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Date: September 02, 2010 Rev. 1, April 04, 2011

Change Order
No 1 for ASB BO105-10-125

Please replace the Alert Service Bulletin ASB BO105-10-125 completely with Revision 1. Reason for Revision 1: With Revision 1, the repeated inspection intervals for the magnetic plug* and the oil filter are reduced. If this Alert Service Bulletin has already been accomplished i.a.w. the first issue, the following must be checked upon receipt of Revision 1 of this Alert Service Bulletin. the magnetic plug must be checked for chips every 10 fh. the oil filter (MANN 6140063321) must be checked and cleaned every 100 fh. the modified Table 112 (pages 4 and 5) and Figure 1114 (page 6) must be copied and inserted in the maintenance manual. * The electrical chip detector is not affected by the inspection interval reduction. A retrofit is possible
with SB 8041.

April 04, 2011

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Date: September 02, 2010 No. ASB BO105-10-125 Rev. 1, April 04, 2011 Subject: Main Transmission Inspection of the magnetic plug/chip detector/oil filter and additional measures after chip detection on the magnetic plug / chip detector

1. PLANNING 1.A. Effectivity 1.A.1. Helicopters affected: 1.A.2. Components affected: 1.A.3. Spare Parts affected: 1.B. Reason In 2010 an accident with a BO105 occurred. The reason for this incident was a damaged main transmission caused by a contaminated oil supply. Against this background Eurocopter orders to accomplish the preventive measures given below: A onetime inspection of the magnetic plug / chip detector and of the oil filter. A reduced inspection interval for the magnetic plug. A reduced interval for the check and the cleaning of the oil filter. Table 11-2 and Figure 11-14 of the maintenance manual have both been simplified and adapted correspondingly. BO105 A, C, D and S including CBS5 KLH. (Not applicable) (Not applicable)

1.C. Description Check and clean the oil filter. Inspect the magnetic plug / chip detector i.a.w. the modified instruction (Table 11-2) attached to this Alert Service Bulletin. Insert Table 11-2 and Figure 11-14 in the maintenance manual. 1.D. Compliance Effective with the first issue: The measures i.a.w. Section 2.B must be accomplished within 100 fh after receipt of this Alert Service Bulletin or together with the next scheduled inspection for the magnetic plug / chip detector, but by December 31, 2010 at the latest. Additionally effective with Revision 1: The magnetic plug must be checked for chips every 10 fh i.a.w. Section 2.B in future. Effective for MANN filters 6140063321: The oil filter must be checked and cleaned every 100 fh after receipt of Revision 1 of this Alert Service Bulletin (previously it had to be checked and cleaned every 600 fh /12 months).

This document is available on the internet:

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1.E. Approval The technical content of this document is approved under the authority of DOA No. EASA.21J.034. 1.F. Manpower Requirement approx. 4 manhours. 1.G. Material, Cost and Availability (Not applicable) 1.H. Special Tools (Not applicable) 1.I. Mass and Moment (Not applicable) 1.J. Reference MM BO105 1.K. Other Publications affected This Alert Service Bulletin will be incorporated in the following documents with a future revision: MM BO105 1.L. Electrical Load Data (Not applicable) 2. ACCOMPLISHMENT INSTRUCTIONS 2.A. Inspections Required (Not applicable) 2.B. Work Procedure 2.B.1. Insert an advanced copy of pages 4 and 5 (Table 11-2) and page 6 (Figure 1114) of this Alert Service Bulletin Revision 1 in chapter 11 of the BO105 maintenance manual. Cross out the present Table 11-2 and Figure 1114 and use the inserted, modified Table 11-2 and Figure 1114. 2.B.2. Check the magnetic plug / chip detector i.a.w. MM, Section 11-15 thru 11-19 (to do so, use the modified Table 11-2 on pages 4 and 5 and the modified Figure 1114 on page 6 of this Alert Service Bulletin Revision 1). 2.B.3. Check the oil filter i.a.w. MM, Section 11-12 thru 11-14 (to do so, use the modified Table 11-2 on pages 4 and 5 and the modified Figure 1114 on page 6 of this Alert Service Bulletin Revision 1).

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2.B.4. Confirm accomplishment of this Alert Service Bulletin by an entry in the historical record of the helicopter, including component log cards. Indicating compliance of: inspection of the magnetic plug / chip detector and the inspection of the oil filter . 2.C. Conclusions (Not applicable) 3. MATERIAL INFORMATION (Not applicable) 3.1. Required Parts per helicopter if replacement is necessary: (Not applicable)

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Deposits i.a.w. Figure 1114, stage A: Findings Slight abrasion Possible causes Normal wear Measures (a) (b) Clean magnetic plug / chip detector and install. Remove oil filter and inspect it for deposits and chips i.a.w. Figure 1114. . Analyze deposits. If no chips are detected, clean the oil filter and reinstall it. Enter the chip indication in the log card of the main transmission. Within the next 50 fh: Check the magnetic plug for deposits every 5 fh. If chips with stage A are detected within the next 50 fh, the measures i.a.w. stage B must be accomplished.

(c) (d)

Deposits i.a.w. Figure 1114, stage B: Findings Increased slight abrasion, no chips Possible causes Normal wear or first signs of a damaged transmission Measures (a) (b) (c) Accomplish measures (a) to (c) i.a.w. stage A. Purge the main transmission within 5 fh and accomplish an oil change, after that Accomplish a ground run (duration 15 min, at power setting IDLE) and then reinspect magnetic plug / chip detector. If there is repeated wear i.a.w. stage B, accomplish the measures i.a.w. stage C within 50 fh.


Deposits i.a.w. Figure 1114, stage C: Findings Some chips, triangular to trapezoidal. One side is smooth with still recognizable working structure or scoring, the other side with fracture. Possible causes Damaged gear wheel Measures (a) (b) (c) Enter the chip indication in the log card of the main transmission. Remove the main transmission and repair it i.a.w. REM 103. Clean oil filter, oil cooler and oil lines i.a.w. MM BO105, chapter 63.

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Deposits i.a.w. Figure 1114, stage D: Findings Possible causes Measures (a) (b) (c) Enter the chip indication in the log card of the main transmission. Remove the main transmission and repair it i.a.w. REM 103. Clean oil filter, oil cooler and oil lines i.a.w. MM BO105, chapter 63.

Several very thin Damaged chips which shine bearing bright on one side in increased abrasion.

Changed Table 11-2 from the maintenance manual: Measures when there are deposits on the magnetic plug or on the chip detector in the main transmission

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Abrasion Chips

Changed picture 11-14 from the maintenance manual: Types of deposits to be found on magnetic plug or chip detector

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September 02, 2010 Rev. 1, April 04, 2011

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