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MLM and Gods Word are opposing forces.

One side represents God; the other represents the way of the World. The two are already separated by righteousness the Bible says: Be not yoked unequally with unbelievers; for what common ground is there between righteousness and lawlessness, or what association is there between light and darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14). The Church needs to keep these two philosophies separate. However those who do not separate these conflicting concepts will experience outcomes more conducive towards marketing rather than ministry. Essentially the main difference between the two is that one path leads to serving God and the other to serving mammon and the world. Another difference is that a Christian, sharing their faith with an unbeliever, has nothing to gain and the unbeliever has everything to gain. A distributor for a MLM has much money to gain, but both the recruit and distributor have everything to lose. (1 Timothy 6:910)(NASB) But those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. After Paul warned Timothy against the danger of love for money that threatens believers as priests, he said: (1 Timothy 6:1112)(NASB) But flee from these things, you man of God, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. Jesus Said: Matthew 6:33)(NASB) But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Even if the MLM company has a good product and tells the truth. The business concept that is used in a MLM still doesnt line of with the WORD of GOD. Whatever products they offer, MLM companies use essentially the same formula. They sign up sales representatives by offering them the opportunity to go into business for themselves with little or no start-up capital--and to make millions if they're successful. How? Mainly by recruiting other salespeople. Unlike most businesses, an MLM company pays you a commission not only on your sales but also on the sales of all the people you've brought into the network, either directly or indirectly. So if someone you recruit goes out and recruits a bunch of terrific salespeople--and they recruit more terrific salespeople-you stand to make a fortune. In fact, some people do. The successful ones are the exceptions, however. The overwhelming majority of people who come into the network fall by the wayside. What's more, the company knows in advance that they're going to fail. It's a matter of statistics. It's part of the plan.

Why? Because when you strip away the hype, MLM is nothing more than a technique for finding good salespeople by promoting a fundamental falsehood, namely, the idea that anyone can be a good salesperson. All you need are the right tools. And a lot of people want to believe the sales pitch. They want to believe that, to get rich, all they need is training and determination. They want to believe that making money can be easy. That's an illusion, of course. Making money is very difficult. It takes blood, sweat, tears, and talent to succeed in any field, particularly sales, but many of us would prefer to believe otherwise, and the MLM companies make it easy to do so. The successful ones come at the expense of the other people, the ones who waste their time and money pursuing a goal they can never reach. Sounds like something that GOD would NEVER want His people involved in. God is never involved with a get rich quick marketing plan. God is about working smart by practicing sound biblical principals in your business. If you save, budget, work smart and do it over and over. You will be a success! Biblical Christianity and Multi-Level Marketing face in opposite directions: one toward Jesus Christ, the other toward money, success, and worldly gain. The Biblical teaching that you will reap that which you sow applies to MLM as much as to any other part of life. The fruits of MLM and Biblical Christianity are like oil and water. Listen. There are better ways to earn a living, especially if you have the ability to sell. Anyone who can make millions in MLM can do just as well in another type of business, one that doesn't require you to take advantage of other people. Selling is an honorable calling. Good salespeople provide a service to their customers. Good salespeople generate the revenues that pay other people's wages. Good salespeople are often the ones who start their own businesses. And good salespeople don't need multilevel marketing to get rich.

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