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Dedicated Exclusively to the California Bar Exam

Bar Review

CONSTITUTIONAL LAW (Summary Flowcharts)

Copyright 2009 by BarPassers Bar Review. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in the United States of America.



Political Question? Timeliness 3P Person C&C: Standing (Fed Ct Only) Injury TP Association Abstention Plaintiff 3A's Adequate State Grounds Advisory Opinion State on Fed



Fed on State



Person: State Action



Defendant State (10thA) Police Power

Foreign Govt Executive Domestic Federal Limited Separation of Powers Legislative (limited) Orig/A Judicial C&C/11thA



1. Examine the parties and determine if there are any a. Plaintiff issues: standing or intergovernmental immunity. b. Defendant issues: State action or source of power. Note: If both parties are branches of the federal government, you must address the separation of powers issues. 2. Then ask: are there any limitations (generally, some individual constitutional right(s) secured by the Bill of Rights or the 14th Amendment)? 3. Finally, when analyzing any Constitutional issue, always identify the proper standard of judicial review and fully discuss the facts necessary to conclude whether the standard has been met.

Limits on State Govt.

P&I Pre-emption Discrimination Dormant Commerce Clause Undue Burden Interstate P&I

14TH A

EPC Due Process

Procedural Substantive

(Sel. Incorp.)


Expression Religion

Crim Pro

K Cls B of A Ex PF

Limits on Federal Govt.

Expression 1st Religion Tax & Spend

Channels Commerce Econ Impact

(All 10 Amend)

Crim Pro Procedural 5th DP Substantive

Enabling Clauses


HIGHEST PROTECTION Viewpoint Strict Scrutiny/ Compelling Govt Interest


Directed to Incite Advocacy of Unlawful Action Likely to Incite No Political Value Violence Fighting Words Likely to Incite Imminent Violence Hostile Audience Reasonable Police Efforts

Appeals to Prurient Interest LOWEST PROTECTION


Patently Offensive

Lacks Serious Value



Lawful / Not Misleading Commercial Speech Substantial Govt Interest Narrowly Tailored Content Neutral Symbolic Conduct Substantial Govt Interest Narrowly Tailored Public Forum Traditional Designated

Content Neutral MIDDLE PROTECTION Time, Place & Manner

Substantial Govt Interest

Narrowly Tailored

Alternative Channels of Communication (Total Ban?) Void on Face Valid on Face Govt Property (Not a Public Forum) Limited Access Reasonable regulation of content OK Viewpoint regulation not permitted


Prior Restraint Benefit Denied Vagueness Overbreadth



Illegal Object Membership Knowledge Specific Intent Freedom of Assoc. Oath Extract Info. Investigation Public in

Freedom of Press

Extract Info.

In Court


secular purpose Establishment effect neither advances nor inhibits religion no entanglement


religious belief Free Exercise

religious conduct


(Classification / Discrimination)

Race Suspect Class Origin



Family Living Fundamental Interest Privacy Sex & Marriage Education Political Birth Control Abortion


Congress Acts to Enforce

SOMETHING IN BETWEEN ("Heightened Scrutiny")


Age, Mental Retardation


Economic Regulation


PROCEDURAL Prison Mental Institution Defamation Plus Procedural (Rt. to Hearing) Contract Physical Occupation


Notice Taking Hearing



Diminution in Value vs. Public Benefit

Entitlement vs. Unilateral Expectation


Family Living

Birth Control

Fundamental Interests Privacy (Strict Scrutiny)

Sex & Mrg



Non- Fundamental Interests-Rational Basis


CONSTITUTIONAL STANDARDS OF REVIEW A. STRICT SCRUTINY: Burden of proof on the government to show that the challenged action is necessary to advance a compelling government interest and is the least restrictive means of achieving that interest. 1. Substantive Due Process: Government action which directly burdens the exercise of a fundamental right. 2. Equal Protection Clause: Government action which intentionally discriminates against suspect classes or fundamental rights. 3. Freedom of Expression: Viewpoint based government regulation of expression. BALANCING: Burden of proof on the government to show that the challenged action is narrowly tailored or substantially related to an important/substantial/significant government interest that outweighs the interest infringed. 1. State and local regulation of interstate commerce. 2. Article IV, Section 2 Privileges and Immunities: (discrimination against non-residents). 3. Contract clause (Note: Federal government impairment of existing private contract rights will be upheld if rationally related to a legitimate government interest). 4. Equal Protection Clause: Government action which intentionally discriminates against gender or illegitimacy. 5. Freedom of Expression: a. Government action that regulates commercial speech, symbolic conduct, the time, place or manner of speech in a public forum, or the secondary effects of free expression. 6. Freedom of Association: Government investigations and compelled disclosure.


C. RATIONAL BASIS: Burden of proof is on the challenger to show that the challenged action is not rationally related to any legitimate government interest. 1. Substantive Due Process: Government action which burdens non-fundamental rights. 2. Equal Protection Clause: a. All government discrimination (intentional or unintentional) against non-suspect classifications or non-fundamental rights. b. All unintentional government discrimination against suspect classifications or fundamental rights. 3. Freedom of Expression: Government action that regulates speech on limited access government property (Note: Viewpoint discrimination must pass strict strutiny test). 4. Federal regulation of interstate commerce. 5. Federal legislation to enforce the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments.



$250 down payment locks in Bar Review Course tuition & entitles Enrollee to: Volume I 8 First Year Subject Outlines - Contains detailed substantive law outlines for all First-year subjects including Torts & Torts Remedies, Contracts & Contracts Remedies, Real Property, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Evidence. Volume II 6 Upper Division Subject Outlines - Contains detailed substantive law outlines for Upper-level
subjects including Wills, Trusts, Community Property, Business Associations (Corporations, Agency, Partnership & LLCs), Civil Procedure and Professional Responsibility.

Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE) Home Study Program - For students taking the March, August or November MPRE, BarPassers offers a 4-hour lecture on audio CD with lecture handout, substantive law outline and four 60-question practice exams with explanatory answers. $450 down payment locks in Bar Review Course tuition & entitles Enrollee to the above, plus: 1. First Year Program, including:
a. iPod - Enrollees receive an iPod containing almost 45 hours of instruction, including substantive review and essay writing workshops for Torts, Contracts, Criminal Law, Real Property and Civil Procedure. The substantive review lectures provide an overview of each subject, while the essay writing workshops highlight frequently tested issues of law, teach issue-spotting approaches and explain how to properly develop and organize an essay answer. b. First Year Volume - This book contains flowchart handouts and essay hypotheticals for the review lectures and writing workshops contained on the iPod. The flowcharts are designed to be used with the review lectures to give students a visual framework for learning and organizing the law. They are also used in the workshops to develop issue-spotting approaches and to simplify exam outlining. This book also contains 15 additional essay hypotheticals with model answers for practice. These may be submitted for grading; additional charges apply. 2. Baby Bar Review (if applicable) - BarPassers offers a complete home study review program for students planning to take the June or October Baby Bar Exam. Enrollees receive an iPod containing substantive review lectures and essay writing and multiple choice skills workshops for Torts, Contracts and Criminal Law. Enrollees also receive our Baby Bar Review Volume which contains flowchart handouts for the review lectures and essay and multiple choice hypotheticals for the workshops. Additional essay and multiple choice questions are included in the volume for practice. Exam grading is also available for an additional charge. For added flexibility, home study programs are available at any time.

$1000 down payment locks in Tutorial Program tuition & entitles Enrollee to the above, plus: 1. Upper Division Program, including:
a. iPod - Enrollees receive an iPod containing over 32 hours of substantive review, including lectures covering Constitutional Law, Criminal Procedure, Evidence, Wills, Trusts, Community Property, Business Associations (Corporations, Agency, Partnerships & LLCs) and Professional Responsibility. b. Upper Division Volume - This book contains flowchart handouts for the review lectures contained on the iPod. The flowcharts are designed to be used with the review lectures to give students a visual framework for learning and organizing the law. They can also be used to develop issue-spotting approaches and help to simplify exam outlining.

*Effective 08/11/09; subject to change without notice.

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