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C O N N E C T E D @ C U M B E R L A N D

Digital Citizenship Year 8

Workshop #3
Organisation of the Workshop Room
Think about how you would like to organise the room for your presentation. You may like to discuss this with the Roll Call teacher prior to beginning the workshop. Some options: - Normal classroom arrangement, semi-circle of tables and chairs, circle of tables and chairs, groups of tables and chairs If you do rearrange the room, remember to arrange the room back to how it was before you leave. Make sure the computer, data projector and speakers are switched on and ready to go at the before you start the workshop.


Resources for the Workshop - Check that your Roll Call folder contains the following:
Lesson plan Quiz prizes Textas Links Work sheets (check lesson plan for more details)

Procedure for Roll Call Time

8.42am Assembly Bell 1. All staff and students to assemble in the COLA 2. Student introduction/presentation 8.55-9.00am Roll Call in Room Purpose of Digital Citizenship Workshops Brief overview of Workshop program at CHS


1. Teachers to conduct normal roll call 2. Student leaders to prepare resources (if not already prepared)


Technology Workshop #3 Lesson Plan August 2011

Details for Workshop YEAR 8 TOPIC Be Chat Smart ACTIVITIES Online Video, Discussion, Online, Quiz CAPABILITY & SOURCE ACMA Digital Media Literacy
ACMA Sharing Ethical and Responsible Practices (p.7-9)

Procedure for Workshop Time

9.00 9.05am

Content / Learning Experience

Teaching Strategies

Activity Organisation


Today we are going to explore an issue that relates to being a good digital citizen which means participating safely with digital technology including things like computers, mobile phones and the internet. Being a good digital citizen is important whether you are at home, work or school. We are focusing on the problems associated with Illegal Downloads Speak slowly and clearly

Ask staff to assist with the organisation of students

Explanation - Introduction Video

The use of the Internet to download music, games, films and other forms of entertainment or content raises many complicated and controversial issues in relation to ethics and the violation of copyright. How many of you have downloaded music or other content illegally from the Internet? Knowing about the legal and ethical aspects of illegal downloading is important as sometimes we tend to behave in a different manner in the digital world than we do in the real world. Lets have a look at some examples. View illegal download introduction. -2Have this website ready to go. Also check the sound at the beginning of the lesson

Ask staff to assist with keeping students on task and using questions to get relevant responses.

Double click on video to open YouTube and then view full screen

Technology Workshop #3 Lesson Plan August 2011

9.05 9.14am

Activity 1: Wise up to it
We are going to watch a video which explores some of the issues of taking part in file sharing and illegal downloads Lets look at the video Wise up to it (What the? second video on page) What happened? Why did it happen? What type of content was he downloading? How does downloading illegal content pose risks to e-security? What did he do to protect himself and his computer? How can you protect yourself from this sort of thing? What other problems might be associated with illegal downloading? Have this website ready to go. Also check the sound at the beginning of the lesson

Ask staff to assist with keeping students on task and using questions to get relevant responses. Click on the link and then view full screen Also show questions through data projector

Some questions for discussion as a class

9.14 9.23 am

Activity 2: Online Safety Quiz

Put up the questions on the board via the data projector. Distribute handouts. Quiz to be worked through individually (You may want to read out each question to the class) Questions to be discussed as a group. Speak slowly and clearly

Ask staff to assist with keeping students on task and using questions to get relevant responses.

Handouts Also show through data projector via link

9.23 9.28 am

Activity 3: Duck Hunt

Thank you for your contribution to the group discussions. To finish off today, we will be playing a game as a class. We need to shoot off the behaviours that would get us into trouble online in order to get the highest score. -3Speak slowly and clearly All students to be seated. Double click on video to open and then view full screen

Technology Workshop #3 Lesson Plan August 2011

Distribute prizes for students who have participated the most in the activities. Speak slowly and clearly

Ask staff to assist if needed.


9.28 9.30 am

Where to from here?

Thank you for participating and sharing your ideas in todays workshop It is important to remember that being a good digital citizen is important at all times home or school, or using the computer, internet or a mobile device. We all have to make sure that we participate in the digital community in a safe and responsible manner. We hope you enjoyed today and see you in the next Digital Citizenship workshop!

Speak slowly and clearly



Technology Workshop #3 Lesson Plan August 2011

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