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Urbana Public Works Department 706 S.

Glover Avenue Urbana, IL 61802

Date: Developed By/ Media Contact: Authorized By: December 16, 2011 (For Immediate Release) Bart Hagston, Environmental Sustainability Manager (217) 384-2381; William Gray, Public Works Director

URBANA, IL The City of Urbana is encouraging residents to take advantage of an energy efficiency

program before grant funding is exhausted. In August 2010 the City announced a partnership with the Ameren Illinois ActOnEnergy program to provide free energy audits to single-family homes and provide financial assistance to homeowners who undertake insulation and air/duct sealing projects. This partnership was made possible through a Federal Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant to the City of Urbana under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The partnership has been highly successful. Over 660 energy audits have been provided to Urbana homeowners free of charge. During each energy audit a qualified energy advisor conducts a thorough visual inspection, performs a computer analysis of the home, and generates a custom report that pinpoints problem areas and possible improvement measures. Depending upon program guidelines, the advisor may also install high-performance shower heads, faucet aerators, and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) while on-site. The value of the audit and product installations is over $130. One hundred Urbana homeowners have also taken advantage of financial incentives available to improve the energy performance of their homes exterior shell. The ActOnEnergy program provides substantial financial incentives to install wall and attic insulation and seal ducts and cracks. The City of Urbana is utilizing grant funds to provide a 20% rebate to homeowners on top of the ActOnEnergy incentives. To date, the average participant in the program has received combined financial incentives from Ameren Illinois and the City of Urbana totaling $1,600. Between 40-75% of the cost of most projects has been covered by incentives. Work under this program must be performed by ActOnEnergy Program Ally contractors, of which there are several to choose from locally. According to Bart Hagston, Environmental Sustainability Manager for the City of Urbana, Participants have had great things to say about the program and they cant believe how affordable their improvement projects have been with the financial incentives. Homeowners are saving money and energy and improving the comfort of their home, all at the same time. But some of these incentives will soon expire. While the ActOnEnergy program incentives will remain, the funds used by the City of Urbana to pay for energy audits and additional incentives will run out at the end of February 2012. To maximize the help they can receive, Urbana homeowners are encouraged to request an energy audit today by calling ActOnEnergy at 866-838-6918. Please identify yourself to the customer service representative as an Urbana resident. For additional information, homeowners may also contact Bart Hagston with the City of Urbana at 217-384-2381.

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