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Are You Smarter than a Tenderfoot

Scouts will compete with teams made up of their respective patrols. All patrols present at that rotation will compete against each other. All questions will be numbered, corresponding numbers will be written on cards, the cards will be placed in a bin. A card will be drawn from the bin by the contestant. The corresponding question will be read out. If the contestant answers correctly the team receives 10 points. If any other member of the contestants patrol shouts out the answer, then only 5 points will be awarded if the answer is correct. If the contestant cannot answer correctly his team will have a chance to answer, if they answer correctly the team will receive 5 points. If neither the team nor contestant can answer the question then the question will be open for all teams to answer with 5 points awarded for a correct answer. Any satisfactory answer, partial or complete in every aspect will be awarded full points. This event is to be fun, any answer that remotely represent the correct answer is acceptable. Prizes will be awarded to the winning patrol/team in each round. Such as a bag of candy. All questions will be drawn from the Scout and Tenderfoot rank requirements. Tenderfoot Scout Rank Requirements 1. Demonstrate how to whip and fuse the ends of a rope. 2. Demonstrate that you know how to tie the following knots and tell what their uses are: A. two half hitches B. taut-line hitch. 3. Using the EDGE method teach another person how to tie the square knot. 4. Explain the rules of safe hiking, A. both on the highway and cross-country, B. during the day and at night C. Explain what to do if you are lost. 5. Demonstrate how to display, raise, lower, and fold the American flag. 6. Repeat from memory and explain in your own words the Scout Oath, Law, motto, and slogan.

7. Identify local poisonous plants; tell how to treat for exposure to them. 8. Demonstrate how to care for someone who is choking. 9. Show first aid for the following: 1. Simple cuts and scrapes 2. Blisters on the hand and foot 3. Minor (thermal/heat) burns or scalds (superficial, or first degree) 4. Bites and stings of insects and ticks 5. Venomous snakebite 6. Nosebleed 7. Frostbite and sunburn Game Show Question Bank 1. What is whipping? a. Utilizing a length of string wrapped around the end of a rope to prevent it from fraying. 2. What is fusing? a. Rope made of synthetic material is melted on the end to prevent it from fraying. 3. Demonstrate two half hitches 4. For what are two half hitches used? a. To tie a rope around a post 5. Demonstrate taut-line hitch 6. For what purpose is the taut-line hitch used? a. A taut line hitch is tied on a line that is tight and may be adjusted so it to remain tight. 7. What does EDGE stand for? a. E- explain, D- demonstrate, G- guide, E- enable
8. Which is the best answer: When hiking, you should: a. take extra sticks of chewing gum to keep from getting a dry mouth b. don't wear wool or cotton socks c. hike with a buddy d. eat lots of carrots the night before

9. When hiking on Highways or Roads: If there is no sidewalk along a highway or road you should; a. hike with traffic in a single file b. hike facing traffic standing side by side c. hike with traffic side by side d. hike facing traffic in a single file

10. When hiking on Highways or Roads: To make it easier for drivers to see you: a. wear light colored clothes b. brush your teeth with whitening toothpaste c. bleach your hair blonde d. wear two pairs of socks 11. When hiking on Highways or Roads: If you are hiking along a road at night ; a. make sure the moon is out first before you start b. take a paper bag for snipe hunting c. tie strips of white cloth or reflective ribbon around your left arm and leg d. tie strips of white cloth or reflective ribbon around your right leg 12. When hiking on Highways or Roads: Carrying a flashlight while hiking at night along a road or highway ; a. is good because you can warn traffic you are coming & brighten your way b. is bad because you could blind on-coming traffic and cause an accident c. is something only little girls need to do d. is good to have incase you need to send out the bat signal. 13. When hiking on Highways or Roads: Hitchhiking is a. dangerous b. may be against the law c. spoils the spirit of a good hike 14. If there is no sidewalk along a highway or road you should a. hike with traffic in a single file b. hike facing traffic standing side by side c. hike with traffic side by side d. hike facing traffic in a single file 15. To make it easier for drivers to see you: a. wear light colored clothes b. brush your teeth with whitening toothpaste c. bleach your hair blonde d. wear two pairs of socks 16. If you are hiking along a road at night a. make sure the moon is out first before you start b. take a paper bag for snipe hunting c. tie strips of white cloth or reflective ribbon around your left arm and leg d. tie strips of white cloth or reflective ribbon around your right leg 17. Carrying a flashlight while hiking at night along a road or highway a. is good because you can warn traffic you are coming & brighten your way b. is bad because you could blind on-coming traffic and cause an accident

c. is something only little girls need to do d. is good to have incase you need to send out the bat signal. 18. Hitchhiking is a. dangerous b. may be against the law c. spoils the spirit of a good hike 19. The key to staying found is to a. blow on a whistle every 25 seconds b. keep track of animal droppings as you walk c. have access to a signal mirror d. mark and study a map before hand, know the landmarks 20. Hills, streams, valleys, buildings, and big landmarks are a. good to keep an eye out for b. important to avoid at costs c. are quite boring so bring headphones 21. It's good to look backwards often when hiking. Y or N 22. The Stop Method has four steps, unscramble them and put them in correct order Stay Calm
a. Think b. Observe c. Plan

23. If lost what is meant by Stay Calm; a. Breath slowly and steadily, Sit down sip some water have a bite, and stay warm if it is cold. 24. If lost what is meant by Think; a. Try to remember where you've been, get out your map compare symbols and contour line on the map. 25. If lost what is meant by Observe; a. Look for your footprints in loose earth mud or snow, look for landmarks that might give a clue to your location. 26. If lost what is meant Plan; a. If you know a route to a location move carefully. Use a compass if available an that bearings in the direction of your destination. Mark your trail. 27. If lost the universal distress call for help is: a. two logs and a pile of rocks b. three shouts or whistle blasts

c. a sleeping bag or tent hanging from a tree branch 28. If lost you should try attracting attention by building a bright fire in the day, and a smoky fire at night . Y or N 29. What do you use to build a smoky fire to signal for help if lost? Use grass and green leaves 30. If lost spreading your gear and brightly colored equipment in the open when lost is a bad idea because it could attract wild animals. Y or N 31. Flashing a mirror at a pilot flying overhead should not be done because you might cause a plane crash if you blind the pilot. Y or N 32. If you are waiting to be found, you should a. make yourself comfortable b. take shelter by a rock c. take shelter by a tree d. pitch a tent 33. If you become lost while hiking or camping, use what you have in your pack & pockets to a. carve messages in a tree b. keep warm and dry c. earn a merit badge d. test the direction of the wind

34. You can survive several weeks without water, and several days without food. Y or N 35. If lost stay put and stay calm, you will be found. Y or N 36. During a meal, your friend lurches from his chair and clutches his throat. His face turns red and he seems unable to breath. You ask him if he is choking, he nods yes. At this point you should ; a. perform the Heimlich maneuver if he can cough or breathe or speak b. punch him in the stomach c. have them sit in a chair d. perform the Heimlich if he can't cough breathe or speak 37. If a person is choking but is still conscious and can speak, cough, or breathe, you should ; a. tell them to stop coughing b. give them a drink of water c. give them peanut butter

d. encourage them to keep coughing and be prepared to do the Heimlich 38. Food Caught in the throat is like a; a. cork stuck in the neck of a plastic bottle b. balloon floating in the sky c. hammer and a nail

39. You should perform the Heimlich with the person laying down or standing up if ; a. he/she is much bigger than you ; b. doesn't speak English c. is unconscious

40. When performing the Heimlich standing up, you must; a. position yourself in front of the person b. get two people to help you squeeze c. clench hands together and position them between the navel and rib cage d. position yourself in back of the person e. clench hands together and position them just over the navel f. clench hands together and position them just under the navel

42. What is the meaning of the Scout Sign? a. The three fingers represent the 3 parts of the Scout Oath, the thumb and fore finger touch represents the bond of all scouts throughout the world.
43. With what hand is the Scout handshake given? a. The left 44. Demonstrate tying a square knot. 45. What is the scout Motto? a. Be Prepared 46. What is the Scout Slogan? a. Do a good turn daily 47. On the Scout badge what do the 3 points of the trefoil represent? a. The 3 parts of the Scout Oath 48. On the Scout badge for what does the eagle and shield stand? a. Freedom and a Scouts readiness to defend that freedom 49. On the Scout badge what do the 2 stars symbolize? a. Truth and Knowledge 50. On the Scout badge what does the knot at the bottom mean? a. Do a good turn daily 51. On the Scout badge what does the scroll bearing the scout motto a reminder of? a. To smile while doing our duty

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