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Assignment Sheet Unit1st Theory of Errors 1. Enumerate different types of errors in measurement with the methods of minimizing these errors. 2. Differentiate between accuracy, precision and sensitivity with example. 3. Explain the limiting errors & known errors with suitable examples. 4. The expected value of the voltage across a resistor is 90 volts. However, the measurement gives a value of 88 volts. Then calculate : a. Absolute error b. Percentage error c. Relative error d. Percentage of accuracy 5. What is meant by normal distribution of error? Define probable error. 6. Write short note on: a. Repeatability b. Drift related to instruments c. Standard deviation of mean & standard deviation of deviation Unit2nd Electronic Instruments 1. Explain how and why the grounding & shielding is used in electronic instruments. 2. Explain how phase angle measurement can be carried out with the help of vector impedance meter. 3. Explain the working of electronic multimeter with block diagrams. 4. Explain different types of Digital Voltmeters with suitable diagrams 5. Explain the measurement of frequency by using Weins bridge. 6. Write short note on: a. Digital frequency meter b. Electronic voltmeter c. Q - meter

Unit3rd Oscilloscopes 1. Explain working of CRT with suitable diagrams and discuss the focusing arrangement. 2. Explain different types of probes used in Cathode Ray Oscilloscope. 3. Describe the storage oscilloscope. 4. Differentiate between dual trace and dual beam CRO. 5. Explain the different oscilloscope techniques of measurement. 6. Write short note on: [Any one] a. Curve Tracers b. Sampling Oscilloscopes c. Delay Line in CRO Unit-4th Signal Generation 1. Why signal generators are needed? Define sweep frequency generators. 2. What is a wave analyzer? Explain any one technique of wave analyzer giving its application also. 3. Describe the frequency synthesized signal generator in detail. 4. Explain the sweep frequency generator. 5. Explain the term total harmonic distortion. Describe the THD analyzer with the help of block diagram. 6. Write short note on: [Any one] a. General purpose function generator

Spectrum analyzer Unit5th Transducers

1. Explain the different classifications of the transducers with suitable examples. Enumerate the advantages & disadvantages of electrical transducers. 2. Explain the construction & working of LVDT or RVDT with suitable diagrams. 3. Explain the working principle of a piezoelectric transducer. Also describe the different operating modes of piezoelectric crystals.

4. What is a load cell? Briefly describe the different types of load cells. Also explain the strain gauge load cell. 5. Describe the different elastic pressure transducers with there applications in brief. Explain the constriction and working of bellows. 6. Write short note on : a. Thermistors b. Ultrasonic flow meter c. Speed measurement by transducers (Tachogenerators) d. Gauge factor (Gf)

-: Prepared by :-


Sr. Lecturer, Deptt. of Electrical Engg. Sobhasaria Engg. College, Sikar (Raj.)

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