CRYPTO Lab2text2

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A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

In cryptography, encryption is the process of transforming information, referred to as plaintext, using an algorithm to make it unreadable to anyone except thos e possessing special knowledge, usually referred to as a key. The result of the process is encrypted information, referred to as ciphertext. ----------------------------------------------Encryption algorithm plays an important role for information security guarantee. Encryption is the process of transforming plaintext data into cipher text in or der to conceal its meaning and so preventing any unauthorized recipient from ret rieving the original data. The main task of encryption is to ensure secrecy. Com panies usually encrypt their data before transmission to ensure that the data is secure during transit. The encrypted data is sent over the public network and i s decrypted by the intended recipient. The encryption algorithms are usually summarized into two popular types: Symmetr ic key encryption and Asymmetric key encryption. In Symmetric key encryption, on ly one key is used to encrypt and decrypt data. The key should be distributed be fore transmission between entities. Therefore key plays an important role in Sym metric key encryption. Strength of Symmetric key encryption depends on the size of key used. For the same algorithm, encryption using longer key is harder to br eak than the one done using shorter key. The representative Symmetric key crypto graphy algorithms include RC2, DES, 3DES, RC5, Blowfish, and AES, which use cert ain- or variable-length key. Asymmetric key encryption is used to solve the prob lem of key distribution. In Asymmetric key encryption, private key and public ke y are used. Public key is used for encryption and private key is used for decryp tion. However, public key encryption is based on mathematical functions, and is not very efficient for small mobile devices. ---------------------------------------------------Wptiahlkfe jsk nfei twge luwv dp dkdavrikwk ceu igngieowfvj kq xsezcklsvv jgujgk tqeewezeslkfe. Gfutpgvagp zj pgo efdogfnp luwv ke gtglgtkkfy kewqjeckzqf okkykf ecep maffj fh uaxzcksf upjvweu. Wft wpcdgnw, ljv Tqehwkvt Kweliklq Kejvalwkv twhqikgv ljrk kf 2007, 71% gh tfohspzvu kmtmvawv wkznargu vpujagkkgf hfi ugeg fw vzwki ucls ke ktsfuzk, cfv 53% wkznargu vpujagkkgf hfi ugeg fw vzwki ucls ke jvgjcxv. Gfutpgvagp trp tw wjvf lg rifvwuv urvs "sv ivul", kwty ck xkcvu gf efdrmlgij cfv ukftsyg uvxaugj. Zp jwevev qwcij vzwtv ycnw dvvp fmoviqmk tvgqjlu fw egfhzugflkrc fslc jlez su tlulgoviu' hwtjfpsd tvtqjvu svkfy gogqkwf kytgmiy cqkk qi kjwxv fw nshvfgu gj drtmmh fizxwk. Gettqhvzei kmey wkdwu rk twkv yvnhk rifvwuv kyge kjflnv hjpjkusn jvemjkkp owsuligk xczc. Faykkrn jaiyku esprxgewpk jaklgdj yzaey gtwngek wfswkyqjabvu wkw qi ighjqulelaqe fh ugrpikyzvvu oslgizcd spu gtglgtk ugxvnrtw sirzpkl tvmgjkg veiafgvikfy civ cfgvyvt kgovnjsl fzwhwjgek gpsogcg gx wjzpy wptiahlkfe qf vckr cl jgjk.

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