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AS 90613

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Table of Contents
PLANNING TOOLS.......................................................................................................................................... 3 PLANNING TOOLS.......................................................................................................................................... 4 DAILY TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL.................................................................................................................... 17 Technology Journal ..................................................................................................................................... 18 Initial brief: .................................................................................................................................................. 31 Legal/Political .......................................................................................................................................... 36 Prioritize key factors ................................................................................................................................... 37 CLIENT BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................. 42 Client background ....................................................................................................................................... 43 SUMMARY OF LAWS AND REGULATIONS ................................................................................................... 45 RESEARCH ................................................................................................................................................... 46 FONT TRIALS (HEADINGS) ........................................................................................................................... 48 FONT SELECTION (HEADINGS) .................................................................................................................... 50 FONT TRIALS (BODY) ................................................................................................................................... 51 FONT SELECTION (BODY TEXT).................................................................................................................... 52 EXISTING TECHNOLOGIES ........................................................................................................................... 57 Information need to be in solution ............................................................................................................. 58 GENERAL ADVISORY TO MALAYSIAN STUDENTS IN NEW ZEALAND ................................................... 61 Colour trial .................................................................................................................................................. 65 JUSTIFICATION ............................................................................................................................................ 66 CHANGES MADE TO MY INITIAL BRIEF ....................................................................................................... 67 FINAL BRIEF ................................................................................................................................................. 68 CLIENT CONSULTATION .............................................................................................................................. 70 STAKEHOLDERS ........................................................................................................................................... 75 AND TARGET AUDIENCE SURVEY ............................................................................................................... 75 SURVEY DATA .............................................................................................................................................. 78 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNS ............................................................................................................................... 81 wireframes .................................................................................................................................................. 86 Evaluation ................................................................................................................................................... 90 Evaluation of Key factors ............................................................................................................................ 92

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Effective planning techniques are important for informed and responsive technologies practice. Planning tools must be fit for purpose and shows an on-going evaluation for the work that I have completed. The planning tools that I used were Open Work Bench, technology journal, and weekly plan of action. I choose these planning tools as I expected to help keep me on the track with my work and to help me see how I could overcome problems that came about and to maximise opportunities.

Microsoft excel 2010

Microsoft excel allowed me to see what should be completed within the time frame that I had set. This planning tool was important for me as it allowed me to see what I needed to be done in the week and what should have completed by the end of the week for my project in a systematic way. Excel allowed me to prevent the problem that I anticipated by seeing upcoming tasks that had to completed and manage my time in a way that I could get them done. This also helped me to maximise my opportunities by planning a certain amount of time for each time so that I could complete each task to a high standard. This planning allowed me to see where I needed to work harder in my project.

Technology journal
Technology journal was my own place where I could reflect on the work that I had done and make some comments. I was also able to see the progress that I had made as entries were done daily. This allowed me to see where I was falling behind and to see how much work I was actually completing on a daily basis. I was able to keep a record of any problems that I had come across and make comments about how I was to solve them. This enhanced my ability to make informed planning decisions.

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Weekly plan of action

Weekly plan of action was an important planning tools as well as it allowed me to see the work that I aimed to have completed by the end of the week. This was like my excel plan of action, however if focused on the near future details rather than the far future. This created a list for me so that I could see where I was at in the project and make sure that I got these completed in time. Weekly plan of action showed me the key milestone stage I was at, the prioritised resources, the key decisions that needed to be made, the problems that I encountered, the question that had been brought about my project, the changes that I had made to my plans and why, the client and stakeholder consultation, a evaluation of my progress and the next steps that I need to take. This not only allowed me to see what work that needed to be completed at this stage in time, but also let me see what work was to be completed next time. This let me in turn prepare for the next week. This weekly plan of action helped me to overcome problems that I encountered by making notes of them and writing about possible ways in which I could overcome them. This also helped me to maximise my opportunities as I was able to make plans for the week so that my time would be spread across all my tasks. This meant that I knew in advance that I would have a sufficient amount of time to complete each task. These planning tools that I used were fit for purpose and they ensured the successful development of my outcomes. With the ongoing critical evaluation and documentation of the work that I had completed I was able to achieve good technological practice.

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Planning Ahead Week: 1 Key Milestone Stage:

Identify a possible client and issue. Initial client and key stakeholder consultations.

Prioritised Resources:
Computer- Internet, Microsoft Word, Phone

Key decisions: what, why, impacts on work

Choose a valid possible client with a REAL issue. This must be someone I could work with throughout the whole project- someone who has the time and puts in effort to give me feedback for what Ive done. It is important to get into contact with my key client/ stakeholder before we start as he is able to get an overview of the project and allows them to get an idea of what happens.

Problems: actual/anticipated, how solved

To find a suitable client. I found a small difficulty at the start on finding possible key stakeholders/ clients for my project. This was because I had contacted two different possible clients but one of them hadnt replied to me during a period of 8 days and the other could no longer help me as he was heading overseas for business purposes. This problem was solved by quickly due to fast action on contacting various people. Questions brought up by work in progress Who should I choose to be my client? What is the best way to contact them? Changes to plan and reasons why Finding the client took me a little more time than expected as I had problems on getting replies from the people who I had contacted as a request to be my client. Client/stakeholder consultation (who, what, why, where, when, findings, impact on work) Contacted my key stakeholder over the phone and in person, DR Rosli, to give him an overview of whats happening, his thoughts, next steps etc. It was useful to get in contact with other relevant stakeholders other than the key one as it gave me multiple opinions. Current progress evaluation All is going well, need to make up the time lost due to extra time being spent on finding the right key stakeholder.

Next steps Do some client/ company research and research into client issue.

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Planning Ahead Week: 2 Key Milestone Stage:

Client/ Company research Research into client issue.

Prioritised Resources:
Computer/ internet, books, company store

Key decisions: what, why, impacts on work I found it really important to put in some time to research about the client/ company research about their issue wanting to be solved as this allows me to get some knowledge on what they need before approaching it. This also allowed me to prepare myself a bit more for what is needed seeing that I havent had much experience in what my client does.

Problems: actual/anticipated, how solved

No problems were anticipated/ actual.

Questions brought up by work in progress

How could I prepare myself one step further? What makes researching important?

Changes to plan and reasons why

During my first week, I had lost a bit of time trying to find a suitable client with a proper issue in mind. To keep my timeline on track, I decided to speed up the progress made each day in order to make up the time lost. This meant less time, more progress.

Client/stakeholder consultation (who, what, why, where, when, findings, impact on work)
It was important to contact my client, DR Rosli (EMNZ), to find out exactly what he wanted and had in mind. This made it particularly important when researching into my clients issue to be investigating in something linking directly to what he wants.

Current progress evaluation

Good use of time made up the time lost in previous week. Steady work and progress to follow through.

Next steps
Survey clients/ stakeholders/ wider community

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Planning Ahead Week: 3 Key Milestone Stage:

Initial planning (Gantt chart, technology journal, planning template week by week)

Prioritised Resources:
Microsoft words 2010, internet, computer

Key decisions: what, why, impacts on work I need to create my plan of action; I am going to use Open Workbench, including resources and key stage and milestone. This will make me be manageable on doing works. This also will make know what Im going to do every day. Problems: actual/anticipated, how solved I am quite behind on my school work, so i need to do some work at home. I also need to manage my time by using all the planning application that i can use. Questions brought up by work in progress How i am going to manage my time to make it fit and complete on time?

Changes to plan and reasons why No changes at this stage

Client/stakeholder consultation (who, what, why, where, when, findings, impact on work) Interview with client on Wednesday

Current progress evaluation I am a bit behind on my work as i am a bit confused as to what needs to be done. I realised that needed to manage my time effectively before i can do anything so i need to talk with my client. So, i can catch up on work in my own time. Next steps Interview client and find stakeholders, investigate and write up key factors, write key factors.

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Planning Ahead Week: 4 Key Milestone Stage:

Survey clients/ stakeholders/ wider community

Prioritised Resources:
Microsoft Office Word, internet, computer, people

Key decisions: what, why, impacts on work I need to make a detail survey question, so I get detail information about what I need and why I need in solving my client issue. This will make me added more specification in my solution. I also create a survey question for my target audience. This will make me know, how, why, what, who, where they know about my client. Problems: actual/anticipated, how solved Problem that I had in this stage, I dont how I am going to communicate with my target audience. I also didnt know how long my survey question needs to be. This is because the long survey will make my people become boring. Questions brought up by work in progress How long my survey question? how I am going to communicate with my target audience. Changes to plan and reasons why Since communication with target audience is a constraint for me, so this will make waste my time. This make to increasing the time on doing survey. Client/stakeholder consultation (who, what, why, where, when, findings, impact on work) contact my stakeholders by email them a survey question and also made up an appointment with all stakeholders. So, I can get more specific requirement that needed in my solution. Current progress evaluation Im on track, I manage to re-planning my gantt chart. So, I didnt waste more time on doing survey.

Next steps I will have to do my initial brief. So, when I get a survey feedback, I can analyse the data and put it in my initial brief.

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Planning Ahead Week: 5

Key Milestone Stage: Investigation stage/selection stage Prioritised Resources: MS word, MS Excel, internet.

Key decisions: what, why, impacts on work What information am i going to include in my designs? trial fonts, images, and colour schemes Problems: actual/anticipated, how solved I need to catch work using my own time, so i can be on the right track.

Questions brought up by work in progress What am i going to design for my client that would benefit the new stylist and the business as a whole? Changes to plan and reasons why i initially had written down my conceptual designs to be done by this week but i changes this and thought it would be better to do my trials first as them i will have and dea about formatting layouts and what would suit the images, fonts and colours. Client/stakeholder consultation (who, what, why, where, when, findings, impact on work) i have emailed my client to ask for information and to research the issue. I am waiting for a response. Current progress evaluation I have been working hard to catch up on the work that i am behind on. I am well underway with this process and am almost up to my trials. Next steps Make comment on my research, do trials for fonts, images and colours, consult with my client and do a survey.

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Planning Ahead Week: 6

Key Milestone Stage: Selecting stage Prioritised Resources: MS words, Open workbench, internet, email

Key decisions: what, why, impacts on work What solutions am i going to produce? what fonts am i going to use? What colours am i going to use? Problems: actual/anticipated, how solved My client is getting busy and therefore it becoming hard for me ti get into contact with him. I will have to plan in advance what to send to him. So that she can get back to me when she is ready and i dont have to waste his time to answer my email many time. Questions brought up by work in progress When i am going to do my analysis of my survey so that i can make a decision what type of solution i can develop. Changes to plan and reasons why I have extended my time of collecting my survey data to this week because all the target audience were a bit busy with exam and work. Client/stakeholder consultation (who, what, why, where, when, findings, impact on work) waiting for a response

Current progress evaluation Even though i have made good progress, my client hasnt sent me the information that needed to be in the solution. Next steps Survey analysis, colour trials, font selection, colour selections.

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Planning Ahead Week: 7-8 Key Milestone Stage:

Selecting stage Design and produce stage

Prioritised Resources:
Ms words, internet, email

Key decisions: what, why, impacts on work what design am i going to choose?

Problems: actual/anticipated, how solved At the moment i dont have any big problem, everything is now running on time.

Questions brought up by work in progress Where can i get more website layout ideas from?

Changes to plan and reasons why Iam now on schedule and therefore i dont have any changes to my plan

Client/stakeholder consultation (who, what, why, where, when, findings, impact on work) meet my client and discuss with him about selection stage and conceptual designs. Current progress evaluation Im on track, I manage to re-planning my workbench plan. I dont have to put in extra work to get to the stage where i need to be Next steps Design chosen solution. Image permission, set up website layout

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Planning Ahead Week: 9-10 Key Milestone Stage:

Design and produce stage

Prioritised Resources:
Mincrosoft word, internet, adobe photoshop cs5

Key decisions: what, why, impacts on work None at the moment as i am just starting off my designs.

Problems: actual/anticipated, how solved At the moment i dont have any big problems. Everything is now running on time and i am on schedule Questions brought up by work in progress How am i going to make the font for heading and body text fit with my layout?

Changes to plan and reasons why I originally left one weeks to do all my design, however i have extended this to two weeks as this will give me more time to develop ideas and so that Im not rushing Client/stakeholder consultation (who, what, why, where, when, findings, impact on work) emailing my client about selection stage and conceptual designs. Also going to see my client this week to take some pictures to use in my design/ Current progress evaluation I am happy with where i am now. I am finally on time and now i dont have to put in extra work to get to the place where i need to be. I am up to the design stage and happy with where i am. Next steps Design chosen solution. Image permission

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Planning Ahead Week: 11 Key Milestone Stage:

Design and produce stage

Prioritised Resources:
MS word, internet, email, adobe photoshop cs4

Key decisions: what, why, impacts on work None at the moment. My designs are coming along well

Problems: actual/anticipated, how solved My client has just came back from meeting with minister of higher education of Malaysia. Therefore it may be a bit hard for me to get into contact with her. This will mean i will have to plan my time well so that i am not sitting around doing nothing. Questions brought up by work in progress How am i going to plan my work so that i can balance my study for my other subjects and the work that i have to do for my technology project? Changes to plan and reasons why I have no changes.

Client/stakeholder consultation (who, what, why, where, when, findings, impact on work) my client has been very helpful with my designs and has been sending me some of his information that he want me to use. Current progress evaluation I am happy with the progress that i have made at the moment and i am on track with everything Next steps Continues designing solutions, get images permission from DR rosli.

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Planning Ahead Week: 12 Key Milestone Stage:

Design and produce stage

Prioritised Resources:
MS word, internet, email, adobe photoshop cs4

Key decisions: what, why, impacts on work None at the moment. My designs are coming along well

Problems: actual/anticipated, how solved None at the moment.

Questions brought up by work in progress How am i going to plan my work so that i can balance my study for my other subjects and the work that i have to do for my technology project? Changes to plan and reasons why I have no changes.

Client/stakeholder consultation (who, what, why, where, when, findings, impact on work) my client has been very helpful with my designs and has been sending me some of his information that he want me to use. I also went to take some images and information and also talk to him about some of the designs that i have done to get her feedback. Current progress evaluation I am happy with the progress that i have made at the moment and i am on track with everything Next steps Continues designing solutions, get images permission from DR rosli.

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Planning Ahead Week: 13 Key Milestone Stage:

Design and produce stage

Prioritised Resources:
MS word, internet, email, adobe photoshop cs4

Key decisions: what, why, impacts on work None at the moment. My designs are coming along well

Problems: actual/anticipated, how solved None at the moment.

Questions brought up by work in progress How do i do my evaluation?

Changes to plan and reasons why I have no changes.

Client/stakeholder consultation (who, what, why, where, when, findings, impact on work) i have talked to my client last week and he has helped me to come up with ways of reach my final design. I have also emailed him to ask for the information that he want me to put on his website. Current progress evaluation I am happy with the progress that i have made at the moment and i am on track with everything Next steps Continues designing solutions, pick up images permission from DR rosli.

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Technology Journal
Date What I did today Resources/Sources Used Mozilla Firefox/internet explorer Microsoft words 2010 Reflection on my progress today Half way investigate clients work background. Now, try to investigate their values and code of ethic.

Thursday 5/5/2011

Investigate clients background And write some note about clients.

Friday 6/5/2011

Continue investigate clients background

Microsoft words 2010

Done investigating client background

Tuesday 17/5/2011

Planning review question for client

Open workbench

Half way of planning all progress needs to be done. Will make an appointment with client.

Friday 20/5/2011

Finish plan of action Send the email to clients to make an appointment

Open workbench Hotmail (email)

Done all plan of action. Done contact with clients using email to make an appointment (interview). Will start doing some survey question (public).

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What I did today

Resources/Sources Used Hotmail Microsoft words 2010

Reflection on my progress today Waiting for reply from client. Can now continue my progress on creating public survey questions. Selecting stakeholders.

Monday 23/5/2011

Email client about the interview session. Editing clients interview questions.

Tuesday 24/5/2011

Got an email from client. Prepared interview protocols. Email the interview protocols and tentative to client.

Hotmail Microsoft word 2010

Can now be prepared for interview client. Prepared survey question for stakeholders, key stakeholders, and public.

Wednesday 25/5/2011

Got an email from client. Redo interview protocols And ready for interview appointment.

Hotmail Microsoft word 2010

Need to redo the interview protocols against. But already done and been acceptable by client.

Thursday 26/5/2011

Start doing an initial brief this is just a basic and specific brief about this project

Microsoft word 2010

Need to spend another day on doing initial brief. However, I need to complete it as fast as I can, so I can develop a stakeholder question and public survey question.

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What I did today

Resources/Sources Used Resources/Sources Used Microsoft words 2010

Reflection on my progress today Reflection on my progress today Done making an appointment with client. Need 2 more days to finish survey questions.

Date 27/5/2011

What I did today Creating survey public question. and also doing some stakeholder question interview


Re-do interview protocol. Make some adjustment on interview protocol.

Microsoft words 2010

Need to email the interview protocol one more time to client.


Email client with the new interview protocol. Doing some initial brief and public survey question.

Microsoft words 2010

Have done some public survey question. Client replies my email about the new interview protocol.


Today I doing some public survey question.

Microsoft words 2010

This can make me have more specification on creating a solution

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What I did today

Resources/Sources Used Resources/Sources Used Microsoft words 2010 Email

Reflection on my progress today Reflection on my progress today To get approval from teachers to do a public survey using my question.

Date 2/6/2011

What I did today Today I need to send some copy of my public survey question to my teachers.


Today I make some changes on my public survey question

Microsoft words 2010

Done some changes. So, I can do survey now.


Today I review my initial brief and do my key factors for this project

Microsoft words 2010

Need to some more on my key factors.


Research my key factors

Microsoft words 2010

This will make me recognized some more key factors for this project.

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What I did today

Resources/Sources Used Resources/Sources Used Microsoft words 2010

Reflection on my progress today Reflection on my progress today I have recognise key factors and need to prioritize it

Date 6/6/2011

What I did today Today I add some more key factors in my project


Today I doing my stakeholders survey question

Microsoft words 2010

Im going to make a survey about my client. So, I can produce more specification for my solution.


Today I contact and emailed stakeholder survey question

Microsoft words 2010

Need to choose more stakeholders.


Today I send more survey question to stakeholder and doing some key factor

Microsoft words 2010 Hotmail

Waiting for stakeholders to email the answer

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What I did today

Resources/Sources Used Resources/Sources Used Microsoft words 2010 Hotmail

Reflection on my progress today Reflection on my progress today Im on the right time of doing survey

Date 10/6/2011

What I did today Start email survey question to Malaysian student in each university.


Still email survey question and do initial brief

Microsoft words 2010 Hotmail

One more day to done my survey. Need to adjust my planning


Today I collecting my survey data.

Hotmail Microsoft words 2010

Will do analysis of my survey tomorrow. on the track at the moment.

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What I did today

Resources/Sources Used Resources/Sources Used Microsoft words 2010

Reflection on my progress today Reflection on my progress today Need more time on key factors.

Date 14/6/2011

What I did today Today I doing some work on my key factors for my project


Today I prioritize my key factors

Microsoft words 2010

Need to spend one more day to finish it.


Today I finished prioritize my key factors.

Microsoft words 2010

Can continue on doing some conceptual design and conceptual brief.


Today I start writing an initial brief about my project.

Microsoft words 2010

Need to spend more time on this initial brief.

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What I did today

Resources/Sources Used Resources/Sources Used Microsoft words 2010

Reflection on my progress today Reflection on my progress today Can now start on conceptual design

Date 18/6/2011

What I did today Today I writing my initial brief


today I refining my initial brief

Microsoft words 2010

Can now send it to client and stakeholders for feedback.


Today I working on my initial specification

Microsoft words 2010

On the right track. Can continue to another stage

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What I did today

Resources/Sources Used Resources/Sources Used Ms words 2010 internet

Reflection on my progress today Reflection on my progress today On the right track. Can continue to another stage.but still need to take one more day to done research on existing technology

Date 22/6/2011

What I did today Today i do some research about existing technology, layout, colours, font.


Today i do continue research of colours

Ms words 2010 internet

On the right track. Can continue to another stage .done research of colour background.


My progress today i do some research of heading font and body font.

Ms words 2010 internet

On the right track. Can continue to another stage. Not happy because Im not finish it on time.


Continue research of heading font and body font.

Ms words 2010 internet

On the right track. Can continue to another stage

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What I did today

Resources/Sources Used Resources/Sources Used Ms words 2010

Reflection on my progress today Reflection on my progress today On the right track. Can continue to another stage. Done justify the solution selection.

Date 30/6/2011

What I did today Write justification of font selection for my solution


Start design website layout.

Adobe photoshop cs4

Not happy because i have no idea what to do.


Continue design website layout and also research of colour combination

Ms words 2010 Adobe photoshop cs4

On the right track. Can continue to another stage. Will spend 2-3 more days to done design.


Continue research of colour combination for my website

Ms words 2010 internet

On the right track. Can continue to another stage

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What I did today

Resources/Sources Used Resources/Sources Used Ms words 2010

Reflection on my progress today Reflection on my progress today On the right track. Can continue to another stage

Date 15/7/2011

What I did today Writing justification for my selection of colour combination for my website layout


Start design a conceptual design for my website

Adobe photoshop cs4

On the right track. Can continue to another stage This stage were nearly make me feel happy. As i nearly finish.


Continue design a conceptual design

Ms words 2010 Adobe photoshop cs4

On the right track. Can continue to another stage Not satisfy with my work as i didnt done what i want on time.


Do some more conceptual design and write a justification of solution chosen

Ms words 2010 Internet Adobe photoshop cs4

On the right track. Can continue to another stage as i done my conceptual designs.

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What I did today

Resources/Sources Used Resources/Sources Used Ms word 2010 Email

Reflection on my progress today Reflection on my progress today On the right track. Can continue to another stage

Date 24/7/2011

What I did today send my initial brief to my client to get approval and made some changes


Finalise my conceptual design

Adobe photoshop cs4

On the right track. Can continue to another stage. Need to wait for client feedback


Revise my weekly planning

Ms words 2010

On the right track. Can continue to another stage. Need to made some changes on my weekly planning.


Revise my daily journal

Ms words 2010

On the right track. Can continue to another stage. Satisfy with my daily technology jounal.

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What I did today

Resources/Sources Used Resources/Sources Used Ms words 2010

Reflection on my progress today Reflection on my progress today Need to add up everything that needed to be in website as a spiecification.

Date 4/8/2011

What I did today Create a final brief Added specification, issue, and resources.


Put a date of client consultation in a table with a content

Ms words 2010

Nearly done everything.


Absent Sick all day




Hand in all the project to my teachers

Finish everything. Feel happy

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Initial brief:
The standard: This achievement standard involves the use of project management tools to support brief development, modelling, testing and evaluation of a conceptual design that addresses a client issue.

My client DR. Rosli Mohammed Director of EMNZ Education Malaysia of New Zealand, High Commission of Malaysia, 10, Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, Wellington, New Zealand
CLIENTS STATEMENT Dr Rosli believes that by creating a media solution, he can to create awareness among public about EDUCATION MALAYSIA (EMNZ) roles. At the moment, this is the main issue for him when working. So, he hopes that this project will help him solve the issue very effectively. SITUATIONS My client current situation: they have a problem to communicate with student. Annually, they have a problem on register all the new Malaysian student. Every year they always need to travel to Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Hamilton, and all other place that have Malaysian student. They always need to bring whole lot of registration form with them to be given to student to register themselves. Registration is very important because if anything happen, for example natural disaster, if it happens EMNZ can know how to contact you and the very important thing is they know that you were in New Zealand. There was a situation where one of the Malaysian student who didnt register with EMNZ stuck in house on November Christchurch earthquake. However, he/she was lucky because he/she has a contact number of department of EMNZ. This is why registration is very important to all students who come for study in New Zealand. At the moment, the have Facebook page and BlogSpot to keep update their activities and to communicate with student. They also twice a month travel to south island to visit student. This cost them so expensive, by creating a website they can cut down their budget on travelling to something more useful. Another situation that my client have is, before 2011 their current mission is As an enabler in providing efficacious services with regard to the welfare and academic performance of Malaysian students in the NZ towards facilitating them to develop themselves as knowledge and responsible professionals for nation building and positioning themselves strategically in the highly competitive global markets but since 1st January 2011, their current mission were adding with to promote education in Malaysia towards people(students) in New Zealand as the prime minister of Malaysia said Malaysia as the best place for study. Their current technique of solving this issues was by went to each university and NZQA office, to meeting with them and do presentation about education in Malaysia. By creating the website I can promote about education in Malaysia where I can link the entire scholarship offer to foreign student and also link of all university in Malaysia.

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CONSTRAINTS DR Rosli had no constraints; however he would like this IT solution to appeal all Malaysian students and also New Zealand students. This IT solution also will be the recent visit from Malaysian students in NZ and also in Malaysia. Many students from NZ and Malaysia are in range between 20s-30, so this IT solution will have to be modern, attractive and informative. Im also constrained in that the conceptual design of the solution (website) must be completed by the 1st July. I will need to manage my time using planning tool effectively. I am constrained in term of money. This because I need to assign a personal budget of NZD100 which limits the quality server I can purchase. I will need to make an appointment to discuss about budget of this project with my client. My current knowledge also a constrained for me as my knowledge is limited on creating a solution (website). I will need to take further learning about PHP and MY SQL, so I can be more confident and creating my solution(website) that meet my client requirement. Copyright also a constrained for me as I might not be able to use images or things that I want in my assignment because I dont have permission from owner of the image.

Stakeholder My stakeholder for creating the solution for my client will be the president of Malaysian student association in each university in New Zealand and also NZQA is one of my stakeholders to get feedback on my solution. They always have meeting with EMNZ every month either by email, conference or face to face. One of stakeholder for this issue will be The Chair of Malay Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, Prof wan Rafaie I will need to consult them primarily with them as they are the most people who interacting with EMNZ. Wider community stakeholder New Zealand Malaysian Society. There contribute on promoting Malaysia in every aspect, such as tourism, traditional culture and also education.

Target audience My target audience are all Malaysian student who studying in New Zealand and also New Zealand students who studying level 3 in college and also university. Most of the student knows how to use internet. So, this will not be a constraint for me in creating a solution. They always meet with EMNZ at least once a year. The student ages are group range from 20 through to 40 and if I want to make and IT solution then I need to make it accessible and attractive.

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Initial specification 1. To create awareness among public about EDUCATION MALAYSIA (EMNZ) roles. 2. I will need to put Malaysia Government LOGO. 3. I will need to put MOHE logo. 4. I will need to use PHP and MYSQL 5. I will need to put contact detail of EMNZ. 6. I will need to link it with all University in Malaysia and also in New Zealand. 7. I will need to link it with Ministry of education in Malaysia. 8. I will need to link it with all scholarship offer website in Malaysia. 9. I will need it to works in safari, Mozilla Firefox, internet explorer, and also Google chrome. 10. I will need to make have an information about EMNZ 11. I will need to make it accessible by target audience.

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Needs and opportunity. There is need for students to be able to communicate more effectively. There is an opportunity for EMNZ to promote education in Malaysia. There is need for EMNZ to make it easy for Malaysian student to register with EMNZ. There is opportunity for EMNZ to advertise their activities, so more people can participate. Conceptual statement After I done some survey of 40 Malaysian students and 5 stakeholders I have finalize that my solution is going to be a website. This is because the graph shows that most of the students were vote for website as solution to communicate with EMNZ. This is because the major problem of my client is to communicate with student and website is the suitable solution to solve it. Every year they have an issue regarding on registering all Malaysian students. Furthermore, it also makes it hard for current Malaysian student to update their personal detail to EMNZ. I will have to choose it because website is the most suitable solution to solve it, as the entire students know how to use internet. It also easy for student to interact with EMNZ. Since, their mission is to promote education in Malaysia. This is the best solution because most of people in New Zealand are using internet and know how to use it. However, EMNZ targeting to promote education in Malaysia to student from all level of education. As my knowledge of creating website is quite good, I also need to take further learning to make my website became more effective. My clients also recommended me to choose website as the solution to solve their issues. As my client want me to make easier for student to do any registration and query. This also one of the reason and opportunity for me to choose website as a solution. This will make it easy for my client to answer the entire query from student. They dont have to write an email and contact EMNZ using phone. This can cut down the cost of student to waste their money on calling EMNZ just to ask simple question. This type of solution also will encourage student to increasing their IT knowledge. Surveys have given me an evidence of why I need to build a website as my client wants it. 70% of students choose a website as a communication method with EMNZ. However, the others 3 solutions such as pamphlet only 15%, booklet only 10% and other solution is 5%. This have gave me an absolute decision that I need to build a website to solve my client issue.

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Visual diary Petrol A4 refill paper Website server Instrument for design (pen, pencil, etc.)

NZD 10 NZD 10 NZD 7 NZD 100+ (will paid by client)approx. NZD 20 NZD 47 (NZD 100+will paid by client(approx. cost))


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Innovation Future Trends I want to keep up with the society and its technology, so that my solution can be kept up to date with todays technologies. TIME I need to plan my project using proper planning tools to manage my time. If I fail to plan this project properly, this will make me fail to finish the project This factor is really important as what I set for solution. This will relate with existing technologies. I need to make sure that my solution is innovative, by modifying any ideas or things that have already been made by others in the past.

STAKEHOLDER Since this project working with real client, so my stakeholder also is the real people. I cant always contact them to get a feedback. This is because there are also have a work to do. This will risk me to finish this project on time.

EXISTING TECHNOLOGIES Social I must make sure that my solution is accepted by people who like to continue their study in Malaysia and also Malaysian student in NZ. I would like people of different age groups to participate. EMNZ already has a website (blog and Facebook page). So I need to make my website much better than their at the moment. I also need to make sure my website working and fit with that they want.

Knowledge I need to undertake further learning to fully solve my client issue effectively and I need to do before and very early into creating a solution.

Legal/Political I must not break any illegal, political laws when creating my poster. I must obey the copyright laws when gathering information for my solution.

Education Cultural I must evaluate the different point of views on the problem of communication through different cultures of people and to not offend them in any way. I will try to make my solution encourage different culture and religions. I want to create awareness among public (Malaysian student and New Zealand student) about EDUCATION MALAYSIA (EMNZ) roles. I want to make sure that the people around the environment know about opportunity to study in Malaysia and why choose Malaysia as the best place to continue study.

CODE OF PRACTICE I need to make my solution were not breach any code of practice of my client. I need to make sure that the solution fit within these guidelines.

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Prioritize key factors

Time: Time is the major part in this project. I will need to consider when creating the solution. This is because I am constrained most of it by deadline, which is I directly have only until 1st July to hand in this conceptual design to my client. I need have a further learning to reduce my time on creating the solution.

To reduce the time of creating the solution, I am going to use project planning tools, where I choose Open workbench and Microsoft Excel (Gantt chart) for my planning tools. This will reduce my time on creating a solution. Furthermore, I also using technology journal to note everything I done about this project every day. This will reduce my time by not repeat the same thing each day.

Stakeholders: Since this project working with real client, so my stakeholder also is the real people. I cant always contact them to get a feedback. This is because there are also have a work to do. This will risk me to finish this project on time. I cant waste their time just in this project; this will risk me to lost my stakeholders.

To make my stakeholder give full effort in this project, I will make contact them making an appointment, so I can face to face with them and I can get more information from them. This will make me easier to get better feedback. This can make them fell easy and know that this project is important.

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Knowledge: Due to the nature of the IT solution. I will need to take a further learning to create this solution effectively. Considering this knowledge I will be able to actually meet all specification, so I able to solve the issues of my client. I need to learn PHP and My SQL and know how to use. I take knowledge is an important factors because my knowledge about creating website is limited. I need to take this further learning before start creating my solution. By taking this further learning, it will make me confident on creating my solution (website) for my client. Legal/political: legal obligations are one of the major factors in this project as my client is people who work under government of New Zealand laws. So, I need to make sure my solutions are not going to breach any law that act under my client and also under government of New Zealand.

To make sure I am not breach any legal act, I need to list all of the laws that my client working on. I also need to review my solution, just to make sure what have I done are not breach any laws such as copyright law, privacy law, intellectual property. I also will need to always update my work to my client, so they can give feedback.

Existing technologies: EMNZ already have a website which is using BlogSpot and Facebook. Their current solution using BlogSpot was not solving their issues effectively. However, their solution using Facebook page was quite working but the still not effectively solve their issues. So, I will need to create a website that will effectively solve their solution where they can have more privacy on promoting and consulting student (Malaysia and New Zealand). This is relating with knowledge factors, where my knowledge is quite limited. I will need to take further learning, so I can create a website that will solve my client issue effectively

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Code of Practice: As I working with client who working with Malaysia and New Zealand government. So, they have their code of ethic when working. This is going to be my constraints and also advantage for me in creating a solution. The constraint is I need to make sure my solution (website) is effectively can make them manage their work into a quality work. However, the advantage of that is, I can make my solution (website) make promote student in New Zealand and Malaysia without any constraints because their code of ethic were always about promoting Malaysia as a best place to continue study.

I will need to investigate my client code of ethic deeply. So, I can realize what the constraints and advantages of the code of ethic when I creating my solution (website) to my client. This can ensure their qualities of work are increasing impressively.

Education: As my client who always work with education and their new code of ethic have change since 2011. One of their code of ethic is I want to create awareness among public (Malaysian student and New Zealand student) about EDUCATION MALAYSIA (EMNZ) roles. So, my solution (website) needs to make it more towards promoting education in Malaysia and also New Zealand. I will need to have specific information about education in New Zealand and also Malaysia. To make this happen I will need to plan a survey more than 30 student (university and college). This will make me know what I need and why I need to do something in my solution (website).

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Future trends: as my target audiences are student (Malaysia and New Zealand); age around 18-40, I need to make my solution (website) interactive and modern. Interactive mean, I will need to make it easy to open, look formal (smooth combination of colour). I will need to make it working efficiently and encourage people to attract with my solution (website) although they didnt know what the purpose of my solution).

To make this happen, I will need to take a further learning as my limitation on my knowledge of doing website. By taking this further learning, it will make me confident on creating my solution (website) to attract people (especially student).

Cultural: as I made a decision to make my solution(website) based on my client researched, I will need to make sure my project doesnt offend any culture in NZ(Maori and also pacific islander). I will need to make sure all my pictures, layout, background, and also my writing doesnt make any illegal breach towards any culture. I will also need to make sure my solution was more promoting Malaysia culture. This is needed because my client is working under Government of Malaysia. One of specification in this project also, I can encourage more people from others culture and religion to attract with my solution (website). This will make more people to know about education in Malaysia and why Malaysia is the best place to study. By taking this factors as my major factors in this project, I can make sure that my process of creating solution are not going to breach any cultural and religious in New Zealand.

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Innovation: This factor is really important as what I set for solution. This will relate with existing technologies. I need to make sure that my solution is innovative, by modifying any ideas or things that have already been made by others in the past. For example, before this my client only have a Facebook page and BlogSpot, what I need to is much better than that where I need to have online form registration( specification). Furthermore, I need to make solution (website) are attractive to my target audience. This also related with knowledge factor where I will need to take further learning to make my solution more innovative and fit my purpose of my client.

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Client background
The mission of the department can be stated as follows:" As an enabler in providing efficacious services with regard to the welfare and academic performance of Malaysian students in the NZ towards facilitating them to develop themselves as knowledge and responsible professionals for nation building and positioning themselves strategically in the highly competitive global markets. The EMNZ has the following functions and scope of works:

To fulfill the needs of students, sponsors and parents in academic affairs through various administrative measures. To provide guidance, be them on academic, social, religious or vocational matters. To look after their welfare and security needs. To manage and administer the department and report back periodically to H.E. the Malaysian High Commissioner and the Ministry of Education. To keep and update students records and survey their needs and performances from time to time

MISSION The mission of EMNZ is to provide efficient and excellent services to Malaysian Students with regards to their welfare and academic performance. To ensure students get proper guidance for their academic, mental health and also personality development. VISION To instill in our students the ability to develop their potentials in a holistic manner, so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically resilient and harmonious. Our emphasis is to develop quality human and intellectual capital, individuals who are knowledgeable, innovative, creative and competitive. Based on the said mission statement and vision, the objectives of the department are as follows: To guide and monitor them on students academic performance and offer them guidance and counselling where and when necessary To manage students affairs with regards to their welfare and to ensure their well-being. To maintain and update the students database To establish a working relationship and linkages with educational institutions in the NZ To promote the exchange of academic, intellectual and cultural activities between institutions of higher education in Malaysia and NZ institutions of higher education. To initiate Internationalization programs with the aim of achieving excellence in the area of education for Malaysian Higher Education. To make EMNZ a one stop centre for information regarding education in Malaysia.

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Code of ethic: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To enhance the management quality of EMNZ towards a more systematic and efficient operations. To execute all matters related to student's affairs within the same day. To settle all matters related to student's problems within our efforts and privileges granted to us. To help and attend all programs done by all the student societies registered with EMNZ. To strive on ensuring all students have been given all the necessary services and help without concerning on level of studies and background.

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The laws and regulations that I have to follow when doing my project. When I was producing my solution, I made sure that I followed rules and regulations that applied to me regarding copyright act and the privacy act. The copyright rules and regulations involved not using pictures that I didnt have consent to use and not copying previous designs that I found when I was doing my research. It was important for me to follow these rules to make sure that I wasnt breeching any copyright issues. I followed these rules by get permission from people who owned the picture. I did this by using emailed the owner of the person who owns the picture. I also done it by take the photo by using my own camera. This meant that the picture was now became my own. I also was able to abide by these laws and regulations by taking pictures of my own and using pictures that were DR roslis. This meant that I wasnt copying anybody pictures. I also followed these rules by not copying designs that I had discovered when doing my research. A design that someone comes up with their own design and it is very unique. I made sure that when I came to making my designs. I didnt copy any that design I had found. I instead used my research for inspiration and used the existing solutions to help give me an idea or what would be attractive. Privacy of picture was also another code of practice that I followed that came from privacy act. This meant that the picture that I was using were to be only used for my designs and not used by anyone else for any other purposes. I found it quite hard manage to follow this as I was producing a website. People can easily go to internet initially when they are doing research and if I had produced a solution to be displayed on the internet such as website. Then anybody could have accessed my website and copied the picture off there. The laws and regulations that affect my client in conducting him.

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RESEARCH OBJECTIVE To find existing design to help inspire me to create my own

KEY QUESTIONS What kind of layout has been approaching? What different designs have been done to appeal different age group? How have designs benefited EMNZ? How are the colour schemes used to produce a design?

KEY WORDS AND SEARCH TERMS Website template EM United kingdom website website colour scheme website font trial STEPS TO BE TAKEN Scan through resources Note what look relevant Be specific on what I have noted as being relevant Filter by finding information related to search terms that fill the gaps and related to my questions. Summarise, note source. SOURCES OF INFORMATION Website of another EM department around the world website template ORGANISE AND SYNTHESISE Analyse the information that I have gathered and make notes for myself on what I have found Page | 47



This font is clear to read and the slanting and linked writing suits the education department. It gives the business a sense of elegance and makes the business seem classy. It is also clear to read This font is bold and it stands out well. I am confident that when this font is put against the body text it wont blend in. it is easy to read and clear. It is plain and simple. This font is classy and different from the usual plain heading fonts. It is simple and attractive at the same time. The lines are thin but the font is still bold.

The lines of the font are a bit thin and therefore it may not stand out against the body text.

The font is an okay font. However it is not that easy to read.



Times New Roman

This font is plain and simple and therefore it may not be attractive. It is important to have an attractive font as this will attract student to browse the website. This font is kind of thin and therefore it is hard to read. Even though it is in uppercase it may have to be bolded.

Too bold but easy to read

I like this font as it is bold and to the point. It is kind of classy and it is easy to read and clear. It nice and inviting.

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This font is clear to read and it suit the slanting and linked writing suit the education department. It gives the department sense of elegance and makes it seem classy. It is also clear and easy to read.

The lines of this font are a bit thin and therefore it may not stand out against the body text. This font is quite small though and therefore would have to be in a big size to stand out.

Nice and elegant font. Might be a bit small however.

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The font that my client and I have chosen to use for the headings is Time New Roman. i have chosen this font as it is classy and different form the other fonts. It is simple and attractive and fits in well with other types of fonts. This font that is to be used for the heading is important as it is reflection on what kind of business DR Rosli runs and how he wants people to see it. DR Roslis business has a classy feel and it quite elegant and therefore this font is appropriate as it gives this kind of feel. This font also stands out quite a bit and therefore it will stand out against the body text. My client also likes this font as it is bold to the point. He likes the classiness of it and how it is easy to read, clear and inviting. I chose not to use the font LUCIDA HANDWRITING as the lines of the font are a bit thin because It is already linked writing, this would only make it harder to read. Also because it is quite thin, it may not stand out against the body text. This would not in turn draw the student who surf the website attention. DR Rosli like this font but think that it is not very easy to read. I chose not to use ARIAL UNICODE MS as the font seems quite plain. Theres nothing unique or different about it. Although plain is nice, it is not something that my client wants to go for. This plain wont be very attractive. Having an attractive heading is an important feature of a design. I chose not to use MONOTYPE CORSIVA as the line of the font are a bit thin and therefore it may not stand out against the body text. This font is quite small though and therefore would have to be in a big size to stand out.

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This is a good font as it is easy to read and it is small so it doesnt take up a lot of space on the page. Although it is small it is easy to read. This is a good font like the previous font. This font is easy to read and it is clear.



The letters in this This is a nice font but font however make it a bit boring. a bit hard to read as they are quite close together.



Lucida Bright


Times New Roman

It would be suitable in big paragraphs although it is quite a big font and will take up space on the page. The letters in this The spacing between font are nicely the letters might spaced apart making become a problem it easy to read. It is a with the amount of different font and information I can put looks unique. on the page. This is a clear, simple This font however is and attractive font. It quite big and takes is easy to read and up a lot of space. stands out. This is a attractive Like one of the font that it easy to previous fonts, this read. wouldnt be suitable font for a body text. It would suit more of a heading font. This is a clear font to This is also a good read as the letters font although the are spaced apart serifs make it a bit nicely. This would harder to read than make a suitable the previous font. second option if the forts one wasnt available.

This is like the previous one. I dont feel like I want to read information in this font. I like this font because of its clarity and style.

This is a nice clear writing. I like the style of it. This writing would be more suited for a heading. Hard to read in body text.

This is clear and common font but I will make it as a second choice.

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The font that my client and I have chosen to use for the body text is Arial. I have chosen this font as I think that the letters of the font are nicely apart making it easy to read. This will also help people who have many problems with reading big amount of writing. The font itself is different, clear and easy to read and fits well with the heading font. The heading font and this font make a good combination. This font would be suitable in small and big paragraphs of writing. My client also agrees with this font of choice and thinks that this font is nice and clear and easy to read. DR Rosli also like the style of the font and how it is unique and different from the normal writing text. I chose not to use Calibri as the letters are quiet close together making it harder to read. This font many not be suitable for short amounts of writing. I also chose not to use the font Lucida Bright as the writing is quite bog and may take up a lot of space in the page. Like the previous font it would be more suitable for a heading font. I chose not to use Papyrus as I do not think that it would be suitable for the main text. It is quite different and kind of hard to read and this font may be difficult to read it in big paragraphs. The body text will be in a smaller font and therefore this writing would be hard to read. I think that this font would be more suitable as a heading. I chose not to use Times New Roman as the font is quite boring. The font also has quite big serifs on it and the letters are quite close together making it boring and hard to read. it is a common dont and nothing new.

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I researched other Education Malaysia department around the world. From there I will look how they are promoted. I will look at the design aspects including colour, images, font, layout, information and etc.


Navigation bar Quick info Link button Content space

Blank space

Quick link

Pros Very simple and easy to read the content

cons The layout is not welcoming, and not tidy. For example their navigation bars are not in box, so it will be hard for people to feel interested on the website. It looks blank because too much white colour. It doesnt have a lot of combination of colour.

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Navigation Button


Blanks space.

Quick info

Content space

Pros Very modern and simple. The combination of colour makes it look interesting. the layout is looking modern

cons The navigation button is hard to read because their navigation bars are not in box, so it will be hard for people to feel interested on the website. It has too much blank space with brown colour. It doesnt have a lot of combination of colour.

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Navigation Button advertisement quick info

content space

Pros Very modern and simple. The combination of colour makes it look interesting. the layout is looking modern

cons The heading is not suit. from my opinion, it didn't suit with the background colour. the white colour on the content space does make it look boring.

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Navigation Button content space

Pros Very modern and simple. The combination of colour makes it look interesting. the layout is looking modern

cons The navigation buttons are not looking neat. There is a lot of blank space. This will make it look boring and not attractive. Font colour is not suitable because it will make people hard to read.

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Login or register


Navigation Button

Forum post

Content space

Photos folder


The layout of the website is looking modern and looks tidy. However, the combinations of the colour are not attractive. Blue background makes it look boring. Furthermore, the size and bold font are not suitable as a body text. This existing design is too simple. The navigation button was hard to read. The picture in the design was too big and this has taken more space for the content

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Information need to be in solution

Contact detail:
Malaysian Students Department New Zealand
High Commission of Malaysia 10 Washington Avenue Brooklyn, P.O Box 9422 Wellington 6021, New Zealand Telephone No Fax No Office Email Director's Email Attachs Email : 00 64 4 385 2439 : 00 64 4 384 7339 : : :

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Director message
Assalamualaikum wb, Salam Sejahtera, GreetingsKia Ora First of all, I would like to welcome all Malaysians to New Zealand. Haere Mai! Haere Mai! The team at Education Malaysia New Zealand (EMNZ), formerly known as The Malaysian Students Department New Zealand, is here to offer you our service to promote individual student development and enhance the Malaysian -New Zealand experience for all studentsfrom entering students to advanced degree holders. We offer individual support, programmes, services, co-curricular opportunities, and advocacy. Our key areas of focus include student engagement, student health and wellness, and critical incident management for personal emergencies or emergencies confronting larger groups such as those caused by earthquake in Christchurch. We are aware that students from time to time may require information on various aspects, thus, we also provide and coordinate university resources and provide education and support as we partner with New Zealand universities dealing with students in difficulty. We believe that the Education Malaysia New Zealand (EMNZ) will be known for its commitment to students and the community good. Consistent with the Ministry of Higher Education mission of student learning, development of student holistically, partnerships and student transformation, thus EMNZ will: Focus its advocacy, services and programmes on student development and that are proactive and supportive of education and inclusiveness. o Promote an inclusive climate that is responsive to student needs and concerns. o Create an environment where our cultural differences and similarities will be treated respectfully in the spirit of 1Malaysia.

We welcome any comments, suggestions, and constructive ideas to further enhance the services of Education Malaysia New Zealand.

Warm regards and best wishes, Dr Rosli Mohamed Director/Counselor, Education Malaysia New Zealand.

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Attaches message
Assalamualaikum, Salam Sejahtera, Kia Ora Malaysians to this new website of Education Malaysia New Zealand. First of all, I would like to welcome all of you to this beautiful country which is also known as "The Land of The Long White Clouds" or in Maori "Aotearoa". I am sure that you are delighted and thankful that you have chosen (or was chosen) to be in New Zealand. You won't regret it I promise! Your entire stay in New Zealand would be a memorable one...that's for sure. On behalf of the Ministry of Higher Education and Malaysian Government, I would like to congratulate you on your acceptance to New Zealand Universities. To ease your transition to New Zealand, Education Malaysia New Zealand (EMNZ) has prepared a list of recommendations and information, which will help answer some of the questions you may have regarding your upcoming move and the forthcoming year. What to expect when you arrive in New Zealand Upon your arrival to New Zealand, you should check in with the dormitory administration as soon as possible to receive your room key and to complete any necessary paperwork. You will find that the dormitory facilities at University are excellent and are both comfortable and modern. During your first days in New Zealand, I am sure that the University faculty, staff and your upper classmates will endeavor to make you feel right at home. In addition, during your New Student Orientation the helpful staff at the University will assist you with all your needs. Your upper classmates will also plan many fun-filled events for you, including a City Tour and a meet and greet social event. Preparing for your Stay Most upper year students, having been through this experience themselves, will agree that there are a few essential items that should go on everyones must pack list. For most, a laptop computer proves indispensable. In addition to all the standard uses, this wonderful piece of equipment will allow you to communicate with family and friends abroad without worrying about the cost of regular long distance calls. If you are bringing any electronics, please make sure to bring a special plug and a power converter. Although your computer has a converter already built in and only needs a special plug, other electronics you might bring may need a power converter. As well, you might want to consider bringing clothing appropriate for both hot and cold weather. Comfortable shoes will also go a long way when you explore the city or walk to school. Make sure to bring one item of formal business wear and one item of formal evening wear as these items will come in handy when you attend various formal functions here in New Zealand. I would encourage you to wear our Malaysian traditional costumes and show the world what a colourful citizen we are as Malaysians! I would also highly recommend that upon your arrival; please sign up on the Education Malaysia New Zealand Website ( This is an excellent means of communicating with your friends and family, and a great way to share concerns, news and advice. You are most welcome to use this website not only as a mean of getting information but also to keep us all as one family here in New Zealand. You can upload your photos, articles, news, etc to this website via my email. I will then upload them in the website upon approval. Should additional questions arise or further explanation be required, please do not hesitate to contact me at or Congratulations once again on your acceptance! We look forward to meeting you soon. Do keep in touch and please inform all Malaysian friends (sponsored or private students) to register with us here.

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Warm regards,
Salmah Kassim
Education Attache Education Malaysia New Zealand.

GENERAL ADVISORY TO MALAYSIAN STUDENTS IN NEW ZEALAND Introduction Living away from your country can be a really interesting and unforgettable experience, but at the same time it has very important effects on one's life. The most significant effect of living away from home is the independent behaviour that grows inside of you. Living on your own far from your family gives you a lot of experiences toward organising your life. Since it is up to you and no one else to go to school, clean your room, wash your clothes, and organise your expenses, it is predictable that you will have a good and strong meaning of responsibility. Being independent and responsible will help you get through life every goal you want to achieve. Living far from home, even for a short period of time, can be really hard at the beginning. You have to remember that all changes are difficult, but they are necessary to go through them to build your character. Since you are living in a place with different customs and traditions from yours, you have to be able to develop yourself in unknown conditions. This means making new friends, learning other points of view, accepting different opinions and values, and seizing every opportunity you have to develop your potential to its maximum. Suggesting to change your mind totally or to be square minded would be unproductive; the best thing to do would be to stick to your most important values, and change those that you believe could be improved and make you a better person. Personal Safety Safety is an important issue and must be given utmost priority during ones stay in a foreign country. The purpose of this note is to remind Malaysian students to be vigilant at all times and to take extra precautionary measures when you are in unfamiliar surroundings or in the company of strangers. This reminder is for your own safety and well-being throughout the duration of your study in New Zealand. There is also a constant need for students to be prepared in any eventualities like natural disasters such as earthquakes, flooding and fire. In any case of these emergencies, please seek immediate assistance by calling your local police or by dialing 111. Do not panic, and always give your fullest co-operation to the relevant authorities and security personnel. But most of all use your common sense wisely because wise decisions make a lot of difference in any life-threatening situations. It is also important to notify the Malaysian Students Department/High Commission of Malaysia in Wellington whenever you are affected by any emergencies, especially if you are inflicted with injuries. Travelling In New Zealand Provide your contact details and your whereabouts regularly to your parent or guardian and also to your close friends whenever you travel away from your address on official field trip or private excursion during your holidays. You must possess a valid drivers license and personal insurance if you decide to drive a vehicle during such trips. Please observe traffic regulations at all times and be aware of road conditions especially during wet and icy conditions. Emergency Plan As part of your emergency preparation, we would like to advise you to be ready with some basic items such as food and drinking water so that you can cope on your own for at least three days. Where appropriate, stock them

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in a camping backpack or a large easy-to-carry container in advance to prepare for any eventualities that call for instant evacuation. The following website: is useful for detailed information on your emergency plan. The following personal items must be kept in a safe place and within easy reach at all times as your preparations for any emergencies:

A. B. C. D. -

Personal Documents Passport. Birth Certificate. Identity Card Transcript. Student ID. Drivers license. Bank Account Numbers. Insurance card. Laptop (if any). Money Cash. Debit/Credit Cards. Cheque Book. Contact Details Emergency Phone Numbers (Police, Hospitals, Fire, Ambulance). International Students Office. Malaysian High Commission Office. Malaysian Students Department (MSD)./Public Service Department (PSD) Sponsoring agencies. Next of Kin (Parents or Guardians). Close friends. Others Emergency clothing.

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Food (non-perishable items that require no refrigeration). Bottled water. Medicines (prescription and non-prescription drugs). First aid supply Sanitary supply Quran, Surah Yasin, etc (for Muslims). Bible or other religious books for non-Muslims. Books for light reading. Torchlight. Radio.

The above list is not exhaustive. You may decide on other important items to help you with your emergency preparation. Evacuation Plan If disaster strikes please remain calm and be patient. Check for your own injuries first before attending to others. Listen to radio or television reports regularly for updates of the situation. When evacuation becomes necessary or when your local government officials issues evacuation orders, leave immediately and follow their instructions.

If you have only moments before leaving, grab these things and go: Personal documents. Money. Mobile phone. Medical supplies especially prescription medications.

Please remember: Common sense prevails at all times

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IIMPORTANT CONTACT AND PHONE NUMBERS IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: 1. High Commission of Malaysia in Wellington. 00 64 4 385 2439 (Main Line) 2. Malaysian Students Department in Wellington. DR ROSLI MOHAMED (DIRECTOR/COUNSELOR OFFICE TEL: 00 64 4 385 2439 OFFICE FAX: 00 64 6 384 7339 DIRECTOR'S EMAIL: SALMAH KASSIM (EDUCATION ATTACH) DIRECT LINE: 00 64 4 381 2439 MOBILE : 00 64 22 095 8442

OFFICE EMAIL: ATTACHE'S 3. Public Service Department in Wellington. SITI JALILAH ABD MANAF (PSD STUDENTS ADVISOR) OFFICE TEL: 00 64 4 381 2400 OFFICE FAX: 0064 21 0210 2167

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Colour trial
colour pros cons Client comment
i dont think that is the most appealing.

The black, brown colour will make the website look nice

The combination of colour look formal

Three combination of colour make it look formal and simple These combinations of colour will make the website look formal, simple, and modern. This will make it more attractive

The pink colour is not suitable for the education department as they were dealing with people age around 20-45. The colour will make it look boring as the light brown and hard brown were look like the same. The silver colour looks dull. This will not make people attractive to it. This look too simple. It will not fit with the heading font and body text.

i dont think this will represent education department

too simple. The black combination will not suit.

i like this colour scheme as it is class without being offensive. It is clean and suits my business. This look modern and simple.

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The design that I chose to continue developing was Conceptual design three. This design was chosen by my client and me due to the different design aspects which were shown. These aspects includes:FONTS The font that I use was Arial. This is because my client uses this font in all of their solutions. Arial showed a theme throughout the website. The font is attractive, easy to read and contrast well with the images, and background colours etc. using same font throughout the booklet is good use of repetition. IMAGES The images i have selected are the ones within my final brief. My reasoning for selecting these images is because they all promote and convey Education Malaysia well. They show all aspects of the Education Malaysia including environment of study in Malaysia. My client and I have selected our favourite images and are confident that they promote Education Malaysia well. LAYOUT the layout of the design is a website layout. It has been choose by my client and i. The layout is look modern and simple. This will make people to attract to it. With the simple combination of colour it will make it more attractive. All the design that i have made will make it easy for people to browse either using dial up connection or broadband connection. COLOURS The colours within the design are all represented Malaysia: red, white, silver, and black. My reasons for not selecting the maroon and the blue are because too many colours look to heavy on a website. The red and white together creating a modern and simple website. Silver and black are clean colours and make important aspects of the design stand out. Overall, i really liked conceptual design three. It looks modern and simple. The layout of website has made it more attractive. However, this therefore gives me more to work with and move to expend on the development stage. Both my client and myself are looking forward to seeing the design grow and develop into a beautiful website.

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The changes that i made to my initial brief were i added more to my issue, I added specifications and i added the available resources. After talking to my client about what designs could be done to overcome the issue, he came up with some other design which he saw on the other website in internet but wasnt sure if they were accomplishable. I added these two designs of a website design to my ideas for my possible designs. These designs were able to be done and could in the same way as any other design overcome problem. I also learnt from my client a bit more about the issue that was at hand, initially I only vague idea of what the problem was and didnt know how this fitted into his mission of work but after talking to my client he helped me to understand the issue more and therefore I was able to elaborate on the issue. My further understanding of the issue also meant that I was able to think more about which designs and solution would be most suitable to solve this problem. After deciding what solutions I was going to produce and which would be the most appropriate, attractive and successful, I talked to my client about the specific aspects that he wanted on the solution and he saw the designs. I added a specification into my brief form my designs which is to have a link to every university in New Zealand and Malaysia. From what my client has experienced and from what I have seen form the surveys I have collected is that people doesnt want to read a lot of information. When they are looking for something specific they want to be able just to find it. This is particularly important for the website have important information only to be advertised. Specifications have been put in that the client has asked for.

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THE ISSUE The latest mission of my client work is going to promote education in Malaysia to people in New Zealand. DR rosli and his workers want to make a website as it will work well to promote an education in Malaysia. It is hard to do it as the workers dont have experience and knowledge about creating a website. THE SOLUTIONS The possible solution that I have chosen is website. As it is what my client want to do and create. Furthermore, I have done a survey of 30 of target audience to make sure that solution that my client wants me to do is suitable and will work effectively. TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience is still males and females aged between 20-40. This includes existing client and other people that DR rosli may want to attract to collaborate with. Even though the target audience is between these ages, he also has a lot of client who are from New Zealand Government and Malaysia Government where it going to be formal and protocol. CONSTRAINTS Time the deadline for this portfolio is Tuesday 9th august. Budget it is going to be for printing is NZD 10 and for website hosting is NZD100.

Microsoft words 2010 Adobe Photoshop CS5 Internet Client for assistance Printer library and EMNZ office Hotmail to contact my client A4 Paper Open workbench Justinmind prototype Adobe lightroom 3

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PAGE IN WEBSITE The home page will give visitors an overview of our services. Details about EMNZ department. Full contact details including a map. Registration form must be working and easy to read. Link it with all University in Malaysia and also in New Zealand. Link it with Ministry of education in Malaysia. Link it with all scholarship offer website in Malaysia.

STYLE AND LAYOUT Very simple and modern The site style should incorporate our corporate colours and logo. Logo of MOHE on website heading Malaysia Government LOGO. A common navigation bar should be included on all pages. The navigation bar will include links to the home page, registration, about us, and contact details. Color :- red, white, black, silver Font- body : Calibri size 14 Font heading : Constantia size 20

ADDTIONAL REQUIREMENT All code on the site should validate to W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) specifications. This site must comply with the standards of accessibility contained in W3C WAI (World Wide Web Consortium Web Accessibility Initiative) level A Guidelines. use PHP and MYSQL Can be browse with Mozilla Firefox, internet explorer, goggle chrome. Can be connect using dial up and broadband connection To make the solution make them easy to communicate with Malaysia Student and also New Zealand student. For example, easy for student to register with EMNZ. To make this solution as a reference for people in Malaysia and New Zealand, for them to know how, when, where, what and why to study in Malaysia and New Zealand. To make easier for student to do any registration and query.

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Dr Rosli Mohammed Director, Education Malaysia of New Zealand,

Dear sir, I would very much appreciate being able to meet you to have an official interview about your issues. The outcome of this session is to make sure the solution that I design will assist you in resolving your issue and creating awareness amongst the public about EDUCATION MALAYSIA (EMNZ). This my tentative meeting suggestion: Date : 2/6/2011 Time : 3.30pm 4.30pm I realize that you have an extremely busy schedule these days but if you spare an hour or so, I can clearly show what needs to be done to get your issue solved.

Sincerely, Muhammad Rosli, Year 13 Onslow college student

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Dates Monday 2/5/2011

Friday 26/5/2011

Wednesday 8/6/2011

What I showed and talked to my client about Talked to my client for the first time. Did an interview with him and talked to him about the issue that he is facing and the possible ways in which it could be solve. I went to see my client today to give him some surveys that I am hoping he would be able to give him client to fill out. DR rosli client are stakeholders and it is important to get their opinions and ideas. Showed my conceptual designs to my client and went through which would be the best to produce.

Comment from client No comment

Happy to work with my client. The survey asks helpful questions.

10/6/2011 30/7/2011

Monday 8/8/2011

From looking at the conceptual designs, i can see some great designs being produce. I talked today with my assistant about which will be the best to make and we came to a conclusions. Ongoing process where I From the last 4 weeks showed my client the Muhammad have shown me designs that I had been a lot of well done designs. working on we talked There were some issues with through ways that it could be combination of colours. I improved didnt really like the way he arrange the colours. I went to see my client today Muhammad has done a very to show and get an approval impressive work. Have made of everything before I submit some comment on it. Really it to my teachers looking forward for the real solution to be done.

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salam, Agreed with the time for interview. Thanks DR.ROSLI BIN MOHAMMED,BKT Director/Counsellor (Education) EDUCATION MALAYSIA NEW ZEALAND(EMNZ) HIGH COMMISSION OF MALAYSIA 10, Washington Avenue,Brooklyn, P.O. BOX 9422, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND. Phone: +64 4 385 2439 DDI: +64 4 381 3167 Fax: +64 4 384 7339 Mobile: +64 421 868801 From: MuhammadFuadAfif Rosli <> To: Sent: Thursday, 26 May 2011 9:23 AM Subject: RE: Project DTM onslow college Assalamualaikum DR Rosli Mohammed, in this email, i have attach a formal letter about interview appointment. if there any changes you would like to do. you can just email to me. thanks for your concern.

Muhammad Rosli year 13 onslow college student, 0211058870

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Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 12:48:49 +1200 From: Subject: Re: Project DTM onslow college To: Salam Mr.Muhammad, Appreciate your request for developing Education Malaysia website, please do send us a copy of your interview protocols for us to review and prepared. Related to your project, the main objective was to create awareness among public about EDUCATION MALAYSIA (EMNZ) roles. We prefer both method of interview, written and face to face interviews and really hope that your project will enable us to communicate with the public/clients in interactive form. Can we have the interviews as soon as possible, please provide us the tentative dates and times for the interview session. Thanks, DR.ROSLI BIN MOHAMMED,BKT Director/Counsellor (Education) EDUCATION MALAYSIA NEW ZEALAND(EMNZ) HIGH COMMISSION OF MALAYSIA 10, Washington Avenue,Brooklyn, P.O. BOX 9422, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND. Phone: +64 4 385 2439 DDI: +64 4 381 3167 Fax: +64 4 384 7339 Mobile: +64 421 868801 From: MuhammadFuadAfif Rosli <> To: Sent: Monday, 23 May 2011 12:06 PM Subject: Project DTM onslow college Assalamualaikum Hye Dr Rosli mohammed Director of EMNZ, i'm muhammad rosli , i'm year 13 student from onslow college. First of all, i would like to thanks to EMNZ(Education Malaysia of New Zealand) for being my client's. I'm now on progress to make an interview session. The purpose of the session is to investigate clearly about what is your issues about and what is your requirement for me to solve the issue. By the way,How would you like to be interview? Do you want me attach the interview questions to you or we can make an one by one interview session at your office? Thanks for your kindness consideration of reply my email. muhammad rosli year 13 onslow college student. Page | 74


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By completing this survey you will be helping me, Muhammad Rosli, in completing my year 13 NCEA studies. Thank you!! 1. Are you (please tick) Male Female This question been asked to target audience as an introduction of any survey. 2. How do you involved with EMNZ (Education Malaysia of New Zealand)?

This question were been asked as i want to know how target audience involved with EMNZ. This will help me to recognize what is needed to solve my client issues specifically. 3. How would you preferred to receive information about EMNZ activities? Website Pamphlet Booklet poster Others(please state below)

This question is the most important question. As my client want me to build a website, so from here i can know either website are the most suitable solution to solve my client issues or else. 4. Are you on dial up connection or broadband?

This question was getting more specific, as my client want me to create a website. So, from here i can develop it with appropriate software, to make it work by everyone. This is because broadband connection is far faster than dial up connection. Page | 76

5. How often, you communicate with EMNZ? (please tick one) Daily weekly monthly and more

This question working as, i want to know how often target audience communicate with EMNZ. This mean i can make it as opportunity for me to develop a website, so they can communicate with EMNZ very often. This is because the objective mf my client work is to communicate with student. 6. What do you know about education in Malaysia?

This question will give me information, as what target audience know about education in Malaysia. So, i can make it as needs when solving my client issues.

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This data shown that most of the target audience choose a website as a solution to get connecting with EMNZ. This also supports my client choice as he wants me to create a website to solve his problem. i choose not to create a pamphlet as a solution to solve my client issue, because this will not give the most effective to solve my client issue. This is also the same with other solution above. Furthermore, my client just wants to create only one solution which is a website. This has give me strong reasons why i should develop a website.

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Internet connections
dial up 10%

broadband 90%

This pie chart shown that most of the target audience were using broadband as it internet connection. This means that there is no problem for to develop a modern and simple website with and flash software. This not going to delay people when they browsing the website. However, my client wants me to create a website where it will work in both connections. This is will make people can browse it at anytime and with any internet connection.

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Interaction of people with EMNZ

0% daily 20% monthly or more 30%

weekly 50%

This pie chart shown us that the percentages of people interact with EMNZ is not satisfying. These questions were asked to be added by my client, he want to know what is the percentage people interact with his department. Furthermore, this also will give me an opportunity to compare the percentage of people interact with EMNZ before the website have been develop and the percentage of people interact after website have been develop

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Navigation button Heading

Search engine

Page content Link button

Quick info

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Navigation button Heading

Search engine

Page content Link button

Quick info

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Navigation button Heading

Search engine

Link button

Page content

Quick info

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Navigation button Heading

Search engine

Link button

Page content

Quick info

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Website wireframe, is a page schematic or screen blueprint, is a visual guide that represents the skeletal framework of a website. The wireframe depicts the page layout or arrangement of the websites content, including interface elements and navigational systems, and how they work together. The wireframe usually lacks typographic style, color, or graphics, since the main focus lies in functionality, behavior, and priority of content. In other words, it focuses on what a screen does, not what it looks like. Wireframe are the simple website framework to show to my client. This is needed because; I want my client to choose which frameworks work better with him. Furthermore, it will make my client to choose which framework he wanted. Wireframe are important as it helped to maintain design consistency. It also a successful way to communicate early design ideas. Give clients an insight on what to expect. Furthermore, it will be one way for the client to discuss the requirements of the Content Manager and other website stakeholders. Finally it can help to establish the language, content, and structure of interactions users will have with the website.

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Wireframe 1 - this wireframe is the simple and easy to use. This layout is common to be used by website developer. The header box will contain logo of company and the name of your company. The link button (link 1, link 2, link 3) are the simple button, which it would be easier for people to find it. The navigation button will have heading and sub heading (more sub heading each navigation button). The advertisement button on the left of the layout will have an advertisement flow, which all the latest news will be advertise there. This might be interesting for target audience to browse. This type of layout will be easier to people on dial up and broadband user, because the website doesnt take a long time to load and special requirement for people to browse in. the general page content is made with two slideshow box, which mean it will be look modern and also will make it attractive. However, this slideshow box will be a constraint for people using Page | 87 dial up connection, because this will take a long time to load to view the slideshow.

Wireframe 2 This wireframe is looking modern and simple. The header box will contain logo of company and the name of your company. The link button (link 1, link 2, link 3) are the simple button, which it would be easier for people to find it. The navigation button will have heading and sub heading (more sub heading each navigation button). The advertisement button on the left of the layout will have an advertisement flow, which all the latest news will be advertise there. This might be interesting for target audience to browse. This type of layout will be easier to people on dial up and broadband user, because the website doesnt take a long time to load and special requirement for people to browse in. However, this slideshow box will be a constraint for people using dial up connection, because this will take a long time to load to view the slideshow. However, this type of layout was not looking manageable. This is because it has more free space and this will make this website look boring. Page | 88

Clients comment I chose this as a layout for my solution. This look modern and elegance.

Wireframe 3 This wireframe is the modern and simple layout of website. The header box will contain logo of company and the name of your company. The link bar (link 1, link 2, link 3) are the modern button, which it would be easier for people to find it. The navigation button will have heading and sub heading (more sub heading each navigation button). The advertisement button on the left of the layout will have an advertisement flow, which all the latest news will be advertise there. This might be interesting for target audience to browse. This type of layout will be easier to people on dial up and broadband user, because the website doesnt take a long time to load and special requirement for people to browse in. the general page content is made with two slideshow box, which mean it will be look modern and also will make it attractive. However, this slideshow box will be a constraint for people using dial up connection, because this will take a long time to load to view the slideshow. Page | 89

The purpose of doing an evaluation is to know whether I have achieved all the specification, key factors and final brief for my final designs. Evaluation not just helped to achieve the specification but it will help towards more inclusive term, often making use of assessment data in addition to many other data sources. Specifications Specification help a people who are develop a solution. It helped by make sure the developers to have specific information what they needs to make their project work effectively. A discussion to list all the specification that need to be in develop this project have been made by my client and i. furthermore, after done my final designs I think I have meet all the specification. STYLE AND LAYOUT I have met the first specification for style and layout that need to be in my final design. My style and layout for my design need to look very simple and modern. The site styles also incorporate with EMNZ corporate logo. i also meet the requirement of colour of the website as my client chose red, white ,black and silver combination. The font of the final design also been shown in the prototype which I have written the text using Calibri size 14 for body and Constantia size 20 for heading. I also have made it look very simple and modern which my client doesnt want too many text to be show in the website. To meet this specification I have made a short summary of every text and at the end of the summary I have put click here to read more link. This will attract people who want to read the information. Furthermore I have met the specification that the site style needs to incorporate their corporate colours and logo. This is the one the easiest specification that I need to meet. I have download with permission the logo of my client company. However, the colours of the website were change because after done my research on the entire EMNZ website around the world. From there I know that the colours were not uniform. So, I discuss with my client and he want me to make colour research and give him an option to choose the appropriate, modern, simple and formal, which he has chosen white, silver, black and red as the combination of colours for the site. My client also wants me to put logo of MOHE (ministry of higher education of Malaysia) on the website heading beside their logo. I have done it by download with permission the logo of MOHE and put it in the heading in my final conceptual design. Moreover, my client want me to put a modern and simple looking navigation bar , where it need to include links to the homepage, registration, about us, and contact details. I have shown to my client my final conceptual designs and also have tell him how the navigation bar going to be working but to fully meet this specification I need to develop the website which going to be my next step to solve my client issue.

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PAGE IN WEBSITE After done my final conceptual designs I have meet all the specification that needed to be in page in website. My client wants me to have 4 pages that must have in website, which is home page, about us, contact us, and also registration form. This specification I have met by design it in my final conceptual designs. I also make sure it will be shown in the navigation bar. This because the problem that my client has is to register all Malaysian students that just arrived to New Zealand to continue their study. However, this does relate to his code of practice to consult the entire Malaysian student that come to New Zealand. Furthermore the contacts us page in website also solve my client issue to keep and update students records and survey their needs and performances from time to time. This also one of the missions of their work. Furthermore my client want also want me to make a navigation bar that link to all the university in Malaysia and also in New Zealand. This has limit to show to my client does the link work, but I have shown it on my final conceptual design and he understand how it going to be working. i also told him that I will make an extra navigation bar to link it to all Malaysian student society or organization in new Zealand. This will make my client work easier to contact with the student. My client were really agree with my idea and want to made it which I already make it in my final conceptual designs.

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Evaluation of Key factors

Time: Time is the major key factor in this part of this project to be met. I suppose to hand in and finish all my conceptual design to my client and my teacher on 1st July. However, I didnt meet the key factor really well because I need to ask for time extension. This is because my client was busy with his work. On the week 8 my client had a meeting in Malaysia, so I need to extend my open workbench plan about consultation and getting feedback from my client to week 9 where at that stage I need to submit it to my teacher. However, this problem has been solved as I got an extension from my teacher about the date that I need to submit it. Furthermore, my client also felt good about time that I need to finish this project. Stakeholders: I do manage to meet this key factor on this project although some problem limit me on meet this key factor. I do constraint on contact my stakeholders to get a feedback as they were busy with their work. However, I tried to meet the key factor by decided what type of information, feedback that I need for the project. This has made me felt easy on getting feedback from my client because I didnt waste their time and also my time. The problem that limited my work was time. Stakeholders do make my worked easy as they reply my email on time as on the client consultation page. Knowledge: I have managed to meet this key factor by taking PHP and MYSQL course for two days at NATCOLL. This is because my client chose to build a website to solve their issue. I also have done some revision on creating a website. This have make me became more confident on creating a website for my client. This key factor cant be show yet because I just finish my final conceptual designs. However, now I have started to build a website as I plan in my conceptual design.

Legal/political: I do manage to make sure that my conceptual designs to not breach any law such as copyright act, privacy act. For the picture and information that I get to develop a website for my client, I use my own camera to take a picture and also. Furthermore, the information that I get were all come from my client, which is came from his brochure. There were some pictures that download from internet, but the pictures are all from my client.

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Existing technologies: For this key factor I need to do a website which is better than what my client have before. I do manage to present my final conceptual designs to my client. They were impressed with my work, which is shown that I can continue on building it. My client wants to keep in touch with the student that is the reason they were using Facebook. However, this sometime doesnt make them to have a privacy to communicate with student. As that is a problem, I do chose to build a website to solve my client issue. This was accepted by my client and has given me a green light to proceed building it. Code of Practice: I do manage to meet this key factor on this project although some problem limit me on meet this key factor. After research my client code of ethic, I have make sure that all the information that I got and will be put in the website were full of information that can be make people attractive to continue study in Malaysia. This is because one of my client codes of practice is to promote education in Malaysia as well as New Zealand. However, my clients want me to promote education in Malaysia. Furthermore, I also make sure that all the information in the website can consult Malaysian student such as emergency plan, evacuation plan and also emergency contact detail. This is because one of my client code of practice is to guide and monitor them on students academic performance and offer them guidance and counselling where and when necessary

Future trends and innovation I have met this key factors by done some research about my client existed technologies and also EM (Education Malaysia) around the world. Which this has gave me an idea of how my client website is going to be look alike. These also have made sure that my final designs are going to be up to date with the future trends. Which is my client wants it to be simple and modern. After done my final designs I do have present it to my client, where my client have gave a good feedback for me to proceed on develop it. I have a knowledge limitation to develop the website to make it same with the future trends. However, I have solved my knowledge limitation by taking a PHP and MYSQL course at NATTCOLL. I also have made it look to be innovative. This is shown in my final designs where I have compare it with my client existed website and BlogSpot.

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