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E LocaL ProfiLe Page 4
Young angLers Page 16 aLL Quiet on the West Page 4
Fol l y Beac hs Newspaper
Vol . 4 I ssue 5 Dec ember 16, 2011 w FREE
alex Trebek Testifes in Murder Trial,
answers all Questions in the Form of a Question
Alex Trebek, host of the
popular syndicated quiz
show Jeopardy, testifed in
the murder trial of his former
agent this afternoon. In a
twist that seemingly nobody
in the stunned courtroom
saw coming, Trebek answered
all questions in the form of a
question, as is custom on his game show. Te prosecution
knew it was in for a long day when, in response to asking
if he would please state his name for the record, Trebek
cleared his throat and responded with, Who is Alex
Bill Murray Spotted on Piece of Toast
FOLLY BEACH, SCPeople say you havent lived in
Charleston without sighting legendary Hollywood actor
and comedy icon Bill Murray, a resident of the Holy City
for many years. A few lucky Folly Beach citizens got just
that during Easter Sunday brunch at Ritas Seaside Grill,
as they spotted Murray in a piece of white toast. Fans
and onlookers waited patiently as the Toastbuster took
pictures with all who approached.
Oprah gives audience Teir Own Oprah
CHICAGO, Ill. If weve learned anything about
Oprah during the 25th and fnal season of Te Oprah
Winfrey Show, ending on May 25, its that she always
saves the best for last. Te same holds true for what
Best of t he Foni on 2011
By DaviD CrawforD
Fonion continues on page 6
December 16, 2011
ci vi c
Work SeSSion, 5 p.m.
Council met to discuss how to govern
transient vendors in 2012, including food
trucks, sidewalk art and jewelry stands, and
rental companies. Tey struggled to defne
a transient vendors, bringing to light brick
and mortar businesses like the Sand Dollar
that might have art for sale hanging from
their walls outside. Another issue arises
when brick and mortar businesses contract
to allow another business to operate on
their outside property, like a moped rental
outside Black Magic Cofee.
I dont think its right for you to tell me
that I cant sell t-shirts and rocking chairs
at Follywood if I want to, but Im not
going to have a mobile cart outside selling
those things, said council member and
Planet Follywood owner D.J. Rich.
Council member Paul Hume stressed that
transient vendor defnitions needed to be
defned, possibly with exceptions for brick
and mortar businesses selling merchandise
outside their building. He added that a
company like Black Magic might say,
Youre allowing them to sell jewelry down
in front of the Dollar in the day time. Why
cant we sell motorcycles to people who get
all jazzed up on our cofee?
Rich pointed out that transient vendors
havent been a problem over the last few
years, but that council is now trying to
prevent an over abundance of them. Talk
arose of grandfathering in existing vendors
on Folly. Rich raised the possibility of a
range of licenses so that the city wouldnt
be fooded with just one type of vendor.
Confusion continued, and Paul Hume
said that if council couldnt agree on what
a transient vendor was, then lets go get a
beer because were wasting our time.
Mayor Goodwin pointed out a recent
news story about the popularity of food
trucks, saying get ready, its going to get
worse. He suggested a food truck park
at 3rd block west, where the vendors could
maintain the bathrooms.
Rich said he felt like residents appreciate
the funky feel of something like a
food truck thats unique and diferent.
Goodwin said that he personally does not
want to see mopeds rented on Folly Beach.
Rich said that any problems with moped
drivers can be fxed with existing laws
instead of a ban.
Zoning Administrator Aaron Pope told
council that he just needs to know how
many transient vendors the city wanted to
approve, and how many of each kind, and
that he would draft an ordinance.
Hume broke transient vendors down into
three groups: rentals, food, and non-food
sales. He suggested putting a number cap
on each category.

Pope spoke of the problem with vendors
in the past who argue that theyre not
transient and dont pay the fee, calling for
legislation to enforce fees in the future.
Pope said he would draft an ordinance for
council to review.
Special meeting, 6 p.m.
citiZenS commentS
Susan Breslin of 1113 East Arctic pointed
out language in the Flood Plain package
being presented that might be interpreted
as allowing increased elevation in houses
and asked council to amend that to not
change the current rules.
Aaron Pope introduced fve ordinances
that together could lower Follys
community rating system (CRS) score
with the Insurance Services Ofce that
regulates food insurance. By lowering
Follys score from 8 to 7 on the 1-10 scale,
each person on Folly with a food insurance
policy could save $195 each year, totaling
approximately $300,000 in annual savings
community wide.
Ratings are determined every fve years,
and Folly is currently up for reevaluation.
Te auditor suggested several ways Folly
could lower their rating to achieve the
Council turned down a motion to approve
the fve ordinances in one package,
instead choosing to consider each one
ordinance no. 34-11. Formalizes
a requirement that nonresidential
construction must be elevated no lower
than one foot above the bass food
elevation (BFE).
Passed, all in favor.
ordinance no. 35-11. Requires fnal
plats of proposed developments to clearly
indicated the BFE on their plans.
Passed, all in favor.
ordinance no. 36-11. Requires
homebuilders to sign a piece of paper
acknowledging that they are not allowed
to build habitable space below the BFE
underneath an elevated house.
Eddie Ellis clarifed that these areas could
be fnished of as a dart board room, or
lawn mower storage. Pope said it couldnt
be habitable space. Ellis clarifed that it
could be a boys night out room, or a man
Food Tr uc k s and
Fl ood I nsur anc e
C i t y C o u n C i l R e p o R t
December 8, 2011
Council continued on page 3
December 16, 2011 3
Lucky Dog Publishing, LLC
Publishers of The Folly Current, The Island
Eye News and the Island Connection.
Lynn Pierotti

Stratton Lawrence
Blake Bunch
associate editor

Swan Richards
senior graphic designer
Lori Dalton
sales manager
Chris Wilkerson
Richard Brendel
Melissa Caloca
graphic designer
Vince Perna
David Crawford
Megan Carroll
Jacob Flannick
Justin Morris
Bonne Isenhour
Joel Flores
Anton Dumars
Jud Bushkar
Heather Johnson
Lindsey Graham
Brian Sanders
Published by
Lucky Dog Publishing
of South Carolina, LLC
P.O. Box 837
Sullivans Island, SC 29482
January 6 Paper Deadline is
December 23 for Submissions
The Folly Current, a wholly owned sub-
sidiary of Lucky Dog Publishing of South
Carolina LLC, is a free, independent news-
paper published every two weeks and is for
and about Folly Beach. Copies are mailed
free of charge to every active mailbox in
our coverage area and are also available at
area businesses and by subscription to non-
islanders. Subscriptions are $39 per year for
non-residents and are available by sending
a check to Lucky Dog Publishing, LLC, P.O.
Box 837, Sullivans Island, SC 29482. Our
editorial content is primarily dedicated to
the area of distribution; ad space is open to
all businesses who want to reach the Folly
Beach market. Complete ad creation is
$50, however, changes of up to 30% of the
original ad are included at no extra cost. All
advertising rates are listed at
under advertising.
ci vi c
Folly Friends and Neighbors,
To those of you who supported me and voted for me, thank you so much.
To those of you who voted, even if not for me, thank you. I just
returned from a trip to the Middle East. Cairo, Egypt, was one of the
places I visited. People there have been and are continuing to fght
and die for the right to vote and establish a democracy. We often
don't realize how fortunate we are. Tere is another election for
City Council coming up in April. Please take the time to learn about
the candidates (whomever they may be) and VOTE.
One of the reasons I ran for City Council was because of my
interaction with Council members during their deliberations about the
Folly Island Dog Owners Club (FIDO). While observing our Council at
work I realized how many decisions Council members make that have an
impact on the quality of our lives on Folly Beach. I think we are
fortunate to have good people serving on City Council, and I hope my
decisions on Council will make Folly Beach even better.
After I was elected to City Council, I decided to resign as president
of the FIDO Club to avoid potential conficts of interest. I have
thoroughly enjoyed the work involved in creating FIDO, and I have met
some great people. I leave FIDO in the capable hands of the new
president, Toni Manos, and the other Board members. Toni can be
reached at 843-588-6300 or FIDO has an email
address,, and a website, Te website includes the FIDO bylaws
which explain the rules of responsible dog ownership. It also has a
fnancial report on FIDO's income and expenditures.
Some people appear to have misconceptions about the FIDO Club, and I
want to take this opportunity to tell you a little more about FIDO.
FIDO membership is available to both residents and non-residents. Te
Board decided to restrict membership to 100 for the frst year because
we wanted to be sure that we could monitor our members and enforce our
rules. We did not want to risk 1000 people joining FIDO and
overwhelming the beach. So far, however, we have 80 primary members
(some of these are family memberships, so the total number of people
involved is a bit higher). Membership applications are available at
City Hall and on FIDO's website. Te Board may decide to expand the
enrollment limitation next year.
Te special thing about the FIDO Club is that its members must attend
an orientation session and agree to comply with rules of responsible
dog ownership in exchange for the privilege of having their dogs of
leash on the beach from sunrise to 10 AM from October 1st to May 1st.
You can recognize FIDO dogs by their bright green collars.
I look forward to serving all of you as a member of City Council.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with your concerns, questions, or
advice at 843-588-6677.
I hope you have a safe and happy holiday season!
Dale Stuckey
Passed, all in favor.
Ordinance No. 37-11. Clarifes that a
home that doesnt meet food code cannot
be improved beyond 50 percent of the
market value of the building for ten years
without frst bringing it up to meet food
Pope clarifed that the rule was previously
one year and had been recently changed to
three years. He said that FEMA requires a
minimum of fve years, and that the Folly
Building Department had decided on a
ten year requirement.
Rich suggested an amendment to lower
the recommended time from ten years
to fve years. Goodwin pointed out that
the ordinance relates to major work,
suggesting that a house should be brought
up to code regardless, whether its one year
or 20 years.
Te ultimate goal of food plain
regulation is to bring the community into
compliance, said Pope. Te point of our
whole program is to get all the buildings in
the food plain elevated. It reduces future
claims and it reduces future loss of life.
Council voted on an amendment to
change the ordinance from ten years to
fve years. Te amendment failed 4-3.
Te original ordinance to change the
requirement from one to ten years passed
Ordinance 38-11. Changes construction
standards to B zone regulations in A zone
areas on Folly Beach, requiring breakaway
walls at ground level.
Pope explained the diference in A zones
and B zones on Folly Beach, and the
building requirements about elevating
above or at BFE and the allowance of
breakaway or vented walls at ground
Passed, all in favor.
During council comments, Eddie Ellis
said hed found an old family bible and
discovered that his great grandfather was
the highway commissioner of Bath, New
York. It kind of runs in my blood why
I know trafc circles wont work, said
Director of Utilities/
PUblic Works
Te City of Folly Beach has
narrowed the search for the position
of Director of Utilities/Public Works
to two applicants. Kevin Whitsett
and William Connor are both from
Charleston SC. Tey will be tested
and the results will be evaluated. Te
decision should be made within the
next two weeks.
Council continued from page 2
ue to ongoing erosion problems in addition to the heavy erosion caused by
Hurricane Irene in August 2011, Folly Beach County Park will remain closed
to the general public through the 2012 season.
Te decision to close the park for the 2012 season was made with the safety and
concern of patrons in mind. Charleston County Park and Recreation (CCPRC) staf
will meet throughout December to work through details of the parks closing, its future,
and the operation of the Pelican Watch shelter.
Patrons who have specifc questions concerning the park or rentals of the Pelican
Watch shelter may call 843-795-4386.
Folly Beach County Park has been a vital part of the community since 1982, said
CCPRC Operations Director Phil Macchia. Families have been coming to this facility
for years; those who visited as children now return with their own. We hope over time
to bring this great treasure back to the community.
Folly Beach County Park is owned and operated by the Charleston County Park
and Recreation Commission (CCPRC). Folly Beach County Park is located at 1100
West Ashley Avenue, on the west end of Folly Island and borders both the Atlantic
Ocean and the Folly River.
CCPRCs Edwin S. Taylor Folly Beach Fishing Pier, located at 101 E. Arctic Ave.
on the island, is still open to the general public as scheduled for fshing walking, and
birding. CCPRCs other two beach parks, Isle of Palms County Park and Kiawah
Beachwalker Park, are open for normal operations and did not sustain damage from
Hurricane Irene.

For more information on Folly Beach County Park or the Charleston County Park and
Recreation Commission, call (843) 795-4386 or visit
Fol l y Beac h Count y Par k t o
Remai n Cl osed f or 2012
Sen. Chip Campsen surveys the damage to the Folly Beach County Park
after Hurricane Irene
welve years ago a brash young man
came into the midst of Folly to open
his frst restaurant. Ron Hill was here
to follow his dream, even if that meant giving
up a steady job and risking his life savings with
a wife and two young children at home. With
support from his family and partners, the Crab
Shack was born.
Ron knew he had his work cut out for him.
Folly locals can be a tough crowd and winter
months can be particularly hard on restaurants,
when the sand does not come to the beach.
Ron realized that running a restaurant on Folly
was not going to be easy. It had to be a laid back
bar and a family-friendly restaurant at the same
time. He had to have the support of the locals
to survive.
Luckily, Ron has the knack to make you feel that talking to you is the most
important thing in the world, regardless of whatever meltdown may be happening in
the kitchen. In this way, he won the hearts of the Folly locals, and the staf follows
his lead.
While looking for a new restaurant to pour my heart into, I knew there were a
few specifcations I needed to fnd, says the Crab Shacks new chef, Greg Fowler.
Te foremost being an owner/operator that was honest, diligent, knowledgeable,
personable, hard-working and willing to share ideas and concepts. I believe I have
found that in Ron Hill. He has an excellent reputation for being fair and treating his
employees like family, I wanted to be a part of that.
Fowler studied under Andre Brierre of Commanders Palace in New Orleans,
before becoming the kitchen manager at Te Mellow Mushroom. He stayed there for
ten years before fnding his new home at Te Crab Shack, living on Folly Beach for
fve years before buying a town house on James Island.
Ron Hills relationship with locals extends beyond the restaurant. Both Ron and
Greg are committed to using locally grown and sustainable food products.
You may notice Rons support of the annual October Breast Cancer Awareness
Month by the large pink ribbon hung from the restaurant. Many patrons may not
realize that Rons wife, Paige, is a two-time breast cancer survivor. All the profts
from the sale of the restaurants She Crab Soup go to the Hollings Cancer Center.
All good things come from God, and I believe I might be one of the most blessed
people in the world, says Hill, explaining how he managed to run a restaurant while
helping his wife through her battles against cancer. Not only have I been blessed
with a wonderful staf to help fulfll my dreams, I have also been blessed to be here
on Folly Beach, (a place) that has the biggest sense of community. Te locals on Folly
are truly the other side of this success story. Without
them, I would not be here to celebrate the past ten
At the Crab Shacks annual customer appreciation
party this year, Hill profusely thanked his local
customers for supporting his restaurant through the
I wish for one minute, that each and every one
could go inside my heart and feel the love that I have
for all of you, says Hill. Folly truly is a very unique
place; there is no place or community that is quite like
it. We have people that actually care for one another,
and when someone is in need, Folly locals are always
there to help.
Ron Hill recently celebrated his 12th year on Folly.
At the aforementioned Locals Only party, the free
food and drinks fowed as Ron tried to make sure he
spoke to everyone who attended. Ron may think he
was thanking us, but we know better. Go get a bowl
of She Crab Soup at the restaurant where everyone
knows your name and say thanks to Ron.
Is someone you know deserving of a local profle?
Te Folly Current is looking for writers and subjects
for this new section. Send your suggestions and pitches
l ocal profi l e
Ron Hi l l
T h a n k Y o u G o e s B o T h WaY s
ci vi c
December 16, 2011 5
dat i ng fol l i es
woke up last week and realized that December had somehow snuck up on me. With
this fnal leg of the 2011 adventure coming to a close, there comes, of course, the
hopes of a snow furry or two, cozy nights by fres, dreams of sugar plum fairies
dancing in your head or whatever, and inevitably, a whole plethora of holiday questions,
fears, and stresses. When you are in any of the beginning stages of a relationship,
December has the opportunity of bringing with it a lot of anxiety. As someone who has
still not quite fgured out how to handle all of the toil and trouble that is wrapped up
in the holiday season, I will not presume to be able to ofer any great pearls
of wisdom here, but as they always say on TV maybe just talking about
it will make it easier.
With the holiday season comes traditions of all diferent shapes, sizes,
colors, and favors. Tis is only natural considering all of the diferent
religious and non-religious holidays that are stufed into this span of a few
weeks like clowns in a VW bug at the circus. And with a new relationship,
entering this swirling mist of traditions comes a melding of sorts. Will
you have a Christmas tree or a menorah? Will you be partying for eight
crazy nights or will you have seven days of celebrating the principals and
symbols of Kwanza? Will you fnd yourself cooking pineapple covered
hams, lasagna, matzo balls, or maybe chained to the stove for three days
making a little bit of all of it? Tese things may seem trivial at frst glance,
but respecting the beliefs of another is quite important, and who knows
what might happen if, God forbid, you happen to screw up when making
Moms Christmas cookie recipe?
Another big decision that often fnds a way of rearing its head right
around December is the question of family members. Its a big one that
many people get away with avoiding until the holidays roll around. Have you gotten
to the point in your relationship when you are ready to take someone home and subject
them to the stress and often times ultimate humiliation of meeting your entire
family? Meeting the Mom or Dad is a lot all by itself, but when you throw in all of the
crazy aunts, creepy uncles, and grabby grandpas, things start to get a bit more real and
a bit more personal.
Allowing someone access to the extended family is a little like opening a window to
your past. Tese are the people who made all of the little eccentricities that exist inside
you, many of which your new partner may not have seen. Te last time you had a tiny
little freak out your honey may have found it a bit adorable and endearing, but after
meeting crazy Aunt Mary, the next time you spaz out about the small stuf may be seen
as a glimpse of what the future may hold.
Last but most certainly not least is the issue of gift giving. Do you give them or
do you not? Exactly what is appropriate or expected? Do you talk about
it frst, or run the risk of being the only one who is giving or receiving?
Te business of gift giving is almost always a tricky one. No matter if it
is between friends, family, or lovers, you can easily fnd yourself feeling
a bit of about what you have chosen to bestow upon another. If its a
new relationship, I think that going the small, heartfelt, hand/nature made
route is a pretty smart way to go. It avoids the awkwardness surrounding
price issues, wrong size issues, reciprocation, etc. A simple sweet I was
thinking of you when I made this, or when I saw this it reminded me of
you is always a safe way to go. If you are going the gift route early in a
relationship, try to avoid things that could be taken the wrong way. For
example: kitchen appliances unless you know the girl well and you know
she loves to cook or will want it; any type of work-out equipment; creepy
or of-kilter sex toys are generally not a great holiday gift; actually try to go
for something they already enjoy, and avoid anything that says I wish you
were more like this
Like I said, these are merely a few tips that I have picked up over the
years, both based on my own experiences and those of my friends. Tey
are not written in stone, but these are things I have seen go over really well and turn
out really bad. So as you trudge through the fnal few weeks of December, I wish you
all well. May the eggnog be strong, the feasts be delightful, and the parties be more
than you expected. To everyone out there on my beloved Folly Beach, Merry/Happy
whatever and good luck!
Mer r y/Happy What ever
And Good Luc k !
By Fay a.
6 December 16, 2011
will be the last Oprahs My Favorite Tings episode, an
annual hour-long special in which she gives away loads of
her favorite things to her bleary-eyed, drooling audience
of specially-selected fans. Tough past gifts have included
a new car and an Australian cruise with Oprah herself,
none come close to the individually wrapped, cloned
Oprah each audience member received near the end of
Mondays taping.
Branded as a HOme-prah by the queen of daytime talk
herself, the clones are genetically designed to mimic Ms.
Winfreys moral aptitude and spiritual core. Each clone
will also go through dramatic, spontaneous fuctuations
in weight, emotions, and the volume of their voice.
Winfrey said the ploy has long been in the planning,
all the way back to when she endorsed then-candidate
Barack Obama for President on her show. Comparing the
situation to a long-con, she denied supporting President
Obama due to race or political afliation, but rather for
his promise to repeal restrictions on the stem cell research
that allowed Oprah to create each HOme-prah.
Folly Police Set Up Paint the Cop Car
Attraction On Folly Road
FOLLY BEACH, SC A recent increase in the
number of vehicles in the garages of Folly Beach Public
Safety caused Folly Police to set up a Paint the Cop
Car attraction, similar to the paint the boat tradition,
right across the bridge on Folly Road. Most residents of
Folly Beach voiced frustrations about the empty vehicle,
stating the waste of budget on a car simply sitting there
as a speed trap. Folly Police have since cleared this up,
stating that they wanted to start a Folly tradition akin
to the boat painting further up Folly Rd. Another car
has been placed at 5th and E. Ashley, though they said
only one will remain as the Cop car to paint for years to
Infux of Summertime Folly Beachgoers Getting
VD in Record Numbers
FOLLY BEACH, SC A recent study showed that the
recent Memorial Day weekend brought a record number
of visitors to Charleston barrier island, Folly Beach.
Tose involved with the study state that a growing trend
amongst younger generations is to socialize in the sun,
emphasizing the importance of soaking up the Vitamin
D (VD) emitting from its rays. Tis can only mean one
thing: as more and more people from afar come and mingle
amongst the already growing population of locals, the
number of people getting VD from socializing on Folly
Beach this summer will increase at an exponential rate. A
follow up study is planned for Labor Day weekend.
Oklahoma City Tunder Lose In Western
Conference Finals, Change Name to
Oklahoma City Bombers
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK Relatively new NBA
Franchise Oklahoma City Tunder lost the 2011
Western Conference Finals to the Dallas Mavericks in
embarrassing fashion. A spokesman for the team today
released a statement revealing plans to overhaul the teams
image, starting by changing their name to the Oklahoma
City Bombers.
After many days of conversation and deliberation,
weve come to the conclusion that Tunder as a name
poses no threat as it is technically only the noise that
precedes the actual strike, he said in the statement.
Because of this, the organization has decided to switch
to a fercer name, like the aforementioned Bombers.
One-Balled Bald Man Face-Plants
on Mountain Bike
FOLLY BEACH, SC Notes collected from the Folly
Beach police blotter state an anonymous man reportedly
face-planted on his mountain bike on his ride home
Monday night. Te reporting ofcer wrote that he found
the bald, middle-aged male in a ditch on West Indian
with a badly swollen nose. He appeared to be extremely
intoxicated and didnt know where he was, only ofering
up the information that he wrecked his bike and that his
one ball is fne.
Te anonymous one-balled bald man miraculously
sustained only a badly broken nose, marked by a single
wound where the nose bridges into the forehead. No
arms, legs, or hands were scraped. Te ofcer wrote that
there was not a scratch to be found anywhere else on his
body or bike, usually consistent with a bike wreck like the
one he mumbled about but he insisted on not fling a
police report.
When asked what hed done that evening, he stated
that he had no idea, only that he pissed somebody of at
the Sand Dollar and didnt know where his money went.
Maybe the mountain bike stole it?
Afghani People Trow One Last July 4th Party
AFGHANISTANCitizens of Afghanistan rejoiced
this past Monday as they celebrated their fnal July 4th, a
holiday marking American independence. After President
Barack Obama announced the withdrawal of troops this
year, and thus the end of the American nation building
project in the Middle East, the Afghani people decided to
throw a huge party to mark the last time theyll have to
acknowledge the uniquely American holiday. People all
over the country ate hot dogs and watched freworks light
up the Middle Eastern skies one last time. All citizens
were asked to tune into the Al-Jazeera network during
the frework display for a ceremonial playing of Lynyrd
Skynyrds Free Bird.
Local Writer Updates Facebook Status Reminding
Friends To Read Witty Article He Wrote About
Hating How People Constantly Update Teir
Facebook Status
FOLLY BEACH, SCArea writer and Folly Current
contributor, David Crawford, recently updated his
Facebook status reminding his friends to read this article
he wrote about how much he hates people constantly
updating their Facebook statuses with their mundane
ramblings and irrelevant goings-on. Nobody cares
when people are at the gas station or buying groceries or
watching their dog sleep. Most people have no interest in
knowing when someone wakes up or takes a dump or is
knee deep in a Jersey Shore marathon. He then changed
his status back to I have a bellybutton.
Patrick Swayze Set To Reprise Role in
Sequel To Ghost
HOLLYWOOD, CA Deceased thespian and
cultural icon, Patrick Swayze, gave a press release today
announcing his intentions to reprise the role he made
famous opposite Demi Moore in a sequel to the blockbuster
hit Ghost. Te original flm, which made superstars out
of Swayze and Moore over 20 years ago, featured Swayze
as high profle banker, Sam Wheat. Wheat gets murdered
in an alley and must fgure out a way to communicate
with his old girlfriend,
played by Moore. Whoopi
Goldberg is set to reprise
her role as psychic Oda Mae
Brown as well.
No word as to plot details
as of yet, though its believed
secrets of the script are being
held tightly under wrap. Te
movie will be the frst, and
likely only, posthumous role
for Mr. Swayze.
9/11 To Go On Tour For 10th Anniversary
NEW YORK CITY, NY 9/11, an internationally
infamous date marking the terrorist attacks on the United
States, announced at a press conference this morning that
it will go on tour to mark its 10th anniversary. Te 21-city
tour, which will kick of in New York City on 9/11/2011,
will feature a diferent opening act and surprise guests in
each venue. 9/11 clarifed that this is not a reunion tour,
stating they were never broken up but rather simply on
a hiatus. Tickets will range from $22.50 to $77.50 plus
applicable fees and will go on sale this Saturday.
Area Chinese Restaurant Sees Increased Sales
After Guaranteeing All Meals In 9 Minute
FOLLY BEACH, SC China Number 1, a local
Asian restaurant, made waves in the egg roll community
recently after promising all meals to its patrons in 9
We realized we were just telling people theyd get
their food in 10 minute for no reasonmindlessly like
dragon. Why say 10 minute when you can get it to them
quicker? said owner Mike Wong.
Wongs decision to promise meals in 9 minute has
increased sales 32% in the last quarter, while other chinese
restaurants have seen decreased sales across the board over
the same time period. So how long does Wong think it
will be before other establishments in town follow suit?
Ehh, it be about 10 minute.
Princes Jewish
New Year Anthem
5772 Celebrates 3rd
Straight Week Atop
NY Who says the
music industry cant
follow in Hollywoods
footsteps and remake
its past glory? Te artist
formerly known as Te
Artist Formerly Known
As Prince, Prince, did
just that and has a #1
hit on his hands for the
3rd straight week with 5772, a remake of his millennial
anthem, 1999. Having become popular at Bat Mitzvahs
and Rosh Hashanah parties all over the world with its
refrain of Party like its 5772 sang over a pulsating dance
theme, analysts are most surprised by its broad appeal
amongst people of all faiths
God Reminds Catholics that Former Pope
John Paul II Only Needs One More
Miracle For Sainthood.
THE HEAVENSIn an interview conducted with
the Almighty Creator of the Universe, God hinted at the
Fonion continued from cover
Fonion continued on page 7
December 16, 2011
Please report all Lost or
Found pets on Folly Beach
immediately. Call 588-2433
and ask for Folly Animal
Service or a police officer.
All resident animals must
be registered with the City
of Folly Beach annually and
tags must be attached to the
pets collar. Tag cost $3 and
may be purchased at Folly
Beach Public Safety, located
at City Hall.
Te First Annual Folly Current
Photo Contest

Folly Beach is home to both talented photographers and beautiful scenery
and people. We want to see your very best. Even if you're digging out old
35mm prints from a shoebox in the closet, that qualifes.
Te contest has two categories. Best Shot by a Folly Beach Resident (Picture
can be of anything, anywhere), and Best Picture Taken at Folly Beach
(Open to anyone in the world). Winning photographs will be printed on
the cover of the Folly Current in January. Te top three photos in each
category will be printed in the newspaper. First prize winners will also
receive gift certifcates to the Brick House Kitchen and to Cinebarre.
Entries will be judged by Folly Current photographers Bonne Isenhour,
Lindsey Graham, Justin Morris, and Hunter McRae. Tere is no fee to
enter. You may enter up to three photographs in each category.
Print entries are preferred, with an accompanying digital fle either emailed
or on a CD. Prints will be returned after the contest winners are announced.
Te Folly Current retains the right to publish submitted photos at any
Entries can be mailed to Stratton Lawrence, PO Box 539, Folly Beach, or
hand delivered at City Hall to City Clerk Marlene Estridge. For email entries
and further questions contact
Deadline for entries is
Wednesday, December 21
possibility of an impending miracle when
he reminded Catholics that Former Pope
John Paul II needs only one more miracle
to be eligible for proper sainthood.
It could go to anybody, so do whatever
it is you think you need to do to get it, God
said in his characteristically vague fashion.
And if youll allow me to use my own name
in vain, God only knows I might just grant
the miracle to your obnoxious neighbor
whilst rolling a tsunami over an entire
unsuspecting island nation. Or maybe not
you never know. All you do know is that I
have a grand plan and that, my friends, is
one of the perks of being God.
Local Phish Fan Still Sleeping
in North Charleston Coliseum
Parking Lot
local fan of the jam-based rock band Phish
was found sleeping in the parking lot of
North Charleston Coliseum this morning,
nearly fve months after the bands two
night performance last October. Te fan
said he was comfortable in the lot during
the bands stay there, and that he liked it
better than his grungy shared apartment on
Folly Beach. A work crew found the man
while repainting the lot in preparation for
the upcoming concert season. No missing
persons report had been fled
Fonion continued from page 6
ndy Bean and Fuller Condon,
also known as the Gentlemen
or the Gents, dress well when on
the road. At their recent performance at
Eye Level Art in downtown Charleston,
the duo donned tan-colored suits and
bowties ftting Lowcountry apparel.
Bean sported a slicked back hair-do, kept
frmly in place with Layrite, an old-time
pomade that smells like coconut. At the
time, he was brandishing the comb he had
used on its brilliant surface: sadly, it had
broken in two.
After years of touring across the nation,
half of the critically-acclaimed Two Man
Gentleman Band has found a new home
where their bowties will ft right in. Last
month, Condon, who plays the upright
bass and the kazoo, moved to Folly Beach
from New York City. Condon says hes
been looking for a place here for a long
"Now we're local," says Condon (aka
the Councilman) proudly. As a local
band, fans can expect to see the Gentlemen
out and about more often. Bean also made
a recent move, as though the two bumped
heads and bounced in opposite directions.
Now based in Los Angeles, Bean plays
the electric four string guitar and takes
the occasional interlude on the mouth
Condon and Bean graduated from
Columbia University in New York, where
they lived for 14 years. Condon studied
music; Bean, mathematics. One of his
fans called Bean a "math genius" which he
denies. Multi-talented none-the-less, Bean
is also a writer and a comedian, as is the
Councilman. Teir unique sense of humor
permeates everything they do, from their
lyrics to their costumes.
Te Gents write tunes with titles like
"William Howard Taft," "Fancy Beer,"
"Chocolate Milk," and "Me, I Get
High on Reefer." Apparently, since the
Gentlemen wrote the song about Taft,
people have been coming up to them with
Loc al Gent s
O n e g e n t F i n d s a H O me O n F O l l y
By Bridget Manzella
Gents continued on page 11
musi c
December 16 - December 31
Folly Current Calendar
Solution on page 14 Level: Very Easy
22nd Annual Holiday Festival of Lights at
James Island County Park
Light up your holidays with over two million
gleaming lights! Open daily through Jan.1,
2012, James Island County Park hosts one of the
Lowcountrys most beloved holiday traditions
the Annual Holiday Festival of Lights. Journey
down a three-mile driving tour jam-packed
with holiday light displays, then strength your
legs and enjoy the attractions within Winter
Wonderland and Santas Village. For festival
hours and fees, call (843) 795-4386 or visit *Special
event nights including movies, live music and
more will take place throughout December (see
Lowcountry Power Brass Performance:
Dec. 15
Visits with Mrs. Claus: Dec. 17, Dec. 18
Holiday Balloon Art: Dec. 16
Family Craft Tent: Dec. 21
Santa Paws (photos of your pet with
Santa): Dec. 21
Ice Carving Demonstration: Dec. 19
Outdoor Holiday Movie: Dec. 29
Winter Carnival: Dec. 31

Te Holiday Festival of Lights Light
Display Design Contest.
Te Holiday Festival of Lights now ofers a
light display design contest for children ages
12 and under! Te festival houses hundreds
of light displays of all kinds each year, and
CCPRC is encouraging kids to submit their
ideas for a new display. Te grand prize
winner will receive a Super Splash Pass for
entry into the countys three waterparks for
summer 2012. For rules and to download an
entry form, visit www.holidayfestivalofights.
com. All entries must be received by Jan. 7.

Winter Explorers Camp
Monday Tursday, Dec. 19-22, and Dec. 27-
8 a.m. 5 p.m. each day
Palmetto Islands County Park OR James
Island County Park
Looking for a way to make the winter school
break one for your kids to remember? CCPRCs
Winter Explorers Camp introduces children
to the beauty of your county parks. Kids ages
6-9 will spend their days doing arts and crafts,
playing cooperative games, roasting s'mores,
scaling the Climbing Wall, exploring nature,
and taking a day trip. Pre-registration required.
For ages 6-9. Fee: $123/$112 CCR (Charleston
County Resident) Discount.

Friday, december 16
Childrens Christmas
Folly River Park, 6 pm
Movies at the Beach
Disneys A Christmas Carol (Rated PG, 96
Drinks and snacks provided! Folly Beach
Library, 4 pm.

Saturday, december 17
Home for the Holidays
4 shelters. 3 counties. 1 day. 400 homes for the
holidays. In an efort to fnd homes for 400
shelter animals, all four shelters in the tri-county
area will host a one-day collaborative adoption
event. Te incredible generosity of animal
angel Dr. Cameron Wills of Tri-County Spinal
Care Center has made this event possible. Each
animal is spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and
microchipped. Visit for more
Introduction to Climbing - Climbing 101
Tis class is designed to introduce you to the
world of climbing. We will teach you gear,
basic knots, technique, and how to belay. Upon
completion, participants will be prepared to
take a belay test upon their next visit to the
Climbing Wall. Pre-registration required.
1 - 4 p.m. James Island County Park. Age: 14
& up

Sunday, december 18
Introduction to Climbing - Climbing 103:
Climbing Movement
Climb smarter not harder, as we cover the basics
of climbing technique where small gains in
technique lead to big gains in ability. You'll learn
better footwork, balance, body positioning, and
more. Pre-registration required. 10 am 1 pm.
James Island County Park. Ages 14 & up. $24.

monday, december 19
Family Storytime with Miss Donna (all
At the Folly Library, 10:30 a.m.

WedneSday, december 21
Holiday Party!
Come to the Folly library and watch the
original How the Grinch Stole Christmas while
enjoying holiday treats! 4 p.m.
Hanukkah Begins!

Sunday, december 25
Merry Christmas!

Saturday, december 31
New Years Eve Flip Flop Drop
A new tradition for Folly Beach! A pair of lit-up,
eight-foot redandsilver fip-fops will be lowered
from the 9th foor of the Tides Hotel, hitting
the ground at midnight. Gather anywhere on
the street side of the Tides to watch New Years
come in. Alcoholic beverages allowed on the
streets between 11:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. Te
fip fops should be visible from the Causeway.
Jazz and Blues New Years Eve at Bowens
Featuring Smoky Weiner and the Hot Links
with the H.U.E. Jazz Ensemble, Bill Aycock,
John and Anne Oden, Gino Castillo, Duda
Lucena, John Picard, and more!
$15 person. Cash Bar. Dinner and oysters served
until 9:30 p.m. Music 8 p.m. until late! Plenty
of heat, atmosphere, and fun! For more info call
Andy at 300-5411

Winter Carnival
Looking for the perfect, family-friendly activity
to ring in the New Year?
For this one special night, kids will have the
chance to enjoy childrens amusement rides as
well as infatable jump castles, beginning at
5:30 p.m. at the Holiday Festival of Lights at
James Island County Park. Ten, be sure to
experience the nightly attractions at the festival,
including the old-fashioned carousel, the
portable climbing wall, childrens activities and
much more. Stay with us as we welcome 2012
with a BANG during the freworks show at 9
p.m.! Wristbands providing unlimited rides on
the attractions will be available for $10 (does not
include rides on the festival train). Individual
tickets will also be sold for $1 each. Attractions
average three tickets per rid
10 December 16, 2011
had some friends over for drinks, heavy appetizers
and some music. A casual afair initially. We had
music via my CD player (Van Morrison, the current
CD of choice), but there was also a guitar, a harmonica
and a drum. All at our random convenience of course,
but it was late and I have neighbors, so we had a CD
in, with the volume at an acceptable level. We also had
Macho Nachos, adult beverages and great weather. It
was summertime! Te Atlantic Ocean crashing in the
distance, a pleasant breeze, amazingly low humidity,
good company and good F&B. What in the world could
go wrong?
My new roommate had a friend in town from the great
state of Virginia and I was providing a place for him to
lay his head. Ron is a cool guy, perhaps a little wound-up,
but my roommate vouches for him. My roommate,
however, was out of town. I was left solo entertaining
Ron and my other four guests, and unfortunately, having
to keep the peace.
Crocodile Dummy approached the deck from Berts
Market, appreciating the Van Morrison and wanting to
know if he could come up and join us. I was pondering
this, assessing the six of us already on the deck, our level
of awareness, level of intoxication, etc Before I could
process the many variables, Ron yells, Come on up!
Only if you bring some beer, I quickly added,
walking to the deck rail. I fgured I already had enough
guests, and if I had to entertain him as well, theres no
reason why he cant carry his own. I was being proactive.
And besidesWTF?
Ron, what the f**k? Do you know him? Im
thinking. Ron gives me a silly grin, as if reading my
thoughts. Crocodile Dummy gives an afrmative
double-thumbs up and heads back to Berts Market, a
mere twenty yards away. Good so far, I guess. I return
to my other guests, three of them laughing, chatting and
sipping their beers; one though, passed-out with guitar
in his lap.
Crocodile Dummy is back in a fash and climbs the
steps to the deck, a twelve-pack of PBR in hand. We
shake hands, introduce ourselves and I pass him of to
Ron. Again, I turn to my other guests, those awake
anyway. He and Ron start conversing like long-lost
friends. Perhaps it was more like two giddy teenagers,
but I guess Im just older. Oh, and Im more sober.
Crocodile Dummy is twenty-something, 200 lbs.
and about 6, perhaps 63 with his Dingo boots. I
havent seen Dingos since the 80s, OJ-era. He was
wearing too-tight jeans, a long sleeve denim shirt and
some sort of skinned reptile hat with a big brim. I kinda
liked the hat. But...he did have a large buck knife on his
right side, attached to a trucker belt - an overly-thick
leather belt with an equally overly-sized buckle. Despite
the bling, the buck knife sorta caught my attention. He,
unfortunately, did earn his moniker that night: Crocodile
Dummy. It kinda had something to do with the knife.
After about ten minutes I enter the kitchen for a fresh
round of beers and a vodka and fresh orange juice for me.
Im full of nachos and beer and just want a fnal nightcap.
I fnd, upon my return indoors: Ron and Crocodile
Dummy are at the kitchen sink slamming beers in some
disturbing race mode. Tere are already six beer cans in
the sink, all crushed with odd puncture wounds at the
bottom of each can.
I laugh to myself and open the fridge, removing three
bottles of Blue Moon and a Tupperware container of
orange slices. Im topping of my vodka and juice when
Ron taps me on the shoulder.
Brian, you time us. Twenty bucks!
Okay, I respond, sitting the beers, orange slices and
my cocktail on a nearby table. Tis could be entertaining,
no doubt. I give them my undivided attention, except
that Im chewing on a fat slice of orange at the same time.
Im multi-tasking, but Ive assumed a referee stance,
hands on hips, eyes forward passionately chewing on
an orange slice. Game on, I nod.
Ron and Crocodile Dummy square-of at the kitchen
sink, fresh cans of PBR raised like cocked and loaded
six-shooters. Tey quickly glance at each other andthe
cans fy with a crack, a fzz, more crackling, and much
slurping and sucking. Mere seconds pass before Ron
slams his crushed can into the sink frst, but Crocodile
Dummy quickly follows. His can, however, hits the edge
of the sink and bounces onto the foor. Beer spills from
it, foamy on my carpet.
Ron won, I announce and toss the stray can into
the sink. Ron does this whole Rocky thing, followed by
a mighty burp at least a 7 on the Richter scale. I step
between them to the sink and lift Rons crushed can and
drop it. It is crushed, cashed and empty. I step away.
Crocodile Dummy begins to adamantly protest, he and
Ron bumping beer bellies, both yelling bullshit. I wait
until the man-love subsides and again step in.
Ron won, I repeat and gather up the outside drinks,
my lovely orange health drink included. Im back on the
deck, passing around the beers, orange slices and a bottle
opener, fnally tasting my vitamin C vodka. Ten the beer
swillers come out onto the deck, still arguing of course.
Tis goes on for some time, both of these knuckleheads
climbing in volume over intellect. I became weary of it,
unable to hear Van Morrison or even converse with my
friends. WTF?
Shut the f**k up! I yell, yet once again stepping
between them. Ron backs down. But, you guessed it
Crocodile Dummy begins yelling at me. Damn! I look
up, beyond him, and lift my arms in supplication, each
hand about shoulder-height. Ron moves
behind me to the deck rail and Crocodile
Dummy fnishes whatever point he had in
mind. I really wasnt paying attention to his
tirade, but Im guessing it had something
to do with the science of speed-drinking.
He lifts a fresh PRB and draws hard. At
least there was only one hole in the can, I
noticed. I also noticed that the beer is in
his left hand, his right hidden at his side.
Earlier, he had been slamming beers with
his right hand. Damn.
Watch that knife! I hear Ron shout.
Crocodile Dummy had just turned to face
me, the now empty PBR can crushed in his
left, and even worse, he was about to yell
more bullshit in my face. Tat right hand
is still out of my view.
I, however, had had enough. Screaming
in my face, his right hand out of my view,
a damned knife on right hipI decided it
was time to be even more proactive. With
my hands still at shoulder-height, I slam
both into Crocodile Dummys chest, dead center and
drove hard.
He literally fies across the deck, landing on his back
atop a lounge chair, both he and the chair crashing into
the far corner of the deck. I notice his right arm was
trapped underneath, perhaps still reaching for that knife?
His hat is AWOL and his crushed PBR can clattered
across the deck. Awkwardly tangled with the chair,
Crocodile Dummy is at a big disadvantage. Ive taken
three long strides to be over him. My fsts are balled.
Get the f**k of my deck! I bark with a stern glare
and then pause to make sure I had his attention. I had
his undivided attention.
Oh, and pay up the twenty you owe. I add, calm
and clear now, but still hovering. He doesnt bother to
try to get up, but takes out his wallet and removes a thick
wad of bills. A twenty foats to the deck. Unfortunately,
Ron seeing the wad of money, starts toward him.
No! I tell Ron, my left arm pushing him back. Go
while you still can, I tell Crocodile Dummy, continuing
to push Ron back. Now, the title of Crocodile Dummy
had never really come into play until now, but in the
furry of things, I do remember someone other than Ron
shouting just that. Tere seemed to be a cheering section
against poor Crocodile Dummy. If it wasnt for that silly
knife, things might have been diferent. I fgured the
best for all involved would be if he just went on his way.
Lets take ALL his s**t, Ron roars, pushing against
my restraining arm. I push Ron back even harder.
Crocodile Dummy quickly scurried (is that redundant?)
of the deck, his silly OJ Dingo boots thumping down
the wooden deck stairs, eventually clumping down the
asphalt of East Ashley Avenue - going west, toward
Center Street. I give Ron a fnal hard push, sigh and
snatch up the twenty.
Take this over to Berts and buy a damn chill pill, I
tell Ron, planting the twenty on the table. Ron starts to
argue, but catches himself. He scoops up the twenty.
How about some more beer? He grins, making for
the stairs Crocodile Dummy had just stumbled down.
Rons really not waiting for an answer, snickering all the
way to Berts, but Im not done yet.
None of that damned PBR! I yell, leaning over the
deck rail for what I hope is the end. I fnally collapse
into a nearby chair. Im draining my vodka and orange
and getting high fves from my three awake and peaceful
guests when my one slumbering guest, guitar still in his
lap, turns and asks:
Brian, is there any PBR left?
Brian Sanders owns the Lunch Hook restaurant on Folly
Beach. You can reach him at
Cr oc odi l e
By Brian SanderS
vi ew from t he edge
Brick House Kitchen
Live music Tues Sat.
Open Mic Oyster Roast, Tursdays
7:30 11 p.m.
Drop In Deli
Mondays the Hawkes
Wednesdays - Trivia
12/16 - Eric Penrod
12/22 - Reid Stone
Folly Beach Brewing Company
12/16 - Doug Walters
12/30 - Mark Jackson
Folly Beach Crab Shack
Sundays Te Bill Show
Mondays Open Mic w/ Dave
Wednesdays - Jef Houts
Tursdays Folly Beach Bluegrass
Fridays Nathan Calhoun
Saturdays - Live Local Musi
Mondays - Jef Houts

Wednesdays Karaoke
12/16 - Weigh Station
12/17 - Stereo Reform
12/20 - Yellowknife
12/22 - Te Hawkes
12/23 - Bindlestifs
12/23 - Howard Duglasch
Pourhouse - James Island
12/31 - New Years Eve with Sol Driven
Train & James Justin & Co.
Planet Follywood
Sundays - Reggae Sundays
12/16 - Dan Clamp
12/17 - Shakin Martinis
12/23 - Kevin Church
12/24 -Nathan Calhoun
12/29 - Karaoke
Surf Bar
Wednesdays - Guilt Ridden
Sundays - Dangermufn
Tuesdays - Jerry Cooper
December 16, 2011 11
Music calendar is compiled by Vince Perna, a Folly Beach real estate expert who also loves a
good live show. For inclusion, or if you want knowledgeable answers about living on Folly, you
can fnd him at 31 Center Street or at 588-3800 and
Date High Tide Low Tide
Storms, hurricanes, etc., are NOT included in the predictions.
Tidal current direction changes and tide time predictions can
be very different. Tide predictions are PREDICTIONS; they
can be wrong so use common sense.
Dec 16
Dec 17
Dec 18
Dec 19
Dec 20
Dec 21
Dec 22
Dec 23
Dec 24
Dec 25
Dec 26
Dec 27
Dec 28
Dec 29
Fol l y Beach Ti de Char t
former President of the United States.
Te song about Taft pretty much
wrote itself, since bath, Taft, and fat all
rhyme," explains Condon..
Bean and the Councilman's humor
is also showcased on their blog.
Te "Quick Conversations with the
Gentleman" series is particularly funny.
One such conversation goes like this:
Te Scene: Andy Bean encounters
an Old-Timer in a hotel elevator.
Old-Timer: Nice bowtie.
Bean Bean: Tanks, old-timer!
Old-Timer: Reminds me of how I used to dress when I was a young man.
Bean Bean: Yeah, not too many young people dress this way anymore, do they?
Old-Timer: Young people dress like shit.
(Exeunt Old-Timer)
From this quick conversation, you may be able to deduce that the Two Man Gentlemen
Band is beloved by both older and younger generations. Teir music is timeless, coming
out of a 20s and 30s "jazz-y and swing-y" tradition, as Bean puts it. Teir infuences
include bands like Slim and Slam, Louis Armstrong, the Mills Brothers, and Bob
Bean and Condon started out busking in New York in places like Central Park. One
day, one of Carson Dailys friends passed by and asked them to play a private party.
Tey didn't realize whose party it was until they got there and saw the man himself. At
the time, their music was a little more country, but got more "jazz-y and swing-y" over
Condon and Bean have been on the road now for four years. According to the
Gentleman, they have played in South Carolina two times a year for the past 3 or 4
years. One of their long time fans, Mike Miller, saw them the frst time they played in
Charleston, at the old Map Room in West Ashley, and has been following the band ever
Its vaudeville and swing. It can be a little bawdy at times," explains Mills, who has
always enjoyed music of the 20s and 30s and is a member of the Charleston Swing
Dance Association. He is drawn to both the Gentlemen's sense of humor and the way
their songs make the audience want to participate.
For more information about Te Two Man Gentleman Band, visit
Gents continues from page 7
musi c
Folly Music scene
December 16, 2011 13
musi c
eigh Station puts out a solid efort with their new six-song album, Past the Tracks. Te frst
song drops with a bang, showing of a Southern rock sound with horns for an extra funk
element. A rock ballad follows, slowing things down and letting the love fow. From that
point on, the rest of the album rocks, twisting between straight rock and a Chili Peppers-infused punk
factor (if the Chili Peppers were born in the south). Te integral changes and foot-stomping choruses
keep you moving throughout the album. It translates well into the live show, and shows the promise
of what might emerge from a full-length conceptual album.
Te third song, Cant Take My Soul, stands out, with memorable guitar rifs, a great rock-jam feel,
and an awesome sax solo. Tis song would get you moving in the clubs. It is followed by Te Heat,
a carefully-crafted song with a message that showcases the bands great transitional work. Weight
Station shows of some great guitar and drum work, brings the jams, and ends the disc on a Van Halen-
esque guitar solo. Great work all around.
I listened to it many times and it kept growing on me. It would be a great addition to the CD shufe.
See Weigh Station on December 16 at Loggerheads and on January 20 at the Pour House on James
Visit to learn more and buy the album.
Wei gh St at i on
Pa s t t h e t r a c k s
By Vince Perna
14 December 16, 2011
The Lucky Dog cLub
is sponsoreD by LosT Dog cafe
If you have a Lucky Dog please send
their information and picture to:
Sudoku solution
from page 9
Brought to you by Woodys Pizza and
Mary Ohl.
Do you recognize this image? It was taken somewhere on Folly Beach (and not
during the parade). If you know where it is, let us know at wtf@luckydognews.
com and you could win a free medium, one-topping pizza from Woodys!
Congratulations to last weeks What the Folly winner, Maggie McCarty. It was the
crosswalk sign at 2nd block and East Arctic Ave.
Names: Dingy, Sampson and Drake
(Left to Right)

Breeds: Mixed Breed, Walker and Lab
(Left to Right)
Likes: We like to Hang out with
Friends, Swim, Eat Cookies, and Sit on
the Couch at night with Mom and Dad.

Why We are Lucky dogs:
My sister and brother (Dingy and Sam) were both rescued by my parents
and now we all get to live in a home that is flled with love and cookies.
16 December 16, 2011
fi shi ng
recently had a day full of charters with children.
Having raised two great sons around saltwater myself,
I get great pleasure when I hear the cheers and see the
smiles when children catch fsh on the Egret.
Fishing with children can be a challenge because
their curiosity and attention span always seems to get the
best of them. It is important to keep them occupied by
sharing what you are doing, why you are doing it, and
whats happening around them. When I fsh I always
try to share my techniques and stories and tips so the
children will stay entertained while waiting on "the bent
rod." Here are some tips that could make that family
fshing trip more successful and less stressful:
Find Productive Fishing First
Any child will become bored if you start the day by
spending a couple of hours trying to fnd a spot where the
fsh are biting. Locate good water structures and know
the best techniques for catching saltwater species. Save
the scouting or experimentation until later, after your
child is hooked on fshing. Your child must catch fsh on
the early trips. Size and type arent nearly as important as
having fun hooking a fsh.
Teach Te Basics
Let the child create his or her own experience. Some adults
do everything for the child and this can be a mistake.
Encourage children to do as much for themselves as
possible. Take the time to explain why you are tying a
certain hook or lure on the line. Younger children will
have trouble mastering a well tied knot on monoflament
line, but they can pick out brightly colored lures or certain
bait. Kids need to develop self-reliance and putting their
own bait on the hook is a start. But don't force the issue.
Some kids don't want to touch slimy bait. Tis will change
with time and experience.
Setting Te Hook
An eager child will likely lose a fsh or two by setting the
hook too hard. Teaching children to set the hook quickly
but gently will improve their technique. I always try to
use circle hooks and I discuss the reason with children
before the bait hits the water. Remember to let them land
a fsh, even if you have to set the hook and hand them the
rod. Coaching them through the "battle" is important
and it lets them learn.
Choose Fishing Equipment Wisely
Ultra-light rods and reels are excellent for children. You
can purchase less expensive versions that, no doubt, will
be damaged or destroyed eventually. If you let the child
use the gear on a successful fshing trip, you will be
surprised at how prized that fshing rig will become. Note
that some kids still want to learn with a spin cast reel.
Find a small, inexpensive tackle box and stock it with a
few jigs, bobbers, hooks, weights, and other neat stuf.
Teach your child to neatly arrange and organize. Early
attention to organization will pay of in enjoyable trips for
as long as the child fshes.
Properly Fitting Life Vests
I am a huge proponent of safe boating and recommend
that all children, regardless of age or size of the boat, wear
a life jacket. Make sure the vest is correct for the child
and meets the regulations. Visit for more
Choose the days you want to your child fshing wisely.
Avoid windy, rainy, or cold days. Blue bird days are the
best for the best childhood memories. Remember to take
extra jackets for weather changes. Be mindful of the sun
and make sure sun block is applied prior to leaving the
Know When To Leave
Boredom in youth may strike at any timeeven when
the fsh are biting. Forcing children to stay out longer
than their attention span allows is a good way to turn
them of from fshing forever. More than one youngster
on the trip will likely end up horsing around or making
unnecessary noise. Tis is a good case for total patience
as an adult. I am not endorsing a complete breakdown
of discipline, but remember that you brought children to
the water to enjoy the same experiences you have had for
many years. Tat child who is scaring the fsh away will
someday become a serious and dedicated angler.
Chances are good that you will spend many enjoyable
hours on the water with this fsherman you created.
Remarkably, the child you take fshing may take you
fshing someday. You both will always remember the
smiles and memories.
Fi shi ng w i t h
Chi l dr en
By Captain Fred BriCketto
(l to r) Tanner, Kevin, and Sullivan Lane of Mt.
Pleasant, SC.

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