Senior Project Packet 11-12

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Senior Project Packet: Timeline & Mentor Forms

Date November: 11/9 Progress Check Project Proposals Submitted BY 11/9 for Approval & Returned approximately on 11/18. 1)Resubmission of Project Proposals due to Government teachers BY 11/30. Final approval of all projects BY 12/7.
*Final Submission, no project changes after this date.

Teacher in Charge Government/Economics Teacher

November: 11/30

Government/Economics Teacher

TBD By Teacher: Due _____________ December: 12/16

Project Reflection Essay PROGRESS CHECK #1 Students must have their Senior Project Log updated with mentor approval of the project and show evidence of meetings/progress on project. PROGRESS CHECK #2 Students must show mentor log and evidence that they have a plan for project completion, including a timeline for competing their project.
(EXAMPLE OF APPROPRIATE EVIDENCE: Journal Entries, Photographs with captions, Calendar with days/times/activities noted)

Government/Economics Teacher Government/Economics Teacher

February: 2/17

Government/Economics Teacher

March: 3/16

PROGRESS CHECK #3 Students must have Senior Project Log updated with mentor approval as well as evidence that project & their showcase display is either completed or provide estimated date of completion scheduled for April. Students must also show mentor log with display description and mentor approval. PROGRESS CHECK #4 *PROJECT & SHOWCASE DISPLAY DUE. 1-Senior Project Packet-includes this form & mentor log in Senior Exit Portfolio. 2-Showcase display due in class to be stored for showcase. *If a reflective essay will be submitted as part of your final project evidence it must be submitted to your English teacher as well as your Gov/Econ teacher. SENIOR SHOWCASE:

Government/Economics Teacher


Government/Economics Teacher

May: Friday, 25th

Senior Exit Committee

Senior Project Mentor Log Student Name & I.D.#: Mentor Name & Title/Relation: Mentor Contact Information Phone: Email: Student Description Project Description:
Due December Project Check #1

Mentor Approval (Signature) & Notes:

Date Reviewed & Approved By Mentor:

Showcase Display Description: Due March TBD



Method of Meeting:
(In Person, Phone, Email)


Senior Project Timeline & Progress Check Student Name & I.D.#: Gov/Econ Teacher & Period: Date 11/9 11/30 TBD By Teacher: Due _____________ 12/16 Progress Check Project Proposals Returned Resubmission of Project Proposals due to Gov. Teacher & Project Reflection Project Reflection Essay PROGRESS CHECK #1 Students must have an adult mentor and have the mentor log completed as evidence of starting project. PROGRESS CHECK #2 Students must show mentor log and evidence that they have either completed the project or have a plan, including a timeline for competing their project. PROGRESS CHECK #3 Students must have project completed and evidence that their showcase display is either completed or in progress. Students must show mentor log with display description and mentor approval. PROGRESS CHECK #4 *PROJECT & SHOWCASE DISPLAY DUE. Students must turn in the following; 1-Senior Project Packet-includes this form & mentor log. 2-Showcase display, including project reflection SENIOR SHOWCASE: Teacher in Charge Government/Economics Teacher Government/Economics Teacher Refer To Teachers Essay Grading Rubric Government/Economics Teacher Government/Economics Teacher
Full Credit/Points A Incomplete Credit/Points C Partial/No Credit/Points F

FOR TEACHER USE ONLY: Date/Signature/Notes: N/A


Full Credit/Points A

Incomplete Credit/Points C

Partial/No Credit/Points F

Government/Economics Teacher
Full Credit/Points A Incomplete Credit/Points C Partial/No Credit/Points F


Government/Economics Teacher


Full Credit/Points A

Incomplete Credit/Points C

Partial/No Credit/Points F

Government/Economics Teacher


Senior Exit Committee

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