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LOGZILLA FORMERLY PHP-SYSLOG-NG LogZilla is used to integrate syslog-ng messages (syslog-ng tutorial here) into a beautiful web interface

rface - demo HERE login/pass is demo/demo. LogZilla site is HERE and the forums are HERE with excellent support from the author and friends. There are install instructions HERE that are easy to follow, and If you like visual instructions there is an .mp4 HERE. I decided to write my own mewbies tutorial so that we cover all the prerequisites steps first so very little, if any, trouble shooting after. There are quite a few things to do, but how nice when you do open your LogZilla page for the first time and it all works smoothly :D . This is how I did it on my Debian. PREREQUISITES: INSTALL LOGZILLA: SPHINX: LOG REPLAY VIA CONSOLE: TROUBLE SHOOTING: MY MYSQL MISC NOTES: PREREQUISITES: `````````````` Apache MySQL 5.1 or higher PHP 4.0.5 or higher with ionCube syslog-ng build-essential gcc libapache2-mod-php5 libmysqlclient15-dev libmysqlclient16 msttcorefonts php5-cli php5-gd php5-mysql perl And perl modules: Date::Calc (libdate-calc-perl) String::CRC32 (libstring-crc32-per) Text::LevenshteinXS To check if you have those needed, except for Text::LevenshteinXS and ionCube - covered after: dpkg -l | grep -E 'apache|mysql-*5*|php|libapache*-mod-php' Output to look for would be similar to: ii apache2 2.2.9-10+lenny8 Apache HTTP Server metap ii libapache2-mod-php5 5.2.6.dfsg.1-1+lenny8 server-side, HTML-embedd ii libapache2-mod-python 3.3.1-7 Python-embedding module ii libapache2-reload-perl 0.10-2 Reload Perl modules when ii mysql-client-5.1 5.1.37-1~bpo50+1 MySQL database client ii mysql-server-5.1 5.1.37-1~bpo50+1 MySQL database server ii php5 5.2.6.dfsg.1-1+lenny8 server-side, HTML-embedd ii php5-cli 5.2.6.dfsg.1-1+lenny8 command-line interpreter ii php5-gd 5.2.6.dfsg.1-1+lenny8 GD module for php5 ii php5-mysql 5.2.6.dfsg.1-1+lenny8 MySQL module for php5 And: dpkg -l build-essential gcc libdate-calc-perl libmysqlclient15-dev libmysqlclient16 libstring-crc32-perl msttcorefonts perl syslog-ng ii build-essential 11.4 Informational list of ii gcc 4:4.3.2-2 The GNU C compiler

ii libdate-calc-perl 5.4-5+b1 Perl library for ii libmysqlclient15-dev 5.0.51a-24+lenny4 MySQL database ii libmysqlclient16 5.1.37-1~bpo50+1 MySQL database client ii libstring-crc32-perl 1.4-2+b1 Perl interface for cycli ii msttcorefonts 2.7 transitional dummy ii perl 5.10.0-19lenny2 Larry Wall's Practical ii syslog-ng 2.0.9-4.1 Next generation logging PREREQUISITES INSTALL NOTES: -For MySQL 5.1 on Debian we'll do that last, and yes you must have 5.1 or higher. -Module Text::LevenshteinXS will be installed using 'cpan' - shown how after. INSTALL: Add/change the aptitude install list with the programs you need. For example, the items I needed to install: su aptitude update aptitude install libmysqlclient-dev libmysqlclient15-dev libdate-calc-perl libstring-crc32-perl msttcorefonts *Note: selecting "libmysqlclient15-dev" instead of the virtual package "libmysqlclient-dev" INSTALL PERL MODULE Text::LevenshteinXS: To view what perl modules you have installed: instmodsh l q Example output: Installed modules are: Crypt::ircBlowfish POE::Component::Client::FTP POE::Filter::Ls Perl To install the perl module Text::LevenshteinXS you need to use cpan (it's not on apt-get or aptitude yet) cpan -i Text::LevenshteinXS Hit enter key to all questions to select its default, then when you come to: Select your continent (or several nearby continents) [] You need to enter a number from the list presented and a few more location selections. Once it begins to install the output will be similar to: [snip] Installing /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0/auto/Text/LevenshteinXS/ [snip] JGOLDBERG/Text-LevenshteinXS-0.03.tar.gz make install -- OK Warning (usually harmless): 'YAML' not installed, will not store persistent state Side note: Another method to view your installed modules with install dates and paths: perldoc perllocal q INSTALL IONCUBE FOR PHP: View my 'IONCUBE & ZEND ENCODED PHP FILES' tutorial under 'WEB SERVERS' HERE how to install ionCube. Scroll down to 'PREREQUISITES FOR IONCUBE ENCODED FILES:'

After you have confirmed you have ionCube, return here and continue.

If you are using PHP5.3 view HERE. DEBIAN MYSQL 5.0 UPGRADE TO 5.1: This is how I did it successfully and easily for my setup which installed 5.1.37-1~bpo50+1. For 5.1.48-1 and others view HERE. 1. To upgrade MySQL from 5.0.x to 5.1 on Debian successfully you'll need to comment out a line on your 'my.cnf' file - normally in your home dir or /etc/my.cnf or /etc/mysql/my.cnf I didn't have this in my home, nor that line in my /etc/mysql/my.cnf If you have this line comment it out (place a # in front of the line) or just remove the line: skip-bdb There might be other issues related to upgrading MySQL so I recommend you first read up before proceeding. 2. At the date of writing this you can not use apt-get install mysql-server to install 5.1. Read HERE where I acquired the lenny-backports URL, 'Semi-official backports of the Debian MySQL packages'. You'll need to add sources.list the lenny-backports: pico /etc/apt/sources.list Add this at the bottom of the file: deb lenny-backports main 3. Then proceed with the upgrade: aptitude update aptitude -P -t lenny-backports install mysql-server-5.1 Answer Yes to all questions. 4. After the upgrade is finished you need to upgrade your databases. First: chmod 666 /var/lib/mysql/mysql_upgrade_info Or the upgrade will give the error "Could not create the upgrade info file '/var/lib/mysql/mysql_upgrade_info' in the MySQL Servers datadir, errno: 13" Then run the upgrade: mysql_upgrade -u root -p --verbose --force Output might be similar to: mysql.general_log Error : You can't use locks with log tables. status : OK mysql.slow_log Error : You can't use locks with log tables. status : OK [snip] Running 'mysql_fix_privilege_tables'... OK These lock errors you can ignore; there are more of a message and supposedly will be removed in future versions, read HERE. Restart mysql: /etc/init.d/mysql restart MYSQL SETTINGS: For this version you need to increase the thread_stack, read HERE. These errors would be present in /var/log/daemon.log "mysqld: ... Thread stack overrun: 3971 bytes used of a 131072 byte stack, and 128000 bytes needed. Use 'mysqld -O thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack"

To fix this change the setting in 'my.cnf' /etc/mysql/my.cnf or yours might be here /etc/my.cnf: pico /etc/mysql/my.cnf Has this: thread_stack = 128K Change to: thread_stack = 256K

Next in my.cnf event scheduler must be set to ON Check if you have the code 'event_scheduler=' first, if not add it toward the bottom of the file (mine didn't have this directive at all): event_scheduler=ON Save your changes Then turn on even scheduler in MySQL: mysql -u root -p SELECT @@event_scheduler; My output stated off: +-------------------+ | @@event_scheduler | +-------------------+ | OFF | +-------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) To turn it on: SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = 1; Output then stated: Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) SELECT @@event_scheduler; Output now states: +-------------------+ | @@event_scheduler | +-------------------+ | ON | +-------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) exit; Then restart MySQL: /etc/init.d/syslog-ng restart Note: If your event scheduler isn't on then during installation of LogZilla you'll receive this error: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Cannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server start at ./ line 411, <STDIN> line 17. SSYSLOG-NG SETTINGS: pico /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf Search for (Ctrl+w): udp(); If it is commented out: # udp(); Remove the comment; change to: udp(); Then restart syslog-ng: /etc/init.d/syslog-ng restart PHP SETTINGS:

We also need to have set for PHP a 'maximum execution time' of a minimum of 300 seconds and the 'memory limit' of at least 128MB : pico /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini Search for (Ctrl+w): max_execution_time Mine has (my execution time is already set very high for other reasons): max_execution_time = 9600 memory_limit = -1 I changed it to: max_execution_time = 9600 memory_limit = 128M Restart web server: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart exit INSTALL LOGZILLA: ````````````````` Finally, we are ready to start working on LogZilla installation. Check the site for the latest version. For this tutorial I've used 3.0.85: wget su cp /home/user/logzilla_3.0.85.tgz /var/www/logzilla_3.0.85.tgz cd /var/www/ tar xvzf logzilla_3.0.85.tgz My own preference when dealing with sensitive information on web servers is to rename the default install path. So for logzilla I'll rename it to for example 'lz' and I'll refer to path 'logzilla' as lz for the rest of this tutorial: mv /var/www/logzilla/ /var/www/lz/ rm logzilla_3.0.85.tgz cat /var/www/lz/README Note about license key, read HERE & HERE, "Copy will simply stop working (the web interface portion). At that point, you can either download the new version or a new license key." cat /var/www/lz/license.txt Expires: 12 Sep 2010 For LogZilla v3.0.85 only, remove the facebox call as it is not being used from this v + as stated HERE: pico /var/www/lz/html/includes/css.php Remove this section: <!-- BEGIN Facebox --> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="includes/js/jquery/plugins/facebox/facebox.css" /> <!-- END Facebox --> PRE INSTALL NOTES: A. LogZilla comes with an installer- perl script. You'll be asked a number of questions, to select the default answer in [brackets] just hit your enter key, otherwise type in your own setting. B. Below are the questions you'll be asked and the answers I used; if I haven't typed an answer for the question it's because I hit enter key to select the answer provided in [brackets]. C. The 3rd from last question "Enter the base url for your site (include trailing slash) [/logs/]" - This path is what you will use in your apache settings as an 'alias'. This means that if your answer is /logs/ your URL to go to /var/www/logzilla/ would be . Another example would be the answer / which then logzilla install would be reached by going to

D. If you want to change the answer to one of your questions in the first section 'before the install is complete', just quit the installer and start over. If you need to change anything in the install once it is finished see under 'TROUBLE SHOOTING' - 'REINSTALL LOGZILLA FRESH'.

INSTALL: OK lets do it: First make a copy of your 'syslog-ng.conf' just in case you want to install LogZilla fresh: cp /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng-pre_logzilla.conf cd /var/www/lz/scripts/ Run the installer: ./ Enter the MySQL root username [root]: Note: Mysql passwords with a ' in them may not work ' Enter the password for root [mysql]: MyRootMysqlPass Database to install to [syslog]: lz Database table to install to [logs]: Enter the name of the MySQL server []: localhost Enter the port of the MySQL server [3306]: Enter the name to create as the owner of the logs database [syslogadmin]: Enter the password for the syslogadmin user [syslogadmin]: SysLogPass Enter the name to create as the WEBSITE owner [admin]: Enter the password for admin [admin]: AdminPass Enter your email address []: Enter a name for your website [The home of LogZilla]: LZS Enter the base url for your site (include trailing slash) [/logs/]: Where should log files be stored? [/var/log/logzilla]: How long should I keep old logs? (in days) [30]: Path Updates: Getting ready to replace paths in all files with "/var/www/lz" Ok to continue? [y]: Updating file paths Updating log paths Database Installation: All data will be installed into the lz database Ok to continue? [y]: Config.php generation: Generating /var/www/lz/html/config/config.php Ok to continue? [y]: System files: Adding LogZilla logrotate.d file to /etc/logrotate.d Ok to continue? [y]: Where is your syslog-ng.conf file located? [/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf]: Adding syslog-ng configuration to /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf Ok to continue? [y]: Found 1 sources Which source definition would you like to use? [s_all]: LogZilla installation complete... POST INSTALL NOTES: During the 'Config.php generation:' step during install it stated "Generating /var/www/logzilla/html/config/config.php" This will be removed after by the installer: ls -al /var/www/

LogZilla logs are rotated daily (by this file /etc/logrotate.d/logzilla) and the logs will be 0 bytes unless debugging is enabled: ls -al /var/log/logzilla TEST MYSQL LOGZILLA USER CAN LOGIN: Test that the new user, syslogadmin, you created during install can login, change 'lz' below to the name of your database (default syslog): mysql -u syslogadmin -p lz If you logged in fine: exit; If you receive the error "ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'syslogadmin'@'localhost' (using password: YES)" To fix this, replace PASSWORD below to password you selected for syslogadmin and name of data base (lz) IF you changed it during the install: mysql -u root -p mysql GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON lz.* TO syslogadmin@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "PASSWORD"; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; exit; Test the user login again: mysql -u syslogadmin -p lz exit; ADD LOGZILLA TO WEB SERVER: pico /etc/apache2/apache2.conf First if you don't have your 'ServerName' and your ServerRoot' directives set you need to add it, at the top of the file after all the comments (#). For example, mine already has it: [snip] # Do NOT add a slash at the end of the directory path. # ServerName "" ServerRoot "/etc/apache2" Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI [snip] Then you need to create a vhost file LogZilla, name file how you like, again I use lz: pico /etc/apache2/sites-available/lz Paste this in, changing '/logs' to the path you used during installation for the alias and the path to your logzilla/html/: # LogZilla Alias /logs "/var/www/lz/html/" Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all Enable it: a2ensite lz Reload apache: /etc/init.d/apache2 reload Now finally give LogZilla a test: Login using admin username/password set during IONCUBE: Just to check all is fine with our ionCube installation, go to: If all is fine it will state: ionCube Loader Wizard The ionCube Loader 3.3.17 is already installed [snip]

If all is well then press back button on your browser, then in your shell: rm /var/www/lz/html/ioncube -rf rm /var/www/lz/html/ioncube_64 -rf DEDUPLICATION: From the User Guide: "When Deduplication is enabled, "similar" messages are rolled up into a single message. When that happens, the FO, LO and Counter columns get updated." "If deduplication is disabled, the FO and LO columns are identical." So to enable this, on your LogZilla page go to Admin's Options/Server Admin, click on the blue button left column and select 1 to enable it. SPHINX: ``````` INSTALL: From the User Guide: "Sphinx is used to provide the full text search capabilities for LogZilla, it is an order of magnitude faster than using MySQL alone (much, much faster)." Note that during the installing process of LogZilla it will have updated the /sphinx/sphinx.conf file (Modifying ../sphinx/sphinx.conf) to your correct logzilla install paths so that you don't need to edit this file. To install Sphinx: cd /var/www/lz/sphinx/src tar xzvf sphinx-0.9.9.tar.gz cd sphinx-0.9.9 Compile it: ./configure --prefix `pwd`/../.. Output: A long list of checking etc will scroll by, then it will end with: You can now run 'make' to build Sphinx binaries, and then run 'make install' to install them. First check if there are any serious errors such as 'ERROR: cannot find MySQL include files.' If so it's most likely that you don't have all the prerequisites. If you did have a serious error don't continue to the next step, fix the error/s, and run the ./configure cmd again before proceeding. View HERE for my list of negatives 'no' the ./configure output gave to me and how I fixed those. None will hinder Sphinx for LogZilla, that I know of, only for other programs you might want to use Sphinx on. After you have the output you would like on the sphinx configure, run: make && make install Output - you'll have a long pause followed by a long install log: Making all in src make[1]: Entering directory `/var/www/lz/sphinx/src/sphinx-0.9.9/src' [snip] make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/www/lz/sphinx/src/sphinx-0.9.9' CREATE YOUR FIRST INDEX: cd /var/www/lz/sphinx ./ full Output: Starting Sphinx Indexer: 2010-07-25 12:41:47 No previous index files found Creating NEW indexes, this may take a while, so be patient... Running command: /var/www/lz/sphinx/bin/indexer --config /var/www/lz/sphinx/sphinx.conf idx_logs idx_delta_logs Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)

[snip] Finished Sphinx Indexer: 2010-07-25 12:41:48 NOTE: If you see the error when creating the full index: "ERROR: index 'idx_logs': sql_query_pre[0]: Column 'max_id' cannot be null (DSN=mysql://syslogadmin:***@" This means the database doesn't have your log entries yet, wait a bit then try again. Test the other indexer commands that we'll use on crontab to be sure no errors: ./ delta ./ merge START SPHINX SEARCH DAEMON: Start sphinx search daemon 'searchd': bin/searchd Output: [snip] listening on listening on all interfaces, port=3312 ps x 19613 ? S 0:00 bin/searchd After a reboot it will look like this: 3217 ? S 0:03 /var/www/lz/sphinx/bin/searchd -c /var/www/lz/sphinx/sphinx.conf SPHINX INDEXER AUTO RUN: A crontab file is included in scripts/contrib/system_configs/logzilla.crontab. Read it to explain the settings: cat /var/www/lz/scripts/contrib/system_configs/logzilla.crontab Line 1: 12:30 AM on the first of every month it will run full Line 2: Every 5 mins of every day it will run delta Line 3: 12:00 AM every day it will run merge To add these: crontab -e Paste in at the bottom:, changing to your correct paths - 2 paths per line: 30 0 1 * * /var/www/lz/sphinx/ full >> /var/log/logzilla/sphinx_indexer.log 2>&1 */5 * * * * /var/www/lz/sphinx/ delta >> /var/log/logzilla/sphinx_indexer.log 2>&1 0 0 * * * /var/www/lz/sphinx/ merge >> /var/log/logzilla/sphinx_indexer.log 2>&1 Note: Before crontab runs those cmds you do not have the file 'sphinx_indexer.log', after it runs the first time (within 5 mins) it will create it: ls -al /var/log/logzilla BTW this log will be also be rotated by /etc/logrotate.d/logzilla as it declares *.log. SPHINX SEARCH DAEMON AUTO RUN AFTER REBOOT: pico /etc/rc.local Paste in just before the last line 'exit 0' changing the paths to your own: /var/www/lz/sphinx/bin/searchd -c /var/www/lz/sphinx/sphinx.conf SPHINX LOG ROTATION: ls -al /var/www/lz/sphinx/log I didn't find a log rotation setup for it, nor any other logs: grep -r sphinx* /etc/*

find / -name *query.log So following the information HERE, I'll set up log rotation for those by doing this: Take note of the perms, owner and group of the logs as we'll use the same for our logrotate config. Mine are 600 root root (-rw------- 1 root root) Create the log rotation configuration file: pico /etc/logrotate.d/sphinx Paste in, changing to your correct paths and preferences: /var/www/lz/sphinx/log/*.log { weekly notifempty rotate 3 compress delaycompress create 600 root root postrotate killall -SIGUSR1 searchd endscript } To test, but NOT actually rotate sphinx logs: logrotate --debug --force /etc/logrotate.d/sphinx To rotate the logs manually: logrotate --force -v /etc/logrotate.d/sphinx ls -al /var/www/lz/sphinx/log Done :D Have a look at the User Guide HERE. For large servers read HERE how to increase your UDP buffer size. LOG REPLAY VIA CONSOLE: ``````````````````````` This will allow you to replay a log file taken from another server. Included is a sample log (syslog.sample.gz) for you test logreplay with it: cd /var/www/lz/scripts/contrib/logreplay This will extract the 3MB sample 'syslog.sample' and delete the pack (syslog.sample.gz): gzip -d syslog.sample.gz To use this we need to compile the included spoof program so that it "will rewrite the outgoing syslog packet and insert the hostnames from the syslog.sample file so that when syslog-ng receives the messages they appear to come from that host instead of your local machine.": gcc spoof_syslog.c -o spoof_syslog There shouldn't be any output/reply after running that cmd. Doing this created the binary spoof_syslog used by ls -al -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 9357 2010-07-25 08:13 spoof_syslog Set executable perms on script: chmod +x Run the scripts help menu: ./ -h Play the sample log: ./ -v -f ./syslog.sample -s ./spoof_syslog Output will end with: Host limit of 50 reached, use ./ -l to set a higher limit Sent 123 messages out TROUBLE SHOOTING: ````````````````` 1. Best place is the LogZilla forum HERE.

2. If you aren't sure the behaviour of your LogZilla page is correct I test it by doing the same search on the Demo HERE (demo:demo). 3. Turn on debugging via LogZilla page, top link Admin /Server Admin, page 2, click on the blue marble left column. Once this is on it will show the debug information on every page and start writing to the file /var/log/logzilla/db_insert.log . Check that file for errors: tail -50 /var/log/logzilla/db_insert.log Remember to turn debugging off as this file can grow large very fast. If you have left it on, not to worry as the LogZilla's log rotation will rotate it daily (/etc/logrotate.d/logzilla). 4. Take a look at your logs for errors related: tail -20 /var/log/syslog cat /var/log/syslog | grep mysqld cat /var/log/syslog | grep ERROR cat /var/log/syslog | grep crashed tail -20 /var/log/daemon.log cat /var/log/daemon.log | grep ERROR If you see: [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled. Not to worry as the federated engine was disabled in v 5.1 If you see: [Warning] Event Scheduler: [root@localhost][lz.logs_del_partition] No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processed This is just a message stating that there is nothing to delete; don't worry about it, view HERE. If you have errors similar to (replace lz with your database name): [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Table './lz/settings' is marked as crashed and should be repaired [Warning] Checking table: './lz/settings' Then you should repair your database and/or tables: mysqlcheck -u syslogadmin -p --auto-repair -A Or as root to check all database tables: mysqlcheck -uroot -p -A -a -c -o -g --auto-repair This will analyze, check, optimize, upgrade if needed and repair. Or if you want to check all your databases: mysqlcheck -uroot -p --check --all-databases --auto-repair Once that is done, to check your tables (replace lz with your database name): mysqlcheck -uroot -p lz --check mysql -u root -p lz Show tables; CHECK TABLE banned_ips, cache, facilities, groups, help, history, hosts, logs, logs_archive, lzecs; CHECK TABLE mne, programs, settings, severities, sph_counter, suppress, totd, ui_layout, users; 5. If logging into your LogZilla page you receive the error: Error in perform_query function No DB link for query: SELECT name,value, type FROM settings Mysql_error: Access denied for user 'syslogadmin'@'localhost' (using password: YES) Refer to earlier step above - 'TEST MYSQL LOGZILLA USER CAN LOGIN:' 6. If doing a search you receive the error "Warning: Wrong parameter count for max() in

/var/www/lz/html/includes/portlets/portlet-chart_adhoc.php on line 453" This only means that the search didn't yield results, view HERE.

7. Change the URL alias or base path: If you need to change the alias for your LogZilla, login to the MySQL database and change /logs/ below to the alias you would like: mysql -u syslogadmin -p lz update settings set value='/logs/' where name='SITE_URL'; Output will be: Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0 exit; Then change your alias in apache: pico /etc/apache2/sites-available/lz /etc/init.d/apache2 reload Reopen your browser if changes aren't showing. If you need to change the path base: mysql -u syslogadmin -p lz update settings set value='/var/www/html/lz' where name='PATH_BASE'; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec) Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0 8. REINSTALL LOGZILLA FRESH: If for some reason you want to start with a fresh LogZilla install you'll need to do a few simple steps: A. SYSLOG-NG SETTINGS: Restore syslog-ng.conf to pre-logzilla install state: IF you didn't make a copy of syslog-ng.conf prior to installing LogZilla: pico /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf At the bottom of the file are LogZilla added settings from: ########################################################################## # Clay's LogZilla config below To: # Clay's LogZilla config above ########################################################################## Remove the entire section. IF you made a back up copy of syslog-ng.conf prior to installing LogZilla: rm /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf mv /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng-pre_logzilla.conf /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf Then in both cases: /etc/init.d/syslog-ng restart B. MYSQL DATABASE AND USERS: Note that I have named my database 'lz', change below to the name of your database: mysql -u root -p DROP DATABASE lz; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; USE mysql; Then to remove the user/s added: SELECT User,Password,Host from user; DELETE FROM user WHERE user='syslogadmin'; SELECT User,Password,Host from user; show databases; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; exit; C. During the install process it states "Adding LogZilla logrotate.d file to /etc/logrotate.d"

It will NOT make a double file and or entry, so you can leave this file as is: /etc/logrotate.d/logzilla Done. Restart your install with ./ MY MYSQL MISC NOTES: ```````````````````` Login: mysql -u root -p Logout: exit; Select a database, for example lz: USE lz; Login selecting lz database: mysql -u root -p lz Or as the LogZilla user: mysql -u syslogadmin -p lz View LogZilla database settings; SELECT name,value, type FROM settings; View users: USE mysql; SELECT User,Password,Host from user; Change admin pass for LogZilla: update users set pwhash=md5('MYNEWPASSWORD') where username='admin'; Delete a user: DELETE FROM user WHERE user='syslogadmin'; Show databases: Show databases; View scheduler settings: SELECT @@event_scheduler; Create new database, name would be test for example: create database test; Find HERE a list of some other common mysql cmds. Find HERE and HERE a fix myisam problems. After upgrading your mysql you might notice some processes running that weren't before depending on your setup. These are normal and the daemon.error refers to the logging facility of mysql: ps x or ps ax | grep mysql or ps -ef | grep -in mysql 31097 ? S 0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe 31212 ? Sl 52:47 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/ --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock --port=3306 31214 ? S 0:00 logger -t mysqld -p daemon.error //--------------------------------------------------------------------- If you find mistakes, have suggestions, and or questions please post at mewbies forum HERE - thank you. Last update on 25 Aug '10

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