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======================================================================== TYPERTASK HELP REFERENCE Copyright 2010 Vista Software, Inc. www.vtaskstudio.

.com ======================================================================== Thank you for using TyperTask! TyperTask is designed to help you by automating your keyboard typing. TyperTask does this by looking for "signals," and then auto typing longer phrases. For example, you may type your signature many times a day. With TyperTask, you can just type "mysig" (or any other signal), and your full signature will automatically be typed, while you are working in any program. The basic format of the TyperTask mappings file is: Trigger=Type This Text (one per line)

Signals can be either text or key combinations: text=This was launched by a text trigger! {control}{shift}{alt}W=You just pressed "Control + Shift + Alt + W" * Hint: Please note that some key combinations may conflict with the operating system. For example "Control+C" is the universal combo for "Copy." Avoid these combos when setting signals. Use Control+Shift+Alt combos, or use text signals.

======================================================================== I. TYPERTASK FEATURES ======================================================================== ---------------------------------------1.) AUTOMATED KEYBOARD TYPING ---------------------------------------Typing is the primary job of TyperTask, and therefore it has advanced keyboard control. TyperTask is able to automate nearly anything that you can do on your keyboard by hand. TyperTask can do normal typing, international characters, multiple lines, cursor movement, and non-printable keys such as Control, Alt, and F1. To use TyperTask most efficiently, you should choose unique signal keys. This is important because you want triggers that are not usually typed, to avoid conflicts with normal typing. For example, "the" would be a poor choice, since it is a frequently typed word. A good method is to use special flag characters, such as "~". You can create a group of TyperTask entries like this: ~ty=Thank you very much! ~br=Best Regards{enter}-My Name ~1=C:\Program Files

* Hint: Another good use of TyperTask is to have it "auto-complete" phrases. For example, a common long word like "Specifications" could be automated by this much shorter signal: speci=specifications * Hint: Similarly, if you frequently misspell words like "receive", then add entries to correct them (notice the space after "youre " below, which is a way to only activate the trigger after the full word is typed): recieve=receive youre =you're ---------------------------------------2.) RUN PROGRAMS ---------------------------------------TyperTask can not only automatically type for you, it can also launch programs and websites. You indicate to TyperTask that you want to start a program (instead of typing the name) with the "RUN:" command: {Control}{Shift}{Alt}G=RUN: {Control}{Shift}{Alt}D=RUN: "My Document.doc" go note=RUN: notepad.exe C:\Windows\win.ini * Hint: Be sure to include quotes around path names if there are problems starting the program/file. ---------------------------------------3.) DELAYS ---------------------------------------TyperTask's automation capabilities also include DELAYS. The sample below starts Notepad when you press Control+Shift+Alt+"N", waits one second (1000 milliseconds) so the program can start, and then types a phrase: {Control}{Shift}{Alt}N=RUN: notepad.exe{Delay=1000}Hello! {Delay=500}Wor ld! * Hint: You can start multiple apps all with one command. This lets you start a group of programs with a single trigger. {Control}{Shift}X=RUN: notepad.exe{delay=250}RUN: calc.exe{delay=250}RUN : mspaint.exe ---------------------------------------4.) WINDOW ACTIVATION ---------------------------------------TyperTask can activate a WINDOW (bring it to the front). This is done with the "WINDOW:" command and providing the window title (partial titles are OK): {Control}{Shift}{Alt}C=WINDOW: Calculator

* Hint: By combining multiple commands, you can activate a window and then begin typing in it: {Control}{Shift}{Alt}C=WINDOW: Calculator{Delay=1000}123 * Hint: Taking the above example a step further, you can combine RUN + WINDOW + TYPE into a single automation command: {Control}{Shift}{Alt}N=RUN: notepad.exe{delay=1000}WINDOW: Notepad{Delay =1000}Hello! * Hint: You can combine multiple WINDOW commands to switch and type between separate programs in a single TyperTask entry. This allows significant PC automation with just a one action line. ---------------------------------------5.) MOUSE CLICKS ---------------------------------------TyperTask can also activate MOUSE CLICKS. Clicks are based on the currently active window. To perform screen-based clicks, simply have the desktop as the active window. The following codes provide mouse actions: {click 15, 12} 15,20 This would probably be on the titlebar's icon. {click_dbl 100,200} --> Double-Clicks the mouse at pixel (100,200) {click_right 15,12} --> Right-Clicks the mouse at pixel (15,12) {mouse_return} on. * Hint: You can use the "Track Mouse" tool under the "Options" menu to what pixel coordinates to use for mouse commands. Select this option, activate the window you want to automate, and the cursor position will in the TyperTask status bar (have TyperTask visible next to the acitve determine then be shown app). --> Returns the mouse cursor to its original positi --> Clicks the mouse in the current window at pixel

* Hint: The following entry will switch to Calculator (if running), wait a second, and click inside the window: {control}{shift}{alt}C=WINDOW: Calculator{delay=1000}{click 35, 192} * Hint: The following entry will right-click the mouse (and thus show a context menu) in Notepad (if running): {control}{shift}{alt}R=WINDOW: Notepad{delay=1000}{click_right 200, 200} ---------------------------------------6.) MEDIA COMMANDS

---------------------------------------TyperTask can control MEDIA commands, too. For example, the entries below will control your PC speaker volume. {control}{shift}{alt}{up}={VolumeUp} {control}{shift}{alt}{down}={VolumeDown} ; This one will toggle the volume ON/OFF each time it's pressed: {control}{shift}{alt}{pagedown}={VolumeMute}

======================================================================== II. TYPERTASK KEY CODES AND VARIABLES ======================================================================== ---------------------------------------1.) SPECIAL KEY CODES ---------------------------------------TyperTask identifies non-alphanumeric keys (for example, the Left arrow) through the use of "bracket codes," such as {left}. For a full list of all bracket codes for system keys, please refer to the vTask Studio help file located at Here are some common key codes: {pagedown} {pageup} {left} {right} {insert} {delete} {backspace} {F1} {F2} {Num1} {Num2} {VolumeMute} {VolumeUp} {VolumeDown} {controldown} {controlup} {shiftdown} {shiftup} {altdown} {altup} {delay=1000} {delay=500} * Hint: TyperTask is great for HTML editing and programming. For example, the entry below will complete the BOLD tag, and place the cursor in the middle of the tag: <b=<b></b>{left}{left}{left}{left}

* Hint: Combining multiple features mentioned above, you can select text in your editor, and then have TyperTask turn it into an HTML link: {control}{shift}{alt}A={controldown}c{controlup}<a href="">{controldown} v{controlup}</a> * Hint: For efficient parsing and consistency, TyperTask requires the "Control + Shift + Alt" combination to be listed as "{control}{shift}{alt}". In other words, it cannot be listed as "{alt}{shift}{control}" or in other order ing. * Hint: When using combo triggers such as "{Control}{Shift}A", all keys must be released before the automation can begin. This is to avoid conflicts with the output text. ---------------------------------------2.) ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ---------------------------------------TyperTask can also interpret ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES. These are system place holders that are replaced with data/text at run time. They are delimited by "%" characters. For example, the %TEMP% variable holds the folder name for temporary files. The operating system has numerous pre-set variables. These can be viewed by typing "SET" in a command prompt window. They are also available in "Control Panel - System - Advanced - Env Vars". You can also set new variables to any value you want. Type "SET /?" for a complete explanation and examples. Below are some examples of environment variables: ; Opens a new command prompt window cmd=RUN: %COMSPEC% ; Completes a path with a runtime variable tmp=%TEMP%\temp_file.txt ; Demonstrates a custom variable that you can create var1=Thank you for using %PRODUCT%! We hope %PRODUCT% helps you. * Hint: Please be aware that you may need to re-login after setting custom variables. This allows them to be refreshed & visible to TyperTask.

======================================================================== III. TYPERTASK ADDITIONAL TOOLS ======================================================================== 1.) "REMOVE CLIPBOARD FORMATTING": This command converts any text in the clipboard to unformatted text. This removes any fonts, colors, links, or other formatting. This allows you to copy text from the internet and paste it into other programs while retaining only the raw text. No additional prompts or confirmation is shown after running; the clean text can be pasted immediately after choosing the command.

This command is available in both the Options menu, as well as the popup menu in the system tray icon (via the right mouse click). 2.) "SHOW TOTAL AUTOMATIONS" will display a count of the number of trigger matches (automations) performed during the current session (since TyperTask was started), and a grand total of all trigger activations. 3.) "TRACK MOUSE": This option will show the mouse location in pixels in the TyperTask status bar. The coordinates will be based on the currently active window. This feature is valuable for finding the positions of buttons, links, or any other control or image. This pixel location can be clicked with the MOUSE CLICKS command (explained above), such as {click 100, 200}.

======================================================================== IV. TYPERTASK TECHNICAL INFORMATION ======================================================================== Reference for the "TyperTask.ini" settings: window_left The size of the main window window_top Window size window_width Window size window_height Window size window_start Initialize as "minimized", "maximized", or "normal" font Edit control font, such as "Tahoma,9" file The current working file tray Minimizes to the system tray (notification area) wrap_text Wraps the text in the main edit control activation_count The total number of triggers successfully used Due to the free nature of this program, no personalized technical support can be provided by Vista Software, Inc. staff. Good luck with TyperTask, and please support vTask Studio if you like this free tool! Be sure to check back for updates.

======================================================================== V. TYPERTASK LICENSE AGREEMENT ======================================================================== 1.) All title and copyrights in and to the Software (including but not limited to any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, and text incorporated into the Software), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the Software are owned by Vista Software, Inc. The Software is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. 2.) You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software. You may not remove any proprietary notices, labels or marks on the program and accompanying documentation. This Software may not be used in commercial applications, resold, or leased without the prior written consent of Vista Software, Inc.

3.) The Software is provided AS IS and with all faults. Vista Software, Inc. makes no representations or warranties of any kind concerning the quality, safety or suitability of the Software, either express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. In no event will Vista Software, Inc. be liable for any indirect, punitive, special, incidental or consequential damages however they may arise and even if Vista Software, Inc. has been previously advised of the possibility of such damages. ======================================================================== Copyright 2010 Vista Software, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ========================================================================

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