Robotics Functions

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The Function of Robots

Hardware- Robots

are programmable computers designed to perform a variety of tasks by moving parts, tools or specialised devices. Non- adaptive robots - no way of sensing the

environment, so do the job regardless of any environmental factors Adaptive Robots - get feedback from a sensor to alter the operation of the device. Robots can also be classified according to whether they are stationary or mobile. Mobile robots are free to move around, but stationary robots remain in 1 place but have arms that move.


motion is described in degrees of freedom. One degree of freedom is equal to one movement either back and forth or round in a circle. The way robots move can be defined as Pick and Place only 2 positions per axis Point to Point movement controlled from one point to another Contouring allows the robot to follow a path of a smooth curve.

Degrees of Freedom

Degrees of Freedom

Pivot Base of Arm

Rotate Base of Arm

Bend Elbow

Wrist Up and Down

Rotate wrist

Wrist Left and Right

Components of Human body System

Body Structure Muscle System

Components of a Robotic System

Physical structure - gears, screw divers, levers Actuators (motors), e.g. electric motors, solenoids, pneumatic or hydraulic actions Sensor system - direct contact (e.g. touch ) or non-contact (e.g. light, infrared) Power supply mains or batteries Controller ( brain) e.g. microprocessors and software

Functions of robotic components

Provides movable body parts Converts energy and signals to actions to move body parts Receives information about the robots environment Provides necessary power to activate actuators and sensors Processes information from sensors and sends appropriate commands to actuators.

Sensory System

Power Source

Brain System

How a robot works


sensors receive signals from the environment and pass them to controller. Robot controller processes signals from sensors into output signals to move the robots parts These output signals are sent to actuators (output devices) to tell them to carry out some action. End Effectors particular types of actuators and are connected to end of robot arm..

Software Programs to control Robots


languages may use different techniques to perform tasks Online programming teaching the robot the path it must take. The path is recorded and program is generated Offline Programming the program instructions are written to control the robots motions before the robot is put to action ( e.g. Robolab). Once full program has been written it is tested on the robot.


sensor is an input device that measures data from the environment. Different sensors are:
Temperature Sensors - measures temperature of air or body Light Sensors measures intensity of light Motion Sensors movement of objects Touch Sensors measures whether 2 objects have come into contact Pressure Sensors measures the exertion of a force Flow Sensors detects the motion of fluids


are controlled using a processor. A microcontroller is an integrated circuit and has all components of a computer.


actuator performs the physical action of the robot. Some common actuators are:
Electric motors (most common) Solenoids Stepper Motors Hydraulic Pumps

End Effectors

These are particular types of actuators that are connected to the end of a robot arm. End effectors may be
Vacuum Grippers Magnetic Grippers Tools

Different sets of instructions are required for different end effectors.

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