2012 WAAST Prayer Guide

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

Bernie & Brenda Smith

West Africa Advanced School of Theology

Training for Missio Dei through Pentecostal Servanthood Africa is a land of extremes. Beautiful walled villas look down on rusted tin roofs. Breathtaking beauty gives way to desolate landscapes. People have a passion for celebration, and numerous reasons to grieve. The Church in Africa knows extremes. Over the past 40 years, the Assemblies of God in West and Central Africa has seen extreme growthfrom some 150,000 to more than 10 million adherents. She also faces extreme challenges, from without and within. Without, there are areas and people groups that seem impenetrable. Within, there are those who compromise the gospel for money and power. For 40 years, WAAST has been training God's servants to face these challenges in the power of the Holy Spirit, and to equip other believers to do the same. Please join us in prayer for this ministry. Our first request is for WAAST in general, then we will focus on:

the challenges in Africa that demand Pentecostal Bible training (Jan. 8Feb. 19) the personnel and physical needs at WAAST's central campus, in Lom, Togo (Feb. 26March 18) students and graduates serving in various areas of ministry (March 25June 3) other ministries based on the campus (June 1024) family and financial needs of the students (July 115) the WAAST extension centers and the AG work in the host countries (July 22Sept. 16) the AG work in the other countries in the region WAAST serves (Sept. 23Dec. 30) annual events, on the weeks they occur

Thank you for praying with us!


v The Lom campus is actually home to two schools: the undergraduate West Africa Advanced School of Theology (WAAST) and the Assemblies of God Graduate School of Theology (AGGST). v WAAST and AGGST emphasize the Pentecostal mandate and the fulfillment of the Great Commission, equipping men and women for outreach in the power of the Holy Spirit. v WAAST opened in 1971. Its 3-year program offers a postsecondary diploma and a bachelor of theology degree. v AGGST opened in 1994. Its 4-year program offers a master of arts degree in missiology. v WAAST and AGGST have grown to serve some 20 nations of West and Central Africa, covering about a third of the continent. More than 10 million AG believers live within this area, which is larger than the U.S., including Alaska and Hawaii. v WAAST and AGGST courses are taught in both French and English. v WAAST courses are given in block sessions twice a year. AGGST students meet from May through July. v Eight extension centers make it possible for students to attend block sessions closer to home. They spend their last semester at the central campus and graduate together. v Since 1994, when the first extension center was opened, enrollment has grown more than 10 times, from about 45 students to more than 500. v WAAST and AGGST are training the trainers! Many countries in the region have many more churches than trained pastors. WAAST and AGGST play a critical role in supplying qualified teachers and administrators for Bible schools all over West and Central Africa. View and download the WAAST/AGGST brochure and issues of the WAAST newsletter, Campus Connexion, at www.waast.org.

Extension Centers 1. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso 2. Mbalmayo, Cameroon 3. Daloa, Cte dIvoire 4. Kinshasa, Dem. Rep. of the Congo 5. Kumasi, Ghana 6. Niamey, Niger 7. Dakar, Senegal 8. Freetown, Sierra Leone Central CampusLom, Togo

Look What the Lord Has Done!

Thank God with us for His faithfulness in these areas: 2011 Graduating Class and 40th-anniversary Celebration: Eightyeight WAAST students from 11 nations and 16 AGGST students from 10 nations received their degrees on November 12. Numerous alumni and honored guests gathered with them to celebrate WAAST's 40 th anniversary. Pan-Africa Theological Seminary: The branch campus in East Africa opened in September 2011 in Nairobi with 17 students. Three candidates received their PhD in Lom on November 12. Radio Jesus Loves You: The radio tower and antenna had to be replaced in 2011, and God's people provided all the fundsthank you! This year, with the help of IBRA Radio, RJLY is adding programs in Hausa, Fulani, and Igbo. New Classrooms: The project to add a new story to a classroom building is completed and the three new classrooms are now in use. Senegal Extension Center: The Bible institute in Dakar is generously providing dorm space, allowing students from other countries to attend the WAAST extension here. Sierra Leone Extension Center: The coordinator of this center has been holding radio discussion programs about the importance of theological education and WAAST's role, and reports good results. Angola: The first degree-granting AG Bible school for Portuguesespeaking Africa opens in March in Luanda, with a branch campus. At least 2 WAAST alumni are involved in its establishment. Democratic Republic of the Congo: More WAAST alumni are answering God's call to go to the interior and start churches. Also, more pastors of independent churches are seeking training, and many are joining the AG. Guinea-Conakry: Church officials report that more Fulani in the north are coming to the Lord. More young people want to enter Bible school; many lack funds. Togo sent a missionary family (a WAAST graduate) in 2011. A new AG primary school opened in 2011. Liberia: A home missionary couple has planted 1 church with 5 preaching points among unreached people in the north.

January 1

This week pray concerning CHALLENGES FACING WAAST

WAAST has just celebrated 40 years of training pastors. Eleven graduated in 1974; now about 10 times that number graduate each year! Alumni have a good reputation and great influence in Africa and beyond. But challenges remain. WAAST professors and students need to carefully guard the school's focus on training for missions in Pentecostal power. The team on campus is small; more resident workers are needed. Scholarship funds are needed to help more attend. Pray also for a growing spirit of partnership as the national churches served help to provide personnel and finances. Please pray v for personnel, especially an academic dean and physical plant manager. v that more national churches will respond to this need and send personnel as missionaries to work at WAAST. v for a special anointing this year upon the school and classes.

January 8

This week pray concerning THE CHALLENGE OF SYNCRETISM & SECTS

Syncretism, the mixing of Christian doctrine and pagan beliefs, is a challenge to pastors and believers alike. Millions worship in homegrown African Independent Churches. Many of these hold to a solid biblical theology. Many others integrate beliefs and rituals that acknowledge other powers. Sects from the West, such as Freemasonry, promise power and status; Eastern cults offer peace through meditation. All these draw seekers and ungrounded converts. Even pastors are pressured to follow diabolical traditions. They need the Holy Spirit and solid Bible training so they can discern and reject false doctrines and teach their people to do likewise. Please pray v for pastors and deacons as they face the temptation of syncretism, especially when it seems that compromise would attract more to the churches. v that God will help believers to stand firm against ungodly traditions and temptations, that they may draw others to Jesus.

January 15


People naturally identify with one another according to tribe, language, and region. While this sense of community can be positive, it becomes divisive when a church excludes believers who don't fit with their cultural identity. Jesus' death and resurrection for all mankindwhomever and wherevererases these distinctions for believers. As they welcome any and all, Christians have a wonderful opportunity to be an example of the true Body of Christ in a divided world. Please pray v that the Lord will help church leaders, from the national- to the local-church level, to be models of Christian unity. v that believers likewise will see the Church as Jesus does, and accept others as Jesus does.

January 22


In many African nations, tensions simmer as governments and rebels or opposing tribes try to keep or gain the advantage. People live unsettled lives. Many, seeking stability and peace, are open to the gospel message during uncertain times. However, fear keeps many at home and out of the churches. Some potential believers face opposition from those of other religions, even family members. Both civil instability and religious opposition can make it difficult for churches to buy or even rent land or to find acceptance in a community. Still, people need Jesus and His peace, and the gospel must go forth in these places! Please pray v for boldness and for God's protection for missionaries and pastors who work in unstable areas. v for favor for churches in these areas, that they would be allowed to function and minister and touch their communities. v that those who would oppose believers would be touched by their consistent lives and testimonies.

January 29

This week pray concerning THE CHALLENGE OF POLITICS

With the growth of the Church in Africa, more evangelical and Pentecostal believers are holding key political posts. They are a blessing to their nations and help slow the rise of Islam. However, they face tremendous temptations. When they take office, one observed, sects such as Freemasons come to welcome and recruit them, while Christians come to solicit help. These leaders need the prayers and fellowship of other believers to help them stand against evil influences and corruption and, like Daniel, to guard their integrity and remain faithful to their Lord. Please pray v that God's Holy Spirit will make His will clear as these leaders make decisions. v that the Lord will help them to maintain a strong relationship with Him and to resist the temptations of compromise and greed that often come with high positions. v that churches will take care to stay politically neutral and preach the pure Word of God, which knows no parties.

February 5

This week pray concerning THE CHALLENGE OF ISLAM

Arab countries are investing heavily in sub-Saharan Africa, in business, land, education, and politics. To gain converts, Muslims may offer jobs, free loans, and social services in needy areas. Persecution against churches may be overt or more subtle, as when the wealthier Muslims snap up land that churches are trying to buy. Converts to Christianity are often disowned, and the church becomes their family. Pastors and churches need wisdom to meet this challenge. For more information on praying for Muslims, visit globalinitiativeinfo.com. We invite you to join your prayers with ours for an hour each Friday at 8 a.m. EST. Please pray v that more believers will see their Muslim neighbors as God sees them and reach out to them in love; many Christians regard them with prejudice, fear, or apathy. v that churches will find ways to care for converts who are disowned, establishing them in faith in Jesus.

February 12

This week pray concerning THE CHALLENGE OF HIV/AIDS

Sub-Saharan Africa has 2/3 of all HIV/AIDS cases22+ million, and 90% of children's cases. More women than men contract the virus. Children are the most affected. Many must leave school to work. Some face exploitation to survive. Finally, they are left as orphans. Families live with fear and social stigma. Only Jesus can offer them hope for healing and eternal life! A network of AG workers trains and mobilizes believers and churches to care for these victims, teach prevention, and exemplify Jesus' compassion in a society that rejects those affected. For further information, visit www.cryafricanetwork.org. Please pray v that the Lord will bless the efforts of Cry Africa and churches and believers as they train caregivers and teach about AIDS. v that many HIV+ people will find the Lord in their distress. v for children affected by AIDS in their families.

February 19

This week pray concerning THE NEED FOR PENTECOSTAL RENEWAL

This decade is designated the Decade of Pentecost in the Assemblies of God across Africa. Pastors in 50 AG national churches are emphasizing Pentecost in their preaching and teaching. As people are filled with the Spirit, they are motivated and empowered to reach others. This year's theme is Pentecost: Power for Mission! Passion for the Lost! Along with the goal of 10 million Spirit-baptized believers, is the goal of raising up 100,000 intercessors to pray for a fresh outpouring across Africa. Will you join your prayers to these? For up-to-date reports, see www.decadeofpentecost.org. Please pray v that God will guide Spirit-filled people as they reach out with a fresh passion for the lost. v that new church plants will grow as truly Pentecostal churches. v for Africa's emerging missionary movement.

February 26


New faces are joining the student body as the 9-week semester begins on Monday. They need our prayers as they adjust to the demanding schedule, the multicultural environment, and new relationships. Some have been out of school for several years and must learn to study at the college level. Some find their theological beliefs and ministry practices challenged as they interact with ideas outside of their own box. Most of the students have left families and churches behind and need God's peace to study well. Please pray v for first-year students, that they will adapt quickly. v for peace for those who have left home for this long session. v for several visiting professors who are teaching at the school for the first time, that they will have good rapport with the students and teach effectively.

March 4


Two American and 2 African families serve as full-time WAAST staff; another couple on the campus help part-time. Each person uses his or her gifts to help the school run: teaching, working in the offices and library, hosting visiting professors and short-term helpers, and doing various projects. Each shift in personnel brings a new team dynamic with its blessings and challenges as we work together. Please pray that our little community will be pleasing to the Lord as we serve in various capacities. Please pray v for unity and flexibility for each one as our ever-shifting team works to run the school smoothly. v for good relationships between resident personnel and the local school employees. v that those who come to help short term may be blessed by the good example of the WAAST resident staff.

March 11

This week pray for ADJUNCT FACULTY

WAAST depends heavily on the visiting professors who teach in both the undergraduate and graduate programs. During the current session, 12 professors from 5 countries are teaching courses. Most of these are WAAST and/or AGGST graduates. As they share from their diverse ministerial experiences, cultural backgrounds, and areas of expertise, their students gain a broader perspective of God's work, an appreciation of other cultures, and new ideas for ministry. We thank God for this growing body of qualified teachers, which now numbers more than 40 from 11 nations. Please pray v for God's blessing on these professors as they leave their other responsibilities to teach for 2 or 3 weeks. v for travel funds; within Africa, many must come by air, and the cost of travel from the U.S. prevents some from coming. v for still more qualified teachers for these programs.

March 18

This week pray for CAMPUS IMPROVEMENTS

Growth and age are blessings, but they also demand additions and repairs to keep up. The leaky roof of the oldest classroom building must be replaced. The government requires more housing for female students, so 2 stories are being added to the existing 4-room women's dorm. Another 2 floors on the former library are needed to provide more offices and classrooms. Inconsistent Internet access remains a problem, and up-to-date printed study resources are always needed, especially in French. Please pray v for funds for and the timely accomplishment of the building additions. v for better Internet access to help students with research. v for wisdom in selecting journals and other study materials with limited funds. v for personnel to oversee the physical running of the campus.

March 25


WAAST and AGGST graduates serve the Assemblies of God or their own fellowship in various national and district executive posts. At least 12 alumni or students serve as general superintendents of their national churches. In these positions they are making a great impact on the attitudes and strategies of the churches, leading them toward more Spiritempowered evangelism within their countries and districts and toward greater missions efforts in other lands. Please pray v for God's guidance, wisdom, and strength for these leaders as they work together to build up the Church for His glory. v that the Lord will bless their efforts as they organize and implement activities during the Decade of Pentecost. v that these leaders may serve as effective models for others.

April 1


Pastors need knowledge of the Word of God and the power of the Spirit to best serve and disciple their people. At WAAST and AGGST, they focus on the Word, its missions message, and their own spiritual growth. After each 6- or 9week session, they return home with fresh insight to teach their congregations. Some pastors oversee several churches or are planting new works and depend on lay workers to help them. Their training helps them to better teach these workers to minister effectively. Please pray v for these students/pastors, for their personal growth and greater effectiveness as they teach their people and train lay leaders. v for those planting new churches, that the Lord will help them lay a solid foundation and give them favor in the communities. v that the Lord will bless these churches as they invest in their pastors' training for the benefit of all.

April 8

This week pray for MISSIONARIES

Every new WAAST or AGGST student quickly learns the term missio Deithe mission of God. They are challenged with the responsibility of every believer to reach the lost in the power of the Spirit. They mobilize their churches to give, and some sense a call to cross-cultural ministry. One alumnus states, I learned to read the Bible from the angle of missions, and since then the raison d'tre for my ministry has been missio Dei: the salvation of the nations and the perfecting of the saints. He now directs the missions efforts of the national church in his country. Other graduates serve as missionaries in and outside of Africa. Please pray v for the witness of and God's protection on these missionaries and their families. Some face difficulties and persecution; pray they will be steadfast examples to those around them. v that the Lord will call still more to other lands and open the doors for them to go.

April 15


In the countries WAAST serves, in West and Central Africa, the Assemblies of God has nearly 39,000 churchesand fewer than 13,000 trained pastors! Within this area, 100 AG Bible schools and extension programs are training pastors and lay workers. Many of these are directed or staffed by WAAST and AGGST alumni. Graduates from non-AG denominations direct or teach in their own churches' schools and training programs. Some graduates oversee decentralized programs, such as Global University or Bible Institute by Cassette. Others have started schools. The need for reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others (2 Tim. 2:2) is critical! Please pray v that the Lord will call more reliable men (and women!). v for God's blessing, strength, and wisdom for those working in Bible schools and training programs. v for the Lord's provision for these schools and their students.

April 22

This week pray for WOMEN IN MINISTRY

In African churches, women have always had a great influence as prayer warriors, givers, and disciplers of children and other women. Today more doors of ministry are opening up to them. Many WAAST alumnae help their pastor-husbands with church responsibilities, preaching and teaching. Some have ministries of their own. Francess is a senior pastor in Sierra Leone. Cecilia teaches in the WAAST extension center in Cameroon. In Togo, Mrs. Abitor sings God's praises in concerts and supervises an orphanage. These and many other women bless and inspire others to greater works. Please pray v for the women students and alumnae, that God will bless their various ministries and their families. v that the Lord will open up more opportunities to women, so that the churches may enjoy the full benefit of their gifts. v that the Lord will provide for still more to come for training.

April 29

This week pray for YOUTH PASTORS

Young people today are more mobile and techsavvy, and they face new temptations. As they leave villages for the bright lights and opportunities of the city, some fall prey to the club scene, cults, crime, or drugs. Internet porn and movies erode their morals. The lure of money leads some into prosperity churches or sects that offer economic advantages but spiritual bankruptcy. Many WAAST and AGGST students and alumni work with youth, helping them to find true success and riches in Christ. Please pray v for these youth directors and pastors, that they might relate well to the young people and serve as good models for them. v for young people as they make life-changing decisions, that they may find Christian support and grow in their faith. v for young believers who face opposition from their families.

May 6


Students from Senegal down to Congo and countries between have arrived and begin their Master's courses on Monday. They will take 5 courses over the next 10 weeks. Nearly 40 fourth-year students are at home, doing research for and writing their thesis projects. Most AGGST graduates are involved in leadership and teaching and are raising the quality of training in the Bible schools throughout West and Central Africa. Many teach for WAAST as well, on the central campus and in the extension centers. Please pray v for safe travel for visiting professors as they come from various African nations and from North America. v for health and strength for students and professors. v for scholarship funds for students and travel funds for visiting professors.

May 13

This week pray for CHILDRENS WORKERS

In Togo, hundreds of kids sing to Jesus at Christmas camp. In Niger, children in an AG primary school listen carefully to a Biblebased lesson. In Senegal, kids gather at children's clubs in local AG churches. Many WAAST and AGGST students and alumni are involved in children's ministry, from the national- to the local-church level. They train children's workers, teach, and oversee schools. Some reach out to orphans and street children, showing them the love of their true Father. Please pray v that God will bless efforts to train others to minister to children, so these kids will have a solid foundation in the Word. v for those directing and teaching in schools; many do so at great personal sacrifice. Many Muslim children attend these schools. v for ministries to neighborhood and disadvantaged kids. Pray that these children would find Jesus and bring big people to Him as well. Bernie & Brenda celebrate 31 years of life together! (May 16)

May 20

This week pray for WORKERS AMONG MUSLIMS

A young lady who has been coming to church is forced by her family to marry a Muslim man. A small church with palmfrond walls now sits in the shadow of a newly constructed concrete mosque. WAAST and AGGST students and graduates who work among Muslims face many such conflicts. Some have come from Muslim families themselves and understand their mindset. They need the Holy Spirit's power, wisdom, and love as they minister in these communities. Please pray v for students and alumni from Muslim backgrounds as they reach out to their families; this is a heavy burden many carry. v for God's favor and protection on workers and believers in Muslim areas, and for grace to be effective witnesses. v for wisdom and patience in dealing with delicate situations.

May 27


The primary objective of the Assemblies of God is evangelism of the lost. Showing compassion for the physical and social needs of hurting people opens doors to sharing the Good News that will meet their needs forever. Several WAAST alumni lead the social work departments of their national churches. Some minister to refugees, AIDS victims, the handicapped, drug addictssociety's downtrodden. Pastors mobilize their churches to help when disaster strikes an area. One lady, after taking the Holistic Witness course, took the teaching to heart and initiated a ministry to widows. There is no end to the needsand no end to the ways to show God's love. Please pray v for both resources and wisdom for these workers and churches as they minister to those affected by life-changing problems. v that these workers will inspire others to compassion. Many people, including Christians, fear and stigmatize AIDS victims, drug addicts, and others who need the hope Jesus offers.

Today is Pentecost Sunday!

June 3


Technology provides wonderful tools for spreading the Good News, and students and alumni are exploiting them. For example, one graduate directs a radio station in Chad, while in Togo an alumnus trains others in radio journalism and works on programs to target unreached peoples. Some are involved in TV and video ministries. Many use the Internet to share the gospel. Some publish books, magazines, newsletters, and tracts. Others translate the Bible and other materials and teach people to read. Please pray v for the Spirit's creative touch on these workers as they use these tools for God's glory. v for those working in radio and TV, that the Lord will open doors to broadcast into more areas and in more languages. v for writers; Africa needs more theological training materials by Africans. v for those working in Bible translation and literacy training.

June 10


It's Sunday morning, and people from every strata of society and about 30 nations are singing God's praises at the WAAST International Chapel. As many as 2 million join in by radio. Each week sees new conversions and changed lives. Between Sundays, the Chapel hosts Bible studies, prayer meetings, and youth and other departmental activities. On Saturdays, neighborhood kids gather for a meal and games and to hear about Jesus, while an evangelism team heads to the beach to talk to people. As people give of themselves and their resources, the Lord is blessing them. Please pray v for deeper spiritual maturity as believers are discipled. v for more counselors and teachers to meet discipleship needs for all ages. v for the leadership as they emphasize the Holy Spirit during this Decade of Pentecost.

June 17

This week pray for RADIO JESUS LOVES YOU

When high winds felled the radio tower on April 4, 2011, faithful listeners mobilized to restore their station. Funds came in from Togo, other African nations, and the U.S. A local businessman provided the steel for a taller, stronger tower. The new antenna is more powerful, and RJLY now touches more listeners with edifying music, preaching, and teaching. Well over 100 calls come in each day as people respond to programs, ask questions, and share testimonies of salvation, healing, and miracles. Please pray v for the provision of a new transmitter for the station, and for two others to keep in reserve for the relay stations. v for favor from the government, that they will authorize a frequency so RJLY can broadcast into northern Togo. v for a vehicle to use for travel to relay stations.

June 24


Sparks fly and metal clangs as steel trusses are assembled in the tabernacle factory on campus. These metal structures with corrugated roofs serve as church or Bible school buildings. In 2011, 6 tabernacles were delivered to Burkina Faso for churches, and 2 were erected in Togo. Plans for 2012-13 call for tabernacles in Benin, northern Togo, and Niger. Once the trusses and roof are up, the receiving church or Bible school finishes the building. Please pray v for finances; the rising cost of materials, transportation, and customs fees means that fewer tabernacles can be produced. v for favor from customs officials at the port and at borders, and for stability in the areas where tabernacles are being placed. v for the safety of workers and teams as they assemble and erect these structures, and for the recipients as they complete them.

July 1


AGGST students have been on campus for about 2 months, and next month WAAST students will begin their semester. Most leave their families behind, and concern for them makes studying difficult at times. Sometimes a student is not home for the birth of a child or the death of a relative. Often the wife takes on part or all of the ministry responsibilities and needs strength and wisdom for these added tasks. In other cases, the husband stays home while the wife studies. Families sacrifice much to invest in this training, and need God's grace. Please pray v that the Lord will protect and will meet every need of the family members at home. v that God will ease the homesickness many students feel and give them peace so they can study effectively.

July 8


More than 30 doctoral students, including a new cohort, have arrived for classes. Seventeen students make up the first East Africa cohort, which meets in Malawi and Kenya. More than 20 candidates are working on their dissertations. Many of these are WAAST/AGGST alumni and are in key leadership positions. We pray their studies will bless the Church as these students and alumni lead and train others. Please pray v for these students as they take courses, do research, write their dissertations, and, most importantly, apply what they have learned to build the Kingdom. v for the PAThS faculty workshop at the end of September, that the Lord will give these teachers and leaders His wisdom as they share ideas and plan for the future.

July 15


A new semester begins in 3 weeks, and many WAAST students are gathering funds to come. Those traveling from extension centers to Togo for their final semester often struggle to meet the extra costs. Scholarship funds have been scarce. Students receive help from their churches and families, and some students who are better off help those in need. This financial challenge is stressfulbut also affords an opportunity for students to see once again God's faithfulness and miracles of provision, both for themselves and for their families while they are away. Please pray v for more scholarship funds for second- and third-year students, especially for those who must travel to Togo. v that the faith of these students will grow as they see evidence of God's care as He meets every need. v that those who hear these testimonies of provision will be encouraged to pursue God's call and to trust Him to provide.

July 22


Since this center started in 1998, more than 200 pastors have completed their WAAST degree. Many serve as district, regional, and national leaders and have greatly influenced the growth and missions vision of the Burkina AG. Most alumni are involved in some form of training, and the 6 Bible schools graduate more than 200 new pastors each year. Still, more than 2,000 churches do not have a trained pastor, and many villages have no AG presence. Some alumni serve as home and foreign missionaries; others work with children, youth, and in media ministries. Women actively preach and teach. Please pray v that the Lord will bless efforts to bring people to spiritual maturity, an objective more important than numerical growth. v for funds for students to come to Togo for their final semester. v for the leadership team of the Burkina AG as they seek God's guidance and wisdom to meet the spiritual challenges. v for more trained, effective workers and missionaries.

July 29


The Full Gospel Mission in Cameroon, with whom the Assemblies of God works, celebrated its 50th anniversary last December. As the Church in this nation grows, more than 100 alumni from this center are making great contributions. They serve on the national church council, pastor churches, and are aggressive church planters. Ignorance of the Bible and false doctrine are serious problems; to combat these, WAAST and AGGST alumni are teaching in the 2 Bible schools and training lay workers. Please pray v for more students and qualified professors in the Bible schools, v for more library materials for the center and the Bible schools. v for funds for students to come to Lom to complete their degree. v for the wise implementation of ideas in students' thesis projects: evangelism, discipleship, marriage, children's issues, and more.

August 5

This week pray for THE FINAL SEMESTER

Students are settling into the dorms and will begin class on Monday at 7 a.m. Third-year students from the extension centers are getting acquainted with their new home and community for the next 13 weeks. First- and second-year students are here for 6 weeks. Third-year students remain to complete their courses and to produce a 50-page research paper before graduating together on November 3. Please pray v for health and strength for the students during this long, intense session. v for those from the extension centers as they adjust to the environment, and for peace as they are away from their families. v for the professors and thesis mentors. v for the resident staff as they prepare for graduation day.

August 12


Post-election turmoil in Cte d'Ivoire in 2011 affected the extension center and the AG churches. Students who were to graduate in 2011 will finish this year. During the crisis, church members scattered, and some pastors likewise had to flee for a time. At one point the Bible school at Daloa (where the extension sessions are held) housed 2,000 refugees. Some found the Lord there as students talked with them each day. God has protected His people, and all churches are open and reaching out. Please pray v that the will of God be done to restore peace and heal divisions, and for the AG national leaders. v for an outpouring of God's Spirit and a new boldness, and for Decade of Pentecost activities and seminars. v for those whose faith was shaken during the troubles.

August 19


Churches in DRC are growing, and trained workers are needed more than ever. Some people remain unreached; many more are misreached and do not have a clear understanding of the gospel and a true relationship with the Lord. They need more pastors who teach the Word of God in the power of the Spirit. Islam presents a new challenge, and church leaders need to know how to reach Muslims. More than 30 pastors are studying in this center, and more than 100 alumni are serving as national and district church leaders, pastors, teachers, and church planters. Please pray v for housing for students coming from the interior, and for the library expansion project. The center is working to add more shelves, books, computers, and Internet access. v for political stability in the country, and for the Church, that pastors would wisely avoid becoming political. v for God's servants in the face of moral temptation.

August 26


This center, based at the Bible school in Kumasi, has grown to more than 40 students. The commitment and effectiveness of alumni have influenced others to seek advanced training. More pastors are encouraging their wives to study to better serve alongside them. Churches are growing, but many do not have a trained pastor, and believers and Christian workers alike face temptations to compromise the gospel and embrace prosperity teachings. The need for more Pentecostal leaders, pastors, and Bible schools teachers is critical. Please pray v for finances to enable pastors, especially from the north, to begin and continue their studies. v for campus needs: a large classroom to hold at least 50 students, more library resources, and a full-time librarian. v that more women will be able to come study. v for the health of the students; sickness is often a problem.

September 2


Thirteen students are enrolled in this center, and the first group is working hard toward graduation in November. They will then return to train others in the Bible institute and strengthen the Church in Niger. Despite many challenges in this Muslim land, the churches reach out to show Christ's love. Schools and kid's camps reach hundreds of little ones from Muslim families. Kamna (Love), an AG-run NGO, provides health, water, and educational services. Please pray v that the Lord will call and open the door for more students to be trained in the Bible institute and in the extension center. v for the missionaries from various countries who work in Niger, that they may have a strong, effective witness. v that many will find Jesus through the social outreaches. Brenda celebrates her birthday this week! (September 4)

September 9


Several students from this center plan to graduate in November. Based in Dakar, the center now welcomes students from Mali and Guinea as well. These trained workers are desperately needed for the Church in these Muslim-dominated lands. Church growth is slow and difficult. AG churches in Senegal are investing in the future by reaching children through children's clubs in the churches. AG primary schools offer a good education to kids from Muslim and Christian families alike. Please pray v for finances for the extension center and especially for those who must come to Togo for their final semester. v that the churches will catch the vision to invest in the training of young pastors. Many who are called need support from their churches to attend the Bible institute. v for efforts to reach children and youth. v for church-planting efforts in regions with no AG presence.

September 16


WAAST alumni serve this church as key leaders, pastors, teachers, and workers in compassion ministries. They are challenged by witchcraft, secret societies, and Islam. Pastors note that, within the churches, many people prefer entertainment to the undiluted Word of God, and pastors feel pressure to compromise. Solid Bible training is critical, yet many opt for shorter, inadequate degree programs. The coordinator of the WAAST center has been addressing on the radio the issue of theological education, with good results, and the center is attracting more students. Please pray v that churches and believers will develop a thirst for the Holy Spirit and grow spiritually, to stand against the spiritual forces active around them. v that still more will seek training at the extension center. v that believers will reach out to Muslims. Pray for Bernie on his birthday this week! (September 22)

September 23

This week pray for ANGOLA

Despite previous Marxist influence, people in Angola are very open to the Lord. The AG has grown to over 2 million. But most churches are led by untrained pastors and lay leaders. As a result, believers lack solid biblical discipleship, and many tend to mix spirit worship with Christian beliefs. Nearly 3,000 pastors throughout Angola are studying Roots of Faith Bible courses. The first AG Bible school to offer a degree opened in March. WAAST graduates are involved in this school, in leadership, and in pastoring and training. Please pray v for this new Bible school in Luanda and its branch campus, especially for its library and other physical needs. v for greater outreach to young people. They have been raised by war-scarred parents, and many turn to drugs and gangs. v that new believers can quickly be grounded in the faith and move in the power of the Spirit instead of the fear of spirits.

September 30

This week pray for BENIN

The Church is growing in Benin, with a positive influence on the nation. Voodoo practices are not as open as they once were. Women are very active in the churches and raise their children in the Lord. But challenges remain. Hundreds of churches do not have a trained pastor. Young people are responding to God's call, but need funds for training. Islam is entrenched in many areas. To meet these challenges, WAAST and AGGST alumni serve at the Bible school and as national and district leaders, pastors, and home and foreign missionaries. Please pray v for a fresh outpouring of God's Spirit in the services. Believers need His power to stand against worldly influences. v for more workers in central Benin among the Muslims. v for needs at the growing Bible school: more housing, scholarships, a bus, and computers.

October 7


About 1 in 5 people in the CAR are part of Pentecostal or charismatic churches. But the Assemblies of God is very small, with fewer than 1,300 adherents and just 15 churches. Although 70% of the population attend Protestant or Catholic churches, many mix their Christian beliefs with traditional spirit worship. They need solid Bible training! WAAST has had only a few graduates from CAR. Because of political instability, the US Assemblies of God has no missionaries here. Please pray v for the new leadership of the CAR Assemblies of God. v for an open door and for laborers willing to come work in this difficult field. v for spiritual renewal, and for growth in the churches as Spiritempowered believers reach out. v that more students from CAR can attend WAAST.

October 14

This week pray for CHAD

Believers in Chad face challenges posed by Islam and animism, but the AG work is growing. Most of the 112 churches are in villages, and evangelistic campaigns are held to plant churches in cities. More trained pastors are needed for both existing churches and new church plants. The one Bible school, directed by a WAAST graduate from Togo, has some 20 students. The radio director, also an alumnus, reports that many are being touched by The Voice of Hope, and the station records conversions daily. Please pray v that the Lord will bless effort to plant churches in the cities. v for the Bible school: for the Spirit to rest on each student and teacher, and for new buildings and equipment for the campus. v for a new primary school on the campus, with 300 children. v for consistent electricity and a new generator for the radio station so it can increase its broadcast hours, and for funds to continue work on two other radio stations.

October 21

This week pray for CONGO

Twenty years ago, under a Marxist government, AG believers met in secret. This year they freely celebrate 40 years of ministry. Each year of this Decade of Pentecost, a different region is being targeted. The prayer is that as believers are filled with the Spirit and His vision, they will help plant new churches. The 50+ churches remain small, especially in Brazzaville, the capital, where many prefer prosperity churches. Congo needs authentic, Spirit-led churches to draw people to Jesus. Please pray v for the leadership, some of whom are WAAST alumni. Several key leaders and pastors have passed away recently. v for more churches and workers in the capital city of 7 million. v that more young people will recognize and obey God's call on their lives and be able to go to Bible school. v that the Lord will open doors for more to enroll in the WAAST extension center in DRC. Two are currently in the program.

October 28

This week pray for GRADUATING STUDENTS Let the celebration begin! The undergraduate and graduate students have worked hard, and this Saturday morning they will receive their diplomas and the honor due them. Drums, keyboards, brass bands, speeches all of these make a joyful noise well into the afternoon as church members, family, and friends gather around the campus to celebrate the achievement of their graduates. Rejoice with us, and pray for these graduates as they return to their work. Please pray v for the safety of those traveling to Lom for the graduation. v that unbelievers who attend will be touched and respond. v that the Lord's hand will rest on these graduates as they apply their training in their ministry assignments.

November 4


WAAST/AGGST's Board of Governors met yesterday and today. This Board is made up of church leaders from some 20 nations, U.S. mission leaders and missionaries working in these nations, and members of the school's administration. In this yearly meeting, they discuss the policies that govern this very influential school. The coordinators of the 8 extension centers hold their biannual meeting Monday and Tuesday. Throughout the year, a local Board of Administration handles affairs. These leaders need our prayer as they seek God's will and direction together. Please pray v for unity and the mind of the Spirit as the Board works to discern and implement God's directives. v for the extension center coordinators as they discuss the issues each center faces and work toward solutions.

November 11

This week pray for EQUATORIAL GUINEA (EG)

Here in Africa's only Spanish-speaking nation, most people mix Catholic beliefs with traditional spirit worship. Since 1988, the AG has confronted false teachings with the truths of God's Holy Spirit. King's Castle programs reach children through mass evangelism and discipleship. Some 1,100 kids attend the 4 AG primary schools. Youth enjoy conventions and discipleship training; some attend the AG secondary school. Two Bible schools are training pastors. By their last year of school, most already pastor a church. Missionaries from the US, Togo, and Costa Rica help with the work, and the AG here has sent missionaries to Spain, South Africa, and Gabon. Please pray v for more trained pastors and workers for the churches. v for more qualified teachers for the 2 Bible schools. One student from EG is pursing his MA at WAAST; pray that more can get advanced training. v for a greater awareness of and vision for missions. v for God's wisdom for the leaders of the AG here.

November 18

This week pray for GABON

The AG church is Gabon is moving forward to train and mobilize believers to reach the nation. A dozen Bible school students are now serving as interns in churches. Classes in the 2 Bible schools were suspended for the 2011-12 year to allow teachers to travel throughout the country, organizing and giving Bible-training and teachers seminars in the churches. The need for such training is great in the interior and in the villages. WAAST alumni serve in leadership positions and as pastors, and the AG reaches out through media and compassion ministries as well. Please pray v that God's servants would be filled anew with His Spirit. v that, as believers are filled with God's Spirit, they would see and share His burden for the lost. v that more churches can be planted in the interior.

November 25

This week pray for GUINEA

Islam claims about 97% of Guinea's people, and radical elements are emerging. Converts to Christ are rejected, and often rents are raised on churches and believers. Still, the AG and other evangelical churches reach out through churches, primary schools, literacy training, and health centers. A Bible school is training 22 workers (10 AG). Training is critical; more than 20 of the 50+ AG churches are led by laymen, and only 3 pastors have degree-level Bible training. Two have graduated from WAAST and one will finish next year; pray more may come for training. Please pray v that many would be filled with the Holy Spirit and grow in their witness, and for those persecuted for their faith. v for provision for training for pastors and evangelists, and for books for the Bible school. v for more missionaries, from Africa, America, and elsewhere, to train pastors and to go into unreached areas. v for pastors' families, who are often under Satanic attack.

December 2

This week pray for LIBERIA

On Christmas Day 1908, Pentecostal missionaries from North America first arrived with the Good News of the Savior. The churches they planted were annexed to the newly-formed Assemblies of God in 1914. Today the Liberia AG is the largest Pentecostal group in this country of 3.5 million, with 400 churchesbut only 300 trained pastors. A WAAST/AGGST graduate serves as general superintendent; others serve in the churches and in the Bible college and 3 Bible institutes. Please pray v for the leadership and pastors as they face the challenges of occult practices and the new influx of Islam. v for the completion of renovations of a fourth Bible institute. v that the Lord will provide for pastors who need training. v for the home missionary couple planting churches in the barelyreached north, and for more workers in this area.

December 9

This week pray for MALI

This desert country is 90% Muslim. WAAST graduates serve as national church leaders, teachers, pastors, and church planters. A Bible school trains pastors and evangelists. The challenge is great: 5 people groups are considered unreached, and Mali's largest group, the Bambara, remains resistant. Youth camps, conventions, and church services attract many young people. Children are finding the Lord in an AG primary school. Please pray v for revival in the churches and a growing consciousness of their need to reach out to the Muslims around them. v that the Lord will encourage young people who sense a call to ministry; many are afraid to answer because of poverty. Only 2 new students entered the Bible school in 2011. v for the leadership team of the Mali AG; the general superintendent is now pursuing his MA studies at WAAST.

December 16

This week pray for NIGERIA

The Nigeria AG numbers about 3 million and is growing despite challenges from without and within. The widespread corruption in society and politics affects the churches. Muslims oppose their growth and influence. University students are recruited into cults. Sometimes a church member will start his own one-man church, offering prosperity. But the AG stands firm in its doctrine, and many independent pastors are now joining them. WAAST students and alumni are involved in pastoring, teaching, leadership, missions, university ministries, and in other capacities. Please pray v that pastors will stand firm in the Truth and have a burning desire for missions, and so teach their congregations. v for funds for land for new church plants. v for God's grace on those working in Muslim areas. v for the young people in the face of many temptations.

December 23

This week pray for RWANDA

The Rwanda Pentecostal AG started in 1992 as a house church. Two years later, it counted 25 congregations. The 100-day genocide in 1994 decimated these churches; at the end, 4 were left. But believers reached out with Jesus' love to grieving people, regardless of their ethnicity. Today people of the opposing tribes worship together in 150 growing AG churches. A Bible school and extension program are training about 50 new workers. Bible school students visit village churches to hold Pentecostal services. Some pastors are seeking advanced training to further improve their ministry and teaching. Please pray v for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the churches. v that the Lord will help churches to meet requirements to buy land and build, and for funds for these projects. v for more students in the Bible school, and for God's help for those who are learning English to pursue further studies.

December 30

This week pray for OUR HOST COUNTRYTOGO

The Togo Assemblies of God celebrated its 75th birthday last year, and its growth from 9 churches in 1936 to more than 1,500 today (plus hundreds of annexes). The major factor credited for this increase is Bible training. The first Togolese pastors walked 200 miles to the nearest AG Bible school, in Burkina Faso, in 1941. Today Togo has 2 schools, directed and staffed by WAAST and AGGST alumni. Alumni head various lay-training programs. Most national department heads are alumni; others oversee evangelistic efforts among children, youth, and military personnel. Some serve as home and foreign missionaries. We thank God for the contribution WAAST has made to its gracious host country, and pray for the next 75 years! Please pray v for fresh zeal and the Spirit's anointing on Togo's pastors and churches, to continue what the Lord has begun. v for more students in the Bible schools; there are more than twice as many churches as there are trained pastors. v for more workers to minister in west central Togo, a resistant area, and in unreached pockets of the country. v for provision for dormitories and other infrastructure needed in the Bible schools, and for more cement churches (straw churches are easily burned down).

Bernie & Brenda Smith Field: B. P. 2313 Lom,TOGO Assemblies of God World Missions Account #240646 Visit the WAAST Web site at: www.waast.org Visit the Smiths at: www.hereortogo.net

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