Nov. 2011 Newsletter

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Denise Vasquez
Intercessory Missionary Worship Leader
This months scripture meditation: Romans 8:15-17

What I do!
Intercessory Missionary, Worship Leader- spending 24
hours a week before God as an intercessor, and 18 service hours per week.

CEC/ Daniel Academy -

Nissis Notes
The past few weeks my worship team and I have been singing through the passage Romans 8:15-17. As we sang of how we are heirs with Christ, I began to ponder what it means to be a joint heir with Christ. It goes on to say that we are children of God, and that we would suffer with Christ. I was reminded of the passage that says, We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body (2 Corinthians 4:10). I was reminded of why I do what I do. Its all for His glory! No matter what type of trial, tribulation or persecution that may come, He is worth it all! The last part of this scripture says, that we may also be glorified together. We dont just have fellowship with His sufferings, but because we are joint heirs we have a wonderful inheritance to look forward to. Jesus is our inheritance! I wait for the day of His return, and say, Come, Lord, Jesus Come!!!

I minister to the children weekly with teachings and prayer, as well as developing our future academy for students within the prayer movement.

My New Blog is Out!!! Visit my blog at - I will be updating it each month. You can also use Paypal on my blog to give more easily! J

Upcoming Events!
Every Friday Starts at 7pm with worship and a teaching CEC for children
You can watch me lead worship on the following days at Mon. 12-2, and 68pm. Wed. 12-2, and Fri. 4-6pm
Ken and I have finally set a date. We will be wed on April 29th of next year!!! We are very excited!!!

Whats Happening at IHOPEG!

Ive joined the CEC team!!!
CEC is our Childrens Equipment Center. This is not just childrens church as usual. The objective is to raise up a generation that truly understands the power of prayer, and who live their lives totally devoted to Jesus. We have seen these children transition from being afraid to pray for their peers to desiring to pray for each other with excitement! Their eyes are beginning to open up to the possibility that prayer, worship and knowing Jesus is not just for their parents or other adults. We are blessed to see the power of God coming upon this generation, and they receive the power of the Holy Spirit on their lives!!!

The Daniel Academy

A group of teachers including myself, all of who attend IHOPEG, have been meeting to pray and discuss the strategies the Lord would have for us in opening a school here. The Daniel Academy will be a homeschool co-op that partners with parents in teaching their children not only academics but who understand the times that we are living in and who have a heart after Jesus. Though we are in the beginning stages, we are enthusiastic to see just how the Lord will build this school while giving Him all the glory. Please keep us in prayer as we follow after the heart of God for a generation!!!

The past few EGS services we have been blessed with the presence of the Lord. The Holy Spirit has been visiting us in such beautiful ways. Those who have been coming out have been touched by the power of God through healings and with JOY!! Come out and receive what the Lord has been pouring out! Gary De Pasquale continues to teach on the knowledge of God. These teaching have blessed my life and I extend this opportunity to you. If you cannot attend you can always watch online at Press Prayer Room Live!!!

Come and Encounter God

Partner With Me!!

All IHOPEG missionaries raise their own salaries in the form of missions contributions from the people who believe in the power of prayer. If you would like to join my partner team, either by way of monthly gifts or a one-time gift, all contributions are tax deductible. For tax deductible donations make a check payable to IHOPEG. For all other donations make a check payable to Denise Vasquez and mail to: 303 Union Ave. Middlesex NJ 08846 #732-319-0549 - or by Paypal at www.ihopeg.ord or please put my name in the subject line.
Blessings and Shalom!!!

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