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3 Read the text and complete each gap with a suitable word from the box.

Five words
are not used. (10 points)
another as back backed indigestible force gory history worth how in just last least
like might other over past so sometimes such ~ to leaks welt
From Hsuan-ti to Wang Mang
As a rule, when negotiating in China, if your hosts remind
you of the fact 1 that this nation boasts 5,000 years
of history, things are not going 2 . If
they begin reciting China's many inventions, you
3 as well pack up and fly home. History
is a weapon in China. In dealings with foreigners, it is a
blunt instrument with which to cudgel visitors into
submission! In the hands of domestic propagandists, it is
a malleable explosive, to be shaped, or simply falsified,
for controlled blasts of nationalistic fervour. Today's
textbooks reshape 4 to dual, s _ __ _
contradictory, ends. They teach that the Chinese were,
and are, the master race, inheritors of unbroken millennia
of civilisation.
6 contrast. All Under Heaven strives
for a remarkably objective tone. Chinese history is
7 stuff, but as the author leads the
reader 8 piles of silk-clad corpses, he
shuns the temptation to judge, at 9 with
a modern eye.
'In truth, the Chou aristocrat had much to recommend
him; Kruger writes, immediately after describing
10 one duke from that far-off dynasty
liked to stand in a tower and shoot arrows at passers-by,
and how another, after receiving some bad news, cut the
throats of his seven companions to prevent 11 ____ .
Yet Kruger's verdict is 12 up with reason.
Such ducal wickedness went unpunished, he agrees, 'but
that it was recorded suggests that n _ __ _
aristocratic behaviour was not the n o r m ~
Kruger modestly called this book a 'synthesis' of existing
scholarship, compiled 14 two decades to
satisfy his quest for a single-volume history of China.
Indigestion is always a risk when condensing 5,000
years of history into 400 pages. At times, the first 4,000
years prove a little 15 . For a start - though it
is hardly Kruger's fault - there are lots of names. Even
the cruelties blur after a while, as endless emperors
usurp one 16 , poison sundry relatives, and
17 vanquished rivals to commit suicide.
This is an old-fashioned book - at times it reads
18 notes in the margin of a gentleman
scholar. scribbled 19 he leafs through a
library of Oriental wonders. But his thoughts are
20 hearing, and the author is always good
company. The flyleaf records that he died on December
21, 2002, 21 after finishing the work. The
reader may feel an oddly personal pang of loss.
I ffJ
Ric#!moncl Publishing 2004: PHOTOCOPIABLE
Listening comprehension
4 Listen to a radio programme and complete
the sentences. (7.5 points)
The expression Global Warming implies
the Earth's average temperature is rising.
4 O.Jl e of the main re;sons for global w. ar ing is
I' I ff ,..;;;:-
...b.-.. tr _.,. '
5 As a clear exadtple of the changes in patterns of
behaviour happening we can mention - J..o/.r
1 1. I ( 1.
fl..t . ............__. ... .
5 Listen to Roger :te talking about a new
trend in journalism. Continue these
sentences with the best option. (10 points)
Tabloids are well-recognised newspapers because
they are ...
a) ... small. v
b) ... medium size.
c) - big-sized newspapers.
2 Changes in the format will affect ...
a) ... the point of view used to deal with the news.
b) ... the number of issues covered in the newspaper.
c) ... aspects of layout and presentation of the
3 In most parts of the country at first, readers will only
be able to purchase ...
a) ... a sample edition.
b) - the regular edition.
c) ... the smaller edition.
4 Commuters think ...
a) ... broadsheets are difficult to read.
b) .. . the other passengers take advantage and read
their paper.
c) ... they have very little time to read ;
5 Two formats are being considered because ...
a) ... this way they suit the various needs of readers.
b) ... they want to follow European guidelines
regarding format.
c) ... they want to cut down on printing costs.
6 Newspaper editors think that readers will be pleased
about the ...
a) ... reduced content.
b) ... price reduction.
c) ... tabloids' appearance.
6 Listen to six different extracts of radio
programmes. Match them to some of these
headings. (7.5 points)
a) Pocket Technology .
1 b) The best 'brew'!
c) Abandoned books for you to discover!
1 d) some men are trying to loot< mqre like women.
e) The worst bobk ever written.
f) Spray-on safe
g) A new attitude to personal appearance.
h) More than a blind date.
1 a 2 3 4 5 6

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