List of Ielts Speking Part 3

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List of IELTS Speaking Part 3

Q1 A famous person Discussion

1.Which quality should a famous person have? 2. Why do young generation copy them? 3. Who were the famous persons 50 years ago and who will be famous in the next 50 years? 4. Should they have personal life? 5. If you get a chance to be famous what would be your attitude? 6. How a famous person can help people?

Q2 An animal you saw which is very interesting Discussion

1. What kind of animals people have in their home? 2. An animal you saw which is very rare to see in your home town? 3. Why people have pets in their home? 4. Do you think people do not give respect animals in these days. What about 50 years ago? 5. Earlier people used animals for their work. Now, what people use to do their work? 6. Researchers are conducted on animals, is this a good idea? 7. So many animals are extinct in these days. What do you think? Why it is happening? 8. What are the advantages of zoos? 9. What are the disadvantages of zoos? 10. Do you think animals should live in a zoo?

Q3 A recent happiest event you had Discussion

1. What moments make other people happy? 2. What moments are happy for elderly? 3. Are rich people happy? 4. Are intelligent people happier than others?

Q4 An Old person that you have known in your past Discussion 1

1. How often do you meet this person? 2. What do you think about the old people in the family? 3. What do you think is the attitude of todays generation towards the elderly? 4. What difference do you see in the attitude of youngsters towards old people in the past and now? 5. If a country has more of the old age people than working people, what would be the economic condition of the country? 6. How can the old age people contribute in a countrys economics? 7. Do you think the future generation will change the attitude towards elderly people? 8. Do you think in the next generation old people would have to live separated from their families? 9. What is the solution?

Discussion 2
1. What role do older people play in a family? 2. Are there any changes in attitudes of young people towards older people? 3. What role are they going to play in the future? 4. Is it easy to get a job for an older person? Discussion 3 1. What is your opinion about older people in your community? 2. How the older people are treated by the new generation? 3. How difficult is it for them to acquire a job? 4. How should younger people change their approach to the older people? Discussion 4 1. What role do older people play in a family? 2. Are there any changes today in the attitude of young people to older people? 3. What role are they going to play in the future?

Q5 A TV program you have seen and did not like Discussion 1

1. What is the difference between Australian TV programs and the ones in your hometown? 2. Do you think we should or should not have more educational programs on TV? 3. How did your hometown TV programs change nowadays, compared to the past? 4. Does your country have any TV programs for education?

Discussion 2
1. Do you watch TV a lot? 2. How many hours a day do you watch TV for? 3. Do you think TV programs influence people? 4. What should the government do to improve quality of TV programs?

Discussion 3
Generally, the topics we talked about were about TV programs. 1. Do you think that nowadays quality of TV programs has dropped? 2. Do you think nowadays TV artists are getting a fair pay? 3. What type of TV program do you like?

Q6 A park or outdoor place you enjoyed being Discussion

1. How often do you hang out with friends? 2. Would you prefer your friends visiting you at home or going out? 3. Where do you go when you hang out with your friends? 4. What are the leisure activities people would like to do in Hong Kong?

Q7 A magazine or newspaper article you recently read Discussion 1

1. Do you think advertisements on TV have more influence or those in a magazine?

2. Are newspapers neutral in the way they report certain topics? Discussion 2 1. Do you think television and newspaper news differ in the way we remember them? Why? 2. What do you think newspapers and magazines should do to keep on being a strong news sources? 3. Which source of information do you prefer? 4. To what extent do you think journalism can influence the spreading of new ideas? 5. Have you ever read a newspaper in a foreign language? 6. Do you think reading a newspaper in a foreign language is a good way of learning the language?

Q8 An important conversation you had

Discussion 1.What do you think the differences in conversations between men and conversations between women are? 2. Do you think that the conversations between women changed compared to those in the past? 3. What do you think the benefits of electronic conversations are?

Q9 Your favourite book when you were little Discussion

1.How did you spend time in your hometown when you were a child? 2. In your country, has reading habit among young people changed recently? 3. Do you prefer reading books or reading something on the internet? 4. What makes little children read a book? 5. How to make children read a book? 6. Are the books different for different age groups? 7. Do you think the reading habits will change in the future? 8. In what way and why?

Q10 A time when someone visited you Discussion

1. Are you going to invite that person again? 2. Do you want to visit that person? 3. How do you welcome visitors in your country? 4. Do you eat outside or at home? 5. How do you make them feel welcome? 6. Where do visitors to a country like to visit?

Q11 A good news you received over the phone or letter or in text message Discussion 1
1.What is the importance of sending cards to others? 2. Do people prefer sending emails or greeting cards? Which is better? 3. How has the practice of posting cards to others change recently in your country? 4. How is this culture important to the older generations?

Discussion 2
1. Why is it so common for people to use mobile phones? 2. What are the differences of mobile phones versus landline? 3. What are the differences of using phones versus email? 4. Why do some people not want to use mobile phones? 5. Do you think letters will disappear one day? 6. What is your opinion about the form of the future communication

Discussion 3
1. Which do you prefer, communicating in person or via phone, and why? 2. Talk about the difference before and now in sending message. 3. Do you think communication is important in a relationship? Why? 4. Describe how the technology is affecting communication now. Discussion 4 1. What do you think about email? 2. If you can choose, will you email or phone people? 3. What are the differences between a mobile phone and a land line phone? 4. What do you think people dislike about phones? 5. When did you learn about the Internet? 6. What do you think the benefits of the Internet are? 7. Which group of people uses the Internet the most?

Q12 A journey you missed

Discussion 1. Why do people like traveling? 2. How do people prepare for traveling? 3. What is the personality of people who like traveling? 4. How traveling can affect someone?

Q13 A TV show you watched recently that you did not like Discussion
1. Do you think that nowadays quality of TV programs has dropped? 2. Do you think nowadays TV artists are getting a fair pay? 3. What type of TV program do you like?

Q14 A favourite activity during childhood Discussion

1.What is your opinion about children spending a lot of time in front of the TV? 2. Who do you think is responsible for that, parents or children? 3.Do you think parents should prevent their children from watching too much TV?

Q15 A song/ music you heard when you were little Discussion 1
1.Do you like music? 2. Is it good to have music on the background in a shopping mall? 3. Do people in your country prefer their traditional music to foreign music? 4. Do music contribute to noise pollution?

Discussion 2
1. How does music affect peoples mood? 2. Is Internet affecting music industry? 3. Why people want to be in the music industry? 4. Is it acceptable to be in the music industry because you love music, and then make it your profession

Q16 A sport that is popular in your country Discussion

1.Why do some people do dangerous sports? 2. Do you find amount of sports shown on TV excessive? 3. Should there be a regulation on sports shown on TV? 4. Do you have sports facilities in your apartment?

Q17 An exciting sport Discussion

1.Why do you think sports and games are important? 2. What is its impact on children? 3. Do you think top sports personalities can earn a great deal of money as compared to people in other important professions? Why? 4. Do you think a talent or special training is more important? Why / Why not? 5.Do you think top sports personalities can earn a great deal of money as compared to people in other important professions? Why?

Q18 A thing you have planned to buy in near future Discussion

1. Consumerism is it essential? 2. Effect of consumerism on the environment. 3. Is this situation reversible?

Q19 A healthy activity in your life Discussion

1.Is there any role for school in shaping the healthy lifestyle of a child? 2. What is the role of a government in promoting the health of the citizens? 3. Did old generation have the same healthy life style in your country? 4. Should pupils learn about a healthy lifestyle at school?

5. Where can people find information about it? 6. How can government affect people to help them choose this lifestyle? 7. Do you think that people who live in the city are living in a healthy way?

Q20 Something that you made by yourself Discussion 1

1. What kind of things people usually decide to make themselves? 2. Why do you think people decide to make things themselves? 3. What is the difference in terms of quality of industrial products and things you made yourself? Discussion 2 1. What kind of things do people like making by themselves? 2. What kind of skills do people need to make things? 3. What is the difference between handmade products and factory made products?

Q21 A place you like to live abroad Discussion 1

1. What kind of things a city should have to make tourists more relaxed? 2. What is it that makes you feel at home when youre away from home? 3. Why do you think people prefer to migrate from a small city to a big city?

Discussion 2
1. What are the difficulties of studying a foreign language? 2. What are the problems of living abroad and how can one overcome them?

Q22 A vehicle that you would like to buy in future Discussion

1.Do you think it would be better if we stopped using private cars for long distances? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a private car?

Q23 A change you want to make in your life Q24 A person who won a competition Discussion 1. Do you think only children can enjoy competitions? 2. What do you think about the activities of children at school? 3. Do you think competitions are good for children? 4. What do you think are the characteristics of a good player? Q25 A conversation you had someone that is very important

Q26 A conversation you had & very important to you in some way
Discussion 1 1.Why do you think conversation is important? 2. What effect does language barrier has in conversation? 3. What do you think of the role of an interpreter in international politics? 4. What are the advantages of global common language Discussion 2 1. Conversation in family: what kind of conversatios do you have as a family? 2. Conversation between 2 men and 2 women how different are they?

Q27 Your favorite shop Discussion 1

1. Is there a difference between mens attitude and womens attitude to go shopping? 2. Do men and women have similar or different views about shopping? 3. Why do you think women like to go shopping? 4. Does the use of credit cards have an influence on shopping? Discussion 2 1. Do you like shopping? 2. Do you think that people go for shopping when they are upset? 3. What do you think, are mens shopping habits different womens? Discussion 3 1. Why do you think people like shopping? 2. What is it about shopping that makes people happy? 3. What is the difference between men and women when it comes to shopping? 4. Do you think online shopping will be popular in future? 5. What do you think about credit cards? 6. Do you think it is good for children to have credit cards? 7. What impact on shopping credit cards have?

Q28 What leisure activity you like to start doing as a leisure activity Discussion
1. Do you think children spend too much time on leisure activities? 2. Why are some leisure activities more interesting than others? 3. Do you enjoying being with a friend while doing leisure activities? 4.Think about the traditional leisure activities such as dragon boat racing, do you think we should neglect the old traditions and focus on the modern leisure activities? 5. Are leisure activities important?

Q29 An event that make you happy in recent days

Discussion 1. Do you think money can make a person happy? 2. Do you think a rich person can be unhappy? Why? 3. What do you think is the difference in moral values in the past and these days?

Q30 A course you like to take when you have time Discussion
1. Do you agree or disagree that universities should only have courses that prepare for jobs? 2. What should be more appreciated as a job requirement: education or work experience? Why? 3. Do you think it is possible to study without a teacher? 4. Where do you first learned about the Internet?

Q31 A famous person outside your country Q32 A walk with a friend that you remember Discussion
1. Are we walking less or more these days? 2. Will our walking habits grow in the future? 3. Why do you think exercise is important?

Q33 Your favorite subject at school Discussion

1. Is this subject popular in your country right now? 2. Which subject the students do like at high school in your country right now? 3. Is there any special reason for that? 4. How are the education facilities in your country in high schools? Are there enough? 5. Do you think it is a good idea to guide students directly to choose their career? Why or why not?

Q34 A visit to the park or garden Q35 A toy you played when you were a child Discussion 1
1. Can you find the same toy nowadays? 2. Do you think parents should give educational toys to their children? 3. How do toys influence kids future life?

Discussion 2
1. What difference is there between games for children in the past, and games for children now? 2. Can computer games help a child interact with other children better? 3. Do you think games should be educational? 4. If you had children, would you allow them to play computer games? 5. Do you think that the relationships of children and their parents suffer these days because of

computer games? Why? 6. How can we solve this problem? 7.Why boys and girls toys are different? 8. Do you still have that toy? Why? 9. Do you think parents need to determine for their children what kind of toys they should play with? 10. Do you think the toys for boys and girls should be different? 11. What is your opinion about children spending a lot of time in front of the TV? 12. Who do you think is responsible for that, parents or children? 13.Do you think parents should prevent their children from watching too much TV? Q36 A garden where you often go to spend your time

1.What outdoor activities people prefer to do? 2. What do you think about the city development? 3. How countryside is being affected by the city development? 4. Do you think government should take care of the natural resources? 5. What are the men-made effects on natural resources? Q37 A public event you attended

Q38 A TV program you like to watch Discussion 1

1.Do you think TV programs have advantages or disadvantages for children? 2.Why do you think they have some negative points? 3. Do you think that films on TV that include drinking, drug abuse or smoking should be banned? 4. Are TV programs changing in your country in the recent years? 5. What qualifications should be required to become a TV star? 6. How much money is wasted on TV stars? Is it justified? Discussion 2 1.What should be the qualities of a TV actor? 2.Do you think there should be educational programs on TV? 3.Do you think there is a difference between programs on TV now and in the past? 4.Do you agree that parents should know what their children are watching? 5. What effects do movies have on children?

Q39 A famous person (not from your country) that you want to meet
Discussion Should they be role models for other people?

Q40 A job advertisement which you recently read Discussion 1

1.Do you think advertisements on TV have more influence or those in a magazine?

2. Do you think advertisements influence people? 3. What did you buy under the influence of advertisement? 4. Do you think certain advertisements do not convey the truth about their products? Discussion 2 1. What methods of advertising are there?
2. Can you think of an advert that interested you recently? Why? 3. Which advertising method do you think is the best?

Q41 A walk you enjoyed Q42 A school you went to in your childhood Discussion
Do young children need strict rules to cope with homework?

Q43 A piece of equipment in your household (not a computer) which you find useful. Discussion
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the advanced technology nowadays? 2. What benefit do people get from using modern equipment in the household? 3. Do you think modern equipment is difficult to operate for older people? 4. Do you think that employers should train their employees to use modern equipment

Q44 A useful thing in your house you use a lot Discussion

1. Do you think they are difficult to be used by elderly people? Why? 2. How can we help the elderly to handle modern tools or devices easily? 3. What is the benefit of using modern tools at home? 4. Do you agree that there are disadvantages in using a lot of equipment these days? 5. Do you think that older people have difficulties in using new equipment?

Q45 Your favourite toy as a child Discussion

1. Do you think toys have changed since your childhood? 2. How are the new toys different? 3. How the new toys affect children and their behavior?

Q46 An old person that you know

Q47 A well known TV or radio presenter Discussion

What do you think about TV news presenters expressing their opinions on certain news topics?

Q48 How you spent your last weekend Q49 Changes in your hometown Discussion 1.Are the buildings these days different to the ones constructed in the past? 2. What are the disadvantages and advantages of living in modern building? 3. Why people destroy historic buildings? 4. Should historic buildings be protected? 5. Should civic buildings be built to look good? Why? 6. Should a building be built in a nice looking way or rather be more practical? Why? Q50 A place in your city that is developing fast Discussion
1.Do you think politicians and government should ask publics opinion about making changes (for city development purposes)? 2. How different is the way young people think about current changes from the way older people think? 3. What is the right way to cope with the demand of people who want to move to the city? 4. What are the changes you can think of we can make to increase the tourism?

Q51 A subject you liked studying in a high school or in a university

Discussion 1. What is the difference between studying in a university versus high school? 2. Do you think people like university studies better than high school? Why? 3. What subject is the most popular in your country? Discussion 1. What do you think about teaching as a profession? 2. What are the characteristics of a good teacher and what are the characteristics of a bad teacher? 3. Which one is most beneficial, studying alone or studying in a group? Why?

Q52 About a wild animal that you like

Discussion 1. Do you think human activities are affecting wild life? 2. What are the reasons that some species of birds and animals became extinct? 3. What should government do for conservation of these animals? 4. Why do people like to see animals on TV? 5. Why do children like to have toy animals? 6.Should government support the prevention of extinction of animals?

Q53 A place you want to go to with your friend in the future

Discussion 1.Why do people travel these days? 2. What is the difference between a business trip and a luxury trip? 3. Would you enjoy traveling with a friend?

Q54 Something that you have bought and never used

Discussion 1. How do you think people recycle things? 2. Do you know how to recycle? Discussion 1. Do you usually buy things that you dont use? 2. What do you think about recycling? 3. Do you think that people recycle more now than in the past? 4. Is recycling important? Why?

Q55 A special toy that you had as a child

Discussion 1. What toys girls prefer as opposed to the toys boys prefer? 2. Do you think that modern computer games should replace old-fashioned toys?

Q56 A person you have lived with

Discussion 1 1. Do you think young people should leave home earlier? 2. What do parents think about this? 3. What are the pros and cons of accommodation versus your own home? 4. Should the government help poor people find a place to live? 5. Does the Bulgarian government help in this respect? Discussion 2 Questions regarding the changing concept of family, why is this happening. 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of staying alone? 2. What qualities are required to live with and to adjust to other people with whom we are residing? 3. What changes does it bring to ones personality? 4. What influences our choice of career?

Q57 About a book that you love

Discussion 1.Why is reading so important? 2. At what age should parents start reading to their children? Why? 3. Do you think government should have free public libraries?

Q58 The most popular music in your country

Discussion 1. Why do people dream of becoming popular rock stars? 2. Why does advertising use music? 3. Why do people listen to different kinds of music? 4. How does internet impact on music?

Q59 About your favorite meal

Discussion 1. Do you think traditional food is important in you country/region? Why? 2. Do you think people are eating healthy these days? Please give me some examples. 3. What changes you believe will occur in our nutrition and food industry in the future?

Q60 A special meal you had

Discussion 1. Will you teach your child how to cook? 2. Do children need to learn about food and cooking? 3. What can government do to educate children about food? 4. What can government do to encourage consumers to eat more healthy foods?

Q61 A movie that you watched recently

Discussion 1. Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema? Why? 2. What kind of movies do you watch regularly? 3. What kind of movies do you like the most? Why? 4. What type of movies did you watch in your childhood? 5.Tell me about the kind of movies you dont like. Why dont you like it?

Q62 An interesting message you got by phone or through email

Discussion 1. Lets talk about communication. Do you think younger and older generation communicate differently? 2. What are the advantages of modern day communication? 3. What are the advantages of older days communication? 4. How can the government convey news to the citizens? 5. To what extent do you think the electronic messages are a positive development in our life? 6. When was the last time you send electronic message and what for?

Q63 A job you would like to have

Discussion 1 1.What is important when choosing a job? 2. How about salary, is salary important?

3. What are the future trends in different types of work culture? Discussion 2 1. What things do you think have changed in working conditions in your country? 2. Does overtime work have any effect on employees lives, especially those of women? 3. What activity do you do in your leisure time? 4. Are there any differences between activities at work and activities people do in leisure time? 5.What is your opinion on shift work, for example working in a hospital? 6. Do you think it needs to change? 7. What kind of bad effects on your life can shifts have? 8. Do you think two days of rest in the weekend are sufficient? 9. What are the future trends in different types of work culture?

Q64 A book that you read when you were a child Q65 A sport you would like to play Q66 A place where you have stayed for certain time Q67 A letter or a postcard that you received Q68 Your friend whom you helped a lot Q69 The most popular music in your country
Q70 A film you saw recently Discussion 1. How do you think films affect children? 2. Does violence in the movies have an effect on children? 3. How can a culture be represented in a movie?

Q71 A healthy activity that you do

Discussion 1.Why is healthy food important

Q72 A friend of yours that had a difficult decision to make

Discussion 1. For children there days, do you think its easier to make friends in a smaller school or a larger school? And how?

Q73 A TV program that you enjoyed

Q74 A piece of advanced equipment in your home

Discussion 1. Do you think computers are making people less sociable? 2. How does electronic equipment change the way we work today? 3. How does electronic equipment affect our health?

Q75 A family (not your own) you like to spent time with Q76 A musical piece that you like
Discussion 1. How different is the noise pollution in the city and the countryside? 2. Can some music be called noise pollution? 3. Why our musical taste is changing when we get older? 4. What is your favorite style of music? 5. Why do older people have different taste in music? 6. Does music influence our decisions while we are shopping? If yes, in what way? 7. Does an aggressive music influence people who are listening to it? If yes, in what way?

Q77 A greeting card you have received that was very special to you Q78 An interesting animal
Discussion 1.Do people in your country keep animals at home? 2. What is your favorite animal? 3. Why is this your favorite animal?

Q79 The recent city you went to

Discussion 1. Do you think you will move from this area ? Q80 A type of fitness exercise that you do Discussion 1. Do you think the state of public health has changed in the last 20 years? Why? 2. What government can do to improve healthiness? 3. What can be done in schools for children in that respect? 4. Do you think women are more conscious about health than men? Why? 5. How people get their information about healthiness? 6.How did the people in earlier generations keep themselves healthy? Has it changed? 7. What do you think people should start doing today to stay healthy? 8. What can the government do to support healthy lifestyle?

Q81 A true story that is very popular with people in your country
Q82 A historical place that you visited Discussion 1.What culture events would be interesting for tourists? 2. When should they start to teach culture history, history of art at schools? 3. Tell me about some of the famous historical places in your country. Where are they located? 4. Do you agree that people must pay to visit these historical places and museums? 5. Do you think TV is a good medium to learn about the history of any place? 6. Do you think parents should teach their children about history? 7. Do you think history should be taught at school? 8. Do you think people are keen on visiting historical places? 9. What are the historical events that children learn about at school?

Q83 A school that you attended as a young child

Discussion 1. Do you think children should have drawing / art classes at school? 2. The educational system of your country now how does it compare to the past? 3. How many students are there in a typical classroom? is it an appropriate number? 4.What do you think about teaching social subjects in schools and how it should be done? 5.Do you think social education is important at school? What are the advantages for children? 6. How do you think the school is also helping the pupils with developing their social skills? Please quote an example

Q84 About a tool in your home (not a computer) Q85 About your first experience with a computer. Q86 An equipment that you use Q87 A person that you know who you once helped
Discussion 1. Do you like helping people? 2. What is the difference between helping/taking caring of young children and elderly people? 3. Who would you prefer to help, a child or an elderly person?

Q88 About the recent changes in your hometown

Discussion 1. What is the difference between young people in the past and at present? 2. What difference in attitudes are there? 3. What do you think about the value of traditions?

Discussion 1. What is different in cities of Australia and your country? 2. Should people have the right to ask to change things they find uncomfortable in cities? 3. What are the urgent needs of people in cities?

Q89 Something that you bought but did not use much
Discussion 1. What is the difference in recycling in your country and Australia? 2. What should government do about recycling?

Q90 A family you know

Discussion 1. What do you think the difference is when grandparents are living with their grandchildren, compared to families that live separately? Q91 About a famous person from abroad whom you want to meet Discussion 1 1. Do you think famous persons can influence general public? How? 2. Do you think there can be any negative influence? 3. Do you think a country needs internationally famous persons to represent the whole nation? Discussion 2 1. Why do people want to get fame? 2. How can a person be famous? 3. Which person get inspiration by famous people? 4. Which type of people get inspiration from celebrities? 5. What sort of people were famous in past, say 50 years

Q92 A journey that you would like to go on with your friend

Discussion 1. How does traveling helps in ones life? 2. What is the difference between a business travel and travel for business? 3. Does traveling offer any kind of help to older people and young children? Q93 A job that you think you would be good at Discussion 1. What are the effects of having a good job? 2. What employers could provide workers with instead of high salary? Q94 An exciting news that you heard, either through the phone or e-mail Discussion 1. What do you think about email? 2. If you can choose, will you email or phone people?

3. What are the differences between a mobile phone and a land line phone? 4. What do you think people dislike about phones? 5. When did you learn about the Internet? 6. What do you think the benefits of the Internet are? 7. Which group of people uses the Internet the most? 8.Do people like receiving mail through post or via email and why? Q95 An area in your hometown that changed recently Q96 A day in your life when you took a break and relaxed at the end of your work or studies Q97 A school where you studied Discussion 1. What is the role of school in students education? 2. Do schools care about whether their students have access to a sports facility? 3. Do you think classes with less students are better than classes with lots of students? Q98 A birthday party you are going to arrange

Q99 About your latest meal

Q100 About the way you spend your time when you are tired from studies or work Discussion 1. Why younger and older people have different ways of spending their time 2. Discuss the meaning of relaxation to every person. Q101 A famous person which impacts you very much Q102 An exciting sport Discussion 1. Why do you think people get engaged in risky sports? 2. If you were a mother/father, what advice would you give to your children who want to get involved in risky sports? 3. Why do professional athletes nowadays get high salaries, compared to doctors and other professions? Q103 An old person who has influenced you Q104 Any recent conversation you had with someone Discussion 1. Communication between peoples, how important is it? 2. Can communication be taught, or is it in the nature of a person? 3. How people can be taught to communicate? 4. What types of communication can be there? 5. Is it different in other countries?

Q105 One of the machines/devices that you would like to buy Q106 Something old that your family have kept

Q107 A park or an outdoor place where you enjoyed being Discussion 1. Can you name outdoor places where people go? 2. What do you do in a garden or another outdoor place? 3. Do you think there could be more done to protect nature? 4. What could there be done? 5. What effect does the urbanization have on countrysides? Q108 The town that you are from or where you lived a long time. Q109 The kind of leisure activities that you do Q110 A happy event of your childhood Q111 A trip that did not go as well as you planned Q112 If you were given a chance to change your job, what job would you choose: Q113 One of your favorite artists (an actor, a musician, a painter) Q114 A well-known artist that you admire Q115 An old person that you have met that you still remember Discussion 1. Discuss the role of old people in society and family. 2. What are the effects of growing number of old people? 3. Compare the attitude of children towards old people now and in the past. 4. Who should take care of old people? Q116 A public library you have recently used Discussion 1. The present library system, 2. The revolution of storing information, such as the electronic way, 3. The problems of present library system, 4. The library website (what type of information it has), 5. Who can apply for the job of a librarian? Q117 The popular sports that you know Q118 A person that you visit frequently Q119 A place that you visited in the past Q120 A family (not yours) where you were living for a short period Q121 A well-known person outside your country who you would like to visit.

Q122 Things you would be doing differently work-wise from what you do right now, if given a chance Q123 An important letter that you received Q124 A mechanical or electronic piece of equipment you would want to buy Q125 A conversation you had in the phone that was important to you Discussion 1. Ho w would you define different types of conversation? 2. Do you think the way of communicating changes between men and men, and men and women? 3. What about communication between women and women? 4. How people communicate differently within different groups? Q126 A modern building which you have seen Q127 What would you like to start doing as a leisure activity. Discussion 1. Do you think young people in your country have more free time than people who work?

Q128 A sport which amazed you

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