Equilibrium of Forces (Beam, Frame) : Chapter - 3

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Chapter -3 Equilibrium of forces ( Beam, frame)

1) The friction experienced by body when it is in motion. A) Limiting friction B)Dynamic friction C)both a & b D)None of these. 2) The angle of inclined plane at which body just begins to slide down , the plane is called helixangle. A)True B) False C) Cant say D) all of above

3) The minimum force required to slide a body of weight W an a rough horizontal plane is A) W sin B) W cos C) W tan D) W cosec 4) A body will begin to move down an inclined plane if the angle of friction than angle of inclination of the plane. A) less B) greater C) equal to D) cant say 5) A body of weight W is required to move up on rough inclined plane whose angle of inclination with horizontal is . The effort applied parallel to the plane is given by A) B) C) D) 6) Couth of friction is the ration of limiting friction to the normal reaction between the two bodies A) Agree B) Disagree C)cant say D) none of these 7) In a simple supported been carrying triangular load the reaction can t be vertical A) Agree B)Disagree C)cant say D)none of these 8) The reaction at the roller supported end of a beam is always A) Vertical B) Horizontal C)cant say D)none of above 9) If the reaction of a beam, at one of its support is the resultant of horizontal vocation forces then it is a A) Simply supported end B) roller supported end C) hinged end D) none of these . 10) For simple support reaction will be given always normal to supporting surface. A) Agree B) Disagree C) cant say D)none of these 11) A couple action at the midpoint of a simple supported beam has some horizontal and vertical components . A) Agree B) Disagree C) cant say D) none of these 12) A press hinged at in out supports on rollers at the other is subjected to horizontal load only. Its reaction at hinged end will be A) Horizontal B) vertical C) Resultant of horizontal and vertical D) None of these. 13) Couple can be balanced by the force A) Agree B) Disagree C) cant say D) None of these. 14) Couple can be balanced by another couple of same magnified and same since of rotation. A) Agree B) Disagree C) cant say D) None of these 15) Couple can be balanced by another couple of same magnified and opposite sance of refection. A) Agree B) Disagree C) cant say D) None of these.

16) Beam is foxed at one end and other and is free then beam is called as. A) Cantilever B) Continuous beam C) Over hang beam D) Simply supported beam 17) Beam continuous over more than two supports is called as. A) Caufilever beam B) Overhang beam C) Simple supported beam D) None of these 18) Beam is continuous over the supports a its one end is free it is called as. A) Can failover beam B) Overhang beam C) Simple supported beam D) None of these 19) Load which is distributed uniformly on the beam is called as A) U. v. l. B) U. D. L. C) Point load D) None of these 20) Load which is varying uniformly on the beam is called as A) U. V. L. B) U. d. l. C) Point load D) None of these 21) V. D. L. will act always----------------- of its entire length A) Halt B) One third C) two third D) cant say 22) U. V. L. equivalent load always act at a distance of --------------from the point at which two sides of triangle are Ier to each other A) Half B) one third C) two third D) cant say 23) Moment of couple is independent of moment center. A) Agree B) Disagree C)cantsay D) None of these 24) Ettect at couple remains unchanged it we rotate couple in any angle in its plane.. A) Agree B) disagree C) Cant say D) None of these 25) Ettect of a force on a body remains unaltered if we add or subs tract any system which is in equilibrium this principle is A) Transmissibility B) Superposition C) cant say D) none of these 26) The force system can be converted in to force and couple sustem. A) Agree B) disagree C) cant say D) none of these 27) Two systems are equipollent only when A) B) C) D) 28) It two system of forces under consideration it can be reduced to the same force couple system at a giver point then it is called as A) Equipollent system B) equilibrium C) both a&b D) None of these 29) When we shift force any where on body it is associated with force and couple system at new position A) Agree B) disagree C) cant say D) None of these 30) It we shift 5KN at B then at B A) Only force 5KN will act B) Force of 5kN & couple of 25 in auti C) D) None of these 31) Moment of couple is nothing but product of one force and ler distance from other force A) Agree B) disagree C) cant say D) none of these 32) For compound beam if common roller support is prefect then reaction normal to supporting surface equal & opposite to both the beams. A) Agree B) disagree C) cant say D) none of these

33) For compound beam more than one beam are compounded or connected with each other by roller or hinge. A) Agree B) disagree C) cant say D) none of the 34) For compound beam it common hinge is present between two beams the n reaching will be common to both beams equal and opposite A) Agree b) disagree C) cant say D) None of these 35) . Here U V L of intensity zero at one end and-------------- intensity at other end. A) 5 KN/m B) 10 KN/m C) 20 KN/m 25 KN/m

36) Here u d l of intensity ----------is acting A) 5 KN/m B) 10 KN/m C) 15 KN/m D) none of thes e 37) As shown in fig equivalent load of u. d. l. is A) 25KN B) 50KN C) 100KN D) 15KN 38) As shown in fig equivalent load of u. v. l. is A) 25KN B) 50KN C) 100KN D) 15Kn 39) Moment center is the point about which we take the moment of forces. A) Agree B) disagree C) cant say D) none of these 40) Fixed support is the strongest support as far as beams in RCC construction are considered A) Agree B) disagree C) cant say D) none of these. 41) In case of - bridges in case of beams one end is hinged a other roller supported. A) Agree B) disagree C) cant say D) none of these 42) Ier distance between two equal a opposite forces developing couple is called as leaver arm pr arm of couple. B) Agree B) disagree C) cant say D) none of these 43) A man of 110 N holding weight of 10 N as shown in fig. What will be force exerted at B. A) 100 N B) 120 N C) 130 N D) 90 N

44) As shown in fig. force or tension developed in string as shown in fig. A) 10 N B) 20 N C) 5N D) 25 N

45) As shown in fig. horizontal court peanut of reaction at C& B will be A) 10 KN B) Zero C) 15 KN D) 25 KN B) 46) Beam is horizontal structural member on which load acts in transverse direction. A) Agree B) disagree C) cant say D) none of these 47) Strict is inclined structural members used in construct ion A) Agree B) disagree C) cant say D) none of these 48) As shown in fig. resultant force & couple respectively A B) C) D)

49) Weight of body will act always in vertical downward dirn A) Agree B) disagree C) cant say D) none of these 50) If in case of co-planer noncom current forces acting on beam in equal & unbeknown are more than three, then beam is called statically indeterminate beam. A) Agree B) disagree C) cant say D) none of these.

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