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Task 1 5 components of health related exercise: Cardiovascular is the ability to continue training the cardiovascular system for a period

d longer than 20 minutes on average. Muscular Strength ability of a muscle to exert a maximum force though a given range of motion or single point. Flexibility ability of a joint to move through a full range of motion for a given exercise. Muscular Endurance refers to the capacity of a muscle to exert a sub maximal force through a given range of motion or at a single point over a specific time scale. Body Composition body composition is the ratio of the lean body mass to fat body mass. Fitness components play a very important role in joining a public service because only the fittest will survive amongst the fitness test that you will have to go through to be accepted into a chosen service. Every public service has different fitness requirements. For example, the service I wish to enrol into is the Royal Air Force; therefore my fitness skill must be of a higher standard to ensure me a high chance of getting into my career. Over the time I have spent at college I have completed certain fitness assessments and gained results that I can begin to compare against the current fitness requirements of the Royal Air Force.

My results from the fitness testing on the 5th of January 2011: Press ups in on minute 35 Sit ups in one minute 40 Bleep test score level 12.12 1.5 mile run time 10min 47secs Sit and reach (flexibility) 23cm Grip test Right hand 47.2 Left hand 47KG Body Mass Index 21 = healthy

The Royal Air Force fitness requirements:

Press ups for 17-29 year olds 20 in two minutes Sit ups for 17-29 35 in two minutes Bleep test score 17-29 9.10 - 11.6 1.5 mile run less than 12min 12 secs Sit and reach (flexibility) 0 - +5cm Grip test average 45 50KG

Overall I feel that I have done well towards my fitness since starting at Chesterfield College that has given motivation to do fitness activities out of college hours for my own personal benefit, I can see that I have achieved majority of the Royal Air Force fitness requirements. The RAF requires the minimum of 20 press ups in two minutes; I am capable of 35 press ups in one minute. I must be able to complete 35 press ups in two minutes; I can complete 40 in one minute. The third requirement is to achieve from 9.10 11.6 on a bleep test, my best score is level 12.12. The RAF also wants applicants to achieve a time less than 12 minutes 12 seconds over a 1.5 mile distance; my personal best is 10 minutes and 47 seconds. The average sit and reach results for 17 years range between 0 - +5cm, my result for my flexibility an average of 23cm. The average results for a grip test for 17 year olds ranges between 45 -50 KG, my best is 47.2 KG, I am comfortably between to average for my age group.

However I want to achieve the following targets; to decrease the time it takes me to complete a mile and a half run as I feel with the out of college hours fitness that I am doing, I feel I can achieve better. I also feel that I should work hard to increase my press up and sit up results per minute, to improve my chances of being selected for my training for the service; also I want to improve my grip ability and improve my flexibility further and generally improve my overall fitness to prepare myself for phase one training. I feel that my Cardiovascular health is very good for joining my service as I have achieved a good score on the bleep test and also for the mile and a half run test. To maintain this level I swim 1000 meters every week, I also cycle roughly 10-15miles every week and I also take part in fitness sessions at my Air Cadet Squadron. My Muscular Strength is pretty average, I do meet to RAF Press up requirements however I personally want to achieve higher results in my press ups as I want to give myself a good chance of getting accepted into my chosen service and then my chosen trade. In order for me to increase my Muscular Strength I am doing press ups each night for one minute gradually getting higher results as I will maintain doing this for my personal target. When I carried out these fitness tests I was worried about my Flexibility, however comparing to the RAF fitness requirements my Flexibility is very good on the other hand, I still think there is some room for improvement for my own personal achievement. In order to improve my Flexibility I shall stretch my muscles for a longer period of time before, during and after I exercise and I shall maintain this to improve my overall Flexibility. Muscular Endurance, personally I feel my Muscular Endurance is average for the RAF requirements. For example, my grip test was 47KG which is in the middle for what the RAF require, in order for me to improve that result to give my better chance to being accepted I can do pull ups at

my local gym this will increase my grip and Muscular Strength I could also see how long I can suspend myself from a bar and over a period of time this will gradually improve my grip strength. Overall my Body Mass Index is currently healthy, I am pleased with this result so I will maintain this by continuing to eat healthily and continue to exercise regularly.

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