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Remembering Dhirubhai

Dhirubhai Ambani was the ultimate success story. Born in a rural village in Gujarat, he rose from a small trader of textiles and spices to head the largest and most profitable industrial concern in India, the Reliance Group. He was a gentleman of immediate warmth. A modest man who did not discuss his achievements or his generosity towards his employees, his community and his country. Gary L. Ackerman, in the House of Representatives, US Congress He was an embodiment of initiative, enterprise and determination. He will remain an inspiration for others in the country. He helped India make a mark in the global world. Lal Krishna Advani, Deputy Prime Minister of India Each time a man acts to improve the lot of others, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, such ripples crossing from different centres generate an energy which can tear down the strongest opposition. With his passing away, an era has ended." A.M. Ahmadi, Former Chief Justice of India This new star which rose on the horizon of Indian industry three decades ago, remained on the top till the end by virtue of his ability to dream big and to translate his dreams into reality through the strength of his tenacity and perseverance. P.C. Alexander, Governor of Maharashtra A friend is a friend is a friend. And if a friend is in need, they are going to be there. For Dhirubhai, too, a friend was forever. Through any vicissitude of fortune, through the ups and downs of fortunes, political or economic, if Dhirubhai was your friend, he was your friend. Amitabh Bachchan He was the only industrialist who took India on to the global stage. Rahul Bajaj, Chairman, Bajaj Auto
(Tributes in alphabetical order.)


At a point of time when he leaves this mortal earth, he leaves a great lesson for us. To be ambitious, to be entrepreneur, to be wealth creator, to be wealth sharer and be always a distributor and a great relation builder. G.N. Bajpai, Chairman, SEBI No doubt that he was a visionary and a dreamer, but he was converting all his vision and dreams into reality. He was a person who led throughout by example. Infact, I would say that he raised the stature of common people. He also raised the stature of all his countrymen and brought India on the industrial map of the world. And made India a force to reckon with, when it comes to the capability of our people in implementing complex projects. It is endless to recall all his contributions. Janki Ballabh, Chairman, State Bank of India He inspired countless ordinary men and women to perform beyond their normal capabilities. K.K. Birla, Eminent Industrialist and Former Rajya Sabha Member Dhirubhai Ambani built an empire that was rock solid. It was very strong in its foundations and he will always remain an icon of our times. Kumar Mangalam Birla, Chairman, AV Birla Group He had an exemplary social side, he helped generously the victims of Latur and Bhuj. Vilasrao Deshmukh, Chief Minister, Govt. of Maharashtra Not only was he a first generation industrialist who single handedly built one of India's most impressive business empires, but he was also an entrepreneur and a visionary who will be remembered for shaping the industrial scenario of the country. Sheila Dikshit,Chief Minister, Govt. of National Capital Territory of Delhi

symbol of encouragement and inspiration

enduring friendships

clarity of vision
sheer foresight, commitments, dedication and hard work greatest industrial Architect

aspiring entrepreneurs


passion for excellence


Reliance Industries Limited


a great beacon of the industry

great visionary, innovator and an entrepreneur of extraordinary abilities

Remembering Dhirubhai
Dhirubhai Ambani has pioneered the equity cult in India. He has been the single most prominent example of a successful entrepreneur who has gained the respect, admiration and affection of people from all levels of society. Dr. Mohan Kaul, Director-General, Commonwealth Business Council, UK He was indeed a legend who by sheer foresight, commitments, dedication and hard work brought glory not only to himself and the family but also to our entire country. He will go down in history of modern India as the greatest industrial architect. Rajive Kaul, President, All India Management Association He was one of the greatest achievers who inspired the first generation of entrepreneurs. He will always be remembered as a pioneer who guided the first generation Dhirubhai was somebody who had blazed such a trail of success and such a trail of good business practices, particularly after the licence quota raj he was the first one. There were many Indian businessmen who prospered during the licence quota raj, but withered away immediately as reform took place. Dhirubhai was a unique personality who built his empire during the licence quota raj and prospered much when the licence quota raj was abolished. Shekhar Gupta, Editor, Indian Express One of the biggest qualities of Dhirubhai Ambani that I can think of, was his extreme ambition. He never thought about joint ventures. He believed in doing it alone. Whatever has to be created, has to be 100% of your own. Pramod Mahajan, Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, Communications & Information Technology He never knew that there was something that cannot be done and he proved it. Innovator is also one who sees what everybody else sees, but thinks of what nobody else thinks. He was able to do that. He was able to think ahead of any one. Not one year, five years, or ten years, he could visualise things 20 to 25 years ahead. Dr. R. A. Mashelkar, Director General, Council of Scientific & Industry Research entrepreneurs through his path breaking entrepreneurial adventure. S.M. Krishna,Chief Minister, Govt. of Karnataka

indomitable persistence

He will be remembered for his vision and ambitious endeavours. Adi Godrej, Chairman & MD, Godrej Consumer Products Ltd. He will be remembered as a person who showed the way how a responsible industrialist should function and do everything at his command to maintain and sustain the faith reposed by the investors. With phenomenal success both as a businessman and the ease and the equanimity he showed facing every storm in his life, he will be remembered forever. The Himalayan faith he built and nurtured among investors which in my opinion has no parallel at least in our country. H.D. Deve Gowda, Former Prime Minister of India

source of inspiration

a man who dared to dream

can do attitude
a personal friend

entrepreneurial spirit
God's Angel

His entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to creating an equity culture in India were remarkable. Through his special concern for the entire Reliance family of workers, managers, business associates, and shareholders, as well as his strong support for his country, he served as an inspiration and model for other leaders. Robert L. Joss, Philip H. Knight Professor and Dean, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University

a truly global Indian

admirable human qualities
one of the greatest businessmen in Indian industrial history

Indian industry has lost its spirit. Dhirubhai Ambani symbolised the 'India can do' attitude. K. V. Kamath, MD & CEO, ICICI Bank

(Tributes in alphabetical order.)


Reliance Industries Limited


Remembering Dhirubhai
Unlike many older Indian businesses, Reliance chose a new path on its ascendancy to becoming a Fortune World 500 Company, and Dhirubhai Ambani was the architect of Reliance's success. Dhirubhai Ambani chose not to keep his businesses as a family concern. Instead, he floated equity shares and thereby allowed millions of middle-class Indians to join with him in enjoying Reliance's decades of economic success. Dhirubhai Ambani was a legend in India. He was also a role model for entrepreneurs around the world, as well as having served as a shining example of India's economic potential. Jim McDermott, in the House of Representatives, US Congress Dhirubhai Ambani has left a mark on the industrial map of India which will be difficult for any other person to emulate. P.R.S. Oberoi, Chairman, The Oberoi Group He made an enormous impact on India, on Indian people He was empowered with purpose and he has sung his way to immortality. Things do not turn up in this world until somebody turns them up and believes in the power of innovation, strategy, timeliness and execution the magic ingredients in a recipe for success. Dhirubhai reliably manifested a calm orderly approach to create a behemoth that is testament to common benchmarks of perfection. Deepak Parekh, Chairman, HDFC The sun of the Indian industry has set. His personal charm and the enduring friendships he maintained till the very last days were an indication of his greatness as a person. Sanjeev Saran, Chairman, Synthetic & Rayon Textiles Export Promotion Council (SRTEPC) He epitomised knowledge is vision and vision is knowledge. And progress is the most important product. He had an incredible uncanny knack of getting at the essence of any proposal. His razor sharp ability could find a breezy corridor in a wild forest of rules and regulations. His responses were faster than a wink. He was a legend in his own lifetime. Prof. M. M. Sharma, Ex Director, UDCT 20
Reliance Industries Limited (These are just a few randomly selected tributes from the millions of messages received - these are listed in alphabetical order.)

an embodiment of initiative, enterprise and determination

The ideals, inspiration and the values of Dhirubhai will act as a guide for generations. A person like Dhirubhai never dies, he becomes immortal; he walks this earth not to leave it but to shine on it. Amar Singh, Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha Dhirubhai Ambanis life epitomises a spirit of entrepreneurship and unflagging determination which through human history has created enduring institutions. Jaswant Singh, Finance Minister, Govt. of India Shri Dhirubhai Ambani was a great helm's man. He was a great pioneer. The greatest entrepreneur that this country has produced in the second half of the twentieth century. Far ahead of his times, a great dreamer, but who also had the capacity to convert those dreams into hard reality." Dr. Manmohan Singh, Leader of the Opposition, Rajya Sabha

personages seldom sun of the Indian industry

the greatest achievement by any human.

and Indian industry. He did so by changing mindsets and attitudes, policies and preferences, be it in regard to enterprise and entrepreneurship, use of personal savings as investment in the corporate sector and taking courage to embark on ambitious initiatives. Ashok Soota, President, Confederation of Indian Industry

messiah of small investors

Everest of Indian industry

flame of entrepreneurial spirit

Bal Thackeray, Shiv Sena Chief Our country has lost an iconic proof of what an ordinary Indian fired by the spirit of enterprise and driven by determination, can achieve in his own lifetime. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Prime Minister of India Thanks largely to him, the world opened its eyes to Indias economy. He made it clear that success comes from rolling up ones sleeves, getting to work and not relying on inheritance or privilege. Frank G. Wisner, Former US Ambassador to India

acute business acumen

pioneer of the equity cult

an epitome of humility and simplicity



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