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A study on consumer buying behaviour at the time to purchase hero honda bike Document Transcript

1. A STUDY ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR AT TIME TO PURCHASE HERO HONDA BIKE. A Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION TO SOUTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, SURAT Submitted By: Under the guidance of Submitted To: THE CO-ORDINATOR THE SURAT PEOPLES CO-OP. BANK COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION UDHNA (SUART) March 2007 1 2. THE SURAT PEOPLES CO-OP. BANK COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION CERTIFICATE OF THE FACULTY GUIDEThis is to certify that the project entitled A STUDY ON CONSUMERBUYING BEHAVIOUR AT TIME TO PURCHASE HEROHONDA BIKE. Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of thedegree of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONTO SOUTH GUJURAT UNIVERSITY, SURAT is a record ofbonafide research work carried out by under mysupervision and guidance. Signature Signature Project Guide CoOrdinator(.) (..) 2 3. DECLARATIONI , ., here by declare that the project report entitled ASTUDY ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR AT TIMETO PURCHASE HERO HONDA BIKE. under the guidance ofProf H. D. PATEL submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirementfor the award of the degree of Bachelor of businessadministration to south Gujarat university , Surat is myoriginal Work - research study - carried out during 1st January, 2008to 1st March ,2008 and not submitted for any other degree/ diploma/fellowship or other similar titles or prizes to any other institute oruniversity by any other person.Place: signatureDate: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 3 4. This is the pleasure movement for me to explicate my energizedintelligence. Thanks to Co-Coordinator Prof S.Z. daisy and to my guideprof. H.D.Patel from the Surat peoples co-op. bank college of businessadministration udhna, Surat. For accommodating advice during theresearch and help provided by them in preparation of this report. This reportis guided by their co-operation and practicable suggestion. This study workcould be finished with in the period. I got chance to recognize my aratitute to all staff to B.B.A.department for making available all facilities to complete the researchwork. As well as to all others who extended the precious co-operation byproviding all documents and details required for this work.Place: -Date: -Roll No.:- INDEX 4 5. PAGENUMBER SUBJECT NO. 1 INTRODUCTUION 7 INTRODUCTUION OF INDUSTRY 8-9 HISTORY OF COMPANY 10-14 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 15-20 CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR 3 PROBLEM DEFINATION 21-23 PROBLEM DEFINATION SCOPE OF STUDY OBJECTIVES OF STUDY LIMLTATIONS OF STUDY 4 RESEACH METHODOLOGY 24-31 INTRODUCTION RESEARCH DESIGN SOURCES OF DATA RESEARCH INSTRUMENT SAMPLING PLAN DATA COLLECTION METHOD 5 DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 30-48 6 TESTING OF HYPOTHESIS 49-51 7 FINDINGS 52-53 8 SUGGESTIONS 54-55 9 SWOT ANALYSIS OF HERO

HONDA 56-58 10 REFERENCE MATERIAL 59 BIBLIOGRAPHY 60-61 APPENDIX 62-66 5 6. LIST OF TABLE AND GRAPHNo. Name of Tables And Graphs Page No 1 Age wise Classification 33 2 Occupation wise Classification 34 3 Income wise Classification 35 4 Sources of finance 36 5 Analysis of Preferring Auto Mobile 37 6 Sources of Purchasing Bike 38 7 Age V/S usage of companies Bike 39 8 Decision maker for purchasing Bike 40 9 Feature Consideration when purchasing 42 Bike 10 Attributes of Showroom 44 11 Schemes that Attract most 46 12 Features of Purchasing Bike 48 6 7. Projectsformba.blogspot.comCHAPTER : 1INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION OF INDUSRY HISTORY OF COMPANY INTRODUCTION OF INDUSTERY 7 8. Throughout the centuries man has striven to expand hiscapabilities through the use of machine. His ever inventive mindhas constantly devised ways to use tool to increase his abilities toexplore the world around him. To go faster, deeper, higher andfurther than before. Coupled with his need to find new thrills, newadventures and new modes of transportation, the inventionrefinement of the motorcycle seems an inevitable out come. It would seem that Michelangelo conceived of the bicycle asearly 14th century. And his drawing shows a remarkableresemblance to he modern day bike. It had wheels of similar sizeand even pedals and chain. Albeit without any apparent means ofsteering. Through never built, it was a remarkably clever design, andearly bicycle makers would have done well to study his concepts,there have, in fact been 4 machines built based on his drawing,attesting to the viability of his design. It wasnt until 1869 that the first serious attempts were madeto produce motor driven bicycles. These very first were poweredby steam, and driven by leather belts or as in the case of the ropersteam velocipede of 1869 by a system of levers attached to a crankon the driven wheel. In 1885 the Daimler, Europe this is consider by many as thefirst true motorcycle or motor bicycle, as it was the first to employan internal combustion engine and was designed from the groundup to be motor powered. Designed by gottlibe Daimler it waspowered by an Otto cycle engine producing about horse powers.Note this design again employed wooden wheels and Daimlerdropped the twist grip controls from his 1877 design in favor ofleavers on the frame. 8 9. In 1894 Hildebrand and Wolfmuller, France Worlds firstproduction motorcycle. It came with a 1428 cc water cooled four-stroke motor producing 2.5 bhp. And speed of 25 mph. In 1898 orient-Aster, USA the American made productionmotorcycle was this entry built by the Metz Company, in Waltham,mass, it used an aster engine that was a French copy of the MetzCompany, in Waltham, mass. HISTORY OF COMPANY 9 10. Type : Public company Founded : January 19, 1984 Headquarters : Haryana, Indian Key People : Brijmohan lall munjal (Chairman and managing Director) Industry : Automotive Produce : Motorcycle, Scooters 10 11. Hero Honda Motorcycles limited is an Indian manufacturerof motorcycles and scooters. Hero Honda is a joint Venture thatbegan in 1984 between the Hero Group of India and Honda FromJapan. It has been the worlds biggest manufacturer of 2-wheeledmotorized vehicles since 2001. When it produced 1.3 millionmotorbikes in a single year. Hero Hondas splendor is the largestselling motorcycle its 2 plants are in Dharuhera and Gurgaon, bothin Haryana India. It specializes in dual use motorcycles that arelow powered but very fuel efficient. 11 12. India has the largest number of two wheelers in the world with41.6 million vehicles. India has a mix of 30 percent automobilesand 70

percent two wheeler in the country. India was the secondlargest two wheeler manufacturer in the world starting in the1950swith the birth of Automobile products of India (API) thatmanufactured scooters. API manufactured the lambrettas but,another company, Baja Auto Ltd. Surpassed API and remainedthrough the turn of the century from its association with piaggio ofItaly (manufactured of vespa) The license raj that existed between the 1940s and 1980s inIndia. Did not allow foreign companies to enter the market andimports were tightly controlled. Customers in India were forced towait 12 years to buy a scooter from Bajaj. The CEO of Bajajcommented that he did not need a marketing department, only adispatch department. By the year 1990, Bajaj had a waiting list thatwas twenty-six times its annual output for scooters. In the mid-1980s, the Indian government regulation changedand permitted foreign companies to enter the Indian marketthrough minority joint ventures. The two wheeler market changedwith four indo-Japanese joint ventures: Hero Honda, TVS Suzuki,Bajaj Kawasaki and Kinetic Honda. The entry of these foreigncompanies changed the Indian market dynamics from the supplydemand side. With a larger selection of two-wheelers on the Indianmarket, consumer started to gain influence over the products theybought and raised higher customer expectations. The industryproduced more models, styling options, price, and different fuelefficiencies. The foreign companies new technologies helped makethe products more reliable and with better quality. Indiancompanies had to change to keep up with their global.During the 80s, Hero Honda became the first company in India toprove that it was possible to drive a vehicle without polluting the 12 13. Projectsformba.blogspot.comroads. The company introduced new generation motorcycles thatset industry benchmarks for fuel thrift and low emission. Alegendary Fill it - Shut it - Forget it campaign captured theimagination of commuters across India, and Hero Honda soldmillions of bikes purely on the commitment of increased mileage.Hero Honda has consistently grown at double digits sinceinception; and today, every second motorcycle sold in the countryis a Hero Honda. Every 30 seconds, someone in India buys HeroHondas top -selling motorcycle - Splendor. This festive season,the company sold half a million two wheelers in a single month-afeat unparalleled in global automotive history. Hero Honda values its relationship with customers. Its uniqueCRM initiative - Hero Honda Passport Program, one of the largestprograms of this kind in the world, has over 3 million members onits roster. The program has not only helped Hero Hondaunderstand its customers and deliver value at different price points,but has also created a loyal community of brand ambassadors.Performance vis--vis IndustryThe Indian two wheeler industries has seen a paradigm shift frombeing a regime of regulation and tight control in the 1980s to amore liberalized and a competitive present day era. After missingout on the initial boom in two wheeler segment during the periodof 1993-1996, Hero Honda has emerged as a world leader. The gapbetween motorcycles sold by Hero Honda and its closest rival isapproximately 1 m units (23% of industry size). One of the reasonsfor the tremendous performance of Hero Honda is the significantincrease of share of motorcycles in the two-wheeler segment, from42% in FY99 to 77% in FY04. No doubt, that the shift inpreference of Indian populace from scooters and mopeds towardsmotorcycles has facilitated the growth of Hero Honda. However itsperformance vis--vis industry indicates that the performance of 13 14. Projectsformba.blogspot.comHero Honda was better than the industry peers, barring two years.In the seven-year period ending FY04, it has achieved a CAGR of30% in two-wheeler volumes against 11% of the industry.Excellent Collaborator Relationship:Hero Honda is now the leading two-wheeler Company in India interms

of net sales (sales less excise duty value, which was Rs 3171crores). It is both the leading two wheeler manufacturer andsales operation among Hondas worldwide operations. TheCompany has maintained excellent relationship with allstakeholders including its collaborators. Hero Honda has emergedas the most successful joint venture Company of Honda in theworld, their relationship over 116 years old now. 14 15. CHAPTER:2 THEORITICAL BACKGROUND CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR 15 16. CONSUMER BUYING BEHVIOUR The main aim of marketing is meet and satisfy targetcustomers need and wants buyer behavior refers to the peoples ororganization conduct activities and together with the impact ofvarious influence on them towards making decision on purchase ofproduct and service in a market. The field of consumer behaviorstudies how individuals, groups and organization select, buy, useand dispse of goods, service, ideas, or experience to satisfy theirneeds and desires understanding consumer behavior and knowingcustomer are never simple. The wealth of products and serviceproduced in a country make our economy strong. The behavior ofhuman being during the purchase is being termed as BuyerBehavior. Customer says one thing but do another. They may notbe in touch with their deeper motivations. They are responding toinfluences that change their mind at the last minute. A buyer makestake a decision whether save or spend the money. Definition of Buyer Behavior:- Buyer behavior is all psychological, Social and physicalbehaviors of potential customers as they become aware of evaluate,purchase, consume and tell others about product & service. 16 17. CONSUMER BUYING DECISION PROCESS There are following five stages in consumer buying decisionprocess.1. Problem identification:-The buying process starts when the buyer recognizes a problem orneed. The need can be triggered by internal or external stimuli.Marketers need to identify the circumstances that trigger aparticular need. By gathering information from a number ofconsumers, Marketers can identify the most frequent stimuli thatspark an interest in a product category. They can then developmarketing strategies that trigger consumer interest. 2. Information Search:- The consumer tries to collect information regarding variousproducts/service. Through gathering information, the consumerlearns about completing brands and their features. Information maybe collected form magazines, catalogues, retailers, friends, familymembers, business association, commercial, chamber ofcommerce, telephone directory, tradefair etc. Marketers shouldfind out the source of information and their relative degree ofimportance to the consumes.Personal Sources: Family, friends, neighbor, asquittances.Commercial Source: Advertising, sales persons, dealers,packaging, displays.Public sources: mass media, consumer, rating organizations.Experimental sources: Handling. Examine, using the product. 17 18. 3. Evaluation of alternative:-There is no single process used by all consumers by one consumerin all buying situations. There is several First, the consumerprocesses, some basic concepts are:First, the consumer is trying to satisfy need.Second, the consumer is looking for certain benefits from theproduct solutions. The marketer must know which criteria the consumer willuse in the purchase decision. 4 . Choice of purchasing decision:-From among the purchase of alternatives the consumer makes thesolution. It may be to buy or not to buy. If the decision is to buy.The other additional decisions are: Which types of bike he must buy? From whom to buy a bike? How the payment to be made? And so on. The marketer up to this stage has tried every meansto influence the purchase behavior, but the choice is properlyconsumers. In the evaluation stage the consumer forms

preferencesamong the brands in the choice set. The consumer may also forman intention to but the most preferred brand. 18 19. 5. Post Purchase Behavior:-After purchase the product, the consumer will experience the samelevel of product. The Marketers job not end when the product isbuying must monitor post-purchase satisfaction, postpurchaseaction, post-purchase use and disposal Post Purchase Satisfaction:-The buyer, S satisfaction is a function Of closeness between thebuyer, S expectation and the products Perceiver performance.The larger the gap between expectation and performance, theg greater the consumer dissatisfaction. Post purchase Action:-The Consumer, S satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the productinfluence subsequent behavior. If the consumer satisfied, he or shewill exhibit a higher probability of purchasing the product again.Dissatisfaction consumer may abandon and return the product. Post-Purchase Use or Disposal:- The marketer should also monitor new buyers use anddispose of the product. If the consumer store the product in a close,the product is probably not very satisfying. If the consumer throwsthe product away, the marketer needs to know how they dispose ofit; especially it can be hurt the environment. 19 20. Characteristic of Buyer Behaviors The chief characteristics of the buyers behaviors are asfollow:-(1) It consists of mental and physical activities which consumersundertake to get goods and services and obtain satisfaction fromthem.(2) It includes both observable activities such as walking throughthe market to examine merchandise and making a purchase andmental activities-such as forming attitudes, perceiving advertisingmaterial, and learning to prefer particular brands.(3) Consumer behaviors are very complex and dynamic toconstantly changing. And therefore, management need to adjustwith the change otherwise market may be lot.(4) The individuals specific behaviors in the market place isaffected by internal factor, such as need , motives, perception, andattitudes, as well as by external of enviourmenatal influences suchas the family social groups, culture, economics and businessinfluences. 20 21. CHAPTER:3 PROBLEM DEFINATION PROBLEM DEFINATION OBJECTIVE OF STUDY LIMITATIONS OF STUDY 21 22. PROBLEM DEFINATION To know the best consumer buying behavior and demand intothe minds of consumer of Surat city because always consumer saysomething and does something. There are many companiesmanufacturing motorcycles into the market, at the same time asthere are many companies manufacturing motorcycles, idea aboutthinking of customer on whether, what, how, and for whom topurchase the motorcycle. Therefore, research is required to measure present consumerbuying behavior at the purchase of Hero Honda bike. so theresearcher problem is to identify what are the criteria thatprospective customer takes into consideration before buying themotorcycles. SCOPE OF STUDY The main scope of the study is limited to Surat city. It also analysis the benefits accruing to the company as a result of those service. This study has been made to find the level of satisfaction the customer has regarding the service provider by bike place. 22 23. OBJECTIVES OF STUDY To know market position of Hero Honda bike in the market. To know consumer behavior for purchase of two wheeler bike. LIMITATIONS OF STUDY When the buyers are busy we cant get accurate data from them. According to the time limit of our project we can cover

only the some area. During survey some respondents may not give answer in a proper manner. 23 24. Projectsformba.blogspot.comCHAPTER:-4RESEARCH METHDOLOGY INTRODUCTION RSEARCH DESIGN SOURCES OF DATA SAMPLING PLAN DATA COLLECTION METHOD 24 25. RESERCH METHODOLOGY (A)Introduction Marketing research is the function which links theconsumer, customer and public to the marketers throughinformation used to identify and define marketing, opportunitiesand problems, generates refine marketing action; monitormarketing performance; and improve understanding of marketingas a process. Marketing research specifies the information requiredto address these issues; designs the method for collectioninformation manages and implements the data collection process;analysis the results and communication the findings and theirimplication.Research definition: Research is careful inquiry or examination to discovernew information and relationship and to expand and to verifyexiting knowledge, Research always starts with questions or a problem. Itspurpose is to find answer to questions through the application ofthe scientific method. It is a systematic and intensive studydirected towards a more complete knowledge of the subjectstudies. 25 26. (B) Research design Research design is the plan, structure and strategy ofinvestigation conceived so as to obtain answer to research questionand to control variance. - BY KERLINGERFrom definition it is evident that research design is ore or less ablueprint of research. At the outset may be noted that there are several ways ofstudying and tackling a problem. There is no signal perfect design.The research design can be classified in to true broad categories: (A) Exploratory (B) Descriptive (C) Casual Exploratory research is focus on the discovery of ideas.Exploratory research is carried out to define problems anddeveloped hypothesis to test later. An exploratory study isgenerally based on the secondary data that are reading available. Itdoes not have to change his focus of direction, depending on theavailability of new ideas and relationship among variables. Descriptive studies are undertaken in many circumstances.Descriptive studies can be complex, determining a high degree ofscientific skill on the part of the researcher. Casual research helps in determined cause and effectrelationship. Between two or more variables. 26 27. The present study seeks to find out the consumers attitudetowards buying of bike. The study also aims at findings out thedrawbacks of the marketing set up of Hero Honda PVT. LTD. Sothis makes the study a descriptive one. (D) Sources of Data The sources of data collection methods are as follows.a) Primary data:- The primary data is that which details we collect first timefrom the market and also used first time in the research. We alsosay that the information is first time in the research decision. Tocollect the primary data questionnaire is prepared structure non-disguise questionnaire is prepared.b) Secondary data:- Secondary data are those data which are already collected bysomeone for some purpose and are available for the present study;secondary data are already collected by the companys records andother librarys books. When the secondary data are sufficient, theresearcher has to be satisfied with the primary sources of data.Secondary data can be used as bases for comparison with primarydata have been collected by questionnaire. 27 28. (E) Data Collection Method Researcher instruments is the tool by which the researchercan do research on specific problems or objective.

The mostpopular researcher instrument for collection data isQuestionnaire for a particular investigation. It is simple for amoiled set of questions presented to respondents for their answers.Due to this flexibility, it is most common instrument used tocollect the primary data. During the pre- testing of questionnaire, Iseen the reaction of respondents and suggestions required to makechange in research instrument. The questionnaire contains three types of questions. Open-ended question:- It is helpful in knowing what is uppermost in the mind of the respondents. It gives complete freedom to the respondent. Dichotomous questions :- It has only two answers in form yes or n, true or false, use or do not use. So the respondent is offered two or more choice. Multiple-choice question:- In this, the respondent is offered two or more choice. 28 29. (F) Sampling plan Sampling is a process of obtaining. The information aboutthe entire population by examine a part of it .The effectiveness ofthe research depends on the sample size selected for the surveypurpose.(A) sample Site:- The survey was conducted in SURAT CITY.(B)Sampling Unit:- It means Who is to be surveyed. Here target populationis decided and it is who are interested to purchase Bike andsampling frame is developed so that every one in the targetpopulation has known chance of being sampled. So the survey isconducted particularly in Surat City.(C)Sample size:- For the purpose of proper survey, there is need of perfectresearch instruments to find out sample size for more accurateresult about buying behavior of bike. The sample size is 100respondents. 29 30. Projectsformba.blogspot.comStatically Formula for Sample Size is:-n=p*q (z/e) 2Were,n=Sample Sizep=0.80(probability of satisfied customer)q=0.20(Ip)z=1.96(The z (95%) score associated with the degree ofConfidence)e=0.05 (tolerable error)n= (0.84)*(016)*(1.96/0.05)2= (0.1344)*(1536.64)=206.52Sample Size n=206.52Here, from calculation n=206.52 is found but for the simplicity ofthe study n=206.52have taken. 30 31. Method:- A Stratified random sample is one where the population isdivided in to mutually exhaustive strata or sub-group and then asimple random is selected within each of strata on age groups,occupation etc. It may be noted that stratification does not meansabsence of randomness. I use a simple random sampling method. 31 32. 32 33. 1. AGE WISE CLASSIFICTION Age (in year) No. of respondents Percentage (%) 18-20 30 30 21-25 37 37 26-30 15 15 31-35 06 06 36-40 07 07 41& above 05 05 Total 100 100 Age wise Classification 7, 7% 5, 5% 6, 6% 30, 30% 18-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 15, 15% 36-40 41& above 37, 37% (Sources: Questionnaire-personal Detail)Comment:- Above Graph shows are 30% of respondent in age groupof 18-20, 37%of respondent in age group of 21-25, 15% ofrespondent in age group of 26-30, 7% and 5% respondent are comein 36-40 and 41&above. 2. OCCUPATION WISE CLASSIFICATION 33 34. Occupation No. of respondents Percentage (%) Servicemen 47 47 Student 30 30 Business 12 12 Profession 08 08 Others 03 03 Total 100 100 Occupation Wise Classification 100 No. of Respondents 80 60 No. of respondents 40 Percentage (%) 20 0 s en t on s en er s m ne si th ud e es i O ic us St of rv B Pr Se Occupation (Sources: Questionnaire-personal detail)Comment:- Above Chart Shows that 47 respondent are Servicemen outof 100 and 30 are the students. 12 respondents are businessman. 3. INCOME WISE CLASSIFICATION 34 35. Income Level No. of respondents Percentage (%) <= 5000 54 54 5000-10,000 25 25 10,000-15,000 11 11 15,000-20,000 07 07 20,000

Above 03 03 Total 100 100 Income Wise Classification 7, 7% 3, 3% 11, 11% 5000 5000-10,000 10,000-15,000 15,000-20,000 54, 54% 20,000 Above 25, 25% (Sources: - Questionnaire Personal Detail)Comment:- Above graph shows that 54% of respondents are incomein <=5000 income level, Second 25% of respondents are of5000-10,000 income level. 11% of respondents are of10,000-15,000, 7% of respondents are of 15,000-20,000 andremain 3% of respondents above 20,000 of income level. 35 36. 4. SOURCES OF FINANCESources of Finance No. of respondents Percentage (%) By cash 45 45 By Loan 55 55 Total 100 100 55 55 60 45 45 50 40 No. of respondents 30 Percentage (% ) 20 10 0 By cash By Loan (Sources: QuestionnaireQue.8)Comment:- Above Graph shows that 55 people purchase HeroHonda Bike For by Loan and 45 people purchase Hero Honda Bikefrom Cash. 36 37. 5. ANALYSIS OF PREFERING AUTO MOBILE Auto Mobiles No. of respondents Percentage (%) Shivani 20 20 Dhru 17 17 Siddhi 11 11 Other 52 52 Total 100 100 No. of respondents Shivani 20% Other Dhru 52% 17% Siddhi 11% (Sources: - Questionnaire Que.7)Comment:- Above Chart shows that out of 100, 52 % respondentsprefer other Automobile to purchase bike. 20 % respondents prefershivani Automobile to purchase bike.6. FROM WHICH SOURCE YOU PURCHSE BIKE? 37 38. Sources No. of respondents Percentage (%) News Paper 12 12T.V.Advertisement 14 14 Friends 26 26 Others 48 48 Total 100 100 No. of respondents News Paper, 12 T.V.Advertiseme nt, 14 Others, 48 Friends, 26 (Sources: - Questionnaire Que.3)Comment:- Above graph shows that 48 % respondents are come toknow from the other. Then 26 % respondents are come to knowfrom the friends. 14 % & 12 % respondents are come to knowfrom the T.V.Advertisement & news paper.7 AGE V/S USAGE OF COMPANIES MOTORCYCLE Age (in Hero Bajaj TVS Yamaha Honda Total year) Honda 38 39. 18-20 15 05 03 02 05 30 21-25 23 06 03 03 02 37 26-30 09 02 01 03 00 15 31-35 02 00 01 01 02 06 36-40 01 2 02 01 01 0741& above 01 01 00 02 01 05 Total 51 16 10 12 11 100 Age V/S Of Companies Motorcycles 25 20 No. Of Respondents 18-20 21-25 15 26-30 31-35 10 36-40 41& above 5 0 Hero Honda Bajaj TVS Yamaha Honda (Sources: - Questionnaire personal detail)Comment: Above Charts shows that 51 respondents are use HeroHonda Companys Motorcycle. And 16 respondents are usingBajaj bikes.4. WHO IS DECISION MAKER FOR PURCHASING BIKE INYOUR FAMILY? Sources No. of respondents Percentage (%) Father 46 46 Self 42 42 Mother 10 10 39 40. Others 02 02 Total 100 100 Decision maker for purchasing bike 50 46 46 42 42 40 30 20 No. of respondents Percentage (%) 10 10 10 2 0 Percentage (%) 2 Father No. of respondents Self Mother Others (Sources: Questionnaire personal detail & Que-4)Comment:- Above Graph shows that 46 % respondents take decisionby father for purchasing bike. And 42 % respondents are takedecision by self for purchasing bike.5. WHAT FEATURES YOU CONSIDERS WHEN YOUPURCHASE BIKE PLEASE GIVES THE RANK. 40 41. Weightage 6 5 4 3 2 1 Attributes Excellent Very Good Averag Poor Very Total Total Good e Poor score Price 30 20 18 16 10 06 100 426 Less 18 11 17 30 13 11 100 358maintenance Style 21 18 19 10 11 21 100 355 Durability 10 17 16 24 21 12 100 335 Mileage 24 19 14 17 09 17 100 381Easy Driving 20 12 21 23 10 14 100 367 Brand 17 19 14 21 17 12 100 362 Reputation Color 28 19 18 13 10 12 100 406 Pick up 19 22 15 20 14 10 100 382 Total 187 157

152 174 115 115 900 3370 Attributes Weightage Price 426 Less maintenance 358 Style 355 Durability 335 Mileage 381 Easy Driving 367 Brand Reputation 362 41 42. Color 406 Pick up 382 Total 3370 Feature of purchasing Bike 11% 12% Price Less maintenance 12% 11% Style Durability Mileage 11% 11% Easy Driving Brand Reputation 10% Color 11% 11% Pick up (Sources: - Questionnaire personal detail & Que-5)Comment:- Above chart show that more no of respondents are givemore weightage to the price.6. RATE THE FOLLOWING ATTRIBUTES OFSHOW ROOM 42 43. Projectsformba.blogspot.comAttributes Excellent Very Good Average Poor Total GoodAvailable 30 24 18 16 12 100After Service 16 35 24 15 10 100Knowledge 20 21 23 20 16 100Of Sales manService 25 18 27 19 11 100Infrastructure 12 29 20 17 22 100Total 103 127 112 87 71 500 43 44. Attribute of show room 100 12 10 11 90 16 22 80 16 15 19 no of respondents 20 70 17 Poor 18 24 60 Average 27 50 23 20 Good 40 24 Very Good 35 18 30 21 Excellent 29 20 30 25 10 16 20 12 0 Available After Service Knowledge Of Service Infrastructure Sales man (Sources: - Questionnaire personal detail & Que-6)Comment:- Above chart shows that 30 respondents out of 100 areavailable who give Weight age on the excellent and second 35respondents out of 100 are after service who gives Weight age onthe Very Good, 23 respondents are Knowledge of salesman whogive Weight age on the good, 27 respondents are service who giveWeight age on the good, 29 respondents are Infrastructure whogives Weight age on the Very Good. 44 45. Projectsformba.blogspot.com9. RATE THE FOLLOWING SCHEMES THATATTRACT YOU MOST.Attributes Excellent Very Good Average Poor Total GoodFestival 43 21 12 14 10 100OfferExchange 15 31 29 12 13 100OfferSpecial Gift 20 19 30 20 11 100Cash 11 21 19 34 15 100DiscountAnniversary 14 13 12 20 41 100OfferTotal 103 105 102 100 90 500 45 46. Anniversary Offer Cash Discount Poor Average Special Gift Good Very Good Excellent Exchange Offer Festival Offer 0 20 40 60 80 100 (Sources: - Questionnaire personal detail & Que-9)Comment:- Above graph shows that in festival offer 43 respondentsout of 100 are give a excellent, then in exchange offer 31respondents out of 100 are give a very good rank, in special gift 30respondents are give a good rank, in cash discount 34 respondentsare give a average rank 46 47. 10. RATE THE FOLLOWING FEATURE YOU HAVE PURCHASE HERO HONDA BIKE Attributes Excellent Very Good Average Poor Total Good Mileage 31 26 15 18 10 100 Available 14 25 32 16 13 100 Price 16 22 42 11 09 100After Service 20 31 25 14 10 100 Pick up 21 36 17 15 11 100 Style 18 25 15 26 16 100 Color 20 24 26 10 20 100 Average 27 24 20 15 14 100 Total 167 213 192 125 103 800 47 48. Average 27 24 20 15 14 Color 20 24 26 10 20 Style 18 25 15 26 16 Excellent Pick up 21 36 17 15 11 Very Good Good After Service 20 31 25 14 10 Average 16 22 42 11 9 Poor Price Available 14 25 32 16 13 Mileage 31 26 15 18 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 (Sources: - Questionnaire personal detail & Que10)Comment:- Above graph show that respondents give more weightageto the price then after they give more weightage to the mileagebefore purchasing motorcycle. 48 49. CHAPTER: 6 TESTING OF HYPOTHESIS 49 50. TESTING OF HYPOTHESIS A hypothesis is a proposition, which the researcher wants toverify. It is tall test and my null hypotheses are,H0: P = 0.40H1: P 0.40 With reference to favorable market of Hero Honda

Bike. Now to verify this hypothesis I have taken significantlevel of1 %. It means in the long run risk of making the wrong decision isI out of every 100. Since the sample size is more than 30 the use of Z test ismost applicable.Now,P = Probability of Hero Honda is given best by consumer.Q = Probability of other company bike is given best by consumer.X = Hero Honda bike is purchased by consumer.N = Total no. of Respondents.P = x/n =51/100 =0.51q =1-p i.e. 0.49Z calculation = pq _______ _______ PQ _______ 100 50 51. = 0.51- 0.40 __________ __________ 0.49*0.4 ________ 100 = 0.11 ________ ________ 0.00196 = 0.11 _______ 0.04427 = 2.48 = 2.48 < 2.56So, How may accepted at 1 % level of significance. It may beconcluded that 40 % of consumer go for other company bike and60 % go for Hero Honda bike. 51 52. CHAPTER: 7 FINDINGS 52 53. FINDINGS The study shows that 51 respondents are using Hero Honda. The current trend is that respondents give maximum no of point to price and mileage. The study show that 48 respondents are come to know from others and 26 respondents are come to know from friends about Hero Honda bike. The study shows that 55 respondents are purchase Hero Honda bike by Loan and 45 respondents are purchase Hero Honda bike by cash. The study shows that 31 respondents are give point to mileage. The study shows that more no. of respondents gives more weightage to price. The more no. of serviceman, Students, Businessmen, and others give more weightage to the price when Professionals give more weightage to the mileage. The study shows that 46 respondents are father take a decision to purchase bike And 42 respondents are self take a decision to purchase bike. The study shows that 30 respondents are give rank to available in show rooms and 35 respondents are give rank to after service. The study shows that 43 respondents are giving excellent to festival offer and 41 respondents are give poor rank to the anniversary offer. The study shows that 45 respondents are purchase Hero Honda bike whose salary is below 5000 income. 53 54. 54 55. SUGGESTIONS 1. Hero Honda should introduce a low price moped 2. For the promotion, company show make road-show that will 3. Increase the sales. The company should give more concentrate on the advertisement. 4. Hero Honda Company should implement a new strategy to reduce the competition and lead into the bike market. 5. As people expect more mileage per kilometer, company should increase the mileage of the hero Honda bike. 6. Hero Honda should make a sports bike like to Kawasaki Suzuki Hyabusa bikes which can run with maximum speeds. 55 56. SWOT ANALYSIS OFHERO HONDA 56 57. SWOT ANALYSISStrengths Ability to understand customers needs and wants Recognized and established brand name Effective advertising capability Weaknesses R&D is not close to the Hero manufacturing plant Hero is vulnerable in the joint venture because Honda Motor Company has so much power 57 58. Opportunities Global expansion into the Caribbean and Central America Expansion of target market (include women) Become Indias leader in the scooter market Threats Honda Motorcycles and Scooters India can take away market share and cause joint venture to go sour Bajaj Motors is a strong competitor 58

59. Projectsformba.blogspot.comCHAPTRE: 8REFERENCE MATERIAL BIBLOGRAPHY APPENDICES 59 60. BIBLIOGRAPHY 60 61. Marketing research, G.C.Beri, Third Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2000 Marketing management, Philip Kotler, Twelth (Millennium) edition, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2003 61 62. APPENDICES QUESTIONNAIRE 62 63. A STUDY ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR AT TIME TO PURCHASE HERO HONDA BIKE. 1 Do you have own bike? (a) Yes [ ]. (b) No [ ] If yes than, 2 Which company bike do you have at present? Company ____________________ 3 Whom do you refer to purchasing bike? (A) News paper [ ] (C) TV advertisement [ ] (B) Friends [ ] (D) others [ ] 4 Who is decision maker for purchasing bike in your family? (A) Father [ ] (B) Mother [ ] (B) Self [ ] (D) other [ ] 5 How you purchase bike? (A) By cash [ ] (B) By Loan [ ] 63 64. 6 What features you considers when you purchase bike please give the rank.attributes excellent Very good Average Poor Very good poorpriceLess maintenanceStyleDurabilityMileageEasy drivingBrand reputationColor 7 Rate the following attribute of show roomAttributes 1 2 3 4 5AvailableAfter salesServicesinfrastructure 8 From where are you purchasing___________? (A) Shivani Auto [ ] (C) Shiddi Auto [ ] (B) Dhruv Auto [ ] (D) others [ ] 64 65. 9 Rate the following schemes that attract you most.attributes 1 2 3 4 5SpecialofferExchangeofferSpecialgiftCashdiscount 10 Rate the following feature you have purchase hero Honda Bike.Attribute 1 2 3 4 5MileageAvailablePriceAfter servicePick up 11 give your suggestion. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ CUSTOMER PERSONAL INFORMATION:-A. Name: ___________________________________________B. Address:___________________________________________ 65 66. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________C. phone no:__________________________________________D. Age (in year):- 18 to 20 [ ] 21 to 25 [ ] 26 to 30 [ ] 31 to 35 [ ] 36 to 40 [ ] 41 & above [ ]E. Occupation:- Services [ ] Businessman [ ] Students [ ] Professional [ ] Others [ ]F. monthly income:- 5000 [ ] 5000-10,000 [ ] 10,000-15,000 [ ] 15,000-20,000 [ ] 20,000 Above [ ] Sing.___________________ Date.___________________ 66

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A study on consumer buying behaviour at the time to purchase hero honda bike Document Transcript
1. A STUDY ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR AT TIME TO PURCHASE HERO HONDA BIKE. A Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION TO SOUTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, SURAT Submitted By: Under the guidance of Submitted To: THE CO-ORDINATOR THE SURAT PEOPLES CO-OP. BANK COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION UDHNA (SUART) March 2007 1 2. THE SURAT PEOPLES CO-OP. BANK COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION CERTIFICATE OF THE FACULTY GUIDEThis is to certify that the project entitled A STUDY ON CONSUMERBUYING BEHAVIOUR AT TIME TO PURCHASE HEROHONDA BIKE. Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of thedegree of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONTO SOUTH GUJURAT UNIVERSITY, SURAT is a record ofbonafide research work carried out by under mysupervision and guidance. Signature Signature Project Guide CoOrdinator(.) (..) 2 3. DECLARATIONI , ., here by declare that the project report entitled ASTUDY ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR AT TIMETO PURCHASE HERO HONDA BIKE. under the guidance ofProf H. D. PATEL submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirementfor the award of the degree of Bachelor of businessadministration to south Gujarat university , Surat is myoriginal Work - research study - carried out during 1st January, 2008to 1st March ,2008 and not submitted for any other degree/ diploma/fellowship or other similar titles or prizes to any other institute oruniversity by any other person.Place: signatureDate: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 3 4. This is the pleasure movement for me to explicate my energizedintelligence. Thanks to Co-Coordinator Prof S.Z. daisy and to my guideprof. H.D.Patel from the Surat peoples co-op. bank college of businessadministration udhna, Surat. For accommodating advice during theresearch and help provided by them in preparation of this report. This reportis guided by their co-operation and practicable suggestion. This study workcould be finished with in the period. I got chance to recognize my aratitute to all staff to B.B.A.department for making available all facilities to complete the researchwork. As well as to all others who extended the precious co-operation byproviding all documents and details required for this work.Place: -Date: -Roll No.:- INDEX 4 5. PAGENUMBER SUBJECT NO. 1 INTRODUCTUION 7 INTRODUCTUION OF INDUSTRY 8-9 HISTORY OF COMPANY 10-14 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 15-20 CONSUMER

BUYING BEHAVIOUR 3 PROBLEM DEFINATION 21-23 PROBLEM DEFINATION SCOPE OF STUDY OBJECTIVES OF STUDY LIMLTATIONS OF STUDY 4 RESEACH METHODOLOGY 24-31 INTRODUCTION RESEARCH DESIGN SOURCES OF DATA RESEARCH INSTRUMENT SAMPLING PLAN DATA COLLECTION METHOD 5 DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 30-48 6 TESTING OF HYPOTHESIS 49-51 7 FINDINGS 52-53 8 SUGGESTIONS 54-55 9 SWOT ANALYSIS OF HERO HONDA 56-58 10 REFERENCE MATERIAL 59 BIBLIOGRAPHY 60-61 APPENDIX 62-66 5 6. LIST OF TABLE AND GRAPHNo. Name of Tables And Graphs Page No 1 Age wise Classification 33 2 Occupation wise Classification 34 3 Income wise Classification 35 4 Sources of finance 36 5 Analysis of Preferring Auto Mobile 37 6 Sources of Purchasing Bike 38 7 Age V/S usage of companies Bike 39 8 Decision maker for purchasing Bike 40 9 Feature Consideration when purchasing 42 Bike 10 Attributes of Showroom 44 11 Schemes that Attract most 46 12 Features of Purchasing Bike 48 6 7. Projectsformba.blogspot.comCHAPTER : 1INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION OF INDUSRY HISTORY OF COMPANY INTRODUCTION OF INDUSTERY 7 8. Throughout the centuries man has striven to expand hiscapabilities through the use of machine. His ever inventive mindhas constantly devised ways to use tool to increase his abilities toexplore the world around him. To go faster, deeper, higher andfurther than before. Coupled with his need to find new thrills, newadventures and new modes of transportation, the inventionrefinement of the motorcycle seems an inevitable out come. It would seem that Michelangelo conceived of the bicycle asearly 14th century. And his drawing shows a remarkableresemblance to he modern day bike. It had wheels of similar sizeand even pedals and chain. Albeit without any apparent means ofsteering. Through never built, it was a remarkably clever design, andearly bicycle makers would have done well to study his concepts,there have, in fact been 4 machines built based on his drawing,attesting to the viability of his design. It wasnt until 1869 that the first serious attempts were madeto produce motor driven bicycles. These very first were poweredby steam, and driven by leather belts or as in the case of the ropersteam velocipede of 1869 by a system of levers attached to a crankon the driven wheel. In 1885 the Daimler, Europe this is consider by many as thefirst true motorcycle or motor bicycle, as it was the first to employan internal combustion engine and was designed from the groundup to be motor powered. Designed by gottlibe Daimler it waspowered by an Otto cycle engine producing about horse powers.Note this design again employed wooden wheels and Daimlerdropped the twist grip controls from his 1877 design in favor ofleavers on the frame. 8 9. In 1894 Hildebrand and Wolfmuller, France Worlds firstproduction motorcycle. It came with a 1428 cc water cooled four-stroke motor producing 2.5 bhp. And speed of 25 mph. In 1898 orient-Aster, USA the American made productionmotorcycle was this entry built by the Metz Company, in Waltham,mass, it used an aster engine that was a French copy of the MetzCompany, in Waltham, mass. HISTORY OF COMPANY 9 10. Type : Public company Founded : January 19, 1984 Headquarters : Haryana, Indian Key People : Brijmohan lall munjal (Chairman and managing Director) Industry : Automotive Produce : Motorcycle, Scooters 10 11. Hero Honda Motorcycles limited is an Indian manufacturerof motorcycles and scooters. Hero Honda is a joint Venture thatbegan in

1984 between the Hero Group of India and Honda FromJapan. It has been the worlds biggest manufacturer of 2-wheeledmotorized vehicles since 2001. When it produced 1.3 millionmotorbikes in a single year. Hero Hondas splendor is the largestselling motorcycle its 2 plants are in Dharuhera and Gurgaon, bothin Haryana India. It specializes in dual use motorcycles that arelow powered but very fuel efficient. 11 12. India has the largest number of two wheelers in the world with41.6 million vehicles. India has a mix of 30 percent automobilesand 70 percent two wheeler in the country. India was the secondlargest two wheeler manufacturer in the world starting in the1950swith the birth of Automobile products of India (API) thatmanufactured scooters. API manufactured the lambrettas but,another company, Baja Auto Ltd. Surpassed API and remainedthrough the turn of the century from its association with piaggio ofItaly (manufactured of vespa) The license raj that existed between the 1940s and 1980s inIndia. Did not allow foreign companies to enter the market andimports were tightly controlled. Customers in India were forced towait 12 years to buy a scooter from Bajaj. The CEO of Bajajcommented that he did not need a marketing department, only adispatch department. By the year 1990, Bajaj had a waiting list thatwas twenty-six times its annual output for scooters. In the mid-1980s, the Indian government regulation changedand permitted foreign companies to enter the Indian marketthrough minority joint ventures. The two wheeler market changedwith four indo-Japanese joint ventures: Hero Honda, TVS Suzuki,Bajaj Kawasaki and Kinetic Honda. The entry of these foreigncompanies changed the Indian market dynamics from the supplydemand side. With a larger selection of two-wheelers on the Indianmarket, consumer started to gain influence over the products theybought and raised higher customer expectations. The industryproduced more models, styling options, price, and different fuelefficiencies. The foreign companies new technologies helped makethe products more reliable and with better quality. Indiancompanies had to change to keep up with their global.During the 80s, Hero Honda became the first company in India toprove that it was possible to drive a vehicle without polluting the 12 13. Projectsformba.blogspot.comroads. The company introduced new generation motorcycles thatset industry benchmarks for fuel thrift and low emission. Alegendary Fill it - Shut it - Forget it campaign captured theimagination of commuters across India, and Hero Honda soldmillions of bikes purely on the commitment of increased mileage.Hero Honda has consistently grown at double digits sinceinception; and today, every second motorcycle sold in the countryis a Hero Honda. Every 30 seconds, someone in India buys HeroHondas top -selling motorcycle - Splendor. This festive season,the company sold half a million two wheelers in a single month-afeat unparalleled in global automotive history. Hero Honda values its relationship with customers. Its uniqueCRM initiative - Hero Honda Passport Program, one of the largestprograms of this kind in the world, has over 3 million members onits roster. The program has not only helped Hero Hondaunderstand its customers and deliver value at different price points,but has also created a loyal community of brand ambassadors.Performance vis--vis IndustryThe Indian two wheeler industries has seen a paradigm shift frombeing a regime of regulation and tight control in the 1980s to amore liberalized and a competitive present day era. After missingout on the initial boom in two wheeler segment during the periodof 1993-1996, Hero Honda has emerged as a world leader. The gapbetween motorcycles sold by Hero Honda and its closest rival isapproximately 1 m units (23% of industry size). One of the reasonsfor the tremendous performance of Hero Honda is the significantincrease of share of motorcycles in the two-wheeler segment, from42% in FY99 to 77% in FY04. No

doubt, that the shift inpreference of Indian populace from scooters and mopeds towardsmotorcycles has facilitated the growth of Hero Honda. However itsperformance vis--vis industry indicates that the performance of 13 14. Projectsformba.blogspot.comHero Honda was better than the industry peers, barring two years.In the seven-year period ending FY04, it has achieved a CAGR of30% in two-wheeler volumes against 11% of the industry.Excellent Collaborator Relationship:Hero Honda is now the leading two-wheeler Company in India interms of net sales (sales less excise duty value, which was Rs 3171crores). It is both the leading two wheeler manufacturer andsales operation among Hondas worldwide operations. TheCompany has maintained excellent relationship with allstakeholders including its collaborators. Hero Honda has emergedas the most successful joint venture Company of Honda in theworld, their relationship over 116 years old now. 14 15. CHAPTER:2 THEORITICAL BACKGROUND CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR 15 16. CONSUMER BUYING BEHVIOUR The main aim of marketing is meet and satisfy targetcustomers need and wants buyer behavior refers to the peoples ororganization conduct activities and together with the impact ofvarious influence on them towards making decision on purchase ofproduct and service in a market. The field of consumer behaviorstudies how individuals, groups and organization select, buy, useand dispse of goods, service, ideas, or experience to satisfy theirneeds and desires understanding consumer behavior and knowingcustomer are never simple. The wealth of products and serviceproduced in a country make our economy strong. The behavior ofhuman being during the purchase is being termed as BuyerBehavior. Customer says one thing but do another. They may notbe in touch with their deeper motivations. They are responding toinfluences that change their mind at the last minute. A buyer makestake a decision whether save or spend the money. Definition of Buyer Behavior:- Buyer behavior is all psychological, Social and physicalbehaviors of potential customers as they become aware of evaluate,purchase, consume and tell others about product & service. 16 17. CONSUMER BUYING DECISION PROCESS There are following five stages in consumer buying decisionprocess.1. Problem identification:-The buying process starts when the buyer recognizes a problem orneed. The need can be triggered by internal or external stimuli.Marketers need to identify the circumstances that trigger aparticular need. By gathering information from a number ofconsumers, Marketers can identify the most frequent stimuli thatspark an interest in a product category. They can then developmarketing strategies that trigger consumer interest. 2. Information Search:- The consumer tries to collect information regarding variousproducts/service. Through gathering information, the consumerlearns about completing brands and their features. Information maybe collected form magazines, catalogues, retailers, friends, familymembers, business association, commercial, chamber ofcommerce, telephone directory, tradefair etc. Marketers shouldfind out the source of information and their relative degree ofimportance to the consumes.Personal Sources: Family, friends, neighbor, asquittances.Commercial Source: Advertising, sales persons, dealers,packaging, displays.Public sources: mass media, consumer, rating organizations.Experimental sources: Handling. Examine, using the product. 17 18. 3. Evaluation of alternative:-There is no single process used by all consumers by one consumerin all buying situations. There is several First, the consumerprocesses, some basic concepts are:First, the consumer is trying to satisfy need.Second, the consumer is looking for certain benefits from theproduct

solutions. The marketer must know which criteria the consumer willuse in the purchase decision. 4 . Choice of purchasing decision:-From among the purchase of alternatives the consumer makes thesolution. It may be to buy or not to buy. If the decision is to buy.The other additional decisions are: Which types of bike he must buy? From whom to buy a bike? How the payment to be made? And so on. The marketer up to this stage has tried every meansto influence the purchase behavior, but the choice is properlyconsumers. In the evaluation stage the consumer forms preferencesamong the brands in the choice set. The consumer may also forman intention to but the most preferred brand. 18 19. 5. Post Purchase Behavior:-After purchase the product, the consumer will experience the samelevel of product. The Marketers job not end when the product isbuying must monitor post-purchase satisfaction, postpurchaseaction, post-purchase use and disposal Post Purchase Satisfaction:-The buyer, S satisfaction is a function Of closeness between thebuyer, S expectation and the products Perceiver performance.The larger the gap between expectation and performance, theg greater the consumer dissatisfaction. Post purchase Action:-The Consumer, S satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the productinfluence subsequent behavior. If the consumer satisfied, he or shewill exhibit a higher probability of purchasing the product again.Dissatisfaction consumer may abandon and return the product. Post-Purchase Use or Disposal:- The marketer should also monitor new buyers use anddispose of the product. If the consumer store the product in a close,the product is probably not very satisfying. If the consumer throwsthe product away, the marketer needs to know how they dispose ofit; especially it can be hurt the environment. 19 20. Characteristic of Buyer Behaviors The chief characteristics of the buyers behaviors are asfollow:-(1) It consists of mental and physical activities which consumersundertake to get goods and services and obtain satisfaction fromthem.(2) It includes both observable activities such as walking throughthe market to examine merchandise and making a purchase andmental activities-such as forming attitudes, perceiving advertisingmaterial, and learning to prefer particular brands.(3) Consumer behaviors are very complex and dynamic toconstantly changing. And therefore, management need to adjustwith the change otherwise market may be lot.(4) The individuals specific behaviors in the market place isaffected by internal factor, such as need , motives, perception, andattitudes, as well as by external of enviourmenatal influences suchas the family social groups, culture, economics and businessinfluences. 20 21. CHAPTER:3 PROBLEM DEFINATION PROBLEM DEFINATION OBJECTIVE OF STUDY LIMITATIONS OF STUDY 21 22. PROBLEM DEFINATION To know the best consumer buying behavior and demand intothe minds of consumer of Surat city because always consumer saysomething and does something. There are many companiesmanufacturing motorcycles into the market, at the same time asthere are many companies manufacturing motorcycles, idea aboutthinking of customer on whether, what, how, and for whom topurchase the motorcycle. Therefore, research is required to measure present consumerbuying behavior at the purchase of Hero Honda bike. so theresearcher problem is to identify what are the criteria thatprospective customer takes into consideration before buying themotorcycles. SCOPE OF STUDY The main scope of the study is limited to Surat city. It also analysis the benefits accruing to the company as a result of those service. This study has been made to

find the level of satisfaction the customer has regarding the service provider by bike place. 22 23. OBJECTIVES OF STUDY To know market position of Hero Honda bike in the market. To know consumer behavior for purchase of two wheeler bike. LIMITATIONS OF STUDY When the buyers are busy we cant get accurate data from them. According to the time limit of our project we can cover only the some area. During survey some respondents may not give answer in a proper manner. 23 24. Projectsformba.blogspot.comCHAPTER:-4RESEARCH METHDOLOGY INTRODUCTION RSEARCH DESIGN SOURCES OF DATA SAMPLING PLAN DATA COLLECTION METHOD 24 25. RESERCH METHODOLOGY (A)Introduction Marketing research is the function which links theconsumer, customer and public to the marketers throughinformation used to identify and define marketing, opportunitiesand problems, generates refine marketing action; monitormarketing performance; and improve understanding of marketingas a process. Marketing research specifies the information requiredto address these issues; designs the method for collectioninformation manages and implements the data collection process;analysis the results and communication the findings and theirimplication.Research definition: Research is careful inquiry or examination to discovernew information and relationship and to expand and to verifyexiting knowledge, Research always starts with questions or a problem. Itspurpose is to find answer to questions through the application ofthe scientific method. It is a systematic and intensive studydirected towards a more complete knowledge of the subjectstudies. 25 26. (B) Research design Research design is the plan, structure and strategy ofinvestigation conceived so as to obtain answer to research questionand to control variance. - BY KERLINGERFrom definition it is evident that research design is ore or less ablueprint of research. At the outset may be noted that there are several ways ofstudying and tackling a problem. There is no signal perfect design.The research design can be classified in to true broad categories: (A) Exploratory (B) Descriptive (C) Casual Exploratory research is focus on the discovery of ideas.Exploratory research is carried out to define problems anddeveloped hypothesis to test later. An exploratory study isgenerally based on the secondary data that are reading available. Itdoes not have to change his focus of direction, depending on theavailability of new ideas and relationship among variables. Descriptive studies are undertaken in many circumstances.Descriptive studies can be complex, determining a high degree ofscientific skill on the part of the researcher. Casual research helps in determined cause and effectrelationship. Between two or more variables. 26 27. The present study seeks to find out the consumers attitudetowards buying of bike. The study also aims at findings out thedrawbacks of the marketing set up of Hero Honda PVT. LTD. Sothis makes the study a descriptive one. (D) Sources of Data The sources of data collection methods are as follows.a) Primary data:- The primary data is that which details we collect first timefrom the market and also used first time in the research. We alsosay that the information is first time in the research decision. Tocollect the primary data questionnaire is prepared structure non-disguise questionnaire is prepared.b) Secondary data:- Secondary data are those data which are already collected bysomeone for some purpose and are available for the present study;secondary data are already collected by the companys

records andother librarys books. When the secondary data are sufficient, theresearcher has to be satisfied with the primary sources of data.Secondary data can be used as bases for comparison with primarydata have been collected by questionnaire. 27 28. (E) Data Collection Method Researcher instruments is the tool by which the researchercan do research on specific problems or objective. The mostpopular researcher instrument for collection data isQuestionnaire for a particular investigation. It is simple for amoiled set of questions presented to respondents for their answers.Due to this flexibility, it is most common instrument used tocollect the primary data. During the pre- testing of questionnaire, Iseen the reaction of respondents and suggestions required to makechange in research instrument. The questionnaire contains three types of questions. Open-ended question:- It is helpful in knowing what is uppermost in the mind of the respondents. It gives complete freedom to the respondent. Dichotomous questions :- It has only two answers in form yes or n, true or false, use or do not use. So the respondent is offered two or more choice. Multiple-choice question:- In this, the respondent is offered two or more choice. 28 29. (F) Sampling plan Sampling is a process of obtaining. The information aboutthe entire population by examine a part of it .The effectiveness ofthe research depends on the sample size selected for the surveypurpose.(A) sample Site:- The survey was conducted in SURAT CITY.(B)Sampling Unit:- It means Who is to be surveyed. Here target populationis decided and it is who are interested to purchase Bike andsampling frame is developed so that every one in the targetpopulation has known chance of being sampled. So the survey isconducted particularly in Surat City.(C)Sample size:- For the purpose of proper survey, there is need of perfectresearch instruments to find out sample size for more accurateresult about buying behavior of bike. The sample size is 100respondents. 29 30. Projectsformba.blogspot.comStatically Formula for Sample Size is:-n=p*q (z/e) 2Were,n=Sample Sizep=0.80(probability of satisfied customer)q=0.20(Ip)z=1.96(The z (95%) score associated with the degree ofConfidence)e=0.05 (tolerable error)n= (0.84)*(016)*(1.96/0.05)2= (0.1344)*(1536.64)=206.52Sample Size n=206.52Here, from calculation n=206.52 is found but for the simplicity ofthe study n=206.52have taken. 30 31. Method:- A Stratified random sample is one where the population isdivided in to mutually exhaustive strata or sub-group and then asimple random is selected within each of strata on age groups,occupation etc. It may be noted that stratification does not meansabsence of randomness. I use a simple random sampling method. 31 32. 32 33. 1. AGE WISE CLASSIFICTION Age (in year) No. of respondents Percentage (%) 18-20 30 30 21-25 37 37 26-30 15 15 31-35 06 06 36-40 07 07 41& above 05 05 Total 100 100 Age wise Classification 7, 7% 5, 5% 6, 6% 30, 30% 18-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 15, 15% 36-40 41& above 37, 37% (Sources: Questionnaire-personal Detail)Comment:- Above Graph shows are 30% of respondent in age groupof 18-20, 37%of respondent in age group of 21-25, 15% ofrespondent in age group of 26-30, 7% and 5% respondent are comein 36-40 and 41&above. 2. OCCUPATION WISE CLASSIFICATION 33 34. Occupation No. of respondents Percentage (%) Servicemen 47 47 Student 30 30 Business 12 12 Profession 08 08 Others 03 03 Total 100 100 Occupation Wise Classification 100 No. of Respondents 80 60 No. of

respondents 40 Percentage (%) 20 0 s en t on s en er s m ne si th ud e es i O ic us St of rv B Pr Se Occupation (Sources: Questionnaire-personal detail)Comment:- Above Chart Shows that 47 respondent are Servicemen outof 100 and 30 are the students. 12 respondents are businessman. 3. INCOME WISE CLASSIFICATION 34 35. Income Level No. of respondents Percentage (%) <= 5000 54 54 5000-10,000 25 25 10,000-15,000 11 11 15,000-20,000 07 07 20,000 Above 03 03 Total 100 100 Income Wise Classification 7, 7% 3, 3% 11, 11% 5000 5000-10,000 10,000-15,000 15,000-20,000 54, 54% 20,000 Above 25, 25% (Sources: - Questionnaire Personal Detail)Comment:- Above graph shows that 54% of respondents are incomein <=5000 income level, Second 25% of respondents are of5000-10,000 income level. 11% of respondents are of10,000-15,000, 7% of respondents are of 15,000-20,000 andremain 3% of respondents above 20,000 of income level. 35 36. 4. SOURCES OF FINANCESources of Finance No. of respondents Percentage (%) By cash 45 45 By Loan 55 55 Total 100 100 55 55 60 45 45 50 40 No. of respondents 30 Percentage (% ) 20 10 0 By cash By Loan (Sources: QuestionnaireQue.8)Comment:- Above Graph shows that 55 people purchase HeroHonda Bike For by Loan and 45 people purchase Hero Honda Bikefrom Cash. 36 37. 5. ANALYSIS OF PREFERING AUTO MOBILE Auto Mobiles No. of respondents Percentage (%) Shivani 20 20 Dhru 17 17 Siddhi 11 11 Other 52 52 Total 100 100 No. of respondents Shivani 20% Other Dhru 52% 17% Siddhi 11% (Sources: - Questionnaire Que.7)Comment:- Above Chart shows that out of 100, 52 % respondentsprefer other Automobile to purchase bike. 20 % respondents prefershivani Automobile to purchase bike.6. FROM WHICH SOURCE YOU PURCHSE BIKE? 37 38. Sources No. of respondents Percentage (%) News Paper 12 12T.V.Advertisement 14 14 Friends 26 26 Others 48 48 Total 100 100 No. of respondents News Paper, 12 T.V.Advertiseme nt, 14 Others, 48 Friends, 26 (Sources: - Questionnaire Que.3)Comment:- Above graph shows that 48 % respondents are come toknow from the other. Then 26 % respondents are come to knowfrom the friends. 14 % & 12 % respondents are come to knowfrom the T.V.Advertisement & news paper.7 AGE V/S USAGE OF COMPANIES MOTORCYCLE Age (in Hero Bajaj TVS Yamaha Honda Total year) Honda 38 39. 18-20 15 05 03 02 05 30 21-25 23 06 03 03 02 37 26-30 09 02 01 03 00 15 31-35 02 00 01 01 02 06 36-40 01 2 02 01 01 0741& above 01 01 00 02 01 05 Total 51 16 10 12 11 100 Age V/S Of Companies Motorcycles 25 20 No. Of Respondents 18-20 21-25 15 26-30 31-35 10 36-40 41& above 5 0 Hero Honda Bajaj TVS Yamaha Honda (Sources: - Questionnaire personal detail)Comment: Above Charts shows that 51 respondents are use HeroHonda Companys Motorcycle. And 16 respondents are usingBajaj bikes.4. WHO IS DECISION MAKER FOR PURCHASING BIKE INYOUR FAMILY? Sources No. of respondents Percentage (%) Father 46 46 Self 42 42 Mother 10 10 39 40. Others 02 02 Total 100 100 Decision maker for purchasing bike 50 46 46 42 42 40 30 20 No. of respondents Percentage (%) 10 10 10 2 0 Percentage (%) 2 Father No. of respondents Self Mother Others (Sources: Questionnaire personal detail & Que-4)Comment:- Above Graph shows that 46 % respondents take decisionby father for purchasing bike. And 42 % respondents are takedecision by self for purchasing bike.5. WHAT FEATURES YOU CONSIDERS WHEN YOUPURCHASE BIKE PLEASE GIVES THE RANK. 40

41. Weightage 6 5 4 3 2 1 Attributes Excellent Very Good Averag Poor Very Total Total Good e Poor score Price 30 20 18 16 10 06 100 426 Less 18 11 17 30 13 11 100 358maintenance Style 21 18 19 10 11 21 100 355 Durability 10 17 16 24 21 12 100 335 Mileage 24 19 14 17 09 17 100 381Easy Driving 20 12 21 23 10 14 100 367 Brand 17 19 14 21 17 12 100 362 Reputation Color 28 19 18 13 10 12 100 406 Pick up 19 22 15 20 14 10 100 382 Total 187 157 152 174 115 115 900 3370 Attributes Weightage Price 426 Less maintenance 358 Style 355 Durability 335 Mileage 381 Easy Driving 367 Brand Reputation 362 41 42. Color 406 Pick up 382 Total 3370 Feature of purchasing Bike 11% 12% Price Less maintenance 12% 11% Style Durability Mileage 11% 11% Easy Driving Brand Reputation 10% Color 11% 11% Pick up (Sources: - Questionnaire personal detail & Que-5)Comment:- Above chart show that more no of respondents are givemore weightage to the price.6. RATE THE FOLLOWING ATTRIBUTES OFSHOW ROOM 42 43. Projectsformba.blogspot.comAttributes Excellent Very Good Average Poor Total GoodAvailable 30 24 18 16 12 100After Service 16 35 24 15 10 100Knowledge 20 21 23 20 16 100Of Sales manService 25 18 27 19 11 100Infrastructure 12 29 20 17 22 100Total 103 127 112 87 71 500 43 44. Attribute of show room 100 12 10 11 90 16 22 80 16 15 19 no of respondents 20 70 17 Poor 18 24 60 Average 27 50 23 20 Good 40 24 Very Good 35 18 30 21 Excellent 29 20 30 25 10 16 20 12 0 Available After Service Knowledge Of Service Infrastructure Sales man (Sources: - Questionnaire personal detail & Que-6)Comment:- Above chart shows that 30 respondents out of 100 areavailable who give Weight age on the excellent and second 35respondents out of 100 are after service who gives Weight age onthe Very Good, 23 respondents are Knowledge of salesman whogive Weight age on the good, 27 respondents are service who giveWeight age on the good, 29 respondents are Infrastructure whogives Weight age on the Very Good. 44 45. Projectsformba.blogspot.com9. RATE THE FOLLOWING SCHEMES THATATTRACT YOU MOST.Attributes Excellent Very Good Average Poor Total GoodFestival 43 21 12 14 10 100OfferExchange 15 31 29 12 13 100OfferSpecial Gift 20 19 30 20 11 100Cash 11 21 19 34 15 100DiscountAnniversary 14 13 12 20 41 100OfferTotal 103 105 102 100 90 500 45 46. Anniversary Offer Cash Discount Poor Average Special Gift Good Very Good Excellent Exchange Offer Festival Offer 0 20 40 60 80 100 (Sources: - Questionnaire personal detail & Que-9)Comment:- Above graph shows that in festival offer 43 respondentsout of 100 are give a excellent, then in exchange offer 31respondents out of 100 are give a very good rank, in special gift 30respondents are give a good rank, in cash discount 34 respondentsare give a average rank 46 47. 10. RATE THE FOLLOWING FEATURE YOU HAVE PURCHASE HERO HONDA BIKE Attributes Excellent Very Good Average Poor Total Good Mileage 31 26 15 18 10 100 Available 14 25 32 16 13 100 Price 16 22 42 11 09 100After Service 20 31 25 14 10 100 Pick up 21 36 17 15 11 100 Style 18 25 15 26 16 100 Color 20 24 26 10 20 100 Average 27 24 20 15 14 100 Total 167 213 192 125 103 800 47 48. Average 27 24 20 15 14 Color 20 24 26 10 20 Style 18 25 15 26 16 Excellent Pick up 21 36 17 15 11 Very Good Good After Service 20 31 25 14 10 Average 16 22 42 11 9 Poor Price Available 14 25 32 16 13 Mileage 31 26 15 18 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 (Sources: - Questionnaire personal detail & Que-

10)Comment:- Above graph show that respondents give more weightageto the price then after they give more weightage to the mileagebefore purchasing motorcycle. 48 49. CHAPTER: 6 TESTING OF HYPOTHESIS 49 50. TESTING OF HYPOTHESIS A hypothesis is a proposition, which the researcher wants toverify. It is tall test and my null hypotheses are,H0: P = 0.40H1: P 0.40 With reference to favorable market of Hero Honda Bike. Now to verify this hypothesis I have taken significantlevel of1 %. It means in the long run risk of making the wrong decision isI out of every 100. Since the sample size is more than 30 the use of Z test ismost applicable.Now,P = Probability of Hero Honda is given best by consumer.Q = Probability of other company bike is given best by consumer.X = Hero Honda bike is purchased by consumer.N = Total no. of Respondents.P = x/n =51/100 =0.51q =1-p i.e. 0.49Z calculation = pq _______ _______ PQ _______ 100 50 51. = 0.51- 0.40 __________ __________ 0.49*0.4 ________ 100 = 0.11 ________ ________ 0.00196 = 0.11 _______ 0.04427 = 2.48 = 2.48 < 2.56So, How may accepted at 1 % level of significance. It may beconcluded that 40 % of consumer go for other company bike and60 % go for Hero Honda bike. 51 52. CHAPTER: 7 FINDINGS 52 53. FINDINGS The study shows that 51 respondents are using Hero Honda. The current trend is that respondents give maximum no of point to price and mileage. The study show that 48 respondents are come to know from others and 26 respondents are come to know from friends about Hero Honda bike. The study shows that 55 respondents are purchase Hero Honda bike by Loan and 45 respondents are purchase Hero Honda bike by cash. The study shows that 31 respondents are give point to mileage. The study shows that more no. of respondents gives more weightage to price. The more no. of serviceman, Students, Businessmen, and others give more weightage to the price when Professionals give more weightage to the mileage. The study shows that 46 respondents are father take a decision to purchase bike And 42 respondents are self take a decision to purchase bike. The study shows that 30 respondents are give rank to available in show rooms and 35 respondents are give rank to after service. The study shows that 43 respondents are giving excellent to festival offer and 41 respondents are give poor rank to the anniversary offer. The study shows that 45 respondents are purchase Hero Honda bike whose salary is below 5000 income. 53 54. 54 55. SUGGESTIONS 1. Hero Honda should introduce a low price moped 2. For the promotion, company show make road-show that will 3. Increase the sales. The company should give more concentrate on the advertisement. 4. Hero Honda Company should implement a new strategy to reduce the competition and lead into the bike market. 5. As people expect more mileage per kilometer, company should increase the mileage of the hero Honda bike. 6. Hero Honda should make a sports bike like to Kawasaki Suzuki Hyabusa bikes which can run with maximum speeds. 55 56. SWOT ANALYSIS OFHERO HONDA 56 57. SWOT ANALYSISStrengths Ability to understand customers needs and wants Recognized and established brand name Effective advertising capability Weaknesses R&D is not close to the Hero manufacturing

plant Hero is vulnerable in the joint venture because Honda Motor Company has so much power 57 58. Opportunities Global expansion into the Caribbean and Central America Expansion of target market (include women) Become Indias leader in the scooter market Threats Honda Motorcycles and Scooters India can take away market share and cause joint venture to go sour Bajaj Motors is a strong competitor 58 59. Projectsformba.blogspot.comCHAPTRE: 8REFERENCE MATERIAL BIBLOGRAPHY APPENDICES 59 60. BIBLIOGRAPHY 60 61. Marketing research, G.C.Beri, Third Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2000 Marketing management, Philip Kotler, Twelth (Millennium) edition, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2003 61 62. APPENDICES QUESTIONNAIRE 62 63. A STUDY ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR AT TIME TO PURCHASE HERO HONDA BIKE. 1 Do you have own bike? (a) Yes [ ]. (b) No [ ] If yes than, 2 Which company bike do you have at present? Company ____________________ 3 Whom do you refer to purchasing bike? (A) News paper [ ] (C) TV advertisement [ ] (B) Friends [ ] (D) others [ ] 4 Who is decision maker for purchasing bike in your family? (A) Father [ ] (B) Mother [ ] (B) Self [ ] (D) other [ ] 5 How you purchase bike? (A) By cash [ ] (B) By Loan [ ] 63 64. 6 What features you considers when you purchase bike please give the rank.attributes excellent Very good Average Poor Very good poorpriceLess maintenanceStyleDurabilityMileageEasy drivingBrand reputationColor 7 Rate the following attribute of show roomAttributes 1 2 3 4 5AvailableAfter salesServicesinfrastructure 8 From where are you purchasing___________? (A) Shivani Auto [ ] (C) Shiddi Auto [ ] (B) Dhruv Auto [ ] (D) others [ ] 64 65. 9 Rate the following schemes that attract you most.attributes 1 2 3 4 5SpecialofferExchangeofferSpecialgiftCashdiscount 10 Rate the following feature you have purchase hero Honda Bike.Attribute 1 2 3 4 5MileageAvailablePriceAfter servicePick up 11 give your suggestion. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ CUSTOMER PERSONAL INFORMATION:-A. Name: ___________________________________________B. Address:___________________________________________ 65 66. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________C. phone no:__________________________________________D. Age (in year):- 18 to 20 [ ] 21 to 25 [ ] 26 to 30 [ ] 31 to 35 [ ] 36 to 40 [ ] 41 & above [ ]E. Occupation:- Services [ ] Businessman [ ] Students [ ] Professional [ ] Others [ ]F. monthly income:- 5000 [ ] 5000-10,000 [ ] 10,000-15,000 [ ] 15,000-20,000 [ ] 20,000 Above [ ] Sing.___________________ Date.___________________ 66

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