Amoroso Canon

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Amoroso Canon

By Siti Adeena, 3 Utarid

Beethovens Fur Elise Debussys Clair de Lune Schuberts Serenade The soft music erupted from the strings of the acoustic piano abruptly stopped as I examined the music sheets closely, eyeing the complicated triplets and the time signatures. I checked my wrist watch and groaned. Ive been practicing for like two hours and I still didnt feel at all confident of my almost-chosen song. The theme of this round still whispered in my mind and it troubled me: something to believe in. I counted the remaining days to practice nervously and did a double take; I still have two weeks until show time. I checked my files again, wondering if theres any more song which is appropriate with the current theme. Bach, Chopin, Liszt Anna! I jumped in shock as Bonnie and Jane entered the music room. I glared at them furiously. Will you knock first before you enter? Are you still practicing? Jane asked me, ignoring my glare, her eyebrows furrowed. I sighed and muttered obviously. Bonnie tugged my arm. Anna, theres a caf nearby. You can eat cakes there or even order some latte. You should spend a little of your time resting from all this practice youve been enduring. I stared at my best friend, weighing her words. Judging by the limited time Ive had in my hands, I shook my head. No thanks. I have to practice. Just as soon as Ive said those words, Bonnie snatched the music sheets away from me. Big mistake. Bonnie, give it back to me, I demanded, hastily trying to grab it away from Bonnies hands. Not until you get a rest first, she pressed, shoving the sheets away. Without thinking, I lunged onto her and pulled the delicate papers from her clasp. Hard. To my shock, the music sheet torn into two.

Of course I was very angry at this unexpected twist of development. I remembered clearly that I shot fiery words to my best friends that time and quickly left the music room. When I returned home, I swiftly went towards my room, ignoring the tempting smell of dinner. I opened my bedroom door and accidently bumped onto my make-up desk. A crash broke the utter silence, catching me off guard. I scanned the floor and was shocked when I realized it was my music box. Broken. I hastily grabbed it from the floor and quickly tested it if its badly damaged or not. When I wind the key and waited, the music didnt play like it always did. The ballerina stopped spinning, leaving it useless and utterly obsolete. A lump caught in my throat and my heart began to ache in grief. I remembered plainly when Ive received the music box. It was during my birthday and my two best friends shoved a neatly wrapped present into my arms. Open it, hurry! Bonnie had urged me, her eyes twinkling with excitement. Jane, beside her, grinned secretly. Alright, alright, I compensated them, opening the mysterious gift slowly, suspenses killing me. When Ive done unwrapping the present, a beautiful music box filled my whole vision. Since I was little, Ive always covet a music box and my wish had finally come true Thank you, I whispered at their ears as soon as I hugged them tightly, completely speechless in joy. Their smile was the most beautiful thing Ive ever seen that time in my entire life

Anna, whats wrong? The familiar voice pulled me back into reality from my reverie. I altered my vision towards a dear friend of mine, Andrew. He was my competitor in the music competition but our friendship blinded this fact. We were sitting on a bench at a park nearby my house. I quickly wiped my tears and shot him a smile. Nothing. His eyebrow rose and I knew instantly that he caught me lying. He urged me to tell him what went wrong and since I had no reason to keep this a secret, I told him everything. About the pressure. About the fight with my friends. I also told him about the broken music box and since I brought it with me that time, I showed it to him. He was silent along the way and I got to admit he was a very good listener. He gently took the box from me and examined it intently. He opened the lid and adjusted something inside the music box. To my utter disbelief, Pachelbels Canon played softly from the box and the ballerina started to spin.

I cried in joy and absent-mindedly hugged Andrew. He chuckled warmly by my sudden outburst and shoved the box back in my arms. Great song, by the way, he complimented friendly, nodding at the music box. Yes, it is, I murmured, thinking. By that wonderful evening, I had finally found my song.

During the competition I clapped enthusiastically, completely awe-struck by Andrews performance. He had played Vitalis Chaconne with his violin and it was absolutely amazing! Judging by my observation, the audience and the judges were enjoying the spectacular performance too. Andrew walked back towards the backstage and I quickly gave him a thumps-up. He grinned and mouthed good luck at me just as soon as my name was announced to go onstage. My palms were sweaty as I slowed my panic breathing. I scanned the audience and nearly fainted by the sight of it. When I was about to be flooded with staring eyes and the vibrant spotlight shining on the stage, a hand suddenly rested on my shoulders. I quickly turned around and saw them. Bonnie! Jane! I managed a gasp and swiftly hugged them tightly, tears which were swimming in my eyes finally streamed down my cheeks. I felt my hug returned and I was soon bathed in joy and happiness just by having my two best friends in my arms. They murmured me words of good luck and brushed my cold fingers with their warm ones. Judging by my speechless condition, I only managed to breath out a thank you. When I walked towards the piano, I stopped and bowed towards thousands of audiences who clapped and whistled at my presence. I nodded politely towards the row of judges who smiled at me warmly. When I sat in front of my instrument, I looked back and found my two best friends waving and grinning at me. Seeing their happiness, the song seemed to plaster right in my mind. Clefs, rests, rhythms, time signatures, key signatures and notes were all swirling and dancing in my memory box. With a deep breath and a stretch of my fingers, I began to play.

After the competition was over, the judges were murmuring to each other, nodding and agreeing. When the decisions been made, one of the judges took a piece of paper and scrawled the winners name: Anna Swan.

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