Acronyms - Six Sigma - Lean

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July 14th, 2005

Six Sigma - Lean Acronyms

4 Blocker 4E 4M+I 5S 5 Whys? 80/20 Rule 85/15 Rule AAR APS B vs C BAT Big Ys Black Belts BPR BPx CANDO CEDAC Champion CLM CONWIP COPQ CPI CQI CTQ DEx DFSS DFx DMADV DMAIC DOE DPMO Drum Buffer Rope EMT EPA FMEA Gemba Green Belts GRR GT Hawthorn Effect Heijunka Hoshin IDDOV IS
Edge Enthusiasm Energy Execution

Acronym Web Site Dictionary Terms & Definitions for Six Sigma & Lean

Project Description, Project Scope, Metrics/Benefits, Project Plan/Timeline Mistaking Proofing - Me (Operator) Materials Machine Method + Information Sort (Seiri), Straighten (Seiton), Shine (Seiso), Standardize (Seiketsu), Sustain (Shitsuke) Find Root Cause by asking Why? five times. Pareto Principal. 20 percent of the defects causing 80 percent of the problems 85% of problems only managers can fix. 15% Operators can fix. After Action Review Advanced Production Scheduling Better vs Current Business Action Team Why were focused on an Activity Leads high Impact PE Projects, Experts trained in DMAIC & Statistical Methods with Project Completion. Business Process Reengineering Business Process x = Reengineering, design, improvement, innovation Cleanup Arrange Neatness Discipline Ongoing Improvement Cause and effect with addition of cards Project Sponsor Career Limiting Move Constant Work In Progress Cost of Poor Quality Continuous Process Improvement (Kaizen) Continuous Quality Improvement Critical to Quality Design Excellence Design For Six Sigma Design For (x) assembly, manufacture Define, Measure, Analyze, Design Verification Validate Define Measure Analyze Improve Control Design of Experiments (Statistical Analyze Term) Defects per Million Opportunity Monitor inventory at drum, Profile inventory at time buffer, How before inventory is turned into cash. Executive Management Team (Mikes Staff) Every Product Every (interval in days between running a product) Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Place of Action Leads smaller more focused PE Projects. Gauge Repeatability Reproducibility Group Technology Simplify Products The fact of measuring only improves results. Scheduling in repetitive environment, Manual finite scheduler Policy Development Identify Define Develop Optimize Verify Instrument Systems / Services

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Jidoka JIT Job Jar Kaikaku Kaisen Burst Kaisen Burst Kaizen Kamishabi Kanban Kano LPO Master Black Belt MBO MBWO Milkround MRP MSA MUDA MURA MURI Nemawashi OEE OPT PACER Pareto PDCA PE, PEx Pokayoke POLCA QCC QFD QRC R&R RING ROI ROP SILO Silo SILS SIPOC Six Sigma SLT SMART SMART SMED SPC SS

Improve Quality Just In Time - Inventory reduction (Taiichi Ohno) List of Prioritized Projects to be Done Improvements (large gains) as apposed to Kaizen (small gains) Focused Effort to Resolve a Bottleneck Focused effort to resolve a bottleneck From the Japanese - Continuous Process Improvement T Card display board with a column for each day of the week Signaling Devices i.e. out of stock Kano Factor Dr. Noriaki Kano Basic must be, Performance more is better, delighter excitement Lean Promotion Office Expert at the level to be able to teach PEx. Management By Objectives Management By Walking Around Pick up & deliver parts between supply chain members (Water Spider or runner is inside the plant) Forecast Based System Measurement System Analysis Waste Unevenness Unreasonableness Consensus building Overall Equipment Effectives Computer based finite scheduling package developed by Goldratt. Meeting Management: Purpose Agenda Code of Conduct Expectations Roles Pareto Principal. Analysis 80/20 rule. 20 percent of the defects causing 80 percent of the problems Plan Do Check Act cycle The Stewart Cycle Product Excellence Mistake Proofing Paired cells Overlapping Loops Of Cards with Authorization Quality Control Complexity Quality Function Deployment Quality and Regulatory Compliance Repeatability & Reproducibility Shared decision making Return on Investment Re Order Point Service In Logical Order A tall cylindrical structure, usually beside a barn, in which fodder is stored. Sequenced In Line Storage Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Customers Methodology that attacks Process Variability to Eliminate Defects Site Leader Team Synchronous Material Availability Request Ticket (Ford Kanban) Define: Specific Measurable Actionable Realistic Time Bound Change over reduction Statistical Process Control Safety Stock

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Safety Lead Time for Safety Stock Straight Through Processing Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats Turn Around Time There exits many better alternatives Transport Inventory Motion Waiting Over Production Over Processing Defects There is only one alternative Theory of Constraints: The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt Thinking Process (Eli Goldratt) Total Productive Maintenance (Father Taiichi Ohno developed JIT at Toyota)) Toyota Production System Total Quality Management (By Deming) Russian acronym for Theory of Inventive Problem Solving Vendor Managed Inventory Voice of the Customer Value Steam Mapping Runner pick up & deliver parts inside the plant, light but often (Milkround between plants) Work In Progress Workflow Process Model

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