Bernard D. Coleman, David Swigon and Irwin Tobias - Elastic Stability of DNA Configurations. II. Supercoiled Plasmids With Self-Contact

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Elastic stability of DNA congurations. II. Supercoiled plasmids with self-contact

Bernard D. Coleman,1,* David Swigon,1, and Irwin Tobias2,

Department of Mechanics and Materials Science Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854 2 Department of Chemistry, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854 Received 16 July 1999 Congurations of protein-free DNA miniplasmids are calculated with the effects of impenetrability and self-contact forces taken into account by using exact solutions of Kirchhoffs equations of equilibrium for elastic rods of circular cross section. Bifurcation diagrams are presented as graphs of excess link, L, versus writhe, W, and the stability criteria derived in paper I of this series are employed in a search for regions of such diagrams that correspond to congurations that are stable, in the sense that they give local minima to elastic energy. Primary bifurcation branches that originate at circular congurations are composed of congurations with Dm symmetry (m 2,3, . . . ). Among the results obtained are the following. i There are congurations with C2 symmetry forming secondary bifurcation branches which emerge from the primary branch with m 3, and bifurcation of such secondary branches gives rise to tertiary branches of congurations without symmetry. ii Whether or not self-contact occurs, a noncircular conguration in the primary branch with m 2, called branch , is stable when for it the derivative d L/dW, computed along that branch, is strictly positive. iii For congurations not in , the condition d L/dW 0 is not sufcient for stability; in fact, each nonplanar contact-free conguration that is in a branch other than is unstable. A rule relating the number of points of self-contact and the occurrence of intervals of such contact to the magnitude of L, which in paper I was found to hold for segments of DNA subject to strong anchoring end conditions, is here observed to hold for computed congurations of protein-free miniplasmids. PACS number s : 87.10. e, 46.70.Hg, 02.40. k, 46.32. x


In paper I of this series on the theory of the elastic rod model for DNA 1 , we derived several criteria for the elastic stability of a calculated equilibrium conguration of a DNA segment that is either a plasmid i.e., a closed ring or a linear segment subject to strong anchoring end conditions. We here apply the criteria to a classical problem: analysis of the stability of supercoiled congurations of protein-free plasmids. See, e.g., Le Bret 2 and Julicher 3 . Our results hold for the theory of the commonly employed elastic rod model which treats a DNA segment as in intrinsically straight, homogeneous, inextensible rod with elastic properties that are characterized by two elastic constants, the exural rigidity A and the torsional rigidity C. Hence, the conguration Z of a DNA segment is determined once one has specied the curve C representing the duplex axis and the density of the excess twist about C. The elastic energy of the segment is the sum of a bending energy B which depends on the curvature of C and a . Thus, twisting energy T which depends on

L 2

L 0

s 2 ds,

L 2

L 0

s 2 ds,

where C/A. 3

In earlier studies of the elastic rod model cf. Refs. 46 , explicit and exact solutions of Kirchhoffs equations were employed to calculate equilibrium congurations free from points of self-contact. The congurations and bifurcation diagrams shown here and in paper I were calculated using generalizations of those explicit solutions for cases in which excluded volume effects and forces arising from self-contact must be taken into account. We are concerned with plasmids, i.e., segments for which both DNA strands form closed curves. The excess link in a plasmid, L, is a topological constant, which, by a now familiar result 7,8 , obeys the equation L W in which, T 1 2


and, when , B , and T are expressed in units of A/L with L the length of the segment,


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and W is the writhe of the closed curve C. There are several equivalent denitions of writhe; one, due to Fuller 9 , was mentioned in paper I. For a sufciently smooth curve C, one may write see, e.g., the introductory survey 10
759 2000 The American Physical Society

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1 4

L 0

L 0

t s

t s* x s x s x s*

x s*

ds ds * ,

in which t(s) is the unit tangent vector for C, and x(s) is the location in space of the point on C with arc-length parameter s. We conne our attention to knot-free plasmids which are modeled as elastic, but impenetrable, closed rods i.e., rings for which the cross sections are circular with an invariant diameter D. The two important parameters for the calculations we present are and d D/L. 7

We assume that no external forces act on the plasmid under consideration, and that disjoint subsegments of the plasmid can interact only through contact. We assume further that when such contact occurs, the contact forces are normal to the surfaces of segments involved and moments are not exerted at points of contact; hence changes in conguration do no work against the contact forces. A conguration is called an equilibrium conguration if , the rst variation of , vanishes for each variation Z in conguration that is admissible in the sense that it is compatible with the imposed constraints, which include the requirement that such topological properties as the value of L and the knot-free state of C be preserved. In the units employed for Eqs. 1 and 2 , those equations imply that the resultant moment on the cross section with arc-length parameter s is M s t dt ds t. 8

integer, called the self-link cf. Refs. 7 and 12 . In the cases considered here, that integer is not difcult to evaluate for details see Refs. 6 and 11 . As in paper I, we here call equilibrium conguration Z # stable if it gives a strict local minimum to in the class of congurations compatible with the constraints. In other words, Z # is stable if and only if it has a neighborhood N such that (Z) (Z # ) for each conguration Z in N that is not equivalent to Z # and is accessible from Z # by a homotopy compatible with the constraints. Lack of equivalence means that the two congurations, Z # and Z, differ in distribution of twist density or are such that the corresponding curves, C # and C, are not congruent, or both. As we remarked in paper I, our denition of stability, as it requires that have a strict local minimum, differs from a concept of stability often used in physics see, e.g., Ref. 3 which, in the present subject, would require to have a global minimum, i.e., to not exceed its minimum value for any other conguration that may be reached by an arbitrarily large variation compatible with the constraints. A conguration that is stable according to our denition but does not give a global minimum to the appropriate energy would be called metastable in other contexts. When a conguration Z # is a member of a one-parameter family E of equilibrium congurations Z for which one can take L, T, and to be given by functions LE , T E , E of W, as in bifurcation diagrams presented here and and in paper I, Z # is stable only if the slope of the graph of L versus W for E is not negative at Z # . Thus the relation d LE /dW 0, 10

In an equilibrium conguration of the plasmid, at values of s other than those characterizing points of self-contact, M(s) and the resultant force F(s) obey the equations dF ds 0, dM ds F t. 9

These two balance equations, with M as in Eq. 8 , yield a system of equations for C and which can be solved in terms of elliptic functions and integrals for a subsegment between points of self-contact see, e.g., Refs. 4 and 6 . Each such solution is determined by six solution parameters. A plasmid with n points of contact has 2n contact-free subsegments, and hence its conguration is determined when 12n solution parameters are specied. The condition of preassigned L and equations rendering precise geometric constraints at contact points and laws of balance of forces and moments at those points i.e., Eqs. 44 and 45 of paper I yield 12n equations which can be solved to calculate the solution parameters 11 . In this manner we obtain the constant value of and a precise analytic representation of C for equilibrium congurations in which self-contact occurs at a nite number of points. The closed form expressions for C yield formulas that greatly facilitate calculations both of the elastic energy cf. Ref. 5 and of the integral along C of the geometric torsion cf. Ref. 6 . Once the torsion integral is known, the writhe W of C is determined to within an

which we call the E condition, is a necessary but not sufcient condition for stability. This condition, derived in paper I under assumptions more general than the present, was obtained in a different form in a seminal paper by Le Bret 2. On a cautionary note we mention, as we did in paper I, that there are exceptional families of equilibrium congurations for which L is not determined by W, because, for them, equilibrium is maintained when L is changed with C kept constant. Such is the case for those congurations of a plasmid in which C is a true circle, i.e., the congurations that form the trivial branch, which is labeled in the bifurcation diagram shown in Fig. 1 below. An equilibrium conguration in E for which the excess twist density vanishes remains an equilibrium conguration when the plasmid is nicked, i.e., when one of its two DNA strands is severed. In paper I it is shown that a strengthened form of the relation 10 , namely, d LE /dW 1, 11

called the n condition, is a necessary condition for an equilibrium conguration in E with 0 to be stable both before and after nicking. In order for an equilibrium conguration Z # to be stable, it is necessary that, for each between 0 and L, there hold ( ) 0, where ( ) is the slope of the graph of L versus W for the family of equilibrium congurations of the plasmid that contains Z # and is subject to the additional condis L be held rigid. For the tion that the subsegment with

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formal denition of ( ) see Eq. 29 of paper I. In the present paper we shall show that this condition, which was derived in paper I and there called the condition, can furnish a practical method of demonstrating that certain congurations that obey the E condition are in fact unstable. In order for an equilibrium conguration to be stable it is necessary that the curve C representing the duplex axis give a strict local minimum to the bending energy B in the class of curves that obey constraints and have the same writhe as C. This W condition, like the condition, can yield a method of further testing the stability of congurations known to obey the E condition. Arguments given in paper I show that strengthened forms of the E condition and the W condition can be combined to obtain a condition sufcient for stability, called the S condition, which in the present context may be stated as follows: An equilibrium conguration Z # in E is stable if d LE /dW 0 at Z # and, in addition, curve C(Z # ) has a neighborhood N such that for each Z* in the family E with writhe W * close to W # , there holds B (C ) B C(W* ) for every closed curve C in N that has writhe W* and is not congruent to C(W* ). In the next section of the paper we present calculated equilibrium congurations for plasmids and applications of the criteria just stated. The congurations and bifurcation diagrams shown were obtained using the generalized method of explicit solution. The basic parameters in our theory are d D/L and C/A. For the cross-sectional diameter D of DNA we employed 20 , and we chose L to be the length of a segment for which the number N of base pairs bp is 359 and the conguration or, i.e., L 359 3.4 ). When equivalently, the solution parameters are known, the equations of the theory enable us to calculate , B , and T in units of A/L cf. Eqs. 19 20 of Ref. 5 , which are easily evaluated expressions for , B , and T in terms of solution parameters . To express our reported values of and in kcal/mol, we needed a value for A; we chose A B 2.058 10 12 erg nm, which corresponds to a persistence length of 500 at 298 K cf. Ref. 13 . Although we have in hand an easily applied rule for transforming the bifurcation diagram presented as a graph of L versus W for one value of into the bifurcation diagram for another value of Eq. 40 of paper I , and we do describe the way in which the stability of equilibrium congurations depends on , we have chosen to present diagrams with set equal to 1.5, a value that corresponds to the very high end of the range of experimental results for C 14,15 , because it is only at high values of that there are ranges of L in which stable nonplanar contact-free congurations occur cf. Julicher 3 . The low end of the range of experimental de16,17 . Section II conterminations of C yields 0.7 for cludes with a gure showing how the class of stable congu1.5 differs from that for 0.7. rations for Here, as in paper I, our calculations are intended to illustrate a method of investigating the elastic stability of congurations, not to argue that specic values of or D are appropriate for the ratio of the elastic moduli or the effective diameter of DNA. The results we present in Sec. II have been obtained with rigor and precision in the theory under consideration, namely that in which a DNA segment is modeled as a homogeneous

rod obeying the special case of Kirchhoffs constitutive relations in which the rod is assumed to be not only both inextensible and kinematically symmetric, but also of circular cross section. Without dwelling on the obvious limitations of such a model as a representation of a true DNA segment, we should like to make two cautionary remarks about the applicability of our results that touch on matters other than the lack of homogeneity and axial symmetry in actual DNA segments: i Since the value of N employed in our calculations corresponds to approximately 2.5 persistence lengths under normal experimental conditions, we do not claim that the congurations we calculate would be free from uctuations, or that for them one can set differences in equal to differences in the free energy of supercoiling. For calculations of the free energy of supercoiling for miniplasmids see, e.g., Refs. 1822 . ii The calculations we report do not account for the effects of electrostatic repulsion. To do so in an approximate way, one may consider replacing the average geometric value of D by an effective value, say Df, with f 1 see, e.g., Refs. 23 and 24 . When electrostatic effects are absent, calculations of the type we have performed for plasmids of size N and geometric cross-sectional diameter D are applicable to plasmids of size Nf with diameter Df. Equilibrium congurations for specied values of L remain essentially the same under such rescaling; i.e., curve C undergoes a similarity transformation with scale factor f, the excess twist T as well as the writhe W remains invariant, and the elastic energy in units of kcal/mole changes to f / f . One may hope that if one chooses f judiciously, one can obtain, from calculations that ignore electrostatic forces, useful, albeit approximate, values of properties of a miniplasmid of size Nf and geometric diameter D that is subject to electrostatic effects. In Appendix A we discuss an illustrative example which shows that, once one is able to nd all the equilibrium congurations in a given region of the ( L, W plane, or, equivalently, in the , L) plane, one can nd lower bounds for energy barriers for the various pathways by which a transition at xed L from one locally stable state to another stable state can be realized. We remark there that before the estimate of activation energy which that example yields can be accepted with condence, it will be necessary to resolve an open problem mentioned in the last paragraph of Sec. II.

For each pair (N, L), a plasmid has at least one, and usually several, equilibrium congurations see, e.g., Refs. 2 and 3 . As L varies at xed N, these congurations vary and form families of equilibrium congurations. We focus our attention on groups of such families, also called branches, that contain congurations with three or fewer points of maximum curvature and that are connected to a branch, called the trivial branch, which is made up of the congurations for which C is a circle. In the gures that trivial branch is labeled and is shown as a dotted line. Branches and , which originate at a bifurcation point of the trivial branch, are shown as heavy solid lines and are



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FIG. 1. Bifurcation diagram for a protein-free DNA plasmid 1.5 drawn as a plot of L versus W. Shown with N 359 and as a dotted vertical line is the trivial branch ; two branches, and , resulting from bifurcation of are shown as heavy solid curves; four branches, I , II , III , and IV , arising from secondary bi* furcations of , and one tertiary branch II emerging from II , are shown as light solid curves.

FIG. 2. Graphs of bending energy the bifurcation diagram of Fig. 1.

versus W for branches of

called primary bifurcation branches. Branches that originate at bifurcation points of a primary branch and hence are connected to by a single primary branch are called secondary bifurcation branches. In the gures the secondary branches have labels that bear subscripts, e.g., I , II ,..., and are shown as light solid curves. A tertiary bifurcation branch, * II , that originates at a bifurcation point of the secondary branch II is also shown as a light solid line see Fig. 1 . Since the protein-free and knot-free plasmids we consider have a symmetry such that for equilibrium conguration the transformation L L takes W into W and leaves unchanged, we take L to be positive. When L is less than a critical value, L* , a miniplasmid has just one equilibrium conguration and it belongs to . In the present case (N 359, 1.5), L* 1.029 and there are two equilibrium congurations with L L* : one is in , and the other, with W* 0.927, has a single point of self-contact and corresponds to the point A 1 on branch . Each point of for which L

m 2 1,

m 2,3,4, . . . ,


tion that the force vector F is independent of s, an assumption valid when self-contact does not occur. We nd that for each m 2, the symmetry group of all congurations in the primary branch with index m is the dihedral group D m of order 2m. Hence, whether or not self-contact is present, the curve C for a conguration on the primary branch of index m has a single m-fold symmetry axis that is perpendicular to the plane P containing the 2m points at which the curvature of C has a local extremum i.e., a maximum or a minimum . Each of the m lines that intersect the m-fold symmetry axis and pass through two extrema of is a twofold symmetry axis. there holds It is clear that on the trivial branch dW/d L 0, and L, T, and are not given by functions of W. Although the theory of the E condition and condition is not directly applicable to congurations in , one can show that those circular congurations are stable when L is less than L , and unstable when L is greater than L . A formal proof of this assertion is given in Appendix B. In Fig. 2 we give graphs of B versus W for the branches of the bifurcation diagram of Fig. 1. The utility of such graphs for investigation of the stability of calculated equilibrium congurations of plasmids was noted by Le Bret 2 . Arguments given in paper I imply that here, on each nontrivial branch, d
E B /dW

is a bifurcation point at which a family of solutions with W 0 intersects , i.e., at which a primary branch originates 25 . We call the integer m in Eq. 12 the index of the primary branch. The rst such bifurcation of occurs at 1 ) and gives rise to branch which has an L L 1 2& and index of 2; the second occurs at L L gives rise to the branch which has an index of 3. We note that L* is the smaller of the two numbers L and L A1 , where A1 is the conguration of minimum writhe which i lies in the branch and ii is such that the plasmid has a point of self-contact. A list of possible symmetry groups of contact-free equilibrium congurations of closed elastic rods with L 0 was given by Domokos 26 . His analysis rests on the assump-

T E.


This relation, which follows from Eq. 20 of paper I with P 0 see also Ref. 9 , Eq. 5 , tells us that the data in Fig. 2 determine L as a function, LE , of W, i.e., Fig. 1 can be reconstructed from Fig. 2. As the congurations in have zero writhe and bending energy 2 2 in units of A/L), the trivial branch reduces to a single point in Fig. 2. It follows from Eqs. 12 and 13 that the primary bifurcation branches correspond to curves in Fig. 2 with initial slopes given by d
E B W 0


m 2 1.


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FIG. 3. Graphs of L versus W, and versus L, for branches and . The congurations corresponding to points and are shown in Fig. 4.

A conguration that minimizes B in the class of equilibrium congurations with a given writhe also minimizes B in the class of all congurations with the same writhe. Hence, the calculations that gave us Fig. 2 tell us that for each writhe the global minimum of B at that writhe is attained by a conguration in branch . Details of the graph of L versus W for branch are shown in Fig. 3 a . For n 0, 1, 2, and 3, the congurations with n points of self-contact correspond to points on that graph between An and An 1 and form smooth families of equilibrium congurations. As we know that the branch is a locus of congurations that minimize B at xed W, we can apply the S condition and assert that a conguration in is stable if and only if it obeys the E condition. Although d L/dW suffers a jump at the points An , in the present case the right-hand and left-hand derivatives are positive at A2 and A3, and hence the congurations corresponding to those points are stable. At A1, d L/dW has left- and right-hand derivatives that have opposite signs; at the point X, shown as a solid circle in Fig. 2, the derivative d L/dW is continuous

but changes sign. As the branch traverses the points A1 and X, the corresponding congurations either gain or lose stability; such points are called points of exchange of stability. Since, in the present case, L is a strictly increasing function of W between A0 and X, and between A1 and A4, but is a decreasing function between X and A1, the congurations in with W either between its values at A0 and X, or between its values at A1 and A4 are stable, and those with W between its values at X and A1 are unstable. The conguration A0 at which branches off from , the conguration X which lies in between the circular conguration A0 and the gure 8 conguration A1 and which has d L/dW 0), and the congurations A1,...,A4 are shown in Fig. 4. Each of these congurations has D 2 symmetry, i.e., has three twofold symmetry axes, two of which lie in the plane P. As L increases, the number of inself-contact points in a conguration on the branch creases in the sequence 1, 2, 3, until L attains its value at A4. For the values of and D/L employed here, that value of L is 2.521. A conguration with L near to, but greater

FIG. 4. As explained in the text, congurations at X and A1 are points of exchange of stability, and for each n, An is the conguration of smallest writhe in branch with n points of self-contact. Here, as in Figs. 6, 8, 9, and 11, the following conventions are employed: the top row shows the projection of C on plane P with the twofold symmetry axes in P, drawn as dashed lines. The bottom row shows the plasmid depicted as a tube of diameter 20 viewed at an angle of 75 to T. The scale is constant in each row, but is reduced in the top row. is given in kcal/mol.



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FIG. 5. Graphs of L versus W and versus * L for branches , , I , II , and II . The congurations corresponding to points , , and are shown in Figs. 6, 8, and 9. Branch is shown as a heavy solid curve with kinks at B1 * and B2) and branches I , II , and II as light 2 2 curves with kinks at BI and BII).

than, 2.521 has two isolated points and an interval of selfcontact; for such a conguration, attains its minimum at the two values of s corresponding to the midpoint of the interval of self-contact. The value of W corresponding to point X is sensitive to . Had we here put 1.4, as we did in a discussion of mononucleosomes in paper I, the interval between A0 and X would have been too small to show clearly in Figs. 3 a and 3 b . Recent calculations discussed below show that when 11 1.375 i.e., when 0 at point A0 on 8 ), d L/dW 0 branch , and hence points A and X then coincide. Thus, all of the nonplanar contact-free congurations on branch are 1.375. In addition, we have found that when unstable if 1.993, points X and A1 coincide, which implies that all 1.993. Bethe congurations on branch are stable if cause congurations A0 and X do not show self-contact, but the conguration A1 does, the value of for which X and A0 coincide is independent of the plasmid size and crosssectional diameter D, but the value of at which X and A1 coincide depends on the ratio d D/L. With the exception of Ref. 2 , the literature on bifurcation branches in the theory of the elastic rod model for protein-free plasmids deals primarily with branch . Some relevant recent papers are those of Julicher 3 , Yang et al. 27 , and Westcott et al. 28 . Julicher 3 modeled a plasmid as an impenetrable rod with zero cross-sectional diameter and considered a conguration stable only if it gives a global minimum to at xed L. If one identies the congura tions that Julicher refers to as interwound with those in that show two or more points of self-contact, and takes into account differences in assumptions about the diameter of cross-sections, then his , L)-phase diagram and observations about the dependence on W of B for congurations in become compatible with the results shown here in Figs. 2, 3 b , and 12. Yang et al. 27 and Westcott et al. 28 present not stability analyses but numerical calculations. Yang et al. 27 developed a nite element method in which self-contact is taken into account by introducing a penalty function. Westcott et al. 28 employed a nite difference method and accounted for the excluded-volume effect that arises from a Debye-Huckeltype electrostatic repulsion. Each of the cited papers contains examples of calculated congurations with evident D2 symmetry. There are ranges of with upper bounds depending on d for which there are values of L where either i both

branch and branch contain stable equilibrium congurations with the same L, or ii branch contains two such stable congurations. The values of , N, and D which yield Fig. 3 are such that both i and ii can occur for separate ranges of L). We have found that for the present value of 1.707 and L A1 L L A0 d, i occurs when 1.993 and L , and ii occurs when 1.375 L L(X). When 1.993, for max L(A1), L each L there is precisely one stable equilibrium conguration in the union of branches and . Perhaps of greater importance than the observations just made, at least for those concerned with topoisomer distributions, is the fact that there is a range of which is 1.600 for the present value of d such that for a small interval of values of L bounded above by L there are not only two stable congurations, one in with a single point of self-contact, i.e., a gure 8, and the other in , but, in addition, the gure 8 conguration has lower elastic energy than the circular conguration. See also Le Bret 2 , Tsuru and Wadati 29 , and Julicher 3 . The graph of L versus W for , which branches off from at B0 and has index 3, is shown in Figs. 1 and 5 a . The congurations in have D3 symmetry. Those between B0 and B1 are contact-free, those between B1 and B2 have three points of self-contact, and those with L greater than but close to its value 4.653 at B2 have six points of selfcontact. See Fig. 6. For each branch that bifurcates from including branch there is an interval of values of W containing W 0 for which the corresponding equilibrium congurations are contact-free. In fact, all nontrivial contact-free congurations are in primary bifurcation branches. We have found that the contact-free equilibrium congurations in primary branches with index m 2 do not obey the condition and hence cannot be stable, even if they obey the E condition. See, for example, the graph of ( ) versus /L shown in Fig. 7 for the conguration U, which does obey the E condition. It follows that a protein-free plasmid can have nonplanar stable equilibrium congurations that are contact-free 1.375, and if such congurations occur, they must only if be in . This conclusion is stronger than a result of Le Bret 2 to the effect that for such a plasmid to have stable, non1. planar, contact-free congurations it is necessary that Let m be the value of for which the branch that bifurcates from with index m is such that d L/dW 0, at the

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FIG. 6. Selected congurations in the branch . Bn denotes the conguration of smallest writhe in with 3n points of selfcontact. Shown are B0, B1, and B2. The congurations at points F and G would remain in equilibrium if the plasmid were nicked; F is unstable; G is stable and would remain so after nicking. P is the conguration at the point of secondary bifurcation.

point where W 0. If m , then there are contact-free congurations in the branch with index m obeying the E condition, but if m there are no such contact-free congurations in the branch. Applying the explicit solution method for contact-free equilibrium solutions 46 to an analysis of solutions near to the circular solutions with L k as in Eq. 12 , we have found that, to within eight signicant gures for m ,

1 3/ 2m 2 .


11 In particular, 2 11 and, as stated above, if 8 8 , the interval of points in corresponding to stable equilibrium congurations is not empty. For m 2, if m , the branch with index m will have an interval with contact-free equilibrium congurations that obey the E condition, but, as we have noted, are unstable. 7 Since the value of that we are using exceeds 3 6 , there is an interval of writhe values, which in the present case is 0 W 0.900, for which the congurations in are contact-free and have d L/dW 0. For 0.900 W 1.948 where 1.948 is the writhe of B1), d L/dW 0. Because all the contact-free congurations in are unstable, the point in where W 0.900 is not a point of exchange of stability. We have remarked that the contact-free congurations in fail to obey the condition. One also can show that those congurations do not obey the W condition by constructing admissible variations with W 0 that lower B . Consider, for example, the conguration labeled U in Fig. 5 which has

W 0.5, L 1.975, and is shown in Fig. 8, where q 0 denotes the distance 32.8 nm between the two points of extrema of curvature of C that lie on the twofold axes of symmetry for U. We have constructed a one-parameter set H of congurations U of the plasmid such that each congura0 for each variation in C obeying the tion in H yields constraints that i C has a twofold axis of symmetry, ii W stays at its value in the conguration U, iii the distance between the points on the symmetry axis is )q 0 . The members of H with 0.05, 0.2, and q (1 0.668 are shown in the gure. Clearly, U is in H with 0, and the variation ( Z) that takes U into U has W 0, no 0. In the present case, B U B U for each matter how small. The conguration U* corresponding to 0.668) is an equilibrium conguration of the plasmid and it lies in branch . We now turn to the congurations in with self-contact. Such congurations have loops. For rods and ropes the concept of a loop is intuitive. DNA segments, such as the subsegment D f of a miniplasmid in a mononucleosome cf. paper I , that are subject to constraints that keep endpoints in proximity are often called loops, even if free from selfcontact. Here, when we call a subsegment of a protein-free plasmid a loop, we presuppose that its ends are in contact. At sufciently large values of the writhe, a loop shows selfcontact not only at its end points, but also in its interior. It is in agreement with current usage to call a loop with more than one self-contact a plectonemic loop, or, for short, a plectoneme.

FIG. 7. Graphs of versus /L for congurations U and G in branch that, as seen in Fig. 5, obey the E condition with d L/dW strictly positive. The plasmid is contact-free in conguration U and has three points of self-contact in G. In both cases, as 0 . For G, ( ) 0 for all 0 L; for U, ( ) vanishes at two values of , and there are two singular values of marked with vertical dotted lines at which from the left and from the right.



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FIG. 8. The congurations U( ) are the result of special deformations of U described in the text that change the distance between points a and b from q 0 to (1 )q 0 while keeping W xed. It turns out that this one-parameter set of deformations lowers B .

When L exceeds its value at B1, the congurations in the branch have three congruent loops. Between B1 and B2, each such loop has one point of self-contact at its endpoints . For W or, equivalently, for L) greater than its value at B2, these loops are plectonemes. Points B1 and P are points of secondary bifurcation. At 1 with the smallest L for which selfB , the point on contact occurs, branches I and II originate. Two other branches, III and IV , originate at P. Although, as we have remarked, the congurations in have in accord with the known properties of primary branches one threefold symmetry axis and three twofold symmetry axes, those in I IV have a symmetry corresponding to group C2 of order 2, i.e., have only a single twofold symmetry axis and it is unique. See Figs. 9 and 11. The congurations in I have 2 one loop which, as L increases above its value at BI , becomes plectonemic. The congurations in II have two such loops, which are congruent. The congurations in III and IV have three loops, of which one intersects the symmetry axis and the other two are congruent. In III , the loop that intersects the symmetry axis becomes plectonemic when W 2 increases above its value at BIII. In IV , the two congruent loops become plectonemic when W increases above its value 2 at BIV. In each case that we have studied, the number of self-contacts in a plectonemic loop increases in the sequence 1, 2, 3, with an interval of points of self-contact occurring at higher L. Such is the case also for the extranucleosomal loop of miniplasmids in mononucleosomes see paper I and for plectonemic loops in linear DNA segments subject to tension and torsional moments 11 . When we say that I , II , III , and IV originate at a secondary bifurcation point, i.e., are secondary branches that branch off from the primary branch , we employ a terminology that follows a natural convention: if, as a parameter e.g., L or W is varied, a primary branch enters a point and several other branches exit from the point with precisely one of the exiting branches having the symmetry properties of the primary branch, we consider the branch that exits with the original symmetry to be the continuation of the primary branch and the others to be secondary branches that originate at the bifurcation point. The notation we used in Figs. 511 when we labeled 2 points B0, B1, B2, BI , etc., has the following property: The congurations in each branch a where a stands for , I , II , III , IV) that show at least one loop with p selfcontacts, but no loop with p 1 contacts, correspond to the

p p points in a between Ba and Ba 1 . In this notation, points 1 1 BI and BII are the same as point B1 and hence are labeled B1, 1 1 and points BIII and BIV are the same as point P. The secondary branch II has a bifurcation point S, at * which a tertiary branch, II , originates. The congurations * have no discernible symmetry; each contains two nonin II congruent loops. As W increases, one loop becomes plectonemic, while the other appears to atten or become more planar as well as tighten or increase in bending energy see Fig. 9 . As shown in Fig. 5 a , the graphs of L versus W for branches , I , II cross the line L W. The congura-

2 FIG. 9. Shown here are: BI , the conguration of smallest writhe 2 in I with two points of self-contact; BII, the conguration of smallest writhe in II with four points of self-contact; S, the congura* tion at the point of tertiary bifurcation of II ; and BII 3 , the con* guration of smallest writhe in II with four points of self-contact.

PRE 61



FIG. 10. Graphs of L versus W, and versus L, for branches , III , and IV . The congurations corresponding to points are shown in Fig. 11.

tions corresponding to those crossing points would remain in equilibrium if the plasmid were nicked. Such points on branch are labeled F and G and marked in Fig. 5 a . At F, d L/dW 1, and hence the corresponding conguration is unstable. Since point G lies between B1 and P, the conguration corresponding to G obeys the condition see Fig. 7 and, since it obeys the condition d L/dW 1, if it is stable, it will remain so when the plasmid is nicked. Analysis of the stability of congurations in branches , * IV , and II requires care. By using the condition, we I can show that not only the contact-free congurations in but also all the congurations with self-contact points that * are in I , II , or II , or are in with W greater than its 2 value at P, or in III between P and BIII, or in IV between P 2 and BIV are unstable, whether or not they obey the E condition. The remaining congurations, namely those in be2 tween B1 and P, those in III with W greater than W(BIII), 2 and those in IV with W greater than W(BIV), obey the condition. Verication that the S condition holds sufces to prove stability, but such verication usually is not easy, because for equilibrium congurations other than those on the branch it is a very difcult matter to prove that B has a local minimum at xed W. Our experience indicates that whenever an equilibrium conguration Z # of a plasmid fails to obey the condition, we can nd a counterexample showing that Z # does not give a strict local minimum to B at xed W see, e.g., Fig. 8 . As we have not been able to nd such counterexamples for

congurations that do obey the condition, we conjecture, with as yet no formal proof, that satisfaction of the condition is not only necessary, but also sufcient for stability of an equilibrium conguration of a plasmid. Consequences of this conjecture of sufciency of the condition for stability of congurations of plasmids will be studied in Appendix A. We consider the development of methods of proving or disproving the validity of the conjecture to be a major open problem in our subject. To give some idea of the importance of the problem, we remark that, if the conjecture is correct, then congurations corresponding to points of the heavy solid curves in Fig. 12 are stable in the sense that they give to strict local minima in the class of congurations with equal L , but, until the validity of the conjecture is established, we can assert with absolute certainty only that the segments of branches which are drawn as light curves in the gure are composed of unstable congurations and the segments of the branches and drawn as heavy curves are composed of stable congurations.


This research was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMS-97-05016 and the U. S. Public Health Service under Grant No. GM34809. D.S. acknowledges support from the Program in Mathematics and Molecular Biology at the Florida State University with funding from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Interfaces Program.

FIG. 11. Selected congurations in branches III and IV .



PRE 61

FIG. 12. Graphs of versus L for the various primary and secondary branches discussed in this paper. Light curves: congurations that do not obey the condition and hence are not stable. Heavy curves: congurations that obey the condition. As the congurations of the branch for which L exceeds its value at A4 open circle have intervals of self-contact, they were computed by an extension of the explicit-solution method employed here and in paper I for congurations showing only a nite number of points of self-contact.


Figure 12 contains graphs of versus L for xed valC/A near the extreme ues of N and D, and two values of points of the range of that has been reported as compatible with experiment. In each case there is a critical value Lc of L such that each conguration in branch gives a global 1.5, Lc 1.123; at minimum to when L Lc at c 0.7, L 1.848) and there is an interval J of values of L Lc for which there are two congurations that obey the condition: A L in and B L in . In this Appendix we discuss matters that can be regarded as extrapolations of results given in the text, and that suggest routes by which one may seek to extend the present theory to the point where it permits treatment of the kinetics of transitions between locally stable congurations. If we assume the validity of the conjecture of sufciency of the condition for stability of equilibrium congurations of plasmids 30 , then, for each L in J, the conguration B L gives a local minimum B L to , and it becomes meaningful to ask questions about the activation energy for a transition from B L to A L . A familiar mountain pass theorem then tells us that, for a given L in J, is no less than the

# minimum ( L) of differences between B L and at unstable equilibrium congurations with the same L. We nd that, as L varies over J, the maximum value, # , of these lower bounds, ( L), is attained at L 1.5, and at L 4.335 for 0.7. L 3.282 for We here focus our attention on the transitions B( L ) A( L ). 1.5 and 0.7, when L L , there are For both four unstable equilibrium congurations close to B( L ): one on each of the secondary branches, I , II , and two on * * * the tertiary branch II . These are labeled BI, BII, BII 1 , BII 2 in Fig. 13. For 1.5 and 0.7, the lower bound of the height # ( L ), is of the energy barriers at L , i.e., attained on two paths, one taking B to A through BII, and the * 1.5, other taking B to A through BII 1 . For 3.48 kcal/mol or 5.6 k B T per molecule at T 310 K; for 0.7, 3.29 kcal/mol or 5.3 k B T.) These, as well as transition paths from B to A involving the congurations BI * and BII 2 , and hence with energy barriers higher than # ( L ) albeit less than 1/2 k B T higher in the case of * the path BBI 2 A are depicted in Fig. 14. The total decrease in for the transition BA at L is

FIG. 13. Graphs of L versus W and versus L for 1.5. The congurations corresponding to points have L L 3.282 and are shown in Fig. 14. The corresponding graphs for 0.7 have the same structure with, of course, a change in L and the values of at * * BI, BII, BII 1 , BII 2 , and A.

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FIG. 14. Transition diagram for congurations with 1.5 and L L 3.282. The conguration labeled A is that which minimizes in the class of congurations with L L , B is a locally stable conguration in , and BI, * * BII, BII 1 , BII 2 are unstable equilibrium congurations. The numbers above the arrows indicating the direction of transitions give the corresponding increments in in units of k B T). An analogous diagram holds for 0.7, which yields L 4.335, increments in as shown in parenthe* * ses, and congurations B, BI, BII, BII 1 , BII 2 and A that with the scale and lines of view employed are nearly indistinguishable from those shown here.

19.4 k B T for 1.5 and 20.5 k B T for 0.7. Our calculation of the congurations A( L ) and their energies for cases in which self-contact occurs in intervals required an extension of the method used elsewhere in the paper. A forthcoming paper will deal with explicit representations of equilibrium congurations with intervals of self-contact. The calculations summarized in Fig. 14, although given for illustrative purposes only, suggest the following conclusion: although the value L of L that maximizes the # lower bound ( L) for the activation energy for a transition from the branch is sensitive to the value of , that # ( L ), is not. maximum,

# guration, Eqs. 2 and 4 yield 2 2 ( T #) 2 I 2 # 2 2 ( L ) . L . Let Z be a conWe suppose rst that 0 L# guration that is not equivalent to Z # and is in an appropriL # , and ately chosen neighborhood of Z # with L(Z) with let Z be the equilibrium conguration in branch ). In view of ) W(Z), and hence with B (Z) W(Z B (Z the fact that, of all congurations with a given value of T, that for which is constant minimizes T , we have (Z) 2 2 T(Z) 2 and, by Eqs. 1 and 4 , T


# T


# B

L #W Z

The fact that for each specied value of the writhe the bending energy B of a miniplasmid is minimized on branch yields a straightforward proof that an equilibrium conguration Z # in , i.e., with C # a circle, is stable if 0 L , and is unstable if L(Z # ) L , L(Z # ) 1 ). That proof goes as folwhere, by Eq. 12 , L lows. According to our denition, an equilibrium conguration Z # of a plasmid is stable if there is a neighborhood of Z # such that for each conguration Z in that neighborhood that has L equal to L(Z # ) and is not equivalent to Z # , there holds (Z) (Z # ). To prove that Z # is unstable, it sufces to show that in each neighborhood of Z # there is a conguration Z with L equal to L(Z # ) and (Z ) (Z # ). Let us write L # , T # , W # , C # , # etc., for L(Z # ), T(Z # ), W(Z # ), C(Z # ), (Z # ), etc. Of course, since C # is a circle, W # 0. In the units employed for B and T in Eqs. 2 , the bending energy of a circle is equal to 2 2 ; # hence B 2 2 . Moreover, the bending energy of a circle is strictly less than the bending energy of all noncircular closed curves. Since is independent of s in an equilibrium con-

OW Z 2 .


Since C(Z) is a closed curve, B (Z) 2 2 . If W(Z) 0, # . If W(Z) 0, then, because L 0, we have (Z) # T # , and in orthen, we have L(Z) L and T(Z) # der for Z to not be equivalent to Z , it must be the case that C Z is not a circle and B (Z) 2 2 , which again yields # . For the remaining possibility, i.e., W(Z) 0, (Z) we note that as W # 0, the neighborhood of Z # in which Z lies can be chosen so that W Z is small and, by Eqs. 12 and 14 with m 2) and the facts that B (Z) 2 2 and W(Z) W(Z), we have


OW Z 2 ,


which, when combined with the relation B1 , yields Z


L# W Z

OW Z 2 , B3

and hence shows that, if the neighborhood of Z # is chosen # , even if W(Z) 0; this small enough, then (Z) # L . completes the proof that Z is stable when L #



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Suppose now that L # L . For each positive number , let Z be the conguration in with writhe W , and let inZ be the conguration with C(Z ) C(Z) that has L # i.e., such that dependent of s and such that L(Z ) L # W . As W 0, the conguration Z apT(Z ) proaches Z # . By Eq. 2 , T (Z ) 2 2 ( L # W ) 2 , and the argument that gave us B2 here yields

1 2
2 2

L W L # 2 L#

L # W 2

2 4

L W O W 2 . B5


W 2 .



Because L # negative, i.e., small.

L , the right-hand side of Eq. B4 is # whenever W is sufciently (Z )

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