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Air Commodore Tariq Nazir, SI(M) AWC/SW/CC/1/Det Chief Instructor (Staff PAF, Wing)Air War College, Faisal Karachi Tel Ext: 7541 26 August, 2011

Dear Member

1. I write to congratulate you on your detailing for No 64 Senior Command and Course (SC&SC). It is indeed an opportunity for you to enhance your Staff capabilities personal for the assumption of future senior command and staff appointments. e I xpect you to keep this course purpose in mind and devote yourself fully to fulfilment of the course the objectives. 2. For ease of consultation, course study material has been made available on PAF Intranet. Please go through the study material and have a clear idea of the of each subject. During your Correspondence Component (CC) of the course, contents would you be given assignments on these subjects. While attempting your assignments, this study material would provide you valuable inputs. However, for achieving distinctions, additional research work would be required in each area. Constant reading and research from outside sources, beside the study material, would you to enableproduce coherent, emphatic and logical answers. For this Directing Staff would (CC) also be available to facilitate your work to the best of their abilities. 3. In order to promote two-way communication with Directing Staff (DS) and you explain the requirements for the conduct of the course, preparatory workshops been have planned at PAF Base Chaklala, Lahore and Faisal. These workshops are intended to trigger your intellectual process. 4. After successful completion of Correspondence Component (CC), you would be detailed for its Resident Component (RC) at the Staff Wing, Air War College. study The material would also come handy there, as you would be required to undergo the End CC Examination, upon your arrival for RC. Please remain totally committed to this academic cause, and accrue maximum advantage out of this course. I you best of luck in your course and future wish assignments.

With best wishes

Yours sincerely,


CONFIDENTIAL AWC/SW/CC/1/Det 26 August, 2011

A - Supplement 1 of Staff Studies B - Supplement 2 of Staff Studies C - List of Course Members e-courier D - IDs Directing Staff of Correspondence Component E - Appendix A to AFO 54-33D F - Personal Data Form G - Schedule for Submission of Exercises

Introductio n 1. Senior Command and Staff Course (SC&SC) was instituted in the PAF under the new education scheme, for providing extensive coaching and guidance to mid-level officers of all branches in the field of staff and associated studies. The course an excellent opportunity to improve the ability, qualification and career prospects offers the of participating officers. Keeping the compulsions of distant learning in view, you are expected to devote enough time to make the best use of this course. The has two components ie, Correspondence and Resident. The Correspondence course Component (CC) is of one year duration and comprises two phases, each of weeks; whereas, the Resident Component (RC) is of eleven weeks. These 21 instructions pertain to the Correspondence Component only. Nevertheless, AFO 33D governs the overall conduct of SC&SC at Air War College (AWC), which must 54be studied thoroughly by each officer detailed on the course. Furthermore for knowledge, it is informed that the instructors at AWC are referred to as your Staff (DS) Directing and the student officers as course members. Subjects 2. A member of SC&SC is to study the following subjects during Correspondence Component:(a) Staff Communication (English and Staff Studies) (b) Leadership & Resource Management (c) International Relations (d) Air Power Studies 3. Supplements of Staff Studies. existing syllabi of Staff Studies available The on PAF intranet as Chapter 10 and Chapter 7 of Staff Communication prcis of 3 CONFIDENTIAL

CONFIDENTIAL phase-I and phase-II respectively have been updated. The supplements attached appendices A and B to the course instructions provide the updated syllabus of as Staff Studies for both These are to be incorporated in the Communication prcis in place of the existing write ups: Chapter 10 of phases. Staff supplement (appendix A) replaces Chapter 10 of the existing Staff Communication the prcis of phase-I whereas chapter 7 of the supplement (appendix B) Chapter replaces 7 of the existing Staff Communication prcis of phaseII. Modality 4. At present, Correspondence Component of SC&SC is being conducted totally on Command and Information System (CIS) through PAF Intranet. It implies that study the material as well as Tutor Assessed Exercises (TAE) of each subject is available on PAF intranet: You are required to study the material, attempt the and despatched them on intranet. The list of members e-courier IDs is given TAEs appendix C to these instructions. in 5. The CC has a thrust on self-study in ones own time. The study material been prepared after giving due consideration to factors like time constraint, has service officersexperience and various service commitments. On the average, four would weeks be available to you to complete work on a subject in each phase which is further divided into two parts ie Mid Phase and End Phase. You are required solve and send the Tutor Assessed Exercises (TAE) of Staff Studies and English by to the due date of mid-phase in both the The remaining three TAEs of Leadership & Resource Management, International Relations and Air Power Studies phases. are to be submitted by the due date of end phase in both the phases. It will be your in own interest to adhere to the course schedule. To make the system smoothly, you must keep the AWC informed of any change in your address. work 6. Tutor Assessed Exercises (TAE) of Phase-I have been sent on each e-courier ID. Tutor Assessed Exercises of Phase-II would be sent on each members ID before commencement of PhaseMembers are encouraged to approach members DSs II. for necessary counselling on their telephone numbers given in appendix D to the these instructions. Qualifying at least four out of five exercises of Phase-I by the date due is mandatory for promotion to Phase-II. For joining RC, it is mandatory achieve the qualifying grade in all the exercises of CC. to Preparatory Workshop 7. At commencement of each SC&SC (CC), a one-day preparatory workshop will be conducted at the following places:(a) AWC, Faisal. or all officers detailed from bases/units under SAC. F (b) Chaklala/ Lahore. For all officers detailed from AHQ, Islamabad / Chaklala / Peshawar and bases / units under NAC and CAC. 8. It is envisaged to achieve the following purposes through conduct of preparatory workshop:the (a) To develop rapport between the DSs and the course members. 4 CONFIDENTIAL

CONFIDENTIAL (b) To highlight salient features of SC&SC more (c) To familiarise the members with different subjects taught during the CC. effectively. (d) To answer queries of the members for smooth conduct of CC. Availability of Study Material 9. Study material, in the shape of prcis of each subject is available on PAF Intranet main page [Digital Library (Air War College)]: The syllabus for Staff Studies has been mentioned in the prcis of Staff Communication whereas its study material comprising of selected chapters from AFM 10-1 Vol-I & II is available on PAF Intranet main page [Publications (Index of AFMs)]. Moreover, the syllabus for Air Power Studies also includes AFM 1-1 ie Doctrine of PAF which is available on PAF Intranet main page. Submission of Exercises, Enrolment Form and Officers Personal Data Form 10. There are five exercises in each phase. A member is to qualify all the exercises during the two phases of CC. You are required ten to:(a) Despatch/send online at sdsccawc or hard copy of duly filled enrolment proforma (appendix A to AFO 54-33D) which is given as appendix E to these instructions. Also despatch hard copy or send online Personal Data Form which is given as appendix F if you have not attended the preparatory workshop. (b) Send the exercises of Staff Studies and English of mid-phase by due in both the phases. Rest of the exercises are to be submitted by the end phase date E : nsure that the exercises are received by the AWC according to the schedule both of the phases as given in appendix G to these instructions. (c) Send your exercises / assignments through your allotted e-courier ID on Intranet. The User IDs of e-courier for the DSs of Correspondence PAF are listed below:Component (i) (ii) (iv) (v) Chief Instructor Staff Wing Snr DS/ DS Air Power Studies DS English DS Leadership & Resource Management (LRM) : ciswawc : sdsccawc : dsssccawc : dsengccawc : dsmgmtccawc : dsirccawc

(iii) DS Staff Studies

(vi) DS International Relations (IR)

(vii) O i/c : oicprgccawc Progress (d) Use the following mailing address for all correspondence or queries:O i/c Progress Staff Wing (CC) PAF Air War College, Faisal 5 CONFIDENTIAL


Extension in Due Date / Failure to Submit Exercises in Time & Repeat Cases 11. The schedule of exercises demands concerted efforts by you to submit exercises in time. However, if special circumstances make it impossible for you your send exercises of a phase by due date, you should write to the AWC through to Base your Commander / PSO, explaining the position and requesting for an extension well before the expiry of the date of submission. In the event of a genuine case, may you be allowed some extra time not exceeding 30 days. Extension granted in phase is valid for that particular phase only and is not carried over to the next a A fresh phase. case is to be put up if there is a need for another extension in Phase-II. evaluation, the exercises are returned / sent to the members with DS comments. After m In case, he A ember, who fails to qualify an exercise, will be required to repeat fails it. to qualify the repeat exercise(s) also, his case will be referred to the Board to Review consider his continuation or relegation/ withdrawal from the course. Disciplinary Action 12. AFO 54-33D lays down the policy for taking disciplinary action against members who fail to submit exercises according to the given schedule. Disciplinary action against an officer will result in issuance of a letter of warning by the Chief (Staff Wing) Instructor, with a copy to Base Commander / PSO. In case of a recurrence of lapse, this a letter of warning may be issued by Commandant AWC with copies to Base Commander / PSO and Personnel Branch for their information and necessary action. Withdrawal from the Course / Relegation / Adjustment within SC&SC 13. The authority for detailing / withdrawal / re-detailing lies with AHQ (Personnel Branch-Dte of In case, it is impossible for a member to pursue course because of official / personal reasons such as a long-duration course Move/Trg). the prolonged sickness, he is to put up a formal request for withdrawal from the or The application must be recommended by the Base Commander / PSO and course: forwarded to Personnel Branch under intimation to AWC. However, a member is unable to continue his course due to service or personal exigencies ie service who course, sickness, etc for more than eight weeks, has the option to request Branch, in Personnel time, to be relegated / readjusted to a junior course, under intimation AWC. to Permanent Withdrawal by Review Board 14. Review Board may permanently withdraw an officer from the course as AFO 54-33D para 64, on account of unsatisfactory performance or repeated per in repeat failure exercise(s) and non-submission or late submission of exercise(s). Standardisation of Tutor Assessed Exercise 15. Qualifying marks for an exercise are 50%. To ensure standardisation of the assessed exercises, marks are given according to the following criterion: tutor 6 CONFIDENTIAL

CONFIDENTIAL (a) For exercises of Staff Studies: (i) Subject matter (ii) Service writing / Presentation / Language (b) For exercises of other subjects:(i) Subject matter (ii) Service writing / Presentation / Language Exchange of Ideas / Use of Unfair Means 16. Exchange of ideas amongst members is a healthy academic activity, which compensates for some of the inadequacies inherent in distant learning. It is, therefore suggested that members exchange ideas on various topics whenever opportunity arises. However, exchange of ideas must not lead to solution of an exercises copied verbatim from each other. Under the existing policy, copying the an of exercise either from fellow officers exercises or from a book / magazine, sources internet / web sites and study material (whether provided by the AWC on intranet otherwise), would be treated as using unfair means. If such an instance is or strict disciplinary action is initiated against the officers under AFO 54-33D. It is to detected, noted that in cases of copying from fellow officers exercises, a warning by be Commandant AWC will be issued to both the officers whose solutions are found the similar. You are also required to mention the source consulted, like internet / site webin bibliography of your exercises at the end of each answer. Study Guidelines 17. Following guidelines will help the members during self-study: (a) Keep a Positive Work Attitude. You must ensure to take some time out, despite professional commitments, to carry on with your studies regularly. is an This essential step towards successful completion of the course. (b) Thorough study of the Study Material. Study material provided by AWC on intranet needs to be studied thoroughly. A cursory study done to the the exercises might help qualify tutor-assessed exercises, but surely would be solve insufficient to achieve the objectives of the Shortcuts during CC could seriously course. handicap a member during both the End-CC Examination and the RC. (c) Augmenting Self Studies. The study material provides you with minimum essential information on the subjects. As you get involved in studies, the you might feel the necessity of augmenting your study through additional material. reading You must fulfil such an urge by consulting the relevant magazines / newspapers etc, from the official or other books / libraries. (d) Preparing Notes. Preparing notes would be of great help to you solving exercises and for any subsequent reference. while 7 CONFIDENTIAL

75% 25%

80% 20%


Instructions for Solving Tutor-Assessed Exercises (TAE) 18. Following guidelines will help you while attempting the exercises: (a) Adhere to the conventions of service writing conventions entails penalty. (CSW). Violation of these

(b) You must use your own language as far as possible. Originality of and thought work will be rewarded. research (c) Start a new answer from a new page. (d) Ensure neat work. Typed exercise must be closely proofvetted. (e) You must revise your answers to remove errors. (f) If a question specifies word-limit, indicate the word count at the end of answer. your Assessment and Return of Exercises to Students 19. Evaluated exercises of Phase-I will be returned to members for their Phase-II exercises will be returned as soon as the respective DS evaluate them. appraisal. m A ember is required to retain these assessed exercises and bring them along study for and guidelines for his End-CC Examination at the Air War College. Exercises are marked out of 100 according to the following grading formula: GRADE PERCENTAGE ASSESSMENT A+ A B+ B C+ C D 90% and above 80% to 89.99% 70% to 79.99% 65% to 69.99% 60% to 64.99% 50% to 59.99% below 49 %and Exceptional Outstanding Above Average High Average Average Low Average Inferior (Fail)

20. Exercises achieving D grade will be considered as failed and the members will be required to repeat them only once. The repeated exercise would be checked reference to the failed one to assess the improvement. If a member fails to get with qualifying grades even in the repeated exercise, his case will be put up before the the Review Board for relegation / permanent withdrawal from the course. 8 CONFIDENTIAL

CONFIDENTIAL End of CC Examination 21. The End CC examination will be conducted at the AWC on arrival of the members for RC. The examination papers will be from the study material on PAF intranet. It will be conducted in the first week of the RC in all the available disciplines studied during CC. Each paper would constitute 100 marks. Performance five in the end CC examination is to determine whether a member is allowed to the RC attend or otherwise. This examination carries 20% weighting in overall evaluation as per the following formula: Component (a) CC (b) End CC Exam (c) RC Award of Degrees 22. After the successful completion of SC&SC, the officers will be awarded BSc (Hons) degree from National Defence University Islamabad. The requirements enrolment with National Defence University Islamabad are given at appendix H'. for The documents mentioned in appendix J along with fee charges as applicable are to be deposited with College Registrar (O i/c Library) when members report at for the AWC RC. This is in their own interest as processing of a degree at a later might stage become almost impossible. Conclusio n 23. Time management is the key to success in distance-learning scheme. If bear this point in mind, you will have no difficulty in performing well, no matter how you onerous your service responsibilities are. You will run into trouble only if you keep putting off the work. Make it a point to utilise your time well so that the work does accumulate. We are confident that you will complete the course in time and find not useful. it Marks 1000 1000 3000 Weightin g 20% 10% 70%

(MUHAMMAD Squadron ATHAR) Leader for Commandant PAF Air War College, Faisal Tel Ext 7561




Introductio n 1. Staff Studies was taught as one of the subjects of Correspondence (CC) of Senior Command and Staff Course (SC&SC). There it had two parts Component Service Writing and Staff However, in the revised Professional Military ie Education (PME) scheme 2006-07, it was renamed as Staff Communication having Work. English and Service Writing as its two parts. The other part ie Staff Work deleted as it was covered exhaustively in Basic Staff Course, the first tier in the was scheme. This chapter describes the aim and syllabus of Service Writing for CC PME SC&SC as well as its study methodology for phase I of SC&SC. of Aim 2. The aim of covering Service Writing in CC of SC&SC is to enable members achieve proficiency level in most of the elements of staff communication to meet requirements of the Resident Component (RC) of the the course. Syllabus 3. It comprises selected chapters of AFM 10-1 Volume I. Since the AFM is available at the libraries of all PAF Bases and PAF Intranet, no prcis of the subject readily has been made to save time, effort and money. The details of the chapters and objectives of covering these are enumerated below:the Forms of Official Correspondence. It is given in chapter 4 of AFM (a) 10-1, Vol-I which has 11 aspects in 33 paragraphs spread over 42 pages. objective is to enhance proficiency of members in writing various forms of Its correspondence. official Conference, Agenda and Minutes. It is given in chapter 6 of AFM (b) 1, Volume-I which has six aspects in 19 paragraphs spread over eight pages. 10objective is to help members provide a written record of a conference in the Its of minutes. form Reports.It is given in chapter 7 of AFM 10-1, Volume-I having (c) aspects in 36 paragraphs spread over 16 pages. Its objective is to 21 members apprise of procedure and layout of visit and operation reports. 7 8


CONFIDENTIAL Operation Order. It is given in paragraphs 6 to 32 of chapter 10, (d) 10-1, Volume-I covering nine aspects spread over 17 pages. Its objective AFM to apprise members of the purpose, format and layout of operation is order. Routine Order and Base Standing Order. These are given in (e) paragraphs 40 to 52 of chapter 10, AFM 10-1, Volume-I having eight in 12 paragraphs spread over eight pages. The objective is to enable aspects members initiate these orders. Study Methodology 4. Introduction The exercise of Staff Communication will consist of two English and Service Writing. Each part will be attempted on separate answer sheet . partshaving the respective title. The Service Writing exercise will consist of four questions out of the syllabus elaborated in paragraph 3 above. The members will be required to understand the questions fully and study the relevant chapter from the AFM 10thoroughly before attempting each question. However, it is not possible to cover 1 the all topics of the syllabus in four questions given for each exercise. Therefore, order to achieve the desired proficiency level, the members are required to study in entire the syllabus of Service Writing given above during the course and keep applying the knowledge gained in their routine office work. That is also necessary to get prepared for the End CC examination which is conducted from the entire syllabus once the members arrive at Air War College, for Resident Component of the Moreover, course. the said methodology will enable the members to be better prepared the for Resident Component and thus do well there. 5. Procedure for Attempting TAEs of Staff Studies. It is given below:(a) Study chapter 1 of AF M 10-I Volume-II, thoroughly, to learn the methods competent staff of (b) Consult your orderly room staff/ directorate in AHQ or staff officers work. practical guidance on staff work required. for (c) Read the question paper thoroughly to understand its requirements (d) fully. up AFM 10-1 and mark the topics of the given Pick (e) questions. Make a rough draft of the answers, one at a time, according to the given in the AFM for that particular format (f) Make fair draft in the second sitting of each answer separately or for all question. answers if time the (g) Before writing fair answers recheck their permits. (h) Fine accuracy.tune your expression. 6. Guidelines for Tutor Assessed Exercises and End-CC Exam. In order to attempt tutor assessed exercises and the end-CC exam the members are advised follow the guidelines given below to achieve the desired results:to (a) (b) Read each question carefully. (b) Decide on the form/format of the correspondence. 88


CONFIDENTIAL (c) Be mindful of your expression/presentation (shun casualness). (d) Follow the conventions of service writing. (e) Indicate spaces on the first occurrence (including full stop, (f) comma).each question on a fresh Attempt (g) page. answers logical by attaching relevant data wherever required. Make (h) Follow the prescribed word limit and indicate word count at the end. (j) Abide by the instructions given at the top of the question (k) paper. spacing of PC (if computer printout) and not of a Follow (l) typewriter. Never try numbering single paragraph. (m) Revise/proofread with a critical eye. 7. Planning Steps. There are seven important planning steps which must followed in all forms of service writing to produce service document of the be proficiency level. These are:desired (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Know the purpose of the Visualize your reader. document. Collect the relevant facts and Arrange material.them in proper sequence. Sketch a draft Prepare copy. the fair Revise & proof read. document.

8. Conclusion. In order to achieve the desired proficiency level in Staff Studies, is imperative that you must study the entire syllabus of AFM 10-1 and it conscious effort to apply the acquired knowledge in you routine official work once make you are detailed for the course.





Introductio n 1. Staff Studies was taught as one of the subjects of Correspondence (CC) of Senior Command and Staff Course (SC&SC). There it had two parts Component Service Writing and Staff However, in the revised Professional Military ie Education (PME) scheme 2006-07, it was renamed as Staff Communication having Work. English and Service Writing as its two parts. The other part ie Staff Work deleted as it was covered exhaustively in Basic Staff Course, the first tier in the was scheme. This chapter describes the aim and syllabus of Service Writing for CC PME SC&SC as well as its study methodology for phase II of SC&SC. of Aim 2. The aim of covering Service Writing in CC of SC&SC is to enable members achieve proficiency level in most of the elements of staff communication to meet requirements of the Resident Component (RC) of the the course. Syllabus 3. It comprises selected chapters of AFM 10-1 Volume I&II. Since the AFM readily available at the libraries of all PAF Bases and PAF Intranet, no prcis of the is subject has been made to save time, effort and money. The details of the and the objectives of covering these are enumerated chapters below:Appreciation It is given in chapter eight of AFM 10-1, Volume(a) which has 37 paragraphs covering 16 aspects spread over 21 pages. Its I . objective is to apprise members of the definition, purpose and layout of appreciation. an Service Paper. It is given in chapter 9 of AFM 10-1, Volume-I (b) seven having in six paragraphs spread over seven pages. Its objective is aspects give to members knowledge of problem analysis and arrangements of points logically while writing a service paper. 52 1 CONFIDENTIAL

CONFIDENTIAL Other Orders, Instructions and Memoranda. are given in (c) These paragraphs 54 to 60 of chapter 10 AFM 10-1, Volume-I covering aspects seven spread over two pages. The objective is to familiarize members Special Order of the Day, JSIs, AFIs, AHQ Memoranda, AHQ with Instructions and Office Admin Instructions. Concept of Air Operations. given in chapter 13 of AFM 10(d) It is Volume-I having 20 paragraphs covering 10 aspects over eight pages. 1, objective is to apprise members of the definition, purpose and layout of Its appreciation. an Files and Filing Systems. It is given in chapters 3, 4, 5 of AFM 10(e) Volume-II which have 42 aspects in 94 paragraphs spread over 18 pages 1, combined. Its objective is to enable members to apply general principles opening and maintaining files and to acquaint them with the filing systems for being used at AHQ and bases Study Methodology 4. Introduction The exercise of Staff Communication will consist of two English and Service Writing. Each part will be attempted on separate answer sheet . partshaving the respective title. The Service Writing exercise will consist of four questions out of the syllabus elaborated in paragraph 3 above. The members will be required to understand the questions fully and study the relevant chapter from the AFM 10thoroughly before attempting each question. However, it is not possible to cover 1 the all topics of the syllabus in four questions given for each exercise. Therefore, order to achieve the desired proficiency level, the members are required to study in entire the syllabus of Service Writing given above during the course and keep applying the knowledge gained in their routine office work. That is also necessary to get prepared for the End CC examination which is conducted from the entire syllabus once the members arrive at Air War College, for Resident Component of the Moreover, course. the said methodology will enable the members to be better prepared the for Resident Component and thus do well there. 5. Procedure for Attempting TAEs of Staff Studies. below:It is given (a) Study chapter 1 of AF M 10-I Volume-II, thoroughly, to learn methods of competent staff the (b) work.Consult your orderly room staff/ directorate in AHQ or staff officers practical guidance on staff work required. for (c) Read the question paper thoroughly to understand its requirements (d) fully. up AFM 10-1 and mark the topics of the given Pick (e) questions. Make a rough draft of the answers, one at a time, according to format given in the AFM for that particular the (f) Make question. fair draft in the second sitting of each answer separately or for the answers if time all (g) Before writing fair answers recheck their permits. (h) accuracy. your expression. Fine tune 53 2 CONFIDENTIAL

CONFIDENTIAL 6. Guidelines for Tutor Assessed Exercises and End-CC Exam. In order to attempt tutor assessed exercises and the end-CC exam the members are advised follow the guidelines given below to achieve the desired results:to (a) Read each question carefully. (b) Decide on the form/format of the (c) correspondence. expression/presentation (shun casualness). Be mindful of your (d) Follow the conventions of service writing. (e) Indicate spaces on the first occurrence (including full stop, (f) Attempt each question on a fresh comma). (g) page. answers logical by attaching relevant data wherever required. Make (h) Follow the prescribed word limit and indicate word count at the end. (j) Abide by the instructions given at the top of the question (k) paper. spacing of PC (if computer printout) and not of a Follow (l) typewriter. Never try numbering single paragraph. (m) Revise/proofread with a critical eye. 7. Planning Steps. There are seven important planning steps which must followed in all forms of service writing to produce service document of the be proficiency level. These are:desired (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Know the purpose of the Visualize your reader. document. Collect the relevant facts and Arrange material.them in proper sequence. Sketch a draft Prepare copy. the fair Revise & proof read. document.

8. Conclusion. In order to achieve the desired proficiency level in Staff Studies, is imperative that you must study the entire syllabus of AFM 10-1 and it conscious effort to apply the acquired knowledge in you routine official work once make you are detailed for the course.





E-Courier ID Name S # St #Address Rank 1. 64/1 GD (P) 6 Sqn Riaz Qaisar W/C sc201 2. 64/2 GD (P) AHQ (AFSC) sc202 S/L M Sohail Zakir 3. 64/3 GD (P) 9 Sqn M Jahanzeb Khan sc203 S/L 4. 64/4 GD (P) CCS Ahmad Waqas sc204 S/L 5. 64/5 GD (P) 24 S/L Usama Salar Soofi sc205 Sqn 6. 64/6 GD (P) 25 S/L Haroon Kirmani sc206 Sqn 7. 64/7 GD (P) 3 AEW&C Sqn Niaz sc207 S/L M Farooq 8. 64/8 GD (P) TCS Muhammad Bahroni sc208 S/L 9. 64/9 GD (P) 24 S/L Shahamat Ali Khan sc209 Sqn 10. 64/10 GD (P) CCS Zeeshan Ali sc210 S/L 11. 64/11 GD (P) 22 S/L M Sohail Iqbal sc211 OCU 12. 64/12 GD (P) 84 S/L Abdul Samad Khan sc212 SAR Sqn 13. 64/13 GD (P) 19 S/L Ali Raza sc213 OCU 14. 64/14 GD (P) 16 S/L Omar Anwaar sc214 Sqn 15. 64/15 GD (P) 15 S/L Zahid Adnan sc215 Sqn 16. 64/16 Malir sc216 S/L Amir Babar Butt 17. 64/17 AWC Wah S/L Aamir Ikram sc217 18. 64/18 MRF sc218 S/L Hamza Haider


Pak # Branch 11284 11499 11692 11702 11713 11715 11806 11807 11809 11810 11813 11814 11817 11820 11823 Engg 11098 Engg 11295 Engg 11605 11606 11607 11609 11611 11401 11655 11656 11533 11536 11539 11540 11541 Engg Engg Engg Engg Engg Engg Dte of SM

19. 64/19 20. 64/20 21. 64/21 22. 64/22 23. 64/23 24. 64/24 25. 64/25 26. 64/26 27. 64/27 28. 64/28 29. 64/29 30. 64/30 31. 64/31 32. 64/32 33. 64/33 34. 64/34 35. 64/35 36. 64/36 37. 64/37

sc219 S/L Tahir Bashir MPDR&ATCR QA Sqn Smg Atif Riaz Ch sc220 S/L Engg DWSM (Mir) sc221 S/L Muhammad Shoaib Armt Flt Sbz Muhammad Amjad sc222 S/L CAE sc223 S/L Ali Javed Hashmi DWSM (Comp)Abdul Latif Tahir sc224 S/L Ris (CFT) S/L Asad Abbas sc225 AD 410 Sqn Sajid Ali sc226 S/L AD ADTS S/L Bakht Baidar Wali sc227 AD 452 CSS Hassan Raza Adnan sc228 S/L 401 Sqn S/L Muhammad Yahya sc229 481 MCC S/L M Wajid Hameed sc230


sc231 S/L Nadeem Ali 11764 ISI Ibd SD Cell IbdS/L Sofia Saleem sc232 11765 A&SD 37 Wing Ahmad Saeed Qazi sc233 S/L 11333 S/L Aisha Arshad A&SD JCO Acdy sc234 11561 A&SD 2 P&S Fsl sc235 S/L Shoukat Ali 11366 A&SD 3 P&S Ckl sc236 S/L Ashar Jamil 11538 Saif-ur-Rahman 11542 A&SD JF-17 AMF sc237 S/L 1 CONFIDENTIAL

38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 64/38 64/39 64/40 64/41 64/42 64/43 64/44 64/45 64/46 64/47 64/48 64/49 64/50

A&SD 506 S/L Salman Rizwan sc238 FLU A&SD Dte of NCW sc239 S/L Mahjabeen Salman A&SD 35 Wing Saqib Ahsan Qureshi sc240 S/L A&SD 38 Wing Rizwan Afzal sc241 S/L A&SD Ris (FTW) sc242 S/L Faisal Karim A&SD Dte of Infra sc243 S/L Farhana Aleem A&SD Dte of Per sc244 S/L Aziz-Ullah Khan Edu Edu Sqn Sbz sc245 S/L Waseem Hussain Edu PTTS S/L Babar Shabbir sc246 Accts Sqn Mhs Aftab Ahmad sc247 S/L Met 34 Wing Rubina Hassan sc248 S/L Flg Wg Fsl S/L Sumaira Mahmood sc249 Legal AHQS/L Sohail Ahmad (DLS) sc250

11543 11562 11565 11566 11567 11568 11569 11572 11573 11149 11337 11338 11362

Accts Met

Most Important. Officers are required to ask their passwords telephonically from Oi/c Progress on 835-7561 or from Progress Section on 8357539.





Given below are Telephone / Defcom numbers of your Directing Staff during correspondence component of the course. You can contact the concerned DS if the have you any queries related to a particular subject during working hours. For all general information / queries contact O i/c progress. DIRECTING STAFF Chief Instructor Senior DS (CC) / DS Air Power Studies DS Staff Studies DS English DS Management DS Int Relations O i/c Progress Prog. Section (CC) FAISAL EXT NODEFCOM NO 7541 7555 7557 7557 7553 7557 7561 7539 435831 435833 435839

Note 1: - AWC exchange can also be contacted on the following numbers:Defcom No 435 5- 43 88 5886 Faisal Auto No 835 -7569, 835-7570 Direct Access No 021-9954 + Faisal Ext Note 2: - Civil local numbers for Faisal exchange with city code (021) are: 111-723- 1 OR 1 1 99541 500



Change AFO 54-33D


Rank _____________Name __________________________________________________ Pak No ___________ Branch _________________________________________________ Type of Commission____________ Date of Commission ___________________________ Date Of Birth __________________Date of Substantive Rank _______________________ Date Qualified JC&SC/ISS-II ________________________________________________ Previous Service (Last Three Appointments): Posted to Base/Unit (a) (b) (c) Present Appointments: _____________________________________________________ Academic Qualification: (a) (b) (c) (d) Qualification Year Board/University Date From To Specific Appointments


Courses (Service as well as others): Course (a) (b) (c) (d) Any other pertinent information: Symbol/Category Date Gained

Date Signature____________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ___________________ _ _ Certified that the above particulars are correct.

Date________________ _

STAMP ( ) Officer Commanding PAF Base/Unit



PERSONAL DATA FORM : STUDENT OFFICERS hard copy if preparatory workshop not attended] [To be despatched
Rank ________ Name _________________________ CC Student No ________ E-Courier ID No ________ Pak No ______ Branch _______ E-mail ________________ Present Address (Unit/ Appointment) _____________________________________

Office Telephone Nos Residence

Defcom ______________ Auto ______________ Defcom ______________ Auto ______________ Mobile _____________________

Chain of Command followed:

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

Suggestions to make the workshops more meaningful: _______________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Dated _____________ (Signature)


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