Research Methods Assignment

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Reasons for employee turnover with in the hospitality industry: a survey of employees

Introduction Most business enterprises as well as their management invest on work forces and staffs because it is known to be one of the most essential assets of the business enterprises. The concept of having satisfied staffs is considered as the basic notion of keeping the best staffs to stay in the business enterprises. There has been many HR management strategies provided to satisfy the staffs. These techniques are initiated to avoid staff turnover (Lipiec, 2001). As mentioned, turnover occurs when staff leaves a specific job or business enterprises permanently and his/her services are no longer available. In some studies and researches one of the typical reasons why staffs leave their job is because they are dissatisfied with their job which they tend to search for options and compare those options with their present jobs, and depart or leave the business enterprises if any of the alternatives are judged to be better than their current job opportunities. Other researchers have described the conventional turnover process as characteristically beginning with dissatisfaction of the staffs. The intention to leave, the antecedent to turnover, shows the staffs estimated probability that his/her resignation is impending. Primarily, the goal of this proposed researched is to evaluate the case of the Hospitality industry. This proposed study, aims on investigating the reasons for employee turnovers in hospitality industry.

Research Objective As mentioned above, the main objectives of this paper are to investigate the reasons for employee turnovers in Hospitality industries. Specifically this paper aims on achieving the following objectives: Analyze the current employee satisfaction technique used by the chosen hospitality industry.. Analyze employee turnover rates of the corporation.

To recommend ways on effective implementation of employee satisfaction programme system.

To generate sound conclusion which supports the outcome of the analysis and literature review collated.

Research Questions 1. What is the current employee satisfaction technique used by the chosen hospitality industry? 2. What is the perception of employees in terms of the employee turnover rates of the Hospitality? 3. What do you think are the reasons for employee turnovers in hospitality industry? 4. What are the ways that the management of the Hospitality industry Corporation can do to effectively implement employee turnover reduction approach

Literature The rotation of staffs around the labour market, may it be between business enterprises, jobs and occupations, or between the states of employment or unemployment, is called as turnover (Burgess, 1998). Accordingly, turnover is considered as the number one causes of declining productivity and sagging morale in the business environment (Abassi & Hollman, 2000, p. 333). Excessive turnover may lead to jeopardy of the business enterprises objectives and may negatively affect innovation and cause major delays in the delivery of services and introduction of new programs. It may also lead to loss of key staffs, which, in turn may have negative impact on the quality and innovation of services delivered, which in turn, may negatively affect the satisfaction of customers of some departments or government agencies. For some government agencies or departments, customers include not only those people who consume services, but also the staffs working in their offices (Abassi & Hollman, 2000). Retention of skilled staffs is obviously essential. They function well and stand out among the others. Furthermore, retentions save the business enterprise additional expenses. A

business enterprise loses approximately $1 million with every 10 managerial and professional staffs who leave the business enterprises (Fitz-enz, 1997). A business enterprise also loses critical knowledge necessary for better performance when a skilled employee decides to resign. Skilled staffs are badly needed because they rarely come. If the training was provided by the business enterprises, the turnover of skilled staffs would just put the training expenses into waste. Furthermore, the mobility of the business enterprise is affected greatly because every turnover puts tasks left behind by the employee into a halt. Even if there would be a temporary substitute before a new employee is hired, it is unsure if the substitute would perform the task faster and efficiently. Then, the hiring process also wastes a considerable amount of time. It also brings additional costs in advertising.

Overview of Methodology The discussion of this research dissertation will mainly give emphasis on the analysis of employee turnover and how this can be considered to Hospitality industry. The data and information that will be collated for this research dissertation will be derived from primary resources and secondary resources. The primary data came from the respondents who are staffs of Hospitality industry. On the other hand, the secondary sources of data came from published articles from employee satisfaction journals and employee turnover, management journals, theses as well as related studies on employee satisfaction and service provision. In this research, time will be the greatest restriction, which may also be a barrier for having long-term outcome objectives. Other aspects like socioeconomic, are beyond the control of the researcher of this study and can create many variables within the research. The research is deductive in its technique. This decision was based on several characteristics of a deductive technique elaborated by Saunders et al (2003): [first], a deductive research can be quicker to complete; [second], data collection is often based on one take; and [third], this technique can be a lower-risk strategy (Saunders et al, 2003). The quantitative technique focused on obtaining numerical findings was used with the survey method. The interview on the other hand, made up the qualitative technique of the study as this focused on personal accounts, observations, description and individual insights of the respondents. This study employed the combined technique so as to overcome the limitations of both techniques. In order to achieve the goal of this paper, the researcher has

been able to use appropriate technique. For this study, the research design used is qualitative technique (Saunders et al, 2003)

Reference Abassi, SM & Hollman, KW (2000), Turnover: The Real Bottom Line Public Personnel Management, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 333. Burgess, S (1998), Analysing Firms, Jobs and Turnover, Monthly Labor Review, July pp. 5557 Fitz-enz, J (1997), Its costly to lose good employees. Workforce, vol. 76, no. 8, pp. 50-51.

Fitz-enz, J. (2000) The Roi of Human Capital: Measuring the Economic Value of Employee Performance. U.S.A.: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.

Lipiec, J 2001, Work forces Management Perspective at the Turn of the Century, Public Personnel Management, vol. 30, no. 2. Saunders M, Lewis P, & Thornhill A (2003) Research Methods for Business Students, 3rd edn, Prentice Hall, London.

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