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Name: Designation: Gender: i.


Department: Length of Service:

Male Female

[ [

] ]

Age: i. ii. iii. 19-25 26-30 [ [ ] ] ]

31 and above [

Educational qualification:

Higher secondary Diploma Under graduate Post graduate

[ [ [ [

] ] ] ]

ii. iii. iv.

Marital status: i. ii. Married Unmarried [ [ ] ]

1. In this Organization, grievance mechanism has been adopted? i. ii. Yes No [ [ ] ]

2. Are you aware of the various committees that redress the grievance? i. ii. Yes No [ [ ] ]

3. If yes for above question kindly list out the various committees available

4. Please indicate your views with the following Particulars Aware of the members of the various committees Aware of the weekly/monthly meetings of the various committees which are being held 5. In case the grievance has to be immediately redressed to whom do you communicate? Yes No

6. Kindly mention the most grievance prone subjects in your organization. i. ii. iii. iv. v. Wage & salary Working condition Promotion Discipline [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] )

Others, please specify (

7. Is there any informal channel to redress your grievance such as i. Co-worker ii. Peer [ [ ] ] )

iii. If others, please specify ( 8. Is the real basis of your problem identified? i. Strongly agree ii. Agree iii. Disagree iv. Strongly disagree v. Neutral [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ]

9. Does your higher authority listen when your grievance is presented?

i. Listens patiently ii. Shouts at you iii. Does not listen at all

[ [ [

] ] ]

10. Is importance given to what is right rather than who is right? i. Yes ii. No [ [ ] ]

11. Are you constantly informed on what is being done about your grievance? i. Very often being informed ii. Seldom being informed iii. Does not inform at all [ [ [ ] ] ]

12. How do you feel about the atmosphere of cordiality and co-operation facilitated through mutual discussion and conference in the Organization? i. Highly satisfactory ii. Moderately satisfactory iii. No satisfaction [ [ [ ] ] ]

13. There is a positive and friendly approach during grievance handling in the Organization. i. Strongly agree ii. Agree iii. Disagree iv. Strongly disagree v. Neutral [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ]

14. Do you feel that discussion and conference is given more importance rather than executive authority? i. Strongly agree ii. Agree iii. Disagree iv. Strongly disagree v. No Opinion [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ]

15. How much time management has taken to redress your grievance? i. Less than one month [ ]

ii. iii.

More than one month [ Pending [

] ]

16. Overall rating of a spirit of give and take and sharing and working together. i. Good ii. Need improvement iii. Unsatisfactory [ [ [ ] ] ]

17. How do you feel about the mechanism followed to resolve your grievances? i. Very Good ii. Good iii. Neither Good nor Poor iv. Poor v. Very Poor [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ]

18. How do you feel about the decision given corresponding to your grievance? Is it i. Highly satisfactory iii. No satisfaction [ [ ] ] ] ii. Moderately satisfactory [

19. Is there regular follow up to ensure that the right decision has ended up in satisfaction? i. Yes ii. No [ [ ] ]

20. Is there any temporary relief provided until proper decision is made so that it does not raise any adverse effects within the organization? i. Yes, Provided ii. No, Not Provided [ [ ] ]

21. Rate the engagement of the Committee members in resolving your problem in your Organization i. Very High ii. High iii. Medium iv. Low v. Very Low [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ]

22. If the decision is not satisfactory are you given opportunity to take it to higher officials? i. Yes [ ]

ii. No

23. Do you keep grievances to yourself? i. Always ii. Sometimes iii. Never [ [ [ ] ] ]

24. Do you feel that the supervisor possesses necessary human relation skills in terms of understanding your problem? i. Very highly skilled ii. Moderately skilled iii. Not skilled [ [ [ ] ] ]

25. Are the matters and records relevant to the grievance kept confidential? i. Highly confidential ii. Not kept confidential [ [ ] ]

26. Are the procedures for conveying grievance simple and easy to utilize? i. Very simple ii. Difficult to utilize [ [ ] ]

27. Is the supervisor given authority to take action necessary to resolve the problem? i. Has given authority ii. Does not have authority [ [ ] ]

1. Aswathappa, K., Human resource and Personnel management, TATA

McGraw- HILL.

2. Arun monappa and Saiyadain, Mirza S., Personnel management, TATA

McGraw- HILL. 3. Flippo, Edwin B., Personnel management, McGraw-HILL International Publications.
4. JOHN CANNON. "Articles of Grievances." The Oxford Companion to British

History. 2002. 12 Sep. 2010 5. European Trade Union Institute (1989) Collective Bargaining in Western Europe 6. Ozaki (1987), 'Labour Relations in the Public Service,' IL Review, July Aug. 7. Schregle J (1991)'Workers Participation in Decisions within Undertaking' IL Review Jan Feb.
8. Research methodology C.R.kothari p.no8, 62, 95,100

9. Research methodology author R.Panneerselvam Page no; 298-299

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

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