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Models for Inexact Reasoning Fuzzy Logic Lesson 1 Crisp and Fuzzy Sets

Master in Computational Logic Department of Artificial Intelligence

Origins and Evolution of Fuzzy Logic

Origin: Fuzzy Sets Theory (Zadeh, 1965) Aim: Represent vagueness and impre-cission of statements in natural language Fuzzy sets: Generalization of classical (crisp) sets In the 70s: From FST to Fuzzy Logic Nowadays: Applications to control systems
Industrial applications Domotic applications, etc.

Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy Logic - Lotfi A. Zadeh, Berkeley Superset of conventional (Boolean) logic that has been extended to handle the concept of partial truth Truth values (in fuzzy logic) or membership values (in fuzzy sets) belong to the range [0, 1], with 0 being absolute Falseness and 1 being absolute Truth. Deals with real world vagueness

Real-World Applications
ABS Brakes Expert Systems Control Units Bullet train between Tokyo and Osaka Video Cameras Automatic Transmissions

Crisp (Classic) Sets

Classic subsets are defined by crisp predicates
Crisp predicates classify all individuals into two groups or categories
Group 1: Individuals that make true the predicate Group 2: Individuals that make false the predicate


E=Z A E = {n E | n = is+ 2k , k Z } Predicate: n 1 odd

Crisp Characteristic Functions

The classification of individuals can be done using a indicator or characteristic function:
A : E {0,1}
1, x A A ( x) = 0, x A

Note that:
A1 (1) = {K, 3, 1,1,3,K} A1 (0) = {K, 4, 2, 0, 2, 4, K}

Fuzzy Sets
Human reasoning often uses vague predicates
Individuals cannot be classified into two groups! (either true or false)

Example: The set of tall men

But what is tall? Height is all relative As a descriptive term, tall is very subjective and relies on the context in which it is used
Even a 5ft7 man can be considered "tall" when he is surrounded by people shorter than he is

Fuzzy Membership Functions

It is impossible to give a classic definition for the subset of tall men However, we could establish to which degree a man can be considered tall This can be done using membership functions:

A : E [0,1]

Fuzzy Membership Functions



Individual x belongs to some extent (y) to subset A y is the degree to which the individual x is tall

A(x) A(x)

=0 =1

Individual x does not belong to subset A Individual x definitelly belongs to subset A

Types of Membership Functions


Types of Membership Functions


Types of Membership Functions


E = {0, , 100} (Age) Fuzzy sets: Young, Mature, Old

Membership Functions
Membership functions represent distributions of possibility rather than probability For instance, the fuzzy set Young expresses the possibility that a given individual be young Membership functions often overlap with each others
A given individual may belong to different fuzzy sets (with different degrees)

Membership Functions
For practical reasons, in many cases the universe of discourse (E) is assumed to be discrete
E = { x1 , x2 , K, xn }

The pair ( A(x), x), denoted by A(x)/x is called fuzzy singleton Fuzzy sets can be described in terms of fuzzy singletons
A = {( A ( x) / x)} = U A ( xi ) / xi
i =1 n

Basic Definitions over Fuzzy Sets

Empty set: A fuzzy subset A E is empty (denoted A = ) iff

A ( x) = 0, x E
Equality: two fuzzy subsets A and B defined over E are equivalent iff

A ( x) = B ( x), x E

Basic Definitions over Fuzzy Sets

A fuzzy subset A E is contained in B E iff
A ( x) B ( x), x E

Normality: A fuzzy subset A E is said to be normal iff max A ( x) = 1


Support: The support of a fuzzy subset A E is a crisp set defined as follows

S A = { x E | A ( x) > 0} S A E

Operations over Fuzzy Sets

The basic operations over crisp sets can be extended to suit fuzzy sets Standard operations:
A B ( x) = min( A ( x), B ( x))


A B ( x) = max( A ( x), B ( x))


A ( x) = 1 A ( x )

Operations over Fuzzy Sets


Operations over Fuzzy Sets


Operations over Fuzzy Sets


Operations over Fuzzy Sets

Conversely to classic set theory, min (), max (), and 1-id () are not the only possibilities to define logical connectives Different functions can be used to represent logical connectives in different situations Not only membership functions depend on the context, but also logical connectives!!

Fuzzy Complement (c-norms)

Given a fuzzy set A E, its complement can be defined as follows:
A = C ( A ( x ) ) , x E

The function C( ) must satisfy the following conditions:

C (0) = 1, C (1) = 0 a, b [0,1], a b C (a) C (b)

Fuzzy Complement (c-norms)

In some cases, two more properties are desirable
C(x) is continuous C(x) is involutive:
C (C ( a)) = a, a E

C ( x) = 1 x C ( x) = 1 x 1 x
1 w w

Std . negation

(0, )
w (0, )

Sugeno Yager

C ( x) = (1 x )

Fuzzy Intersection (t-norms)

Given two fuzzy sets A, B E, their intersection can be defined as follows:
A B ( x) = T [ A ( x), B ( y )] x, y E

Required properties:
T ( x, y ) = T ( y , x) x, y E commutativity T (T ( x, y ), z ) = T ( x, T ( y, z )) x, y, z E associativity ( x y ), ( w z ) T ( x, w) T ( y , z ) x, y, w, z E monotony T ( x, 0) = 0 x E absorption T ( x,1) = x x E neutrality

Fuzzy Intersection (t-norms)

T ( x, y ) = min( x, y ) T ( x, y ) = max(0, x + y 1) T ( x, y ) = x y min( x, y ) max( x, y ) = 1 T ( x, y ) = 0 otherwise min Lukasiewicz product mod product

Fuzzy Union (t-conorms)

Given two fuzzy sets A, B E, their union can be defined as follows:
A B ( x) = S [ A ( x), B ( y )] x, y E

Required properties:
S ( x, y ) = S ( y , x) x, y E commutativity S ( S ( x, y ), z ) = S ( x, S ( y, z )) x, y, z E associativity ( x y ), ( w z ) S ( x, w) S ( y, z ) x, y, w, z E monotony S ( x,1) = 1 x E absorption S ( x, 0) = x x E neutrality

Fuzzy Union (t-conorms)

S ( x, y ) = max( x, y ) max S ( x, y ) = min(1, x + y ) Lukasiewicz S ( x, y ) = x + y x Y sum max( x, y ) min( x, y ) = 0 S ( x, y ) = mod sum 1 otherwise

Properties of Fuzzy Operations

The t-norms and t-conorms are bounded operators:
T ( x, y ) min( x, y ) S ( x, y ) max( x, y ) x, y [0,1] x, y [0,1]

The minimum is the biggest t-norm The maximum is the smallest t-conorm

Properties of Fuzzy Operations

Duality (Generalized De Morgan Laws):
C (T ( x, y )) = S (C ( x), C ( y )) C ( S ( x, y )) = T (C ( x), C ( y ))

Only some tuples (T, S, C) meet this property In such cases the t-norm and the t-conorm are said to be dual w.r.t. the fuzzy complement
(max, min, 1-id) (prod, sum, 1-id)

Properties of Fuzzy Operations

Distributive Properties:

T ( x, S ( y , z )) = S (T ( x, y ), T ( x, z )) S ( x, T ( y, z )) = T ( S ( x, y ), S ( x, z ))
The only tuple satisfying this property is (max, min, 1-id)

Properties of Fuzzy Operations

In general, given t-norm T, and involutive complement C, we can define operator:
S (a, b) = C (T (C (a), C (b)))

It can be proved that S is a t-conorm s.t. tuple (T, S, C) is dual w.r.t. c-norm C Similarly, given S and an involutive C, we can define a dual T for S w.r.t. C as:
T (a, b) = C ( S (C (a), C (b)))

Properties of Fuzzy Operations

Some dual tuples (T, S, C) satisfy the following properties (excluded-middle and noncontradiction): S ( x, C ( x)) = E

T ( x, C ( x)) =
It can be proved that distributive laws do not hold in such cases

Properties of Fuzzy Operations

Some dual tuples (T, S, C) satisfy the following properties: S(x,C(x))=1 T(x,C(x))=0 excluded-middle non-contradiction

It can be proved that distributive laws do not hold in such cases

Except for crisp logic: (max, min, 1-id) are dual (De Morgan), distributive, and consistent

Choice of T, S, and C
The selection of T, S, and C always depend on the concrete case or application
We need to determine which properties are required for our application

The most common choice:

T = min, S = max, C = 1-id Properties:
Comm., assoc., neutrality, absorption, involution, inv. 01, inv. 1-0, duality, idempotence, distributive

Let us suppose that we are thirsty and we are thinking about going to a bar to have a drink However, we are reluctant to go to whatever bar We want to go to a bar satisfying the following requirements:
We want the bar to be traditional We want to go to a bar close to our home We want the drinks to be cheap

To decide to which bar to go, we will make the following assumptions:
We consider that a bar is traditional if it started working 5 years or more ago A bar is close to our home if it is not farther than ten blocks A drink is cheap if it costs 1 Euro or less

We know four different bars to which we can go:

Price Bar 1 Bar 2 Bar 3 Bar 4 1.40 0.80 1.00 1.25

Years 3 7 4 5

Blocks 3 12 9 10

Using the classical set theory to solve this problem, we have that the chosen bar must satisfy the following logical formula:

( years 5) ( blocks 10 ) ( price 1)

This yields the following solution:
Price Bar 1 Bar 2 Bar 3 Bar 4 0 1 1 0 Years 0 1 0 1 Blocks 1 0 1 1 Classical Solution 0 0 0 0

Using the classic set theory we are bounded to stay at home L
None of the bars satisfy our requirements!

This is not consistent with the fact we are thirsty We need a more flexible approach Let us now try the fuzzy set based approach

We distinguish three fuzzy sets described by the following predicates:
The bar is traditional The bar is close to home The drink is cheap

Thus, first of all we need to model the abovementioned fuzzy sets

i.e. we need to provide the fuzzy membership functions associated to such fuzzy sets

MF for the predicate the bar is traditional

MF for the predicate the bar is close to home

Membership function for the predicate the drink is cheap

Now, the second step involves the selection of the fuzzy operators needed for this application In this case, we will use the following operators:
T = min, S = max, C = 1-id

In other cases we will have to carefully choose the fuzzy operators depending on the required properties for the concrete application

Results obtained using fuzzy sets theory:

Price Bar Bar Bar Bar 1 2 3 4 0,2 1 1 0,5

Years 0,5 1 0,875 1

Blocks 1 0,6667 1 1

Solution 0,2 0,6667 0,875 0,5

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