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HbA1c is formed by the non-enzymatic glycation of the N-terminus of the b-chain of hemoglobin A.

The level of HbA1c is proportional to the level of glucose in the blood and is widely accepted as an indicator of the mean daily blood glucose concentration over the preceding two months. Recent studies have shown that the regular measurement of HbA1c leads to changes in diabetes treatment and improvement of metabolic control as indicated by a lowering of HbA1c values. Principles of the Procedure The concentration of A1c and the concentration of total hemoglobin are measured and the ratio is reported. The automated method (A1c and tHb_2) uses 4 reagents: A1c Denaturant Reagent (A1c DENAT), Total Hemoglobin Reagent (tHb_2), A1c Agglutinator Reagent (A1c R1) and A1c Antibody Reagent (A1c R2). In an automated pretreatment step, the whole blood sample is mixed with the A1c Denaturant Reagent. The red blood cells are lysed and the hemoglobin chain is hydrolyzed by the protease present in the reagent. For the measurement of total hemoglobin, the Total Hemoglobin Reagent (tHb_2) is used. The method is based on the conversion of all hemoglobin derivatives into alkaline hematin in an alkaline solution of a nonionic detergent as described in the original procedure of Wolf, Lang, and Zander. A latex agglutination inhibition method is used for the measurement of specific A1c. A second protease in the R1 reagent further hydrolyzes the HbA1c sample to a glycated pentapeptide, which competes with the agglutinator (synthetic polymer containing multiple copies of the immunoreactive portion of A1c) for the anti-HbA1c antibody, thereby reducing the rate of agglutination. Para o anti HbA1c anticorpo A concentration curve is obtained by monitoring the change in scattered light as a change of absorbance. The actual change in absorbance is inversely proportional to the concentration of A1c in the sample.

A Hemoglobina Glicosilada (HbA1c) formada pela glicao no-enzimtica da cadeia beta Nterminal da hemoglobina A. O nvel de HbA1c proporcional ao nvel de glicose no sangue e amplamente aceito como um indicador da concentrao da glicose sangunea mdia diria durante os ltimos dois meses.

Estudos recentes tm mostrado que a medio regular da HbA1c leva a mudanas no tratamento do diabetes e melhora do controle metablico, como indicado pela reduo dos valores de HbA1c. Princpios do Processo A concentrao de A1c e a concentrao de hemoglobina total medida e a razo relatada. O mtodo automatizado (A1c e tHb_2) usa 4 reagentes: Desnaturante reagente A1c (HbA1c denat), hemoglobina total dos reagentes (tHb_2), aglutinador reagente A1c (HbA1c R1) e A1c Reagente do Anticorpo (R2 A1c). Em uma etapa de pr-tratamento automatizado, a amostra de sangue total misturada com o reagente A1c Desnaturante. As hemcias so lisadas e a cadeia de hemoglobina hidrolisada pela protease presente no reagente. Para a medio do total de hemoglobina, usada a hemoglobina total dos reagentes (tHb_2). O mtodo baseado na converso de todos os derivados de hemoglobina em hematina alcalina em uma soluo alcalina de um detergente no-inico, tal como descrito no processo original de Wolf, Lang, e Zander. O mtodo de inibio de aglutinao do ltex usado para a medio de A1c especficos. Uma segunda protease no reagente R1 ainda hidrolisa a amostra HbA1c para um pentapeptdeo glicado, que compete com o aglutinador (polmero sinttico contendo vrias cpias da poro imunorreativa do A1c) para o anticorpo anti-HbA1c, reduzindo a taxa de aglutinao. A curva de concentrao obtida atravs do monitoramento da mudana da luz difusa como uma mudana de absorvncia. A mudana real na absorvncia inversamente proporcional concentrao de A1c na amostra.

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