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PART 1 (10 MARKS) Instructions : Do ALL the exercises from the stated website and print out 3 English

Exercises together with the answers. Language functions and forms exercise. Match the language expressions underlined with the suitable language functions given. From the options A, B, C and D, choose the form that best fits the function state, to complete the dialogue below. Atan Dinah Atan Dinah Atan Hello, Dinah. Did you have a good trip ? It was not too bad. In fact I managed to sleep a bit. ______1______ ( to express satisfaction ) Is that all your luggage ? Yes. Wait a minute. The small holdall is missing. ______2______ ( to express dismay ) I must have left it at the duty-free shop. ______3______ ( to reassure ) We can ask the security guard to get it. Which shop was it ? To express satisfaction A It was so quiet. B The passengers slept.
C The seat was really comfortable.


D It has made me feel rested. 2. To express dismay A Oh dear !

B What a nuisance !

C Where could it be ? D I remember now. 3. To reassure A Don't cry.

B Don't worry.

C Are you sure ? D We'll look for it.

From the options A, B, C and D, choose the form that best fits the function state, to complete the dialogue below. Wife Husband Wife Husband Wife Husband If you don't hurry, we'll be late for the show. There's plenty of time. ______1______ ( to complain ) Plenty of time ? The show starts in twenty minutes. It takes only ten minutes to get there. We can leave now. ______2______ ( to express relief ) ______3______ ( to advice ) It's bad for health to be so anxious about everything. To complain
A Why are you in a hurry ?


B It's only six o'clock. C I won't take long. D You are always so impatient. 2. To express relief A Good. B That's better
C Thank goodness for that !

D It's about time ! 3. To advice A Slow down. B Don't worry.

C You must be patient.

D You need to relax a bit more

From the options A, B, C and D, choose the form that best fits the function state, to complete the dialogue below. Amy Mother Amy Mother Amy Mother Amy Mother Mother, I have something to tell you. What is it ? ______1______ ( to confess ) How did it happen ? I was dusting the shelf and knocked it over. ______2______ ( to scold ) That's the second vase you have broken. I'm going to deduct some money from your allowance each week. ______3______ ( to protest ) It was an accident. It'll teach you to be more careful.


To confess A I didn't finish the dusting B You won't believe what I've done. C Promise me you won't get angry.
D I have broken your favorite vase.


To scold
A Not again !

B How could you ? C You are really careless. D Don't go into my room again. 3. To protest A Oh no !
B That's not fair.

C I'll complain to Father. D I don't have enough pocket money.

PART 2 (10 MARKS) Instructions : Study the following Power Point slides carefully. Then state the weaknesses based on the clues given in bold and ways in which each slides can be further improved by completing Table 1.




Perhaps visuals of computers, laptops, search engines and etc. should be put in the slide to make it more attractive. EXAMPLE There are no visuals on the slide and this makes the slide dull and unattractive.


-Cut down some words which are not important and try to make sentences shortly. -Just show the main point/ keyword. -Try to highlight keyword to attract audience.

It is too many words in this slide. - make audience difficult to read and understand all of it. - some words in front of a picture unclear because of the color almost same with picture. 3

-Add bullet in front of each point to show the number of points -Spacing 1 line between each point to make it clearly.

There is no bullet in front of each point in the slide. -make audience confuse whether it is sentence or points.


-Do not make all alphabet use capital letter except title. -Standardize the size of fonts except title.

-All alphabets are using capital letter,make audience difficult to read. -Size of fonts are not equally, Make audience confuse whether the bigger fonts is main point or not.


-Spacing between each point within 2 lines.

Spacing between each point is too large and far.


-Each point should see clearly and keep it tidy, so that audience can read it easily.

The layout of slide too messy and cannot see all points exspecially points on the behind.

PART 3 (10 MARKS) Watch the following video. State 5 errors made by the presenter when giving an oral presentation and the ways in which the oral presentation can be further improved by completing Table 2. The video is titled Funny Presentation Training-how many errors can you find? by gshep, and the website is at

TABLE 2 NO 0. ORAL PRESENTATION ERRORS EXAMPLE The presenter made irrelevant jokes and threw a pen or a pencil at his audience. WAYS OF IMPROVEMENT EXAMPLE Perhaps the presenter should make jokes that are relevant to his presentation. Furthermore, he should stop throwing sharp objects as he could hurt his audience and it is very unprofessional.


The presenter bring a lot of irrelevant thing during presentation example the toy that he bring.

-Presenter should bring relevant things during presentation to attract audience. -Some things which are relevant with presentation will give audience more attention and make presentation more interesting.


The presenter testing the mike volume during his presentation.

-Presenter should test mike before he start to process his presentation because it is wasting his and audiences times.


The presentations slide is upside down.

-Presenter should be prepare and check the slide for presentation before start to present it. -Unperfected slide shows the presenter unprepared and unprofessional.


The presenters mobile phone rang -Presenter should be silence/ switch and he keep to answer his call when off his mobile phone to prevent he is presenting. interruption. -If phone rang, please do not answer the call during presentation. The presenter sit on the table. -Presenter should not be sit on the table because it is dangerous and may injure the presenter if it is unstable. -Sit on the table also show that the presenter not respect the audience during presentation.


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