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Pearce Annual Newsletter

The PAN 2011

Michael and Julie Pearce - (03)9812. 2605 Email: Blog Site:

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

Dear Family and Friends, This year has certainly been an action packed one for us Ringwood North Pearce's; one filled with a myriad of things, that has seen the year of 2011 absolutely fly past. For this reason, as I sit and prepare to write this year's PAN, I truly wonder where I should begin; and just how many pages this newsletter shall indeed end up filling. Well only one thing for it.....and that my friends, is to begin!
Individual Highlights:
Jacqui and Danny 2 Marnie Nicholas 3 4

Two men in Jacqui's life keep her busy, happy and entertained. In no particular order of preference or priority, I make mention of Billy initially - and will speak of Danny in just a little while. Billy is a most beautiful caramel coloured Cavoodle; who has Jac, Danny and the entire family wrapped around his little finger. Even Charlie loves his special friend Billy; despite Billy's overly puppy like preference for continuous and boisterous play!

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Charlie and Billy; family and good friends.

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The PAN 2011

Jacqui and Danny

Well, I remember writing in last year's PAN that Danny Flanagan had earned his entry rights into the Pearce "Circle of Trust". And let us be honest here - this family both in its immediate and extended sense could in fact be classified by some as worthy of competing for top place within the realm of disfunctionality; against previous top place award winners such as both the Byrnes and Focker Families! Anyways, both Michael and I are incredibly proud to announce that Danny proposed to Jacqui this August and that they plan to marry on Friday December 14th, 2012 at St. Dominic's Church in Camberwell. St. Dominic's is of course a church of great importance to our family - being the Pearce family's Parish Church for over 50 years; the Pearce Family being amongst its founding families. It is also for those who may remember, the Church in which Jacqui was baptised and of course where Nicholas (in recognition of his Grandparents) celebrated his first Mass of Thanksgiving in September last year. I can imagine that both Grandma and Granddad will be gathering the troops; and that many old family members and friends such as Vi, Ernie, Noreen, Aunty Chrissy and Aunty Millie, will all very much be spiritual guests of honour - observing and rejoicing in Jacqui and Danny's wedding vows - which by the way, are to be celebrated by Fr. Nicholas Pearce. A guaranteed emotional and joy filled experience, to be sure; to be sure! Meanwhile both Jac and Dan have recently bought a house together in Wantirna South and whilst they have a lot of hard work ahead of them, the house is comfortable; full of incredible potential; and will I am sure be a part of the solid foundations in their building both a life and family together. We are truly thrilled for them both; and await December 14th,2012 at 4pm with much excitement and anticipation. Please feel free to put this date and time in your diaries, family and friends; for all are welcome to share this joyous occasion with us.

Congratulations Jacqui and Danny; we love you heaps!

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I am afraid that this year has not been any better than last for Marnie. More time has been spent in hospital than out - and yet we are thrilled that she is now home again; and is therefore able to be here, so that together we may share Christmas as a complete family. With new medication and ongoing support, we are hopeful that things will be a lot brighter for Marnie in 2012. One of this year's outings enjoyed by Pixie was when she and I spent an afternoon at Melbourne Zoo. Our favourites were of course the baby elephants; and enjoying having the opportunity to watch the elephants enjoying the freedom and incredibly naturalistic and aesthetically pleasing surroundings they have been provided. Both Marnie and I look forward to visiting the zoo again in 2012, so that we may witness the transformation of the Orangutan's quarters - and it will be a wonderful thing, being able to finally and not before time to the last of those now primitive and soul destroying concrete cages with iron bars of ages past.
Marnie and the Baby "Elefarts".

Marnie and King Kong!

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September 11th, saw Nicholas' 1st year anniversary in his ordination to the Priesthood. It was immediately preceded by his leading a group of young Melbournian Pilgrims to Rome and then on to Madrid for World Youth Day, and upon their return to Melbourne, a couple of week's spent back in his parish of St. Kevin's, Hampton Park before embarking upon a week's silent retreat before enjoying his first official encounter with 4 weeks annual leave. During this time, Nicholas re-visited Rome (a real little "International gad-about" He is) ,for the Ordination to the Diaconate of his friend Michael Gallacher. During this time we also (for the last 5 days of our incredible journey) joined him and millions of others in sharing the Rome experience. It is hard to describe to you in words what it was like for Michael and I to be able to share this amazing place with Nicholas and others of our Priestly friends. be able to visit and To be able to explore Vatican City; to be able to be invited guests at Michael Gallacher's Ordination to become a Deacon; to be able to participate in a Scavi Tour (underneath the ground directly below St. Peter's pray in front of St. Peter's relics; to be able to visit and pray at the Relic's of Jesus crib; to be able to visit so many holy places (and some not-so-holy, but ever so famous), with our priestly son have enriched us and will forever be etched upon our hearts, minds and souls.
With Mamma and Papa in Roma!

For those who may be interested, our accommodation in Rome was at the Domus Australia - the newly opened hotel for Australian pilgrims whose Rector is our very own Fr. Anthony Denton. Our stay was everything we wanted it to be...and then some; and I cannot recommend the quality and comfort of the accommodation and the warmth of the wonderful hospitality/friendliness of the staff, enough! So here we are Fr. Anthony; holding up our score card for the Domus - and we give it, and you, we might add - a:

Fr. Nicholas amid his Madrid WYD flock.

Fr. Nicholas with his new puppy and play mate: "Buddy". One very spoilt and greatly loved Labrador pup.

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"Us" - Michael and Julie

This year of 2011 overall has been a fantastic one for the two of us; how could it not be when we have had reason to celebrate Jacqui and Danny's engagement; to look forward to being a Mum and Dad of the Bride next year; have been able to celebrate Spike's 60th birthday on August 26th (yep, he is officially a senior citizen); and just the following day, August 27th - the two of us flew out of Melbourne, on our first ever "real" international holiday. And for the next 42 days it was just Ma and Pa; on our "Pat Malone" (apart from all the other tourists on holiday with us); away from home; away from work; away from every little thing............and we had an absolute ball!!!! Only a couple of negatives really: 1. I am petrified (and I mean scared stiff) of air flight - and we participated in 12 of the little rascals! - Positive outcome: I DID IT (doesn't mean I like it though)- AND SURVIVED! 2. I managed to collect some memorabilia very early on in our holiday of a lifetime, in the form of a right calf DVT; which was not properly diagnosed until we were in Rome, just a week out from the end of the journey. - Positive outcome: I LIVED TO TELL THE TALE! It is of course, impossible to fill you in on everything we did and saw upon our trip, but in summary: We flew Melbourne to Kuala Lumpur and spent 2 nights there. Then flew to London where we spent 3; staying just long enough to know that we would visit again there very happily. A major thrill was visiting Buckingham Palace, touring inside the Palace, seeing close up Catherine's Wedding Gown, strolling around the gardens at the Castle rear; and exploring the Mews(the home of the Queen's horses, Coaches and Royal vehicles - amazing!) The only disappointment was that Queenie was away; and therefore unable to receive me (I am of course, a Queen's Guide). We were of course thrilled to be able to catch up with Mark in Kensington; our gorgeous nephew who is currently living and working in the UK. (Love ya heaps Mark! xxxx)

Ma and Pa visiting Queenie's place of work.

Our home for 3 days; The Chesterfield Hotel, Mayfair! Our reunion with Mark in Kensington.

The PAN 2011 The PAN 2011 The PAN 2011

From London we flew to Basel in Switzerland and spent 3 days here, before joining our much anticipated Viking Rhine River Cruise for 7 glorious days and nights. "Heaven on a stick" is how I would describe this week; food, drink, waiters, chef, cabin staff - all brilliant and I can highly recommend the B&B's I consumed each and every night...and occasionally of an afternoon also. (Brandy and Benedictine -straight....way to go!) Lots of fun and much laughter to be had, to be sure - and a lot of our pleasure was shared in particular with two beautiful Aussie ladies: Ann Williams and Trish Plunkett (we think of you often girls!) - both of whom I know will be shocked to read of my DVT, because it was on this" leg" of the journey that my leg began to cause me real distress. No girls, it was not in fact soft tissue damage from walking on those bloody but beautiful cobble stoned streets!) As well as Ann and Trish, there were of course others whose company and friendship we thoroughly enjoyed throughout our cruise - and here we would especially like to make mention of Sharmila and Swati from the U.S.; and Roger and Pamela Langley from the UK. I can't possibly include all the photos of you that we have.....but please know that every time we see your faces, we give thanks that we had the opportunity and absolute pleasure to meet and spent time with you. Our cruise was all the better for being able to see these magical sights and laugh with you all!

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Highlights???? We visited so many beautiful places, saw so many beautiful churches, cathedrals, basilica's, castles and other magnificent historical buildings. We visited the Black Forest, the home of Cuckoo Clock making and we climbed to the inner top of an original windmill home (you will have to ask Ann and Trish about the effect that had on me). Our Rhine Cruise concluded in Amsterdam; and we stayed here for 3 days loving the "City of Canals". Highlights???? Blown away by the multi-storey parks for bikes, bikes and even more bikes; visiting Anne Frank's home (a long held wish); visiting cheese making shops; tasting their syrup waffles; passing the many "coffee shops"; sailing the canals; walking briskly without turning one's head along the streets of the red light district (!!!!); and running into Spike's brother and sister in law from Perth; Des and Mern in the main street near Central Station. It was great to be able to share some time with them and their friends in a country so far from home; and to know that not only were we tripping around the world, but so too was our sister in law Jude doing the very same thing with her friend, Sue. Edna would have been so thrilled for us all!

Left to right: Ann, Jul's, Spike; and Trish.

Left to Right: Jul's, Mern, Spike and Des in Amsterdam.

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From Amsterdam, we flew to Warsaw in Poland where we joined a 14 day Tauck Bus Tour during which we visited Krakow; and spent 1/2 day visiting Auschwitz (which had definitely been on my "bucket list"). Unable to describe in words the feeling one gets upon visiting this place - it certainly is something that one must personally experience for themselves; and as sad as it was; I am so very glad that I was able to go upon my very own pilgrimage, paying my personal respects to that place where such atrocities were executed against innocent people. The Tauck tour was of excellent value and moderately paced, spending 3 days in each of the main cities visited which included Poland, Budapest, Vienna and which concluded with picturesque Prague. Along the way, we visited so many magnificent churches; galleries, opera houses, town halls( like none I have ever seen before); palaces and castles. We stayed in the most beautiful and luxurious of hotels all the way; attended an Apple Strudel baking demonstration; ate Prodigy's; learned the healing benefits of sculling icy cold Vodka shots (my friend John Soko is proud of me for this, I am sure!); attended a private Chopin Piano Recital in Warsaw; a night time cruise and dinner along the Danube in Vienna; a private Mozart and Strauss concert performed by the Vienna Residence Orchestra and also thrilled by our very own surprise operatic performance. There were about 39 of us on our tour, with only one other Australian couple amid a whole heap of American's!!!! There was heaps of fun and laughter of course, a bit of deliberate ribbing and taking the mickey out of the Yanks; and special friendships formed. The most noteworthy of these were Laura and Tom from the States (loving our catch ups by email Laura); and Rick and Sue from NSW. Hope this edition of the PAN finds you guys well and happy - and thanks too for enriching our holiday experience!!!

Roses left by Michael and Myself upon a display case of infant clothing treasures; such an emotive encounter.

Julie sitting upon the railway line outside of Auschwitz....where so many people were herded to their death.

Left to Right: Spike; Tom; Sue; Rick; Laura and Jul's.

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And then came Paris and France - and both of us fell in love with this magnificent country!! We had only 3 days in Paris, long enough to see most of the primary sights from the top of the "hop on, hop off bus"; to gaze in awe and wonder at the beauty of this city and all it has to offer. Long enough for Michael to visit and climb the Eiffel Tower (whilst I waited patiently and safely below, upon Terra Firma). Long enough for us to catch up with our Niece, Emilee who lives and works in Paris - and long enough for us to know that we would re-visit France in a wink of an eyelid - and stay much longer next time also! After 3 days in Paris we caught the fast train out to Nancy (Northern France), and had an ecstatic reunion with Lorene (our Rotarian Exchange Student that we hosted for 12 months, 8 yrs ago). To say that it was bliss to see Lorene again; and to meet and stay with her family in Baudricourt for 4 days, is an absolute understatement. We were treated like royalty; and were taken to so many wonderful places including Sophie's day in charge, where we visited places such as Verdvyn where so many graves lay, as far as the eye can see; the Memorial erected over the top of soldiers, where they lay undisturbed from where they were buried alive in their trenches, sleeping standing up, with bayonets in hand; and then on to the Fort de Douaumont, where the underground trenches where soldiers fought, and the massive devastation of where cannons and bombs invaded the earth destroying everything in their path, is these days 100 years later, softened only by the new trees, vegetation and a few wild flowers that cover the ground. No houses have ever been re-built here, their only reminder of reality being a white post where each one stood. I can't of course tell you here of everything we experienced here with our host family; but I can tell you that we love the beauty of their country, and all it contains - especially them!!!! Oh, and I cannot finish speaking of the Pernot's without offering a special thank you to Christian (Lorene's Dad) - who ensured that we experienced the most beautiful of foods prepared by him of course, in his very own restaurant. And so, Laurence, Christian, Lorene, Sophie and Pierre-Alex, we send you all our love, hugs and kisses and we give you all a:

Spike's (complete with Beret) self portrait ascending the Eiffel Tower.

Emilee and Aunty Jul's out to dinner, before visiting de Basilica du Sacre-Coeur by night.

Left to right: Spike, Pierre-Alex, Jul's; Lorene and Sophie.

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In Conclusion:
And so here we are at the end of what has turned out to be a "mammoth" PAN edition; and it is the number of pages that it is, only because I have put the brakes on; and tried to include only the most vital "bits". The problem is of course, that for both Michael and I, this holiday was something we had dreamed of for so many years now; it was our first ever overseas journey; it was a holiday that we both needed incredibly; and was a period of long service leave for us both, that we set out to make the most of. Let me assure you that we certainly did that, and then some!!!!!! As I have said to many since our return, it is impossible for us to tell you our most favourite place or event - for every single bit of our trip, every place we were fortunate to visit; the people we met; everything we were fortunate to see and experience were amazing!!!! It is amazing too that on our return we have seen so many programs on TV featuring places we have now been too - and we are able now to say "been there"!!! On a personal note, I was determined to make this journey despite my fear of flying something I have not managed to overcome or eradicate - but one that I have not allowed reduce me to the role of "victim". I have done things on this trip, that I never thought I could do. I have flown on a plane 12 times; I have travelled up a mountain side in a cable car; I have travelled by Funicular railway in Paris up the mountain to visit Sacre Coeur; I have climbed the inner, narrow, spiral and extremely high staircase of a windmill (even though I sobbed like a baby on the way back down - backwards, with people holding their hands on my bottom to coax me down!); and I have ascended and descended rapid travelling escalators (whilst carrying baggage I might add!). All of this, I have achieved and I am incredibly proud that I was able to overcome these fears enough to be able to enjoy these once in a lifetime experiences - well everything that is, except for going up the Eiffel Tower! On a "together" note, Michael and I not only survived living together in extremely close proximity 24/7 x 42 days - we had an absolute ball together; we laughed and had so much fun - I think it would be fair to say that we both enjoyed the time of our lives! Even should we never have the opportunity to go again, we certainly have an incredible number of memories to recall - and plenty of photos to aid in this process - 8,400 of them to be exact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And now as I do each year, I make mention of those we love who are no longer with us; those who are unwell; and those who are separated from us by distance. And so I remember with love especially, my Uncle Laurie who passed away in October; we send our love, thoughts and prayers to The Soko's; our love to Mark in the UK and Emilee in Paris; loving thoughts are sent to our beautiful past neighbour, Nan Bretel; and of course we mention our beautiful "Uncle Pete", who is always with us in spirit. With one week to go now, we look forward to sharing a family time of Christmas; and my particular message to all those who may find this year difficult to face, to think of, or to celebrate.....let us not take notice of the "Merry" in Christmas this year....but focus on preceding Christmas with the word "Loving". In other words let us remove the pressure often felt in the deemed need to be Merry; and may each and every one of us experience and share in a "Loving Christmas", wherever and in whatever form that may take. Love to all, Jul's and Spike I.T. (International Traveler's); Jacqui, Danny, Marnie, Nicholas and Charlie. xxxxx

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