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Mission San Luis Rey Parish

4th Sunday of Advent Dec. 18, 2011 Domingo Cuarto de Adviento


Monday Saturday: Parish Chapel - 7:30 a.m. Saturday Masses/Misas: Serra Center - 5:00 p.m., [7:00 p.m. Espaol.] Sunday Masses/Misas: Old Mission - 7:00 a.m. Serra Center - 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., [12:00 p.m. Espaol], 5:00 p.m. and [7:00 p.m. Espaol] (NO 5:00 & 7:00 p.m. Masses on 1/01/12)


Please attend any of the Advent Communal Reconciliation Services listed inside... Call the office for more information/Llama a la oficina para ms informacin Parish Chapel - 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.


Saturday/Sbados: 1st Friday/1er Viernes:


Parish Directory/Directorio Parroquial

Office Hours/Horario de Oficina: Tues./Sat.: 8 -4 pm (760) 757-3250 / Fax. (760) 757-3299 4070 Mission Ave., Oceanside CA 92057
E-mail: Website:


Dear Parish Family,
Peace and all good! Power: the capacity of an individual or a group to exert their will over others. As a nervous college freshman, I dutifully jotted down these words at a lecture. You never know; they just might come up on a test. I didnt reflect much upon this definition at the time, but somehow its come back to memore than four decades later-- this fourth and final week of Advent. Power. These readings are all about powerGods Powerin our world and in our lives. In the first reading, Davids power, juxtaposed with the Lords Power quickly melts down into a form of silly presumptuousness. Go tell my servant David, God instructs the prophet Nathan in a dream. Thus says the Lord: Should you build me a house to dwell in? (2 Samuel: 1-5). David is a king, a big shot, revered and feared by his people. But he forgets that he enjoys his power at the behest of the Lord, who can pull the plug any old time. David understands worldly power, but has conveniently forgotten its true spiritual dimensions and origin. His offer to build a temple for the Lord is exactly as it appears: a gesture that is naively patronizing and condescending. Luckily, the Lord is generous and forgivingand has a sense of humor about His servant David. Mary, on the other hand, does not need to be reminded about who she really is. She understands the true nature of powerof Gods Powerin her life. Gods power is rooted in His Love for all of Creation and all of His creaturesit is not the exertion of force which implies violence or coercion. It is to this Loving Power that Mary offers her consent and surrenderbut not immediately. Mary is no puppet or automaton. She recognizes her God-given powerto think, to reflect, to discern for herself in the freedom of Gods Love. God has put a good, sensible head on her shoulders. Mary pausesnot to deny Gods commandbut to reflect honestly upon the enormous commitment that she has been asked to make. In this weekends Gospel from Luke (1:26-38), we are told that Mary is greatly troubled and that she pondered upon the meaning and implications of the angel Gabriels message and invitation from God to become the mother of Jesus. Mary understands clearly that Gods Power is her freedom. She is a human being; she needs to consider everything that she knows about herself, everything that she has experienced of Gods presence of her life; everything that she has been taught about God and herself by her family and tradition. And when she has completed this process (the Scriptures dont tell us how long this took!),

Fr. Charles Chuck Talley, OFM - Pastor: (760) 757-3250 x114/ Fr. Adrian Peelo, OFM - Associate Pastor: (760) 757-3250 x123/ Fr. Luis Guzman, OFM - Associate Pastor: (760) 757-3250 x107/

Old Mission - (760) 757-3651 Fr. Laurence Dolan, OFM - Old Mission Guardian Fr. David Gaa, OFM - Old Mission Executive Director Fr. Andrs Rivero, OFM Fr. Michael Dallmeier, OFM - Old Mission Cemetery Chaplain


Fr. Adrian Peelo, OFM: Liturgical Coordinator/Coord de Liturgia (760) 757-3250 x123 / Guadalupe Lupe Rios: Director of Worship/Dir. De Alabanza (760) 547-0709/ Allen Hartman-Business Manager/Gerente de Negocios (760) 547-0705 / Malia Campbell-Bookkeeper/Contadora (760) 547-0711 / Shirley Gonzalez-Parish Secretary/Secretaria (760) 547-0706/ Karen Willson: Digital Media/Medios de Comunicacin (760) 547-0701/ Carmen Parra: Social Concerns Director/Dir. de Asuntos Sociales (760) 547-0708 Maricela Rivadeneyra: Receptionist/Recepcionista (760) 547-0735 / Christie Herrera: Receptionist & Scheduler/Recepcionista-Calendario (760) 547-0734 /


(760) 547-0734 / Bill Bischoff - Director of Catechetical Ministry (760) 547-0702/ Larry LaGrasta - Coordinator of English Elementary/Jr. High (760) 547-0712/ Elena Zavala - Coordinator of Spanish Elementary (760) 547-0715/


Pre-K - 8th / (760) 757-3232 / Wanda King - Principal [Off. Hrs.: 7:45 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.]


(760) 757-3651 / Terry Hawthorne - Cemetery x133 Retreat Center - (760) 757-3659


(760) 583-3393

2 | MISSION SAN LUIS REY PARISH, Oceanside, California December 18, 2011

she gives her consent freely, openly, completely, and without reserve. She willingly concedes her power to Gods Power. And she is free. Free to be the Mother of Jesus, the Mother of God. Free to be her best and truest self, regardless of what any other person/ people should think or do or say about her. This freedom is both her choice and Gods great gift. Lets be honest: for us, in our time, this freedom to accept the transforming Power of Gods Love and Life in our lives is frankly quite overwhelming. It is much easier to sentimentalize Marys story and struggle; to tame it into a quaintly romantic fairy tale. But the intrinsic Power of Gods Living Word breaks through our flight and fright. The challenge given to Mary is one given to each of us at the Advent of Christs coming: to let go of our selfcenteredness, and our self-centered fears to allow Christ to be born in our hearts and in our world. In our surrender, Gods saving Power is made manifest. And in our surrender, we are freed and free. Blessed be God forever! God bless,

that there are many demands on your resources, and many charitable organizations asking for your gift, just remember that what you give to your church is used right here. It may be for food for the needy, education for our youth, or services to other sectors of our community, but it stays here. If there is a special need that you would like your gift to address just say so with a note and we will honor your wish. Thank you for all that you do and all that you give. Our parish is stronger and better able to cope with local needs because of your gifts.

Every year our parishioners and visitors at Christmas are very generous with a special Christmas collection. This year with Christmas falling on Sunday your parish still needs your generosity. Please be generous with your special Christmas gift while not forgetting your regular weekly contribution. Allen Hartman


Our Parish Offices and Buildings will be CLOSED from

Fr. Chuck

noon on Sat. Dec. 24, 2011 thru January 2, 2012. For Anointing of the Sick emergencies or for
parish funeral planning during this closure, please call our Emergency line at 760-583-3393.

STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE With gratitude for the gifts they have received, parishioners and visitors made a joyful return to the Lord of the following:
Collection for the weekend of 12/11/11: Plate Collection: $4,599.95 Envelope Collection: $10,533.05 EFT Envelope Collection: $802.00 On-line Giving: $228.00 Our Lady of Guadalupe: $1,505.00 Immaculate Conception: $3,003.00 TOTAL SUNDAY COLLECTION: $20,671.00 (donations used toward parish operating expenses) OTHER: SPECIAL COLLECTION: Retirement for Religious $4,409.00 (donations for Diocesan Religious) TOTAL COLLECTIONS: $25,080.00 Average weekly collection for the parish operating expenses this fiscal year to date: $21,307 Our weekly target is: $24,400.00 ***DEFICIT OF $74,232 TO DATE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012.***


Sacristans assistants learn about and participate in the liturgical life of our parish. Assistants are needed to prepare the worship areas for the Eucharist, baptisms and special services. Sacristans care for our silver and brass vessels, linens, liturgical hangings and candles. If you have a special interest in liturgy consider joining the Sacristans. We encourage men and women to participate. Duties vary to accommodate work schedules. Training is provided. For more info., call Penny Huber at (760) 433-3731 or Jo Grady at (760) 622-9901.


Grief Support Ministry Grief: A Healing Journey, provides ongoing emotional support and information for people in the midst of their grief as well as the process of healing. Trained and experienced facilitators will guide the group by providing participants the opportunity to share experiences, thoughts and feelings with others who are in similar situations. The purpose of this group is peer group support, NOT therapy. For more information, please call (760) 757-3651 x164 to leave your name and phone number. Someone will contact you regarding the specifics of the next group session. December 18, 2011 Fourth Sunday of Advent | 3


If you have been reading the business section of either of our local papers you have no doubt noticed that the year end tax advice columns are starting to appear. The last quarter of the year is the time to take the necessary actions to reduce that tax liability that looms just around the corner. Many folks choose charitable giving as the avenue to reduce those taxes. If this is your plan please do not forget our parish. If you need to make a mandatory IRA withdrawal this can be done directly to the church and tax can be avoided. We know

Concerned about your marriage?

(OPEN: Sunday after Masses 8am-12pm/Thurs. 10am3pm. For more info., call Pat Thompson 760-433-8433) YOUR LIBRARY NEEDS YOU!
Starting January 21, 2012, the Parish Library will open Saturdays 9AM to 12 Noon. But we need 2 to 4 library stewards to do this. Shifts can be 9AM-10:30AM and 10:30-12 noon. Training will be provided. If you love books, meeting people & keeping things orderly, call Pat Thompson 760/433-8433.

A lifeline for marriages

The program is Catholic in origin. Couples of all faiths and those of no particular faith tradition are welcome. Christian Multi-Denomination (CMD) weekends may also be available in some areas. The program consists of a weekend experience combined with post weekend sessions. The program provides the tools to help put your marriage in order again. The main emphasis is on communication between husband and wife. The program offers you the opportunity to rediscover each other and examine your lives together in a new and positive way. For more information, call 1-800-470-2230 or visit The Parish Childrens Choir is looking for parishioners to help sponsor us with donations to get choir robes. If you can help, please write a check to the parish and specify that its for the childrens choir robes. If youd like more information, you can contact our Director of Worship, Lupe Rios, at Thank you!

NEEDED: Library Coordinator for Parish Library

Training & support will be provided by the outgoing Coordinator. Skills needed: passion for books & ability to keep things in order, plus enjoying people. Some weekly time commitment required. If you only 'suspect' you might enjoy this ministry, please call Pat Thompson 760/433-8433.


Most of us are aware that ours is a Franciscan parish. But if you arent clear about what that means, our library collection on the Franciscans includes many books about this religious order which makes our parish unique. G. K. Chestertons book, St. Francis of Assisi, is a biographical portrait of a very human St. Francis, born into a society moving from the medieval world toward the emerging Renaissance. He portrays the disillusioned soldier who wholeheartedly embraces a life of joyful poverty and service to others. He describes St. Francis view of a world reflecting God in all people, creatures and things. In Tales of St. Francis, Ancient Stories for Contemporary Living, Murray Bodo uses a variety of sources and legends about St. Francis to demonstrate the saints love and courage living in a materialistic world. And Marco Bartoli, in his book Saint Clare Beyond the Legend, tells the story of the enthusiastic first woman follower of St. Francis. This young founder of the Poor Clares from her cloistered monastery at San Damaino becomes the custodian of Franciscan history through her writings.


Please sponsor a family to receive a generous Christmas Food Basket by donating $40.00 per family for everything needed for a delicious meal. Please mark your check food baskets and place it in the collection. We are not setting a goal but will do the best we can with what we receive to see that local families are able to enjoy the peace that comes with a full stomach and the knowledge that someone truly cares. Any donations of turkeys, hams, desserts, or in-date canned goods are greatly appreciated. Donations may be brought to the Social Concerns Department in the Loretto House during normal parish business hours. FAMILIES SPONSORED TO DATE: 224 Can you help with our ANGEL TREE? Located in Serra Center and the parish chapel, these trees have Angels with the name, age and sex of a local child who needs you to be a special Santa. Please bring your donations of unwrapped gifts or gift cards directly to the Social Concerns Department behind the main parish building. If you would like us to purchase your present, we suggest a donation of $20.00 per Angel gift. If you want information on sponsoring an entire family with both food and gifts, please contact me at ext. 108. Our sincere thanks to each one of you who make this department and these projects possible. God bless you and may your holiday be filled with blessings and true peace. Carmen Parra - Director of Social Concerns


Let us remind ourselves and others that Christ is the reason for this Season! Your car magnet is just $5.00 and is available after Mass. Proudly attach your magnet to your vehicle. Proceeds will benefit Seminarians studying to become Priests.


...who can burnish small letters into the wood frames around the Canticle of Creatures stained glass windows in Serra Center. This will resolve the problem of stick-on letters being rubbed off. If you can help your parish with this project, please contact Pat Thompson at 760-433-8433.

4 | MISSION SAN LUIS REY PARISH, Oceanside, California December 18, 2011


Mrs. Jane Guinn, Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Diparisi, Seor & Seora Jos Aguilln, Seor & Seora Martn Gatica, Seor Abel Prez, Mr. James Cooper, Ms. Jannet Villareal, Seor & Seora Jos Luis Pastrana, Mr. Jhoemar Carmen, Seor & Seora Enrique Velzquez, Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Salazar, Miss Jenny Vergara, Mr. Voltaire Vergara, Ms Gemma Lacy, Seor & Seora Claudio Miguel, Seor & Seora Angel Amparn, Mr. & Mrs. Perry Waters, Seor & Seora Javier Gonzlez, Mr. & Mrs. Jos Garca, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Parish, Seor & Seora Filimn Prez, Mr. & Mrs. Lou Tickel, Miss Carla Larrazabal, Mr. Armando Lopez Jr, Juan Camacena, Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Macapagal, Mrs. Ana Arroyo, Mr. & Mrs. Felipe Hernandez, Mr. & Mrs. Mariano Cobian, Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Gonzalez, Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Sanchez, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Olmo, Ms Jennifer See, Seor & Seora Antonio Avendano, Kendra Sandoval, Ms. Janice McNatt, Seor & Seora Pedro Venegas, Mr. Salvador Vega, Mr. Chi Tran & Ms Charlene Villegas-Tran, Dr. Vanessa Perez, Mr. Jason Dempsey

FRESH AND EASY This is EASY! If you do your shopping at "Fresh & Easy Market", keep your receipts. Fresh & Easy Markets supports OMMS with your patronage. The more "Fresh & Easy" receipts OMMS collects, the more money they will earn. If you have a receipt from "Fresh & Easy", please drop it off at the OMMS Office or the Parish Office before Dec 22nd. GIFT CARDS If you like to give Gift Cards as presents or use Gift Cards yourself, purchase them through our Parish School -OMMS. You can order Gift Cards to many merchants and Restaurants through OMMS. You buy a Gift Card and use 100% of the value, while a portion of the amount goes to OMMS. To see a list of Gift Cards you can buy, go to our Council website or Visit You can order Gift Cards online or through the OMMS office. Please Support our School! by attending

Go to the website below to see the Catholic Parents Community's new blog. Our topic this week is: Getting your children excited about their Catholic Faith. Please feel free to subscribe and comment. We will all grow in faith as we share our experiences and Catholic insights. Stay tuned for future CPC topics!

Let no one have contempt for your youth, but be an example for those who believe, in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity. (1 Timothy 4:12) TODAY!! Sun. Dec. 18: Youth Mass at 5:00 p.m. Serra Center and sock drive! Bring a clean pair of socks. Socks are always needed in Social Concerns. All high school youth are welcome! Todos los jvenes de prepa estn invitados! Thank you for supporting our parish youth! For more information, contact us at 760-547-0717, or visit us on ...

TORREY PINES GOLF COURSE, JANUARY 23-29, 2012 The School is raising funds to benefit physical education and outdoor recreation. With your support we will be able to replenish playground and sports equipment and maintain the athletic field and outdoor physical activity areas. For ONLY $17, you can purchase a ticket to attend one of the most well known golf tournaments on the PGA TOUR Farmers Insurance Open. This ticket is good for a one-day entry into the tournament ANY DAY during this weeklong event. This is a significant reduction from the weekend ticket price of $32 at the gate. And, Old Mission Montessori School earns $15 for each ticket sold from this sale. Checks are accepted and should be made payable to: OMMS. Tickets are available at the School Office or the Parish Office. These tickets make great gifts for co-workers, business associates, friends and family, and they are a great deal! Thank you for supporting OMMS!


For a special Christmas gift, check out the festive dish gardens at the Welcome Center. They are unique and reasonably priced, from $5 on up. Especially featured at the Gift Shop and Welcome Center are small terrariums with Mission logo etched in the glass for only $25. For more information on these events and other events, visit or call Linda Causee at 760-757-3651, ext 127. December 18, 2011 Fourth Sunday of Advent | 5


NO classes for Pre-school and Kindergarten on 12/25 and 1/1 NO classes for Middle School on 12/20 and 12/27 NO classes for the Confirmation Program on 12/20 and 12/27


LESSONS OF FAITH: Classes are completed for the rest of the 2011 year. They will resume on Jan. 10, 2012. Topic will be announced in a future bulletin.


Happy Birthday To: Anne Wiker 12/16, Maria Belcher 12/17, Fe Castro 12/18, Edgar Cedeno 12/18, Edgar Flores-Duenas 12/18, Esmeralda Gonzalez 12/18, Maria Torres 12/19, Britni Knoerl 12/20, Manuel Ybarra 12/20, Judith Hatch 12/21, Lourdes Quintero 12/21, Esperanza Barrera 12/22, Alexandro Hernandez 12/22, Juliana Hernandez 12/22, Jean ONeil 12/22.
Vincent Abate, Afasene Family, Jos Ameli-Garca, Cathy Archuleta, Sylvia V. Bagon, Ernesto Bazua, Richard Becker, John & Mary Fran Blankemeier, Geraldine Braun, Sarah Buzan, Candelaria Castelln, Christian Chavez, Gregory Chvez, Jim Clifford, Rosie Concepcion, Marge Dealy, Marie DeDonno, Dee Dismuke, Agnes Douglas, Einar Dyblie, Gunnery Sgt. Richard Grant Estudillo (Deployed 4/3/2010 to Afghanistan) Jean Feehan, Francisco Fernandez, Maurizio Fernandez, Jack Flatau, Fr. Jerry Frister, Mary Gall, Francisco & Mara Garca, Emma Chavez, Jim Gibson, Virginia Gies, Clare Giska, Jo Grady, Alice Greffly, Gonzalo Gonzalez, George & June Gray, Jonathan Guerra, Amelia Guerrero, Jane Guinn, Genevieve Haase, Frances A. Hanger, Carlos Harrison, Christine Harms, Jane Heim, Ramona Hernandez, Ron Hill, Beatrice Hoyt, Mary Jackson, Helen Johnson, Lorene Kimbrel, Theresa Kocheran, Jeanne Kopp, Robert Kremer, Jim Long, Marilyn Macken, Angelina Manalo, Cassandra Marvin, Deborah McLeod, Cullen McGovern-in Iraq, Greg & Cynthia Mendez, Ramon Mendoza, Rosalba Mendoza, Albert J. Middlesworth, Patrice Miller, Luz Mora, Herman Mosqueda, Christian Navarro (deployed to Afghanistan Nov. 2010), Jazmin Navarro, Sylvester Nwizu, Shirley ONeil, Ken Owen, Alesio & Elsie Pele, Sheila, & Anastasia Pele, Imeleta Pele, Maria Pele, Gabriel Pele, Bro. Mo Peltier, George & Connie Pichel, Gina Ponce, Thelma Poorman, Julia Prendergast, Samuel Ramirez, Madeline Raymond, Rose Marie Reno, Beryl Rulon, Max & Eva Ruiz, Ed Sadkowski, Elaine Cruz Salas, Anita Saldaa, Gonzala Santos, Irene Sarrazin, Ruth Schneider, Dottie Schultz, Joseph F. Schwartz, Anne Stillman, Cele Suminski, Dorothy Sweeney, Elizabeth Sweeney, Patrick Sweeney, Robert F. Szabad, Roy Timerman, Stella Thil, Sally Thomas, Andrew Toma, Myrna Uy, Leticia Villanueva, George Weaver, Tim Weber, Patti Wiley. Family & Friends of Parishioners: [Unless an update is given to the Parish Office, names will be kept on the list for a month only.] Inez Anguiano 12/18, Melba Bishop 12/4, Val Borromeo 11/13, Gina Deluca 11/27, Howard Desflores 12/4, Alex Doyle 12/11, Dave Flatau 12/11, Peter Gall 12/4, Lt. Col. Paul Garcia (deployed to Iraq), Msgr. Joe George 12/11, Msgr. Al George 12/11, Michael Giannelli 12/4, Brian Keith 10/30, William Keith 12/4, Diane Kelly 12/4, Dave Kennedy 11/27, Larry Krumwiede 12/4, USMC, Sgt. Israel Matos, USMC (wounded in Afghanistan), Bud Merriman 12/4, Severa Napoles 11/13, Ahyda Paiva 11/13, Corporal Jason Pacheco, Ramon Rodriguez 11/20, Duane Reno 12/11, Dustin Reno 12/11, Don Ross 12/4, Sgt. Walter Sanderson [deployed 5/2010], Don Sandling 12/4, Sgt. Major Vince Santiago (Afghanistan), Jan Spires 12/4, Don Sandling 12/18, Nick Timerman 12/4, Beti Villanueva 12/18, Melissa Widener 12/18, Hospital: Octavio Vidrio, Elvira Hernandez (mother of Alfredo), Katiuscia Iccabella, Ivan Escobar, Dennis Salasm, Martha Yetes, Faith St. Denis, Moises Martinez, Epifanio Jun Villacruz (Veterens Hospital). Death: Vincent J. Vitali (husband of Marie), Don Sandling (Marthas N O U R I S H M E N T F O R Y O U R S O U L son)

Our Parishioners Asking For Prayers: [Please contact the Parish Off. to add or remove a parishioners name from the list.]



December 24 to December 31, 2011 (A Week Ahead)
Sat., December 24 - Christmas Eve: 4:00 p.m. SC +Domingo Mangaliag 6:00 p.m. SC +Thomas Inglesby, Sr. 8:00 pm (Sp) SC Por Nuestra Comunidad 10:00 p.m. SC +Maria T. Torress 12:00 Midnight OM +Olga Ghirardelli Sun., December 25 - Christmas Day: 7:00 a.m. OM +Jesus & Benigna Juarez 8:00 a.m. SC +Guillermo Cubillos 10:00 a.m. SC Parish People 12:00 pm (Sp) SC +Rosario Michel Mon., December 26: 7:30 a.m. PC Tues., December 27: 7:30 a.m. PC Wed., December 28: 7:30 a.m. PC Thurs., December 29: 7:30 a.m. PC Fri., December 30: 7:30 a.m. PC Sat., December 31: 7:30 p.m. PC +Mary S Gambino +Gale Corda +Dick Wood +Leticia & Raymond Gastelum +Michael Giannelli +Rosann Couto

First Reading -- I will fix a place for my people. I will plant them so that they may dwell in their place without further disturbance (2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16.) Psalm -- Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord (Psalm 89.) Second Reading -- To the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, be glory forever and ever (Romans 16:25-27.) Gospel -- Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word (Luke 1:26-38.)
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.


Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Lk 1:5-25 Is 7:10-14; Lk 1:26-38 Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a; Lk 1:39-45 1 Sm 1:24-28; Lk 1:46-56 Mal 3:1-4, 23-24; Lk 1:57-66 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Lk 1:67-79 Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25] Midnight: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96; Ti 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14 Dawn: Is 62:11-12; Ps 97; Ti 3:4-7; Lk 2:15-20 Day: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14]

SC - Serra Center; OM - Old Mission; PC - Parish Chapel

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Sunday, December 18 through Saturday, December 24, 2011 Domingo 18 de diciembre hasta el sbado 24 de diciembre del 2011 SUNDAY, December 18, 2011 - Fourth Sunday of Advent (Purple)
Sunday Masses: Old Mission: 7:00 a.m. | Serra Ctr.: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., [12:00 p.m. Spanish] and 5:00 p.m. [7:00p.m. Spanish] Library Open: 8:00-12:00 noon: Parish Center Parent Ministry: Dining Rm. - 9:00-9:50 a.m. Faith Formation: 1-6 grade: Parish & McKeon Ctrs:. 9-9:50 Faith Formation: Preschool & Kindergarten: Parish & McKeon Ctrs.: 10-11:15 a.m. Bookstore: before/after 8/10 a.m. Masses - Serra Ctr. Foyer

DOMINGO, 18 de diciembre del 2011 - Cuarto Domingo de Adviento (Morado)

MISAS: Misin Antigua - 7:00 a.m. (ingls) Centro Serra - 8:00 a.m. (ingls), 10:00 a.m. (ingls), 12:00 p.m. (espaol - Padre Andrs), 5:00 p.m. (ingls) y 7:00 p.m. (espaol) Clases de Educacin Religiosa grados 1-6: 10:40-11:45 a.m. Centro Parroquial & McKeon Clases de Educacin Religiosa pre-escolar y knder Centro Parroquial & McKeon: 12:00-1:00 p.m. Posada/Convivencia: Centro McKeon - 6:30 p.m.

MONDAY, December 19, 2011 - Parish Offices Closed

[For Anointing of the Sick emergencies and/or funerals, call (760) 583-3393] Simbang Gabi: Chapel 6:30 p.m.

LUNES, 19 de diciembre del 2011 - Oficinas Cerradas

[En caso de emergencia, uncin para los enfermos o funeral llame a un Sacerdote al 760-583-3393] Posada/Convivencia: Centro McKeon - 6:30 p.m.

TUESDAY, December 20, 2011

Daily Parish Chapel Mass: 7:30 a.m. Charismatic Prayer Mtg.: Mission Clare Room - 10:30 a.m. NO Lessons of Faith: Resumes Jan 10, 2012 NO Youth Faith Formation 6-12 grades Simbang Gabi: Chapel 6:30 p.m.

MARTES, 20 de diciembre del 2011

Oracin de Intercesin: Capilla - 5:00 p.m. Ensayo del Coro de Grupo de Oracin: Centro Serra 7:00 p.m. a 9:00 p.m. Clase de Msica (Lupe 760-547-0709): Saln de Msica 7:30 p.m. No habr Clases de Educacin Religiosa grados 7-12 Posada/Convivencia: Centro McKeon - 6:30 p.m.

WEDNESDAY, December 21, 2011

Daily Parish Chapel Mass: 7:30 a.m. BINGO (x145): McK Ctr. open at 9:00 a.m., starts 11:30 am NO Bible Study Shepherds Choir Rehearsal: Music Rm. - 7:00 p.m. Youth Choir Rehearsal: Serra Center - 7:00 p.m. Centering Prayer: McKeon Center Rm. #12 - 7:00 p.m. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotion: Chapel - 7:00 p.m. Samoan Youth Mtg.: Rm. #201 - 6:30 p.m. Simbang Gabi: Chapel 6:30 p.m.

MIERCOLES, 21 de diciembre del 2011

Da de: San Pedro Canisio Posada/Convivencia: Centro McKeon - 6:30 p.m.

THURSDAY, December 22, 2011

Daily Parish Chapel Mass: 7:30 a.m. NO Bible Study NO Youth Ministry Gathering Filipino Choir Rehearsal: Music Room - 7:00 p.m. NO Bilingual First Communion Prep Class Simbang Gabi: Chapel 6:30 p.m.

JUEVES, 22 de diciembre del 2011

Da de: el Primer Da de Invierno No habr Grupo de Oracin Posada/Convivencia: Centro McKeon - 6:30 p.m.

FRIDAY, December 23, 2011

VIERNES, 23 de diciembre del 2011

Da de: San Juan de Kanty Posada/Convivencia: Centro McKeon - 6:30 p.m.

Daily Parish Chapel Mass: 7:30 a.m. Simbang Gabi: Chapel 6:30 p.m.


NO Daily Parish Chapel Mass, Intercessory Prayer, Sacrament of Reconciliation-See the back page for info., BINGO or : 5:00 p.m. English & 7:00 p.m. Spanish CHRISTMAS EVE MASS SCHEDULE: Serra Center: 4:00 p.m. Childrens Mass (English), 6:00 p.m. Family Mass (English), 8:00 p.m. (Spanish), 10:00 p.m. (English) Old Mission Church: *12:00 Midnight Mass (English) (*Call 760-757-3250 for reservations)
(See the back page for the complete Mass schedule)

SABADO, 24 de diciembre del 2011 - NOCHE BUENA (Oficinas cierran del medio da hasta el 1/02/12
Misas - Centro Serra:
4:00 p.m. (ingls), 6:00 p.m. (ingls), 8:00 p.m. (espaol) y 10:00 p.m. (ingls)

Misa - Misin Antigua:

12:00 medianoche (ingls - con reservacin solamente)

Las Oficinas estarn cerradas a partir del medioda del 24 de dic. al 2 de enero del 2012
December 18, 2011 Fourth Sunday of Advent | 7

Del Escritorio del Prroco

Querida Familia Parroquial,
Paz y todo bien! Poder: la capacidad de un individuo o un grupo de ejercer su voluntad sobre otros. Como un universitario nervioso de primer ao, yo anot obedientemente estas palabras en una conferencia. Tu nunca sabes; estas podran resultar en un examen. En ese momento yo no hice mucha reflexin sobre esta definicin, pero de alguna forma ha vuelto a mims de cuatro dcadas despus -esta semana cuarta y ltima de Adviento. Poder. Todas estas lecturas tratan sobre el poderel Poder de Diosen nuestro mundo y en nuestras vidas. En la primera lectura, el poder de David, en contraste al poder del Seor, es disminudo a ser una presuntuosidad absurda. Ve y habla con mi siervo David, Dios instruye al profeta Natn en un sueo. Yo, el Seor, he dicho: No sers t quien me construya un templo para que habite en l? (2 Samuel: 1-5.) David es un rey, un mandams, reverenciado y temido por su pueblo. Pero se le olvida que l disfruta de su poder por el mandato del Seor, quien puede quitarle el poder en cualquier momento. David entiende el poder mundano, pero ha olvidado convenientemente la verdadera dimensin espiritual y origen. Su oferta de construir un templo para el Seor es exactamente como parece: un gesto ingenuamente condescendiente. Afortunadamente, el Seor es generoso y clementey tiene un sentido del humor sobre su discpulo David. Mara, por otro lado, no necesita ser recordada sobre quin realmente ella es. Ella entiende la verdadera naturaleza del Poderdel Poder de Diosen su vida. El poder de Dios es una raz del Su amor por toda la creacin y por todas Sus criaturasno es un esfuerzo excesivo que implica violencia o coercin. Es a este Poder Amoroso que Mara ofrece su consentimiento y entregapero no inmediatamente. Mara no es un ttere o una autmata. Ella reconoce su poder dadopor Dios para pensar, reflexionar, para discernir por s misma en la libertad del amor de Dios. Dios ha puesto una cabeza buena y sensible en sus hombros. Mara hace una pausano para negarse al comando de Dios sino para reflejar honestamente sobre el compromiso enorme que se le ha pedido a ella hacer. En el Evangelio de este fin de semana de Lucas (1:26-38), se nos dice que Mara est muy turbada y que ella reflexion sobre el significado e implicaciones del mensaje del ngel Gabriel y la invitacin de Dios de convertirse en la madre de Jess. Mara entiende claramente que el Poder de Dios es su salvacin. Ella es un ser humano; debe considerar todo lo que ella sabe de s misma, todo lo que ella ha experimentado de la presencia de Dios en su vida;
Contina en la siguiente columna...

todo lo que a ella se le ha enseado sobre Dios y sobre ella misma por parte de su familia y de la tradicin y cuando ella haya realizado este proceso (las Escrituras no nos dicen cuanto tiempo ella se tomo!), ella da su consentimiento libremente, abiertamente, completamente y sin reservas. Ella concede de buena voluntad su poder al Poder de Dios. Y ella es libre. Libre para ser la Madre de Jess, la Madre de Dios. Libre para ser ella misma mejor y ms verdadera, sin tener en cuenta lo que cualquier otra persona/gente pudieran pensar o hacer o decir sobre ella. Esta libertad es su decisin y tambin el gran regalo de Dios. Seamos honestos: para nosotros, en nuestro tiempo, esta libertad de aceptar el Poder de la transformacin del Amor y Poder de Dios en nuestras vidas es francamente bastante abrumador. Es mucho ms fcil ponerse sentimental de la historia y lucha de Mara; a tomarla en un cuento de hadas pintoresco y romntico. Pero el Poder intrnseco de la Palabra Viviente de Dios penetra nuestro vuelo y nuestro temor. El reto dado a Mara es uno que se nos da a cada uno de nosotros en el Adviento de la Venida de Cristo: dejar ir de nuestro ego-centrismo, y nuestros auto-temores centrados para permitir a Cristo nacer en nuestros corazones y en nuestro mundo. En nuestra entrega, el Poder de la salvacin de Dios se manifiesta. Y en nuestra entrega, nosotros somos liberados y libres. Bendito sea Dios por siempre! Dios los bendiga, Padre Chuck

Ao de Planificacin Final
Si tu has estado leyendo la seccin de negocios en cualquiera de nuestros peridicos locales sin duda te has dado cuenta que las columnas de asesoramiento de la planificacin de impuestos del fin de ao ya comienzan a aparecer. El ltimo trimestre del ao es el momento necesario para tomar una accin para reducir la responsabilidad de los impuestos que est a la vuelta de la esquina. Muchas personas escogen dar donaciones caritativas para reducir sus impuestos. Si este es tu plan, por favor no te olvides de nuestra parroquia. Si tu necesitas hacer un retiro obligatorio de tu IRA este puede hacerse directamente a la iglesia y evitar el impuesto. Sabemos que hay muchas demandas de tus recursos, y muchas organizaciones caritativas pidiendo tu regalo, solo recuerda que lo que tu das a la iglesia se utiliza aqu mismo. Puede ser para alimentar al menos privilegiado, educacin para los jvenes, o servicios para otros sectores de nuestra comunidad, pero se queda aqu. Si hay una necesidad especial que tu desearas que tu regalo sea utilizado solo djanoslo saber con una nota y nosotros honraremos tu deseo. Gracias por todo lo que haces y por todo lo que nos das. Nuestra parroquia es ms fuerte y enfrenta mejor las necesidades locales por tus regalos.
Allen Hartman, Gerente de Negocios

8 | PARROQUIA MISION SAN LUIS REY, Oceanside, California 18 de diciembre del 2011

Se han estado haciendo muchas preguntas ahora, que estamos celebrando la Misa con la traduccin nueva del Misal Romano. Cada otra semana una de las preguntas ser dirigida (ojal!) PREGUNTA #1 En la consagracin ahora estamos usando la palabra cliz en vez de copa como lo hacamos antes. Por qu? RESPUESTA Hay dos palabras en latn para tomar del recipiente: poculum es el trmino genrico para cualquier tipo de recipiente de bebida y usualmente es traducido como copa. La palabra calix en latn significa cliz sin embargo es usada ms exclusivamente para un recipiente de comunin, destinado a ser compartido con otros bebedores.* En la traduccin de la Biblia en latn, la vulgata por San Gernimo, la palabra griega proterion en las palabras de la consagracin se traduce como calix, como una dimensin comunal presente. Similarmente, los textos del Misal, siempre han usado calix (cliz) en vez de poculum (copa) en las palabras de constitucin y consagracin. Esta decisin es reforzada por la practica de ciertos protestantes y reformadores en intencionalmente remover la palabra cliz de su traduccin debido a una conexin percibida entre la palabra cliz, y la naturaleza sacrificial de la Misa. *La importancia de la dimensin comunal del cliz es evidente por la retraccin rpida por la Dicesis Phoenix en declaraciones por su Oficina de Liturgia sobre posibles restricciones de a recepcin de la comunin bajo las dos especies. En los Estados Unidos, la comunin siendo recibida bajo las dos especies es la norma y de ser celebrada como tal. Bill Bischoff, Director de Catequesis

Primera lectura El Seor promete a David que su casa permanecer para siempre (2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16). Salmo Cantar eternamente las misericordias del Seor (Salmo 89 [88]). Segunda lectura Pablo ora para que Dios sea glorificado mediante Jesucristo (Romanos 16:25-27). Evangelio El ngel Gabriel anuncia a Mara que ella concebir al hijo de Dios (Lucas 1:26-38).

Lunes: Martes: Mircoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sbado: Domingo: Jue 13:2-7, 24-25a; Lc 1:5-25 Is 7:10-14; Lc 1:26-38 Cant 2:8-14 o Sof 3:14-18a; Lc 1:39-45 1 Sm 1:24-28; Lc 1:46-56 Mal 3:1-4, 23-24; Lc 1:57-66 2 Sam 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Lc 1:67-79 Vigilia: Is 62:1-5; Sal 89 (88); Hch 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25] Medianoche: Is 9:1-6; Sal 96 (95); Ti 2:11-14; Lc 2:1-14 Alborada: Is 62:11-12; Sal 97 (96); Ti 3:4-7; Lc 2:15-20 Da: Is 52:7-10; Sal 98 (97); Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14]

El Angel le dio seguridad a Mara. Qu seguridad te trae la Navidad a ti? SE EST DESTRUYENDO TU FAMILIA POR TUS PROBLEMAS MATRIMONIALES? Se sienten perdidos y solos? Ests frustrado, herido o enojado con tu pareja? Estn constantemente peleando? Han pensado sobre una separacin o el divorcio? Entonces RETROUVAILLE (Redescubrir) LES PUEDE AYUDAR! Para ms informacin, llamen al 619-423-0182.

El Comit Hispano

les da las ms sinceras gracias a toda la comunidad y a todos los ministerios que participaron en la Celebracin de Ntra. Sra. De Guadalupe. Muchas gracias por su apoyo y su presencia en el Triduo y en la celebracin a la Virgencita, a todos los ministerios que vendieron sus ricos antojitos, a los coros que participaron, a nuestros sacerdotes y a Guadalupe Lupe Ros por su valiosa ayuda en el evento. Que Dios los bendiga a todos.

CURSOS DIOCESANOS - ENERO 2012 Curso de Formacin de la Fe de Adultos

Presentadora: Enedina Saucedo
Un curso de cinco semanas (8, 15, 22 y 29 de enero y 5 de febrero) para la especializacin en la formacin de la Fe de adultos. Para ms informacin, comunquense con Enedina Saucedo al 8558-790-8237 o a


tambin los invitamos a las Posadas, que se llevarn a cabo del 16 al 23 de diciembre a las 6:30 p.m. en el Centro McKeon.


Invitamos a todos los nios que van a asistir a la Misa de 4:00 p.m. de Noche Buena a vestirse de pastores o de ngeles para reunirse en una pequea celebracin alrededor del Pesebre antes de la Liturgia. As es que, paps y mams empiecen a trabajar en esos vestuarios!

CO-RESPONSABILIDAD DEL TESORO Cada ao en Navidad nuestros feligreses y visitantes son muy generosos con nuestra colecta especial de Navidad. Este ao, la Navidad cae en domingo pero tu parroquia an necesita de tu generosidad. Por favor sean generosos con su regalo especial de Navidad sin olvidar su contribucin semanal regular.

18 de diciembre del 2011

Cuarto Domingo de Adviento | 9

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Our parish will NOT be holding the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturdays now thru 12/31. We encourage you to attend any of the following services during this Advent. St. Mark (760-744-1540) - San Marcos Dec. 19, 6:30 p.m. St. Peter (760-728-7034) Fallbrook Dec. 20, 6:00 p.m. Fulfills Christmas Day Obligation Saturday, December 24, 2011
(NO Reconciliation, 7:30 a.m., 5:00 or 7:00 p.m. Masses)

Old Mission Church: *12:00 Midnight Mass (English) (*Call 760-757-3250 for reservations) Holy Day Of Obligation Sunday, December 25, 2011 (NO 5:00 or 7:00 p.m. Masses) Old Mission Church: 7:00 a.m. (English) Serra Center: 8:00 a.m. (English), 10:00 a.m. (English), and 12:00 noon (Spanish) Sat. 12/31 and Sun 1/1 Saturday: Serra: 5:00 p.m. and [7:00 p.m. Sp] Sunday: OM 7:00 a.m. Serra: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. [12noon Spanish], CORRECTION: NO 5:00 & 7:00 p.m.




Serra Center: 4:00 p.m. Childrens Mass (English), 6:00 p.m. Family Mass (English), 8:00 p.m. (Spanish), 10:00 p.m. (English)

All children who are coming to the 4:00 p.m. Mass on Christmas Eve are invited to dress as either shepherds or angels to gather around the Christmas Crib in a short celebration at the beginning of the Liturgy. So get working on the costumes Moms and Dads!!

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