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Question No 1:
In the beginning of the movie, the protagonist perceives the world and his parents in one way but by the end his perception of both changes. How? Which factors play a role in bringing about this change? Explain with examples? In the beginning, the protagonist, Sid perceives the world and his parents in one way. In the beginning Sid was a lazy, unmotivated slacker. He was careless; he doesnt care about his parents. He communicates with his parents very rudely. Sid's world is breezy, carefree and without any true responsibilities. He lives luxurious life. All the time he hangs out with his two best friends Rishi and Laxmi. He does not concentrate on his studies, instead of studying whole night he is the only one who got failed in final exam. He just grants his fathers hard earned. His father wants him to join his office but he has no interest in his fathers work. Despite all these traits, Sid is an honest boy, sweet, funny and all over a good friend. Sids perception of both the world and his parents change in the end. In the beginning of the movie Sid is a happy-go-lucky guy, he lives very cool life, without any responsibilities and problems. He is involved just in his friends, his camera, his car, and his X-box 360. But at the end, Sids days turn in opposite wind, the wake up call rings to wake him due to some unlikely events in his life. He was motivated by some people especially Aisha, an aspiring writer from Calcutta. She comes to Mumbai to realize her dreams as a writer. On first day at Mumbai, her path crosses with Sid. She played the main character in changing Sids perception of the world. Sids left his home as he does not want to go by the rules laid down by his dad, and finds shelter at Aisha's home. Here is where he begins to mature, seeing life from a different perspective. Then he becomes responsible and hardworking. The factors which play a role in bringing about this change in Sid are. The main character is played by Aisha, as Sid was living with her and when she shouts on Sid for making her home dirty and then Sid realizes and cleans her flat. Then Sid tells her that he wants to do work and got a job in the same organization where Aisha was working. Sids really work s hard and changes himself. After collecting the first salary he went to his fathers office to give that salary to him. Another factor that plays a role in bringing about this change is the scene when Sid is photographing a mother cuddling up her kid. In a flash Sid becomes aware of his own love for his mother and went to his home to see her mother. At the end, the Sids perception of both the world and his parents changes. He cares for his parents and fulfills his responsibilities.

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Question No 2:
Does the protagonist have positive or a negative self esteem? Explain with example from the movie. How does his self concept undergo a change? Explain with example

Your opinion of yourself is known as self esteem. The good opinion is the high self esteem and the bad opinion is the low self esteem. The protagonist has a positive self esteem as he thinks that he is always right. He is smart and good looking, hang out with friends and enjoyment is the meaning of life for him. He just grants his fathers hard earned. As he cant do anything rather than spending his fathers earning. But at the end of the movie his self esteem changes in a way that he takes everything seriously and starts working. He starts taking interest in work.

Self concept includes the social character and abilities, physical appearance and body image and thinking. Sids self concept undergo a change when he realizes that he dont know anything about work. He just spent a luxurious life with his fathers earning. But when he left home he came to know about the things in life which should be taken seriously. Here Aisha plays an important role to help him out of the phase of depression and help him to find the job of his own interest. This can be observing when he tells Aisha that he doesnt know anything and he wants to do work. And Aisha helps him to get a job and then the Sids self concept undergoes a change.

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Question No 3:
How does Aishas perception of Sid change? Explain with examples.

Aisha, an aspiring writer from Kolkata, Ambitious, well-read and driven, Aisha has come to Mumbai to realize her dreams as a writer, her path crosses with Sid's on her first day in Mumbai. Despite their contrasting personalities, Sid becomes Aisha's first friend in the city. As Aisha sets up her life in Mumbai, with the help of Sid and his gang, Sid allows for time to fly by over long drives, parties that stretch well into dawn, and endless hours doing absolutely nothing. But a series of circumstances and events compel him to take stock of his life and take a hard look at himself. Aishas perception of Sid changes, when Sids outburst at Aisha at the fag ends when she calls him a Bacha. After the outburst, a teary-eyed Aisha smiles at Sid. Its the moment when she realizes that Sid is no more a kid, it is seen in the scene when Aisha came home, and she saw her home dirty and starts shouting on Sid and left. Sid realizes and cleans her home. After that when Sid tells her that he had decided to work and got a job in the magazine where Aisha is working. Sid works very hard. Aisha who had a crush on her boss, editor in chief Kabir, is ecstatic when he selects her article for the magazine and also asks her out on a live jazz performance. However, as she goes out with him, she realizes she does not much in common with Kabir. Meanwhile, she slowly realizes her feelings toward Sid and understands she is in love with him. When Aisha came from a party and met Tania, Sids friend on the path. Aisha saw that Sid has cleaned her home, washed her clothes and made pasta for her. Aishas perception changes there and it is more clearly seen in the song Ek taaraa. She refuses her boss to go with him just for Sid. Aisha was still confused, but when Sid tells her that he is going back to his home Aisha reacted in a very harsh manner and then Sid shouted on her by saying Damn you
Aisha why you always do this? Nothing l does is ever good enough for you! Yes , l am a kid and always will be a kid God , I am tired of this, I am tired of you calling me immature ,Tired of proving myself to you All these days, l have been trying to change your opinion of me showing that you will see that am not a kid anymore, but it useless You just don't see it l am sick of you Aisha l am just so sick of you then she realizes that she is in love with him and her perception changes that

he has become responsible and he is not that Sid who was a big spendthrift .

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Question No 4:
Interpersonal communication is inevitable, irreversible and unrepeatable. Explain with example from the movie? Interpersonal communication is inevitable, irreversible and unrepeatable. The examples from the movie are:

Interpersonal communication cannot be prevented and avoided. This happened in the movie when Sids results were out and he had to communicate his results to his parents.

Interpersonal communication is irreversible. Sometimes we wish that we could back up in time, erasing words or acts and replacing them with alternatives. Unfortunately, such reversal is impossible. Same is happen in the movie Wakeup Sid. The interpersonal communication is irreversible, it can be seen that Sid who was a carefree person, happygo-lucky guy, he lives very cool life, without any responsibilities and problems. In the beginning of the movie he was rude with his parents and very rarely communicates with his mother. When his mother asked Sid to wear shirts and Sid gets rude with her. After he realizes he should not be rude with his mother he goes up to her and apologizes. Then at the end he becomes responsible and hardworking. This situation tells that interpersonal communication is irreversible.

Communication is an ongoing process, an event cannot be repeated. In the movie this happens when Sid comments on Aishas age, and Aisha defends her age and clarifies being 27. This situation shows that interpersonal communication is unrepeatable.

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