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Database and Information Resource Management

BSc in BS i MIS

Handout 2 : Database Design Life Cycle, Database Architecture and Database Types rch tecture ypes *The lecture slides are slides of Dr Prasad Wimalaratne with minor The Dr.Prasad modifications.

Database design must reflect the information system of which the database is a part y p Information systems undergo evaluation and revision within a framework known as the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Databases also undergo evaluation and revision within a framework known as the h f kk h Database Life Cycle (DBLC) T Two general design strategies exist ld i t t i i t
top-down vs. bottom-up design centralized vs. d t li d decentralized d i t li d design

Lessons from Business Automation

Era of finance and operations: 60s - 70s
Business accounting systems g y

Manufacturing software: 70s - 80s

Separate applications for inventory, ordering, p pp y forecasting, shop floor operations, logistics, etc.

Era of the business enterprise: 90s - 00s

Separate applications get rolled into enterprise resource planning system Sales force automation, customer service center automation center, campaign management, automated email response, etc. get rolled into customer relationship management. t

Successful Automation Requires an Interlocking of Several Entities

(Someone doing real work )

Infrastructure (Computer and Human) )

Management (Organization)

American Airlines
American Airlines settled a lawsuit with Budget RentA-Car, Marriott Corp. and Hilton Hotels after the $165 million CONFIRM car rental and hotel illi t l dh t l reservation system project collapsed into chaos.

Typical SW Project Scenarios

Project Outcomes P O

84% of all automation projects have significant or major problems


Typical SW Project Scenarios

Percent O P Over Budget B d
9% 10% 4% 16% <20% 21% - 50% 51% - 100% 101%-200% % % 201%-400% >400%

31% 30%

53% of all automation proj cts are more than 50% 5 a automat on projects ar mor 5 over budget 23% of all automation projects are more than 100% over b d t budget

Typical SW Project Scenarios

Percent of Time Under Estimated P fT d E d
11% 1% 14% <20% 21%-50% 18% 36% 51-100% 51 100% 101%-200% 201%-400% >400% 20%

49% of all automation projects take twice as long to complete as planned


Typical SW Project Scenarios

Percent Planned Functionality P Pl dF l
7% 5% 27% 39% <25% 25-49% 50-74% 50 74% 75-99% 100%


54% of all automation projects deliver less than half of the promised functionality


Most Problems are Non-Technical

Poorly selected data Badly organized data Incorrect data models Software has limited capability (oversell) Systems managers underestimate time requirements Systems can be underutilized Systems can be (and have been) abandoned Personnel problems

Changing Data into Information

Raw facts stored in databases Need additional processing to become useful

Required by decision maker Data processed and presented in a meaningful form Transformation


Information System (recap from handout 1)

Carefully designed and constructed repository of y g p y facts Part of an information system

Information System f
Provides data collection, storage, and retrieval Facilitates data transformation F ilit t d t t f ti Includes people, hardware, and software Software: Database(s), Application programs, and Database(s) programs Procedures


From Databases to Business Intelligence


From Databases to Business Intelligence Multi Tiered Multi-Tiered Architectures

Other Sources Operational DBs Metadata Monitor & Integrator OLAP Server Analysis Query Reports Data mining

Extract Transform Load Refresh

Data Warehouse


Data Marts Data Sources Data Storage OLAP Engine Front-End Tools

e.g New York City Police Department Command Center

Data visualization in action


From Databases to Business Intelligence Management Cockpit


From Databases to Business Intelligence e.g Performance Dashboard


From Databases to Business Intelligence e.g Performance Dashboard


Information System (Cont.)

System Analysis
Establishes need and extent of an information system

Systems Development
Process of creating information system

Database Development
Process of database design and implementation Creation of data models Implementation Creating storage structure Loading data into database Providing for data management


Organizational Context for Using Database Requirements Systems ?

Consolidation and integration of data across organization g Maintenance of complex data p y p g pp Simplicity of developing new applications Data independence
Protecting application programs from changes in g pp p g g the underlying logical organization and in the physical access paths and storage structures

E t External Schemas lS h
Allow the same data to be used for multiple applications with each application having its own view of the data


Information System (Cont.)

Information System includes all resources involved in the collection, management, use g and dissemination of the information resources of the organization We consider two systems life cycles:
Macro Life Cycle
I f Information S t ti System Life C l Lif Cycle

Micro Life Cycle

Database System Life Cycle y f y


Database Design Methodology

A structured approach that uses procedures, techniques, tools, and documentation aids to q support and facilitate the process of design.
Conceptual Database Design Logical Database Design Physical Database Design


Database Design Steps

Outputs? O

Conceptual Design p g Logical Design Physical Design


Database Design Process

Design the logical and physical structure of one or more databases to accommodate the i f d t b t d t th information ti needs of the users in an organization for a defined set of applications. Satisfy the content requirements P id easy structuring of information Provide s st t i fi f ti Support processing requirements and performance objectives



Feasibility Analysis

Phases of Information System Life Cycle ( (Macro) )

Analyzing potential application areas Identifying the economics of information gathering and dissemination Performing cost benefit studies Setting up priorities among applications Detailed Requirements Collection Interaction with Users

Requirement Collection and Analysis D si Design

Design of Database System Design of programs that use and process the database



Phases of Information System Life Cycle ( (Cont) )

Information system is implemented Database is loaded & its transactions are implemented and tested Testing against users requirements Testing against performance criteria Data conversion Training System maintenance S t i t Performance monitoring g Database tuning

Validation and Acceptance Testing

Deployment Operation and Maintenance Deployment,


Systems Development Life Cycle

System Analysis

Database Organization


Database Lifecycle (DBLC)

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 6


Database Organization O i i

Database System Life Cycle(DBLC)

System Definition Database Design
Defining scope of database system, its users and applications li ti Logical and physical design of the database system on the chosen DBMS Database implementation

Database Implementation and Loading

Specifying conceptual, external and internal database definitions Creating empty database files Implementing software applications

Database System Life Cycle (Cont...)

Database Implementation and Loading Cont
Loading or data conversion g
Populating the database

Application conversion
Converting applications to the new system l h

Testing and validation O Operation ti

Running the new system

M it i and M i t Monitoring d Maintenance

System maintenance Performance monitoring

Phase 1: Database Initial Study

Analyze company situation y p y
Operating environment Organizational structure

D fi problems and constraints Define bl d i Define objectives Define scope and boundaries


Initial Study Activities


Phase 2: Database Design

Most Critical DBLC phase Makes sure final product meets requirements Focus on data requirements Subphases
I. Create Conceptual Design II. DBMS Software Selection III. Create Logical Design IV. Create Physical Design


Two Views of Data


I. Conceptual Design
Data modeling creates abstract data structure to represent real-world items p High level of abstraction p Steps
Data analysis and requirements *Entity relationship modeling and normalization* *Data model verification*


Conceptual Design Phase

TOP-DOWN Identify Entities

Identify Relationships

Identify Attributes


Identify Relationships

Identify Dependencies

Collect Data


Conceptual Schema Design

Complete understanding of the database structure, semantics, interrelationships and constraints ti i t l ti hi d t i t

Serves as a stable description of the database contents Good understanding crucial for the users and designers g Diagrammatic description serves as an excellent communication tool


Step 1 : Data Analysis and Requirements

Focus on:
Information needs Information users Information sources

Data Sources
Developing and gathering end-user data views Direct observation of current system Interfacing with systems design group

B i Business R l Rules


Step 2 : Entity Relationship g Modeling and Normalization


E-R Modeling is Iterative


Transaction Design
Design characteristics of known database transactions in a DBMS Types of Transactions
Retrieval Transactions Update Transactions Mixed Transactions
Update data Used to retrieve data

Techniques for Specifying Transactions

Input/output F Functional Behavior

Combination of update and retrieval


Conceptual Design: Tools and Sources


Step 3 : Data Model Verification

E-R model is verified against proposed system p processes
End user views and required transactions Business-imposed data requirements and constraints t i t

Reveals additional entity and attribute details


E-R Model Verification Process


Iterative Process of Verification


Approaches to Conceptual Schema Design

Centralized Schema Design Approach
Also known as one-shot approach Requirements of different applications and user groups are merged into a single set of requirements and a single schema is designed q g g Time consuming, places the burden on DBA to reconcile conflicts Schema is designed for each user group or application pp These schemas are then merged into a global conceptual schema during the view integration phase More practical

View Integration Approach


Strategies for Schema Design

Top Down Strategy gy
Start with a schema containing high-level abstractions and then apply successive topown down refinements


Strategies for Schema Design (Cont...)

Bottom-Up Strategy

Start with a schema containing g basics abstractions and then combine or add to these abstractions


Strategies for Schema Design (contd.)

Inside-out Strategy
Start with central set of concepts and then spread p p outward by considering new concepts in the vicinity of existing ones

Mixed Strategy
U a combination of t d Use bi ti f top-down and b tt d bottom-up strategies


Schema Integration
Identifying correspondence and conflict among different schemas
Naming Conflicts
Synonyms: The same concept but different names Homonyms: Different concepts but same name
e.g. entity types CUSTOMER and CLIENT e.g. entity type PART as computer parts and furniture parts

Type Conflicts: Representing the same concept by different m ff modeling constructs g

Also known as value set conflicts lso confl cts e.g. SSN as an integer and as a character string

Domain Conflicts: Attribute has different domains Conflict Among Constraints: Two schemas impose different constraints

e.g. DEPARTMENT may be an entity type and an attribute

e.g. different key of an entity type in different schemas


Desired Characteristics of Conceptual Data Model

Able to distinguish different types of data, relationships and constraints l ti hi d t i t Easy to understand

Simplicity and Understandability Minimality

Diagrammatic Representation Formality

Small number of distinct basic concepts f p Diagrammatic notation for representing conceptual schema h Formal unambiguous specification of data

II. DBMS Software Selection

DBMS software selection is critical Advantages and disadvantages need study Some Key Factors affecting purchasing decision
Cost DBMS features and tools Underlying model Portability DBMS h d hardware requirements i


Choice of DBMS Factors to Consider

Technical Factors
Type of DBMS: Relational, object-relational, object etc etc. Storage Structures Architectural options Acquisition, maintenance, training and operating costs Database creation and conversion cost Organizational philosophy
Relational or Object Oriented Vendor Preference

E Economic Factors i F

Organizational Factors

Familiarity of staff with the system Availability of vendor services


III. Logical Design

Translates conceptual design into internal model Maps objects in model to specific DBMS constructs Design components
Tables Indexes Views Transactions T ti Access authorities Others

Logical Design Phase

Conceptual E.R M d l E R Model


Refined C R fi d Conceptual M d l t l Model



IV. Physical Design

Selection of data storage and access characteristics
Technical More important in older hierarchical and network models d l

Becomes more complex for distributed systems Designers favor software that hides physical details


Physical Database Design

Logical Data Model
Track TR

Logical Process Model

01 Country

Physical Implementation Process



Physical Database Design

Design the specifications for the stored database in terms of physical storage structures, structures record placements and indexes. indexes Design Criteria
Response Time p Space Utilization
Elapsed Time between submitting a database transaction for execution and receiving a response St Storage space used b d t b d by database fil and their access files d th i path structures Average number of transactions/minute Must be measured under peak conditions

Transaction throughput


I i i ld Initial determination of storage structures and i i f d access paths for database files


Phase 3: Implementation and Loading

Creation of special storage-related constructs to house end-user tables Data loaded into tables Other issues
Performance Security Backup and recovery Integrity Company standards C d d Concurrency controls

Phase 4: Testing and Evaluation

Database is tested and fine-tuned for performance, integrity, concurrent access, and security constraints d it t i t Done in parallel with application programming Actions taken if tests fail
Fine-tuning based on reference manuals Modification of physical design Modification of logical design Upgrade or change DBMS software or hardware


Phase 5: Operation
Database considered operational Starts process of system evaluation Unforeseen problems may surface Demand for change is constant


Phase 6: Maintenance and Evaluation

Preventative maintenance Corrective maintenance Adaptive maintenance Assignment of access permissions Generation of database access statistics to monitor performance Periodic security audits based on systemg generated statistics Periodic system usage-summaries

DB Design Strategy Notes Top-down

1) Identify data sets 2) Define data elements

Bottom up Bottom-up
1) Identify data elements 2) Group them into d t sets G th i t data t


Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up


Centralized vs. Decentralized Design

Centralized design
Typical of simple databases yp p Conducted by single person or small team

Decentralized design g
Larger numbers of entities and complex relations Spread across multiple sites Developed by teams


Decentralized Design


Critical Success Factors in Database Design

Work interactively with the users as much as p possible. . Follow a structured methodology throughout the data modelling process. Incorporate structural and integrity considerations into the data models. C bi Combine conceptualisation, normalisation, and t li ti li ti d transaction validation techniques into the data mode ng methodo ogy. modelling methodology.


Exercise 1 (Conceptual Design)

Create a conceptual ER model of the database for the

following lists. (List up the necessary entities ) DATA ITEMS, ITEMS set up ENTITIES and their ATTRIBUTES, and ATTRIBUTES identify the relationship among
List 1
Track No: 1 Participant code Track name: Managing information using Database Participant name Age Position Country Address

List 1 is the list of participants information by track List 2

Country code Country name Participant code Participant name Track name

List 2 is the list of participants information by countries


Exercise 2 : Primary and Foreign Keys

Please identify primary and foreign key.
Participant code Participant name Age Position Address Country code

Country code

Country name

Track code

Track name

Participant code

Primary key y y Foreign key


Exercise 3: Number the steps according to the correct order

____ Normalize the conceptual model. ____ Obtain a general description of company operations. operations ____ Load the database. ____ Create a description of each system process. process ___ Test the system. ____ Draw a data flow diagram and system flow charts. charts ____ Create a conceptual model, using E-R diagrams. ___ Create the application programs. C t th li ti s ____ Interview the mechanics. ____ Create the file (table) structures. ____ Interview the shop manager.



Chap 12 Practical Database Design Methodology and Use of UML Diagrams


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