1550 PM C 130 Corosion Program Dave Peth WR ALC GRBEB

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Tactical Airlift Division

Combat Ready, Anytime, Anywhere

C-130 Corrosion Prevention and Control Program

Mr. Dave Peth

C-130 Corrosion Engineer Tactical Airlift Division
People FirstMission Always

C-130 Fleet Overview

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center Dates of Air Force Deployment
1956 C-130A 1959 C-130B 1962 C-130E 1974 C-130H 1999 C-130J

Over 5 decades of service Longest continually running Aircraft production line Wide range of operational missions worldwide Remains the prime transport for drops into hostile areas
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C-130 Fleet Overview

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

C-130 Models
C-130E C-130H/H1 C-130H2/H2.5 C-130H3 C-130J

Special Mission Variants

SOF Variants AC-130H AC-130U EC-130J MC-130E MC-130H MC-130P MC-130W CSAR HC-130N HC-130P MC-130P Special Mission EC-130H LC-130H WC-130H WC-130J NC-130H TC-130H

People FirstMission Always

Why the Concern with Corrosion?

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

Corrosion Impacts
Oct 1993 Aug 2010
2 Class C mishaps o Reportable damage between $10,000 and $200,000 8 Class E events
o An aircraft event that does not meet reportable mishap criteria

Readiness/Mission Capability Financial

The C-130 transport aircraft has the highest combined total corrosion cost of any DoD aircraft/missile system

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Corrosion Costs Data Baseline FY 2006 and FY 2007

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

DoD Annual Cost of Corrosion, DoD Report July 2009

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Corrosion Maintenance Cost Data Analysis

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

LMI accomplished corrosion cost and maintenance data analysis for FYs 2006 2010 on Air Force C-130 fleet Results:
The average annual corrosion-related fieldlevel maintenance cost decreased by $76M over the period The annual depot-level corrosion costs increased over that same period by approximately $111M Estimated average annual cost of corrosion $610M Ranged from a low of $599M in FY2006 to a high of $634M in FY2010 This is roughly an average of 37% of all C-130 maintenance costs during the period People FirstMission Always 6

C-130 Field & Depot Corrosion Costs for FY 2006 - FY 2010

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

LMI Cost of Corrosion for US Air Force C-130 Aircraft, Dec 2010

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C-130 Field & Depot Corrosion Costs for FY 2006 - FY 2010

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

LMI Cost of Corrosion for US Air Force C-130 Aircraft, Dec 2010

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C-130 Corrosion & Maintenance Costs for FY 2006 - FY 2010

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

LMI Cost of Corrosion for US Air Force C-130 Aircraft, Dec 2010

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C-130 Corrosion & Maintenance Costs for FY 2006 - FY 2010

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

LMI Cost of Corrosion for US Air Force C-130 Aircraft, Dec 2010

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C-130 Corrosion & Maintenance Costs for FY 2010

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

LMI Cost of Corrosion for US Air Force C-130 Aircraft, Dec 2010

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10 Most Costly C-130 WUCs in Terms of Corrosion and Maintenance (FY2006FY2010)

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

LMI Cost of Corrosion for US Air Force C-130 Aircraft, Dec 2010

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10 Highest C-130 Corrosion and Maintenance Cost by WUC (FY2010)

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

LMI Cost of Corrosion for US Air Force C-130 Aircraft, Dec 2010

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Why is this important?

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

Facilitates decision-making in these fundamental areas:

1. Quantify the overall problem
2. Classify corrosion costs as either preventive or corrective
Corrective actions address actual problems Preventive actions address future problems

3. Prioritize efforts by the source of the problem 4. Make project approval decisions and follow up on their effectiveness 5. Identify potential design deficiencies and feed that information back to the acquisition community
People FirstMission Always 14

C-130 Corrosion Prevention and Control Program

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

The C-130 Corrosion Prevention and Control Program (CPCP) exists to:
Address the degradation impacts of corrosion Combat the effects of corrosion to minimize its impact on maintenance Adequately sustain these fleets through their service life Extend the service life of the C-130 weapon system

Guidance is provided by the CPCP Plan

A supplement to the C-130 Aircraft Structural Integrity Program (ASIP) plan Provides guidance in accordance with MIL-STD1530C Serves as a reference for the C-130 Corrosion Program Manager and support staff responsible for strategic and tactical corrosion management planning People FirstMission Always 15

Assessments and Surveys

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center


Conduct on-site equipment and corrosion program surveys and technical assessments at select locations (C-130 fleet, organizational, depot, and contracted depot facilities (CONUS and OCONUS) Surveys include
C-130 aircraft condition assessments Review of corrosion prevention and control operations and programs Interviews of maintenance personnel Analysis of maintenance data information Compliance with technical and/or corrosion program guidance Recommendations to transition best corrosion prevention and control practices


100% non-retribution endeavor Emphasis on survey and not inspection

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Assessments and Surveys

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

Field units encouraged to communicate and submit new and emerging corrosion issues to their MAJCOM Functional managers, the C-130 Corrosion Manger and MEC Details concerning the Corrosion Program Surveys are complied in an annual Project Technical Report

People FirstMission Always


CPCP Short-Term/Long-Term Mission Goals and Thresholds

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

The C-130 CPCP is transitioning from a reactionary mode of operation to one of strategic and tactical corrosion management planning (2011 C-130 Corrosion Prevention and Control Program Plan). Strategic Objectives (long-term +5 years)
Develop standardized methodologies for collecting and analyzing corrosion related cost, readiness and safety data

Optimize corrosion prevention and mitigation efforts through training tailored to requirements at the management and technical level
Maintain corrosion technical data currency Build and maintain a knowledge base of corrosion prevention, detection, prediction, and treatment processes, leading-edge technologies, R&D results, and technology transition successes Development/ implementation of prognostics, diagnostics, and integrated health monitoring systems to facilitate a transition to Condition Based-Maintenance
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CPCP Short-Term/Long-Term Mission Goals and Thresholds

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

Tactical Objectives (short-term 1-3 years)

Conduct a Cost of Corrosion Baseline Study C-130 weapon systems peculiar
Document where corrosion problems exist, identify their causes, and prioritize them according to their relative severity

Conduct Field Corrosion Assessments and Surveys

Identify corrosion related deficiencies and provide recommendations for corrective actions

Quarterly management reviews of corrosion issues for the previous 3-month period Periodic review of 1-1-8 (Application and Removal of Aerospace Coatings), 1-1-691 (Aircraft Weapon Systems Cleaning and Corrosion Control) Periodic review/ update of T.O. 1C-130A-23 (C-130 Corrosion Control Manual), depot specification/ work cards to ensure the use/ application of corrosion prevention technologies and treatments Field new materials and other corrosion prevention products

And more
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Structural Corrosion Program Projects Listing

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

3M Polyurethane Protective Tape to Leading Edge

Polysulfide Topcoat Addition to Leading Edge

Latrine Over Servicing Valve

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Structural Corrosion Program Projects Listing

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center


Conductive Antenna Gaskets

Av-Dec Polyurethane Sealant Tapes


for Skyflex on window

installations Replacement for Skyflex on aircraft floor panels

Polyurethane Injectable Sealants


737 latrine areas

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Structural Corrosion Program Projects Listing

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

Cor-Ban 35

Cargo Floor Chine Plates (FS 245-737) BL 20 and 61 Longerons Sloping Longerons Lower Empennage Interior Surface Dry Bay Access Panels Wing Leading Edge Spar Caps Center and Outer Wing Trailing Edges Wing Joint Attachment Fitting (Rainbows)

Ailerons/Aileron Swing-down Panels

Engine truss mounts and braces
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Structural Corrosion Program Projects Listing

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

Rewrite/Revision of the C-130 Corrosion Control Manuals, 1C-130A-23 & 1C-130J-23

3M Weather Excluding Patches

Mold and Mildew Remediation

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Structural Corrosion Program Projects Listing

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

C-130 Anti-Skid Tape Removal Process Revisions to the 1C-130A-23CL-1

Section III, Post-Desert Wash Corrosion Inspection Section V, Post Cleaning and Washing Corrosion Preventive Compound / Lubrication Section VII, Depot - Level Post Cleaning and Washing Corrosion Preventive Compound.

Development of New Paint Drawing: C-130J (long/short) & WC-130J

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Structural Corrosion Program Projects Listing

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

Future Projects
Chrome-Free Coating Systems Flight Tests minimize the use of
AkzoNobel (Sep-Oct 2011)
PreKote Aerodur 2100 magnesium rich primer (MgRP) Aerodur 5000 topcoat color #36173

hexavalent chrome

Deft (June 2012)

Rare earth conversion coating (RECC) 1015/3021 02-GN-093 chrome-free primer 99GY-001 Advance Performance Coating

Robotic Depaint
Employment of robotics to depaint aircraft via laser

People FirstMission Always


Structural Corrosion Program Projects Listing

Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

SIBR Projects Back Scatter X-Ray NDI

Detect concealed corrosion Evaluated on C-130 HVM Pre Induction Inspections

Wireless Sensors with Advanced Detection and Prognostic Capabilities for Corrosion Health Management
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Warner Robins Air Logistics Center

David Peth
C-130 Corrosion Engineer, WR-ALC/GRBEB Tactical Airlift Division 478-222-5278 David.Peth@robins.af.mil

Lt Doug Banning
C-130 Corrosion Manager, WR-ALC/GRBE Tactical Airlift Division 478-926-7396 Douglas.Banning@robins.af.mil

Contract Support
Larry Cornwell, Program Manager
478-329-8233 Lawrence.Cornwell@mandaree.com Lawrence.Cornwell@robins.af.mil

Jim Dean, Logistician


Andrew Carlisle, Logistician


Kevin Wilson, Logistician


Ed Reid, Materials Engineer


Scott Ward, Logistician


Josh Kingsley, Materials Engineer


John Lindsey, Logistician


Brandon Hall, Aerospace Engineer


People FirstMission Always


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