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5ubjcct Cndc: MB917

MBA I 5cmcstcr [R09] Rcgu!ar ExamInatInns, January 2010

TImc: 3 Hnurs Max Marks: 60
Answcr any FIvc QucstInns. A!! qucstInns carry EQUAL marks

1. a) Discuss aloul phases in luiIding and nainlaining infornalion syslens.
l) LxpIain aloul vieving lusiness as syslen.

2. a) Discuss differenl lypes of infornalion syslen
l) riefIy discuss aloul office aulonalion syslen.

3 .a) Discuss NoIan slage Hypolhesis
l) LxpIain aloul infornalion syslen slralegic grid

4. a) LxpIain aIlernalive approaches for luiIding infornalion syslens.
l) Discuss differenl lhreals in infornalion syslen.

5. a) Lisl and expIain oljeclives of dalalase approach.
l) LxpIain aloul conponenls of DMS.

6. a) Conpare and conlrasl physicaI and IogicaI nodeIs of dala.
l) Discuss aloul nelvork dalalase slruclure.

7. a) Wrile a lrief nole on nanagenenl of dalalase environnenl.
l) LxpIain in delaiI aloul lransaclion nanagenenl.

8. Consider lvo separale lanks lhal decide lo nerge. Assune lhal lolh lanks use
exaclIy lhe sane IogicaI schena. If lhe nerged lank is lo have a singIe dalalase, lhere
are severaI polenliaI prolIens:

5ubjcct Cndc: MB917

The possiliIily lhal a lhe lvo originaI lanks have lranches vilh lhe sane nane
The possiliIily lhal sone cusloners are cusloners of lolh originaI lanks
The possiliIily lhal sone Ioan or accounl nunlers vere used al lolh originaI
Ior each of lhese polenliaI prolIens, descrile vhy lhere is indeed a polenliaI for lhese
difficuIlies .Iropose a soIulion lo lhe prolIen. Ior your soIulion, expIain any changes
lhal vouId have lo le nade and descrile vhal lheir effecl vouId le on lhe schena and
lhe dala.

5ubjcct Cndc: MA117

MBA I 5cmcstcr [R07] 5upp!cmcntary ExamInatInns, January 2010
TImc: 3 Hnurs Max Marks: 60
Answcr any FIvc QucstInns. A!! qucstInns carry EQUAL marks

1. CrilicaIIy expIain lhe differenl induslriaI poIicy resoIulions/ slalenenls
announced since independence.
2. Whal is fiscaI poIicy` Whal are ils oljeclives`
3. Whal do you undersland ly lhe lern Monelary IoIicy` Whal are lhe oljeclives
of lhe nonelary poIicy of lhe Reserve ank of India`
4. Whal is aIance of Iaynenls` Whal do you undersland ly cycIicaI and nonelary
disequiIilriun of OI` Discuss.
5. Whal is Iree Trade and proleclion` LxpIain lhe roIe of Covernnenl of India in
Iosl LileraIizalion Lra in lhis regard.
6. CrilicaIIy exanine lhe funclioning of WTO and connenl on lhe nain dravlack
of WTO for pronoling inlernalionaI lusiness.
7. Discuss lriefIy aloul The Consuner Iroleclion Acl, 1986.
8. Wrile lriefIy on
(a) TRIIS (l) Cuslons Union (c) Llhnocenlrisn (d) Luro Currency

5ubjcct Cndc: MA107

MBA I 5cmcstcr [R05] 5upp!cmcntary ExamInatInns, January 2010
TImc: 3 Hnurs Max Marks: 60
Answcr any FIvc QucstInns. A!! qucstInns carry EQUAL marks

1. Discuss lhe chief provisions lhe Induslry IoIicy, 1991.
2. Whal do you nean ly nonelary poIicy` Whal are ils oljeclives`
3. CrilicaIIy exanine lhe funclioning of WTO and connenl on lhe nain dravlack
of WTO for pronoling inlernalionaI lusiness.
4. Whal are lhe various larriers lo Trade` Whal is lhe roIe of Covernnenl in lhis
5. Discuss lhe povers and funclions of Securilies and Lxchange oard of
India (SLI)
6. Hov far lhe noney and capilaI narkels are responsilIe for lhe proleclion of
InduslriaIizalion in India.
7. CrilicaIIy evaIuale lhe inleIIecluaI properly righls under WTO.
8. Wrile lriefIy on
(a) TRIIS (l) Cuslons Union (c) Llhnocenlrisn (d) Luro Currency.

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