DOWNLOADED MESSAGES (5137AD only) Users may occasionally resrive messages on the mtsob tfispfay from their installation mmpany. When this occurs, the console will display Message. Press O for 5 sacs.-. Instruct the user to press and hold the O key to disphy the central stations message. Note that the system must be in the READY state to view these massages. USING THE BUILT-IN USERS MANUAL(5137AD only) An abbreviated Users Manual is stored in the systems mmov, and -n be psrticutartyuseful to the end user if the printad Users Manual is not conveniently acceasibb when the user needs to perform a seldom used and unfamiliar system procedure. Ths Buitt-in Users Guide is displayed by simply pressing any of the function keys (e.g., OFF. AWAY. STAY, MAXIMUM, BYPASS, INSTANT, CODE, TEST, nd READY, #, q CHIME) for approximately 5 seconds and then releasing it. Abbreviated instructions relative to the key that has been pressed witl than be displayed (2 lines of text qre diapfayed at a time). This function operates in either the armed or the disarmed state. DISPLAYING DESCRIPTORS (5137AD only) ll The Atpha Conaobs an dispfay q programmed descriptors, which is useful to the instafbr when checking entries, and can be helpful to the user when there is q need to identify zones. To disptay dadptom, press and hokt the READY ppear, then key until the buitt-irt instructions for that key q roteasa the key. The zone descriptors will appear one at q time. for q bout 2-3 seconds aach. For faafor vWIW. Pfes$ the READY key to dthe next descriptor in numeriil order and so on. When afl descriptors have been disptaywf, xif xh the Oontrol wilf q disptay mode. To q display mode ll bafore q desoriptora have been displayed. enter the aaourityde andpressfhe OFFkey. PANIC KEYS There qm three pairs of keys (1. + 1], [# + 3]. ~ + #]) ti~t ~ nd programmed, an be used to manually initiito alarms q send q mporl to the cantrat station. Each pair of keys can be indwidually programmed for 24 Hour SWnt, Audible or Auxitiary (Emergency) responses. The panic function is activated when the appropriate pair of keys qre pressed at the same time. The panic hmdions am identifbd by the system as follovm 95 *+1 96 #+3 99 *+* lso bs For 5137AD oonsolos, these panic keys oan q programmed with an a@ha descriptor. IMPORTANT: For the Panic functions to be of practical vafue, the system must be connected to a oentral station.

q mergen~ alarms) which can notify the central station of qn alarm conditiin, if that servios is connected.

q 3 panio nd

ARMING FUNCTIONS The folbwing is a briif list of system mrnmanda. For detaited information concerning system functions, refer to the User% Manual. Dlaarmed Not

Ready Before q rming, the system must be in the READY oondtiion (atl
zones must be intact). tf the %JOT READY message appears, press the READY r] koy to display tautted zones.

Arming Away AW~g Stay At -g Instant A{ .ag Maxlrttum

Enter *+ Enter oode + Enter *+ Etier mde +



Disarming Bypasalng




Enter code + OFF [1). Enter coda + BYPASS [6]+ zone number. To automaticallybypass atl fautted zones, use ~uick Bypass method: Enter csde + BYPASS + [#l. Enter cede + CHIME [9]. To turn nter oode + chime mode off, q CHIME a@n.

PARTfTION GOTO COMMANDS(5137A0 OnfY) ssigned q defauft partition for display Each oonaob is q purposes, and will show only that parlitiins information. To aee information for another partition, or perform system functions in another patiion, use the GOTO command (ads + ~] +pa.@tiin nym~r O-6). The oonsob will remain in the new parhtmn untrl directed to go to another partition, or until 90 seconds has etspaed with no keypad -.


Tha wrd CHE* on tha Oonsolos diapiay, aooornpanbd ~am~~g~tk%nwb,~~.--oba tdlbb warnhm sound tmubb rnnditbn tn tha watom, Tha q _ oan ba silamd by pmaihg q kay, Inatruoi uasi to oail y y for sorvba Immadlatoly upon saaing q of tho fof~ng rnoaaagcs. CHECK MESSA@ES c A display of CHECK aommpanbd by q display of w or xiata mora zono dasoriptor(s) indiiataa that q probbm q wtth thoso zono(s). First, dotormino tf ttm zona(s) disdavad am intact and maks thorn SD U thav ara not. if


CONDITIONS A dlaplay of %OMM. FAiLURF at ths Oonaota hdbataa that a talk murrad In tha talophona oornmunbatlw portbn of your syatam.

. Adbpiayof LO SArandazono_r, m~W byaonoapar mlnh-ptitio~hd~~a tow battwy oenditbn axbta in tha wtrsbaa tranamittar dia@ayad. Tha audbb wamlrw sound maY ba $Iian08d by prassing q ny kay. A display of SYSTEM LO SAr indbatos that q bw battery conditbn axtata with tha ayatom9 kradtup battaryo

(Odeplus OFF) to dsar

the display. -

. A display of tha wrd CHEC~ acmrnpaniad q numario by display of 897 indicates that a shotl q xists on tha Polling nd b30D q mav sdiminatosome of tha omtaction. Fautt Vr
can bs ssigned an q lpha doscr~r when using tho 5137AD resole. . A display of tti WOmf CHECK ~~bd bY q nUfnSfiO display of S8, 89=, %O-. or WI= indioatos q 4280 Racaivor problem. Faults %8, %~ %& & ~1 can ba q ssigned alpha daacriptors when using tit. S137A0 consofa.

A display of 4280 SET UP ERROW at tha oonsoia hdiithat a42iB0-6raoaivar iabaiiusadhaaYs@n with mora than 8 RF zonos programmed. if this b mt oorraciad, non. of tho zonos in tho syatam wlil bs ~*=imHWm&mu~ 8 RF zonas ara dasirad,q 4260

POWER FAILURE tftha POWER indbaioriaoff,and thamaaaagaAC1._~ diiad, tha C@nado is Oparatingon battaty powar only. Chadt to ass that ysur ayatwns plug-in tmnafomr has not basn~ntaiiy pybdout. tnatructtha usartooafia if AC powar oannof ba asrvba WmSanWW immadiify

for tima q nd data stamping to ooour, tha q yatomo roai-ttrno oiook must ba sat. THE REAL TiME CLOCK aaotion for dotsiis. Programing GENERAL lNFORMATtON Ths system can ba oonfiiurad for tha foifowing .vanf bg The system has tha abitii to racord various avonta in q activitk historv km (224 want CSDSCihd whamin cacti avont is q racordd k 06 of fiw- ca~~o$s (alarm, A, bypass, To q ithar raoord q vents but not print thorn unbas opan 6 system), with tha tima and dah of ks oocurronoa (if wmmandad bdoso, ortoautomathffy print thaavanta raal-tima dock is sat). The bg may ba viswd (Dispby Mod@) as thay amu (fiitd 172). q USiW a 5137A0 @la mnsob, oroan ba printad (print Mods) vants to ba toggad oan ba Spadfio catogorias of q on a serial printer (connactad to tha ayatam via q 4100SM Ssbctivoiy anabbd (kid 170). Sarial Moduia: soo 00NNECTOR J8 iNPUTS & OUTPUTS c Thotirnaatmpcan tJaprogrammadfor aMwr120r24hour saction for amnaction dataita). brmata (fii 171). Thaprintartmud mtacanbsaatto aithar3000r 1200bmst (fiitd 173). Diaptay Mod.: Enter OOD~~] + [8] + [0] nabia (fbfda 1*4O* 1*41). sat awnt tog t.hnddato raport q Print Mod. Enter CODE + [#]+ [6]+ [1] Enabiaraporting ofavant bgoapac&y (b.50%fui180% Ciaar Event Log: Enter CODE+ [#]+ [6]+ P] full & ovarfbw) programmedinfialda1406 1*41. To ~; EXfT Event Lo Mod.: Press * at an time. In ordor Rofor to tho S~NG







ntering either mode, tho foUowingwitl be d~ed: After q ENTER O. RECENT nd The Event Log hotds up to 224 wonts, q can display or ll print q wonts in q oatogofy (oomphto), or only tho60 wonts in q cawgory oocurring sinoa tho fast Clear Event Log command (reoant). Note that ones the Event @ is Mf, the rasod upon the logging of q new ny oldost event will be q went. Prass the dosirod display mode key, O or 1. ~ The eystom afbws viewing of any partitions event fog. Enter tho part&ion number for the panition whose wonts am to bo all partitbns events. dmpfeyed. Entorirtg O(NO) willd-y For dispfay and printing purpoeas, ovonta U. stored on q partition by partitii baaii (excepl aystam wants), and ars 9into fiie ategories as Mows. Use tho [3] & [I] keys to eoroll to tho next or Previous cateoorv suaons resoectivetw Disptsys for Sonesmet d hevsaiUmrausadensrrnaheva beonrosmradrnsdsctedpsrtMrl. Disptoys timeldsm for Zonos -t hsveausada 80uUsorsuporvisnw ODn&ioninae kctadparmolt

CLEAR EVENT LOG To otear tho Event Log, qntor CODE + [#] + [6] + [2] m fdbwing will -kppw

Press [1] if Event Log is to be cfoard from momo~. Atl wonts in tho tog will still be disptsyed if tho FUU LOG DUMP option is sela&ted. Only those events oocurring from tho timo of tho CLEAR command will b. dmpteyod if PARTfAL diapfay option is selected. Press [0] if ovont log is not to ba doarod et this time. ft [1] b proaaad, tho foftowii will appeac J Press [1] il it is desired to dear the ovont log. Press [0) if is to event fog not be cloarad. DEFINITIONS f Events sines lest CLEAR Dmpkly s all events Typo of event (Burg., Fire, etc. ) Zono (awnect) number User numbar

prw 1-YES



hsvsbeon bypassodinsefeow

DisPhYsdmeMa* timf-tit

partition. Di8ptaya tires, dam end user rming q nd rwrnbar for cash q

disarminQof rho Systemfor be partition~. Displays thne/data for systam probtams, suoh qs AC Loss, tc., oommuniostion failure, q rogardiess pufidon. of Db@Wdamofwsnkrn ohronobgioel ordar, from most



m ddost

10 dleDlav the wmtte In q particular oetegory, mreas ~81 ~ the desired ceteaorv screen. ff in Diiofw be, &&tts witi appear one at ~ tirno fmm the most ra&ti to the ofdest. Press [8] again b dispfay oaoh subsquent event. ff in Print Mods, the first press of [8] will ceusa tho vents in that category, with each q vent printer to print aft q q utomaticefiy sorofted on the d~fey console. Tho foffowing iss typical display 8howsburglsry alannoccurmdin zono30fpudtion 8,st12.U2AMon -1. vent in the sdected category has boon After the fast q d~tayed, the foffowing wifl appear for a law seconds:

The system will qutomatically return to tho arlier. RECENTtCOMPLETE selection screen dascrbod q



rounds per report, B sands only 1 round wtth a oheduum t nd. Doing this q bo halpa in deoreaaing the digit q the q tinwlttalwa foraraporttobasert 3. The hmdshaka fraquency is 1400 Hz followed by 2300 HZ6ndthakiasoff frquo*k1400*

2. Two message rounds are .Iiminatad by tho use of q SPLITIDUAL REPORTING oheoksum dwh. Instaad of tho communbator aendhtg 2 Dual raporting(%1) sands W ropofis to both prtmwy and ssoondmy phono numbam. Splft rsporting altowa ropma to b divided betwsan tho phono numbers ~rding to the fiifds act6d by (1*34) solactions. Spliiual roportlng can ba q q nablii dual repotting and q nabling ona of the split mportlng options in fiofd 134. ff optbn [1] is s6factad, di atarrns, alarm mstoros and canoal ropom will go to both phona numbers, whii atl othar reports wifl go to the saoondary phone number. ff [2] is sebctad, opantcbss and test mossagaa wifl go to both ll ohono numbem. whife q othor reoorts will w to tha orfmaw FORMAT SPLIT 31 o 1%4 la2

ADEMCO LOW SPEED AOEMCO LOW SPEED is a pulsedformat whbh responds to 81400 Hz handshako and kiss-off. and transmits data w~h par second (pps). A fypioal 1900H2 pub bnos @ 10 pUISSS by message ~nsists of two rounds whd must bs tmffi f&har q the racaiver. A ~mplete standard raporf consists of q 3 or 4diiit acceunt number followed ~ q ld~it alarm ooda. Though 2 rounds qre santj only the vafid raport k displayed. [n expanded reporting, two messages are sent, two rounds h par message, the first bahg tha ~unt number and q me,tksmmwl~tiemodeb-tih wasassigned. A complete expandad raporf consistsof q 3 or 4-digit account number folbwed by q I digit afarm oode, then the alarm cx%fe repeated, folbwed by tho ohannal nurnbar. is E)(. Smrdard CCCC E whsrw &=rXk2 ~ ExPandd ycc: Z-zonalDads SESCOA/RADIONICS qnd in tho Standard qxpandod reporting SESCOA/FtADIONICS format is virtually tho sams as ADEMCO &w Spaad ax~pf fortha folbwing: 1. ThahandsMwandkiss*ff fmqumoyis22cONz 2. Thadsrais8an4mit9sdwi611600H2fx4aamnas. 3. Thararaof rmsmissbnis20ppc. 4+2 REPORTIN@ numbar and q 2A 4+2 report cons.bta of q 4dqit ~unt vent code. 4+2 raports oan be digit alarm code, or q accomplished either in ADEMCO Low Spead (10 pps), or SESCOA/R.ADIONICS (2o P@ format. ach zone is In 4+2 reporting 8 uniquo 2digif code for q reported. A 4dqir acoounf number followad by q 2dwit oode is sent, wham the first digit is the actuaf event such as in ALARM, RESTORE, or TROUBLE, ate, and tha aaoond digit of tho oodo reprosants tho %ona- share the worn ~ad. (but not nacossarity ths actual zons numbar). Each cods in zon6. ff desired, thaadual zone itsaff is unique to q sp6cifii ntering the mrresponding 2digit numbar can bs raportad by q y~rn~t=rx. zona 1= [0] [1]: zona S3- [6] m. A raporf . .
12S4 S@(%W~boa~ rRoWt2RE61m.2oN2 a.

ADEMCO HIGH SPEED REPORTfNQ ADEMOOa Hiih SpaadforrnattransmUadafa in DTMFatar@a of 10 characters por saoond. Tha handshake frequanoy & R@orthgC+tbns: 1400 Hz. lhs maasago cmntains13 dgtts as foftowc A4.digff - 1400 Hz fofbwed by 23oO H& and the kfaaoff fraqusnq b ighf channafa of zons informatbn (1-3 or eunt numbar + q duress PIUS3-1S) + on. status channal whbh idantifii the vanta baii reported in tho q ight zorw bcatbna. A typa of q typial Hqh Speadraportwifl bekiasadoffin undar5aaconds. O&nlWmghso ouldhav60neotth efo30w@toondnbrrx

NOIE. Ctwvnfl wM-nthausarlDW, A-Fif OpWCbs fv-wm~ Ths status channal might have orw of ths fotbwing oondhiinx 1. DlfREss&OroumssPb schsrswk6.150nty) 2.mNfNG 3. SYPAss(Forcblrlsb 1401ty) 4- CWSING 5-TRCtlJu(For~ld~) 6- ~M ~A~: q AclQS6inctWvdl q msAmRYirlchW0d2 ~TAWER&I~3 ~oNmhctmsnt4 7-~~~A~ ~1.uq) g.~~ Atypbafhqh apoadrsport may bokasfoffmw l~Sl15s7(ti#l=ti_wtiti2d3) LIMITATIONS l.Whanuaing Adamoohiihapssd, mmanbartharearo onfyls charmebavaiUfa, pbsadurasa ohannaLUmorathanlS zon6aareb6ing usad*th6ywi9 hav6toahar60hsmWs. 2.WM AdaHiih Spaod reporting, channels 9-15 cannot

raporttmubfas or~. usethass channalsforzonas that not thesa oondhiins. wffl raporf

CONTACT ID REPORllNG ll This is the onfy format that can identify q S4 profadion nd zonas by thair uniquo zona (Contaot) ID numbsm, q providos q l-diiit avont quafifiar and 3digit, spacdbdy defii wont ~.whii quickfy idOfltffiiS tho ~ndiibn baii mportad. @ ~ tDraporta DTMF (DualTonsMutii-Frquancy 10 in characters per aacond) and responds to q 1400 HZ fofbwad by2300Hz h6ndshake,6nd a1400Hz tdssoff. This form6f also US6Schadcsum instead of tww messago vorifbatbn. A aoonds. ~ mporf takes undar 3 q -lDRePortiqtakaa thaforrrr@ OCOOQEEEGGZZ

4+2 EXPRESS ADEMCOS now Express format providas tho qm. information u the&2 format, but with threa diffo~ 1. Tho datm is transmitted in DTMF (Dual Tono MuttiFmquoncy, fcnown as VouchTono. d m. ~. of 10 characters par sscond). Thii greatfy dacreasas tha tfma if takas a roporf to go through to c6ntraf atatbn. An average 4+2 Low Spsadraportmight takeasbngas 20asoondsto Oomplota its raport but 4+2 Exprass takas Under 3 sacs.

wham mo z -

Cuaamarsukrbar) nwnbsr. ( EvsruQ&iaro whom: E-lw9&rllxJ&as10rs EwrMoods(2haxadawMI tionmsnsxtpags. Fmmnrssnbsr. zmwommdforusnbu~ hedwrn(ool~ orussrnunrbsr(oo1470) torop@0bsersporm. Sysmrrr Srnsssaoss (AC@s&W* lest, sk) oonmn ZsroaSintlazzzbmaOn. -Es-



Codo I DofUrltlon
IlO IFm Alarm

II - RF vision Ir BfV
knr {

WBurg181y --- .-




, . ..JmAiarrn


4f 1 441
570 601 602 621 622 623 624 626


lKwsw ! call be%meqlr-3aterrAv I ArmedS1 Bwass

Manually Trigqerad Test Periodic Test I Event b Reset I Event Log 50% Full I Event Log 90% Full i EventLw Overflow Time~ate Reset



ADVtSORY: Adamda new Contact tD reporting is capabfe of uniquety reporting all 64 zones of information, as well as s equipped with the Memo 685 receiver using software bvel 4.5 or openings and cbaii ti afi 128 users,@ oerrtral tations upporf Contaci ID reporting. For information regarding updating the 685 higher. 685 software fevela bebw 4.5 oannot q receiver, amted Adontoos Teohnii Support groq at 180&S6-7492 (NY) or 1-800-458-9469 (CA).


COMMUNICATION Contaot No q ffect ID

PROGRAMMING High No effect ffect No q

GUIDE Speed Express No effect No offecf Enables alarm restores No offad Define odes and selects 4+1 or 4+2 Dafws alarm event code I I

79, 80 49 81, 82 56, 59, 64, q q 64. 61. q 66. 74. [69: 71: q

xQanded or q Enables alarm restores Add cheokaum digit Define -es and selects 4+1 or 4t2 Dofiis atarrn went Ooda I

No Offact larm roatorea Enables q No effeu Iat digit q nabba raporl wit la non-zero i%atMas ramrta

No effau Enabbs report

Enabfos alarm restores Add checksum digit let digii enablae report it It is non-zero haions raoortino ohnl ti-~f ~arootia . i Ireportrlg ffact I No q

I I Defines code and aelaota 4+1 or 4+2

Enablesrepmt W. Alarmchannel nwst be programmed. (01-15). .

No q ffect

Enablesreportand sebota let d~it of. the

24igit event ode.

I NOTE: No reatorea if event not sent.

No effect


SaaooatRadsmow selects fKOd digit time inatoad of fried fbta: Low speed win not send 3+2 ntaaa8ges. Zone fD dgit is suppressed.

ffect )40 q


disirad, ifntuafba
usadonfJoth prirnuy& aeamdary phone #a.

* &o&fary, if must be used for primary. ~ used on primary, any ~fonlmucnab w.





Review the global and specifii partitioning Isstums Iited in the GENERAL INFORMATION esction of thii mmmi More ~amming. Theeyatam isshippad withasetof prs-progmmmad vatuaa that aro designed to moat tha naods of many installations. Thaaa an ba ohangod by ths inatafbr to suil apacifii naeds if dosirod. ddition, four sam of pro-programmed In q oommunioation dofautt values can dao ba badad by ths ach sat designed tor q specitii communbation instalbr, q format. Thoea too can be ohangad to sutt tho nsads of 8 particular installation. Chsnges to these pm-programmed values can b. programmed directly from the console (5137AD onty) or from ithar mmotdy (using q an IBM compatible computor terminal q HAYES 1200 SMARTMODEM) or at the job sit. (using the 4100SM Sar@l M~uio). Both rnothods use tho 4130pC Downbading softwsm (be sum that the software vsrsion used includas s 4140XMPT menu election). Soe tho DOWNLOAOING sactbn for more information. lpha oonsolos, Engfish Language descriptions of ths For q zonos and q custom inatafler mesaago (whii appears when the system is ready to arm) oan be progmmmsd using ths built-in vooabuiary of words (sss 693 MENU MODE, ALPHA PROGRAMMING paragraphs tatar h thii asctbn). USER-FRIENDLY ZONE, DEWCE ~ ALPHA PROGRAMMING (669 Menu Mods) To help set up q partitioned q nvironmonf qubkfy q nd accuratoiy, Adom~ has providad q tmmandous * to ths programming prooaas. Inatoad of tha traditional msttrod of ll programming q tho fietds assooiatad with zonas and the partitions thay qre associate with, you may now fogiity program q zone for aft tts charactoristii se promptad by tha 4140XMPT (mfor to tha #93 MENU MODE aaction for dataits. aoh zono to a p@tion and This ensures that you assign q that a zone rasponso type has bean asaignod. Thb user-friendly schamo for programming aliiinafaa the ntar q fii pmparty or simpfy possibility of you forgetting to q forgetting it attogetharl The system can now ba programmed the way you approach your insfaflatii, by zonaal This User Friendfy Manu Mode can afso be uead for programming remote ~nsota chamctaristba, and tor q toring alpha desufptom. COMMUNICATfON DEFAULT PROGRAMMING vailabb Thor. W. fiio sate of pra.progmmmad dofautta q (on. standard, ptus four diffemnf oommunbatbn dafaufts). Anyonsofthaaa oanb9toadad intotha syatomsnwnory. Rotor to the COMMUNICATtON PROGRAMMING section for instructions.

1. Enter Progrsmmlng mode (5137AD only) Programmingmodscanbaantarad inonaoftwo~ 1) Byd~~tir]ti [#]k~athmttitihh 30 seconds after powsr is apptiodto tho ControL 2) By keying the inatallar oodo, folbwsd by doprsssbn of CODE+ O+ Okays. ~ol*ryinstallsr* canba --htiPWm* Immediately followhg q ntry into the program mod., the foltowingwitl be d~ad on a 5137Atl Program Mode qFflf#viaw-oo Following the above display, the syswm is ready to bs programm~ for tho communication format pammoters, or ntrias. accept data q ndlor Communloatlon Dafaulto 2. Sot Standard q Rak to the PROGRAMMING OOMMUNICATtON DEFAULTS section for further instructions if on. of tho four communicationdatautt programming sate is used. only oonsoba NOTE: tf standard dafautta qrs to ba Mad, withanaddmaeoto003willba snabbdAmwotswhhona of these addmaaas must be uaad to program fha system. 3. Frogrsm data fblds for syatom paramatsra Program afl gbbsl programming fiilds, including phons ny other numbsrs and aocount numbars, as well as q programming fiitds mquimd b oustomKo the system to the noads of tha installation. Not. thct program flolds 26 & 127 (RF dovlco soktlon) qnd 200 1q

(number of partftlons) must ba progrmnmod.

When finished, program atl parfftbned programming fiitds by ach entering q part-tin spacitii tiitd number. Rspaat for q partition uead in the system by preesing 91 to sotsct the next partitbn. Rafor to the PROGRAMMING DATA FtELDS aaction for spaoifii oommands and inatmctbns. 4. Uaa #63 Menu Mode for zone programming RafartotheZONE PROGRAMMING aactbn b programzone r~~ ~, ~ign rigflf bop ZOrwaSlld wireless ZOnSSO and assign zonas to partifbna. S. Uaa 663 Menu Mod. for dovlos progrmnnlng Rater to the DEVfCE PROGRAMMING aactbn to assign mwob ID numbers and dsfauft partitionstor aach oonaota, and to Sebctivaty Suppress CsrtainOonao& Soundii.

6. Uaa #63 Menu Mod. for programming q lphc doaorlptors (5137AD only) Refers the PROGRAMMING ZONEDEBCRfFTfONS section to q nter zono q nd partition descriptors q nd q custom
inataflars meaaago. 7. Exit Programming Modo Exii programming mode by pmesing aither 98 or 69. A Seoondontryofw israquiradif thaixitisba ingdonafron tiitis l*o0 and above. To pmront macosnb Progmrnmfnf modousingtha tnatafbr%ooda, usa66. Thaonlywaytor* ~Pmgramming modOisbydapmaaing boththar]anc [#] keys at tho eamo limo wtthin 30 saoonds of power up Exiting byuaing W9ahvaysalbws mantryinto Programming m~~~ ~&~ cads. Eiihar way of exkii wil m.



GENERAL lNFORMATtON xpsdite ths installation, Monm has fnmpomtsd 4 To hafp q difbmnt communbation defsutta in tha ViSTA XMPT Control (Low Spaod, Momoo ExPrass, Momoo High Spaad & utomatiasily Adamoos naw ~ ID). Thaaa dafdts q program industry-standard ode assignments for zonos, keypad panics, non-alarm and Supervisory Conditions, and can bs foadad q q t ny timo without dfocting nonmmmunbatbn program fmids. lMng thasa dafauita savas programming tirnal Attor bading ons of tha oommunioatbn dofauits, you only rmad to wiro tho dovbas to their appmpr@o Zonaa, and program tha fofbwi~ Csntrsl,sration phornnumbsr(s),*m&% . SubsonWs~nt numbsr(s), i t %2*W Zxletyps ~, flaW %2-W t lml-lm6 Dshys, tirnsom, mdmkdmsou s mm options. The systarn is then oparationai. LOADING COMMUNICATION DEFAULTS

PROGRAMMING NOTE: Rastotii mprms for qn went wlli not bs sant ff ths nablod, won il q mstom code is ovont itself is not q pqrammsd for that went.

ENABUNG OF DtALER REPORllNG BY PARTtTION in order to onabis distar mporta for q partition, qn account 32 numbsr (fiiids q & 90) must bs programmed for that nurnbsrsst for psrtifiin. Ths Controi is ahippsd with qn ~nt partftiin 1 onfy (sat to FFFF). Partitbna 2-8 have no aouwnt numbs ~mmmad. ddiiion, in ass of phons fin. taiiuro, the COMM. FAIU In q rnasaags wifi not ba diapisyad in psrtitiina whbh do not have a pfifn~ acaum numbsr programmed. SUMMARY OF DEFAULT CONSEQUENCES LoW Spood (9480) faading tits default doas ths following: q Saiacts bw apaatf, standard format with no chscksum, for both phons numbsrs. q Assigns ths fofbwing raporf codas: 03 for zonss 2-47 01 for zonss 1 & 46-55 (fro zonas) 02 for zones 62,63 (panic tmns), & %, 96.99 (kPM*) 09 for ail alarm raatoma q Enabisa ati zons typs tmtoraa. ADEMCO Exprooa (-9481 ) Loading thii dofautt doss ths following: q Ssiscts Mom= q xpmsa raporting formatt * *urn* tor both phons numbars. q Raporloodaa forzonas 1-64, 4260s and kaypadpanicsars asnt as thak raspsctiva zons iD numbars (01-64, 88-91, 9599), Durosa is sant as QD. Aiarm ratirs is % + 2nddigif. q Enabias aii zons typs MOMS. ADEMCO High Spaad (9482) Loadii his dafauft doaa ths Mowing: . Salaota Adamoe High Spasd formal with no chackaum, for bdh phona nurnbsrs. Rsportingis 8saKPd*ti-*mk: channstlforzonss l&46-85 (Fiwozonss) channsi2forzatas 2-6 Channa13forzonsa 916 channai4forzonsa 1744 Channa15forzonas 3247(RFintarbrzonSS) Channsi6forzonsa 66-61664 Channai 9 for zonas 62 & 63 (panic transmitter) ckti7*tia(m689) 6p**ti@7) Channs18fOrfirSt42if0 @&91) Channais 10,11 &12 forkaypadpanba 95, 96&99 raspoctivefy q EnaMaa afi ZOnStypa rSStOMS. q Enabbs DUmSSto bs aam. ADEMCOS Contaot ID (*94983) Lo.adirrg thii dafauit doos tha foiiowino: q Saiscta Contact to format for both phons numbsrs. q Raporting is q nabisd for all zonas.
q q

ntorsd, clam ths syatsms Ones the Programming mods is q 97. Thii qnsuras q program fwlds am il rnamory by pmsa~ q sat to their fuaory sat, pm-progmmmsd vafuaa. if dasirod, toad ona of tha mmmurkatii dofautt programming ssts by 94), than first changing fO tha 1XX sat of fialds ( q omering ona of tha following fisid numbaw TABLE OF DEFAULT PROGRAMMING CONUAND6 EFAULT RAMMING ~0= LOAD THIS PRE= I

The program fiaids that qro dfaotad by badhtg ons of ths commurtioation dafaufts u. fiaids 46 - 62, Default vaiuas for qach communioatbn da@utt am iiatad on tho psgo$ nd following tho Programming Format tha q of thii manual. For detaibd information about raporting formats, saa tho SYSTEM COMMUNICATION saotion. Aftar bading w dtha dafautf SOtS, proooad to -M tha aystarn data fiaid$ = daaufbed in tha PROGRAMMING DATA FIELDS aadion.

flELDS EASY=TO-PROGRAM COMMUNICATION Tha ViSTA XMPT programming schamo oiiminatas ths nssd
to program zonas to ohannaia, and than ohannais to oodaa. tf programming ~mmunioation fiaida manuafly, sknpfy antor whamvor oodo (3+1, 4tl, 4+2 or Mama Expraas) b to bs d Sam for oaoh zona (including panics, non-alarm oocfas q suparvbory oodas). NOTE: Entar Ir to transmit an A-, Whiiappaars aawattharaaivar. All zonas qre saparatad into groups of 8, with oommon nd very 2 groups (16 raatom, troubia q bypass oodaa for q ach ooda. For zonaa). Thare am 2 doubiadigft antriaa for q d 3+1, 4+1, 4+2 q Adamoo Express, W firsf ~ry k ths atarmoodsfora standadrsport. Thoaaoondantry iattwlD xpandad 3+1 or 4+1 r.port. or ~r q 4+2 ~ digit for an q Adamoo ExprassrapofL lffhasaoond digii@O, ~3+lor 4+1 (or 4+1 axpmss) non-a~.$ ~i b. ~ ntomd in ths -unt numbar fistd, if only tins d~ita am q ths ID or sacond dnita am igti, ff m~. * Ad.High Spaed format, tho first digit retry fs ths ohannoi isignorad if aaaignmom for that zone, and thasamd dwit qntamd. For Contaof ID rapofiinfi, th. first diih .mIY (mry) onabbs reporting for that zono, and tho non zero q aocord digit is ignored.

Enabiss attzona typs MStOMS.

Rafor to ths SYSTEM COMMUNICATION saction for went cods dafhitbna.

-28-@ontlnwdonPoss) e




Rdor b ths InsWMion Instmtm % INDEX OF PROGRAMM It@ FIELDS for numofical list ol program fislds. Sti2?d d.t2Utt V21u2g2?s shown in H.t2 [ ], othorwiss d.tautt. 0. FtiskwrIin Wan bSDIOBwmO$U&IW #IS~MSIXI~. ind~o ~ttiorsncesfmm 4140xmp orog round q fti-nuhr


NsTAILER mm *4mo.s tmo]


(1s) KEWCHASSIGNMENT Enwmh-~bwd,14,~]

(Enter l~ol




00-10: sos R..DOnSO TvD@# box bdow) fq OS 102 OS 1Od1q

u l~~tikWtiU u 21 DISASLEF*TIME~ u [lmblohodiaabb (25) BLJRGMRY IRIGGERm ZONE RESPONSETYPE8 q 41 EOLR DISASLE (Zones 2-8) u tiaR ~ Mbowtila46 AUXILIARY 1q OUTPUTENASLE u
q 14








lqO&(no RpalWnIifqoeluf9pMrl -momluy8@nwbl TESTFEPORTMERVAL

~=TWPOIWTktE oom~s..~ 2m -m~~p . 1~1 Enmrmwvalm km, W1-lWOObmmpm [024kb024brU

q 27

ml 00-= ~ -.


l~til ~ q 3O
1q 33

w@c ~



lWCN-mE OR ROTH loTouchT~ [~]

31 PASXACCESSOODE m.oaw(11-12)



q 33 q 34 42 q 43 q 45 848 47 q 46 53 q 4@ 9s0 q 3S 36 37 STAND~ANDED

onclcln pRo82ypa98 .-

.TluqllW191.talf . Ba _.


PROGRAMMING 1 211ar 4 [1] 1

(219) usEPARTmoN oEsoRIPToRs n ~~ 1~

40L]lllj4611111J ~
OR RF RCVRi & PANICS, & TNEIR SUPV. ~ RES70RE CODES [All -OS default to 00] 74 CODE 75 ID q 78 88~1 ml [-l -Rm.

q 81 Glow Lwsdtay bw%

AC b

q 82


Prog. amp. T


ncloclcl&l 1 2345078 OPEWCLOSE REPORTtNG 1~~1 (40)

15m mmm mm GIGI mm mm mm mm mm mm

140 141 -mD*R M STAY H

I=ofublo: p-dhabto]

10 Tii20tor2vortt



OGGING FIELDS %VENT (Raal tl~ ctook must h oat-do (170) EVENTLOGTYPES

bgro8st mm Evonttog50% &SO%tulI mm Event ~ OVOffbW mm




(0-12lwr~ 1-24a# h



c1 c1
la *1200]


PARTITION-SPECIFIC PROGRAM FIELDS this (DufMcatO paga lorthe partitions used in the installation.)
field rnmdw. To progmm thssa fialds, enter a partitiimspsclfii To select ths nsxt pmtltlon, press q 91. fl.ids, press 999. To mtum to the globsl progmm PARTITION #_ PROGRAM FIELDS PARTITION #_ PROGRAM FIELDS

m 10 q 11 q 12 33 16 22 23 q 29 q 32
PRtMARY SUBSCRIBER ACCT # cZlm Enor-: DD w (1$-151 [151s15lSI

ExtT m{ P31m@15-1$~)





12 13 16


lill=let*-,s==@@ ALARAmsouNDERDuR4TmN CONFtRMA


DEtAY 62



@s](W15 WINS 15UUlnd8]


HSouNDERmm m Em$2MMJW8 Io4].WlhlUn4rlWM msfnfLL. CONFtRMATtON OF ARMtNG DING ldlMo; foddllOl




mNiHilml Enm~HN1.lSl
q SS


38 q 39 q84 85

INHIBIT BYPASSOF A ZONE m 0141; loowa9zam@ (OmBptF&ozamOO) mnbo@pmt,dJ







swtNGER suPPREstoN

01-lsdmm [la, wabowr( dnwod)b rut..

q B4 *S5



ml u KHJcl 9S 9689


87 q8S


mmhJO@mbopa [1

q S7 q SO q 9O

BURG. AIARM COMM. DEtAY 1.16 ~ &moo@]


Ew~. 1*43 W (11-1S) [1S1S 1S1~ n $~loa-kl ENABLE PERM. BACKLBHT


145 1*47 1*S2 218



94 q 99
91 03 q D8

(gbbal), and aoms oan bs difforsnt for aach partition. Liatsd in ths tabls bsbw am tho apacifii fmlda that oan bs dafii for Oti parthbn. To sooosa

KkY COMMANDS Nextset of Iislds Pravious sat d fiatdsor q Urogramming mods xit
Salad naw partitiin Entar Zona/AlptrStDaVioaP mgmmming mod. Exit programming mock with installarIock-oul

PARTITtON PROGRAMMING for Vafusa aoma programmingfidds am ayatsm *


q poclflc fields, qntor q pmtltlon spoclflo flald ttumbar (ox. %9). T h q

GLOBAL PROGRAMMING FtELDS Ths global(i... non-partition spaoific) programming fiilds am

groupad into thrao sata (or pages-), as raprossntad in tho diagram bslow. Tho first sot is aocasssd as soon qs programmhg mode is q ntard. To ~ tha othor ask of fialds (indicatad on tha programming fom by q ~ or W in front of the 2dqit field ddrc~), pru 94. Noto that the alpha consoles display the wrds ALT PROGRAM MODE to indicate tho higher sat of fmlds. To rstum b ths pmvbua sat of fialds, pmaa 99. Whan progmmming data fmlds, ths fwlds fbtad in th. tabls in ths ZONE PROGWMING auxion an

dmwfUprom@fortha daairadpwtition numbsr. Oncsths partitiin numbsr k antorad, tha partitiin -i fmfds for that oartitbn osn ba uroorammad. Whan rnmofotad, prssa

Prsos W

Prss. W1 to oalsot nut pmthlon. to rstum to tho olobal prsorammlno ffstds,

coda + [q +

[0] + [0]




in sddabno xonaa and mnaolaa mustbs assignad dsfautt a ach partition by using ths #93 Msrtu mods. Nets that q bo bs indiviiuafty programmed b q uppmsa ansola an q -isarm baspa, Sntrylsxtfbsapa and dtirns mods bsspa w**~3-w. TM*k*pmvant unwantsd aaundafrom d-ussminothsr arsa$dttto pramiga$. ThspaWonad programmfngfisMs am~aldpp8d when programming ttm gbbat fiifds. To aoaas thoaa _m~fi.kblpmsa Wl. whkhwfllprorn@ you fofth8 partitton nurrtbordaaikad. Aftsr afl fii h that partkion am 91 pmgmmmad, prsas q to program ttta naxf partitiina pamnafsm RapaatforsllfMkbrts uasdbtthaayatam, PARTfTfONED PROGRANMI


q 9:
t q 99

q go

q 94



To program spacl(k data flaldq pmas [*] pfuaths2dgit fmld addmas, than rnalw tha mquiti m~lti wnaofa will hasp whorl q fistd has ban amplatdy programmed and utomatically diapfay tho next fidd in ssqusnca. will q Partitioned programming fields qm akippsd (mfor to PARTlT1014tt4G PROGRAMMING paragraph). lf tha numbsr ntsr in tha data fwld is lass than tha of digits that you q maximum parmittad (CX. phono numbsr), ths oonaola nd data displays tha fast onfry q waita. To prooaad, tha ntorad manuafly (ox. praaa fisld to ba progmmmad must bs q 05). To vlsw tho oontsnts of q data ftsld, [#] plus tha2digit fiofd address.Ths fiilds q ntrisawillbs diapfaysd, butnocharrgsacan bsmads, ddrosa is impropsrty q ntomd, In 0sss of qrrora: tf qn q ntry is impropsrty tha conaols will disptay FC. tf q program q ontorad (for oxampto, q hrgor numbar than that whii is ithar asa, parmttkd), tho mnaobs dwitl go btank. In q simply m-ardor tha oarract numbsr.



-1 Av








GENERAL INFORMATION #93 MENU MODE KEY COMMANDS Aftar prografnming afl aystom ralatad programming f~lda in rlmskkm!rnods tha USLMI ay, PMSS~ W tO displayths firstChO& of ths t n~. Press haveoonsolsaccsp q ~ t 1 3snmsumk@y. 1; thrao rnonti driven programming functions, which am: Zons @ups @ nsxt scraan dmplay withoutcharromoembnn .-1 I M* Programming (for programming zona typas ad assigning to I 0 tpha lpfo Sstoanswsrrdo partitions), Alpha Programming (for progmmmirrg q 1 Pmcc m mnYES doacriptors) & Dovioa Programming (for programming console Charaotoriatioa). Pmas O (NO) or 1 (YES) in Scapss trom Illanu Inoda, bsok into fieldprograrnminq raaponaa to tha aaluakrn. Prassing O will display tho naxt -1 llllLMh choba in squonca. Rater to tho ZONE PROGRAMMING I section for instructions for progmmming zono chamctariatii, tha DEVICE PROGRAMMING section for NOTE: Tho following fields should ba preset baforo instructions for programming ramoto ansotas, and the 27 Second RF baginning: 126 First RF Expander; 1q action for programming q lpha ALPHA PROGRAMMING q Expandoc %00 Numbar of Partitions. doscriotors. lha fii of commands uaad whila in tha menu modoisshown attharight.



fislds can ~ programmed by using ths ZONE

Tha foll~~

DEVICE PROGRAMMING . . .. . . 1. E~or Pa-ramming mode, then press #93 to display ZONE PROG?. Press O (NO) to display ALPHA
PROG?. Press O aaain to disolav DEVICE PROGY. Prass 1 to enter DEVk2E PROG~MING mods.

2. 3.

Enter the 2-digif console ID number as set by its DIP switchas (01.31). Press ~] to aceapt entry. lpha or fixed-word, as Select the typa of consob, q promptad (01.afpha; 02.fixad-word). Press ~] to accspt q ntry. Entering 00- console not usad. Enter tho consofas defautt partition number (01 to mdrnum numbar of panitiins programmed for system in field 200). This is tha primary partition for whioh the consols is intendad to ba usad. Press ~] to accapt q ntry. Enter q numbsr 00-03 for tho oonsole sounding suppression options dasirad for this oonaols as folbws: Enter 00 for no suppmasbn. ntry/axif baaps. Enter 01 to suppraaa amWbarm & q Entar 02 to suppraaa ohima mode baaps onty. ntrylsxit snd chims Enfar 03 to supprass arrnldiirm, q mods baspa. .



Noto that bofom




chamotoristica, fidds

q fwfd 2=m (numbar of partitions) must ba programmed. nd This idontifios the ttss of RF Raoakrars and the numbar of partitions baing usad in tha system.
1. Enter Programming ~, then prasa #93 to dispfay ar ZONE PROGRAMMING ZONE PROG?. Prass 1 to q zona numbar to ba pmgrammad (01-64, 86-91, 2. %%the S5, 96,97 or 99). Press ~] to ~ wrtry. 3. Enter tha zons raspoma typa for that Zons (01-10). Tha aoraon will q ufomatioaffy dmpfay ths zona typs for tha ntorad. Prass ~] to aooapf q rttry. ff q different numbar q zone rasponaa typa is dosimd. antor q dfloranf numbar and prass p]. 4. Dopanding on whsthor or not RF Expansion haa ba~n programmed, and ifthiszona iabatwaan l-63, thaaystam will ask tf thm & an RF (wiroleas) zona. Entar 1 for yes, O ntry. for no. Pmsa ~] to accapt q 5. ffthszonanumbar is batwaan 10.64 andthazonahasnot baon aalaotad as 8 wimlass zona, tha aystom will ask if tikkar@~~mw. E~ltiy~, Otirm. Pws~] to aooapt anfry. 6. Enter tha partition numbar for this zona. Prass p] to q rttry. mpt Tha display wifl mpaat with fha zona numbar quaatbn for programming tha ofhar zonos in tha syawm. Enter 00 to q back to normal progmmmirrg mods. xif 5.

126 & 1=7 (RF Expandsr SalsUs)

Ths soraon will display tha naxt oonaola numbar to bs ~-. 6 Prasa 00 b axil Manu Moda. -. No= ~~ob addrcaa 00 is always b% sat to qn alpha


withno sounder auppmssion options.


ALPHA PROGRAMMING Asslgrhg Zen. & Pmtltlon Dosorlptors tt using q 5137A0 ~neolo, q user friendly Engfiih language doscriptionlbcetion of all protection zorms, partitions nd keypad panbs, polling bop short q 4280 supervision faults -n be programmed into the s~rn. Each descr~icrn can be composed of a combination of words (up to q maximum of 3) that qre selected from q vocabulary of ny approximately 220 words stored in memory, and q word dded to it. tn addition, up to 20 can have qn s or -s q lrsady in irrstatlordefined words oan be added to those q mmory. Thus, wtm an afarm or tmubb mews h a zone, qn eppmpriato doacription for the location of that zone will be displayed at the amsole. An irrstatbrs message can also be ach partition which wifl be dispteyed when programmed for q the systam is %e~ (ex. lHE PETERSON%). Entering Zone Descriptors

To program alpha descriptors, ntor Programming mode, o than proas #33 to display ZONE PROG7. Pm O (NO) ~ ntor ALPHA display ALPHA PROG?. Press 1 to q PROGRAMMING mode. There are 5 sub-menu eebctiorts t that will be displayed one q a time. Press 1 to select the mod. desired. Press O to display the next morh availsbb. lpha sub menu sobctbns am: The q

1. SelectZONE DESCRIPmade.
Tho consab keys patform tho followingfurrcfbns: lphabet and actual words in escandhg [3] Scrolls both q q lphabetical orcbr. [1] Scrolls both alphabet and actual words in descendhg alphabetical order. [2] ~swromows-%=~sba~-. [6] Toggles between stphatret and actual word Ii uead ntries. to accept q [8] Saves tho zone dadption in the systems memory. [#] # plus zone number will display the doscriptbn for that zone. ntsiringtho descr@ion for zone 1, (by 2. Key 01 to begin q O3 02 for zone 2, q for zono 3 ate.). The following W61be displayed: ZN 01 A Nota that the first latter of the afphabet appears attor the zone number, and that the zone number is automatioafly included with the deecripbn. 3. Select the first btter of the desired descrbtiin htote that A is already dispbyed). Use ~-p] to &an& through nd the alphabet q koy [1] to go backward. For exampb, assume the desired description for Zons 1 is BACK DOOR. Press key ~] repeatedly (or hafd down the ksy) until % appears, then press key [6]. to dispfay the first available word beginning with B. Repeatedly press key [3) to advance through the q vailable words until the word BACK is displayed. Press key [1] to move backward through tho word list. To add an a or - a , prsss the [2] key. The first depression adds qn a=, the aeoond depression adds an s s, the fhkd depression dwfaye no character (to erase the character), the fourth depraasbn adds an c-, ate. To accept ths WW press the [6] key, m to99~ ~ to atphabet fist. 4, For selection of the naxt ward (~), ~a $t.P 3* but press key 13] until tlw desired fii letter of the next word xampfo, W). Than press key [61 b appears (in thm q display the f~ avaibbfe word beginning with ~. Press key [3] repaatsdly until the desired word (DOOR) appears. To aooeptthe wed, presstha 16] key, which sgain toggles beck b atphabet list. nterad, press ~ [8] 5. When all desiredwordshave been q to store the deacriptbn in memory. 6. To review the zone descriptions, key [#] plus zone number (e.g., #01 ). To adii zone deacriptiins. key ~] plus zone number (e.g.. 01) 7. TO .xit the zone desdptbn mod., fW ~. ntored focaffyat the NOTE: Alpha descriptor entry can be q 5137AD console or remotefy using q 4130PC Downbder.

Addl ng Custom Worda Up to 20 instefbrdefined words can be added to the butt-in vooabulery. Eaoh of the 20 Wards= can actustly ooneist of several words, but bear in mind that q maximum of 10 charactere oanbeueedfor -wanlatring. 1. Select CUSTOM WORD mode. The keys parform the folbwing functions [3] Advances through a@habet in ascending order. [1] Mvanees through a@mMt in dascsrrdii order, [6] Selects desired Iattec moves the cursor 1 space rigM. [4] Mows the cursor one epaoe to the left. raskrg w [7] Inserts q space et the cursor bcation, q oharacfer at that focatiin. [8] Saves the new word in the aystem~ memory. ntry mode. ~] Returns deacripbr q to 4. K~tbnum*d-~~orwd~tigtib xempts, if you are creating the fikst oreated (01-20). For q nter 01: when oraating the saoond ward (or word string), q nter 02. and so on. A oursor witl now appear at the wwd, q begiining of the second line. dvanoe through the q lphabet 5. Use tho [3] key to q nd (numbers, symbols q special characters qre included). Lfsetha(l]keyto movabsckthrough the@abat. IMPORTANT: Custom words must baain with an alphabetic character. ff numbers or ~mb%-sre usd ti the fii character. tha word wifl not be saved. 6. When you have reached the desired charauar, press the [6] key to sefacf k The cursor wifl then move to the right, in positionfor the next character. 7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to create the desired word (or words).Note that the [4] key can be used to move the cursor tothefaff ifnecesaary, end that key~canba used to inter q blank {or to qraea an existing chareuar). Eaohwardorword atringoannot axoeedlocharutars. 8. Preee the [6] key to save the ouetam word(s) and return tothe*ED ??dbplay. Thecu$tomwxwd (or stringof utomatbally added to the buitt-in wards) will be q vooebularyattheenddthegroup ofwurdsbegiining with the same btfer. ddiinal 94 Repeat stops 4 through 8 to crest. up to 19 q custom words (or word strings). 10. Press the r] key to return to the 9ZN ?? dieptay, and follow the zone dasafptbn entry procedure to assign the newwordsto azonedaecriptbn. Il. Key OOtooxltthe zonedascr@bn programmingmode.

Creatlrtg Partltlon Descriptors 1. SelectVan DESCRIPT: mode. The system witl ask for the
psrtitiin number desired. ~er the number as a eingtakey. 2. Folbw the same procedure as for CUSTOM WORDS, q xcapt that partition deaor@om are IkrMad to four (4) charaotors (ax. WHSE for warohousa).



Croatlno A Custom MOB-O. D18PlaY (Instahrs M.ssao.) to rcplsos READY TO ARM with tho Normal~, when tho system bin tha disarmed ststo, the 2. For cxamplo, mossago SERVICE*4=01 77, proosad as folbws: following display Is prasant on tha Consolo. -DMRMEDREADY TU ARM Prass ths 16] koy to movo tho cursor to ths dght, and oonthw until tho cursor is posltkmd ovar tha fkst Psfi or afl of tho above messaga osn be trddiad to oraatc q bostionon the saoondfins. ouatom Inatdlor mossago for q aoh partition. For q xamplo, -DISARMEDon tho first iii or READY TO ARM on ttw lphabat to the Presstho [3] koy to advanos through tfw q saoond Iins could be roplaoed hy tha indlatiin company first desired character (i thii oaao. S). ~SS fh~ [11W rum. or phono numbar for service. Not. that tharo am only to go backward, when necessary. When tho desired 16 charactar spaoes on q aoh of tha two Iinas. To oroato q charauor is rsachad, press [6]. Ths cursor will then move ouatom display massaga, prcmad as follows: ntry of ths naxt character to ths naxt position, raady for q xanrpie, %7. When the cursor raachas a position (m thm q wifl ask for 1. SeIad DEFAULTSCREEN mode.The oonsole xistii Charactm, pressing the [3] or [1Jkey will ovar an q the partitii numbar for this massage. Enter ths partitii q dvanoa or back up from that character in the alphabst. nurnbar number. Press (l to ~ entry. Prcwead in this mannar until all characters in the message Thafdbwing wiuappaac two been onterad. DISARMED 3. To store this new display message in memory, press the [8] key. READYTOARM trame left of tha first Iii A cursor will ba present at ttw q (over the first star). The [6] key is used to move the nd cursor to the right q ths [4] key to movethe cursor to the bft. Key 171may ba used tO W ifI$efi s-s or.existing chu-a6tem;

4. Press the ~] key to return to the ZN ?? display. To confirm that the new message has been stored in memory, press 00 and then press 00 again. The new massage shoufd be dispfayad. 5. Key 00 to exit the descriptorlprogrammingmode.



OF \





COATROOM collection coMslJsTioN


FOYER mmw G&l&FgY

















o E 4TH m !% 9TH











Note: lhis

facfoty-pfovidd vocabulary

of twrds is subjwf to change.


WHAT CAN BE DONE ONCE PANEL W ON-LINE7 q Arm the System in the Away Modw Disarm the System Downloading dbws tho operator to mmototy q ccess,  Bypass q zone nd control the security system over normal progmm, q q q New Progmm Download Foroa the System to ~ tebphone lines. Anything that can be dona directly from tho  Shut Down Communication (dialer) Functions (nonkeypad can be dona remotely. using DOWNLOADING. To payment d monitoringfees in an owned system) hwnioad, the tdbwing is MqUiMd: 1. An IBM PC, or compatible oomputor with MS UM 3.1 or q Shut Down afl Sacurhy System Functions (non-payment for q teased system) highar, to run tho DOWNLOADING program. MS DOS  Inhti Local Keypad Programming (prevents takeover of stands for: Mii Disk Operating Syawm. your ~nts) 3. A HAYES 1200 SMARTMODEM (mrtomak feval 1.2 or  hqhen internak bvel 1.1 or hqhar). tt thsse bvais cannot  Laave q meaaaga for customer (5137 ONLY) Cemmand the System to Upbad q COPYof its Resident xtemd modem an be purchased be found locally, an q from ADEMCO, or contact HAYES for q free updam. Other  Program to the ofb Read: Arming Status, AC Power Status, L@ of Faufted qven it claimed to bs 100% brands are not compatible, zones, List of Bypassed ~fW, 224 Ewnf Log, List of conrpatbb. Zones Currently in Alarm, List of zones Currentty in 4. 4130PC V-LINK@ DOWNLOADING softwar., from Troubb, List of RF sensors with low battery =lldiibft$ q vailable in both 3-1/2ADEMCO. This software is q Set the Reai-Tima cbdL nd (4130P3-3) and S-1/4- d~keftas, q incfudes q complete HOW SECURE IS DOWNLOADING? Users Manual. Accessing the Control from a remote bcation is protected HOW DOES DOWNLOADING WORK? against campromiaa by the use of 4 bveis of protection: At the protected premises, the Control panel must be 1. Securiiy Code Handshake: The subacrtira account xisting telephone fine (refer to the PHONE connaded to the q number as wati as an 8d@ fD number (known only to the LINE CONNECTIONS section). No progmmm~ of the panel nd offii) must be matched between the Control q is rquirad before downbadii to qn iniiial inataiiation. computer. To download, do the foibwing: 2. Hang.lfp and Catl-Bacic The Control panel wiU%ang-up 1. Enter the installer ~e + [#l+ ~. ~ panel temporarily q call the computer back at the pm-programmed nd q nables q ring aunt of 5 q sets the Downbad catnd numbr only if the security codes match. option to 1- (caitback rmt required). 3. Data Encryption Atl data that is exchanged between the 2. Call the panel using the downbader aoftwam set to computer and Cantmlbmcrypwd toreducethe posaibiMy %iFtSTCOMMUNtCA~ nmda. ofanyune~ths iineandcorrupting dti 4. Operator Acoess Laveta: Up to 15 operators can have 3. The downloader will establish q session with no ~ access to the DOWNLOADER each having thdr own bgThe panel informationcan then be dwnti. on code. However, each operator can be assigned one of ccess, mntrol or program the alarm In order to remotely q nd COMMAND three ievefa of access in both FILE q panel, a ~ir& must be eatabiiahadbetweenthe oomputM and functions, as fotbwa: tha cimtrol panel, as Mows:
1. The computer calfa up the Control panel. (l%. phone

PRIMER ...- .. ..

---- -.---


2. 3, 4.


6. 7.

Read Onty: able onty to bok at the database; cannot number for each customer is q terad into thecustomers ny change q information, and cannot sea the customers account fk on theoomputor). access ~des. The Control panel answers at the pra.progmmmad ring ble to took q q Part ReadlWriie: q t nd change q ll count and executes a handshake with the ~r. informatbn. except the aratomera access ~dea. the Control The computer sends q rqueat for oaf-to Full ReadMfte: ebb to look at and change any and all unteaa dkback is not required. informationin the database. CONTROtJCOMM ACCESS: nd hangs up. The panel acknowledges the request q Read O* ebb only to Upbad and arm the system. Not During the next few seconds. the control will process the ebb to DtSARM, BYPASS, or change any information. ncrypted hrformatbn, request making suro certain q Part ReadlWrit. able to ARM, BYPASS, UPLOAD, received from the canpuwr, matches ils own memory. DOWNLOAD but cannot shutdownthe system. Upon a successful match, the Control panel will seize the ll Full Read/Write: able to perform q =ntrol and status phone tine and cdl the ~mputer baclG unless caft-back b commands, os well as shutdown atl or part of the system. not required. NOTES: nswers, usualfy ~ the second ring, and The computer q 1. Each time the Control panei is accessed (whether q xecutes a handstdte with the panef. successful or unsuocesaful). q PROGRAM TAMPER The panel then sends other default information to the reportMO) is sentto centraliiafiom if programmed. computer. ft this information matohos the computers 2. ~30wnbdkig, the console will display MODEM atabtiihed. This is information, q succosaful link is q known as baii ON-LiNE. q download or q save is don., an automatic 3. Whatier tkneatampia done, indiithadata andtimeotthefast downbad (oraave) and the operator ID number. 4. TIM avemge time for q complete downbed, hrcf~tng initialoafl-up, hang-up and ~ is under 4 minutes. 5. Amrnpiete hardoopyd oechindiiidimla caountcanbe obtdnadbyanna&g a~rtothamrnpder. Rafarm youroornputer ownera manuator~your daaiarfor prhter moommendationa.

1. Aiarm q trouble responses and reports are dieabbd nd vent occur during thii during on-lime time. Should an q tima, the msponaa will take place and the report will go through as soon as the remote access sequence is aJmpiatad. Afarm and trouble conditions 8ra not ignored, they are simply delayed. qre inactivo during downloading 2. Tho keypads after hang communication, and resume normaf functions


UP.Atlkeypadq ntriesare ignored duringon-tine time.




displayad, praaa tha ~] kay to dbplay tha daacdptora of =mmunbato (no Kiasotf by tha raodvor at tha cmtml atatbn thhttad Zona(o). Raatora fauttad Zona(s) ff ~, afbr tha maximum numbar of tranamiasion altwnpta la triad). Disarmed READYTQ ARM& dbpiayad. ff thb oaura, varffy that tha phons Iina b ~nnactad, tha 2. Erttor tha aaoudtyooda and praaa tha TEST kay. ~C mrract raport format b programmed, UC. and 1, Armthasyatam arxltaultona orrnorazorraa, siiancaabrrn axtarnalaoundar (if uaod) should sound for 3 ~ then turn off (tha syatom b opamting on tho bad(-up ntoring tho ooda and prassing 00Uftd.r(.) qaoh tima by q battery onfy at this tirno). OFF. Chack that Entry/Exit delay zonos provido tho aasignad daby timas. NOTE 1. If tho aoundor doss not sound, this may ba qn indii that tha ~ battery is dii or missii. 2. Chock tha kaypad-initiatad abrms, ff programmed in field NOTE 2. Aa q romhdar that ths ayatom is in tha Test mode, tha Consola will Wnd 8 Singla baap at 1~ intarvals if no protection zonas ara vblatad. NOTE 3. In tha last mode, no alarm raporta will ba aant to tha xtornat aoundor (i mad) will not ba oarrtral atatbn. Abo, tha q activatad.

USING TEST MODE ARMED SYSTEM TEST After tha Ijtstaflatlon b oomplatad, the Socurfty System IMPORTANT1 A masaago will bs sent to tho oantral otmbn 8hOUfdbs thoroughly taatad C8 fobws: atatbn that q tut during tha folbwlng tosta. Notify thaoantral 1. Wtth tho Syatom In tho dkmad stat., chaok that q till ba In ~raaa, ll ~mimflDSMED-P-r]~stitaw b NOTE A d-y FAILURE lndioatos fdhlm b q of -MM.

nd Wtndowa Doors q OpanandcJoaaoach pmtact@doorandwindow inturn. Each should produca thraa boaps from tha Conaob. Tho =~ratimnzotit ii~onfhatinaola ll nd 3. Notify the carttral station that q tasts qro finbhad q . . varify rasutts with tham. MotIon Dotootors Wafk in front af any intmior motbn damotom. Man for thrw TURNING TNE SYSTEM OVEf! TO TNE USER baapa when tho datactor aansa$ movamont. Whila it ia plairr tha ~ratbn of ths q ystam to tha uaar by sctivatad, its daacriptor wilf remain d-ad on tha Consob. 1. Fulty q going ovor each of Its functions as WOII so the Usara Nota that wiralosa PIRs wifl havo q 3 minuta Iodrnut hatwaan Manual S1.pphad. transmisabns to oonaarvo batbty Iilo (ronwva -r for walk taat b overrida tha 3-minuta Ioctwut). xpldr the oparation of q ach zone 2. In Particular, q tc.). Sa sure tha (entry/exit, parimotor, {ntarior, fire, q Smoko Dotootors mergoncy user undoratands how to oparate qny q Fotbw tha taat procAuro providadby tha manuf~uror of fa8turo(s) programmed into tha ayatam. q ach smoke dotaotor to qnsura that q dotactors w. ll lMPORTANTf: In tha spacas providadin tho Uao~s oparatbrral and ara functioning proparly. Manuat,mwrd tha Entryand ExitDatayt.hnaa, andthosa NOTE: A 2-wiro amoka datactor dwffi not obar until tha vailabb btctbns that hava baan programrnod intotha q xitad. Taat rnoda is q Tumfng Off TEST mod. Enfarthaaocurky mdaandpraaatha OFFkay.

nd nd , rrdbr3 OS,by praaaingths Panic kaya ~ q #, 1 q q q and *). tf the syatam haa boon programmed for audible q mordancy, tho oonaolo will q mit a bud, steady alarm nd sound. Tha word AIARM q a descriptor %9= will ba d~dtir ti#. (til~O=o vti, a-Wwtilk dbplayad; if 3 and # qro proaaad, a W= wiflba diaplayad). Sikwa the alarm by q ntering the saourity oodo q nd proasing OFF. tf tha system has boon programmed for silant panb, thars will ba no audii alarms or d~ys. A raporl will ba aant to tha oantral station, howavor.


pairaofPANtckayac41 #,16=,36 #). Maka qura tho user undorstanda tho importanoa of

tasting tho

q ystom at Iaast waokty, foibwing tho

Pm=dWaprOvibdi nfhautiManuat. ~




WtroninstaNing apankhadsystam, ULroquirasthatthafofbwingtraabaarwd mkmtbaownad andmanagad by fhaamoparaon(a} 1, ASpartitii

2. 3. 4. AllpartWns rnuatbapartof onabueding atonastraataddraaa -d--~(a)mmb~-m~-~-~d~-. Tha Contmfcabinat itaalfmust batamparmtactad andcmmactdb

amaasbthaarol oabinafwifl oauaaanitarrn.

Downbadii is notparrniaabta.

q24hourtypa zonoauchthat anyurrauthorizad


installttr should assume the responsibUityof dewfoping andoffering regular maintenance program to the a ~ atiti-mmdti~memamw Useraswella sacqbung ti~r-ti~rmbn must be incfudd component parts. R acerrtmncfatbrts ems pmpe r oPe ration at alf times. toirlsuremesYst for a apedfic progfarn of f~eti testing (at feast weekfy)



qrmtlo dkdav Zonos Indkating
CHECK conditions . check that the DIP switches are set Oormctly. q K only left loops am bsii ussd, mako sure program fiitds 06, q 08, 110, 1*11, 112, and 113 am pmgrsmmad 07, as v. . ff both left and right toops are bshg used, make sure program fields 06, 07, 08, 1$0, 111, 1*12, and 113 am programmed with W% for the bft hops and 1s for the right hops. NOTE: On a 4190WH you cannot use q right Ioopunlessthe bftbopisusedalso. . Check pelting toop voltage at the cmtroi as wall as at each RPM. Thsm Shodd be fluotuafing8-11 VDC wr the bq. Check if programmed for tamper detection in pmgmm fwld 24. II 24= 0, the RPM will oome up in troubb when its mvar is removed (4190WH onty). 86 tt a 4208 is bsii used kr zones 10-17, program fiikt q must bessttorl, andtha DIPwvitchesahouid beset 8s ny other 4208 follows: 1,2,3,4,-ON, 5-OFF. If q 86 oontiiumtbn is bshqf used, fiikt q must - V end the DIP switches sot q ccording to tho instructions -mpsnying tha 4208.

ta lnooambk:

Powor down ~rnptak~ (AC + battc~), disconnect the battery, qnd powar up again (AC only). Chock that q uxiliary voltago is betwoon 12.5VDC14.oVDC. if m d~nnsct afl auxitii devii, and take q nether readhg. If within tha abovs fangs, there is too uxiliary dovicas. (see much currant being drawn by the q tho Polling Loop & Auxiliiry Device Workshaats for the ach devbe). tf still not within the above current draw of q mngeo chsck incoming power from the No. 1361 transformer. Vohage should bs 16.5VAC. ff bebw 15VAC, carefully cheek the AC supplyfor a minimum of 110 VAC.

With all auxifiary devkes q battery still disoonnacfed, nd check the voltage on the red & black battery leads. It tfnot,raplsos the Control. should be 13.65VDC (approx.). t ff it is@ 13.65VDC, the battery may not be q full charge (allow the bafkry to charge 12-24 hours bsfore moonnecting the auxiliry devioas) or the batterymay bs bad, andnotabbto hokfacharge. Consoto dlspkyo Not Ready but no zone k

dkplayod what the ~] ready koy b dopro8sed Chaokto rnakosure thsra is q zone tVPSrasponsa q ntemd

in program tiitd 05 for %7 fpotling b


xpbndi. will only read wOT READY, without an q


is q ntorad and


ff no zone
the dispfay

Zonoa Indkstlng

fauft oondltlons (READY not

q tikp short are,

Ched( to dotermino if q right bop has bean q nabbd for an xpanded syskm and rm zone msponaa is RPM in a zone q assigned to that sensor foop. A zona programmed as q 24 hour Want (type 06) is fautkd.




Zono 1 In troubk (CHECK) ff programmed for fire or burglary using opsn-circuit oss ths sensors, q 2,000 ohm EOLR must bs used q
zone, at the fast devioe, as daacribad m ths SYSTEM CONFfGURATION: ZONES sactbn. 2-S not doteotlng faufts when tholr EOLR8 shorted (READY dkpfay days on) ff using EOLRS, check that progmm fbfd 41-o ff not usingEOLRS,41.1. Zone 0 k Indkstlng q fautt (READY wtll not Zonos

dlsplayod) . ttusirig 4W0Wt+,maka qum that the jumpsrs am sst up q in ~rdanoe with ths EOLR behg usad on the tstt bop (the right toop rrevor uses qn EOLR). Sss the 4190WH WfRING DtAGRAM in ths SPECIFICATIONS section for ~Wdt-XVdEOR. . H using q 4208, make sum the zonos are setup wtth ths arract EOLRS. Se. tho SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: ZONES section for 42o8 usage. . ff using q 4186 rfght toop, mako sure onty ctossd~rcuif dsvicss am used, and chsck the program tiolds %6 through 08, and 1*1O through 113 to mako sum ths zonsainqusstbn aresnabbdas right toopsft). 87 q ppeam In ooneofs dkptsy wfth mpld baepfng q Thii indaos that q short= has bsen dstected on ths P-W *. OMcatOcJkll&*pobrfty fs~atthsmlltrolas


Thii zono is for dosed drouff, unsupswfssd uss onfy. Do notuseoponcirouit do~sorsn EOLRonthiizons.

Zen. 9 fake qkrms psrlodlodly Zone has bsen programmed for q rsspo= timo of 5-10 milliseconds ~1 4), qnd should be used with Fast

Disoonnssf the potlirrgtoop and chdt for continuky from tiehh(+)bdhbtigmd.hsmub no continuity to ground. tf them is a ground, ths aouros laminated. must bs found and q Ohsokprogmm fiil19through thszonss krquestbn aratienabbd l%5tomakssursthat as ffzonsa.

READY dkpfay not gelng out when zonos faulted


rosporrsodevioas, such as vibratbn sorrsorsor glass break sansors. onty. H devicsswith 8 msponsstime of gmatorthan 10 miffisscondsm used,tho zone may fats. a atarm duo to oontacf %ounoa, tf ussd &r areas where vibrations may oocur.

Makosure sachzonsinqumtion has bsonprogmmmedfor q msponss intibtds %2-*O5 and lol=lm.

Zonos 1-9 not dotootlng faufts (READY Ilght stays on) ChaCkPr09mmfia!dS 1018and l19tomaks sursthswimd zone(s)in questionhmmnotbeanwablsd as RF zones.

Coneda dbptays NOT READY but no zon. k dkpky.d wh.n r] READY k.y k d.prosssd programfidd$ 906 throughq q 1.IO through 08. nd 113 to make sure that MM boos are qnabled for the

awmctzo xipsare-bsii nea.tfno righttr

uasd, thssefiekts

should -v.

-~rmtiM*W@Wsurotkmkamw ntered for WT. tf q poltii foop short ~rs msponsa q ntersd for 37, the dwlay wouid and no rasponso is q xpbdon. indii NOT READV with rm q

. A point pmgmmmad for 24 hour silent (typs 06) is faufted.

- 3s -


88 or 90 q ppeara ttt oonsofa dbplay qnd rapid bsanlrta ooours



07 q ppsars In tho conaoio dlcpby

The raoeiver ia not raoaiving q signets from arty of the y trartemittdrs in tho aystom. An W is for the2nd rscaivcr; q* is for theIstraoeiver. These d~bys qm q nablad by assigning q zone rasponsstype in progmmfiitd V09. rtonna b inatatiad proparty q is not nd cheek that the q ny matal objoot, mfsr to WIRELESS shortod to q

snd rapid booDina occuis q T& ifiioatss that tho polling bop has stfhor q dirsct short, lso ors short to ground on tho (+) side. Miiht q indicate that the 4280 RF Racaivor is causing the short (diseannect 4260 to Vsdfy).

ExPANsfoN aeuion fordataiia. thatth. tran$mittora qm powered

the racaiw.

t Chti that polling bop polarity is oorract q the control panai, aswsflasat oach4280. Check oorttinuity from (+) sido of ths bop to ground (disconnect the potting loop from the control firstl) - qn open shoufd be mad (no continuity). tf q short to ground q xists, fti and q fiminato the short. VOttageacrosa the polling bOp at the control panel q q t ach 4280. if used - them should be fluctuatbn betwsan 8-11 VDC.
qs WOII as

up with fresh 9

voft batteries. nd CharSt thatthe houseIfYantabh between tmrtsmitters q

nything b blocking tmnsmission to the Dotormina if q reoeivar (ox: ntetaf cabhtata or shelves, etc.) M 4280 b uaad. remove ha covor. Put the system h the
test mode, fhon sss if tha transmitters ckk-in. ff rwt, move the reoehrorto another focationand teat *sin.

;READY .. .

diapiay not going out ufhan RF zortos

. Check that the house iDs match between the transmitters

and the receiver.

88 or 81 q ppswa in oortaolo display q rapid nd

besmlno 000UrS . Tb ~ivar is rrm raspondii to tho Canfrol panel An %~ mfsra to the second receiver and q %1 refers to the first raoeivor.

Check that the rsceiver is onabbd in program fields f 26 for the first receiver and 127 for the second receiver. Check that the zones in qusstion qre enabted for RF in program fia~s 1*18 through 125.

H@80buti,Mtiti~~S~rkonatiW magnet is in dose proximity to the read switch. Check that the arttrol b wired properly b the raoehrer. tf 4260 is used, determine that theourmnt dmw on tho polfing loop is not mom than 64mA. ff the draw does exceed 64mA instafl q 4197 loop axtondcr module, or -r the 4280 from auxitiary power, as doscribad. Chec4cthat the wire run length is in agraemont with the racortrmendad wire gauge.


. Check that a zone response is progmmmad for the zones in question, in fields 02 through05, and 101 through 105. . Chaokthat the racahrah antennais properly installed. . Remove qny ssnsors from tho transmitters and shon
across the transmitter terminals. Then fault the transmitter to sea tf the READ~ iight goes il does not go OUt, check the programming for that particular tmnsmittac if it
dOSSgo out, check ths sensors on *M ZOIIS.

Conao& diaptays NOT READY but no zone is Check programfwlds 02 throughW6, qnd 1q O1through disptayed when ~] READY koy is deproessd l*05tomaka 8uraattunuaetfzonaaara0W. Checkprogram fiiid OS makesure37 has a zone tVDS to onterad U q foop short oocurs and no raspoiiia . Cti programfmtds118through1%!6to makesurethat is q ntered for %7, the console woutd display only oNOT sltnon-RFzonss areos. xptadom READW,with no q Zortos Indlcstlng NOT READY oortdltlon, but A Sient Panb artdiiion may be present. Key the security trsnsmlttor oontaot toop is intaot da+oFFwsae tithamndiicbars. Put the system in the SNiFFER MODE forat taut 2 ftoura, Whlta in the TEST mode, some or stt of ths to as. if another system in ths arsa is using the aamo trsrtarnittors sre not responding, or sro house ID. U so, changs thm systems houaa tD number. Make sure zonos in question qre seiectad as RF &t fmtda responding irrogutarly TheTestas the-racahratssensitivity 50%. This by 118-125. meansthat as brrg as q transmitter responds, its location on. or mors transmlttors qrs htdloat)ng CHECK is satisfactory. fter q whlls; oonaolo bseping rspldty: . oondftlons q Move the affected transmitters to another location and ra. Chsck that the transmitter havo tho oorrsct houss ID test. There may be something blocking its transmission programmed. path. check that tho trarrsmittors have the correct transmittm ID .
q q

kt tho system, qm Zonos, not progmntned Indloatlrtg CHECK oortdltlons

Move the receiver to another toostionfor batter reoaotion.


ssaignad. . Chti that the tranamittsra have fresh batteries.

q nether

If afi transmitters ue reception.

q ffeoted, move the recaiver to location. There may be something Mocking its

. tf no raoaiver bcation oan be found that can reliabty

receive at/ transmitters, add q second receiver in q

different bcation in the premises to q xtend the RF coverageof the ayatem.



indicates thst tho communicamr has attomptad 8 timaa to send q report to the central station but did not get kissoft. Chock with the central station to mako sum the ccaptabb to the central statbna programmed format is q racaivor. Check program field 49 to sea it singlo mossago with checksum has been onabted. The central station receiver might not be able m hendte chedtaum. 34 Chock program field 1q to see if split repofiing is enabled. tf only q prim~ centml station ptmna number is being used, field 134 must. 01 Check program fmld 31, PASX ACCESS CODE. Entar up to 4digha only if an outside lie must be accessed before the number is dialed or if call waiting is to ba suppressed. The latter feature must be obtainod from the bcal telephone curnpany. To make sum tits field is empty, koy %1 to qraae this bC8tiOn.

FAILURE la dlmlawd COMM FAILURE (5137AD)

Chaok program fiotd 30 for oithor TouchTon. or rotary diahng. tn most CSSSS,E rotary is selected dialing will be successful, but if TouchTone is solocted, than the tina that q tins that hd must be q TouchTone tina. tt is POSSMO permitted TouchTone swvics previously was now being biodtad from that use by the telephone _ny because the user wee not paying for that service. At inetsllatkm time, it is important to check with the user to determine if they era paying for TouchTone service.
H SESCONRADIONICS format is being used, check program fmld 30. tt hexadecimal codos qre being sent, enter q W. U only 0-9 is being sent, oithor q1q or a T is acceptable.dC~~dw~h the central station to verify . If 3+1/4+1 LOW SPEEDisbahg used,cha& theID portion of the won coda folds. There should be W- in afl of these fields. Some central station receivers cannot handle seared digit re~rting. Chad the telephone numbers progmmmad in fields = 34. Listen to the outgoing all attemps using q handaeL on Check thewiring the Tebo connector. &

q q


4140XMPT PtrYslcal: CONTROL 12-lm x 14-W-H x 3-D



From Ademco No. 1361 Pkrg4n Transformer (use 1361CN in Oanada) rated 16.5VAC, 40 VA.

10VDG13.8VDC, 2.8 amps max. (non-UL installations),75omA lass aux. current draw (UL installations). AUXIUARYPOWEROLfTPtJV 9.6 VDC-13.8VDC, 750mA max. For UL installations,the accessories connected to the output must be UL listed, and rated to operate in the above voitaga range. BACK-UPBAITERY 12VDC, 4AH or 7AH gal d. YUASA NP4-12 (12V, 4AH) or NP7-12 (12V, 7AH) remmmendad. Use 4AH battery for UL installatkms. STANDBY: 4 hours min. with 750 mA aux. load using 6 AH battery. CIRCU~ PROTECTORS: Thermal circuit breakers are used on batterY incwtto protect aoainst reverse battew conrmctionsand on alarm sounder output 6 ptbtact against wfing fauks (Shorts). A solid state atcuit breaker is used on auxiiiiry power output to protect against wiring fautts (shorts). DIGITAL COMMUNICATOR FORMATS SUPPORTED: ADEMCO HtGH SPEED ADEMCO 442 EXPRESS ADEMCO LOW SPEED ADEMCO 00NTACT fD SESCOA RADIONiCS LOW SPEED LINE SEIZE: Doubie Poie RINGER EQUIVALENCE: 0.78 FCC REGISTRATION NO.: AC396U-66192-AL-E 5137AD REMOTE CONSOLES 8.4 inches Width: Phyaicai: Height: 4.75 inches 1.1 inches Dsipth: Eioctrical: Voitage Input 12VDC Current Drain: 90 mA (5137AD with backiiihting)

Interfaca Wiring: RED: 12VDC input (+) auxiliarypower BLUE: Not Used GREEN: Data in YELLOW Data Out BLACK: round and (-) connection from suppiamental G power suppiy.



& ~[N~

JUMPERS USAGE (LEFT ZONE ONLY) ut for low currsnl mods (reed tvoa Switches):use the W,WO ohm resistor, mvidad.Must_&cutif BLUEjuntpr is p cut. 4t90WH draws1 mAhornthepolling loopinthismade. Cut tor use wrthno EOLR (doserkurcwtonly). Doingttus q utomstioally utsan internalS0,000ohmresistor series p h withbe zone,so thewhite jumpermust also be cut. Hgh ctment mode:Uss the 4,7W ohm resistor,prowdsd, Wialmachnkd swkches eitherm opemcircun cbssdor in ckuit oontigwation.41SOWH&aws 2 mA from Uw polling loopinthismode.

The 4190WH is a 2-zona (known as bft and right ioops) RPM. The left ioop can be used for cloeed-circuit devices, with or without EOLR supervision, and for open-circuit devices. with EOLR suoervisbn. The ieft loop can also be used with fast-response (1 O millisecond) devices. if necessary. Foibw the chart for cutting the correct jumpers and choosing the correct
resistor when using the left loop.

The right loop is for ciosed-circuit, unsupervised use only, and has a response time of 400 miiiisaconds. The ny jumpers do not affect the right bop m q way. Do not use a rosiator on this hop. Note that the right bop can only be used it the ieft Loop is also used, and that the right loop numerically foliows the iaft loops zone number, wh~ is set with the units DiP switches (ax. it krff ioop is zone 12, right bop is zone 13). IMPORTANT: The tamper/supenrision reeponsa of the 4190WH is determined by the zone response type assigned to the loft loop (even if the right bop is aaeigned q difbront response type). Whiie the system is disarmed, tampartsuperviaory fauits wili qlwa ys reportas troublemessages.Whilethe systemis armed. tampar/supervisory faults will repofi as troubbs if the iett bop is assigned a non-burgiary response type (i.e. fire, panic. aux), and will alarms if assigned a burgiary response type.





.. .. . .. . . .. .--3maN--==rw~


. ... ... ........... ... . .









swttchselting forAll
Devices Excmt5716

14cnme ID

5701 Panic xmtr.

6706 smoke Detutorflmnwnmef

S775 PIR D@toctmKmflsnlttter ICI!EJ I



UP. hnnlfm

Ugl Bw Transmitter


5727 Keypad 000 mom 000 m D

!5715 ---Univenwl xmtr. , .

G 41*





s711/6711wM DwidWndow Trandttw




1t40usElofl~ r

am m






Rofor to th6 fnstafhfion Instmctm s INDEX Of PROGRAMMING FIELDS for numenosl hstof program fields. Standard dofauft vafuos qrc shown m braokats [ ], othorwise dofauh = O. Fiufdsshown in2s&oMbop+ugrammsd using thu693MOnumodu. Paronthosos ( la round q fmkf number indicate diffmwm8s from 4140xmp programminra folds. SECURITY OPTIO +] Enmr4di91E,0-s f41401 ASSIGN RESPONSE (1 5) KEYSWITCH ASSGNMENT






7YDOS box balow)


911 /

j 14fmvR

UsOollorzww vrwmqulm ding UWrr4maCw9uiu h (SS-91) Soubin(Iypo w S).Enmr Oowno ~nm




13 *4 1S 16


1= .s;
C!CM 24


06DDDDOU0 10 11 ~


0000 37






t-~] lWWI

1s a



1044 mm.:P-1




q 33
%4 42

u nminDnnnoan






DIAL TONEPAUSE n P-saOaJn@l-ll~,a30a0mn118. MbvklL


q 43
45 48 47 48 49

[14mltkwwodial mnoko+tauM, sundd

PRIMARYFORMAT 1 w6m0dl=0maaQ2=Mmn!0 w-~ LOWSPEED FORMAT@nary) a ~Low6Pob111.1~ SECONDARYFOFMAT c1 P-LatspOOdk lanmc?ct~ m-~ LOWSPEED FORMAT (Sac) c1 ~Lon$vwJk*~ OHECKSUM VERIFICATION 0 ~s lomol

134 -

q 52

q 5,

q SO



q 3S q 36
l ,


q 37


PARTITIONED (200) SYSTEM PROGRAMMING rlw 14 [1] FIELDS (219) USE PAR~DESORllTORS 7DAP~ EIIR14 (207) 4q--J D ~kt~ AS~ZON/ES (207) lo c1 c1 c1 a a a d-l -




s~ Sln K1 a a =0 slf-J


\84 CODE 55

ID 56~~n= ------

g7.- ID





q CODE q 1D q CODE 62 ID 59 69 61
17m r-i-l 2sl-il m

q 63
~]#.llnnmL ~ ~) T* TtiWL

36wl Fi

REPORT CODE & ID 01 T %4 CODE %8 ID %8 CODE ~Gin +% =[~ ~] 41T1 I I JI A-ilm 42mri-1 ~ ALARM

II ~-

IAmmm .._. . . .

q CODE ---70 69 ---


ID 71--CODE 72 ID

q 73






6217 ml ql IT 63~{lll]611illllw9YPuIbm

I I I ----81
F-D@ m m m m

m I I m D m m CD ml m ml m El
140 141 F- Digit w Digil Annd STAY m
m m Iil m


Evontlog50% &W%fulI Event log ovorfbw

ml m m



PARTITION-SPECIFIC PROGRAM FIELDS (me tti paw fortheptitions used tn the insWatiin.)
10 program these flelda, enter a partition-speclfk
field nurrber. To aeleot the next partltlon, press 91. To return to the gtobal program fields, press 99.

.- .--- -.. PARTITION @_

- . - -. PROGRAM FIELDS r m ml ~] mwls-ls~, @] (@t6lssaOmld@ Klmls-lsoomnm fm,pt,9mats~, m 0s






O9 q
q lo q 11


ol-ls DlN92~



811 812 EXITDEIAY m 13 16 22

ol-lsmz~ CON-m

12 13 16 22

[ [] ~]plsh
p4). MMllUn4-brtA OF ARMING DNG


pq. ~411Uumstiu










q 23 29 32


[w-t[Iqat bm

23 2s 32



w [1s151s

Enwro&oo; (11-16) [1S16161~ W

EHiHiHm (11-12)
38 39 84
q 86


38 q 39 84 85

INHIBIT BYPASS OFAZONE m Olsl:[oolfalzuna (QFhalna}aflbby pmaq


NHIBK BYPASS W A ZONE ol-w;lootitiaolln(m%oqmb~

SWtNGER SUPPRES~ m 01-lsti [l* Mlakuw(d19all@bruL

01-lsdmm[l* Mmtbw=[mbruL.



q 88 1~1

q 87 q 88 90



I*43 145

lilcilmlml u
I=oMM~] ~]

6$ (11-15 [1S1S161~




1*43 1*45



1 t~~I










l-nolB8mCmn; [odtm EWTWULnu Paiod0rW

152 cmcELREPm7REsmcmN c1 ldmmmwmpmiwl!somripmiodalty] 218 ENABLE GOlOFORTHISPARTllWN c1 1~ p=dlnbb]




-....._.. -. ..--. .




---- ------ .-. .... .. .

..---- ..-

1 .


- -. . ...-

- ..-. .-..--. .






mktmv FORM4T

o 1 ~LW2@d
no ~m2p48d /-jg M8nwm2Pnd







54 CODE 1 ~( 2~ 3 ml 4 Jml 5 Im 6 1=1 7 ~j am ,

q 46 q 49


mmmmma~ A&trlwrrxTfum@au sTmmRoExPANoEo







58 m [ml [ml TTlbbmt 61 CODE


5510 00

57 ID m m ~] EiEHml m m C!iiicl m J

q 10 62


G1 ml ml

&l ml

EiiiEl El 19pJ3J ml apiiq


EEI E!El Em m



I > ALARM REPORT CODE & ID DIGITS FOR ZONES W=64; 86000E 701D 64CODE 65 IO 68 66000E 67IO



m - m

m E!EJ m
Im KILl m
74 CODE m m

P&J ml

Em ImI tml m m


q iIl

71 OOOE nlo =m m

73 g,- L010 Ilmutlb 00


m m





Uy$mm EiLEl

m G1 m ml m I&l Giir m m Eii!Il r% ITiFlm







rw[ J 010

rum]IzEl EiEl fJ4ml

I&l 43iiiIlIziKl

m laml m &l m m

s1 ~







~ ma

bwsd!ory bws@ti. Aclsss Ao~

lml 00(1 ml

m00 +*

G &l m El

El ml

EiiiIl Eiiin EEl

E la m m EiEJ

9 dliii?iifirm Elm
1234S87 S

q 8O

zoNE7YPEs9&lo ABuIa8d

Em e 10





46 47 48


(*94*81) ~ful



EIEmml El-EI

q 49 q 5O




m m m m

75 q ID



mm mm mEiEJ mm




q 81


010 d


@!Il LowSaltuy m &w8d Ra. m ACbu m m To8t m FQwt m m b

Tampw ~

NoTlE6:D7= Pdbap3haltm &m9RcvRnotmahh168wWnhmr $ipm18. a?kel-RcvRnotm8pmdng. waunn. mPuul


4 m

%~y4jylJfy,y1 ,~
12s4s07 60 8

MuETYPEs@&lo A8udd

ma # 10





DEFAULTS ior ~ ~Hi#lm

46 q 47








2 c1 ~Wgh3pnd q 53




F-1 RdON
I 011 I*W 171014 I I o

ALARM REP ~ 110111 21 10101




9! 013 I I 010 I 10I 013 I I 0101

0121 I 0101

I 010 hlWbb

1610]4 I I 010 I


211 014

I 1 010 I



Ezl 12im7 T& IziiIl EiG--- k,

Hi &-

q iiIIEiiIl flml= m m EJ m EEJ ~T- 511011 I 1 010 I 59i 016 t i 010 i i OtO -~-v-~t-r-, ----j

. . ----

.- -




Zim2i El 016110101

@iEmiEl @imilIl 64LO161\OIO]



Is!d E!iizl



AURM CODES 81 FM. d!! &


m m 13iEl m

EziIl IziEl

l.owB8ttory II@l 13wB8tR66. m AOLD66 m

w IzEl

UiLl ml DiiEl

NoTEs97= Pad Loap8h0m85 a80-RcvRnm19aiVh6 tM6n40w 8ign816. WJh91-RcvR Irolm6PondW, b6clounn. mPm181.



-U!!AJ -EE1



q 8O


Elm 10


q 45 46


u SPEEDFORMAT(Prinsry) u u
mm m~



q 52



q 47
q 46




q 53




21 0121

1 0101

10I 1101 10101

010 lTmIUD

181 0[3 I I 010 i



36101 I]olol



m m m

m m m
77 ID


621017 jlolo[





13!zl 13irJ El ml ml ml El fwsl

m m m

Eiiil IziiEl ml

78 m
01 ~1-





Iswsa Ra. ACLoss aR2sior2


ml EiiEl


14!Ll Eim ml
IT~ ,


m m m
[ 010 I

lProg.Tamper ~

Pow2r[ mm



This equipment has been tested to FCC requirements

and has been found acoeptk

for use. The FCC requires


following statementfor your information.

generatesand usesradiofrequency energy and tf not installed and used property, that is, in strtot aooordanoe iththe manufaoturets w instructions, mayoauseinterference radio andtefevisiinrecetiion.It has to been type testedandfoundto oompfy with the Iimitsior a Ctass B co~ting device in aooordanoe with the in SubpartJ of Part 15 of FCC Rules,Wkh are designedto pnwidereasonable protection against speoifiiions suti interference a residentialnstaltatiin.However,thereis noguaranteethatinterference h i willnotoocurina particular instaftation. tfthisequipment oesoauseinterference rado or television d to reoeption, whii oanbe determinedby turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to oorrecfthe interterenoe by one mSSSUreS: or more of the following tfusingan indoorantenna,havea qualityoutdoorantennainstalled. s Reorientthe receivingantennauntilinterference reducedor etirninated. is Movethe receiver away from the oonfmlkormunicator.
This equipmenf

Move the antenna feads away from any wire runs to the oontro14mmnunicator. Plug the controlbornmunioator into a different outlet so that if and the receiver are on differentbranchoirwits. teohnioianfor additional If necessary, the user should oonsuttthe deafer or an experiencedradioltetevision

The user or i~ta[ler
msy find the following booklet prepared by the Federal

Comrnunicafkm$ commission he~ul:

Interference Handbook D This bookfat is availabta from the lJ.S. Government PrirtWgOffice,Washington, C 20402.

StookNo. 004-000-00450-7. The user shallnotmake any chsngesor rnodifiibna to the equipment unless authorized bythe Inefaltatiin o Instruotionar LJseFs Manuaf. unauthorized changes or modifications 00u1d void the users authorfty to OpWSte






In the event


telephone operatbnal pmble~,-ditinne~-

the 00ntrol pa-~l by removingthe pfug fIbWIthe

RJ31 X (CA38A in Canada) wall ja~. We r~mrnend that you demonstrate rflsconnecthtg the phones on installation of the system. DOr@tdsoonneotthe phoneoonnectiinin&dethe ControlPanel. Doingsowfllresult in the loss of your phone lines. If the regular phone works oorrectly after the Control Panel has been disconnected from the phonelines,The ControlPanel has a problemand shoutdbe returnedfor repair. ff upon disconnection the Control Panel, there is still a problem on the fine, notify the tefephone oompany that they of have a problem and request prompt repair servioe. The user may not under any oiroumstanoes (in or out of warranty) attempt any service or repairsto the system, ttmust be returnedto the faotoryor an authorizedaervioe agency foraflrepairs.






The Canadian Department of Communications labelkfentities certifiedequipment.This certification means that networkprotective, perationaland safety requirements. o The the equfprnenl meets certaintelecommnhcations

~m does notgwamee the equipment iiloperateto the users satisfaction. w Beforeinstatingthis equipment,usersshoutdensurethat it is permissible be connectedto the facilities the to of focal telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installedusing an acceptablemethod of connection.In some cases,the conqmys insidewiringassociated witha singleline individual ervicemay be s extendedby meansof certifii connectorasserWy (telephoneextensioncord).The customershoutdbe aware thatcomptiincewiththe aboveconditions maynotpreventdegradation serviceinsomesituations. of Repairsto certiW equipmentshouidbe madeby an authorized Canadmnmaintenance facilitydesignated bythe sup~~er.Any repairsor alterations made bythe userto thisequipment, r equipment o malfunctions, maygivethe telecommunicationsompanycauseto requestthe userto d-nnect the equipment. c Usersshoukfensurefortheirown protection thatthe electrical roundconnections the powerufiiii, telephone g of
lines and internal metalfii water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution may be particutmty fnpxanf h rurafareas.

Caution: User shouid not attempt to make such connectiina themselves, but shoufd contact the appropriate eiectrfc inspadon authority,or electrician, as apfnpMte. ~

(LN) assigned to each terminal device denotes the percentage of the total bad to be on connectedto a tebphone ioopwhich is used by the device, to preventoverioadng.The termination a bq mayconsistof anycombination devicessubjectontyto the requirement of thatthe totaiof the LoadNumbersofall the devicesdoes not exceed 100.

LWquette du miniatr&Jre Communicatiis du Canada ktentifie la mat~riel t@rmbgu6 Cette dtiquette certifii des que Ie mafdriel eat conformsA certainesnormesde protection,dexpbitation et de s6curitddes r6seauxde Le t6i&Xmununications. minist&e nassuretoutefoispas que k matdriel fonctionneraA is satisfactionde futitisateur. Avant dinstaiiercs mat&iel, tutiiisateur doit sassurerquii est permis de ie raccorder eux installafbns de
tentrepriaefocafede t#6comnunication. Le matdriei doit dgaiement dtre instaffd en auivant une nWtod accept6e de raccordement. Dans ce~ins cas, ies fus int6rieum de tentrepriaeufifis6s pour un service indiviiel a iigne

unkquepeuvent We probn@s au moyen dun d~itit homoiogudde raccordement(cordonproiongateur aux t6i4phon@e inteme). Labonnene doitpas oubiier@ii est possibfe que is conforrnifd conditbne dnorx%es I&daaaus narnpkhant pas ta @gradationd servicepar certainessituations. ctueltement,es enterprises A t de tWcomnunicatbn ne permettentpas que ron mccordafeur mat&iei aux jacks dabonnds,aauf dana ies cas x*wM-wmkm*msmLee reparationsde matdriel homobgud doivem dtre effectu6espas un centre dentretiencanadienaufhorisd d6aign6par fe foumiaseur.La conymgniade Wcornmunfcationepeufdemander~ Iutifiieur de d&wmcher un
apparsdl ~ la suite de r@arations ou de modifications eftectu6es par Wtiii$titeur ou A cause de mauvais fonctbnnement. Pour as propre protectbn, futifiaateurdoit sassurer qua tous ies tiis de mise h is terra de is source deneI@s siiy en a, sent raccord6s enaenbie. 6iectrique, dea iignea t61@hmiques et des canafiaafbna deau mdtaftiques,

Cetteprecautionest particufiirement rqmrtante h clansies r6gbnamales. AvertlaaemeftC Lutitiaateur e dolt pas tamer de faire ces raccordements tuiitime: il doit avoirrecoursA un n aewicedinspection des fnstaliatbns dfectdques, Aun 4ectrbian, aebn fe caa. ou ~lC) aaaign6A chaquedispoaitiferminalpourMtertoute surchatgeindiiue ISpourcentage t de fachargetotaiequi peut &re mccwde4 A un citwft t&@honique boudd ufifii par ce dqsitif. La terminaisondu drcuff bouci6 peuf We conatftude de nlnqwte quells oo~naieon de diapostiifs, POUIVU que is aomme des
indices de charge de fenaeti des dispositifsne ddpaaae pas 100.



OF THIS ALARM SYSTEM system,it doesnotofferguarameect pmteotion againstburglary, Whfle systemis an advanceddesii aeourity thb
fii or otheremergency. n afarmsystem,whetheroomnvsrcial residential, subject o wnpromise or failureto A or is t warnfor a nunlw of raasons. For exarrtpte:
s Intruders may gain aooeas through tmpmtecfed openings or have the technkal sophisticationto bypass an atarmsensorordisoormad analarm-devbe. c Intrusiondeteotora (e.g. passive infrared detectors), smoke detectors, and many other sensing devices will not work without power. BatteIY operated devices wilt not work wtthoutbatteries, with dead batteries, or ffthe batleries arem~~p~~. ~~~titi~~AC til MWAtit&ir X~r-k@titira~ reason, however briefly. c Siinals sent by wiretesstmsmfttars may be bbcked or reflectedby metal before they reach the alarm reoeiver.


Ennfltis@ml @h~hn~ti@ti@ movedimothe path.





c A user may not be able to reach a panio or emergency button quicktyermugh. While smoke detectors have played a key role m reducing residentialfire deaths in the UnitedStates, they may esrfywarning fora variety reasonsinas manyas 3S%of atlfns, according data of to not actiie or provide
publiihed by the Federal Emergency Managemem Agency. Some of the reasons smoke deteotors used in

conjundionwiththis System may not work areas Ioltows. SMOke detectors may have been irrtproperfy instatfecf
and positioned. Smoke detectors may not sense fires that start where smke cannot reach the deteotors, auoh as in ohimneya, in waffs, or roofs,or on fhe other side of obsed doors. Smoke deteotorsalso may not sense a ii on

or A f another level of a residence buflding. saaxxt fbor detector, orexampfe,maynotsensea fii fbor or basement fire. Moreover, smoke deteotom have sensing limitations. No smoke deteotor Oan Sense every kind of
fire every time. In general, detectors may not atways warn about fries caused by oareleaaness and safety hazards Iiie smoking fn bad, vfofanf expfosbns, eaoap&lg gas, Irrpmpar storage or fkrnmabla materfsk, overbadad elactrioal cirwfts, chfkfren playing with matohes, or arson. Depending on the nature of the fire Sm@Orthe Iooatbn of the smoke deteotors, the deteotor, even If it operates as antiited, may not provkte aufficknt warning to albw all ocoupants to esoaps intimeto preventinjuryor death.

Passive Infrared MotionDetaotors oanonfydeteotintrusbnwfthin designedrangesas d~rnmed intheir the installation manual.Passive Infrared Detectors do M provide votumatrfo area protedbn, They do oreatemuttiple beams of protection, and intrusbnoan onlybe deteotedin unobstructed areasooveredbythe beams. They behimt wafk, oeilings, fbora, ofoaed doors, glass partftbns, Cannotdetect rnotbn or intruabn that takes ~ 9kss doors,orwfndows.Meohanioat tawrfng, maskfng, aitiiru or spraying anymaterialonthe mirrors, p of windows or any part of the optioalsystem oan raduoa their deteotionability.PassivekdraradDeteUorasense of the proteoted area appmaohs the teqwrature changesIntemperature:however,as the ambientte~rafure o range of 90 to 150F,the detactbn perforrnanoe andeoraase. -wmiqw~m~am, bkamm~m~fi~ ~mq~m-am~ on~eo*r* @a**or~~n~. H_**mtiona *mm Wl@tim*m fmm the bedrooms,thenthey are leasIikefyto wakenor @aftpeopleInsidethe bedmoma.Even paraww wtm are
q q







pa@a or waken by pSSSi~ tMffii. FinSfty, aiarrn _ devbes, however bud, MSY nOt WSrn ha~ deep sleepers. Telephonefinesneededto transmftalarmsignals fmm a pre~s to~ oentraf monitoring atatbnmaybe outof servbe or temporalityout of servioe.TefephonaIii are alsosubject compromkeby aophktfeatad to Intmders. Even if the systemresponds the emergenoy intended,however,oooupants to as mayhave hwffbient timeto proteotthemselvesfmm the emergencysftuation.nthe oaaeof a monftored I alarmsysfem,authwttksmaynot respondappropriately. This e@pment, likeothereieotrbaldevioes,is subjectto oonponentfailure.Eventhoughthisequlprnetiis O designedtolaat as bng as 10 years,the ekotmnk Oorrponents outilairat anytime. The mostoommonoauseof an @armsystemnotfunctioning whenan intrusion orfn ooours badeqmm is msfntena~. This alarmsystemshouldbe testedweekfyto makeauraaftsensors working are cmperfy. I~~~a_*emmy tiem~*tirtimH *-, ~m-*em Sma~e for Insuranoe.Homeowners,propertyownersand reweraahoukfoonthweto aotprudentfy protecting in tharnaefves and oontinueto insurethefrfivesand property. We oontfnueto devebp new and improved proteoffon devkes. Usersof alarmSySteIJtS Itto fhemsefves owe and Jheir bved ones to learn aboutthese develornnants.
q q





Alarm Device Manufacturing Company, a Dwisiin of PittWay Corporation, and its d~lons, subsidiaries and affiliates (%eller), 165 Eileen Way, Syosset, New York 11791, warrants its products to be in conformance with its own plane and spaMoations and to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for 18 monthsfrom the date stampcontrolon the product or, for products not having an Adernco date stamp, for 12 months from date of orlghal purchase unless the installation hstructions or ~abg sets fotth a Shotter period, in whichcase the shorter period shall appfy. sellers obligation shall be limited to repairing or replacing, at its option, tree of charge for materials or labor, any product whch is proved not inmrrpliancewithSellersspecifications or provesdefectivein materialsor workmanshipunder normal use and service.seller shall have no obfiitkm under this Limited Warranty or otherwise if the product is attered or improperly repaired or serviced by anyone other than Memco factory service. For warranty sewice, return product transportation prepaid, to Ademco Factory Service, 165 Eiieen Way, Syosaet, New York 11791. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR iMPLiED, OF MERCHANTABiLiTY, OR FiTNESS FOR A PARTiClfLAR PURPOSE OR OTHERWiSE, WHICH E~END BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION ON THE FACE HEREOF. iN NO CASE SHAU SELLER BE LiABLE TO ANYONE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR incidental DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF THiS OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR iMPLIED, OR UPON ANY OTHER BASiS OF LiABiLilY WATSOEVER, EVEN iF THE LOSS OR DAMAGE iS CAUSED BY THE SEUERS OWN NEGUGENCE OR FAULT. Baiter does not represent that the pmfucts it seiis may not be compromised or circumvented: that the products wifi prevent any personal injj~ or property toss by burglary, robbery, fire or othemvise; or that the products wifi in ail cases provide adequate warning or protection. Customer understands that a property inataifed and maintained alarm may only reduce the risk of a bu9tafy, robbery, tire or other events occurring without providhg an alarm, but if is not insurance or a guarantee that such wifi rmt occur or that there wili be no personai injury or propady bss as a reauft. CONSEQUENTLY, SELLER SHALL HAVE NO LiABfLiTYFOR ANY PERSONAL fNJiJRY,PROPERIY



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