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Warehouse Management System.

INTRODUCTION: The project entitled WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is developed as part of the VI Semester RDBMS package project for the partial fulfillment of the BCA degree. PROJECT: WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is a software application maintain the records related to purchase, sales, returns, stock updating flows and the reorder level of music store. OBJECTIVE: The main objective of the application is to automate the existing system of manually maintain the records of the purchases, reorder levels, Supplier and Customer monetary positions and other related transactions made at the warehouse. SCOPE: This application can be used by any music store to automate the process of manually maintaining the records related to the subject of maintaining the stock and liquid flows. PROBLEM DEFINITION: The transactions related to purchase, sale and returns are maintained manually at present along with maintaining the accounts of the customers and the suppliers. All these are to be automated and an application is required to relate all of them relatively and logically so that the current system can be replaced and accepted without major changes and problems.

The application should provide quick access to the records maintained and must reveal the important reviews about the business so that the growth can be easily compared and should provide with the various reports showing the related details so that the important decisions could be taken easily.

Hardware Requirements The minimum hardware requirement is as follows. Pentium IV 2GHz processor 512 MB RAM, 180GB HardDisk, Color Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse,

Software Operating System Development Tool Backend Software : : : Windows XP / Vista Visual Basic 2005 MS Access/ Sql Server

The project Warehouse Management System (warePro) is installable software and it will run on Windows 98/ 2000/ XP.

Introduction The majority of the problems that occur in the warehouse occur because of a lack of control: a lack of inventory control, operational control and/or management control. To become a dynamic, consistent organization, all the operations must be under control. In order to achieve this control, all the tools and technology available has to be used to get control and manage the warehouse operations. A control system is a means, mechanism or procedure by which we manage these operations. There are three basic objectives of a control system, either manual or computerized: 1. To identify and coordinate the work that has to be performed. 2. To direct the achievement of the work to maximize performance (productivity of warehouse resources and customer satisfaction) and minimize or eliminate human errors. 3. To report the status of the work that needs to be, or was, done. A manual control system uses physical, paper-based technology to attempt to optimize warehousing operations. Due to the rate of change, demands for accurate, real-time in-formation, next-day-service mentality and marketplace competition, the use of manual systems in the next millennium will be unrealistic. A computerized warehouse management system (WMS) is the integration of bar coding technology, Radio Frequency (RF) communications equipment, hardware and software. Warehouse management software has the capability to optimize the warehouse and warehouse-related operations. Whereas the sophistication of manual control systems is low, the sophistication of WMSs can vary from simple stock location control to systems that truly optimize customer service, space, labor and equipment in the warehouse. It is important to note that one should not confuse WMS technology with business systems applications that impact the warehouse. A WMS is an operating tool that is based upon the needs of the warehouse operation and provides tools and information for the management of the warehouse. Warehouse Functions To have a better understanding of the requirements of a warehouse and thus, the benefits of the warehouse management systems we first introduce the basic functions of the warehouse and then we can get into the benefits of having a WMS implemented in the daily operations. Traditionally a warehouse performs four basic functions: (1) receive product, (2) store product, (3) pick product and (4) ship product. 2.1. Receiving. The basic functions in the receiving area are: the packaging of raw materials

from suppliers, finished goods from manufacturers and other sources, and customer returns. Generally, receiving operations have two major needs:

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