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Republican Party of Palm Beach County

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Newsletter of the Republican Party of Palm Beach County, Florida December 2011 MESSAGE FROM CHAIRMAN SID DINERSTEIN: 100,000
Shhhh! Just between us, the recent jobs report shows that Florida created more than 100,000 net new jobs in 2011. 106,000 to be exact. So why am I telling you this? Because nobody else is. The Scott Administration is quite extraordinary. In last Springs legislative session they balanced the budget and cut business taxes significantly. Then Governor Scott went out and reduced government employment while trolling for private sector jobs everywhere on the planet. In his spare time he stopped the high speed train boondoggle. The results are fabulous. Florida is the number one job creating state in the country today. Florida is number four in Business Environment. Im guessing well move up. There is no state in the union or country in the world that is off limits. From Illinois to Brazil, Governor Scott is reeling them in. By now you can tell Im a big fan of the Governor. I talk about his accomplishments often. Theres only one problem: Nobody else does. Well, a few people do. Governor Scotts Approval Rating is at 42% (Rasmussen 11/21/11), up from the mid-twenties. You would think being number one in job creation would be worth more than 42%. President Obama is the all-time number one in job DESTRUCTION and hes at 46% So what gives? It seems that for all the positive attributes of Governor Scott and his team, one trait trumps all the rest: MODESTY. Yes, the Scott Administration is too modest to share the 100,000 news. You dont believe me? Ask yourself, have you seen the 100,000 jobs number on any television station, in a Palm Beach Post headline, a Times Square electronic sign? President Obama wastes a trillion dollars saving three jobs and its in our face 24/7. So what would you rather have, the best job-creating Governor in the country that nobody knows about or the worst job-creating President of all time bragging about his success? Me, too. Just dont tell anybody.


WEST PALM BEACH, FL The Republican Party of Palm Beach County today announced that its REC will feature a Presidential Preference Primary straw poll at their meeting on Wednesday, December 14, 2011 at the Vista Center in West Palm Beach starting 6:45PM. As we enter a vital election year, we wanted to take a sampling of where our REC members stood in their opinion of the Presidential Field, said Chairman Sid Dinerstein. Straw Poll Chairwoman, Anita Carbone said It will be interesting to see which campaign has the most traction so far heading into our January 31st Presidential Preference Primary. We are excited to see such a strong field of candidates who are standing strongly in opposition to the shared liberal agenda of President Barack Obama and Floridas Senator Bill Nelson. stated Political Director Mark Hoch. Candidates or their designated surrogate included on the ballot will be invited to provide brief remarks from the REC podium. To date, invited participants include: Representative Michelle Bachmann, Speaker Newt Gingrich, Ambassador Huntsman, Representative Ron Paul, Governor Rick Perry, Governor Mitt Romney and Senator Rick Santorum. To receive more information on this exciting event or learn more about the Republican Party of Palm Beach County, please contact Sid Dinerstein at or 561-686-1616.

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December 2011 issue of the Newsletter, published monthly by the Republican Party of Palm Beach County. The views and conclusions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial staff, REC Board of Directors, or the Palm Beach County Republican Executive Committee. Letters to the editor are welcomed but should be no longer than 500 words and may be edited for length and content. All submissions are property of their respective authors and may not be reproduced without prior permission of the author. Any comments, questions, or other feedback should be directed to



Sid Dinerstein, Chairman Margi Helschien, Vice Chair Michael A. Barnett, Secretary Ira Sabin, Treasurer Fran Hancock, State Committeewoman Peter Feaman, State Committeeman
In This Issue


Holiday Hopes & Candy Cane Dreams

by Margi Helschien Patriots 1000, by Ira Sabin

Trento Unmasks Obamas Weltanshauung The Democrats Big Lie, by Lowell Levine Republican National Convention, 2012 Mayhem Media, by Raymond Tresca Training the Leaders of the Future, bySherry Lee To All Palm Beach County Republicans
by J. Parker Reid

3 3 4 4 5 6 9 11

The Republican Party of Palm Beach County is committed to promoting Republican ideals and principles; recruiting and electing qualified candidates for public office; developing a grassroots organization that will motivate the electorate to vote; and raising the funds necessary to complete these objectives.

"This holiday season, as you rejoice in the good news of Jesus' love, forgiveness, acceptance, and peace, I encourage you to show grace to those less fortunate, just as God showed it to us. By serving those in need and through other acts of love and compassion, we can honor God's goodness and affirm the immeasurable value God places on the sanctity of life. We remember the members of our Armed Forces serving to protect our country and secure God's gift of freedom for others around the globe. All Americans are indebted to these men and women and their families for their sacrifice, devotion to duty, and patriotism. "Laura and I send our best wishes for a very Merry Christmas. May you be surrounded by loved ones and blessed by the Author of Life during this joyous holiday and throughout the New Year."

President George W. Bush, 2008

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Holiday Hopes & Candy Cane Dreams

By Margi Helschien, Vice Chairman, Republican Party of Palm Beach County
Winner of the Jean Pipes Award, 2011

This is the time of year when we celebrate the wonderful season of Christmas and Chanukah. We buy gifts for our loved ones and our friends, we sing songs, decorate our houses, bake cookies, light candles, and the air is filled with excitement. We watch the same Christmas movies each year and enjoy any cold wave that comes our South Florida way. These are traditions and they give us the connection to our past and our present. These traditions give us a way to feel connected to each other, as our lives have become so busy, that we do not connect very much anymore. Christmas and Chanukah time is when dreams can come true. We believe at all ages that at this time of year that our families and friends can come together and we can feel loved and secure. We need to put all our energy into getting Republicans elected. This is a very serious time in our world. It is not filled with all sugar plums, honey, and sweetness. It is filled with a lot of uncertainty. Now more then ever, we need to be involved. Whether it is working directly with a candidate's campaign, making phone calls, sign waving, candidate walks, volunteering time, or donating money, we need to be involved. Our current situation has become volatile, what with countries fighting themselves, large economic problems and leadership problems.

We see the many wonderful candidates running for office and the ones that are running for re-election again, and we know that although only one can win in any election, it is with your help, your energy, and your dedication that we will make our country's dreams come true. The connections that we are all looking for are additionally in the country that we love so dearly. America is the place where we can make our connections, memories, and traditions. It is imperative that we connect now to be able to keep our traditions alive for ourselves and for our children. So, this Holiday season be ready to Deck the Halls, and Jingle Bell Rock while remembering that if not for our county, we would not have these connections.

Patriots 1000
By Ira Sabin, Treasurer, Republican Party of Palm Beach County Since its inception in January of this year Patriots 1000 has become an effective fundraising mechanism for the Republican Party of Palm Beach County. Patriots 1000 currently has 54 members. These members receive 2 tickets to the Lincoln Day dinner and are also invited to Invitation only events. These events have included private meetings with Representative Michelle Bachmann, Governor Nikky Haley, Congressman Allen West, and Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater. As we enter 2012 many other exciting events are planned for Patriots 1000 members. Membership in Patriots 1000 is great way to meet the leaders of our party and other notables and contribute to the work of your party. For membership information: Contact Executive Director Cathy Brandenburg at 561 686-1616 or

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name gets submitted for the Nobel Peace Prize. The magnitude of the moment, the danger of this mans reelection, cannot be overemphasized, warns Trento. Republicans must work tirelessly to defeat him, and avoid a national catastrophe.

190 Atlantis Drive, Atlantis, FL 33462 561-602-3777 President: Tami Donnally

Trento Unmasks Obamas Weltanshauung

Dec. 2, 2011, Atlantis The Central Palm Beach County Republican Club was treated to a scintillating dissection of President Barack Obamas psychological make-up and worldview by United West founder Tom Trento, at its yearend festive banquet. This man poses the greatest threat to Western Civilization in our lifetime, exclaimed Trento, and he went on to explain why. Little Barry Obama was born to an 18-year old white communist atheist mother named Ann Dunham, and black African anti-colonialist Kenyan named Barack Obama in 1961. A year later his father moved to Harvard and in 1964, his parents divorced. His mother remarried an Indonesian Muslim named Lolo Soetoro in 1965, and two years later, moved with 6-year old Barry to Jakarta. He attended an Indonesian-language school there until age 10, when he returned to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. At this critical juncture, his father paid him a profoundly dramatic visit, which impelled him to assume the name Barack. At age 14 he began to continuously hang with an adult, one Frank Davis, a USA Communist Party member and U of Hawaii radical and sex fiend. Thus, a confused and impressionable teenager never became exposed to the standard American icons. At both Occidental College and Columbia, Obama associates with Socialists, political revolutionaries, and union zealots, adopting professional protester Saul Alinskys Rules for Radicals as his guidebook. Good buddy and former Black Panther Dan Warden, a.k.a. Khalid al Mansour, connives to get him into Harvard, and Obama becomes a lawyer in Chicago in 1985. He promptly sues Citibank and represents ACORN. Is it any wonder that his college transcripts or writings have never been released? queries Trento. Heavily influenced by Black Liberation theologian James Cone, America-hating Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and Weatherman anarchist Bill Ayers, Obama rises in Chicagos political machine, intent to redistribute Americas wealth. And only 11 days after being sworn in as President, his

The Jan. 5th monthly meeting will feature one of Floridas aspiring candidates for United States Senator. For more information, contact Club President Tami Donnally at 561602-3777.

The Democrats Big Lie

By Lowell Levine

In 1964 President Johnson told the nation with the backing of his administration that if we do not stop Communism in Vietnam and Southeast Asia Communism will march through the streets of New York, Boston and Chicago. That was one big lie, but the voters went for it and he defeated Barry Goldwater in the 1964 Presidential race. It turned out that a couple of years later we had 500 thousand troops in Vietnam and no successful way out. We eventually lost 56,000 American Soldiers and 250,000 were permanently wounded. That Big lie created the War Protesters movement who had leaders like Jerry Rubin and they demonstrated at Colleges and in the streets across America. Today we have another Big lie--Barack Obama, President of the United States with his promises in 2008 of change for the better. This lie has created Occupy Wall Street. This time it is economics--these are young people who went to good schools, had everything they wanted, went to summer camp and ate in the best eateries. Now they are college graduates who cannot get a job or pay off their students loans, and they see all the people in house foreclosures. More importantly they see the big corporations outsourcing jobs and not paying corporate taxes on huge profits. Where is the change they were promised three years ago by our Democratic President???

Lowell Levine Candidate for the PBC School Board

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How to Volunteer at the 2012 RNC Convention in Tampa

Dear Fellow Republicans: It is hard to believe that the 2012 election cycle is almost upon us! Recently many of you have asked about volunteer opportunities for the 2012 Republican National Convention that will be held in Tampa, Florida from August 27-30, 2012.

Message from the 2012 Tampa Bay Host Committee...

In August 2012, nearly 50,000 visitors from all over the United States will descend on the Tampa Bay area for the 2012 Republican National Convention. Tampa Bay has hosted numerous high-caliber events, including four Super Bowls, countless conventions & an array of corporate meetings. The 2012 Tampa Bay Host Committee is hard at work to make sure our guests for the Republican National Convention experience a world-class event, unmatched hospitality and all the wonderful amenities that make Tampa Bay such a great place. The 2012 Tampa Bay Host Committee will recruit, train and manage thousands of volunteers to represent the Tampa Bay area during the week of the 2012 Republican National Convention. At the time of registration, all volunteers will select a volunteer role and will later be asked to attend a volunteer orientation session. All volunteers will be issued an official Host Committee uniform to wear during their volunteer service. Volunteers will be the faces of Tampa Bay and will welcome guests at local airports and hotels throughout the area, as well as support Host Committee programs and a variety of events. Become the face of Tampa Bay. Sign up today! The official online registration process for the Volunteer Program will launch in early 2012.To be added to the list of interested volunteers, please go to, access the Volunteer tab and complete the posted form.
NOTE: If you already emailed volunteer@2012tampa.comto sign up as an interested volunteer, we have your information and you do not need to submit the above referenced form.

Tampa, Home of the 2012 Republican National Convention

The convention is anticipated to require over 10,000 volunteers. Please note that the Republican Convention Host committee is completely separate from the Republican Party of Manatee County (MCREC) and the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF). Therefore, questions about the convention, volunteer forms, receipt of volunteer forms, volunteer opportunities and applications, etc. should be directed to the Host Committee via the website or the committee via Email at Everyone is encouraged to visit the separate host committee website and to Sign up for the 2012 Tampa Bay Host Committee monthly e-newsletter. GET INVOLVED - 2012 is coming!

Kathleen King, Chairman Republican Party of Manatee County

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Mayhem Media
By Raymond Tresca

The injustice perpetrated on the American people on a daily basis by the media is the single most damning threat to the future of our Nation. Our institutions of higher learning have been infiltrated by socialists, marxists, communists, anti-American, prorevolutionary, antisemitic, and hedonistic narcissists for years. They do very little to try to hide this anymore since their numbers and allegiances are so great. The fruits of their labor are plainly and painfully visible on the vast majority of every news outlet. Control the news, control the people. It is what all totalitarian governments do. It is why Barack Obama has been inflicted on the American people; the media wanted it. It is why so many, including some conservatives dislike or hate Sarah Palin; the media wanted it. It is why you need not be a poll watcher to know who is surging in the Republican Presidential race; just look at who the media is going after. We are sick and tired of the media deciding via character assassination who will lead us. To put it mildly, they are no longer journalists but agenda driven ideologues intent on the fundamental change and globalization of the United States. Just look at how the OWS is being reported with unanimity, complete with excuses and sympathy for vile, criminal behavior. Their supporters are many. Which of these people or groups do you align yourself with? From the Communist Party USA, American Nazi Party, Revolutionary Communist Party, Socialist Party USA, Communist Party of China, Hezbollah, International Socialist Organization, Marxist Student Union, CAIR, Black Panthers, Hugo Chavez, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), to Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and President Barack Obama, all supporters and or sympathizers of Occupy Wall Street.

While I too could agree with some of the perceived arguments of OWS in the onset, it was quickly taken over by organized groups hell bent on the destruction of our country. The masses are simply useful fools that would be the first to lose their heads if their goals were achieved. Public nudity, sex, masturbation, defecation are just some of the things the aforementioned are supporting. Robbery, assaults, rapes and murder are what Maxine Waters says happens while still supporting OWS. I have heard all the anti-Semitism I can handle for now, just let it be known bankers more often than not means Jews. The recent shooting at the White House should have been front page and headline news, but it will go as one of the quietest stories of that nature in history. You see, the villain does not serve the blatant left wing agenda of the corrupt media. Oscar Ortega Hernandez was part of the Occupy DC marauders. A moment of silence in solidarity for this attempted assassin was held at occupy San Diego. Put a Tea Party shirt on him and its the leading story for weeks. The high percentage of lemmings who still take their news as gospel from Diane, Brian, Scott, Chris, Wolfie, Christiane and coming to you soon, Chelsea Clinton, are as duped as kool-aid drinking zombies. To this day the mantra de jour, is that Republicans are obstructionists. Point out that Obama held both houses for two years and passed everything he wanted, and you are sure to hear a yeah but followed by a vain attempt to intelligently frame nonsense. With half of the country not paying any taxes, almost 50 million on food stamps, union support, never ending unemployment benefits, crony capitalism, and a conspiring media, the left has reached a plurality that, if not reversed soon, will surely lead to their desired result. We the People will just not have the numbers necessary to stop the destruction of our country at the ballot box. A free nation must have an unvarnished media. Ours is so obviously anything but. Live Free or Die. Raymond Tresca

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Palm Beach Young Republicans Urban Youth Impact's 10th Annual Christmas Store
Saturday, December 17 * 9:00am to noon. The Roosevelt Full Service Center, 1601 N. Tamarind Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida

Last year the PBCYRs were thrilled to help The Christmas Store give away 5,000 toys to over 450 families and 1,550 children; provided 800 bags of groceries; feed lunch to 1,700 people and distribute 2,000 items of clothing. It was such a wonderful experience that got all ...of us into the spirit and meaning of Christmas, so.we are going to do it again! This year, the need is greater than ever. Their goal is 7,500 toys and gifts so they can serve as many in the community as possible. The goal is to empower inner-city parents by providing free gifts and toys that the parents choose for their children to open Christmas morning. While the parents are shopping, the children are paired with a volunteer and taken to the Christmas Village where they decorate Christmas cookies, hear the Christmas story and make their parents a gift. The Urban Youth League needs OUR help to set up toys and assist parents in picking out gifts for their children! Don't miss this awesome outreach to our community during the Christmas season. Around noon, we will head to lunch at Relish (401 Northwood Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33407, 629-5377).

Mark Your Calendars!

Monday, January 2nd -- Monthly Jupiter/Palm Beach Gardens Chapter Meeting with buffet and speaker, now moved back to the Abacoa Golf Club. More information to follow. Time: Doors open at 5:30pm; Buffet begins at 6:00pm. Meeting starts at 7pm Cost: $15 per person (tax and gratuity included); children half price Location: Abacoa Golf Club Directions Tuesday, January 3rd -- Monthly Boca Raton Chapter Meeting. More information to follow. Time: Doors open at 5:30pm; Buffet begins at 6:00pm. Meeting starts at 7pm Cost: $15 per person (tax and gratuity included); children half price. Location: Boca Greens Country Club Directions Monday, January 9th -- Monthly Wellington Chapter Meeting. More information to follow. Time: Doors open at 5:30pm; Buffet begins at 6:00pm. Meeting starts at 7pm Cost: $15 per person (tax and gratuity included); children half price. Location: Binks Forest Golf Club Directions
Please feel free to call 561-444-8086 if you have any questions. Hope to see you on Monday!

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The Republican Club of the Northern Palm Beaches

Invites You to Join Us for a Very Special Holiday Dinner

The Republican Jewish Coalition of Florida

Invites you to join us for an

RJC Hanukkah Celebration

as we welcome

Florida's Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater

Thursday, December 15, 2011 7:00 pm Renaissance Boca Raton Hotel

2000 NW 19th Street
(please click here for map & directions)

Special Guests TBA

There is no charge to current RJC Leaders & Members $50/person RJC eTeam & Guests Refreshments will be served Kosher refreshments must be requested by Wednesday, December 14 @ 12:00 pm

Monday December 19, 2011 6:00 PM Frenchmen's Reserve Country Club

Dinner to Include Salad Bar, Entree & Dessert $30 per person for Members and their Guests Cash Bar Please Reply to

RSVP to Leah Sabin 561-995-9445 or click here Leah can also provide you with your membership status

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Training the Leaders of the Future

By Sherry Lee, Assistant Vice Chairman Republican Party of Palm Beach County

Republican Club of the Palm Beaches

You are cordially invited to


The Annual Holiday Luncheon



plus Special Holiday Menu

I ran for office last year, I got into the race too late to attend the world-class Political Training Institute and boy did I miss a lot! I finally had the chance to attend this year and what I found was four amazing sessions filled with serious instruction by area experts and lively discussion among the 15 or so participants. PTIs slogan is Training the Leaders of the Future and it must be true. Many familiar names received this special training then went on the win their races. Organized by BizPac (Business Political Action Committee) and hosted by Chairman John R. Smith and Projects Manager Cheryl Carpenter-Klimek, this dynamic duo managed to pack a lifetime of political experience into a four-week program. We kicked off the first class with A Candidates Perspective, by Palm Beach County Commissioner Steven Abrams, The Mechanics of Running for Public Office by Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher, The Ethics of Campaigning by Former State Representative Jim Watt, The Realities of Being an Elected Official by Former State Representative Carl Domino, and The Campaign Plan: Goals, Organization and Volunteers by State Representative Pat Rooney. With that kind of star power, you can see why PTI is an absolute must for candidates and campaign managers alike. The next three sessions covered Campaign Funding (smile and dial), Candidate Presentation and Image, and Communicating the Campaign Message to Win. We heard from top campaign managers, public relations experts, and government affairs directors for businesses and special interest groups. The Palm Beach County Clerk and Comptroller spoke about
Training continued on next page

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

11:30 am - Doors Open; Meet and Greet 12pm to 1 p.m. - Lunch, Festivities, Installation of Officers

Bear Lakes Country Club

1901 Village Boulevard, WPB 33409 (Valet Parking) $20 Members / $25 Guests (Join/Renew your membership through December 2012)

RSVP by December 12 via email:

or phone: (561) 832-0695 (leave message) Pay at the door / Affirmative RSVP "no-show" will be invoiced.
Please respect Bear Lakes Club Rules: Cell Phones Silenced / Business Casual Attire. No Jeans Please

We have much to be thankful for, much to celebrate, and lots of work to do. Your Officers: Melissa Nash, Rick Kozell, Anita Mitchell, Bette Anne Starkey, Barkley Henderson, Claire Jones, Dorothy Harper, Barry Carson, Other Leadership: Joy Stone, Delia Garcia Menocal, Mercedes Garcia, Carol Hurst, Jane Pike, Meg and Rob Shannon, Anne Rawlings, Shirley Schaff, Sue Varey

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Training continued from previous page

Palms West Republican Club

January 10, 2012 Meeting Board Elections & Special Guest Speaker, Mark Hoch, Political Director of the Republican Party of Palm Beach County.
2012 Board Elections will be held during the first part of our meeting. Anyone interested in running for a spot on the board is welcome to contact Club President, Paul Krayeski, Only members will be able to participate in the voting. Mark Hoch will be speaking to Club members and guests about Florida REDISTRICTING, which has been a hot topic in the news lately. This will be an informative and interesting discussion! Please bring your questions!

Establishing a Political Image and theres no one better than the always striking Sharon Bock to deliver that message. Also in session three was one of my favorites, political writer, George Bennett. With The Palm Beach Post since 1992, he started his weekly political column in 1999. Love him or hate him, if you run for public office here, it pays to know how George views the world.

Also addressing Members & Guests is Sid Dinerstein, Chairman of the Republican Party of Palm Beach County. o 6:00-7:00pm Buffet Dinner (Dinner Price--$10 Members; $15 Non-Members) o 7:00-8:00pm Meeting o Binks Forest Golf Club; 400 Binks Forest Drive; Wellington o Firm RSVP's by January 3:

Session four came too soon for political junkies like me, but brought out the best political strategists Palm Beach County has to offer. Mark Hoch, Political Director for the Republican Party of Palm Beach, showed us how get-out-the-vote efforts and absentee ballots can win a campaign. And once we were convinced we were prepared and invincible, PTI unleashed Jack Furnari and Andre Fladell, two brilliant, if defiant, political consultants. Furnari, a conservative, started off his discussion of negative campaigning by basically dismissing the warm, fuzzy approach we had learned over the past four weeks. Then he brought us into the shadowy world of 527s where people dig up every bad thing you have ever done in your life and expose it all to your voters in explicit and artistic detail. Shocking as it was, Fladell, on the liberal side, went even further by admitting that truth and honesty werent necessarily a requirement for him. When fighting for his childrens future, anything could be justified, if it would destroy his opponent. He called his lecture The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, but it was mostly just ugly. I wish I had been able to attend PTI prior to running for office. The information was so valuable; the margin by which I lost might have been closed. Then again, if it meant engaging the questionable behavior of activists who blur the line between right and wrong, I may not have been able to go there. In the end, candidates need the good, the bad, and the ugly, so they can be prepared. Are you prepared to be a leader? PTI is one way to find out!

We have successfully kicked off our 2012 Membership Drive! We ask that ALL current 2011 members please plan to RENEW their 2012 Membership at the January meeting. We are moving to a system where all memberships will renew the first of the year! 2012 Membership $25. Members will receive this beautiful PWRC lapel pin!

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media moguls know that the secret of advertising success is to simplify, concentrate and repeat. Their obvious strategy is to entice the Republicans into diffused, scattered answers, no focus, nothing repeated, nothing remembered (except the Republicans looking irrelevant and foolish). They are slowly killing the Republicans with a thousand cuts. SECOND: Acknowledge that we have not convinced the independent voters (without whom we cant win) how right we are and how wrong the Democrats are. Lets face it. The Republicans control the House of Representatives. Obama, through his incessant speeches, and his liberal media allies, have so brainwashed the public that Congress is a do-nothing, obstructionist, protect the rich body, that poll after poll shows only a ten percent Republican approval rating. Somethings drastically wrong here. The Democratic rule has been an unending series of disgraceful defects, errors and failures. If the present Republican-Democratic contest were a football game, we should be ahead by 50 to 6. But were not. Were lucky to be tied. Our Republican leaders must realize were not winning--despite all of our strengths and despite all of their weaknesses. Were not saying the right things and not saying them effectively. There is a famous business book titled Tested Advertizing Methods. The keyword here is tested. Political campaigns are really about selling. Can you advertise yourself better than your competitor? Its quite obvious from the debates that our candidates are ineffective and certainly not using tested advertising methods. This is a guaranteed way to lose. The famous UCLA basketball coach, John Wooden, who won 10 national championships in 12 years, used a tested training approachThe first law of learning is repetition. To win the votes of the independents we need to select some 5 issues, frame them simply, cogently and memorably, then repeat them incessantly. Someone once said that writing a decent ad is harder than writing a passable sonnet. But, heres a try:

To All Palm Beach County Republicans

J. Parker Reid West Palm Beach, Florida
If you know what they must do, you will know what you must do. This is an adage used in war, in sports, in politics. To Republicans they are the Democrats. The battleground will be the 2012 elections. What must they do? Since the Democrats ideas, theories and policies are obviously bankrupt, their only tool is to attack our candidates personally with character assassination. Then they wont have to defend or promote Obama (or other Democratic candidates or policies). Thus, they ridicule the current Republican campaign as a Romper Room of Sarah Palin, who uses words like refudiate, Mitt Romney a flip-flopping opportunist, Newt Gingrich a serial husband who treated wives badly, Calamity Cain a serial groper, Rick Perry, who cant remember three things, and Michelle Bachmann as crazier than Sarah Palin. Democratic allies, such as the media, op-ed pundits, academia, late night joke hosts, and Hollywood luminaries are all gleefully piling on this character assassination approach.

To rephraseif we now know what they must do, we should know what we must do.
Every Republican candidate for any upcoming election must repeat daily President Calvin Coolidges truism I was never criticized for something I didnt say. The present crop of Presidential aspirants has been duped into submitting to humiliating and destructive question and answer TV spectacles. These TV Reality Shows are mostly hosted by hostile and antagonistic liberal TV anchors who ask every kind of question, mostly trivial, giving the candidate (better termed contestant) only 60 seconds to frame a meaningful answer. The questioners are obviously trying to confuse, belittle and trick the candidates into faux pas or gaffe answers which can be ridiculed by the liberal media later. From the Republican side this is MISSION IMPOSSIBLE with the candidates looking like nave prim and proper preppies dutifully trying to please their school master superiors.


Obama promised you Hope and Change. What did you get? Little hope and pocket change. Then he promised Yes we can. What did you get? Yes we cango NOWHERE. We made a horrible mistake electing Democrats. We cannot repeat. We must defeat. Dont let the Democrats fool you again. VOTE REPUBLICAN. THIS PHRASEOLOGY IS NOT TESTED. But lets test something, rehearse something, repeat something. We should win, we can win. Lets not LOSE. Maybe we need better coaches.

What must we do?

FIRST: Stop the debates. Also, stop all extemporaneous question and answer sessions. We should copy Obama. Every question Obama deems to answer has been previewed by his team, thoroughly analyzed, with responses tested and rehearsed. Republicans cannot win unless they do the same. Look what happened to Cain when he foolishly agreed to answer a nonsense question, So do you agree with the President on Libya? The

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Ride in Comfort to REC Meetings!!

Would you like to ride in comfort to the Republican Executive Committee Meetings? Now, you can with our terrific Luxury Bus Service!

Ride the Fun Bus to the December 14th REC Meeting!

2 CONVENIENT PICK UPS AND DROP OFFS: o Boca 5:30PM (Tri Rail Station at Congress and Yamato) o Boynton Beach 5:45PM (Tri Rail Station at Gateway) WHAT DOES THE BUS HAVE: o o o o

Comfortable Luxury Seats Bathroom and Air Conditioning DVD/VCR/CD Combos, Multiple TV Screens Large European-Style Panoramic Windows Pizza, Drinks, Cookies!

You may pay ($12.00) by credit card or check to: Boca Raton Republican Club, PO Box 2161, Boca Raton, FL 33427 or email us at Call 561-789-7180 for more information.


2011 REPUBLICAN PARTY OF PALM BEACH COUNTY Regions Financial Tower, 1555 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd, Suite 210, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401-2301 Phone: (561) 686-1616 Fax: (561) 686-1898 Email:

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