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TIME and again we have pleaded with the community to understand the reality of violence.

One punch to the head is enough to kill or irreparably injure. This week, through the tragic death of 21-year-old Nitin Garg, we have also witnessed the sad reality that the same can be said for knives. The senseless loss of this young life has sparked a public outcry from the community and rightly so. Violence on our streets should not be tolerated or ignored. People should be able to walk our streets safely, without fear of attack or recrimination. Advertisement: Story continues below Knives are dangerous weapons, no matter their shape or size. Armed with a knife you are placing yourself in an incredibly dangerous and compromising position. The temptation to draw the weapon in conflict or crime cannot be underestimated. Your actions in this split second could change or end a life and destroy yours. And yet time and time again, police are called to attend cases where an innocent person has fallen victim to a random, unprovoked attack. Police have caught children as young as 10 carrying knives. Shockingly, our police statistics show that the number of young people arming themselves with knives is increasing. In the 2008-09 financial year, 58 children aged between 10 and 14 were caught by police, a 45 per cent jump on the previous year. A further 287 teenagers, aged between 15 and 19, were also arrested. Who are these kids? Why are they arming themselves with knives and other bladed weapons? How many of them are prepared to use them to perpetrate acts of violence against

another human being? And what can we do to stop this alarming trend? As a community we have many of these answers. These are kids who live in our neighbourhoods. You may know them. You may know their parents or friends. They are kids who think it is cool to carry a knife, almost like it's a fashion accessory. There are people, young people and adults, who arm themselves under the guise of personal protection, and others who carry a weapon to commit crimes such as robbery. We, as police, as a community, as family and friends of these offenders, cannot and should not tolerate this knife culture. It is up to all of us - police, parents, guardians, teachers and family - to ensure that we are educating our children about the dangers of violence and the potentially fatal consequences of carrying weapons. I can assure you that as Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police I am committed to doing everything in my power to stop street violence and to ensure that police have all the support they need to take knives out of people's hands and off our streets. Last Thursday, police exercised new search powers at Footscray railway station and confiscated 12 weapons, including knives and a machete. Under amendments to legislation made at the end of last year, police now have the power to declare a designated area a ''weapons search area''. This means police have the power to stop and search anyone within the designated area without a search warrant. There were many critics beforehand suggesting that due to the necessary publicity we would not find anyone carrying knives. History told us that people engaged in this sort of

activity would engage in it regardless of any prior notification. Sadly, it's part of today's culture and sadly we were right. We will continue to use police intelligence to identify areas, such as the Footscray railway station, that have a history of high-volume knife-related crimes. We will target those who think it is reasonable to brazenly carry weapons. This will enable police to seize weapons before they are used in a crime, because the sad reality is that if someone has a knife on them, sooner or later they are likely to use it. I am aware that the new search powers have attracted concern from some civil libertarians who have argued that police should not have the power to search people randomly in designated zones. I have every expectation that my police will conduct themselves professionally at all times and treat people with respect and dignity. This is not about depriving individuals of their rights. I firmly believe that this is about protecting the rights of the broader community and the rights of people to be safe on our streets and around our transport hubs. I don't make any apologies for taking decisive steps to tackle violence, antisocial behaviour, drug and alcohol-fuelled violence and assaults. The fundamental role of police is to protect the community we serve. It's not an easy job and one that is always in the spotlight. Police working our streets and within our local communities need to be supported in keeping you safe. We can't allow blame and uninformed public debate to cloud the real issues affecting us now. We must all take immediate action - everyone needs to play a part.

When I speak with parents about the alarming trend of young people carrying knives, I advise them to talk with their kids about the dangers of carrying weapons, even a pair of scissors. Parents and carers should be having honest dialogue about what can happen and how quickly a situation can escalate into tragedy. Police see it every day - an action in the heat of the moment, a split-second decision that can change someone's life forever. Parents should encourage their children to speak up - to a parent, police or a teacher - if they are aware that any of their friends are carrying weapons. Anyone who sees someone with a weapon or reasonably suspects that someone has a weapon should immediately contact police. We need to foster a culture that says not only is it illegal to carry a weapon, it is socially unacceptable. We only have to look at the UK to see how a knife culture can spiral out of control. Stabbings are the most common form of murder in Britain. Of the 839 homicides in England and Wales in 2005, 29 per cent involved sharp instruments. In London alone, there were 12,589 knife-related crimes in 2007. These figures are shocking. But the statistics tell only part of the story. It's the human face of victims such as Nitin Garg, a promising young graduate killed in the prime of his life, who should unite us in our determination to turn the tide against violence and tackle this knife culture. Simon Overland is the Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police.

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