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November 2011


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T h e
j a m s h e d p u r , N o v 1 1 , V o l 1 9 / 2
Tr. Shamita Ahuja
Tr. Sapna Jacob
Tr. Sonia Raisurana
Akash Tiwary
Associate Editor
Sreya Ahuja
Tathagata Sengupta
Ankit Kerketta
Upaj Ekka
Rahul Tiwary
Sarvesh Singh
Tanvi Mathur
Vikram Kumar
Devyani Chandra
Varun Pandey
Ayush Taneja
Indranil Ganguly
Mayukh Sen
Debdeep Chattoraj
Arjun Raisurana
Rahul Chandrashekhar
Ashu Prabhat Kandulna
Abhilash Prasann
Sandipan Sen
Ketaki Verma
Dipanjan Roychowdhury
Anshuli Rajeeva
Malvika Sandhu
Meghna Malhotra
Asad Jawed Ahmed
The objective of Jesuit education is to assist
in the fullest possible development of all God
given talents of each individual person as a
member of the human community. The kind
of transformation that Loyola wants to bring
about in our students rests on four pillars :
Social, Intellectual, Spiritual and Personal.
It seeks to engage students in the
teaching/learning process and encourages
personal and collective responsibility.
In other words, education at Loyola aims for holistic development.
Holistic education is a philosophy of education based on the premise
that each person finds identity, meaning, and purpose in life through
connections to the community, to the natural world, and to
humanitarian values such as compassion and peace. Holistic education
aims to call forth from people an intrinsic reverence for life and a
passionate love of learning. It aims at helping students be the most that
they can be.
Consider your life's greatest challenges. What did you need to know to
overcome the obstacles you faced? Consider your greatest successes.
What did you need to know in order to achieve those successes? Then
ask yourself, how many of those things that I needed to know did I learn
in school?
At Loyola we try to delegate responsibility to our students wherever
possible. With activities and competitions taking place every other day,
students are provided with ample opportunities to develop their soft
skills and thereby broaden their perspective. They are encouraged to
go beyond class room learning. Team work teaches them about
themselves, about healthy relationships and pro-social behavior, social
and emotional development and resilience.
The recently launched movie Partly Right made by the Dramatics
Club has attempted to provide a platform for the students not only to
hone their talent and try their leadership skills, it has also helped create
awareness about a burning social issue that of student suicide.
I am sure Loyoleans realize how privileged they are to be studying in an
institution which gives them so many opportunities and challenges
which will ultimately prepare them for their true calling in life. We hope
you make the best use of the golden opportunities that are being
provided to you.
With best wishes,
Fr Victor F. Misquith, S.J.
From the Principal's Desk..
You can't buy love, but you pay heavily for it
2 3
The greatest sense of fulfillment comes when you live up to
expectations. The Loyola Press Club had promised the readers
and patrons of The Loyolean, a cartoon strip that could bring
to life commonplace events that happen in a school.
The inside covers carry the first three cartoon strips designed
by our Illustrators. It may not be the most striking creation in
this domain, but it is definitely something that the LPC is very
proud of. It has been a complete year since the idea was first
thought of by our extremely gifted illustrators. None of this
would have been possible without their skills.
When we first introduced the seven cartoon characters in the
school assembly, some genuine faults were also pointed out.
For instance, there was no proper mode of presenting the
cartoon strips. If we produced one cartoon every issue, the
idea would never survive. Initially, we had thought of
introducing a fortnightly. However, this too didnt materialize
because we werent very confident of its communication
ability. Any magazine/mode of communication works only if
there is a connect with its readers/viewers/users. The team
hopes to work out an alternative by next year.
A talk with Mrs. Leela Ghose, the first moderator of the Loyola
Press Club, brought to my notice a very interesting aspect of
life; tradition. Mrs. Ghose, who is a beautiful and inspiring
woman and teacher, was overjoyed to see that we had
preserved the symbol of the Club and had continued the
serialization begun by our seniors. She told me that the logo
was conceptualized by a Loyolean more than a decade back.
While it does weigh us down, tradition also prevents us from
faltering. Also, a lot of value has been added to the magazine
only because we retained what our seniors had passed down
to us.
While we are certain that our idea will strike a chord, there is
this lingering fear of losing the cartoon characters. This is one
fear that will only be subdued with time.
The Loyolean is a true reflection of what is happening in our
school. We introduced this cartoon strip not because we
intended to show-off our expert artists. Our purpose was to
depict everything that a student encounters through art. By
doing this, we wouldnt need to rely on heavy articles that
dont have a wide audience. On the other hand, visuals are
something that all of us can relate to easily.
We have left a few aspects of the cartoon strip open for
suggestions. The LPC sincerely requests all its readers to fill in
the Feedback Form available on the last page of the magazine
and submit it to the school office. This will ensure the
involvement of a large number of people. This, in my opinion,
will contribute a lot to the ideas preservation.
The Loyola Press Club humbly presents to you, our most
ambitious creation: the cartoon strip. We hope you like it!
A child's greatest period of growth is the month after you've purchased new school uniforms
We are left awed by the gallantry, the
steely determination, and the raw
courage of the survivors around us.
We are daunted by the
hardships they had to
face. Be it a war survivor or
an earthquake survivor,
we are numbed by the
losses they have had to
endure. But in the midst of all
this, we forget that we too
are actually surviving we too
Not a single one of s merely
'lives'. Each one of survives,
survives in their raw, harsh
wilderness we call LIFE. The problems
differ, the pain varies, the survival tactics
are different, but, at the end of the day,
each one of us 'survives'.
The human mind and the human
heart that are more delicate than
the leaves of touch-me-not, yet
stronger than any Kevlar coat, are
put through innumerable battles in the
course of a lifespan.
Surviving death, loss, grief, heartache, pain also surviving
happiness which knocks you off your feet, love which makes
the world go round, fun, which can get you giddy. All our lives,
we are surviving broken bones & broken promises, surviving
the highs & the lows, surviving success & failure, love &
hatred, friendship & enmity, grief & happiness.
And of course, the teen mind, vulnerable and susceptible, the
teen heart, overexcited and gullible, are faced with a
numerous other daggers which they need to dodge. Some
such poison arrows are dodged successfully, while others
strike and leave behind a scarred mind and a torn heart.
We are surviving low grades, scarce marks, strict teachers,
expectant parents, 9 O' clock curfews, innumerable
deadlines, and pressures of peer groups and fanatical
volumes of books.
We survive intense insecurities, deathly depression, the
drunken high of a tender first love, the devastating pain of a
hideous first heartbreak, the dark lure of booze and drugs, the
stupefying metamorphosis of some of your best buddies.
You and I will survive the confusion called puberty; survive
overactive hormones and crazy mood swings and most
importantly the transition from childhood to adulthood.
We will be surviving new responsibilities, heavier
expectations, bigger decisions, maddening schedules and
before I forget, SURVIVING LIFE.
Look inside yourself, do you now see the SURVIVOR?
Then he stood up, took out the bottle of potassium cyanide
from his breast pocket, looked up towards the sky, and sent
up a prayer for forgiveness, salvation, redemption et al. He
knew well that he would not have much time before he would
perish after consuming the fatal potion. So he looked down
upon the grave and blurted - "I love you." It seemed the
sentence did not end and loomed in the air. He consumed the
poison. The unadulterated poison started to work.
Mr. Fernandez felt a choking sensation. He knew the time had
come. He spoke aloud the last word he'd ever speak: 'jenny'.
There was hardly a three second gap between his
penultimate verbal action and his last word. So it sounded as
if the dying man had uttered a sentence - "I love you, Jenny."
He collapsed and fell on the hard stone of the grave, in such a
position that his lips embarked on a word he uttered and
cherished the most in his lifetime - 'Jenny'. To a layman, it would
seem as if the dead man was kissing the word he loved - 'Jenny'.
Jenny was dead. And now, Jenny's father also died, lying above
her grave. He was a dead man. Both from inside and out.
After this, Mr. Fernandez could not pull himself together. A few
days later he was found nearing a chemist's shop, the same his
daughter Jenny bought the fatal potion from. This was the
potion that killed both Jenny and her father. Jenny died
physically, but her father morally, emotionally, spiritually and
mentally. He knew well the kind of chemicals the shop
displayed on its shelves. So he paid a few extra bills to get the
pure unadulterated potassium cyanide, the deadly poison
which could kill within seconds. He certainly didn't want to die,
suffering like his daughter did. He had suffered much and now
it was his time to relive himself of all his sufferings.
Mr. Fernandez got back into his car, brought back the engine
to life, and drove towards the cemetery. Reaching there, he
killed the engine and came out of the car. Mr. Fernandez
traced his steps down the paved way to the far corner of the
west wall of the cemetery, where Jenny lay in her grave,
peacefully or not, Mr. Fernandez did not know. He only wished
to. Reaching the grave, he found no one there. He thanked God
for it. Kneeling before the grave, his hands caressed a word,
which was chiseled on the grave - 'Jenny'. He cried for a full
eight minutes, his hand still caressing that word.
Wewent inasfavorites, astheteamtobeat, asthereigningchampions. We
hopedwewouldcomeout of thetournament withthetrophyandwithour
prideandintegrityintact.Instead,theLoyolaFootball Teamwasknockedout
oftheJOGGAfootballtournament. Hereishowtheeventsunfolded.
Our first match was against St. Mary's whom we beat 3-1 having come
from a goal down. Southpoint won their first match against KPS mango
10-0. We faced Southpoint the next game. It was a difficult and an
interesting match. The matched ended in a 1 all draw. The next day St.
Mary's then gave Southpoint a walkover. It was here that we came to
know that only one team would progress from our group. If we beat KPS
Mango, we would have been level on points with Southpoint. On such
situations, the team with a better goal difference ( i.e. the difference
between the no of goals scored minus the no of goals conceded)
qualifies for the next round. In the final match, we needed to score 9
goals to go through on goal difference rule. We had to face KPS, Mango
in our third match. Beating them was not the difficult part, beating them
by 9 goals was. Our team stepped up and at the end of a 30min long first
half, we had pumped in 7 goals. We needed just two more to qualify. It
didn't seem all that difficult.
When we entered the pitch, we saw that only 7 KPS players were on the
ground. A minute after the second half started, one playerlimped off.
The referee said that the match will have to end because a side cannot
play with less than 7 players and that the final result would be 7-0. That
meant we had been knocked out. Apparently NO player was available as
replacement. Here is the surprising part; there hadn't been a single foul
in the entire game. How were the players injured then? It wasn't bad
performance that led to the defeat but factors that we couldn't
influence. The team hopes that the tournament is regulated in a better
fashion next time.
Abhilash Prasann
(Goalkeeper of Senior Football Team)
Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired
4 5
I opened my eyes. I was still standing the cliff I was standing on; they would was bleeding. You had tended to my
there. I knew then, that my eyes were tear me apart instantly. Good. Even if wound. I remember you telling me you
shining. Strands of hair brushing lightly that wasn't enough, I could always were a doctor.
against my face in the cool morning drown. I'd also heard sharks dwelled in
That was the night I fell in love. Fell head
breeze: I was strangely afraid they would these waters. This place spelled
over heels, in love with you. I barely knew
leave a Mark on soft skin. dangerous. Forbidden. I thought it was
beautiful. I checked my watch again. O' five hundred
That was the night you died. They said it
hours. Eighteen minutes to sunrise. A tequila bottle was sitting there, on the
was a car accident. I knew you were too
ground to my right, empty. I had Far East, across the brilliant and shining
good to be true.
drowned it all in one go. My head was blue sea, where the sky and the waters
swirling with thoughts. Yet, I was very I still hoped against hope, sitting in that appeared to merge into one, I was
aware of where I was. I had always ambulance, that I was wrong. That you beginning to see yellow: the sun, a
thought I knew how to control my weren't going to die. But I was right. ' glowing ember, emerging against the faint
emotions, to discipline my mind. When I red. My eyes travelled up, toward the
I'd never done anything on impulse
woke up today, I decided I would simply white, smooth clouds above. I stretched
before. I decided to do it just this once. I
let go. one pale hand, hoping; wishing, to
decided there was no more reason left for
capture their beauty. But they were too I don't know who I was talking to, it was
me to live. I decided to jump off a cliff to
far. just me there, but I still said a lot of
bring my world to an end. I decided that
things. Everything made sense now. I looked down. I felt my heart thumping my story was complete.
loudly inside my chest, threatening to
'Before I jumped, do you know the last
I checked my watch again. Ten seconds to
burst open. I wanted it to. It would have
thing that entered my mind? You. I still
sunrise. The flight was magical.
been a better way of dying.
remember the first time I saw you. I was
From up above there, I could clearly see dancing. I was high. There was music.
below: the protruding, angular edges of Disco lights everywhere. I remember I XI D
It wasn't the first time she hadn't the race that many had run but none could everyday every moment of his life. It killed
answered as he waited outside .There had win. Not even him. him that he had to stay away.
been one rare occasion after a fight that
The wind made him shiver and he pulled Had it been possible, he would have waited
she hadn't answered the door. But things
his jacket close, still lost in her thoughts. right there all his life, Just hang around to
had returned to normal within an hour;
He'd never missed a daily thought about avoid the emptiness that her absence
back to sparkling eyes and smiles. She
her since the day he met her. He was brought, hoping to see her. But the
didn't even know how to get angry! She
silently aware of the fact that she might morning brought to him the hard
was too pure and soft for such harsh
not meet him again. Yet he stayed hoping realization that it wouldn't happen.
emotions. He stood there in the cold, with
he would at least get to see her. It
He took three steps forward and put the
the bunch of white flowers he always
reminded him of the innumerable times
flowers on the cemented platform and ran
brought along when he came to see her.
he'd waited to just catch a glimpse of her
his fingers on the engraved name, a sad
And every time he gave them to her, she
like so many others. And yet she'd never
smile on his face.
smiled the most beautiful smile-heavenly
been proud of herself.
He turned and walked away-each step
and magical- thus reminding him that he
The darkness of the night faded away
taking him away from the girl who lay
no longer owned his heart; she did.
slowly and the soft sun-rays filled in the
some feet under the ground with the
Standing in the winter fog he thought of
airy mist. She'd been the sunrise in his life.
million hearts shed stolen simply by
her. She was so perfect that there had
He smiled realizing that everything
existing. Looking back, he read the been times he had doubted her existence.
existing reminded him of her, nothing
board outside the fenced land of the The way she smiled, tossed her hair or
existed that didn't. He breathed the
simply the way she talked looking straight graveyard. It read-"Your loved ones naturally scented air, feeling her presence
into your eyes reaching your heart, you may be gone, but their essence remains in the magical sight, the breathtaking
couldn't help but fall in love with her all
beauty reminding him of the girl who'd here"
over again. It would have been the same
stolen a million hearts. He longed to see
with anybody else. She'd always been the
her; it hurt to not see her beautiful face
heart throb-the most beautiful trophy of
If you are born at the right time, with some access to family ... the emotional impairment." According to Dr. J. Reid Meloy's
fortune, and you have a special talent for whipping up other book, The Psychopathic Mind, although psychopaths don't feel
people's hatred and sense of deprivation, you can arrange emotion in a normal sense, they do experience boredom, envy,
to kill large numbers of unsuspecting people. With enough exhilaration, contempt, sadistic pleasure, anger, and hints of
money, you can accomplish this from far away, and you can depression.
sit back safely and watch in satisfaction.
Behind the exquisitely deceptive mask of the psychopath the
Crazy and frightening - and real, in about 4 percent of the emotional alteration we feel appears to be primarily one of
population....the prevalence rate for anorexic eating degree, a consistent levelling of response to petty ranges and
disorders is estimated a 3.43 percent, deemed to be nearly an incapacity to react with sufficient seriousness to achieve
epidemic, and yet this figure is a fraction lower than the rate much more than pseudo-experience or quasi-experience.
for antisocial personality. The high-profile disorders classed
It is only when a person takes a long and careful look at the full-
as schizophrenia occur in only about 1 percent of
blown psychopath - a sort of
[ t h e
- a mere
quarter of
the rate of
anti soci al
- and the
Centre's for
d Narcissist D i s e a s e
- that they are Control and Prevention say
able to see the that the rate of colon cancer
caricature of the i n t he Uni ted States,
traits that then make consi dered "al armi ngl y
it easier for them to high," is about 40 per
identify the "garden 100,000 - one hundred times
variety" psychopath - lower than the rate of
and/or the Narcissist. antisocial personality.
Wikipedia describes We are not commonly aware of,
t hat , " t r adi t i onal nor do we usually identify, the larger
t h e r a p e u t i c number of nonviolent sociopaths
approaches actual l y among us, people who often are not
make them, if not worse, blatant lawbreakers, and against whom our
t h e n f a r mo r e a d e p t a t formal legal system provides little defence.
manipulating others and concealing their
Most of us would not imagine any correspondence
behaviour. They are generally considered to be
between conceiving an ethnic genocide and, say, guiltlessly
not only incurable but also untreatable." Basically psychopaths
lying to one's boss about a co-worker. But the psychological
are the way they are, for life. In most legal jurisdictions they are
correspondence is not only there; it is chilling. Simple and
considered sane. So technically, they're not mentally ill, just
profound, the link is the absence of the inner mechanism
that beats up on us, emotionally speaking, when we make a
And therein lies the risk! choice we view as immoral, unethical, neglectful, or selfish.
COMPILED BY SREYA AHUJA The book, The Psychopath, by James Blair, Karina Blair, and
Derek Mitchell, states, "The crucial aspect of psychopathy is
Those who can't laugh at themselves leave the job to others You're getting old when you enjoy remembering things more than doing them
Captain CLOSE - UP
How do you feel being the captain of a house set to score a
I am proud to hold my post as captain, at such an important
time. I am fully focused on bringing the cup to our side for the
third time in a row. It would be a memorable victory.
What is your game plan?
The house is preparing for a clean sweep over all awards.
Personally approaching athletes is on top of my agenda. This
helps them perform better since they know that they are being
trusted. On a more personal account, I am certain of clinching medals
in the long jump and triple jump events.
Whom do you consider your strongest asset for the sports day?
I consider all athletes to be strong assets. In my opinion, the final day would itself reveal
who our important pillars are. Yet, I do not rule out the possibility of dark horses.
Where does your house need corrections? Why?
The house has missed out on the march-past and discipline awards for a long span of time. I
want this to change. It is essential to clinch these awards along with the Championship since
discipline is the key to every achievement. The march-past is the prime display of the day. So,
both cannot be ignored.
How are you anticipating Sports Day?
The Sports Day (DECEMBER 9, 2011), as always, will be a grand event with intense
competition and surprises that will thrill all of us.
The post of a House Captain is very coveted. How do you feel holding it?
I have worked very hard for this post. It represents the trust of my teachers and my
companions. I take great pride in holding this position.
It is not surprising to see a Jaguar win the 'Athlete of the Year' award in the prime category.
What do you say?
Our members have performed very well in the ISC/ICSE Athletic Meet. It won't be wrong to
say that we have an edge over others. We are armed with prior athletic experience that we
will capitalize on.
You are an ace badminton player. Unfortunately we do not have such an event category. Do
you consider it to be a disadvantage?
No! I have no rebellious thoughts about that. I do not see any disadvantage
but only an aim to convert all available opportunities into
victories. I believe that demanding a sport that personally
favours me would be very selfish and I do not intend to do it.
Do you thing Jaguars would perform better under your
leadership? Why?
A year is a very short span of time in which a House Captain is
expected to perform. It is a very difficult job. Nevertheless, I
am a sportsman and I feel I can understand the athletes and
demands of Sports Day very well. I think I can instill a spirit of
sportsmanship in the members of my house. It is a very
essential component of anything to do with sports.
How are you anticipating Sports Day?
I see it as a day with the perfect balance of sports and style. It is an
event that the entire school carries off very gracefully. And in all of this is
this latent spirit of competition that is very intoxicating. I am looking forward to it completely.
What will be your strategy for the Sports Day?
I will capitalizeonour strengths. I will trytoget as manypeopletoparticipateas I can. Whoknows?
Wemaydiscoversomenewathletes. Thiswill alsoincreaseourchancesofwinninganevent.
You are the captain and this will be your last Sports Day. How are you feeling?
It is an unparalleled feeling. I am one of the leaders of the Loyola Family and that itself makes
me really proud. It has always been my dream to lead this house. Since this will be my last
Sports Day, I just want to make it very special for the house, especially the 12th standard
members and myself.
What do you think are the strong areas of your House?
We have a pretty talented group. I feel we can really excel in the team-sport categories.
Usually my House is the best in Marching and also one of the most disciplined houses. We will
try to get maximum points for Marching. Also, the senior members in my House co-ordinate
with each other very well. The juniors and the girls show a lot of promise. I hope we can make
the most of these things.
What are your expectations from the girls' squad? How will you deal
with them?
I amhappy I have a very good girls' squad. They are pretty good in
most of thesports. Theyareslightlylowonthedisciplinefront. I am
goingtobestrict about this, after all expectationsareveryhigh. And
What impression do you want to leave on the members of
your house?
I am going to try and be very approachable. For some unknown
reason, there are many juniors who fear coming up to me.
I want this fear to go. I am open to suggestions from
everyone. I want them to see me as a friendly but
passionate guy. I hope that when I leave school, Leopards will
remember me as fondly as they remember our previous captains.
What do you have planned for Sports Day?
I want to let everyone participate, not just the regulars. I will try to
convince those who are good and still not participate. By doing this,
I hope to churn out as many new gems as possible. We may not have
the best squad but this won't deter us from working on our strengths
and maximizing returns.
What type of captain are you going to be?
I am going to be aggressive. When needed, I will be casual when
needed but then again, I will push everyone to the limit. No
compromising when it comes to the House.
And what are your strong areas?
I am personally a very good marcher. I hope to instill this quality in the House. I hope we win
the title for Best Marching. Sadly, we don't have many athletes this time, but the few that we
do have are really good. We will be relying on them to lead the different teams and also to
train the others. We have decent teams and with hard work. I don't see why we can't beat the
How will you deal with indiscipline?
As i said earlier there will be no compromise in the name of the house. Those who mess up or
cost the house points because of their indiscipline will be dealt with severely. Athlete or no
athlete, anyone who is undisciplined will be dealt with severely. Also, I feel that the girls'
squad of the Panther House is full of delicate darlings. Most of them don't take part in the heat
and dust of Sports Day. They also don't march well. This is unacceptable. I am going to change
this. I don't want our squad to lag behind. It is a tough job but I will do it.
How do you regard your captaincy and this year's Sports Day?
I wanted to lead this House ever since the fourth grade. Today, I am living my dream. I can't ask
for anything more. I hope to make the best of this special occasion. It will also be my last
Sports Day and I have so many mixed feelings about it. I think this year's Sports Day is going to
be very special.




The graphs are scaled out of 15, except for the GLAMOUR QUOTIENT
category(scaled out of 5).
Analysis has been based on facts and figures provided by the House Captains.
The Loyola Press Club has only represented these facts graphically and does not
vouch for the authenticity of the information.
This analysis clearly projects the CHEETAHS as a winner with the other three
Houses in close competition.

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory
8 9
To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and then call whatever you hit the target
Sleep with one eye open screaming, sweating and impatient fans waiting for the
showstopper-Metallica! Metallica opened their act with 'Creeping
Grippin' your pillow tight
Death'. The crowd went berserk and started headbanging in sync.
Exit light
Metallica started playing their songs faster and the energy in the
Enter night
arena started skyrocketing! Songs like 'For Whom The Bell Tolls',
Take my hand ' Master of Puppets' , ' Enter Sandman' , ' Wel come
Home(Sanitarium)', kept the crowd asking for more. We're off to never never-land!
The never-ending solos of Kirk Hammett, the killer riffs and loud And so I left for Bangalore on 29th October to watch the lords of
vocals of James Hetfield, the powerful beats of Lars Ulrich and the Heavy Metal, Metallica, perform live in India for the first time.
strong bass line and bass solos of Robert Trujillo literally took me to Reaching Bangalore on the eve of D-Day, I could hardly contain my
another world. My lifelong dream had finally become a reality! excitement towatchJames Hetfieldtakecentrestageandroar "Are
youready?!"asthecrowdallaroundmescreamsitselfhoarse. Metallica onstage, firework displays all around the arena, the
presence of 25,000 Metallica fans around me and the air The day of the concert, I was at Palace Grounds at 9 in the
saturated with Metallica's music made it an evening that I'll morning with all the other Metallica fanatics, waiting for the
remember all my life. arena gates to open. There was a mad race for the front row and
even though I didn't reach it the first time, I managed to scramble I did not want the experience to ever end but with "Seek and
to the front row later during the concert. As is well-known, the Destroy", Metallica ended the one and a half hour concert,
real experience of a concert can only be enjoyed in the front row, leaving all the fans begging for more. It was a dream come true to
with the guitarists playing right in front of you and the raw power me and I consider myself extremely fortunate to have lived the
of the music hitting you before anyone else! experience of a lifetime. Hail Metallica, Hail Metal!
The opening act was by an Indian metal band known as "Inner SANJAN PARIDA
Sanctum" that really managed to jazz up the crowd, followed by
Scottish band Biffy Clyro. There were more than 25,000
The origin of Formula One racing is not very humble. Some feel body(BCCI). It is true that the government gave a lot of import
that it evolved out of a need to showcase manufacturing and export subsidies and didn't charge any entertainment tax.
abilities. F1 fanatics claim that love for motorsport was what But such subsidies are common in many activities. If we don't let
lead Enzo Ferrari and others to organize the earliest races. In the large figures cloud our vision, then we will see that F1 is a
either case, a niche sport was born that wasn't really nascent sport in India. And it deserves to be encouraged. All
understood by everybody and had very few participants. Let us other sports had their chance and failed to strike a chord.
put all arguments on F1, both against and for, aside. What can Formula One is already very popular and the Indian edition
you conclude by examining F1 as just a sport? You could call it a reported almost full seat occupancy. Not just sportsmen, but
freak sport , which is only loved by speed maniacs and auto some socially active elements too are trying to pull down the
enthusiasts. That may be the correct definition. Your analysis sport. They feel that there is immense poverty in our country,
would then be in the same breath as that of a football fanatic's which needs to be addressed first. As if none of us knew that! It
analysis of cricket. For him, cricket would be a sport played by is true that a lot of disparity exists between the environment
lazy men who don't care a bit about getting into action. Formula surrounding this niche sport and the country hosting it, but this
One is no different from any other sport. It caters to a certain doesn't mean we junk the sport altogether. We should not be
audience and should not be hated just because some people treating these social maladies exclusively. Let us look at F1 as a
don't like it. costly treat. A treat for which patrons of the Indian motorsport
community, like Vicky Chandhok and Vijay Mallya, have waited
When the Jaypee Group first floated the idea of bringing F1 to
over three decades. The truth is that F1 does not only satisfy the
India in 2008, nobody understood the need of taking such a
needs of its select audience. In the coming years, if the sport
gamble. This decision was of course welcomed by motorsport
catches on, it will generate a lot of growth for various other
enthusiasts, but that was about it. The Indian sporting world felt
processes in the country. Formula One is a very exclusive sport.
(some like P.T Usha still do) that the sport isn't popular in our
Not every country boasts of hosting a Formula One race. Canada
country and demands unholy amounts of money that should
and France couldn't afford to maintain tracks. The Singapore
ideally go to other sporting activities. Their claim wasn't entirely
Grand Prix is very cheap compared to the Indian edition. The
wrong. But then, as students, we have only heard of how one
former is a street race whereas the Indian edition boasts of
can progress in the cricketing line. Not one of us can see the
having one of the world's best race tracks and facilities. The
future in taking up other sports. This is mainly because of lack of
Jaypee Group has ushered in nothing less than a revolution.
support and funding. F1 is never really short of funding. The
Formula One is a platform where the world's best engineering
Indian Grand Prix had an array of critics trying their best to take
solutions are formulated and applied. India is indeed going to
it down. A common argument was that other sporting activities
benefit strategically because of this. After the recent recession,
in India could benefit instead with the amount of money being
many Formula One teams shut down. There is a lack of funding and
invested. Now, that is real humbug.
the ever green European circuits are beginning to show wear. This is
Like cricket, F1 is funded privately. All of us have seen the
why F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone decided to exploit other venues. As
progress made by cricket due to its handling by a private
one article puts it: India doesn't need F1 but F1 needs India!
In an age where global barriers are rapidly becoming a thing
of the past, it is but natural to expect that global cultural
exchange would rapidly become a common place factor. In
today's changed scenario, one would not have to travel all
the way to China or West Indies or Dubai to figure out how
people live, the food they prefer, the festivities and
traditions they follow. Cultural diversities have been poured
into a global cauldron and stirred by the young generation
and what emerges is a wonderful we are the world picture
where the people, particularly youngsters, look forward to
sharing things that they have learnt from their global
counterparts. To catch this essence, Loyola School held a
wide range of events out of which one was on the theme
New Year Celebrations and in this context a special
assembly was also held. There was a Fashion Show as part of
the Teachers' Day celebration and the Children's Day Mela
had a unique corner catering to this theme.
A survey carried out from among 135 students gave a clear
picture on the student opinion on these issues.
The information given about the New Year celebrations in countries
across the globe was:
Which cuisine did you like the most out of the ones that were available
during the Children's Day mela?
Do you celebrate New Year for the Traditional aspect of it?
Do you wear traditional clothes during New Year?
Which ethnic clothing did you like the most?
Why do Americans choose from just two people to run for President, and 50 for Miss America? If I throw a stick, will you leave?
F1 has finally knocked at India's doorsteps. The year 2011 is Virgin-Cosworth and Kamui Kobayashi of Sauber-Ferrari
going to be a landmark not just for motorsport enthusiasts contacted. Neither of them pitted and instead had to retire. The
but for all of India. Hosted at the Buddh International Indian track's potential was reached fully only because of the
Circuit(BIC) by the Jaypee Group, the Indian edition of the changes that FIA brought in this year. DRS (Drag Reduction
2011 FIA Formula One World Championship was wooed System) and Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) were
everybody. Words of praise have even come in from greats allowed to be used.
like Sir Jackie Stewart (The Flying Scotsman) who is three time
The very principle of aero dynamicity in Formula One cars is to
F1 World Champion. Designed by Hermann Tilke, who has
create as much downforce/drag as possible. When fast moving
fast circuits like Yas Marina, Abu Dhabi, and street circuits like
objects move through air, its aero dynamicity decides how much
Beijing International to his name, the BIC is not an easy circuit
lift or downforce will act on it. For example, an air plane's wings
to race on. It has almost 16 turns (look at figure nipped from
are designed to make it rise up in the air (Lift). The converse is
Wikipedia) and has very few table tops. The highest speed
true for a Formula One Car. Engineers toil on different designs to
attainable on the circuit is between Turn 3 and Turn 4 (318
ensure maximum downforce is created. Sometimes, this
kph).A Formula One car can rarely reach that speed. It could
downforce acts detrimental to the car's speed. This is where DRS
have been possible with a V-10 engine, but new FIA
comes in. The Drag Reduction involves the opening of a letter-
regulations state that teams can only use 2.4 l V-8 engines.
box shaped part in the rear wing of the car. This allows air to
This basically means lesser power generated. In case you find move through it without obstruction. In totality, the speed of the
the engine nomenclature strange, then look at certain high car increases. KERS is useful because a lot of energy is lost during
end bikes, which have a V-shaped engine. If you put eight braking at Turns. Now the BIC had a total of 16 turns. The race
such engines together, you get a V-8 engine. However, the would have been very uninteresting without KERS. With this
efficiency of a Formula One engine is way beyond a technology, every time the driver brakes, the kinetic energy
commercially traded vehicle. The race had a total of 60 laps. generated in the differential is converted into electrical energy
Not everybody could complete the task. Felipe Massa was and stored in a battery. the KERS is used extensively during starts and
suspended before he could complete his 32nd track. Buerni for overtaking. Hamilton said in an interview that the Indian track has
retired due to technical difficulties along with Maldonado a lot of positions where overtaking is possible. Unlike street races,
who had some gearbox issues. The Indian audience which are basically a cheaper version of the actual circuit
experienced a high-speed accident when Timo Glock of phenomena, Indians witnessed a lot of heavy-duty overtaking.
All cars this year used two versions(hard and soft) of Pirelli tyres.
Engineers prefer to use soft tyres because after running on
tracks for some time, the friction generated starts burning up
the tyres and thus allowing it to stick on the tracks. This
increases the stability of the cars tremendously. Telemetry
machines and Accident Data Recorders (ADRs) were installed on
the cars along with cameras to keep track of the driver. As usual,
the survival cell of every car was designed in accordance with
FIA Regulations. In case you are new to F1 and are wondering
how a driver fits in, all you need to know is that engineers are
instructed to make the survival cell/cockpit large enough to
allow a driver to fit in with his legs stretched. Regulations state
that his legs must not cross the front wheel axis. This ensures his
safety in the event of an impact. The fuel used in Formula One
cars is very different from regular petrol. Fuel includes blends of
Nahphtenes, Olefins, Di-Olefins and Paraffins. If you are
learning Organic Chemistry, then these terms are easy to
This year's season began in Australia with Vettel winning it. After
Australia, the race progressed to Malaysia, China and then to 13
other countries. India was the 17th host of the 2011 Formula
One World Championship. Three names are reigning the
Formula One circuit. They are: Sebastian Vettel (11 victories),
Jenson Button (3 victories) and Lewis Hamilton (3 victories).
Vettel won the Indian edition very comfortably. He leaded every
lap of the race and comfortably finished ahead of Jenson Button
(2nd position) by 8.4 seconds. Vettel represents Red Bull Racing
(RBR)-Renault, which is currently leading with McLaren and
Ferrari in second and third positions. Coming in second and third
were Jenson Button and Fernando Alonso. Our very own Narain
Karthikeyan who drives for HRT-Cosworth completed at
position 17. Racing icon Michael Schumacher finished fifth. A
total of 12 teams had participated.
Sadly, Vettel couldn't recreate this Indian magic at Yas Marina,
Abu Dhabi, where he had to retire after a tyre difficulty. So, in a
way, India has been very special for Vettel.
The race was witnessed by well-known faces like Sachin
Tendulkar, Arjun Rampal, Shah Rukh Khan and others.
This is one question that the youth of our country must ask. The
future of Formula One in India depends on how they answer it.
Champions like Lewis Hamilton and Schumacher started their
racing career with go-karting. Do not underestimate this sport
because go-karting is much more difficult than driving a car. This
is because a kart lacks a differential. A differential is a set of gear
attached to the rear axle of a vehicle enabling the rear wheels to
rotate at different speeds.
My personal experience with go-karts has been terrible. It is very
difficult to keep up speed at turns and finding the right braking
points is essential. Also, the kart tends to skid because of the
centrifugal force.
Vijay Mallya owned Force India has recently started the 'One
From a Billion' campaign which is organized every two years.
Check out the website. This year's competition is
over. So those interested can take part in it after
two years. It is a wonderful platform for
entering Formula One. Karting is not
available in Jamshedpur. However,
metro cities like Delhi, Mumbai,
Bangalore etc. have full fledged karting
tracks. Try your luck; the next
Schumacher might be you!
11 10
Too many freaks, not enough circuses
12 13
The International Year of Chemistry2011 (IYC 2011) is an repaired and replaced in 1985. On the other hand, the Iron
initiative of IUPAC, the International Union of Pure and Pillar of Delhi, which is about a thousand years old, is still
Applied Chemistry and of UNESCO. It is a worldwide unaffected by corrosion. This definitely speaks volumes about
celebration of the achievements in the field of Chemistry the higher standards of iron and steel making process that
and its contributions to the well-being of humanity, under belonged to ancient India.
the unifying theme "chemistry - our life, our future".
Let us now look at an item of transport. A ship is a vast
The year 2011 coincides with the 100th anniversary of the structure of Iron and Steel. It remains submerged all the time in
Nobel Prize awarded in chemistry to Madame Marie Curie - highly corrosive marine water. Then how does one prevent
an opportunity to celebrate the contribution of women to corrosion? It is done by a method called sacrificial protection.
science. The year is also the 100th anniversary of the If you visit NML, you can see sacrificial anodes that are used for
International Association of Chemical Societies - the this method. These anodes are attached to the base of the ship
forerunner of the IUPAC, providing a chance to highlight the and are alloys made out of active metals like Zinc, Magnesium
benefits of international scientific collaboration. and Aluminium. Delving a bit into basic chemistry will show
you that these anodes themselves rust and actually act as a
On this occasion, I would like to motivate and ignite the
buffer for the ship. Such alloys are developed by NML.
young minds towards research by sharing with you, my
experience in research. Many of you have seen the second Hooghly Bridge at Kolkata,
known as the Vidyasagar Setu. The corrosion prevention and
If I ask you a question - What is metallic corrosion? Almost all
paint formulation was done by our team of scientists at NML.
of you will say it is the rusting of iron. At your level, it is quite
Today, it gives us a lot of happiness to see the shining bridge
obvious. I also knew more or less this much before entering
stand unaffected by corrosion.
the field of research. I joined research in 1987.
All of you know about the Bhopal Gas Tragedy of 1984. Do you
I worked at The National Metallurgical Laboratory (NML),
know what caused it? It was the corrosion of a valve which
Jamshedpur and IIT-Bombay. My motivation and influence
resulted in its bursting and the subsequent release of the
came from an eminent scientist, an IITian and a doctorate
highly toxic MIC gas.
from West Germany, Prof. O.N Mohanty, who was the Dy.
Director of NML at that time. He is a great researcher and Our body fluid is highly corrosive and sometimes some foreign
internationally renowned metallurgist. He later became materials (metals/alloys) are required to be inserted in our
Chief of R&D, Tata Steel and then went on to become Vice- bodies for long time periods. Metallic nuts, bolts and plates
Chancellor of the B.P Technical University at Orissa. He has inserted in the body during fractures, pacemakers for heart
had a great contribution to my research work. patients, contraceptives (made of metal alloys) in women,
dental amalgams for filling teeth are commonly used. Even a
Dedicated scientists like Prof. Mohanty are highly respected
bit of corrosion can prove to be fatal.
for their research work not just in India, but abroad too.
I remember an interesting part of my hostel life at IIT-Bombay.
Just before joining NML, Prof. Mohanty interviewed me. He
Most of the students used bicycles to go to the departments
asked me - "Which field of research would you like to work
from the hostel and almost all the bicycles were highly rusted.
in?" To which I replied, "Sir, I am very young and new to this.
My friends and I from the corrosion department, however,
It would be better if you assign me to a suitable area." He
used to maintain our bicycles a bit differently by using some
assigned me to the Corrosion Protection Division. On
chemicals for treatment. It was a secret that many wanted to
joining, I started a Literature Survey on the subject to know
know. While the rest of the students had to deal with rusty
the status of worldwide work done on corrosion. This alone
cycles, we never worried about rusting!
changed the impression I had about the subject. I entered
research with a narrow spectrum. After a few months, I found Now, won't you agree that the job of corrosion researchers is
that research in the field of corrosion was as vast as an ocean. indeed challenging? You see, there is a lot more to learn and
know than what is there in textbooks. This is where research
The research field of corrosion is very interesting and
comes in. All of must think of how to contribute to the welfare
important. This is because directly or indirectly, our day-to-day
of humanity once we take up professional careers. If your
lives are affected by corrosion. Take a look around yourself and
efforts will be able to solve even one problem of the future,
you will definitely find some form of corrosion happening!
you can help preserve the planet.
Did you know that the grand old lady, standing on Liberty
Dr. G.S Mishra
Island - The Statue of Liberty, New York - suffered at the
Department of Chemistry
hands of corrosion? The wrist holding the torch was
Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it?
We know that a number p is called a prime if it is greater than
1 and if its only positive divisors are 1 and p itself. Euclid first
proved that every number greater than 1 is either itself a
prime or can be written uniquely as the product of primes
apart from the order in which they are written. For example,
260 = 260 = 2*2*5*13. This fact, called the fundamental
theorem of Arithmetic, states that the primes are the
fundamental building blocks out of which all numbers are
constructed. Among the small numbers, primes are very
common. There are 8 primes between 2 and 20 ( 2, 3, 5, 7, 11,
13, 17 and 19). As we look at larger and larger numbers, the
primes thin out. While there are four primes below 10, there
are only 25 below 100 and just 168 below 1000. The density
of the Prime Numbers is given by the formula : D=P(n)/N,
where P(N) is the number of primes below a particular
number N. Refer to the chart of densities of primes for
various ranges.
function that provides information about the exact pattern of
primes, how one prime comes after the preceding one. Swiss
mathematician Leonhard Euler introduced a function called
the Zeta function in 1740. This Zeta function is given by
(s) = 1/1s + 1/2s +1/3s+.
where s is a real number. If s is equal to or less than 1, the sum
becomes infinite. But if s is greater than 1, the sum has a finite
answer. One may ask: what does this Zeta function have to do
with the primes? Euler proved that the Zeta function is equal
to the infinite product
1/ (1 - (1/2)s) *1/ (1 - (1/3)s) * 1/ (1 - (1/5)s).
where 2, 3, 5 are prime numbers. The Zeta function is a real
function. Although it is linked to the primes by Euler's infinite
product, it does not have sufficient geometrical structure to
help us uncover the pattern of the primes. To do that, George
Friedrich Bernhard Riemann replaced the real number s by a
The further we go, the smaller the density becomes. Does
complex number z and this introduced the complex Zeta
this thinning continue or do we reach a point where it
function in 1859. Any complex number that solves the
reverses itself and we find lots of primes? Is there any kind of
equation (2)= 0 is said to be a zero of the Zeta function.
pattern to the way the primes occur among the totality of all
Riemann observed that (2)= 0 is solved whenever z is a
counting numbers? These questions and many others
negative even whole number. He then showed that the Zeta
fascinated the ancient Greek mathematicians. Euclid first
function must have infinitely many other complex zeroes
proved that primes continue forever, they never end. Other
besides these real ones. His conjecture was that all of those
questions about the pattern of the primes are yet difficult to
other zeroes have the form z = (1/2) + bi for some real number
answer. Two important unanswered questions about primes
b. This is known as the Riemann hypothesis.
are: The twin primes conjecture and the Goldbach conjecture.
This Riemann hypothesis is regarded as one of the seven
The twin primes conjecture asks if there are infinitely many
Millennium Problems of Mathematics selected by a group of
twin primes. Twin [primes are those primes whose
world famous mathematicians headed by Dr. Arthur Jaffe in
difference is two. For example, (11, 13) and (17, 19) are twin
2000. This great hypothesis has not yet been proved by any
primes. Mathematicians have found many examples of such
Mathematician though many stalwarts attempted to prove
twin primes. The largest discovered till date is the pair
his hypothesis. If anyone proves this hypothesis, he will be
46486197114505 * 260,000 1. These two primes each have
awarded $1 million by the Clay Mathematical Institute (CMI).
18,075 digits. They were discovered in the year 2000.
The proof of this hypothesis will not only unfold a mystery of
Goldbach's conjecture states that every even number greater
the complex nature of primes but it will solve many important
than 2 is the sum of two primes. For example, 4 = 2+2, 6 = 3+3,
problems of present day Mathematics. Is anyone up for the
8= 3+5, 10= 5+5 and the list goes on. Mathematicians have
verified Goldbach's conjecture for all even numbers up to 40
trillion in the same year 2000. But none of the above MR. ATANU ADDY
conjecture has yet been proved by any Mathematician. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS
In 1791, Gauss at the age of just fourteen noticed that the
density of the prime numbers is equal to 1/ log N. The bigger
the number N, the better is the approximation. But Gauss
could not prove his own conjecture in his lifetime. Hadamard
and Poussin proved his conjecture in 1896. Their result is
known today as the prime number theorem. This theorem
tells us that though the prime numbers come in a random
fashion, they thin out systematically!
The challenge to the present mathematicians is to find a
N(Range) D(Density)
Below 10 0.4
Below 100 0.25
Below 1000 0.168
Below 10000 0.123
Below 100000 0.096
11 10
If At First You Don't Succeed, Blame Someone Else And Seek Counseling
14 15
If I said anything to offend you it was purely intentional
The imposing school building is the first thing you set your The bunkers would be those who can't stand attending class; it
eyes on, when you walk into the portal of Loyola. This just doesn't work for them! For them, Everything is Possible.
edifice is the place Where Vision Gets Built for all its They are experts when it comes to sneaking out of class, they
students. And when you come in a little further, you see the Just Do It. They are very well acquainted with the way to the
place bustling with activity. Loyola is an institution where Principal's office and would have written the School Credo more
there is something for everyone. When the majority of the than a thousand times (a hundred for each time they got caught)!
students are in classrooms with teachers, there is always
Then there are some over-enthusiastic kinds, who have A
somebody strumming the guitar in the music room, a club
Passion to Perform. They are the busy bodies who are seen
meeting being held on the Red Stage, someone munching
more on stage and make a rare guest appearance in class. They
'corn chips' in the canteen, a few enthusiasts shooting a
Rise to challenges put before them, making winning a habit.
basketball or rehearsing dance in one of the activity rooms,
and others making their way to the Knowledge Centre. How could I possibly forget the sycophants? They'll laugh at
each of the teachers' jokes with counterfeited glee. No, they do
Loyola is Like. No. Other. The Loyolean Values Stronger Than
not understand everything the teacher teaches, but the
Steel, give students the freedom and direction to
f r e quency of their head bobbing is definitely
greater than that of Noddy!
And what is a school without its
But, school life wouldn't be this good
students and teachers? It's only in
without each one of these people, Har Ek
plus-two that we discover each other
Friend Zaroori Hota Ha.
and realize what friendship is all about. It
takes all kinds to make this world. The teachers at Loyola are The Ultimate Driving
Machine. They perform the arduous task of
There are those, who take the saying
imparting knowledge Beyond the Obvious
"A Book Is a Man's Best Friend" very
and keeping the students under control with
literally. They are the extremely
A Positive A++itude. They'll correct your
focused, geeks. The ones with the
mistakes and are With You-All The Way. While
square-rimmed spectacles, with a
some teachers are lenient and lovely, the others
heavy bag and neatly combed hair and
make the naughty ones tremble in their
are predominantly found nose-in-
presence. The teachers Take Care that the
books in the K.C. Nothing in the world
school rules are enforced and motivate
seems to upset their passion. They are
students to do their best. You can be
driven by The Power of Dreams. Every free period is
stylish or studious, naughty or nice, but you
spent in having intellectual discussions. They take all
h a v e got to respect and abide by the
assignments very seriously, delivering 100 % Performance.
s c h o o l regulations. The boys are expected
to have a "decent hair style with the hair line well
The uber-cool-carefree-ones are the dare-devils. They above t he shirt collar and a clean shaven face", to mould
draw pleasure in going on a "roundice" and their "night them into The Complete Man. And even the fashion conscious
outs" are extremely frequent. They Never Settle. And yes, girls have to keep their flowing hair fringes properly clipped in
we all know a few classmates who are absolutely obsessed place to Touch The Perfection expected of every Loyolean.
with their ooh-so-trendy-looks. They sashay around the
At Loyola, We Don't Have Negatives. We believe in Quality In
school corridors and there wouldn't be one window pane
Everything We Do. We are Built for the Road Ahead. From
they'd cross without checking if their hair is in place.
excelling at academics and sports, debates and dramas, music
Without doubt, the notice board, with its large glass case, is
and quizzing; We Make Things Which Make India Proud. It's the
their favourite hangout.
place where each student is groomed to Be Somebody and
A few have decided to take the middle path. These are the every student studying at school says "I'm Lovin' It!" and the
semi-smart-semi-studious students, who are learning how alumni remember it as Life Well Shared.
to Think Different. They try to maintain the study-play
Tanvi Mathur
equilibrium, wanting to enjoy the best of both worlds by
juggling between work and fun, for Making Tomorrow XII D
Brighter with their efforts.
I woke up early one morning this puja vacation. Yawning, I got the But I couldn't help loving the atmosphere.
newspaper from the stall behind my house. Glancing through it, I
An hour in the mela and my friends weren't back. I wanted to get
found that the newspaper had no news, though its supplement
back home and go some place not so inviting. I was near the
had an interesting page, which said -'Pandals you must visit this
entrance point waiting when impatience and curiosity pulled me
towards the pandal. I couldn't hold and longer and taking a deep
I wondered, People spend lakhs on one festival which gets over breath, walked in.
in 10 days. What is the return on such investments? It is a total
I saw the most spectacular sight of lights, calming music and
waste of money. Last year, I remember, there was hardly any
experienced a superior power that had to be beyond human. It
space to walk on the road with traffic blocked at some places and
made me feel so small in this huge world. I got the feeling that the
shops that had pulled down their shutters just when I needed
world was much more than my limited thoughts. After taking this
some groceries. Pujas were the ultimate bane for me.
realization in, I moved on. There was this kind of 'langar' where
And even God could not help you if you were travelling at this people were sitting on long rows of tables were relishing food.
time of the year. People even forget the meaning of reservation Suddenly I heard someone groan.
in trains! Even if you reach your destination unscathed, you are
It was my stomach! I looked around to make sure no one I knew
doomedwithout your ownvehicle. There are never enoughauto
was around and I also sat down. The food was delicious,
rickshaws available. Even if Maa Durga is gracious enough to
absolutely marvelous and I even tasted some items for the first
summonyouone, that 'bhakt' decides totakeyouonlytopandals
time in my life. There was some baigun bhaji, vegetables,
pakodas, khichuri and what not! My mouth was mixed with taste
Bengal is a no sleep zone for the pujas during nights. Why? We so delicious that just the thought of eating it once again made my
are humans who sleep at night. It was clear to me that the pujas mouth water. Then as I got ready to get up, I noticed my friends
brought with it just severe body and mental pain. had spotted me; embarrassed I hid my face in guilt. They smiled at
me, came and hugged me. Then they asked me to help them serve
During the course of the day, doing all my chores I almost forgot
other people. We served and that is when I was overwhelmed. I
about all of this. Only to be reminded again by friends who asked
was so overjoyed that I gave an aunty so much of khichuri that she
me to accompany them to a pandal. I tried my best to squeeze
got very angry and was about to shout at me in a very funny
out, but they connived with my mother, who put me straight by
language! But my friends got me out of there in the nick of time.
asking me to go in her 'no nonsense tone'. So, I put up my sulking
This is so beautiful, I thought.
face and came out.
Everyone comes here, my friends mentioned later. Yes,
We walked down (Thank God), and after 20 minutes of walking,
everyone, Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Jews, Parsis and every
we stopped. It took me several degrees of elevation to stare at
member of every Indian community visits these places without a
what was in front of me. It was a gigantic pandal that
guilty conscience of attending a festival that their religion
waited for the world to look at it in awe. The mel
doesn't acknowledge. Who said religion divides
a ground was huge. My friends asked me to
people? If anybody says so, then ask them to tour
come within the pandal with them.
India for ten days. The greatest achievement in
Somehow, I was able to put them off citing
any of our lives can be to help the world come
claustrophobia as a reason. I had lied. I
together in our own little way.
was scared of what I would see in the
pandal. This Durga Puja changed me. I am
thankful to God for that. Durga Puja
Meanwhile, I roamed the crowded mela.
celebrates the triumph of good over
Honestly speaking, there was a very nice
evil. Even though it causes traffic, noise
positive feel about it. Tiny tots ran around
pollution and transport problems, it also
buying snacks and then dropping most of
creates unity among the children of God. It
it! Peddlers and hawkers sold all sort of
is a 'sab ka parab' which crafts love among
knick knacks. There were Disneyland
men. Now, Durga Puja, won't ever seem
type of joy rides and stuff I had never
to be a bad time. In fact, I'm looking
seen in my life. Darn, I thought, I'm
forward to it.
actually enjoying. Why am I actually
enjoying what I so brutally criticized just ASAD JAWED AHMED
this morning? I didn't want to have fun.
11 10
Sometimes I need what only you can provide: your absence If you find it hard to laugh at yourself, I would be happy to do it for you
16 17
It created a huge buzz when the idea was just smart use of locations impressed us totally. The movie
conceived. Throughout the execution, the excitement managed to touch some very relevant daily issues
just increased. And the promo created tsunamic waves including career issues, parental and peer pressure,
online. So there was no way we at LPC could miss out orthodox stereotypical thought processes of society and
on this one event. In the last issue, we went to the link ups of school life and weaved a reasonably good story
extent of calling the movie, and the associated club,
around them. We interviewed many eminent people from
the "Loch Ness". When Partly Right had its grand
the city and received good feedback from most. The
preview at the XLRI Auditorium, we were there to review
movie has definitely fulfilled its purpose of spreading
the movie that had this huge air around it. We were given
the privilege of being at the first day, first show and that too
On a more critical note, we feel that the reason for the
without tickets!
students' suicides weren't that strong and a little
Thankfully, it wasn't disappointing! The movie had some
impractical. But who said critics were easy to please?
brilliant performances, especially from certain faculty
Overall, this was a great job keeping in mind that most of it
members, and we loved their work so much that we'd
was amateur and untrained.
genuinely suggest they try acting as a parallel career option!
What makes us proud is the fact that the movie, poster,
In a particular case, less attention to policing (pun
script and music, that are essential components of any
intended) and more attention to the pursuit of theatre
entertainer, are entirely work of Loyoleans! This was the
would give great results for all!
first time any club of any school in India has taken such an
The music, with its amazing vocals, was likeable and initiative and addressed the issue of teenage suicides so
suited the mood of the film completely. Considering strongly. Kudos to the Dramatics Club and all those
the technical aspect, we loved the professionalism in associated with the film for pulling it off so well in their
the use of camera and the whole feel the movie had. maiden attempt. The Loch Ness did surface after all.
One could hardly conclude that this wasn't actually a Maybe the LPC should get some credit for that, what do
professional film. Unexpectedly great direction and you say?
Prawaal Raman
Chief Guest at the Opening Night of Partly Right
I had certain expectations when I was invited. Luckily, they were met; maybe even more than
what I had expected. Today I am very humbled and I feel that they(the Partly Right team) have done
a job which is at par with any professional work.
The issue is also very relevant, in fact it is a national issue. In any movie, film, docu-feature,
the concept is very important. After a point, the idea overrules everything. I would be
foolish to say that I was looking for technical glitches. It was so beautifully portrayed that
after a point, I was just enjoying. The movie really moved me.
I came down to Jamshedpur because I had never heard of a school do any such thing
anywhere in India. I have been discussing with the people involved and Fr. Victor
Misquith, and would like to show the movie to audiences all over India.
As far as the director, Harsh Vaibhav, is concerned, I feel it is a very big achievement for a 17-
year-old. I am ever ready to extend my support to such endeavoring students. In fact, any
Loyolean wanting to progress in the film industry can contact mewithoutanyinhibitions. I will domy

Harsh Vaibhav
The idea first germinated in my mind when I was researching
about what leads to student suicide. There are three pillars on
which a student's life is based. They are his family, friends and
the society around him. This is what the film had to show. The
difficulty was in translating the idea into a script and then into
Our original script was completely changed once we started
shooting. That was when we had to think on our feet. Our
teachers and students chipped in and made this task easier.
The technical aspect of the film was where all our skills were
I remember a time when we had to almost shut our shooting
down due to lack of equipment. Father Principal and other
patrons saved the day by arranging for equipment to be
transported from Kolkata in trucks. Trolleys and cameras were
all brought in from Kolkata. This did add to the superior quality
of the film but also added to the costs.
I must thank my patrons for trusting the abilities of Loyolean
students and for never having complained about the financial
aspect. Also, Mr. Amitava Ghosh, of Biponi, helped us all
through the journey. He provided even when we needed
equipment in the dead of night. Words won't be enough to
convey our gratitude.
After we shot the entire film, Tr. Shaon Mitra and I had to
shuttle between Kolkata and Jamshedpur countless times to
wrap up the editing process.
All our hard work has paid off and we have already screened
our movie in six cities, which includes Jamshedpur, Dhanbad,
Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and New York.
We will be screening our movie at Confluence, an event to be
held at IIM-Ahmedabad. Efforts are on to get it screened at
Symbiosis, Pune and Christ College, Bangalore. As of now, we
are awaiting censorship.
Fr. Victor F. Misquith S.J.
When the idea of the film
was brought to me, I didn't
f i nd gett i ng convi nced
difficult at all. With the good
support of the Dramatics
Club, we successfully made
the movie. I want Loyola
School to stand up for such
activities. Loyola has been, is and will continue to be
part of such activities.
As far as the issue is concerned, I would not pinpoint
on just one aspect of why students commit suicide.
A lot of factors contribute to it, and that is what the
film tries to show. Making the cast available when
required was a problem that I had to deal with. But
then I felt it was for a larger purpose and made the
required adjustments.
I even enjoyed acting in the movie. Yes, it was very
difficult too. Especially when I was asked to give
retakes. Now, I have some more sympathy for the
actors and understand why they charge so much!

We are all entitled to be stupid. Unfortunately some people tend to abuse this privilege The best exercise: reach down and pull somebody up
18 19
Don't you sometimes feel saturated after writing JAVA programs to calculate area, volume and simple interest? So let
us try something different this time. How about fiddling with the hardware components of your computer system by
just writing a small JAVA program that ejects the CD ROM tray of your computer.
So here it goes:
import java.awt.Desktop;

public class Eject
public static void main()
String a="Set oWMP = CreateObject(\"WMPlayer.OCX\")" +"\n"
+"Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection"+"\n"
+"For d = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1"+"\n"
+"set owmp = nothing"+ "\n"
+"set colCDROMs = nothing" + "\n"
file myCdTrayOpener = new File("OpenCDTray.vbs");
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(myCDTRayOpener);
catch(Exception exception)

I turn on the music on my comp and then roam about in my window is of the VLC media player when you leave your pc.
house but alas. I am a very lazy person indeed. Therefore I Then send a text file named control.txt to your pc
wrote this code so that I don't have to get back to my pc containing only the command (the commands of the
every time I wanted to change the music. corresponding operations are given below) of the operation
you want to perform and then whoa..!! The task you wanted
For this code working on your system, you need Bluetooth
to perform just took place. As simple as thatrun a simple
enabled on your pc/lappy and your remote device (my
program on your system and you can actually wirelessly
phone in my case) being paired and authorized to your pc.
control the music playing on your system.
Run this code in java and then turn on VLC and add all your
Before using the program you have to create a folder called
favorite songs to the playlist. Make sure your current
Bluetooth in C: drive.
Then change your system's bluetooth settings so that files you
send get saved in C:/Bluetooth/ . Also, you have to create a .txt
file named control in the folder (C:/Bluetooth/) you just
created and then you are ready for wireless maneuvering.
The versions for other media players are also available on my
notes on my facebook page with the user guide. The .exe files
would be made available soon.
import java.util.*; public static void main(String args[])throws
IOException,AWTException import java.awt.*;
{ import java.awt.event.*;
String import*;
s[]={"up","down","exit","n","p","s","play","l","m"}; //created by dp
int public class control_VLC
val[][]={{2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1},{17,17,17,78,80,83,32,76, {
public static String getdata()throws
Robot robot=new Robot(); IOException,AWTException
robot.delay(2000); {
while(true) String input=new String();
{ try {
String in=getdata(); FileReader fr=new
for(int i=0;i<s.length;i++) FileReader("C:/Bluetooth/control.txt");
{ BufferedReader read=new BufferedReader(fr);
if((in!=null)&&(in.equals(s[i])==true)) input=read.readLine();
{ fr.close();
for(int j=1;j<=val[0][i];j++) FileWriter f=new
robot.keyPress(val[j][i]); FileWriter("C:/Bluetooth/control.txt");
for(int j=1;j<=val[0][i];j++) f.close();
robot.keyRelease(val[j][i]); }
} catch(IOException e){
} System.out.println("CREATE file called
control.txt in C:/Bluetooth/ then re run program"); } //end of while
} }
return input; }
11 10
Hard work has a future payoff. Laziness pays off NOW A man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on
20 21
So here goes. The annual iteration, the slight roster update solid sliding tackles with some bodies going into high speed
collisions and crashing limbs in a realistic way. and a few changes to the gameplay. But, EA Canada has
never really been into making the same thing all over again The career mode makes a return with a new and more
for years with just a few updated team sheets and a few new interactive interface. Being one of the prime reasons FIFA 11
was remembered for, it continues to allow you to experience modes all sealed with a new photo of Rooney for the cover.
the career of a player or a manager through the thick and thin
FIFA 12 is different. All the hype over the past few months
of the beautiful game.
about the major changes in the gameplay, including close
The new online head to head mode lets players compete against
control, a new player impact engine and a new tactical
each other in league and cup competitions. All players begin in the
defending option has turned out to be true.
lowest league and seasons and gradually build up their team which
After a few tries at playing the game, the most distinct
will be promoted or relegated based on their performances.
change noticed is the new defending option. The old trick of
The game provides brilliantly accurate depictions of the top
hitting a button and sending a defender hurling towards the
star players and the animation is something remarkable fluid
attacking player with possession is now gone only to give in
and expressive. The commentary has been worked upon and
to a system which is a little more complicated than that.
now seems more genuine and authentic ignoring the few rare
Well now, you have the option of containing your defender
on the ball and then take advantage of your opponent by
FIFA 12 proves to be a game which requires more practice than
shepherding him into disadvantageous positions. It's tricky,
its predecessors, to master. The new defending system and the
but neat and most importantly, effective. The defending
tactical approach is something which will definitely test the
system faces a transition from being automatic to more
patience and true skill of the gamers.
manual in nature. Many FIFA fans will find a radical shift in
With a whole new approach and a number of major changes,
their defending strategy to get over the normal approach of
FIFA 12 is a game which no gaming enthusiast should miss.
darting slides to a more planned and tactical approach.
Once again EA, through this venture hasn't failed at providing
people with the opportunity to 'live the game'. The updated player physics is what brings in a whole new
sense of reality and physical presence. This allows you to
Rahul Chandrashekhar & Indraneel Ganguly
pull and tug at an opponent's shirt and also pull off some
Javier Pastore
Palermo to Paris Saint-Germain
Juan Mata
Valencia to Chelsea
Sergio 'Kun' Aguero
Athletico Madrid to
Manchester City
Cesc Fabregas
Arsenal to Barcelona
Ashley Young
Aston Villa to
Manchester United
Snakes are possibly one of the only things that are both worshipped and
feared. However, in these times of development, snakes are facing
extensive loss of habitat, which isn't natural. Also, we must keep in mind
the fact that if human activities lead to an extinction in snake species, it is
going to create a host of other problems. As we all know, the extinction of
any species will lead to a population explosion of their preys.
If this happens, then our future generations will have to face extreme
infestation of rodents, insects etc. From my experience of catching
snakes and keeping them as pets, I have learnt that they are very calm and
harmless. In the supplementing photo, I am holding a rat snake, which is
common in these regions. I sincerely hope we humans start preserving the
lives of these animals, which are now on the brink of extinction
Chandrim 'Charlie'
Steve Jobs saw the future and led the world to embrace it. In March, when he took the stage to unveil Apple's latest tablet,
it, he also saw his own demise and embraced it willingly. "They tore up their designs because they were far from
The visionary technologist and business leader who, after
being fired from Apple, returned after 11 years to take the Despite dropping out of college, Jobs was asked to give the
world of technology by storm, died peacefully on October 6, commencement speech at Stanford University in 2005. In his
2011, surrounded by family. address, delivered after Jobs was diagnosed with cancer, he
said that the benefit of knowing about your death is that you
His innovative line of products, his trademark outfit of black
realize that you should not waste your life living someone
turtlenecks and jeans, his visionary genius and his
else's choices. "Don't let the noise of other opinions drown
mysterious past defined a cult following that has forced the
out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the
world to take note. His rivals have expressed their respect,
courage to follow your heart and intuition."
millions of tributes have flooded the net(Twitter crashed for
a while with the enormous load of #RIP Steve Jobs tweets) Steve Jobs has been a mighty inspiration to our generation
and a field of flowers and engraved/bit apples and will remain so for generations to come.
surrounded his Palo Alto home and Apple Stores His death is absolute, his genius is lost
throughout the world. All this is part of the and the magic that his products
miracle called Steve Jobs. perform can no never again be
replicated. However, his extra-
He built products that were innovative and
ordinary story coupled with his
came closest to making the line 'Nothing
spiritual wisdom shall continue
is Perfect' obsolete! However, he failed to
to enlighten each one us and
make a device that could fill the
dr i ve us to t he pat h of
enormous gap he left behind in the world
of technology, the arena of business and
in the heart of every Apple-lover. "Amid the oceans of enforced
mediocrity in the bland,
Jobs, with his team at Apple,
defl avori zed cul ture of
ruthlessly embarked on a journey
managed-by commi ttee
in 1997 to render Apple as the
corporate behemoths, Jobs
world's greatest technological
showed that the real path to
company. Their efforts paid
excellence was excellence -
off. Apple went on to
that you could do great
become the second most
things by, who could have
valuable company after
imagined, being smart and
E x x o n Mo b i l . Hi s
having excellent taste and
perfecti oni st streak
never ever settling for
enabled him to shell out
second best," said Perry
products that became
Metzger, Entrepreneur
the benchmarks in
their respective Steve Jobs is best described
markets. Jobs had by his last words - 'OH WOW!
few kind words OH WOW! OH WOW!'
f o r h i s
compet i t ors .
"Ri val s wer e
flummoxed by the
iPad," he declared in
A tribute to the late Steve Jobs
11 10
22 23
Loyola Schools JYOTI club organized this years ultimate championship. Also, our very own Siddharth Neelabh won the
school festival Rhapsody. The JYOTI unit, a very active and title of Mr. Rhapsody this year.
integral part of our society and school rocked the city with
Besides the predecided competitions the mere sense of
the biggest non academic fest of the year 2011.
competition between schools burst out like a volcano during
Rhapsody aims at bringing out raw talent among students
the War of The DJs were playing music and simultaneously the
and pitting these smart and talented youngsters against
students of different schools started a dance face-off on their
each other, where practice and raw energy makes you the
own. The next forty minutes portrayed Jamshedpurs ultimate
champion of the day.
dance talents. This is the reason Rhapsody had the maximum
Rhapsody comprised of events like Wildfire(a dance
audience of all school fests with a whopping 1000 students as
competition), Half a Minute, Masterchef, Xpression
s(photography contest), Mr and Miss Rhapsody, War of DJs,
Yes Loyola was the winner but no school returned empty
band Performance and many more.
handed they left a good sense of sportsman spirit and a greater
The names of the teams of different schools were based on
sense of being part of this major event where they had learnt
classical bands. Dreamtheatre ( the name given to Loyola
and grown so much in just one day.
Schools team) proved why they were superior. Talented
and The ever effective board of JYOTI was led by President, Raunak
Singh, and moderator Tr. Sudha Ganesh with guidance from our
hardworking participants from Loyola pulled Dreamtheatre
Vice-Principal,Fr. Jaison Joshua.
from the stiff competition towards bagging the overall
Every passing year, students of our school are pushing regional round at KSMS, Jamshedpur. This ensured their place
towards and achieving new milestones. The All India Frank in the national finale at Bishop Cotton Boys School,
Anthony Memorial Debate, held in memory of Frank Bangalore.
Anthony-a prominent lawyer and parliamentarian, who
The other schools participating there were St. Joseph's,
passed away in 1993, has been held year after year in various
Dehradun, CMS Lucknow, Rajendra Nagar, La Martiniere
schools across India. The debate comprises of three rounds-
Boys, Kolkata, La Martiniere College, Lucknow, Jamnabai
the zonal, regional and the national. However, the only time
Narsee School, Mumbai and the host school.
Loyola made it to the nationals was in 2006-when Shobhna
The chief guests at the occasion were former CJI MN Iyer won the title of Best Speaker.
Ve nk a t a c ha l i a h a nd
Now, t wo of our most
Officiating Secretary of the
promi si ng speakers have
ISC/ICSE Council, Gerry
repeated the feat. This year,
Adityesh Mitra (XI B) and
We d i d n ' t wi n t h e Dipanjan Roychoudhary (XII B)
nationals, but the journey carried the school flag all the
was no less than a victory. way to the fi nal s. They
We h o p e t h a t o u r represented Loyola in the
p r o mi s i n g t e a m o f senior category. After winning
speakers, led and groomed (Best Team) the zonal round
by Tr. Sutapa Mukherjee held at Andhra Association,
and Tr. Vineeta Ekka, win Jamshedpur, they progressed
the National crown. to another victory in the
The Biology, Environment and Maths Clubs came together in
a unique collaboration, to present Bio-Matrix - The Union of
Sciences. The event was conducted along inter-house lines,
and featured an engaging debate. This was followed by an
inter-discipline quiz, covering the life sciences as well as the
precise science of mathematics. Students from classes 6, 7,
and 8, had been selected based on their aptitude for either
of the two subjects above. The quiz comprised specific
rounds, and a final rapid fire round, consisting of a mixed bag
- conducted ably by Jubin Jamshed of 12th Bio-Sciences. The
event was refreshingly enlightening about the close
communion between biology and mathematics, as students
learnt about largely unknown relationships between topics
such as the mating of rabbits and the Fibonacci sequence.
The moderators, as well as the respective boards, can surely
be counted upon to keep organizing similarly competitive, as
well as highly informative events in the future as well!
Conquista maintains its identity as an event that celebrates the UN Security Council. The global feel was established by the
the English language: the language of Shakespeare, Milton, speakers hoisting their flags, prior to defending their stands.
and other iconic laureates - the most widely spoken
L i t r apt ur e: The biggest, most hyped and
language in our world. The Debating Club strives to present
ea g erly awaited event of the year,
events that deviate from the stereotypical. The following
story writing has held on-stage for
unique and innovative events merit a mention.
the first time in the history of
Mime Time : A new take on the classic intellectual mankind
art of miming. Participants, in
A t ot a l of 12 s c hool s
black and white gear,
participated in the event.
emoted silently, but
Hilltop School stood second
effectively, to audio
overall. The top position
cl i ps on "Cul ture
was captured by Loyola
S h o c k " a n d
School, from last year's
victor, Carmel Junior
Synchronium: A running College. Incidentally,
comment ar y event . they stood third this
Impromptu speaking skills year. Only in its second
were tested. y e a r a f t e r i t s
inception, Conquista
Point of View: A completely
looks to grow bigger and
new concept of debate,
better, under the guidance of Tr.
speakers doubl ed up as
Sutapa Mukherjee, and bring up more talented
international delegates from
The most technologically advanced event organized by Loyola
School, E-TRIX 2011, was conducted this month.
Loyola emerged as champions. The event witnessed students
battling it out in the virtual world of computers.

Behind every successful man, is a surprised woman! There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.
11 10
24 25
My phone rang frantically, as CNN's greeting tunes blared Continuing, he said, Do you know the first thing I did upon
into my ears, while I woke up groggily. It stopped ringing assuming my post? I didn't. So I asked him.
when I had successful managed to disentangle myself from
I had a scotch, he replied with a smirk.
a pair of pajamas. Just as I was about to doze off again, the
I smiled. The next thing I did was start a campaign to set up
phone rang. This time I picked it and my Editor's sharp, and
micro-specialty hospitals for cows, buffaloes and camel i.e.
heavily accented thaaaaaaamil drawl destroyed any of my
animals who produce large quantities of methane rich dung.
hopes of dozing off 'ever again'.
I asked him why he would do something like that. Healthier
Yamlakanti Rameswaran Krishnamurthy Guddimela
animals can work much more, this means more crops in our
Ayichinappa Reddy here.
field, resulting in contented farmers with better lifestyles. With
Yes, sir!
more money, they will readily feed their animals more food,
Mhister Chettoraj I yope uu rhememabher ywour thus increasing our dung-stock. This will ensure energy and
yyyuuppointment with that Khajuria fellow? money for the nation.
I did. He had called to remind me about my interview with He said, The next thing I am going to do is construct colleges
our country's new finance minister. His name was Dr. Kuber that specialize in Zoology and Veterinary sciences. After the
Kajaria. An International Trades graduate from the completion of their education, farmers will be able to take
Wharton School of Business and a doctorate in macro care of their animals, and won't have to pay for specialists
economics from Harvard, he was reputed to be something anymore."
of a savant where the rural economies of India were
Then he flashed a
concerned. He had promised to make India an economic
conspiratorial smirk and
superpower in just five years using a new source of eco-
said, We'll build our
friendly energy. My job was to find out how he was going to
fortunes on
achieve this feat.
bullshit, with the
When I reached Dr. Kajaria's office, I was led into a large whole world
room. Mr. Kajaria came in a bit later. I started by welcoming watching India
him and thanking him for his time and then began asking become filthy
him a few comfortable questions. Then I asked him for the rich.
answers to a question, that everyone was asking.
You had claimed that you would, make India a superpower
by using an abundant non-polluting natural resource.
Which resource do you intend to use?
He paused for a moment, looked at me and said, Cow
I thought he was joking and asked him again. Upon noticing
the astonishment on my face he said, I can understand
your shock and disbelief. When I told my team, their
reactions were much more volatile. Did you know that cow
dung has been used by us Indians as a fuel for centuries
now? I did.
How much cow dung did you see on your way here?
A lot of it, I replied truthfully.
Now consider the amount of energy we could harness if
we produce natural gas from the dung produced in India
daily. Analysts say that energy harnessed from all the cow
dung produced in the country daily could run every town
and city in India for six weeks. That is more energy than
what a hundred kilograms of uranium can produce and
at a cost that's nearly ten times less. You see, I have a
dream not very different from that of Sheikh Hasman
Rahim Khan, the present ruler of the United Arabian
Emirates and the mayor of Dubai. The Sheikhs built
their fortunes on oil. We are going to build ours on
something much cheaper.
Somewhere between, what is right and what is wrong, there the movie. The way in which the movie has been used to
is a field, we shall meet there" - This is how, ROCKSTAR starts. show the transformation of mood, pace and the depth of
character makes one wonder if it's a mainstream Bollywood
Those who still need a review to judge the movie, go watch it
venture or some anti-establishment European classic. The
because a review won't ever do justice. The story of Rockstar
characters are three-dimensional, some scenes ( eg - the one
revolves around Janardan(later Jordan) who lives and
when Jordan speaks about his feelings beside the road) are
breathes music, but fails to make it big. Set in DU Campus
too real to be kept in mind as scenes from a movie, they seem
(especially the Hindu canteen and Stephen's auditorium), it
to come straight out of the life of some friend you know (in
deals with how Janardan tries all that he could to be like Jim
terms of its clarity of expressing the particular feeling).
Morrison, but fails, until the female lead, heel, enters. That is
the beginning of a strange chemistry between them. A Ranbir Kapoor leaves his contemporaries behind, and raises
friendship which turns into what looks like lust, but is himself to the level of a star. There is a strange energy where
definitely love (post heals marriage). This takes the film the man carries and the brilliant work by his designers take
forward. his look to perfection.
Set in the disturbing atmosphere of what is morally right and
what is morally wrong, the music depicts the story of
It is a unique movie, which symbolises the changing
J anardan, who post a t urbul ent rel at i onshi p,
perception about an industry. Do watch the movie,
metamorphoses into Jordan, the Rockstar. The movie is fast
a n d become part of this change.
paced (as all Imtiaz Ali movies) and keeps you glued to your
Rockstar has proved to be so
popular among the citizens of
The movie is shot brilliantly, and looks very detailed the way
Jamshedpur that all movie
in which the DU Campus is shown. It reminds you of the fine
screens, especially Eylex, have
job done in Band Baaja Baaraat. Even the scenes in
reported full house shows for
K a s h mi r a n d P r a g ue look authentic,
at least
especially Kashmir
two weeks.
u n l i k e m o s t
Also, Loyoleans flooded Bollywood movies.
Eylex and Payal Cinema
The music by AR
the very first week. It
Rahman does not live
seems the movie
up to our expectations
c o m p l e t e l y
from a film where the
rocked our
e n t i r e s t o r y l i n e i s
dependent on music. One
expects tracks which are long
living, but sadly Rockstar boasts of no
such tracks, except Sadda Haq and
Naadaan Parindey, to some extent.
The music isn't bad, but just not apt
enough for a movie like Rockstar.
Though the songs have been well placed
and well used, unlike Love Aaj Kal, they
don't stop the flow the movie, they rather take
it forward.
But what makes Rockstar a must watch and a
movie to keep in our minds and hearts for a long
time, is the treatment of the story by Imtiaz Ali
and the language and structure of cinema used in
Harsh Vaibhav
Men are like bank accounts - without a lot of money, they dont generate a lot of interest What are the three words guaranteed to humiliate men everywhere? - Hold my purse
11 10
26 27
VARUN AARON, the spirited pacer and a product of Loyola Have you always wanted to be a cricketer?
School, made the most of his debut in international cricket. He
Absolutely! I always wanted to play cricket. I enjoyed it till the 10th
scalped wickets in his first match against England in Mumbai.
standard. After I got selected for the under-19 team I started
And he impressed everyone with his pace and guile. Varun had
taking it seriously. It was then that I had to choose abetween
been made to sit on the benches for an entire international
studies and cricket. I used to say to myself that if I do pursue
tour. Some had even started to write off the bowler who has
cricket, then I'll play for the country, nothing less than that! If I had
the fastest delivery(153.4 kph) in India to his name. Varun is a
not been selected in the Indian Team, I would not have continued.
product of the MRF Pace Academy and was even part of the
How did you react when you were made to sit on the bench
Kolkata Knight Riders.
during the England tour?
LPC feels that this stint with the KKR, earned him the goodwill
*Sighs* To be honest, it was disappointing. But I believed that if
of Sourav Ganguly. This was pretty much evident in Ganguly's
given a chance, I would do well. Not thinking of the
commentary during Varun's first international match.
disappointment, I practiced well and performed decently in the
He looked calm and capitalized on the first opportunity he got.
match against England.
Three wickets in his debut match, good words from the experts
What is your usual schedule annually?
and commentators and applause from his captain and team-
Selectors decide my life and its happenings. Initially when I played mates. He would not have wanted more.The LPC caught up
the Ranji, I knew where I would be next. Now, it depends a few with him on a visit to our school. Here is an excerpt of our talk:
months in Australia and then a few months in England. There is
INDIA'S 11! How does being one of the Titans feel?
very little family time for me. I really miss Jamshedpur. Each time I
It feels good. I am honored to be playing for the country, more
come Jamshedpur, I make sure I come to Loyola. I really miss the
so, being a Loyolean!
Loyola Anthem. I haven't heard it in years.
How, in your opinion, has Loyola School helped in shaping
Some specifics of your training ?
your career in cricket?
Depends. I run 4-5 days a week, go for 2-3 gym sessions. Usually I
Loyola had a great sporting culture. Sir Prem Prakash works
practise for 6-7 hours a day. My training comes in here and there
relentlessly out of good will, setting up pitches and helping
between my practice sessions.
shape the atmosphere quintessential for sports. Also, I had an
Any fond memories of Loyola?
excellent set of teachers right through High School. The Plus
Loyola, in itself, is a fond memory. Even when I come to school Two years mattered most to my career and Father had whole-
now, I feel I haven't graduated *laughs*. I hardly attended school heartedly extended his support to me.
in the last few years. I fondly remember the great canteen that
What have been the peaks of your career?
made my 13 years of schooling wonderful.
The year 2011 has been really good. Starting with the Ranji
Any message you would want to give to the budding cricketers of
Trophy selection to delivering the fastest ball. Followed by the
England tour and then the subsequent selection to the Indian
The message won't be only for the cricketers, but for all the Cricket Team.
students. Everyone is not cut-out for academics and so you should
Does sharing the dressing room with cricketing legends
use your self reasoning to make a decision. You must realize what
intimidate you?
you have within yourself. I feel everybody gets an opportunity in
No. Actually, it feels good to be part of the dressing room. But
life and ultimately, it boils down to how you take it. Even if you're a
frankly, I have never paid much attention to this. It doesn't
sweeper, you should excel in it instead of doing something you are
make a big difference. They are as human as I am. They too are
not cut-out for!
cricketers like me.
The very mention of Tr. Nupur Chaturvedi is bound to bring a happened, I started enjoying the classes.
smile to the faces of all Loyoleans taught by her. Her firm but If that hadn't happened, then maybe I
loving way of teaching made her an instant hit with her wouldn't have continued.
students. Environmental Education classes, which were usually
Q. What degree of freedom does a
boring, turned lively merely because of her presence. Due to
Loyolean teacher enjoy?
family obligations, Tr. Nupur Chaturvedi resigned from the
There is complete freedom for a teacher.
Loyolean ecosystem in June. The Loyola family wishes her and
In my knowledge, the administration has
her family the best of health and all the happiness in the world.
never interfered with any teacher's way
Here are excerpts of a candid interview given to the LPC.
of teaching. This allowed us to introduce
Q. Where did you complete your schooling?
new methods without encountering
I grew up in Mussoorie and started my schooling at Waverly administrative hindrances.
Convent and then went on to St. Joseph's, Dehradun. I had
Q. Did you enjoy taking Environmental Education classes?
appeared for the medical examinations after Plus Two, but I
I had studied this subject but not in detail. Before taking any
didn't qualify. Not wanting to drop an year, I chose to do my B.Sc
classes, I had to research the topics and prepare myself. It was a
in Chemistry.
nice experience. Although, there were times when I myself
Q. How did you come to join Loyola?
didn't believe in what was being taught.
When I moved to the city, I had applied to both Loyola School
Q. Could you identify with us Loyoleans?
and Sacred Heart Convent School. I was advised by my friends to
Not at all. In fact, you could say that I was at poles with the
join Loyola, and I don't regret that decision. Loyola School was
Loyolean students.I remember being very meticulous and
the best experience that I have had.
disciplined as a student. This was one reason why I found it
Q. What was your first brush with Loyoleans like?
difficult to adjust initially.
Surprisingly, my first experiences were upsetting. I feel
Q. Do you plan to continue teaching?
Loyoleans sometimes act wrongly under the garb of freedom. It
I am shifting to Pune because of family obligations. And I am
wouldn't hurt to be a bit more respectful and polite to the
definitely going to continue teaching. Loyola School was an
teachers. Apart from this, I think Loyoleans are very bright and
experience that made me grow as a person. I am leaving with a
maybe a little over-confident. It took me some time to adapt to
very heavy heart and wish every student of mine all the best in life.
the school's atmosphere and to the students. Once that
10 years ago, 9/11 was just a date. This leaving Hans alone to navigate his mid-life
changed within a short span of hours as 15 crisis.
young men with limited flying knowledge
The second plot details how, to escape his
brought America to its knees as the World
dreary life, Hans finds solace in the most
Trade Center came crumbling down, killing
unlikely of sports in America - Cricket. He is
thousands and scarring millions all over the
among the few white men in a sport which is
world. It is in the immediate aftermath of this
predominantly played by West Indian
tragedy that Joseph O'Neill chooses to base
immigrants and ex-pats in New Work.
his critically acclaimed book. The book is
Gradually, Hans makes friends and learns to
divided in two parts: The first details the life of
play the gentleman's game.
the narrator, Hans van der Brook, an equity
Joseph O'Neill has a fluid writing style which in analyst who is forced to flee from Manhattan
spite of being sketchy is witty and heartening along with his wife Rachael and their young
to read. The unique plot makes it a must read. son. Han's reluctance to leave New York and
migrate to London causes deep cracks in his
marriage and very soon Rachael is gone,
Book Review
The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died
11 10
28 29
They have serenaded us with songs like 'Michelle', 'I Want To still be alive today then the Beatles would have definitely
Hold Your Hand', got us tear-eyed with melodies like 'Let It Be' reunited. That would be dream come true for any Beatles fan
and 'Yesterday' and got out feet tapping with numbers like today, but alas, it is not to be. Their music transcends all barriers.
'Twist And Shout' and 'Obladi Oblada' and many more. They Through their music they have displayed so many various stages
have rocked the lives of many people with their music for the and emotions in a person's life that people can closely relate to
past 40 years. Affectionately known as the 'FAB FOUR', The their music and their songs. One can feel the music flow through
Beatles were an English Rock band active through the 1960's. the veins; feel the lyrics embedded in mind for all eternity. Their
Consisting of John Lennon, Sir Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr music touches the lives of people more than anyone else's has
and George Harrison, they played a wide range of different be it The Rolling Stones, Michael Jackson, Nirvana, Iron Maiden
genres of music, ranging from pop to rock and from classical to or something new and fresh like Ne-Yo, Kanye West, The Red Hot
rock. Today, after almost 20 years since the band split, John Chilli Peppers or even Lady Gaga for that matter. They truly
Lennon was assassinated in 1980 and George Harrison died of deserve to be called the Greatest Band of All Times. Even a
lung cancer in 2001, their music still lives on in the hearts, century from now when all of us will be long gone, the Beatles's
minds and souls of their fans. The nature of their enormous music will continue to flourish and thrive, continue to
popularity, which first emerged as 'Beatlemania' mesmerize and captivate people with their emotion and sheer
transformed as their songwriting grew in bri l l i ance. I end my tribute to the greatest musicians that
sophistication. We saw old the world has ever seen by saying this: the Beatles
records of women scr m a y not be anymore but
e a m i n g a n d Beatlemania will still live on
shouting at their forever.
t o p o f t h e i r
voi c es , s ome
even crying. We
even have read
t h a t S i r P a u l
McCartney sai d
and I quote that: if
a l l t h e f o u r
members would
The Loyola Charts
Top 5 Country/Rock songs
1. Someone Like You - Adele
2. Sparks Fly - Taylor Swift
3. Paradise - Coldplay
4. What you want - Evanescence
5. Walk - The Foo Fighters

Top 5 Hip Hop/Pop
1. Rain Over Me - Pitbull ft. Mark Anthony
2. Stereo hearts - Gym Class Heroes
3. Moves like jagger - Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera
4. Without you - David Guetta ft. Usher
5. You and I - Lady Gaga
She Makes Me Smile
On a hot midsummer night,
I couldn't see any birds in flight;
The Moon was shining just above the horizon
And I could hear only a single person's orisons.
The moon had lit up the place
But I still couldn't see her face
Below us was a hay pile
And I knew on her face was a heavenly smile
We saw the stars shooting across the sky
Even I smiled and She asked me ,Why?
I looked up to the sky
And I didn't want to lie
I told her Nature shows special things only to special souls
I told her I wanted both of us to enrol
Together into the Society of lovers
I expected a reply having 'nevers'
And the reply , Yes it came
With the 'nevers'
But the tone wasn't the same
'Never shall we part, she said
And I knew a bond was made
A smile Spread on my face
Under the Moonlight which had lit up the place!!

You don't feel so tall
With your back against the wall
All you feel is fear and pain
Flowing through each vein.
She's only five foot five,
And you're begging her to
keep you alive.
But she's got a gun to
your head,
And she wants you
Eyes gleaming with
cruel emotion,
Scarlet nailed fingers in
Trigger pulled back twisted smile on her
Just then your heart stops to race.
There is no flashback, no memory train,
Numbness takes over before the pain.
Less than a second, longer than forever,
Time stops, but it can never.
Bullet through your brains,
Blood is all that rains.
It splatters on the walls, drenches her dress
What a bleeding mess, oh what a bleeding mess
They say there's a lot more to life than money,
But death follows the words 'Goodbye, honey!'
Body slumps down to the floor
You can't breathe any more
And silence follows that one last breath,
As moonlight washes the face of death.
In love and war, they say all's fair
But she never loved you nor did she care.
Cold, calculating, without a heart,
No psychotic break; it was planned from the start.
She just straightens her hair, wipes the gun clean
Turns her back and walks away from the crime scene
A note with your name and the gun in your hand
What other evidence will the cops demand?
Death By Romance
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, its just that your opinion is stupid What do you call a dog with no legs? No matter what you call out, it aint gonna come
11 10
30 31
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11 10
32 33
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Eg. Lamp __POST__ Office
1. Foot _________ Pen
2. Girl _________ Ship
3. Note _________ Mark
4. Time _________ Cloth
5. Tomato _________ Pan
6. Black _________ Meeting
7. Chewing _________ Boots
8. Wrist _________ Man
9. Toe _________ Polish
10. Match _________ Office
Competition Corner Competition Corner

Guess the names of the brand names appearing
in the article featured on Page 10. The student
with maximum correct answers will win a
special prize!!!
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