4th Advent

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website : liverpoolcatholic.org.uk Parish Priest : Rev. John Gorman 01942 727271 email : ourladysbryn@rcaolp.co.uk Deacon : Rev. Malcolm Cunliffe 01942 725522 Parish website : www.ourladysbryn.org.uk


Liverpool R.C. Archdiocesan Trustees Reg. Charity No. 232709

Masses for the week 17 - 25 December 2011 Rosary Mon, Wed, 8.30am; Sun 9.00am (OLI) Fourth Sunday of Advent (B) Tues, Thurs 9.00am (SW) Saturday 6.00pm (SW) Dorothy McPhail Confession Sat 11.00am - 12 noon (OLI); Sunday 9.30am (OLI) Wilde Family Novena Wednesday 7.30pm 11.00am (SW) Lily & Tom Mitchell Holy Hour Friday 7pm - 8pm 6.30pm (OLI) Parishioners The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week for Weekday Masses Harry Bennett and William Fearnley. Monday 7.30am (OLI) Harry & Kath Lowe 9.00am (OLI) Berry & Giverin families Tuesday 7.30am (OLI) Fr Sanderson & Fr OBrien Memorial Book 9.30am (SW) Thelma Maguire 20th December Joseph Johnson Wednesday 7.30am (OLI) Timothy Edwards Winifred Mary Boot 9.00am (OLI) Michael Hogan 22nd December David Reynolds Thursday 7.30am (OLI) Fr Joseph Murphy Margaret Johnson 9.30am (SW) Thomas & Kathleen Cunningham 23rd December Mary Hogan Friday 7.30am (OLI) Mgt Johnson & Mary Hogan Fr Eamon OBrien 10.00am (OLI) Requiem Mass for Mgt Taylor Saturday 10.00am (OLI) Sr Dorothea Byrne Christmas Day Prayers please Saturday 8.30pm (SW) Carols, followed by for the repose of the soul of Margaret Taylor of Dryden Mass at 9.00pm (SW) Parishioners Avenue whose Requiem Mass will take place at 10am on 11.30pm (OLI) Carols, followed by Friday of this week. Mass at Midnight (OLI) Private Intention Sunday 9.30am (OLI) Parishioners 11.00am (SW) Beryl Marshall & Deceased members SVP

Please Note : May I remind you that Christmas Offerings are no longer taken for the clergy but are paid into the parish. Anything which is intended as a personal gift should be placed in a separate envelope and marked as such. Please do not use Offertory envelopes for this purpose. Many thanks.

Your Parish Priest: Fr. John Gorman

*Welcome : We welcome into the family of God Luke James Gibson who will be baptised during the 9.30am Mass on Sunday. The Christian community welcomes you with great joy.* Christmas Leaflets : There are a number of streets in both Bryn and Garswood whose leaflets are still at the back of church. If you live nearby and are able to help distribute to each house, please take them with you. Pastoral Area Newsletter : If you didnt pick one up last week, please take with you a copy of the Pastoral Area Newsletter containing times of Masses and services in all the parishes in our area. * Please take particular note of Mass times next weekend * There will be NO evening Mass next Sunday (Christmas Day). Many thanks to all who helped make our Christmas Fayre such a great success. A total of 453.83 was raised for parish and school funds. Readers and Eucharistic Ministers : please take the new lists and guides from the back of church. Parish Magazines will be delivered to the housebound this week. Please take yours from the back of church. Cafod Run (or walk!!) takes place on Tuesday 27th December from 1pm at Wavertree Park, Liverpool, L15 4LE. Entrance : 5 (or 10 per family). Last weeks Collection ; Gift Aid : 310.30 Loose Plate : 199.74 Total : 510.04 Many Thanks. Question of the Week : Mary said : I am the Handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done to me according to your word. How are you going to open your heart to what God wants of you this Christmas.

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