HOMEWORK-READING FOCUS AND KEY TERMS p.545. Written Response To The Lesson Question (5-6 Sentences Describing and Explaining

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New Deal mini-unit, Hook Lesson: In what ways did the federal government respond to the hardships experienced

by Americans caused by the Great Depression?

HOMEWORK- READING FOCUS AND KEY TERMS p.545. Written response to the lesson question (5-6 sentences describing and explaining: In what ways did the federal government respond to the hardships experienced by Americans caused by the Great Depression?) Use at least two pieces of information from the lecture in your response. Lesson Length: (70 minutes) Overview: This lesson will serve as a hook for the mini-unit following the previous unit about the Great Depression. We will reexamine the spiral that existed to cause the Depression and how the government responded in reversing the spiral to get the United States out of the Depression. This is an interactive lecture littered with probing questions for nearly each slide. We will also watch film clips from The Century: Americas Time and The New Deal from Discoverys United Streaming Network. Context: This lesson is a logical follow-up to the previous lessons concerning the Great Depression. Students learned previously about the causes of the Great Depression and how the Great Depression impacted American society and American families. The next logical step is to examine how these issues were corrected (government intervention). Objectives: Students will be able to Describe and explain FDRs New Deal policies that expanded the federal governments responsibilities to alleviate unemployment, protect the environment, provide relief to: workers, farmers, and the poor. (HSCE 7.1.3) Anticipated Student Challenges: The students have not read any material on the New Deal, unless theyve read up on the material voluntarily. Consequently, the material presented today will be new unless students possess prior knowledge about the New Deal. To help mitigate this issue, I have incorporated probing questions to draw upon their prior knowledge from the previous unit and how that relates to the New Deal. Lesson Question: In what ways did the federal government respond to the hardships experienced by Americans caused by the Great Depression? Enduring Understanding: FDR sought to end the Depression through the federal programs of the New Deal, some of which still exist today, forever changing the role of the federal government. Lesson Materials/Resources: Lecture Slides The Century: Americas Time - Stormy Weather clip The New Deal clip from Discovery Educations United Streaming Instructional Sequence: 1. Greet class and ask how their weekend was.

New Deal mini-unit, Hook Lesson: In what ways did the federal government respond to the hardships experienced by Americans caused by the Great Depression?

a. Big weekend in Michigan sports b. Short week this week and trimester ends next week. c. Today marks the beginning of our two-day mini unit on how the federal government responded to the causes of the Depression. d. But first, QUIZ TIME 2. QUIZ ON CAUSES OF DEPRESSION (<10 minutes) 3. SCRIPTED INTRO (2-3 minutes) a. We spent last week talking about the causes of the Great Depression and its impact on American Society and individual Americans. i. Was their a single cause of the Depression? ii. What were some of the causes? iii. How was society effected? iv. How were families effected? b. If we remember back to Friday, our activity mentioned the country fell into fullfledged depression in the early 1930s, years after the Market Crash in 1929. i. From that activity and from the pictures we analyzed from this era, was it necessary for the government to step in and do something about it? c. Brings us to our lesson question: In what ways did the federal government respond to the hardships experienced by Americans caused by the Great Depression? 4. Show The Century: Stormy Weather clip about role of federal government prior to Depression (2-3 minutes) a. WITH GUSTO, sum video clip up by emphasizing that individuals blamed themselves for their circumstances and that there was nothing put into place by the government to prevent these disasters from happening. No protocol for how to react to such a thing. i. If something like this were to happen today, who would be to blame? 5. HERE ARE SOME QUESTIONS ID LIKE YOU TO CONSIDER (3-4 minutes) a. Should the federal government provide safety nets for its citizens? Why or why not? b. Should the federal government respond to economic and societal crises? i. Bring up Progressive Era 6. Start powerpoint a. Spiral of Depression slide (3-5 minutes) i. How does the Spiral work? Step by Step review ii. Spiral of Depression- Turn and Talk: Say youre an economic advisor to President Roosevelt. Hes appointed you to brainstorm some ideas as to how to reverse the Spiral. Be specific in your responses. 1. What sort of things could be done on an industrial level (big business, stock market, real estate, etc.)? 2. What sort of things could individual citizens and families do? 3. What could the federal government do? Should the federal government act? b. A New Deal for America slide (1 minute) i. FDRs plan to reverse the Depression Spiral

New Deal mini-unit, Hook Lesson: In what ways did the federal government respond to the hardships experienced by Americans caused by the Great Depression?


ii. A focus on these objectives: Relief, Recovery, and Reform. That is, Relief for the unemployed and poor; Recovery of the economy to normal levels (nonrapid, consistent increase in GDP); and Reform of the financial system to prevent a repeat depression. c. Reversing the Spiral of Depression slide- What the New Deal was intended to do (4-5 minutes) i. WRITE THESE DOWN AS I TALK ABOUT THEM. DONT SCRAMBLE TO COPY THE WHOLE DIAGRAM AT ONCE. ITS IMPORTANT THAT YOU KNOW HOW THESE THINGS ARE CONNECTED. ii. GOVERNMENT SPENDING iii. CREATION OF ALPHABET AGENCIES 1. More on these in a few minutes iv. Giving the American people: 1. More jobs 2. Causing more consumer spending 3. Causing demand for goods to increase and more goods to be produced v. MORE PEOPLE WITH JOBS = MORE SPENDING 1. Jumpstarts economy. If we remember back to last week, the economy came to a screeching halt when the market crashed. vi. More spending gives us: increased demand, causing more goods to be produced, creating more jobs vii. MORE PAY = MORE TAXES TO FUND GOVERNMENT SERVICES SO THE GOVERNMENT CAN CONTINUE TO SPEND (in theory) 1. In reality, the government ended up in the hole with spending due to the New Deal viii. From what we see on this slide, what is the New Deal emphasizing? 1. Job creation 2. More jobs, means more spending money, thereby requiring more goods and thus more jobs are created. 3. All in order to generate revenue for more government employment agencies. d. First 100 days slide- Where Roosevelt puts his pen to work and puts his New Deal into action VIDEO CLIP (preface this) (10-12 minutes) a. While watching, I need you to write down three things in your notes. Title this part New Deal agencies and label these according to what is bolded (write on board) i. One government agency aimed at relief ii. One government agency aimed at recovery iii. One government agency aimed at reform b. For each agency you chose, be able to justify why the agency is aimed at fulfilling the specific objective c. Have students share their findings. Ask questions to try and have students elaborate on their peers findings

New Deal mini-unit, Hook Lesson: In what ways did the federal government respond to the hardships experienced by Americans caused by the Great Depression?


i. Could this also fall under the other two objectives? 1. How so? 2. Does anyone agree or disagree? a. If you disagree, why? Back to lecture slides (20 minutes) a. Emergency Banking Act i. Banks inspected for their health. Only healthy banks could reopen. ii. Mentioned in video clip b. Alphabet Soup- How would these agencies fit into the 3 Rs? i. FERA- Federal Emergency Relief Administration ii. FCA- Farm Credit Administration iii. AAA- Agriculture Adjustment Administration iv. CCC- Civilian Conservation Corps v. PWA- Public Works Administration vi.FHA- Federal Housing Administration vii. REA- Rural Electrification Administration viii. FCC- Federal Communications Commission ix.FDIC- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation c. FDIC slide (in clip) i. Who has a bank account? ii. What ensures that your money will always be there when you need it? d. FERA slides (in clip) i. Government handouts giving people the necessities to live (clothing, food, and money) 1. Do we have any programs like this today? ii. FERA was established as a result of the Federal Emergency Relief Act and was replaced in 1935 by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) because not getting necessary results. iii. Brainchild of Herbert Hoover administration. e. CCC slides (in clip) i. Who goes camping or has travelled throughout northern Michigan? ii. 18-25 year old, unmarried men iii. CCC was designed to provide employment for young men in relief families who had difficulty finding jobs during the Great Depression while at the same time implementing a general natural resource conservation program in every state and territory f. TVA slide (in clip) i. Program to develop economy and build infrastructure in the Tennessee River Valley 1. Why would the Tennessee River Valley get a special program like this? a. Work done in these states: Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia i. Who resides there? ii. Is it highly populated?

New Deal mini-unit, Hook Lesson: In what ways did the federal government respond to the hardships experienced by Americans caused by the Great Depression?

iii. What sort of industry dominates the region? 2. Still has authority over Tennessee River Valley to this day g. WPA slides (in clip) i. Job creation- Open to most seeking work and covered wide range of occupations 1. clearing out slums (Hoovervilles) 2. flood control 3. construction of schools and hospitals 4. rural electrification 5. the arts h. AAA slide (in clip) i. What industry faced the most hardship, even during the Twenties? ii. Raise crops prices by limiting production iii. Paid farmers to cut back on farming 1. leaving fields fallow (empty) and killing off livestock iv. Helped recover from the dust bowl v. Still have subsidies like this today to control prices 1. whats a subsidy? vi.This was to help control prices of agricultural goods i. More important New Deal Acts i. Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC) 1. Stock Market police a. What took place during the twenties that would require such an agency? i. Remember, some investors were so rich, they could manipulate the value of the stocks they owned. ii. People trading stocks with insider information - information not available to all. ii. Social Security Administration (SSA) iii. Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) 1. What caused most of the homelessness during the Depression? 2. Avoidance of foreclosures 9. SCRIPTED CONCLUSION: Weve taken a look at the federal government response to the Great Depression. It appears that the government intervened in nearly every level of American Life. This changes everything as far as the role of government is concerned. 10. Assessment: Informal Q&A and completion of written response portion of the assigned homework. 11. HOMEWORK- READING FOCUS AND KEY TERMS p.545. Written response to the lesson question (5-6 sentences describing and explaining: In what ways did the federal government respond to the hardships experienced by Americans caused by the Great Depression?) Use at least two pieces of information from the lecture in your response. <End Lesson 1>

New Deal mini-unit, Hook Lesson: In what ways did the federal government respond to the hardships experienced by Americans caused by the Great Depression?

Lesson Two: Agencies created by the New Deal (Activity Centered). Previously, we took a look at the federal governments response to the Great Depression, this is the New Deal. Today, were going to continue our discussion with a focus on the agencies established by the New Deal. Objectives: Students will be able to describe a variety of New Deal agencies and explain the purpose of each in response to the undoing of the Great Depression create a poster promoting a New Deal agency of their choice Lesson question: In what ways did the federal government respond to the hardships experienced by Americans caused by the Great Depression? (an extension of yesterdays lesson) Instructional sequence: 1. 2. Recap from yesterday a. What was the New Deal? b. What was the aim of the New Deal? Background information on the agencies of the New Deal a. Read all eight texts aloud in class. i. Have students trade off on reading ii. Stop periodically to elaborate and clarify at necessary points in text The Century: Stormy Weather clip- start @ 9:54 a. give me four facts related to New Deal agencies. Be able to tell my why each fact is significant. b. What did you find? Why is it significant? Promoting the New Deal poster activity a. With a partner of your choice, create a poster on the given sheet of paper that promotes one of the New Deal agencies weve read about today. Use the text describing the agencies to guide you. Your poster is due before the end of the hour and must possess these characteristics: i. Posters should include: Clearly state what Alphabet Agency youre promoting Slogan Color Graphic or art depicting the Agency Paragraph on the reverse side explaining the poster - the slogan, graphic or art, the agencies intended purpose - and also why you chose to



New Deal mini-unit, Hook Lesson: In what ways did the federal government respond to the hardships experienced by Americans caused by the Great Depression?

promote the particular agency. Also include which one of the Three Rs the agency aims to fulfill. Think back to our activity on advertising during the 1920s Use those techniques in your poster explain the technique youre using explain why your poster is an effective use of the technique Some will work, some will not, but as long as youre able to justify the Assessment: Completion of Poster activity. Next on we will examine the opposition to the New Deal.

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